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 BS EN 1290-1998  焊缝的无损检验.焊缝的磁粉检验  (Non-destructive examination of welds - Magnetic particle examination of welds)
 BS EN 12900-1999  制冷压缩机.厂商提供的性能数据的额定条件、公差和图示  (Refrigerant compressors - Rating conditions, tolerances and presentation of manufacturer’s performance data)
 BS EN 129000-1996  电子器件质量评定协调体系.总规范.固定式射频线绕电感器  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Generic specification - Fixed RF wound inductors)
 BS EN 12901-1999  饮用水处理用产品.无机辅助和过滤材料.定义  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Definitions)
 BS EN 12902-1999  饮用水处理用产品.无机辅助和过滤材料.试验方法  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Methods of test)
 BS EN 12903-2003  饮用水处理用产品.粒状活性碳  (Products used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption - Powdered activated carbon)
 BS EN 12904-1999  饮用水处理用产品.砂和砾石  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sand and gravel)
 BS EN 12905-1999  饮用水处理用产品.膨胀硅铝酸盐  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Expanded aluminosilicate)
 BS EN 12906-1999  饮用水处理用产品.浮岩  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Pumice)
 BS EN 12907-2003  饮用水处理用产品.高温热解煤材料  (Products used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption - Pyrolyzed coal material)
 BS EN 12909-1999  饮用水处理用产品.无烟煤  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Anthracite)
 BS EN 1291-1998  焊缝的无损检验.焊缝的磁粉检验.验收等级  (Non-destructive examination of welds - Magnetic particle testing of welds - Acceptance levels)
 BS EN 12910-1999  饮用水处理用产品.石榴石  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Garnet)
 BS EN 129100-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系.线绕面安装电感线圈的分规范  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Sectional specification: wirewound surface mounting inductors)
 BS EN 129101-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系.空白详细规范:评估质量线绕面安装电感器.E级评定  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: wirewound surface mounting inductors of assessed quality - Assessment level E)
 BS EN 129102-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系规范.空白详细规范:线绕面安装电感器.P级评定.  (Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: wirewound surface mounting inductors of assessed quality - Assessment level P)
 BS EN 12911-1999  饮用水处理用产品.锰绿砂  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Manganese greensand)
 BS EN 12912-1999  饮用水处理用产品.重晶石  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Barite)
 BS EN 12913-1999  饮用水处理用产品.粒状硅藻土  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Powdered diatomaceous earth)
 BS EN 12914-1999  饮用水处理用产品.粒状珍珠岩  (Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Powdered perlite)
 BS EN 12915-1-2003  人类生活用水处理用产品.粒状活性碳.天然粒状活性碳  (Products used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption - Granular activated carbon - Virgin granular activated carbon)
 BS EN 12915-2-2003  生活用水处理用产品.粒状活性碳.再生粒状活性碳  (Products used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption - Granular activated carbon - Reactivated granular activated carbon)
 BS EN 12916-2000  石油及其制品的试验方法.石油产品.中间馏出物中芳烃的测定.带有测量折射指数的高效液相色谱法  (Methods of test for petroleum and its products - Petroleum products - Determination of aromatic hydrocarbon in middle distillates - High performance liquid chromatography method with refractive index)
 BS EN 12918-1999  水质.二氯甲烷萃取和气相色谱分析法测定水中的对硫磷、甲基对硫磷和其他有机磷化合物  (Water quality - Determination of parathion, parathion-methyl and some other organophosphorus compounds in water by dichloromethane extraction and gas chromatographic analysis)
 BS EN 12919-1999  工作场所空气.体积流速大于51/min的化学试剂取样用泵.要求和试验方法  (Workplace atmospheres - Pumps for the sampling of chemical agents with a volume flow rate of over 51/min - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 129200-1996  电子件质量评定协调体系.分规范.射频电路用带陶瓷或铁心的导线绕制线圈.  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Sectional specification: fixed inductors with ceramic or ferrite core wound with copper wire for RF circuits)
