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 BS 7425-2-1991  研磨粒料.测定毛细管作用的方法  (Abrasive grains - Method for determining the capillarity)
 BS 7425-3-1993  研磨粒料.第3部分:取样和破碎方法  (Abrasive grains - Method for sampling and splitting)
 BS 7425-4-1993  研磨粒料.第4部分:试验筛分机规范  (Abrasive grains - Specification for test-sieving machines)
 BS 7427-1991  纸和纸板二氧化钛含量测定方法  (Method for determination of titanium dioxide content of paper and board)
 BS 7429-1992  教学和训练用电视接收机和监视器规范  (Specification for television receivers and monitors for use in education and training)
 BS 7430-1998  接地实施规程  (Code of practice for earthing)
 BS 7431-1991  太阳能热水器评定法.过滤器、连接管和配件用弹性材料  (Method for assessing solar water heaters - Elastomeric materials for absorbers, connecting pipes and fittings)
 BS 7435-1-1991  纤维加强水泥管道、配件和接头.轻质纤维增强水泥管道.配件和接头规范  (Fibre cement flue pipes, fittings and terminals - Specification for light quality fibre cement flue pipes, fittings and terminals)
 BS 7435-2-1991  纤维加强水泥管道、配件和接头.重质纤维增强水泥管道.配件和接头规范  (Fibre cement flue pipes, fittings and terminals - Specification for heavy quality fibre cement flue pipes, fittings and terminals)
 BS 7436-1996  农用拖拉机和附件间的数据传输(数据总线协议)  (Specification for data transfer between agricultural tractors and attached machinery (data bus protocol))
 BS 7438-1991  弹簧加载型钢和铜合金单盘压片止回阀规范  (Specification for steel and copper alloy wafer check valves, single-disk, spring-loaded type)
 BS 7439-1991  机械系统冲击阻抗的分析评估信息交换  (Method for exchange of information for the analytical assessment of shock resistance of mechanical systems)
 BS 7440-1991  对照标准日温计校准现场使用日温计的方法  (Method for calibrating field pyrheliometers by comparison to a reference pyrheliometer)
 BS 7442-0-1991  橡胶或塑料被覆的辊子.第0部分:绪论  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Introduction)
 BS 7442-1-1991  橡胶或塑料被覆辊子.术语词汇  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Glossary of terms)
 BS 7442-2-1991  橡胶或塑料被覆的辊子.第2部分:由购买者提供的技术信息的推荐  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Recommendations for technical information to be provided by the purchaser)
 BS 7442-3.1-1998  橡胶或塑料包覆的辊轴.试验方法.表观硬度的测定(IRHD方法)  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Method of test - Determination of apparent hardness (IRHD method))
 BS 7442-3.2-1991  橡胶或塑料涂覆滚子.第3部分:试验方法.第2节:肖氏(SHORE)硬度的测定  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Method of test - Determination of Shore hardness)
 BS 7442-3.3-1992  橡胶或塑料被覆的辊子.第3部分:试验方法.第3节:用普西和琼斯法测定表面硬度  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Method of test - Determination of apparent hardness by the Pusey and Jones method)
 BS 7442-4.1-1992  橡胶或塑料包覆的滚子要求.表观硬度规范  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Requirements - Specification for apparent hardness)
 BS 7442-4.2-1994  橡胶或塑料包覆滚子.要求.表面精整分类  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Requirements - Classification by surface finish)
 BS 7442-4.3-1993  橡胶或塑料包覆滚子.第4部分:要求.第3节:尺寸公差规范  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers - Requirements - Specification for dimensional tolerances)
 BS 7444-1991  (4A型的)分子筛规范  (Specification for molecular sieves (of type 4A))
 BS 7445-1-2003  环境噪声的描述和测量.量值和程序指南  (Description and measurement of environmental noise - Guide to quantities and procedures)
 BS 7445-2-1991  环境噪声的描述和测量.陆地用数据获得指南  (Description and measurement of environmental noise - Guide to the acquisition of data pertinent to land use)
 BS 7445-3-1991  环境噪声的描述和测量.噪声极限应用指南  (Description and measurement of environmental noise - Guide to application to noise limits)
 BS 7446-1991  涂料用铬酸铝颜料和铬酸铅-钼酸盐颜料规范  (Specification for lead chromate pigments and lead chromate-molybdate pigments for paints)
 BS 7448-2-1997  断裂机械韧性试验.第2部分:金属材料焊接的K  (Fracture mechanics toughness tests - Method for determination of KDOWNIDOWNc, critical CTOD and critical J values of welds in metallic materials)
 BS 7448-4-1997  断裂机械韧性试验. 断裂抗性弯曲度和金属材料稳定裂痕延伸性初始值的测定方法  (Fracture mechanics toughness tests - Method for determination of fracture resistance curves and initiation values for stable crack extension in metallic materials)
