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 BS 7225-2.2-1990  耐火材料分类.第2部分:不成型耐火材料制品.第2节:碱性制品  (Classification of refractories - Unshaped refractory products - Basic products)
 BS 7225-3.1-1990  耐火材料分类.第3部分:陶瓷纤维制品.第1节:覆盖层、底板、毡垫和纸  (Classification of refractories - Ceramic fibre products - Blankets, mats, felts and paper)
 BS 7227-1990  识别卡上按ISO 7812分配给英国的发行者识别卡号码位置的程序  (Procedures for the application of ISO 7812 to allocate UK Issuer Identification Numbers (UK IINs) for use on identification cards)
 BS 7228-6-1992  工业机器人.第6部分:安全的推荐方法  (Industrial robots - Recommendations for safety)
 BS 7230-1989  物品偷盗行为监视系统实用规程  (Code of practice for article theft detection systems)
 BS 7231-1-1990  从出生至16.9岁以下男孩和女孩的身体测量.第1部分:表格式资料  (Body measurements of boys and girls from birth up to 16.9 years - Information in the form of tables)
 BS 7231-2-1990  从出生至16.9岁以下男孩和女孩的身体测量.第2部分:小孩身体尺寸推荐规范  (Body measurements of boys and girls from birth up to 16.9 years - Recommendations of body dimensions for children)
 BS 7236-1989  医疗产品固体剂量装置用不能重新封闭的包封法实施规程  (Code of practice for non-reclosable packaging for solid dose units of medicinal products)
 BS 7237-1990  微处理机系统二进制浮点算法规范  (Specification for binary floating point arithmetic for microprocessor systems)
 BS 7238-1990  有关微处理机的术语词汇  (Glossary for terminology related to microprocessors)
 BS 7241-1990  IEC 827VSB 规范:IEC 821VME总线的平行分系统总线  (Specification for IEC 822 VSB: parallel sub-system bus of the IEC 821 VME bus)
 BS 7243-1-1989  耐火材料的原料.第1部分:取样方法  (Refractory raw materials - Method of sampling)
 BS 7244-1990  通用消焰器规范  (Specification for flame arresters for general use)
 BS 7245-1990  家庭用电子系统(HES)数字键盘规范  (Specification for numeric keyboard for home electronic systems (HES))
 BS 7246-1990  CSMA/DC 10M bits/S 地区网络的基带计划和安装指南  (Guide for local area networks CSMA/DC 10 M bits/s baseband planning and installation)
 BS 7247-1990  局部[区域]网络(LAN)特征导则  (Guide for characteristics of local area networks (LAN))
 BS 7250-1989  液压传动正排量泵和电动机导出量的测定方法  (Methods of determining the derived capacity of hydraulic fluid power positive displacement pumps and motors)
 BS 7251-1-1990  矫形外科关节假体.第1部分:一般技术要求  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Specification for general requirements)
 BS 7251-10-1992  矫形外科关节假体.第10部分:假髋关节有杆股骨组成部分的头和颈部的耐用性的测定方法  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Method of determination of endurance properties of the head and neck region of stemmed femoral components of hip joint prostheses)
 BS 7251-12-1995  矫形外科接合修复术.扭转用腿股部件的耐久规范  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Specification for endurance of stemmed femoral components with application of torsion)
 BS 7251-13-1995  关节矫形用假肢.头固定逆行股骨部件的抗扭曲力的测定方法  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Method for determination of resistance to torque of head fixation of stemmed femoral components)
 BS 7251-14-1998  整形关节修复术.分关节和总关节修复化合物.由金属,陶瓷和塑料材料制成的铰接表面  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Components for partial and total knee-joint prostheses - Articulating surfaces made of metal, ceramic and plastics materials)
 BS 7251-2-1995  矫形外科关节假体.部分和全部修补的膝关节用大腿骨的和胫骨尺寸分类、定义和命名规范  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Specification for classification, definitions and designation of dimensions of femoral and tibial components for partial and total knee joint prostheses)
 BS 7251-3-1997  矫形外科关节假体.第3部分:假髋关节分类尺寸和要求规范  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Specification for classification and designation of dimensions for hip joint prostheses)
 BS 7251-4-1997  矫形外科关节假体.第4部分:假髋关节表面联接用金属,陶瓷和塑料材料的规范  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Specification for articulating surfaces made of metallic, ceramic and plastics materials of hip joint prostheses)
 BS 7251-7-1990  矫形外科关节假体.髋关节模拟器指南  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Guide to hip joint simulators)
 BS 7251-8-1990  矫形外科关节假体.第8部分:假髋关节支撑面形状变化实验室评定指南  (Orthopaedic joint prostheses - Guide to laboratory evaluation of change of form of bearing surfaces of hip joint prostheses)
 BS 7252-1-1997  外科植入物用金属材料.可锻不锈钢规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought stainless steel)
 BS 7252-10-1997  外科植物入用金属材料.第10部分:煅钛5-铝2.5-铁合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought titanium 5-aluminium 2,5-iron alloy)
 BS 7252-11-1995  外科植入物.金属材料.第11部分:锻造6钛/7铝/铌合金  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought titanium 6-aluminium 7-niobium alloy)
