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 BS EN ISO 15148-2003  建筑材料和产品的温湿性能.部分浸入法测定吸水系数  (Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water absorption coefficient by partial immersion)
 BS EN ISO 15156-1-2002  石油和天然气工业.在石油和天然气生产中用于含HDOWN2S环境的材料.防裂材料的选择的一般原则  (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in HDOWN2S-containing environments in oil and gas production - General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials)
 BS EN ISO 1516-2002  石油及石油产品的试验方法.闪点/无闪点测定.闭杯平衡法  (Method of test for petroleum and its products - Determination of flash/no flash - Closed cup equilibrium method)
 BS EN ISO 1517-1994  涂料和清漆.表面干燥试验.微球体法  (Paints and varnishes - Surface-drying test - Ballotini method)
 BS EN ISO 15186-1-2000  声学.用声强作建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.实验室测量  (Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity - Laboratory measurements)
 BS EN ISO 15187-2004  操作型工业机器人.机器人的程序设计和操作用图示使用者接口(GUI-R)  
 BS EN ISO 15189-2003  医学实验室.质量和资格的特殊要求  (Medical laboratories - Particular requirements for quality and competence)
 BS EN ISO 1519-2002  涂料和清漆.弯曲试验(圆心轴)  (Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel))
 BS EN ISO 15195-2003  实验室医学.基准测量实验室要求  (Laboratory medicine - Requirements for reference measurement laboratories)
 BS EN ISO 15197-2003  体外诊断试验系统.糖尿病人自测用血糖检测系统要求  (In vitro diagnostic test systems - Requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus)
 BS EN ISO 1520-2001  涂料和清漆.杯突试验  (Paints and varnishes - Cupping test)
 BS EN ISO 15212-1-1999  摆动式密度计.实验室仪器  (Oscillation-type density meters - Laboratory instruments)
 BS EN ISO 15212-2-2002  振荡式密度计.均质液体用过程测量仪器  (Oscillation-type density meters - Process instruments for homogenous liquids)
 BS EN ISO 15225-2000  命名.管理数据交换用医疗器械命名系统的规范  (Nomenclature - Specification for a nomenclature system for medical devices for the purpose of regulatory data exchange)
 BS EN ISO 1523-2002  石油及其产品的试验方法.闪点测定.闭杯平衡法  (Method of test for petroleum and its products - Determination of flash point - Closed cup equilibrium method)
 BS EN ISO 15236-2-2004  钢丝绳运输带.优选带类型  
 BS EN ISO 15236-4-2004  钢丝绳运输带.硫化的带接头  
 BS EN ISO 1524-2000  涂料、清漆和印刷油墨.研磨细度的测定  (Paints, varnishes and printing inks - Determination of fineness of grind)
 BS EN ISO 15245-1-2001  储气瓶.连接储气瓶阀门的平行螺纹.规范  (Gas cylinders - Parallel threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders - Specification)
 BS EN ISO 15245-2-2001  储气瓶.连接储气瓶阀门的平行螺纹.量规检验  (Gas cylinders - Parallel threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders - Gauge inspection)
 BS EN ISO 15252-1-2000  塑料.环氧粉末模塑化合物(EP-PMCs).名称与符号系统和规范基础  (Plastics - Epoxy powder moulding compounds (EP-PMCs) - Designation system and basis for specifications)
 BS EN ISO 15252-2-2000  塑料.环氧树脂模塑化合物(EP-PMCs).试样制备和特性测定  (Plastics - Epoxy powder moulding compounds (EP-PMCs) - Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties)
 BS EN ISO 15252-3-2000  塑料.环氧粉末模塑化合物(EP-PMCs).第3部分:对所选择模塑化合物的要求  (Plastics - Epoxy powder moulding compounds (EP-PMCs) - Requirements for selected moulding compounds)
 BS EN ISO 15253-2000  眼科光学和仪器.提高弱视力的光学装置  (Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Optical devices for low-vision aids)
 BS EN ISO 15254-2002  眼科光学仪器.提高视力的电光仪器  (Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Electro-optical devices for enhancing low vision)
 BS EN ISO 15265-2004  热环境的人类工效学.热工作条件下防止压力和不适的风险评估政策  
 BS EN ISO 1530-2003  捕鱼网.打结网的描述和命名  (Fishing nets - Description and designation of knotted netting)
