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 BS DD ENV 1996-2-2001  欧洲法规 6.砖石结构设计.设计、材料选择和砖石建筑施工  (Eurocode 6. Design of masonry structures - Design, selection of materials and execution of masonry (together with United Kingdom National Application Document))
 BS DD ENV 1996-3-2001  欧洲法规 6.砖石结构设计.砖石建筑的简易计算方法和简单规则  (Eurocode 6. Design of masonry structures - Simplified calculation methods and simple rules for masonry (together with United Kingdom National Application Document))
 BS DD ENV 1997-1-1995  欧洲法规 7.土工技术设计.一般规则  (Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design - General rules (together with United Kingdom National Application Document))
 BS DD ENV 1997-2-2000  欧洲法规 7.土工技术设计.实验室试验辅助设计  (Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design - Design assisted by laboratory testing)
 BS DD ENV 1997-3-2000  欧洲法规 7.土工技术设计.现场试验辅助设计  (Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design - Design assisted by fieldtesting)
 BS DD ENV 1998-1-1-1996  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.一般规则.结构的抗震作用和一般要求  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - General rules - Seismic actions and general requirements for structures)
 BS DD ENV 1998-1-2-1996  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.一般规则.建筑物的一般规则  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - General rules - General rules for buildings)
 BS DD ENV 1998-1-3-1996  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.一般规则.各种材料和部件的特殊规则  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - General rules - Specific rules for various materials and elements)
 BS DD ENV 1998-1-4-1996  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.一般规则.建筑物的加固和维修  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - General rules - Strengthening and repair of buildings)
 BS DD ENV 1998-2-1996  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.桥梁  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - Bridges)
 BS DD ENV 1998-3-1997  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.塔状建筑、杆(柱)和烟囱  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - Towers, masts and chimneys)
 BS DD ENV 1998-4-1999  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.筒仓、罐和管道  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - Silos, tanks and pipelines)
 BS DD ENV 1998-5-1996  欧洲法规 8:抗震结构设计规定.地基、挡土结构和土工技术问题  (Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures - Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects)
 BS DD ENV 1999-1-1-2000  欧洲法规 9.铝结构设计.一般规则.建筑物的一般规则和规则  (Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - General rules - General rules and rules for buildings)
 BS DD ENV 1999-1-2-2000  欧洲法规 9.铝结构设计.一般规则.防火结构设计  (Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - General rules - Structural fire design)
 BS DD ENV 1999-2-2000  欧洲法规 9.铝结构设计.易受疲劳的结构  (Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - Structures susceptible to fatigue)
 BS DD ENV 28041-1993  人对振动的反应.检测仪表  (Human response to vibration - Measuring instrumentation)
 BS DD ENV 302-5-2002  承重木结构用粘合剂.试验方法.测定传统的集合时间  (Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures - Test tethods - Determination of the conventional assembly time)
 BS DD ENV 342-1998  防护服.防冷保护的整体性  (Protective clothing - Ensembles for protection against cold)
 BS DD ENV 41113-1994  信息技术.T/C4311和T/D界面用功能标准.ISDN(公共/私人).分组方式服务.D信道.虚拟呼叫  (Information technology - Functional standard for profiles T/C 4311 and T/D 4311 - ISDN (public/private) - Packet mode service - D-channel - Virtual call (VC))
 BS DD ENV 41211-1-1993  信息系统互连.虚拟终端.基本级.A 模式 X.3.虚拟终端业务  (Information systems interconnection - Virtual terminal - Basic class - A-mode X.3. Virtual terminal service)
 BS DD ENV 41211-2-1993  信息系统互连.虚拟终端.基本级.A 模式X.3. 虚拟终端协议核查表  (Information systems interconnection - Virtual terminal - Basic class - A-mode X.3. Virtual terminal protocol check list)