 BS 7252-12-1997  外科植物入用金属材料.第12部分:煅制钴-铬-钼合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy)
 BS 7252-13-1997  外科植入物用金属材料.外科植入用非合金钽规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for unalloyed tantalum for surgical implant applications)
 BS 7252-3-1997  外科植入物用金属材料.锻制钛6铝4钒合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloy)
 BS 7252-4-1997  外科植入物用金属材料.第4部分:钴铬钼铸造合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for cobalt-chromium-molybdenum casting alloy)
 BS 7252-5-1994  外科植入物用金属材料.第5部分:可锻钴铬钨镍合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloy)
 BS 7252-6-1997  外科植入物用金属材料.可锻钴镍铬钼合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy)
 BS 7252-7-1994  外科植入物用金属材料.第7部分:钴铬镍钼铁合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for cobalt-chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloy)
 BS 7252-8-1997  外科植入物用金属材料.可锻钴镍铬钼钨铁合金规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten-iron alloy)
 BS 7252-9-1993  外科植物入用金属材料.第9部分:高氮不锈钢规范  (Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for high-nitrogen stainless steel)
 BS 7253-2-1997  外科植入物用非金属材料.高纯度氧化铝基陶瓷材料规范  (Non-metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for ceramic materials based on high purity alumina)
 BS 7253-3-1990  外科植入物用非金属材料.第3部分:热硫化硅弹性体制外科植入物规范  (Non-metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for surgical implants made of heat-vulcanized silicone elastomer)
 BS 7253-6-1997  外科植入非金属材料.钇稳定处理的四方形锆基陶瓷材料规范  (Non-metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for ceramic materials based on yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP))
 BS 7254-2-1990  矫形外科植入物.第2部分:材料和精加工通用技术要求规范  (Orthopaedic implants - Specification for general requirements for materials and finish)
 BS 7254-3-1990  矫形外科植入物.第3部分:维护和使用推荐规范  (Orthopaedic implants - Recommendations for care and handling)
 BS 7254-4-1990  矫形外科植入物.第4部分:外科植入物及有关组织的修补和检验的推荐规范  (Orthopaedic implants - Recommendations for retrieval and examination of implants and associated tissues)
 BS 7254-5-1990  矫形外科植入物.第5部分:由钴铬钼合金制成的铸件的生产规范  (Orthopaedic implants - Specification for production of castings made of cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy)
 BS 7254-6.2-1990  矫形外科植入物.锻件.锻件的确定方法  (Orthopaedic implants - Forgings - Method for specifying forgings)
 BS 7255-2001  在升降机上安全工作的实施规程  (Code of practice for safe working on lifts)
 BS 7256-1990  燃烧原木房间加热器规范  (Specification for roomheaters burning wood logs)
 BS 7258-1-1994  实验室通风柜橱.安全和性能规范  (Laboratory fume cupboards - Specification for safety and performance)
 BS 7258-2-1994  实验室通风柜橱.信息交换推荐方法和安装推荐方法  (Laboratory fume cupboards - Recommendations for the exchange of information and recommendations for installation)
 BS 7258-3-1994  实验室通风柜橱.选择、使用和维护推荐方法  (Laboratory fume cupboards - Recommendations for selection, use and maintenance)
 BS 7258-4-1994  实验室通风柜橱.实验室通风柜橱容积量的测量方法  (Laboratory fume cupboards - Method for determination of the containment value of a laboratory fume cupboard)
 BS 7262-1990  自动安全负载指示器规范  (Specification for automatic safe load indicators)
 BS 7263-1-2001  预制混凝土铺路板、路缘石、沟槽、镶边件和扇形板.预制,非加筋混凝土铺路板和相应配件.要求和试验方法  (Precast concrete flags, kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants - Precast, unreinforced concrete paving flags and complementary fittings - Requirements and test methods)
 BS 7263-3-2001  预制混凝土铺路板、路缘石、沟槽、镶边件和扇形板.预制,非加筋的铺路板,路缘石,沟槽,镶边件和扇形板.要求和  (Precast concrete flags, kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants - Precast, unreinforced concrete kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants - Requirements and test methods)
 BS 7264-2-1990  额定电压660V以上的交流电力系统用分路电容器.第2部分:耐久试验指南  (Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V. Guide to endurance testing)
 BS 7267-1990  开式系统互连:X2.5协作装置的操作指南  (Open systems interconnection: guide to operation of an X.25 interworking unit)
 BS 7269-1-1991  皮服耐干洗性.第1部分:保养标签的要求  (Drycleanability of leather garments - Specification for drycleanability and for appropriate care labels)
 BS 7269-2-1991  皮服耐干洗性.第2部分:评定方法  (Drycleanability of leather garments - Method for assessing drycleanability)
 BS 7270-1990  等幅应变控制式疲劳度试验方法  (Method for constant amplitude strain controlled fatigue testing)
 BS 7271-1990  接触和密闭紧固件规范  (Specification for touch and close fasteners)
 BS 7272-1998  书写工具和标记工具安全盖规范  (Specification for safety caps for writing and marking instruments)