 BS EN ISO 15301-2001  动植物脂肪和油.粗脂肪和原油中沉积物的测定.离心法  (Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of sediment in crude fats and oils - Centrifuge method)
 BS EN ISO 15304-2002  动植物脂肪和油.蔬菜脂肪和油过脂肪酸异构体含量测定.气相色谱法  (Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of the content of trans fatty acid isomers of vegetable fats and oil - Gas chromatographic method)
 BS EN ISO 15318-2000  纸浆、纸和纸板.对7个指定的聚氯联苯(PCB)的测定  (Pulp, paper and board - Determination of 7 specified polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB))
 BS EN ISO 15320-2004  纸浆、纸和纸板.水提出物中五氯酚的测定  
 BS EN ISO 15330-1999  紧固件.氢脆性检测的预荷载试验.平行承载表面法  (Fasteners - Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement - Parallel bearing surface method)
 BS EN ISO 15349-2-2003  非合金钢.低碳含量的测定.(预热)感应炉燃烧后红外线吸收法  (Unalloyed steel - Determination of low carbon content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (with preheating))
 BS EN ISO 15364-2000  船舶与海上技术.散货船真空/压力阀  (Ships and marine technology - Pressure/vacuum valves for cargo tanks)
 BS EN ISO 15367-1-2003  激光和激光相关设备.测定激光束波阵面形状的试验方法.术语及基础领域  (Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for determination of the shape of a laser beam wavefront - Terminology and fundamental aspects)
 BS EN ISO 15438-2003  信息技术.自动标识和数据捕获技术.条形码符号表示法规范.PDF417  (Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code symbology specifications - PDF417)
 BS EN ISO 15465-2004  管道.带绕金属软管和软管组件  
 BS EN ISO 15480-1999  带攻丝螺纹的六角头垫圈自攻螺钉  (Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw thread)
 BS EN ISO 15481-1999  带攻丝螺纹的十字凹槽平头自攻螺钉  (Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw thread)
 BS EN ISO 15482-1999  带攻丝螺纹的十字凹槽埋头自攻螺钉  (Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread)
 BS EN ISO 15483-1999  带攻丝螺纹的十字凹槽半埋头自攻螺钉  (Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread)
 BS EN ISO 15487-2001  纺织品.评定家洗和烘干后衣服和其它纺织品外观的方法  (Textiles - Method for assessing appearance of apparel and other textile end products after domestic washing and drying)
 BS EN ISO 15493-2003  工业用塑料管道系统.丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)、未增塑的聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)和氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C).  (Plastics piping systems for industrial applications - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) and chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) - Specifications)
 BS EN ISO 15494-2003  工业用塑料管道系统.聚丁烯(PB)、聚乙烯(PE)和聚丙烯(PP).件和系统的规范.米制系列  (Plastics piping systems for industrial applications - Polybutene (PB), polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) - Specifications for components and the system - Metric series)
 BS EN ISO 15496-2004  织物.质量控制用途的织物水蒸气渗透率的测量  
 BS EN ISO 15526-1-2004  塑料.聚酮模塑和挤制材料.命名系统和基本规范  
 BS EN ISO 15526-2-2004  塑料.聚酮(PK)模塑和挤塑材料.试样的制备和性能的测定  
 BS EN ISO 15528-2000  涂料、清漆与清漆和涂料用原材料.取样  (Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling)
 BS EN ISO 15535-2003  建立人体测量数据库的一般要求  (General requirements for establishing anthropometric databases)
 BS EN ISO 15536-1-2005  人类功效学.计算机解剖模型和人体模型.一般要求  
 BS EN ISO 15537-2004  工业产品和设计的人体测量方面检验用试验人员的选择和使用的原则  
 BS EN ISO 15540-1999  造船和航海技术,软管组件的抗燃性.试验方法  (Ships and marine technology - Fire resistance of hose assemblies - Test methods)
 BS EN ISO 15546-2003  石油和天然气工业.铝合金钻杆  (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Aluminium alloy drill pipe)
 BS EN ISO 15547-2001  石油和天然气工业.板式热交换器  (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Plate heat exchangers)
 BS EN ISO 15584-2001  小型船舶.船内汽油发动机.安装发动机的燃料和电气件  (Small craft - Inboard petrol engines - Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components)