 BS DD ENV 41211-3-1993  信息系统互连.虚拟终端.基本级.A 模式X.3.基础层核查表  (Information systems interconnection - Virtual terminal - Basic class - A-mode X.3. Underlying layers check list)
 BS DD ENV 413-1-1995  砌筑水泥规范  (Masonry cement - Specification)
 BS DD ENV 41501-1991  信息系统互连.接收或发射到图文电视业务或私人信息处理系统用图形字符指令表  (Information systems interconnection - Graphic character repertoire for information received from or transmitted to CEPT Videotex services or private Videotex systems)
 BS DD ENV 41502-1991  信息系统互连.利用图文电视技术接收或发射到图文电视业务或私人信息处理系统用字符指令表  (Information systems interconnection - Character repertoires for information received from or transmitted to the Teletex service or private information processing systems using Teletex technology)
 BS DD ENV 41506-1991  信息系统互连.利用图文电视技术接收或发射到图文电视业务或私人信息处理系统用数据处理形式  (Information Systems Interconnection - Data stream formats for information received from or transmitted to the Teletex service or private information processing systems using Teletex technology)
 BS DD ENV 41507-1991  信息系统互连.从CEPT视频节目或私人视频系统接收或发送信息用数据串格式  (Information Systems Interconnection - Data string formats for information received from or transmitted to CEPT videotex services or private videotex systems)
 BS DD ENV 500-6-1996  汽车公路建筑机械.安全性.铺路机的特殊要求  (Mobile road construction machinery - Safety - Specific requirements for paver-finishers)
 BS DD ENV 50141-1994  电磁兼容性.抗干扰基础标准.射频磁场感应的传导干扰.抗干扰实验  (Electromagnetic compatibility - Basic immunity standard - Conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields - Immunity test)
 BS DD ENV 50142-1995  电磁兼容性.抗干扰基础标准.浪涌抗干扰实验  (Electromagnetic compatibility - Basic immunity standard - Surge immunity tests)
 BS DD ENV 50152-3-1-1999  铁路设施.固定设施.交流开关设备的特殊要求.专门用于交流牵引系统的测量、控制和保护装置.使用指南  (Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear - Measurement, control and protection devices for specific use in a.c. traction systems - Application guide)
 BS DD ENV 50166-1-1995  人受电磁场辐照.低频(0 Hz 至 10 kHz)  (Human exposure to electromagnetic fields - Low frequency (0 Hz to 10 kHz))
 BS DD ENV 50166-2-1995  人受电磁场辐照.高频(10 kHz 至300 GHz)  (Human exposure to electromagnetic fields - High frequency (10 kHz to 300 GHz))
 BS DD ENV 50196-1995  带电作业.要求的绝缘等级和相关空气间隔.计算方法  (Live working - Required insulation level and related air distances - Calculation method)
 BS DD ENV 50204-1996  数字无线电话发射的电磁场.抗干扰性检验  (Radiated electromagnetic field from digital radio telephones - Immunity test)
 BS DD ENV 50208-6-1998  模拟和测量数据(ISMD)的数据交换形式  (Data interchange format for Simulated and Measured Data (ISMD))
 BS DD ENV 50218-1996  参量化欧洲微型试验芯片的描述  (Description of a parametrized European mini test chip)
 BS DD ENV 50219-1996  欧洲微型试验芯片可靠性试验结构描述  (Description of the reliability test structures of the European mini test chip)
 BS DD ENV 50230-1997  机场照明电气设施.控制和监测系统.一般要求  (Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Control and monitoring systems - General requirements)
 BS DD ENV 50231-1997  机场照明电气设施.恒定电流调节器.设备规范和试验  (Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Constant current regulator - Equipment specifications and tests)
 BS DD ENV 50232-1997  机场照明电气设施.隔离变压器.设备规范和试验  (Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Isolating transformer - Equipment specifications and tests)
 BS DD ENV 50234-1997  机场照明电气设施.闪光灯.设备规范和试验  (Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Flashing lights - Equipment specifications and tests)
 BS DD ENV 50235-1997  机场照明电气设施.标志.设备规范和试验  (Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - Signs - Equipment specifications and tests)
 BS DD ENV 50247-1-1999  尖顶件信息标准1.2.PCIS标记图书馆  (Pinnacles Component Information Standard 1.2. The PCIS tag library)
 BS DD ENV 50247-2-2000  尖顶件信息标准1.2.SGML说明和SGML文献类型定义(DTDs)  (Pinnacles Component Information Standard 1.2. The SGML declaration and SGML document type definitions (DTDs))