 BS 7449-1991  桌子和小车外的家俱结构中的玻璃规范.包括小柜,搁架和墙上悬挂或落地式镜子  (Specification for inclusion of glass in the construction of furniture, other than tables or trolleys, including cabinets, shelving systems and wall hung or free standing mirrors)
 BS 7450-1991  动力电缆尺寸最经济值的确定方法  (Method for determination of economic optimization of power cable size)
 BS 7451-1991  装钉档案用皮革规范  (Specification for archival quality bookbinding leather)
 BS 7452-1991  隔离变压器、自耦变压器、可变变压器和电抗器规范  (Specification for separating transformers, autotransformers, variable transformers and reactors)
 BS 7453-1-1991  开放系统标准英国(UK)注册规程.第1部分:英国(UK)名称注册管理局规程  (Procedures for UK registration for Open Systems standards - Procedures for the UK Name Registration Authority)
 BS 7454-1991  计及非绝热效应的允许热短路电流的计算方法  (Method for calculation of thermally permissible short-circuit currents, taking into account non-adiabatic heating effects)
 BS 7455-1-1991  镍合金的分析.用火焰原子吸收光谱分析法.一般要求和样件的熔化  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - General requirements and sample dissolution)
 BS 7455-2-1991  镍合金的分析.用火焰原子吸收光谱分析法.钴的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for the determination of cobalt)
 BS 7455-3-1991  镍合金的分析.用火焰原子吸收光谱分析法.铬的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for the determination of chromium)
 BS 7455-4-1991  镍合金的分析.用火焰原子吸收光谱分析法.铜的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for the determination of copper)
 BS 7455-5-1991  镍合金的分析.用火焰原子吸收光谱分析法.铁的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for the determination of iron)
 BS 7455-6-1991  镍合金的分析.用火焰原子吸收光谱分析法.锰的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for the determination of manganese)
 BS 7455-7-1992  用火焰原子吸收光谱测定法对镍合金的分析.第7部分:铝含量的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for determination of aluminium)
 BS 7455-8-1992  用火焰原子吸收光谱测定法对镍合金的分析.第8部分:硅的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for determination of silicon)
 BS 7455-9-1994  用火焰原子吸收光谱仪分析镍合金.第9部分:钒含量的测定方法  (Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for determination of vanadium)
 BS 7456-1991  充以聚氨基甲酸(乙)酯(检纯)泡沫层的中空墙(带砌体成内外层分开的混凝土)的隔热和稳定性实用规范  (Code of practice for stabilization and thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves) by filling with polyurethane (PUR) foam systems)
 BS 7457-1994  适用于具有砌体成内外层分离的混凝土的中空墙壁隔热和稳定性的聚氨基甲酸(乙)酯(检纯)泡沫层规范  (Specification for polyurethane (PUR) foam systems suitable for stabilization and thermal insulation of cavity walls with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves)
 BS 7459-1-1995  灌溉设备的旋转喷洒头.设计和使用要求规范  (Rotating sprinklers for irrigation equipment - Specification for design and operational requirements)
 BS 7459-2-1991  灌溉设置的旋转喷洒头.第2部分:散布均匀性的试验方法  (Rotating sprinklers for irrigation equipment - Methods of test for uniformity of distribution)
 BS 746-1987  燃气表活接头与接合器规范  (Specification for gas meter unions and adaptors)
 BS 7460-1991  用于医院里地毯和软地板覆层的喷射物吸除机器的实用规程  (Code of practice for use of spray extraction machines on carpets and soft floor coverings in hospitals)
 BS 7461-1991  带有流量调节器、闭路开关指示、闭合位置指示器开关或气流量控制的电动自动气体截止阀规范  (Specification for electrically operated automatic gas shut-off valves fitted with throughput adjusters, proof of closure switches, closed position indicator switches or gas flow control)
 BS 7462-1991  家用燃气灶具电气安全规范  (Specification for electrical safety of domestic gas appliances)
 BS 7463-1-1991  纸、纸板和纸浆的纤维配料分析.第1部分:一般方法  Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - General method
 BS 7463-2-1991  纸、纸板和纸浆的纤维配料分析.第2部分:染色指南  (Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - Guide to staining)
 BS 7463-3-1991  纸、纸板和纸浆的纤维配料分析.第3部分:用赫芝伯格染色试验法  (Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - Method of test by Herzberg stain)
 BS 7463-4-1991  纸、纸板和纸浆的纤维配料分析.第4部分:用格拉弗’C’染色试验法  (Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - Method of test by Graff ’C’ stain)
 BS 7463-5-1991  纸、纸板和纸浆的纤维配料分析.第5部分:用劳夫顿-麦瑞特染色(章氏巴变化)试验法  (Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - Method of test by Lofton-Merritt stain (Wisbar modification))
 BS 7463-6-1995  纸,纸板和纸浆纤维配料分析.纤维粗度的测定  (Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - Determination of fibre coarseness)