 BS EN ISO 15586-2003  水质.用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定痕量素  (Water quality - Determination of trace elements using atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace)
 BS EN ISO 15587-1-2002  水质.测定水中所选素的发酵作用.王水发酵作用  (Water quality - Digestion for the determination of selected elements in water - Aqua regia digestion)
 BS EN ISO 15587-2-2002  水质.确定水中所选素的发酵作用.硝酸发酵作用  (Water quality - Digestion for the determination of selected elements in water - Nitric acid digestion)
 BS EN ISO 1559-2001  牙科材料.牙科汞齐合金  (Dental materials - Alloys for dental amalgam)
 BS EN ISO 15605-2004  胶粘剂.取样  
 BS EN ISO 15606-2000  牙钻手柄.气动刮器和刮器梢尖  (Dental handpieces - Air-powered scalers and scaler tips)
 BS EN ISO 15609-1-2004  金属材料的焊接程序规范和合格鉴定.焊接程序规范.电弧焊  
 BS EN ISO 15609-2-2001  金属焊接程序的规范和合格评定.焊接程序规范.气焊  (Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure specification - Gas welding)
 BS EN ISO 15609-3-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和合格评定.焊接程序规范.电子束焊  
 BS EN ISO 15609-4-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和合格鉴定.焊接程序规范.激光束焊接  
 BS EN ISO 15609-4-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和合格鉴定.焊接程序规范.激光束焊接  
 BS EN ISO 15609-5-2004  金属材料的焊接程序规范和合格鉴定.焊接程序规范.电阻焊接  
 BS EN ISO 1561-1998  牙科用铸造蜡  (Dental casting wax)
 BS EN ISO 15610-2003  金属材料焊接程序的规范和认可.基于试验消耗品的认可  (Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Qualification based on tested welding consumables)
 BS EN ISO 15612-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和合格鉴定.标准焊接程序采用的合格鉴定  
 BS EN ISO 15613-2004  金属材料的焊接程序的鉴定和规范.基于预生产焊接试验的合格鉴定  
 BS EN ISO 15613-2004  金属材料的焊接程序的鉴定和规范.基于预生产焊接试验的合格鉴定  
 BS EN ISO 15614-1-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.钢的弧焊和气焊以及镍和镍合金的弧焊  
 BS EN ISO 15614-10-2005  金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.高压干焊  
 BS EN ISO 15614-11-2002  金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.电子和激光束焊接  (Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Electron and laser beam welding)
 BS EN ISO 15614-12-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和合格鉴定.焊接程序试验.点焊、缝焊和凸焊  
 BS EN ISO 15614-13-2005  金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.电阻对接焊和电弧对接焊  
 BS EN ISO 15614-5-2004  金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.钛、锆及其合金电弧焊  
 BS EN ISO 15614-8-2002  金属材料焊接程序的规范和鉴定.焊接程序试验.管对管板接头焊接  (Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Welding of tubes to tube-plate joints)
 BS EN ISO 15615-2002  气焊设备.焊接用乙炔复式接头系统、切割和有关处理用乙炔复式接头系统.高压装置的安全要求  (Gas welding equipment - Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes - Safety requirements in high-pressure devices)
 BS EN ISO 15616-1-2003  高质量焊接和切割用CO2激光射线机的验收试验.通用原则和验收条件  (Acceptance tests for CODOWN2- laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting - General principles, acceptance conditions)
 BS EN ISO 15616-2-2003  高质量焊接和切割用CO2激光射线机的验收试验.静态和动态准确度的测定  (Acceptance tests for CODOWN2- laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting - Measurement of static and dynamic accuracy)
 BS EN ISO 15616-3-2003  高质量焊接和切割用CO2激光射线机的验收试验.气体流量和压力测量仪的校正  (Acceptance tests for CODOWN2- laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting - Calibration of instruments for measurement of gas flow and pressure)
 BS EN ISO 15618-1-2002  水下焊接焊工的资格鉴定测试.高压湿法焊接的潜水焊工  (Qualification testing of welders for under-water welding - Diver-welders for hyperbaric wet welding)
 BS EN ISO 15618-2-2002  水下焊接焊工的资格鉴定测试.高压干法焊接的潜水焊工和焊接操作者  (Qualification testing of welders for under-water welding - Diver-welders and welding operators for hyperbaric dry welding)