 BS EN 129201-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系规范.空白详细规范:陶制磁芯或铁酸盐磁芯线绕电感器.E级评定  (Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: wirewound inductors with ceramic or ferrite core - Assessment level E)
 BS EN 129202-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系规范.空白详细规范:陶制磁芯或铁酸盐磁芯线绕电感器.P级评定  (Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: wirebound inductors with ceramic or ferrite core - Assessment level P)
 BS EN 12921-2-2005  使用液体或蒸气的工业设备的表面清洁和预处理机器.使用水基清洁液的机械的安全  
 BS EN 12921-3-2005  使用液体或蒸气的工业设备的表面清洁和预处理机器.使用易燃清洁液体的机器的安全性  
 BS EN 12921-4-2005  使用液体或蒸气的工业设备的表面清洁和预处理机器.使用卤化溶剂的机械的安全  
 BS EN 12926-2000  人类饮用水处理用化学品.过氧化二硫酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium peroxodisulfate)
 BS EN 12927-1-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.绳索及其端装置的选择标准  
 BS EN 12927-2-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.安全因素  
 BS EN 12927-2-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.安全因素  
 BS EN 12927-3-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.6股牵引钢丝绳、输送绳和牵引绳索的长插接绳法  
 BS EN 12927-4-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.端装置  
 BS EN 12927-5-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.储存、运输、安装和拉紧  
 BS EN 12927-6-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.报废标准  
 BS EN 12927-7-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.检查、修理和维护  
 BS EN 12927-8-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.绳索.磁性绳索检验  
 BS EN 12928-2000  总容积17l至230l的钢桶用插入法兰式密封系统  (Inserted flange type closure systems for steel drums with a total capacity of 17 l to 230 l)
 BS EN 12929-1-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.一般要求.所有装置的要求  
 BS EN 12929-2-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.一般要求.不带重货运输车式刹车的双向双线架空索道的附加要求  
 BS EN 1293-1999  气压排气管、水管和下水道中使用部件的一般要求  (General requirements for components used in pneumatically pressurized discharge pipes, drains and sewers)
 BS EN 12930-2004  载人用索道装置的安全要求.计算  
 BS EN 12931-2000  人类饮用水处理用化学品.应急用化学品.无水二氯异氰脲酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Chemicals for emergency use - Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, anhydrous)
 BS EN 12932-2000  人类饮用水处理用化学品.应急用化学品.二水二氯异氰脲酸钠  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Chemicals for emergency use - Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, dihydrate)
 BS EN 12933-2000  人类饮用水处理用化学品.应急用化学品.三氯异氰脲酸  (Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Chemicals for emergency use - Trichloroisocyanuric acid)
 BS EN 12934-2000  羽毛和绒毛.用作基底填充材料的经处理的羽毛和绒毛的组分标记  (Feather and down - Composition labelling of processed feathers and down for use as sole filling material)
 BS EN 12935-2001  羽毛和羽绒.卫生和清洁要求  (Feather and down - Hygiene and cleanliness requirements)
 BS EN 12938-2000  锡铅合金的分析方法.原子光谱法测定合金和杂质素的含量  (Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry)
 BS EN 12939-2001  建筑材料和产品的热性能.用热的保护板和热流计测定热阻.高和中度热阻的厚产品  (Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Thick products of high and medium thermal resis)
 BS EN 1294-2000  门扉.连续一致气候下湿度不同时的性能测定  (Door leaves - Determination of the behaviour under humidity variations in successive uniform climates)
 BS EN 12941-1999  呼吸保护装置.带有头盔或口罩的强力过滤装置.要求,试验和标记  (Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood - Requirements, testing, marking)
 BS EN 12942-1999  呼吸保护器.带全面罩、半面罩和四分之一面罩的辅助动力过滤装置.要求、试验、标志  (Respiratory protective devices - Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking)
 BS EN 12943-2000  热塑塑料用填充材料.范围、名称与符号、要求和试验  (Filler materials for thermoplastics - Scope, designation, requirements, tests)
 BS EN 12944-1-2000  肥料和石灰浸物质.词汇.通用术语  (Fertilizers and liming materials - Vocabulary - General terms)
 BS EN 12944-2-2000  肥料和石灰浸物质.词汇.有关肥料的术语  (Fertilizers and liming materials - Vocabulary - Terms relating to fertilizers)
 BS EN 12944-3-2002  肥料和浸灰物质.词汇.浸灰物质相关术语  Fertilizers and liming materials - Vocabulary - Terms relating to liming materials
 BS EN 12945-2002  石灰材料.中和值的测定.滴定法  (Liming materials - Determination of neutralizing value - Titrimetric methods)