 BS 7463-7-1995  纸,纸板和纸浆纤维配料分析.重量因数的测定  (Fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and pulps - Determination of weight factors)
 BS 7464-1991  移动式海上装置的起锚绞车规范  (Specification for anchor winches for mobile offshore units)
 BS 7465-1991  舷窗和侧面小舱口的术语词汇  (Glossary of terms for ships windows and side scuttles)
 BS 7467-1991  造船和航海技术用计算机应用的符号规范  (Specification for symbols for computer applications in ship building and marine technology)
 BS 7469-1-1991  耐火结构窗和侧面小舱口规范,B级划分  (Specification for windows and side scuttles for fire-resistant constructions - B class divisions)
 BS 747-2000  屋面增强沥青毡规范  (Reinforced bitumen sheets for roofing - Specification)
 BS 7470-1991  船用清晰可见度萤光屏规范  (Specification for clear-view screens for use in ships)
 BS 7471-1991  停泊绞车规范  (Specification for mooring winches)
 BS 7472-1991  全系列船载驳船规范  (Classification for shipborne barges of all series)
 BS 7476-1991  覆盖青贮饲料用聚乙烯薄膜规范  (Specification for polyethylene film for covering silage)
 BS 7478-1991  恒温散热器阀的选择和使用指南  (Guide to selection and use of thermostatic radiator valves)
 BS 7479-1991  人造大气中耐盐雾腐蚀试验  (Method for salt spray corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres)
 BS 748-1982  血细胞计数器和微粒计数腔规范  (Specification for haemacytometer and particle counting chambers)
 BS 7480-1992  安全密封圈的规范  (Specification for security seals)
 BS 7481-1992  铅酸起动器蓄电池组用的通风系统和屏蔽试验实用规程  (Code of practice for testing venting systems and shields for lead-acid starter batteries)
 BS 7482-1-1991  人承受振动的测量仪表.应用于人的振动测量仪表规范  (Instrumentation for the measurement of vibration exposure of human beings - Specification for general requirements for instrumentation for measuring the vibration applied to human beings)
 BS 7482-2-1991  人承受振动的测量仪表.传动到手的振动测量仪表规范  (Instrumentation for the measurement of vibration exposure of human beings - Specification for instrumentation for measuring vibration transmitted to the hand)
 BS 7482-3-1991  人承受振动的测量仪表.全身承受振动的测量仪表规范  (Instrumentation for the measurement of vibration exposure of human beings - Specification for instrumentation for measuring vibration exposure to the whole body)
 BS 7484-1991  低频导线分布和公共供电系统中的信号的电磁环境导则  (Guide to electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems)
 BS 7486-1-1991  使用β格式12.65mm(0.5in)磁带的螺旋扫描盒式录像系统规范.FM音频录制.625行-50区域系统  (Specification for helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12.65 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape on type Beta format - FM audio recording - 625 line-50 field systems)
 BS 7488-1991  灌装厂、仓库和零售处搬运装有碳酸软饮料或碳酸水的推荐方法  (Recommendations for handling glass bottles, containing carbonated soft drinks or carbonated water, in filling plants, warehouses, and retailers’ premises)
 BS 749-1969  下部进料自动加煤机规范  (Specification for underfeed stokers)
 BS 7494-1-1991  电力系统远程保护设备的性能和试验.第1部分:窄带指挥系统规范  (Performance and testing of teleprotection equipment of power systems - Specification for narrow-band command systems)
 BS 7494-2-1993  电力系统远程保护设备的性能和测试.第2部分:模拟比较系统  (Performance and testing of teleprotection equipment of power systems - Analogue comparison system)
 BS 7497-1992  刚性担架规范  (Specification for rigid stretchers)
 BS 7499-2002  站岗和巡逻工作实施规程  (Static site guarding and mobile patrol services - Code of practice)
 BS 750-1984  地下消防栓和地面操纵器箱框架以及盖规范  (Specification for underground fire hydrants and surface box frames and covers)
 BS 7500-1995  再循环纸板作标记规范  (Specification for marking of recycled paper board)
 BS 7502-1989  实验室试验评定通则  (General criteria for the assessment of testing laboratories)
 BS 7504-1995  液压传动.25 MPa 和40 MPa(250 巴 和400 巴)压力用四个螺钉,一片四方形法兰连接器  (hydraulic fluid power - Four-screw, one-piece square flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar))
 BS 7505-1995  带状、无粘着性、可伸展的纺织绷带弹性的规范  (Specification for the elastic properties of flat, non-adhesive, extensible fabric bandages)
 BS 7506-1-1995  静电学的测量方法.基本静电学指南  (Methods for measurement in electrostatics - Guide to basic electrostatics)
 BS 7506-2-1996  静电测量方法.试验方法  (Methods for measurement in electrostatics - Test methods)