 BS EN ISO 1562-1995  牙科用铸造金合金  (Dental casting gold alloys)
 BS EN ISO 1562-2004  牙科.铸造金合金  
 BS EN ISO 15620-2000  焊接.金属材料裂缝焊接  (Welding - Friction welding of metallic materials)
 BS EN ISO 15630-1-2002  混凝土的钢筋和预应力用钢.试验方法.加筋棒、钢丝杆和钢丝  (Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire)
 BS EN ISO 1564-1999  水化牙科琼脂基印模材料  (Dental aqueous impression materials based on agar)
 BS EN ISO 15641-2001  高速切削机床用铣刀.安全要求  (Milling cutters for high speed machining - Safety requirements)
 BS EN ISO 15652-2005  小型船舶.小型喷水推进艇舱内用遥控操纵系统  
 BS EN ISO 15667-2000  声学.由外壳和舱室控制的噪音控制指南  (Acoustics - Guidelines for noise control by enclosures and cabins)
 BS EN ISO 1567-2001  牙科学.假牙基料聚合物  (Dentistry - Denture base polymers)
 BS EN ISO 15681-1-2004  水质.用流量分析(FIA/CFA)测定正磷酸盐和总磷含量.流量注入分析法(FIA)  
 BS EN ISO 15681-2-2004  水质.用流量分析(FIA/CFA)测定正磷酸盐和总磷含量.连续流量分析方法(CFA)  
 BS EN ISO 15695-2001  釉层和搪瓷.搪瓷涂层耐划痕性的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of scratch resistance of enamel finishes)
 BS EN ISO 15700-1999  皮革.色牢度试验.耐水斑点色牢度  (Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to water spotting)
 BS EN ISO 15701-1999  皮革.色牢度试验.受聚氯乙烯影响的色牢度  (Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to migration into plasticized poly (vinyl chloride))
 BS EN ISO 15702-2000  皮革.色牢度试验.机洗对色牢度的影响  (Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to machine washing)
 BS EN ISO 15703-1999  皮革.色牢度试验.轻柔洗涤对色牢度的影响  (Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to mild washing)
 BS EN ISO 15711-2005  色漆和清漆.曝露于海水中覆层耐阴极解粘合作用的测定  
 BS EN ISO 15720-2001  金属涂层.孔隙率试验.胶材料电谱法测定金属衬底上金和钯涂层的孔隙率  (Metallic coatings - Porosity tests - Porosity in gold or palladium coatings on metal substrates by gel-bulk electrography)
 BS EN ISO 15721-2001  金属涂层.孔隙率试验.用亚硫酸和二氧化硫蒸汽对金和钯涂层孔隙率的测定  (Metallic coatings - Porosity tests - Porosity in gold or palladium coatings by sulfurous acid/sulfur dioxide vapour)
 BS EN ISO 15744-2002  手持非电动工具.噪声测量代码.工程法(2级)  (Hand-held non-electric power tools - Noise measurement code - Engineering method (grade 2))
 BS EN ISO 15748-1-2002  船和造船技术.船上用小型水站和造船结构.计划和设计  (Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Planning and design)
 BS EN ISO 15748-2-2002  船和造船技术.船上用小型水站和造船结构.计算方法  (Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Method of calculation)
 BS EN ISO 15749-1-2004  船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上结构物的排水系统.卫生排水系统设计  
 BS EN ISO 15749-2-2004  船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上结构物的排水系统.重力系统用卫生排水和排水管道  
 BS EN ISO 15749-3-2004  船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上结构物的排水系统.真空系统用卫生排水和排水管道  
 BS EN ISO 15749-4-2004  船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上结构物的排水系统.卫生排水和污水处理管  
 BS EN ISO 15749-5-2004  船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上结构物的排水系统.甲板、货舱和游泳池的排水  
 BS EN ISO 15755-2000  纸和纸板.对比估计  (Paper and board - Estimation of contraries)
 BS EN ISO 15761-2003  石油和天然气工业用尺寸为DN 100及更小的钢闸阀、球阀和止回阀  (Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries)
 BS EN ISO 15783-2003  无密封旋转动力泵.II级.规范  (Seal-less rotodynamic pumps - Class II - Specification)
 BS EN ISO 15785-2002  技术制图.符号编写和加压粘合叠层连接件  (Technical drawings - Symbolic presentation and indication of adhesive fold and pressed joints)
 BS EN ISO 15788-2-2004  动植物脂肪和油.植物油中豆固醇的测定.高效液相色谱分析法  
 BS EN ISO 15788-2-2004  动植物脂肪和油.植物油中豆固醇的测定.高效液相色谱分析法  
 BS EN ISO 15798-2001  眼科植入物.黏弹性眼科植入装置  (Ophthalmic implants - Ophthalmic viscosurgical devices)
 BS EN ISO 1580-1994  开槽平头螺钉.A级产品  (Slotted pan head screws - Product grade A)
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宽天下翻译公司 版权所有 2008