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 BS EN 12083-1998  呼吸保护装置.带呼吸软管的过滤器(无面具装配).粒子过滤器、气体过滤器及粒子与气体过滤器.要求、试验、作  (Respiratory protective devices - Filters with breathing hoses, (non-mask mounted filters) - Particle filters, gas filters, and combined filters - Requirements, testing, marking)
 BS EN 12084-2001  无损试验.涡流试验.一般原理和指南  (Non-destructive testing - Eddy current testing - General principles and guidelines)
 BS EN 12085-1997  建筑物用绝热产品.试样的线性尺寸测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of linear dimensions of test specimens)
 BS EN 12086-1997  建筑用绝热产品.水蒸气散发性能测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of water vapour transmission properties)
 BS EN 12087-1997  建筑用绝热产品.浸入时长期吸水性测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of long term water absorption by immersion)
 BS EN 12088-1997  建筑用绝热产品.弥散时长期吸水性测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of long term water absorption by diffusion)
 BS EN 12089-1997  建筑物用热绝缘产品.弯曲性能测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of bending behaviour)
 BS EN 1209-2004  人类生活用水处理用化学制剂.硅酸钠  
 BS EN 12090-1997  建筑用绝热产品.剪切特性测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of shear behaviour)
 BS EN 12091-1997  建筑用绝热产品.抗冻熔性的测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of freeze-thaw resistance)
 BS EN 12092-2002  胶粘剂.粘度测定  (Adhesives - Determination of viscosity)
 BS EN 12094-1-2003  固定式消防系统.气体灭火系统用件.电自动控制和延迟装置的要求和试验方法  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for electrical automatic control and delay devices)
 BS EN 12094-10-2003  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.压力计和压力开关的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches)
 BS EN 12094-11-2003  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.机械称重设备的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for mechanical weighing devices)
 BS EN 12094-12-2003  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.气动警报装置的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for pneumatic alarm devices)
 BS EN 12094-13-2001  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.阀门和非回阀门检验的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves)
 BS EN 12094-16-2003  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.CODOWN2低压系统用添味装置的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for odorizing devices for CODOWN2 low pressure systems)
 BS EN 12094-2-2003  固定式消防系统.气体灭火系统用件.非电子自动控制和延迟装置的要求和试验方法  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for non-electrical automatic control and delay devices)
 BS EN 12094-3-2003  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.手动触发和止动装置的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for manual triggering and stop devices)
 BS EN 12094-4-2004  固定式消防系统.气体灭火系统用件.容器阀组件及其传动器的要求和试验方法  
 BS EN 12094-5-2001  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.CO2系统用的高、低压选择器阀门及其起动器的要求和试验方法  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for high and low pressure selector valves and their actuators for CO2 systems)
 BS EN 12094-6-2001  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.CO2系统用非电子失效装置的要求和试验方法  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for non-electrical disable devices for CO2 systems)
 BS EN 12094-7-2001  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.CO2系统用喷嘴的要求和试验方法  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for nozzles for CO2 systems)
 BS EN 12094-8-1998  固定灭火系统.气体灭火装置用部件.二氧化碳设备用挠性连接器的要求和试验方法  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for flexible connectors for CODOWN2 systems)
 BS EN 12094-9-2003  固定消防系统.气体灭火系统件.专用火灾探测器的试验方法和要求  (Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for special fire detectors)
 BS EN 12095-1997  塑料管道系统.雨水管道系统用托架.托架强度的试验方法  (Plastics piping systems - Brackets for rainwater piping systems - Test method for bracket strength)
 BS EN 12096-1997  机械振动.振动散射值的验证和说明  (Mechanical vibration - Declaration and verification of vibration emission values)
 BS EN 12098-1-1997  加热系统用控制器.热水加热系统用外部温度补偿控制设备  (Controls for heating systems - Outside temperature compensated control equipment for hot water heating systems)
