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 ANSI/BSR/IEEE 1434-2000  旋转电机内局部放电测量指南(试验使用的标准-非美国国家标准)  Trial-Use Guide to the Measurement of Partial Discharges in Rotating Machinery (TRIAL USE STANDARD - NOT AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD)
 ANSI/SBS 1-2004  小型板.脚印图尺寸  
 ANSI/SBS 1-2004  小型板.“脚印图“尺寸  (Microplates - Footprint Dimensions )
 ANSI/SBS 2-2004  小型板.高度尺寸  
 ANSI/SBS 2-2004  小型板.高度尺寸  (Microplates - Height Dimensions )
 ANSI/SBS 3-2004  小型板.底部外缘尺寸  
 ANSI/SBS 3-2004  小型板.底部外缘尺寸  (Microplates - Bottom Outside Flange Dimensions )
 ANSI/SBS 4-2004  小型板.井位置  
 ANSI/SBS 4-2004  小型板.井位置  (Microplates - Well Positions )
 BS 0-1-1997  标准化用的标准.内容,宗旨和一般原则的指南  (A standard for standards - Guide to the context, aims and general principles)
 BS 0-2-1997  标准化用的标准.对委员会规程的建议  A standard for standards - Recommendations for committee procedures
 BS 0-3-1997  标准化用的标准.设计,草图和表示说明的规范  A standard for standards - Specification for structure, drafting and presentation
 BS 10-1962  管子、阀门和附件用的法兰和螺栓连接规范  (Specification for flanges and bolting for pipes, valves, and fittings)
 BS 1000 Aux 1e (71+73)-2001  国际十进分类法.全英文版.辅助表1e(71+73).加拿大和美国地区用通用辅件.扩展版本  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Auxiliary table 1e (71+73) - Common auxiliaries of place for Canada and the United States of America - Extended edition
 BS 1000 Auxiliaries 1e [41/435  国际十进分类法.英语全版本.国际十进分类法.英国和德国用辅助表格IE(41/435)和普通数位辅助件.扩展版本  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Universal Decimal Classification - Auxiliary table 1e (41/435), Common auxiliaries of place for United Kingdom and Germany - Extended edition)
 BS 1000 Auxiliaries 1e [41/435]-1999  国际十进分类法.英语全版本.国际十进分类法.英国和德国用辅助表格IE(41/435)和普通数位辅助件.扩展版本  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Universal Decimal Classification - Auxiliary table 1e (41/435), Common auxiliaries of place for United Kingdom and Germany - Extended edition
 BS 1000M Supplement No. 3-1997  国际十进分类法.国际媒介版本.英文文献.第二版.补充件1和2  Universal Decimal Classification - International Medium Edition - English text - Edition 2. Cumulating supplements nos. 1 and 2
 BS 1000M-1-1994  国际十进分类法.国际版中表.英文本.第2部分:体系表  (Universal Decimal Classification - International Medium Edition - English text - Edition 2. Systematic tables)
 BS 1000M-2-1994  国际十进分类法.国际版中表.英文本.第2部分:字顺主题索引  Universal Decimal Classification - International Medium Edition - English text - Edition 2. Alphabetical subject index
 BS 1000[5/50]-1983  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.一般精密科学.自然界研究.保护.环境科学  Universal Decimal Classification. English full edition. Exact sciences in general. Nature study. Conservation. Environmental sciences
 BS 1000[52]-1977  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.天文学.天体物理学.空间研究.测地学  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Astronomy - Astrophysics - Space research - Geodesy
 BS 1000[53]-1974  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.物理学  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Physics)
 BS 1000[55]-1982  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.地球科学.地质学.地球物理学  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Earth sciences - Geology - Geophysics
 BS 1000[57]-1979  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.一般生物科学.病毒学.微生物学  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Biological sciences in general - Virology - Microbiology)
 BS 1000[613]-1980  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.普通卫生学.人体保健与卫生  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Hygiene generally - Personal health and hygiene)
 BS 1000[614]-1990  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.公共卫生.事故预防  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Public health and hygiene - Accident prevention)
 BS 1000[615]-1979  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.制药学.治疗学.毒理学  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Pharmaceutics - Therapeutics - Toxicology)
 BS 1000[62/62-9]-1986  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.一般工程、技术.机械、设备、工厂、工序和产品的特性与检测  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Engineering, technology in general - Characteristics and details of machines, equipment, plant, processes and products)
 BS 1000[620]-1990  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.材料试验.商业材料.电站.能源经济学  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Materials testing - Commercial materials - Power stations - Economics of energy)
 BS 1000[621.1/.22]-1984  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.普通热力发动机.蒸汽动力.蒸汽发动机.锅炉.水能.液力  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Heat engines in general - Steam power - Steam engines - Boilers - Water power - Hydraulic energy)
 BS 1000[621.3]-1989  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.电气工程  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Electrical engineering)
 BS 1000[621.4]-1976  国际十进位分类法.英文版全表.热力发动机(蒸气发动机除外)  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Heat engines (other than steam engines))
 BS 1000[621.8]-1995  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.机械零件.机械动力传递.材料搬运.紧固件.润滑  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Machine elements - Motive power engineering - Materials handling - Fixings - Lubrication)
 BS 1000[621.9]-1976  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.切屑成形机械加工.切削、磨削、钣金加工等  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Working, machining with chip formation - Cutting, grinding, sheet working etc.)