 BS 7507-1995  用作缝线和其它外科用的可锻导线的规范  (Specification for malleable wires for use as sutures and other surgical applications)
 BS 751-1992  平底铁路钢轨用钢底板规范  (Specification for steel baseplates for flat bottom railway rails)
 BS 7515-1995  辐射防护装置.矿井快速测量用便携式α能量计  (Radiation protection instrumentation - Portable potential alpha energy meter for rapid measurements in mines)
 BS 7516-1995  核仪器.液态闪烁计数系统.性能鉴定  (Nuclear instrumentation - Liquid-scintillation counting systems - Performance verification)
 BS 7517-1995  核电站.控制室.操作者控制  (Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Operator controls)
 BS 7518-1995  辐射防护装置.环境监测用测量X射线或γ射线的便携式、可移动或者固定安装的设备.集成组装  (Radiation protection instrumentation - Portable, transportable or installed equipment to measure x or gamma radiation for environmental monitoring - Integrating assemblies)
 BS 7519-1995  机械振动.平衡试验机及有关仪器用符号  (Mechanical vibration - Symbols for balancing and associated instrumentation)
 BS 7520-1995  带电作业工具的质量保证规划指南  (Guide to quality assurance plans for tools for live working)
 BS 7521-1992  为在英国采用ISO/IEC 10021标准的电文通信规范  (Specification for electronic messaging enabling the application of BS ISO/IEC 10021 in the United Kingdom)
 BS 7523-1991  管道热绝缘用预成形多孔聚乙烯材料规范  (Specification for preformed cellular polyethylene (PE) materials for the thermal insulation of pipework)
 BS 7524-1991  社会报警装置文献的实用规程  (Code of practice for documentation for social alarm systems)
 BS 7525-1992  内燃机用空气滤清器件的可燃性规范  (Specification for flammability of air cleaner elements for internal combustion engines)
 BS 7527-2.1-1991  环境条件的分类.大自然中的环境条件.温度和湿度  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Temperature and humidity)
 BS 7527-2.2-1991  环境条件分类.第2部分:大自然中出现的环境条件.第2节:降雨量和风力  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Precipitation and wind)
 BS 7527-2.3-1991  环境条件分类.第2部分:大自然中出现的环境条件.第3节:大气压力  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Air pressure)
 BS 7527-2.4-1991  环境条件分类.第2部分:大自然中出现的环境条件.第4节:太阳辐射和温度  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Solar radiation and temperature)
 BS 7527-2.5-1991  环境条件分类.大自然中的环境条件.灰尘、沙、盐雾  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Dust, sand, salt mist)
 BS 7527-2.6-1991  环境条件分类.第2部分:大自然中出现的环境条件.第6节:地震震动和冲击  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Earthquake vibration and shock)
 BS 7527-2.7-1991  环境条件分类.第2部分:大自然中出现的环境条件.第7节:动植物群  (Classification of environmental conditions - Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Fauna and flora)
 BS 7529-1991  活性干燥粘土规范  (Specification for desiccant activated clay)
 BS 753-1987  硫酸水溶液密度-成份表  (Schedule for density-composition tables for aqueous solutions of sulphuric acid)
 BS 7530-1-1992  硬煤泡沫浮选试验方法.第1部分:实验室规程  (Methods for froth flotation testing of hard coal - Laboratory procedure)
 BS 7530-2-1995  硬煤泡沫浮选试验方法.浮选性的评定  (Methods for froth flotation testing of hard coal - Evaluation of flotation characteristics)
 BS 7531-1991  压缩的非石棉纤维垫片规范  (Specification for compressed non-asbestos fibre jointing)
 BS 7533-1-2001  用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面.粘土铺筑材料或预制混凝土铺筑块的重型路面结构的结构设计指南  (Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Guide for the structural design of heavy duty pavements constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks)
 BS 7533-10-2004  用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面.用天然石料建造的行车路面的结构设计指南  
 BS 7533-11-2003  用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面.混凝土、粘土和天然石路面的开口、维护及复原的实施规程  (Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Code of practice for the opening, maintenance and reinstatement of pavements of concrete, clay and natural stone)
 BS 7533-2-2001  用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面.粘土铺筑材料或预制混凝土铺筑块建造的轻型通行路面的结构设计  (Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Guide for the structural design of lightly trafficked pavements constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks)
 BS 7533-3-1997  粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料铺砌的道路结构.柔性路面用预制混凝土铺砌块料和粘土铺筑材料的实施规范  (Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements)
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宽天下翻译公司 版权所有 2008