 BS DD ENV 50354-2001  电弧环境下工作人员用材料和服装的电弧试验方法  (Electrical arc test methods for material and garments, for use by workers at risk from exposure to an electrical arc)
 BS DD ENV 581-2-2000  户外家具.野营家庭用桌椅.桌椅的机械安全性要求和试验方法  (Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Mechanical safety requirements and test methods for seating)
 BS DD ENV 583-6-2000  无损测试.超声波检验.用于检测个间断尺寸定义的飞行时间衍射技术  (Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for detection and sizing of discontinuities)
 BS DD ENV 606-1993  钢产品的条形码运输和搬运标签  (Bar coded transport and handling labels for steel products)
 BS DD ENV 60695-2-4/2-1996  火灾测试.试验方法.500W常规试验火焰和指南  (Fire hazard testing - Test methods - 500 W nominal test flames and guidance)
 BS DD ENV 61024-1-1995  建筑物的雷电防护.一般原则  (Protection of structures against lightning - General principles)
 BS DD ENV 61072-1995  评价绝缘材料防树形网络生成的试验方法  (Methods of test for evaluating the resistance of insulating materials against the initiation of electrical trees)
 BS DD ENV 61111-2002  电工用绝缘材料织物  (Matting of insulating material for electrical purposes)
 BS DD ENV 61112-2002  电工用绝缘材料毯  (Blankets of insulating material for electrical purposes)
 BS DD ENV 61400-1-1995  风轮发电机系统.安全要求  (Wind turbine generator systems - Safety requirements)
 BS DD ENV 623-4-1994  高级工业陶瓷.单片陶瓷.一般纹理特性.测量表面粗糙度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - General and textural properties - Determination of surface roughness)
 BS DD ENV 623-5-2002  高级工业陶瓷.单片陶瓷.一般的结构特性.通过评估显微摄影图确定相体积分数  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - General and textural properties - Determination of phase volume fraction by evaluation of micrographs)
 BS DD ENV 635-4-1997  胶合板.外观分类.  (Plywood - Classification by surface appearance - Plywood - Classification by surface appearance - Parameters of ability for finishing - Guideline)
 BS DD ENV 658-6-1993  高级工业陶瓷.室温陶瓷复合材料机械性能.用双冲压剪切测定剪切强度(三点法)  (Advanced technical ceramics - Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at room temperature - Determination of shear strength by double-punch shearing)
 BS DD ENV 717-1-1999  木基板材.测定甲醛释放量.实验室方法作甲醛释放  (Wood-based panels - Determination of formaldehyde release - Formaldehyde emission by the chamber method)
 BS DD ENV 725-11-1994  高技术陶瓷.陶瓷粉的试验方法.关于自然烧结的密化测定  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Determination of the densification on natural sintering)
 BS DD ENV 725-2-1994  高技术陶瓷.陶瓷粉的试验方法.测定钛酸钡中的杂质  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Determination of impurities in barium titanate)
 BS DD ENV 725-4-1994  高技术陶瓷.陶瓷粉的试验方法.用X射线荧光光谱法测定铝酸钡中的氧含量  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Determination of oxygen content in aluminium nitride by XRF analysis)
 BS DD ENV 737-6-2003  医用气体管道系统.压缩医用气体终端设备和真空终端设备用探针的尺寸和定位  (Medical gas pipeline systems - Dimensions and allocation of probes for terminal units for compressed medical gases and vacuum)
 BS DD ENV 807-2001  木材防腐剂.测定阻止发酵微型霉菌和其他土壤禁止的微型有机物  (Wood preservatives - Determination of the effectiveness against soft rotting micro-fungi and other soil inhabiting micro-organisms)
 BS DD ENV 820-3-1994  高级工业陶瓷.单片陶瓷的试验方法.热机械性能.用水淬火方式测定热冲击阻力  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of testing monolithic ceramics - Thermo-mechanical properties - Determination of resistance to thermal shock by water quenching)
 BS DD ENV 820-4-2002  高级工业陶瓷.单片陶瓷的试验方法.热机械性能.用加温法测定弯曲蠕变变形特性  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of testing monolithic ceramics - Thermo-mechanical properties - Determination of flexural creep deformation at elevated temperatures)
 BS DD ENV 821-3-1994  高级工业陶瓷.单片陶瓷.热物理性能.比热热容测定  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - Thermo-physical properties - Determination of specific heat capacity)