 BS 7272-2-2000  书写工具和标记工具.端盖规范  (Writing and marking instruments - Specification for end closures)
 BS 7273-1-2000  防火措施的采用实施规范.气态全溢流灭火系统的电驱动  (Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Electrical actuation of gaseous total flooding extinguishing systems)
 BS 7273-2-1992  防火设施操作实用规程.气态全溢流和部分应用灭火系统的机械驱动  (Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application extinguishing systems)
 BS 7273-3-2000  防火措施运作的实施规程.预作用喷水系统的电驱动  (Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Electrical actuation of pre-action sprinkler systems)
 BS 7275-3-1995  液压传动马达特性的测定.第3部分:衡定流和衡转矩法  (Determination of hydraulic fluid power motor characteristics - Method at constant flow and at constant torque)
 BS 7282-1990  测定接地面木材防腐剂相对防护效率的现场试验方法  (Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness of a wood preservative in ground contact)
 BS 7285-1990  振动发生伺服液压试验设备的特性描述方法  (Method for describing characteristics of servo-hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration)
 BS 7287-1990  阻燃耐火液压油使用导则  (Guide for the use of fire-resistant hydraulic fluids)
 BS 7288-1990  插座插入剩余电流设备(S.R.C.D.S)规范  (Specification for socket outlets incorporating residual current devices (S.R.C.D.s))
 BS 7289-1990  三片式马口铁烟雾剂罐尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of three-piece tinplate aerosol cans)
 BS 7291-1-2001  建筑物中家用和供暖装置用冷热水热塑性管与相关配件.一般要求  (Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements)
 BS 7291-2-2001  建筑物中家庭用冷热水用相关配件和热塑管道及加热安装.聚丁烯管和相关配件规范  (Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - Specification for polybutylene (PB) pipes and associated fittings)
 BS 7291-3-2001  建筑物中家庭用冷热水用相关配件和热塑管道及加热安装.交联聚乙烯管和相关配件规范  (Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - Specification for cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes and associat)
 BS 7291-4-1990  建筑物中家用和加热装置冷热水用热塑性管与相关配件.第4部分:氯化聚氯乙烯管和相关配件及液态粘固剂规范  (Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - Specification for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipes and as)
 BS 7293-1990  粒状农药或除莠剂分配设备的试验方法  (Method of test for equipment for distributing granulated pesticides or herbicides)
 BS 7294-1990  气液动力件流量特性测定方法  (Methods for determination of flow-rate characteristics of pneumatic fluid power components)
 BS 7296-1-1990  液压动力插装式阀的空腔.第1部分:二通镶套滑动阀规范  (Cavities for hydraulic fluid power cartridge valves - Specification for two-port slip-in valves)
 BS 7298-1990  销售点电子资金调拔系统用卡的推荐方法和要求附表(EFT-POS)  (Schedule of requirements and recommendations for cards to be used in electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFT-POS))
 BS 7300-1990  槽形皮带输送机上危险点防护实用规程  (Code of practice for safeguarding of the hazard points on troughed belt conveyors)
 BS 7302-1990  微处理机通用格式目标模块的规范  (Specification for microprocessor universal format object modules)
 BS 7305-1990  织物熨烫最高安全温度测定方法  (Method for determination of the maximum safe ironing temperature of fabrics)
 BS 7306-1995  分配ISO-DCC格式OSI 网络层地址用联合王国体制(包括联合王国登记规范)操作程序  (Procedures for the operation of the UK scheme for the allocation of ISO DCC format OSI Network Layer addresses (including the operation of the associated UK Registration Authority))
 BS 7307-1-1990  建筑公差.建筑物和建筑产品的测量.第1部分:方法和仪器  (Building tolerances - Measurement of buildings and building products - Methods and instruments)
 BS 7307-2-1990  建筑公差.建筑物和建筑产品的测量.第2部分:测点位置  (Building tolerances - Measurement of buildings and building products - Position of measuring points)
 BS 7308-1990  建筑施工尺寸精确数据的表示方法  (Method for presentation of dimensional accuracy data in building constructions)
 BS 731-1-1952  封闭式挠性装置的电缆保护及挠性钢管用的挠性钢导管.保护电缆用的挠性钢导管与接合器  (Flexible steel conduit for cable protection and flexible steel tubing to enclose flexible drives - Flexible steel conduit and adaptors for the protection of electric cable)
 BS 7310-1990  离子选择电极、参考电极、复合电极和测定溶液中离子用离子选择电极计规范  (Specification for ion-selective electrodes, reference electrodes, combination electrodes and ion-selective electrode meters for determination of ions in solution)
 BS 7312-1990  用磁铁矿选煤的试验方法  (Methods of test for magnetite for use in coal preparation)
 BS 7313-1.1-1990  修复术和矫形学.术语.外部假肢修复和器械矫形的一般术语词汇  (Prosthetics and orthotics - Terminology - Glossary of general terms relating to external limb prostheses and external orthoses)
 BS 7313-1.2-1990  修复术和矫形学.词汇.第2部分:与外边缘假肢器官和这些假肢器官穿戴者有关的术语  (Prosthetics and orthotics - Glossary of terms relating to external limb prostheses and wearers of external limb prostheses)