 BS 1000[622]-1979  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.矿业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Mining)
 BS 1000[623]-1974  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.军事工程  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Military engineering)
 BS 1000[624]-1981  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.一般土木建筑工程  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Civil and structural engineering in general)
 BS 1000[625]-1976  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.陆地运输土木工程.铁路工程.公路工程  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Civil engineering of land transport - Railway engineering - Highway engineering)
 BS 1000[626/627]-1977  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.水利建筑工程  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Hydraulic (water) construction works
 BS 1000[628]-1982  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.公共卫生工程.水.照明工程  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Public health engineering - Water - Illuminating engineering)
 BS 1000[63/632]-1981  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.一般农业.林业.植物伤害、病害和虫害、植物保护  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Agriculture in general - Forestry - Plant injuries, diseases and pests - Plant protection)
 BS 1000[633/635]-1985  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.特种作物.园艺  (Universal Decimal Classification. English full edition. Specific crops. Horticulture)
 BS 1000[64]-1984  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.家政学  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Home economics)
 BS 1000[654]-1983  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.电信和遥控(组织、服务)  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Telecommunication and telecontrol (organization, services))
 BS 1000[655]-1986  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.印刷工业.印刷.出版.图书发行  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Graphic industries - Printing - Publishing - Book trade
 BS 1000[656]-1982  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.运输及邮政业务.交通组织与控制  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Transport and postal services - Traffic organization and control)
 BS 1000[662]-1983  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.炸药.燃料  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Explosives - Fuels
 BS 1000[663]-1985  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.工业微生物学.工业真菌学.发酵业.饮料业.烟酒业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Industrial microbiology - Industrial mycology - Fermentation industry - Beverage industry - Stimulant industry)
 BS 1000[664]-1985  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.固体食品的制备和保存  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Preparation and preservation of solid foodstuffs)
 BS 1000[665]-1979  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.油.脂肪.蜡.胶粘剂.胶.树脂  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Oils - Fats - Waxes - Adhesives - Gums - Resins)
 BS 1000[666]-1984  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.玻璃工业.陶瓷.水泥和混凝土  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Glass industry - Ceramics - Cement and concrete)
 BS 1000[667]-1979  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.染色工业(染料、油墨、涂料等)  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Colour industries (dyes, inks, paints etc.))