 BS EN 12098-2-2001  加热系统用控制器.热水加热系统用最佳启-停控制设备  (Controls for heating systems - Optimum start-stop control equipment for hot water heating systems)
 BS EN 12098-3-2003  加热系统用控制器.电加热系统用外部温度补偿控制设备  (Controls for heating systems - Outside temperature compensated control equipment for electrical heating systems)
 BS EN 12098-4-2005  加热系统用控制器.电气系统用最佳起止控制设备  
 BS EN 12099-1997  塑料管道系统.聚乙烯管材和组件.挥发含量的测定  (Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene piping materials and components - Determination of volatile content)
 BS EN 1210-1998  饮用水处理的化学药剂.三磷酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium tripolyphosphate)
 BS EN 12100-1998  塑料管道系统.聚乙稀(PE)阀门.支架间抗弯曲性的试验方法  (Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) valves - Test method for resistance to bending between supports)
 BS EN 12101-2-2003  烟和热控制系统.烟和热的自然排放通风机规范  (Smoke and heat control systems - Specification for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators)
 BS EN 12103-1999  弹性地板覆盖物.聚合软木垫.规范  (Resilient floor coverings - Agglomerated cork underlays - Specification)
 BS EN 12104-2000  弹性地板覆盖物.软木地板面砖.规范  (Resilient floor coverings - Cork floor tiles - Specification)
 BS EN 12105-1998  弹性地板覆盖物.凝聚合成软木制品的水分测定  (Resilient floor coverings - Determination of moisture content of agglomerated composition cork)
 BS EN 12106-1998  塑料管道系统.聚乙稀(PE)阀门.压出后抗内压性的试验方法  (Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes - Test method for the resistance to internal pressure after application of squeeze-off)
 BS EN 12107-1998  塑料管道系统.压注热塑管件,阀门和辅助设备.管道组件压注用热塑材料的长期液压强度的测定  (Plastics piping systems - Injection-moulded thermoplastics fittings, valves and ancillary equipment - Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials for injection moul)
 BS EN 1211-1998  人用水处理的化学药剂.三磷酸钾  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Potassium tripolyphosphate)
 BS EN 12110-2002  隧道机械.气闸.安全要求  (Tunnelling machines - Air locks - Safety requirements)
 BS EN 12111-2002  隧道掘进机.巷道掘进机、联合采矿机和冲击式挑顶机.安全要求  (Tunnelling machines - Road headers, continuous miners and impact rippers - Safety requirements)
 BS EN 12114-2000  建筑物的热性能.建筑件和建筑单的空气渗透性.试验室试验方法  (Thermal performance of buildings - Air permeability of building components and building elements - Laboratory test methods)
 BS EN 12115-2000  液体或气体化学药品用的橡胶和热塑软管和软管组件.规范  (Rubber and thermoplastics hoses and hose assemblies for liquid or gaseous chemicals - Specification)
 BS EN 12117-1998  塑料管道系统.热塑管件,阀门和配件.气流率/压降之间的关系的测定  (Plastics piping systems - Fittings, valves and ancillaries - Determination of gaseous flow rate/pressure drop relationships)
 BS EN 12118-1998  塑料管道系统.用库仑分析法测定热塑塑料中的含湿量  (Plastics piping systems - Determination of moisture content in thermoplastics by coulometry)
 BS EN 12119-1997  塑料管道系统.聚乙烯(PE)阀.热循环抗性的测试方法  (Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) valves - Test method for resistance to thermal cycling)
 BS EN 1212-1998  人用水处理的化学药剂.多磷酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium polyphosphate)
 BS EN 12120-1999  人用水处理的化学药品.硫酸氢钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium hydrogen sulfite)
 BS EN 12121-1999  人用水处理的化学药品.硫酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium disulfite)
 BS EN 12122-1999  人饮用水处理用化学药品.氨溶液  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Ammonia solution)
 BS EN 12123-1999  人饮用水处理用化学药品.硫酸氨溶液  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Ammonium sulfate)
 BS EN 12124-1999  饮用水处理用化学药品.亚硫酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium sulfite)
 BS EN 12125-1999  饮用水处理用化学药品.硫代硫酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium thiosulfate)
 BS EN 12126-1999  人用水处理的化学药品.液化氨  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Liquefied ammonia)
 BS EN 12127-1998  纺织品.织物.用小样品测定单位面积的质量  (Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of mass per unit area using small samples)
 BS EN 12128-1998  生物技术.研究、开发和分析实验室。微生物实验室的抑制级别、危险区域、地点和物理安全要求  (Biotechnology - Laboratories for research, development and analysis - Containment levels of microbiology laboratories, areas of risk, localities and physical safety requirements)
 BS EN 1213-2000  建筑物阀门.建筑物内便携式供水用的铜合金断流阀.试验和要求  (Building valves - Copper alloy stopvalves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirements)