 BS EN 12946-2000  石灰浸物质.钙和镁含量的测定.络合法  (Liming materials - Determination of calcium content and magnesium content - Complexometric method)
 BS EN 12947-2000  石灰浸物质.镁含量测定.原子吸收分光光度法  (Liming materials - Determination of magnesium content - Atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 BS EN 12948-2002  石灰材料.用干湿筛选法对粒度分布的测定  (Liming materials - Determination of size distribution by dry and wet sieving)
 BS EN 1295-1-1998  不同条件下负荷的地下管道的结构设计.一般要求  (Structural design of buried pipelines under various conditions of loading - General requirements)
 BS EN 12952-1-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.总则  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - General)
 BS EN 12952-10-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.过压安全防护要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure)
 BS EN 12952-12-2003  水管锅炉和辅助设备.锅炉给水和锅炉水质的要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for boiler feedwater and boiler water quality)
 BS EN 12952-13-2003  水管锅炉和辅助设备.烟气清洁系统的要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for flue gas cleaning systems)
 BS EN 12952-14-2004  水管锅炉和辅助设备.使用液压氨和氨水溶液的废气DENOX系统的要求  
 BS EN 12952-15-2003  水管锅炉和辅助设备.验收试验  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Acceptance tests)
 BS EN 12952-16-2003  水管锅炉和辅助装置.锅炉用固体燃料的炉蓖和流化床燃烧系统要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for grate and fluidized-bed firing systems for solid fuels for the boiler)
 BS EN 12952-2-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.第2部分:锅炉和附件的压力零件用材料  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories)
 BS EN 12952-3-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.压力零件的设计和计算  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Design and calculation of pressure parts)
 BS EN 12952-4-2000  水管锅炉和辅助设备.服役期限的期望值计算  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - In-service boiler life expectancy calculations)
 BS EN 12952-5-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.第5部分:锅炉压力部件的工艺和结构  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Workmanship and construction of pressure parts of the boiler)
 BS EN 12952-6-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.锅炉压力部件的在生产过程中的检验,文献工作和作标记  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Inspection during construction, documentation and marking of pressure parts of the boiler)
 BS EN 12952-7-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.锅炉设备的要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for equipment for the boiler)
 BS EN 12952-8-2002  水管锅炉和辅助设备.锅炉的液体和气体燃料的燃烧系统要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for firing systems for liquid and gaseous fuels for the boiler)
 BS EN 12952-9-2003  水管锅炉和辅助装置.锅炉用粉末状固体燃料的燃烧系统要求  (Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Requirements for firing systems for pulverized solid fuels for the boiler)
 BS EN 12953-1-2002  火管锅炉.通则  (Shell boilers - General)
 BS EN 12953-10-2003  火管锅炉.给水和锅炉水质的要求  (Shell boilers - Requirements for feedwater and boiler water quality)
 BS EN 12953-11-2003  火管锅炉.验收试验  (Shell boilers - Acceptance tests)
 BS EN 12953-12-2003  火管锅炉.锅炉用固体燃料层燃系统的要求  (Shell boilers - Requirements for grate firing systems for solid fuels for the boiler)
 BS EN 12953-2-2002  火管锅炉.锅炉的压力零件和附件用材料  (Shell boilers - Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories)
 BS EN 12953-3-2002  火管锅炉.压力零件的设计和计算  (Shell boilers - Design and calculation for pressure parts)
 BS EN 12953-4-2002  火管锅炉.锅炉的压力零件的工艺和结构  (Shell boilers - Workmanship and construction of pressure parts of the boiler)
 BS EN 12953-5-2002  火管锅炉.锅炉的结构、文献和压力零件制造过程的检测  (Shell boilers - Inspection during construction, documentation and marking of pressure parts of the boiler)
 BS EN 12953-6-2002  火管锅炉.锅炉用设备要求  (Shell boilers - Requirements for equipment for the boiler)
 BS EN 12953-7-2002  火管锅炉.锅炉用液体和气体燃料的点火系统要求  (Shell boilers - Requirements for firing systems for liquid and gaseous fuels for the boilers)
 BS EN 12953-8-2002  火管锅炉.第8部分:防剩余压力的安全装置要求  (Shell boilers - Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure)