 BS 1000[669]-1986  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.冶金  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Metallurgy)
 BS 1000[675]-1983  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.皮革工业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Leather industry)
 BS 1000[676]-1984  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.造纸工业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Paper industry)
 BS 1000[677]-1981  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.纺织工业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Textile industry)
 BS 1000[678]-1981  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.高分子材料工业.橡胶.塑料  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Industries based on macromolecular materials - Rubbers - Plastics)
 BS 1000[679]-1983  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.各种加工材料工业.缆绳和绳索工业.石料工业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Industries based on various processable materials - Cable and cordage industries - Stone industry)
 BS 1000[681.5]-1976  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.自动控制工程  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Automatic control engineering)
 BS 1000[681.6]-1989  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.图形复印机和设备  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Graphic reproduction machines and equipment)
 BS 1000[681.7]-1975  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.光学设备和仪器  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Optical apparatus and instruments)
 BS 1000[684]-1979  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.家具和有关工业  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Furniture and allied industries)
 BS 1000[687]-1984  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.服装工业.美容业  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Clothing industry - Beauty culture industries
 BS 1000[688/689]-1980  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.花式货品.玩具.业余消遣用器具  (Universal Decimal Classification. English full edition. Fancy goods. Toys. Hobbies)
 BS 1000[69]-1981  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.建筑  (Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Building)
 BS 1000[71]-1976  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.城乡规划  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Physical planning
 BS 1000[72]-1975  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.建筑学  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Architecture
 BS 1000[73/76]-1977  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.各种艺术品和工艺品  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Various arts and crafts
 BS 1000[77]-1986  国际十进分类法.英文版全表.摄影术和类似技术  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Photography and similar processes
 BS 1000[8]-1993  国际十进分类法.英文全版.语言.语言学.文学  Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Language - Linguistics - Literature
 BS 1006 A01-1961  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.标准深度.无光泽  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Standard depths: matt
 BS 1006 A02-1990  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.评定色变化用灰色分级卡(含半色级)  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Grey scale for assessing change in colour (including half-steps)
 BS 1006 A03-1961  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.评定染斑用灰色分级卡(含半色级)  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Grey scale for assessing staining (including half-steps)
 BS 1006 B01C LFS1-1982  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第1号参照标准  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 1
 BS 1006 B01C LFS2-1985  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第2号参照标准  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 2
 BS 1006 B01C LFS3-1989  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第3号参照标准  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 3
 BS 1006 B01C LFS4-1990  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第4号参照标准  Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 4
 BS 1006 B01C LFS5-1988  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第5号参照标准  (Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 5)
 BS 1006 B01C LFS6-1988  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第6号参照标准  (Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 6)
 BS 1006 B01C LFS7-1985  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第7号参照标准  (Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 7)
 BS 1006 B01C LFS8-1987  纺织品和皮革色牢度的试验方法.优级光泽羊毛标准.第8号参照标准  (Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather - Blue wool standards - Reference standard for no. 8)
 BS 1010-2-1973  给排水设施用排放旋塞和截止(旋压式)阀规范.第2部分:排放旋塞和地面上用截止阀  (Specification for draw-off taps and stopvalves for water services (screw-down pattern) - Draw-off taps and above-ground stopvalves)
 BS 1016-1-1973  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第1部分:煤的总含水量  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Total moisture of coal)
 BS 1016-10-1977  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第10部分:煤与焦炭中的砷  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Arsenic in coal and coke)
 BS 1016-100-1994  煤和焦炭的分析和测试方法.报告书写的一般引言和方法  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - General introduction and methods for reporting results)
 BS 1016-102-2000  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.焦炭总含水量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Determination of total moisture of coke)
 BS 1016-104.1-1999  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.近似分析.测定一般分析试验样品的潮湿度  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Proximate analysis - Determination of moisture content of the general analysis test sample)