 BS 7313-1.3-1990  修复术和矫形学.术语.与外部器械矫形有关的术语词汇  (Prosthetics and orthotics - Terminology - Glossary of terms relating to external orthoses)
 BS 7313-2-1990  修复术和矫形学.先天性肢体缺陷的描述方法  (Prosthetics and orthotics - Method of describing limb deficiencies present at birth)
 BS 7313-3-1993  修复术和矫形学.下肢截断残端描述方法  (Prosthetics and orthotics - Method of describing lower limb amputation stumps)
 BS 7313-4-1993  修复术和矫形学.上肢截断残端描述方法  (Prosthetics and orthotics - Method of describing upper limb amputation stumps)
 BS 7315-1990  充气高压开关设备和控制装置用锻铝和铝合金壳体规范  (Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear)
 BS 7317-1-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第1部分:用原子吸收分光光度法测定镉、锰和银(铬,钴,铁,镍和锌的筛选规程)  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of cadmium, manganese and silver (screening procedure for chromium, cobalt, iron, nickel and zinc) by atomic abs)
 BS 7317-2-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第2部分:用不连续体积喷雾原子吸收分光光度法测定铬、钴、铁、镍和锌  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of chromium, cobalt, iron, nickel and zinc by discrete volume nebulization atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
 BS 7317-3-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第3部分:用氢化物生成和原子吸收分光光度法测定锑、砷、铋、硒、碲和锡的方  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, selenium, tellurium and tin by hydride generation and atomic absorption spectroph)
 BS 7317-4-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第4部分:用电热喷雾原子吸收分光光度法测定锑、砷、铋、硒、碲和锡的方法  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by electrothermal atomization atomic absorption)
 BS 7317-5-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第5部分:用硫化氢析出分光光度法测定硫的方法  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of sulphur by hydrogen sulphide evolution and spectrophotometry)
 BS 7317-6-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第6部分:用分光光度法测定磷和硅的方法  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of phosphorus and silicon by spectrophotometry)
 BS 7317-7-1990  高纯度铜阴极Cu-CATH-1分析方法.第7部分:用氢氧化镧分离和原子吸收分光光度法测定铅的方法  (Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1 - Method for determination of lead by lanthanum hydroxide separation and atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
 BS 7318-1990  工业用亚麻或棉制缝纫线规范  (Specification for industrial sewing threads made from linen (flax) or cotton)
 BS 7319-1-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第1部分:氯化钠含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of sodium chloride content)
 BS 7319-10-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析.第10部分:pH值和总碱度的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of pH and total alkalinity)
 BS 7319-11-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析.第11部分:铁含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of iron content)
 BS 7319-12-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析.第12部分:食盐防结块添加剂含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Methods for determination of anti-caking additives content of salt for food use)
 BS 7319-2-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析.第2部分:水含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of moisture content)
 BS 7319-3-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第3部分:水或酸不溶物质的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of matter insoluble in water or in acid)
 BS 7319-4-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第4部分:硫含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of sulphate content)
 BS 7319-5-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第5部分:钙和镁含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of calcium and magnesium contents)
 BS 7319-6-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第6部分:镉含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of cadmium content)
 BS 7319-7-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第7部分:铜含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of copper content)
 BS 7319-8-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第8部分:铅含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of lead content)
 BS 7319-9-1990  工业用氯化钠的分析方法.第9部分:汞含量的测定方法  (Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use - Method for determination of mercury content)
 BS 7320-1990  麦麸容器规范  (Specification for sharps containers)
 BS 7323-1990  攀登岩壁用腰胯保护带规范  (Specification for sit harnesses for rock climbing)
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