 BS DD ENV 839-2002  木材防腐剂.抗毁木担子菌防治效果的测定.通过表面处理的应用  (Wood preservatives - Determination of the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes - Application by surface treatment)
 BS DD ENV 843-2-1996  高级工业陶瓷.单片陶瓷.室温机械性能.测定弹性模量  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - Mechanical properties at room temperature - Determination of elastic moduli)
 BS DD ENV 843-3-1997  高级工业陶瓷.块体陶瓷.室温机械性能.从固定应力率的弯曲强度试验测定裂纹增长参数的副标准  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - Mechanical properties at room temperature - Determination of subcritical crack growth parameters from constant stressing rate flexural strength test)
 BS DD ENV 843-4-1995  高级工业陶瓷.块体陶瓷.室温机械性能.维氏硬度计、努氏硬度计和洛氏硬度计和表面硬度试验  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - Mechanical properties at room temperatures - Vickers, Knoop and Rockwell superficial hardness tests)
 BS DD ENV 843-5-1997  高级工业陶瓷.块体陶瓷.室温机械性能.统计分析  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - Mechanical tests at room temperature - Statistical analysis)
 BS DD ENV 926-2-1999  滑翔降落伞设备.伞兵.要求和飞行试验  (Paragliding equipment - Paragliders - Requirements and flight tests)
 BS DD ENV 927-2-2000  涂料和清漆.外观木材的涂敷材料和涂敷系统.性能规范  (Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - Performance specification)
 BS DD ENV 955-4-1997  耐热产品的化学分析.硅酸铝产品(火焰原子吸收分光光度测定法(FAAS) 和感应耦合等离子原子发射光谱(ICP))  (Chemical analysis of refractory products - Products containing silica and/or alumina (Analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrograp)
 BS DD ENV 993-11-1997  密集成形耐熔制品的试验方法.测定热冲击阻力  (Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products - Determination of resistance to thermal shock)
 BS DD ENV ISO 10722-1-1998  土工织物及其相关产品.在安装过程中模拟危险性程序.在晶粒材料中安装  (Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Procedure for simulating damage during installation - Installation in granular materials)
 BS DD ENV ISO 11079-1999  寒冷环境评估.需求的防寒服装测定  (Evaluation of cold environments - Determination of required clothing insulation (IREQ))
 BS DD ENV ISO 11133-1-2000  食品和饲料中的微生物.栽培过程质量保证和性能测试指南.实验室栽培过程质量保证的一般指南  (Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Guidelines on quality assurance and performance testing of culture media - General guidelines on quality assurance of culture media in the laboratory)
 BS DD ENV ISO 13438-2000  土工织物及其相关产品.测定抗氧化性的筛选方法  (Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test method for determining the resistance to oxidation)
 BS DD ENV ISO 13530-1999  水质量.水分析用分析质量控制指南  (Water quality - Guide to analytical quality control for water analysis)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14253-2-2002  产品几何量技术规范(GPS).测量工件和测量设备的监测.在测量设备和产品验证校准中估算GPS测量中不确定度的指  (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment - Guide to the estimation of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equi)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14815-2000  道路运输和交通远程信息管理.自动运载工具和设备验证.系统规范  (Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - System specification)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14816-2000  道路运输和交通远程信息管理.自动运载工具和设备验证.数字和数据结构  (Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Numbering and data structures)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14819-3-2001  交通和运行信息(TTI).通过交通文电编码TTI信息.ALERT的局部参考信息  (Traffic and travel information (TTI) - TTI messages via traffic message coding - Location referencing for ALERT-C)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14825-1997  地理学数据文档  (Geographic data files)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14904-1997  道路运输和交通远程信息管理.  (Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic fee collection (AFC) - Interface specification for clearing between operators)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14906-1999  道路运输和交通远程信息管理.  (Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTT) - Electronic fee collection (EFC) - Application interface definition for dedicated short range communications)