 BS EN 12130-1998  羽毛和羽绒.试验方法.填充能力的测定(块体积)  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the filling power (massic volume))
 BS EN 12131-1998  羽毛和羽绒.试验方法.羽毛和羽绒组分的定量测定(人工法)  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the quantitive composition of feather and down (manual method))
 BS EN 12132-1-1999  羽毛和羽绒.纤维羽绒特性的试验方法.摩擦试验  (Feather and down - Methods of testing the down-proof properties of fabrics - Rubbing test)
 BS EN 12132-2-1999  羽毛和羽绒.纤维羽绒特性的试验方法.冲击试验  (Feather and down - Methods of testing the down-proof properties of fabrics - Impact test)
 BS EN 12133-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.氯化物含量的测定.电位滴定法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of chloride content - Potentiometric titration method)
 BS EN 12134-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.离心果肉含量的测定  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of centrifugable pulp content)
 BS EN 12135-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.氮含量的测定.基耶达斯法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of nitrogen content - Kjeldahl method)
 BS EN 12136-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.总类胡萝卜素及分类胡萝卜素含量的测定.  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of total carotenoid content and individual carotenoid fractions)
 BS EN 12137-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.葡萄汁中酒石酸的测定.高性能液相色谱法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of tartaric acid in grape juices - Method by high performance liquid chromatography)
 BS EN 12138-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.D-苹果酸含量的酶测定.NAD分光光度方法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Enzymatic determination of D-malic acid content - NAD spectrometric method)
 BS EN 12139-1999  表面活性剂.用HPLC/GPC法对非离子表面活性剂中聚乙二醇含量的测定  (Surface active agents - Determination of the total polyethylene glycol content of non-ionic surface active agents (EO adducts) by HPLC/GPC)
 BS EN 12143-1997  水果汁和疏菜汁.可溶干料含量的测定.折射法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Estimation of soluble solids content - Refractometric method)
 BS EN 12144-1997  水果汁和疏菜汁.灰分总含硷量的测定.滴定分析法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of total alkalinity of ash - Titrimetric method)
 BS EN 12145-1997  水果汁和蔬菜汁.总干燥剂的测定.干燥条件下质量损失重量测定法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of total dry matter - Gravimetric method with loss of mass on drying)
 BS EN 12146-1997  水果汁和蔬菜汁.蔗糖的酶素测定.NADP分光光度测量法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Enzymatic determination of sucrose content - NADP spectrometric method)
 BS EN 12147-1997  水果汁和蔬菜汁酸度的滴定测量法  (Method for determination of titratable acidity of fruit and vegetable juices)
 BS EN 12148-1997  水果和蔬菜汁.橙皮苷和柚皮苷的测定.高性能液相色谱法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of hesperidin and naringin in citrus juices - Method using high performance liquid chromatography)
 BS EN 12149-1998  转动型墙面饰层.甲醛释放和乙烯基氯化物单体、重金属和其它特定素迁移的测定  (Wallcoverings in roll form - Determination of migration of heavy metals and certain other elements, of vinyl chloride monomer and of formaldehyde release)
 BS EN 12150-1-2000  建筑物用玻璃.热钢化钠钙安全玻璃.定义和说明  (Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Definition and description)
 BS EN 12150-2-2004  建筑物用玻璃.热钢化钠钙安全玻璃.合格评价/产品标准  
 BS EN 12150-2-2004  建筑物用玻璃.热钢化钠钙安全玻璃.合格评价/产品标准  
 BS EN 12152-2002  幕墙.透气率.性能要求和分类  (Curtain walling - Air permeability - Performance requirements and classification)
 BS EN 12153-2000  幕墙.透气率.试验方法  (Curtain walling - Air permeability - Test method)
 BS EN 12154-2000  幕墙.防水性.性能要求和分类  (Curtain walling - Watertightness - Performance requirements and classification)
 BS EN 12155-2000  幕墙.防水性.静态压力下的实验室试验  (Curtain walling - Watertightness - Laboratory test under static pressure)
 BS EN 12157-1999  离心泵.车床用冷却液泵组件.额定流量率、尺寸  (Rotodynamic pumps - Coolant pump units for machine tools - Nominal flow rate, dimensions)
 BS EN 12158-1-2000  货物用施工升降机.带附属平台的升降机  (Builders hoists for goods - Hoists with accessible platforms)
 BS EN 12158-2-2000  货物用施工升降机.带非附属负载装运装置的倾斜式升降机  (Builders hoists for goods - Inclined hoists with non-accessible load carrying devices)