 BS 1016-104.2-1991  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第104部分:近似分析.第2节:焦炭普通分析样品水分含量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Proximate analysis - Determination of moisture content of the general analysis sample of coke)
 BS 1016-104.3-1998  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.近似分析.挥发物含量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Proximate analysis - Determination of volatile matter content)
 BS 1016-104.4-1998  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.第104部分:近似分析.第4节:灰分含量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Proximate analysis - Determination of ash content)
 BS 1016-105-1992  煤和焦碳分析和试验方法.第105部分:总发热值测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Determination of gross calorific value)
 BS 1016-106.1.1-1996  =煤和焦碳的分析和试验方法.煤和焦碳的基本分析.碳和氢含量的测定.高温燃烧法  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of carbon and hydrogen content - High temperature combustion method)
 BS 1016-106.1.2-1996  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第106部分:李比希法  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Liebig method)
 BS 1016-106.2-1997  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第106部分:煤和焦炭的基本分析法.第2节:氮含量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of nitrogen content)
 BS 1016-106.4.1-1993  煤和焦炭的分析和测试方法.煤和焦炭的基本分析.总硫量的测定.艾氏卡(Eschka)法  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of total sulfur content - Eschka method)
 BS 1016-106.4.2-1996  煤和焦碳的分析和试验方法.煤和焦碳的基本分析.总硫含量的测定.高温燃烧法  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of total sulfur content - High temperature combustion method)
 BS 1016-106.5-1996  煤和焦碳的分析和试验方法.煤和焦碳的基本分析.煤中硫的存在形式的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of forms of sulfur in coal)
 BS 1016-106.6.1-1997  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.煤和焦炭的基本分析.氯含量的测定.埃斯凯(Eschkal)法  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of chlorine content - Eschka method)
 BS 1016-106.7-1997  煤和焦碳分析和试验方法.第106部分:煤和焦碳的基本分析.第7节:碳酸盐碳含量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal and coke - Determination of carbonate carbon content)
 BS 1016-107.1-1991  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.第107部分:煤的结块性和膨胀性.第1节:煤的坩埚膨胀指数的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Caking and swelling properties of coal - Determination of crucible swelling number)
 BS 1016-107.2-1991  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.第107部分:煤的结块性和膨胀性.第2节:用Gray-king焦炭试验法对煤的结块力的评定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Caking and swelling properties of coal - Assessment of caking power by Gray-King coke test)
 BS 1016-107.3-1990  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第107部分:煤的粘结性和膨胀性.第3节:用膨胀仪器测定膨胀性  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Caking and swelling properties of coal - Determination of swelling properties using a dilatometer)
 BS 1016-108.1-1996  煤和焦碳的分析和试验方法.焦碳的特殊试验.粉碎指数测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Tests special to coke - Determination of shatter indices)
 BS 1016-108.2-1992  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第108部分:焦炭的专门试验.第2节:米库姆转鼓系数(Micum)和延性铁冶炼系数(Irsid)  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Tests special to coke - Determination of Micum and Irsid indices)
 BS 1016-108.3-1995  煤和焦炭的试验和分析方法.焦炭的试验.用小型容器测定容积密度  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Tests special to coke - Determination of bulk density (small container))
 BS 1016-108.4-1995  煤和焦炭的试验和分析方法.焦炭的试验.大容器内容积密度的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Tests special to coke - Determination of bulk density (large container))
 BS 1016-108.5-1992  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第108部分:焦炭的试验.第5节:密度和疏松度的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Tests special to coke - Determination of density and porosity)
 BS 1016-108.6-1992  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第108部分:焦炭试验.第6节:临界鼓风值的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Tests special to coke - Determination of critical air blast value)
 BS 1016-109-1995  煤和焦碳的分析试验方法.煤粘度分析  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Size analysis of coal)
 BS 1016-110.1-1996  煤和焦碳的分析和试验方法.焦碳的尺寸分析.大于20mm的标准尺寸  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Size analysis of coke - Nominal top size greater than 20 mm)
 BS 1016-110.2-1996  煤和焦碳的分析和试验方法.焦碳的尺寸分析.等于或小于20mm的标准尺寸  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Size analysis of coke - Nominal top size 20 mm or less)
 BS 1016-111-1998  煤和焦炭的分析和试验方法.煤磨蚀系数的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Determination of abrasion index of coal)
 BS 1016-112-1995  硬煤.第112部分:哈氏(Hardgrove)可磨性指数的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Determination of Hardgrove grindability index of hard coal)
 BS 1016-113-1995  煤和焦炭的分析和检验方法.煤灰熔融性的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Determination of ash fusibility)
 BS 1016-14-1963  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第14部分:煤灰与焦炭灰的分析  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Analysis of coal ash and coke ash)
 BS 1016-21-1981  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第21部分:无烟煤的最大持水量的测定  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Determination of moisture-holding capacity of hard coal)
 BS 1016-9-1977  煤和焦炭的分析与试验方法.第9部分:煤与焦炭中的磷  (Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Phosphorus in coal and coke)
 BS 10175-2001  潜在污染地的勘测.实施规程  (Investigation of potentially contaminated sites - Code of practice)
 BS 1041-2.1-1985  温度测量.膨胀式温度计.玻管液体温度计的选择和使用指南  (Code for temperature measurement - Expansion thermometers - Guide to selection and use of liquid-in-glass thermometers)
 BS 1041-2.2-1990  温度测量规则.第2部分:膨胀式温度计.第2节:刻度盘型膨胀式温度计的选择和使用指南  (Code for temperature measurement - Expansion thermometers - Guide to selection and use of dial-type expansion thermometers)
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