 BS EN 12954-2001  埋于土内或浸于液体的金属结构的阴极保护.管道应用和一般原则  (Cathodic protection of buried or immersed metallic structures - General principles and application for pipelines)
 BS EN 12955-1999  食品.谷类作物、带壳水果及衍生物中黄曲霉素B1含量和黄曲霉素B1、B2、G1和G2总量的测定.柱后衍生和免疫亲和  ()
 BS EN 12956-1999  成卷形式的墙面饰层.尺寸、平直度、防水性和可洗涤性的测定  (Wallcoverings in roll form - Determination of dimensions, straightness, spongeability and washability)
 BS EN 12957-2001  机床.安全.放电加工机床  (Machine tools - Safety - Electro discharge machines)
 BS EN 12958-2000  鞋靴.鞋低中间狭窄部分的试验方法.耐疲劳性  (Footwear - Test methods for shanks - Fatigue resistance)
 BS EN 12959-2000  鞋靴.鞋底中间狭窄部分的试验方法.纵向劲度  (Footwear - Test methods for shanks - Longitudinal stiffness)
 BS EN 1296-2001  防水柔性板.沥青,塑料和橡胶.长期暴露于提高温度的人工老化试验  (Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roofing - Method of artificial ageing by long term exposure to elevated temperature)
 BS EN 12960-2001  纸,纸板,包装和一次性卫生用品用胶粘剂.剪切强度的测定  (Adhesives for paper and board, packaging and disposable sanitary products - Determination of shear resistance)
 BS EN 12961-2001  鞋靴材料和皮革用胶粘剂.基于溶剂分散的胶粘剂的最优活化温度和最长活化寿命的测定.  (Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Determination of optimum activation temperatures and maximum activation life of solvent-based and dispersion adhesives)
 BS EN 12962-2001  胶粘剂.液体胶粘剂的弹性行为的测定  (Adhesives - Determination of elastic behaviour of liquid adhesives (elasticity index))
 BS EN 12963-2001  胶粘剂.在合成聚合物基础上的胶粘剂中单体含量的测定  (Adhesives - Determination of free monomer content in adhesives based on synthetic polymers)
 BS EN 12964-2001  皮革和鞋靴材料用胶粘剂.持久胶粘剂.升高温度下的耐热试验  (Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Lasting adhesives - Testing heat resistance of bonds at increasing temperature)
 BS EN 12965-2003  农业和林业用拖拉机和机械.动力输出传动轴和轴套.安全  (Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Power take-off (PTO) drive shafts and their guards - Safety)
 BS EN 12970-2000  防水用沥青砂胶.定义、要求和试验方法  (Mastic asphalt for waterproofing - Definitions, requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 12971-1-1999  增强材料.纺织玻璃短切原丝的规范.名称与符号  (Reinforcements - Specification for textile glass chopped strands - Designation)
 BS EN 12971-2-1999  增强材料.纺织玻璃短切原丝的规范.试验方法和一般要求  (Reinforcements - Specification for textile glass chopped strands - Test methods and general requirements)
 BS EN 12971-3-1999  增强材料.纺织玻璃短切原丝的规范.特殊要求  (Reinforcements - Specification for textile glass chopped strands - Specific requirements)
 BS EN 12972-2001  危险货物的运输罐.金属罐的试验,检验和运输标记  (Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Testing, inspection and marking of metallic tanks)
 BS EN 12973-2000  价值管理  (Value Management)
 BS EN 12974-2000  表面活性剂.GLC/顶部空间法测定烷基-羟乙基-硫酸盐中1,4-二恶烷的含量  (Surface active agents - Determination of the 1,4-dioxane content in alkyl-ethoxy-sulfate products by GLC/head space procedure)
 BS EN 12975-1-2000  热太阳能系统和件.太阳能收集器.一般要求  (Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - General requirements)
 BS EN 12975-2-2001  热太阳能系统和件.太阳能收集器.试验方法  (Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Test methods)
 BS EN 12976-1-2001  太阳能热系统和件.工厂制造系统.一般要求  (Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - General requirements)
 BS EN 12976-2-2001  太阳能热系统和件.工厂制造系统.试验方法  (Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Test methods)
 BS EN 12978-2003  工业、商业和车库用门.电动门的安全装置.要求和试验方法  (Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety devices for power operated doors and gates - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 12979-2002  自动液化石油气设备.安装要求  (Automotive LPG systems - Installation requirements)
 BS EN 1298-1996  移动式工作吊盘.制定结构说明和使用说明的规范  (Mobile access and working towers - Rules and guidelines for the preparation of an instruction manual)
 BS EN 12980-2000  与食品接触的材料和物品.给养和工业用非金属物品.抗冲击性测定的试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Non-metallic articles for catering and industrial use - Method of test for the determination of impact resistance)
 BS EN 12982-2000  工业阀门.对焊尾阀一端到另一端和中心到端面的尺寸  (Industrial valves - End-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions for butt welding end valves)
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