 BS EN 12159-2000  带立式引导罐笼的人和物料用施工升降机  (Builders hoists for persons and materials with vertically guided cages)
 BS EN 1216-1999  热交换器.强制循环空气冷却和空气加热线圈.性能确定的试验规程  (Heat exchangers - Forced circulation air-cooling and air-heating coils - Test procedures for establishing the performance)
 BS EN 12162-2001  液体泵.安全要求.液压静态试验过程  (Liquid pumps - Safety requirements - Procedure for hydrostatic testing)
 BS EN 12163-1998  铜和铜合金.普通棒材  (Copper and copper alloys - Rod for general purposes)
 BS EN 12164-1998  铜及铜合金.快削加工用杆材  (Copper and copper alloys - Rod for free machining purposes)
 BS EN 12165-1998  铜和铜合金.已加工和未加工的锻坯  (Copper and copper alloys - Wrought and unwrought forging stock)
 BS EN 12166-1998  铜及铜合金.一般用途线材  (Copper and copper alloys - Wire for general purposes)
 BS EN 12167-1998  铜及铜合金.一般用途的型材和扁棒材  (Copper and copper alloys - Profiles and rectangular bar for general purposes)
 BS EN 12168-1998  铜和铜合金.切削加工用空心棒  (Copper and copper alloys - Hollow rod for free machining purposes)
 BS EN 1217-1998  与鞋靴有关的材料和物品.陶瓷物品水吸收的试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for water absorption of ceramic articles)
 BS EN 12170-2002  建筑物的供热系统.制定运行、维护和使用的文件.要求调制运行器后的供热系统  (Heating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems requiring a trained operator)
 BS EN 12171-2002  建筑物的供暖系统.操作、维修和使用的文献起草程序.无需培训操作人员的供暖系统  (Heating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems not requiring a trained operator)
 BS EN 12173-1999  用于人饮用水处理的化学药品.氯化钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium fluoride)
 BS EN 12174-2001  人类生活用水处理用化学品.六氟硅酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium hexafluorosilicate)
 BS EN 12175-2001  人类生活用水处理用化学品.六氟硅酸  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Hexafluorosilicic acid)
 BS EN 12176-1998  污泥的特性记述.pH值的测定  (Characterization of sludge - Determination of pH value)
 BS EN 12177-2002  石油及其产品的试验方法.液化石油产品.无铅气油.用气相色谱法测定苯含量  (Methods of test for petroleum and its products - Liquid petroleum products - Unleaded petroleum - Determination of benzene content by gas chromatography)
 BS EN 12178-2003  制冷系统和热泵.液位指示设备.要求、试验和标记  (Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Liquid level indicating devices - Requirements, testing and marking)
 BS EN 12179-2000  幕墙.对风负载的耐性.试验方法  (Curtain walling - Resistance to wind load - Test method)
 BS EN 1218-1-1999  木工机械的安全.制榫机.带滑动工作台的单端制榫机  (Safety of woodworking machines - Tenoning machines - Single end tenoning machines with sliding table)
 BS EN 1218-2-2004  木工机械的安全.开榫机.链式送料两端开榫机和/或仿形机床  
 BS EN 1218-3-2002  木工机械的安全.开榫机.切割原木用带移动工作台的手工送料开榫机  (Safety of woodworking machines - Tenoning machines - Hand fed tenoning machines with sliding table for cutting structural timbers)
 BS EN 1218-4-2004  木工机械的安全.开榫机.链式送料边缘铁条打捆机  
 BS EN 1218-5-2004  木工机械的安全.带固定式工作台和送料辊或链式送料的单面仿形机  
 BS EN 12180-2000  非活性外科植入物.身体外形修复用植入物.乳房植入物的特殊要求  (Non-active surgical implants - Body contouring implants - Specific requirements for mammary implants)
 BS EN 12181-1998  口咽导气管  (Oropharyngeal airways)
 BS EN 12182-1999  残疾人技术辅助器具.一般要求和试验方法  (Technical aids for disabled persons - General requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 12183-1999  手动轮椅.要求和试验方法  (Manually propelled wheelchairs - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 12184-1999  电动轮椅、小型摩托车及其充电器.要求和试验方法  (Electrically powered wheelchairs, scooters and their chargers - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 12186-2000  燃气供应系统.输送和分配燃气用气压调节站.功能要求  (Gas supply systems - Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements)
 BS EN 12188-1999  混凝土结构的防护和维修用产品和系统.试验方法.结构胶粘剂表征用钢上胶粘作用的测定  (Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test methods - Determination of adhesion steel-to-steel for characterization of structural bonding agents)
 BS EN 12189-1999  混凝土结构的防护和维修用产品和系统.试验方法.敞开时间的测定  (Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test methods - Determination of open time)
 BS EN 12190-1999  混凝土结构的保护和修复的系统和产品.试验方法.修复砖压缩强度的测定  (Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test methods - Determination of compressive strength of repair mortar)
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