 BS DD ENV ISO 14907-1-2001  道路运输和交通远程信息管理.电子费用收集(EFC).用户和固定设备试验程序.试验程序描述  (Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTT) - Electronic fee collection (EFC) - Test procedures for user and fixed equipment - Description of test procedures)
 BS DD ENV ISO 8502-1-1992  涂料和相关产品. 表面清洁度的评估试验.可溶解铁的腐蚀产品  (Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Field test for soluble iron corrosion products)
 BS DD ENV ISO/TR 13843-2001  水质.微生物法的作用指南  (Water quality - Guidance on validation of microbiological methods)
 BS EN 1-1998  带有蒸气燃烧器的燃油炉  (Flued oil stoves with vaporizing burners)
 BS EN 10001-1991  生铁的定义和分类  (Definition and classification of pig-irons)
 BS EN 100012-1996  电子器件的质量评估系统一致性.基础规范.X射线检验电子件  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Basic specification - X-ray inspection of electronic components)
 BS EN 100014-1988  电子器件质量评定协调体系.基础规范:CECC评估处理的一般程序(60%置信限)  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Basic specification: CECC assessed process average procedure (60% confidence limit))
 BS EN 100015-2-1994  基本规范.静电灵敏度装置的维护.低湿度条件的要求  (Basic specification - Protection of electrostatic sensitive devices - Requirements for low humidity conditions)
 BS EN 100015-3-1994  基本规范:静电灵敏装置的维护.无菌室地区的要求  (Basic specification - Protection of electrostatic sensitive devices - Requirements for clean room areas)
 BS EN 100015-4-1994  基本规范:静电灵敏度装置的维护.高压环境的要求  (Basic specification - Protection of electrostatic sensitive devices - Requirements for high voltage environments)
 BS EN 10002-1-2001  金属材料的拉伸试验.常温试验方法  (Tensile testing of metallic materials - Method of test at ambient temperature)
 BS EN 10002-5-1992  金属材料拉伸试验.第5部分:高温试验方法  (Tensile testing of metallic materials - Method of test at elevated temperatures)
 BS EN 100114-1-1997  程序规则.质量认证程序.第1部分:生产厂家及其它机构的认可  (Rule of Procedure 14 - Quality assessment procedures - CECC requirements for the approval of an organization)
 BS EN 100114-6-1997  程序规则.质量认证程序.第6部分:电子件生产厂家的技术认可  (CECC Quality assessment procedure for electronic components - Technology approval of electronic component manufacturers)
 BS EN 10016-1-1995  拉拔和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒.一般要求  (Non-alloy steel rods for drawing and/or cold rolling - General requirements)
 BS EN 10016-2-1995  拉拔和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒.一般用途钢棒的专门要求  (Non-alloy steel rods for drawing and/or cold rolling - Specific requirements for general purpose rod)
 BS EN 10016-3-1995  拉拔和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒.沸腾和沸腾代用低碳钢棒的特殊要求  (Non-alloy steel rods for drawing and/or cold rolling - Specific requirements for rimmed and rimmed substitute low carbon steel rod)
 BS EN 10016-4-1995  拉制和/或冷滚轧非合金钢棒材.专用棒材的特殊要求  (Non-alloy steel rods for drawing and/or cold rolling - Specific requirements for rod for special applications)
 BS EN 10017-2004  拉制和/或冷轧制钢棒.尺寸和公差  
 BS EN 10017-2004  拉制和/或冷轧制钢棒.尺寸和公差  
 BS EN 10021-1993  钢铁制品的一般交货技术条件  (General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products)
 BS EN 10024-1995  斜缘工字型热轧钢.形状和尺寸公差  (Hot rolled taper flange I sections - Tolerances on shape and dimensions)
 BS EN 10025-1-2004  结构钢热轧制品.一般交货技术条件  
 BS EN 10025-1993  非合金结构钢热轧制品.交货技术条件  (Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels - Technical delivery conditions)
 BS EN 10025-2-2004  非合金结构钢热轧制品.扁平材交货技术条件  
 BS EN 10025-2-2004  结构钢热轧制品.非合金结构钢交货技术条件  
 BS EN 10025-3-2004  结构钢热轧制品.正火/正火轧制的可焊接细粒结构钢的交货技术条件  
 BS EN 10025-4-2004  结构钢热轧制品.热机轧制的可焊接细粒结构钢的交货技术条件  
 BS EN 10025-5-2004  结构钢热轧制品.改进的耐大气腐蚀结构钢的交货技术条件  
 BS EN 10025-6-2004  结构钢热轧制品.淬火和回火条件下高屈服强度结构钢扁平轧材的交货技术条件  
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