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 ANSI/ASME A 112.1.2-1991  管道系统中的空隙  Air Gaps in Plumbing Systems
 ANSI/ASME A 112.14.3M-2000  油脂截止器  Grease Interceptors
 ANSI/ASME A 112.14.4-2001  油脂去除装置  Grease Removal Devices
 ANSI/ASME A 112.18.1M-1996  卫生设备配件  Plumbing Fixture Fittings
 ANSI/ASME A 112.18.3M-1996  卫生设备配件中回流防护装置和系统操作要求  Performance Requirements for Backflow Protection Devices and Systems in Plumbing Fixture Fittings
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.10-1994  抽水马桶双冲装置  Dual Flush Devices for Water Closets
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.14M-2001  装有双冲水装置的6升抽水马桶  Six Liter Water Closets Equipped with Dual Flushing Device
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.1M-1994  搪瓷铸铁卫生设备  Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.2M-1998  瓷质卫生设备  Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.3M-1987  不锈钢卫生设备(家用设计型)  Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use)
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.4M-1994  搪瓷钢制卫生设备  Porcelain Enameled Formed Steel Plumbing Fixtures
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.6-1995  马桶和小便池用冲水性能  Hydraulic Performance Requirements for Water Closets and Urinals
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.7M-1995  涡流浴缸设备  Whirlpool Bathtub Appliances
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.8M-1987  游泳池、浅水池、矿泉池、热水浴池和涡流浴缸设备用抽水配件  Suction Fittings for Use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Whirlpool Bathtub Appliances
 ANSI/ASME A 112.19.9M-1991  无釉层陶瓷卫生设备  Non-Vitreous Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures
 ANSI/ASME A 112.21.1M-1991  地面排水管  Floor Drains
 ANSI/ASME A 112.21.3M-1976  公用事业的消火栓的使用和保养  Hydrants for Utility and Maintenance Use
 ANSI/ASME A 112.3.1-1993  生活污水和化工污水地上和地下不锈钢排水系统的性能标准和安装程序  Performance Standard and Installation Procedures for Stainless Steel Drainage Systems for Sanitary Storm and Chemical Application, Above and Below Ground
 ANSI/ASME A 112.36.2M-1991  清除口  Cleanouts
 ANSI/ASME A 112.4.1-1993  热水器排泄阀排水管  Water Heater Relief Valve Drain Tubes
 ANSI/ASME A 112.6.1M-1997  离地公用卫生设备的支撑架  Supports for Off-the-Floor Plumbing Fixtures for Public Use
 ANSI/ASME A 112.6.7-2001  瓷漆的和环氧涂层的铸铁和PVC塑料卫生楼板污水池  Enameled and Epoxy Coated Cast Iron and PVC Plastic Sanitary Floor Sinks
 ANSI/ASME A 120.1-2001  建筑物维护的平台的安全要求  Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms for Building Maintenance
 ANSI/ASME A 13.1-1996  管道系统识别计划  Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems
 ANSI/ASME A 17.1-1996  电梯和自动扶梯安全规则  Elevators and Escalators, Safety Code for
 ANSI/ASME A 17.1a-2002  电梯和自动扶梯的安全规程  Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
 ANSI/ASME A 17.2-2001  升降机、自动电梯和自动过道的检查指南  Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks
 ANSI/ASME A 17.2.3-1994  提升机和自动走道检验员手册  Inspector-s Manual for Elevators and Moving Walks
 ANSI/ASME A 17.4-1991  电梯乘客紧急撤离指南  Guide for Emergency Evacuation of Passengers from Elevators
 ANSI/ASME A 17.5-1996  电梯和自动扶梯电气设备  Elevator and Escalator Electrical Equipment
 ANSI/ASME A 18.1b-2001  平台升降机和楼梯用椅式(乘人)升降机的安全标准  Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts
 ANSI/ASME A 90.1-1997  带式载人升降机的安全标准  Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts
 ANSI/ASME A112.1.2-2004  管道系统中的气隙  
 ANSI/ASME A112.1.2-2004  管道系统中的气隙  (Air Gaps in Plumbing Systems )
 ANSI/ASME A112.14.1-1975  回水阀  Backwater valves
 ANSI/ASME A112.18.1-2005  卫生管道配件  
 ANSI/ASME A112.18.1M-2003  卫生设备配件  (Plumbing Fixture Fittings )
 ANSI/ASME A112.18.2-2005  卫生管道用污水管配件  
 ANSI/ASME A112.18.2M-2002  装修水管业用固定污水管配件  (Plumbing Fixture Waste Fittings )
 ANSI/ASME A112.18.3-2002  泵的固定配件中防逆流装置和系统的性能要求  (Performance Requirements for Backflow Protection Devices and Systems in Plumbing Fixture Fittings )
 ANSI/ASME A112.18.6-2003  柔性水管连接器  (Flexible Water Connectors )
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.10-2003  抽水马桶双冲装置  (Dual Flush Devices for Water Closets )
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.14a-2003  装有双冲水装置的6升抽水马桶  (Six-Liter Water Closets Equipped With A Dual Flushing Device )
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.15-2005  带压力密封门的浴池/旋涡浴池  
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.17-2002  住宅和商用游泳池、健康中心、热浴盆和浅水池吸入系统用人造安全真空排放系统  (Manufactured Safety Vacuum Release Systems for Residential and Commercial Swimming Pool, Spas, Hot Tub and Wading Pool Suction Systems )
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.2-2003  瓷质卫生设备与小便池水和抽水马桶的水压要求  (Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures and Hydraulic Requirements for Water Closets and Urinals )
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.3-2002  不锈钢卫生设备(为住宅使用设计的)  (Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use) )
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.5-1979  抽水马桶、水箱和小便池的装修  Trim for water-closet bowls, tanks, and urinals (dimensional standards)
 ANSI/ASME A112.19.9M-2002  无釉层陶瓷卫生设备  (Non-Vitreous Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures )
 ANSI/ASME A112.20.1-2004  高纯度管道系统安装工的资格鉴定  
 ANSI/ASME A112.20.2-2004  管道系统用挡火物系统和设备的安装工资格鉴定  
 ANSI/ASME A112.4.14-2004  卫生管道系统中使用的手动直角转弯截止阀  
 ANSI/ASME A112.4.14-2004  卫生管道系统中使用的手动直角转弯截止阀  
 ANSI/ASME A112.4.7-2002  使用地点和支线分水表系统  (Point of Use and Branch Water Sub-metering Systems )
 ANSI/ASME A112.6.4-2003  房顶、地面和阳台排水管  (Roof, Deck, and Balcony Drains )
 ANSI/ASME A112.6.9-2005  虹吸式屋顶排水口  
 ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004  电梯和自动扶梯安全规则  
 ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004  电梯和自动扶梯安全规则  (Elevators and Escalators, Safety Code for )
 ANSI/ASME A17.1a-2005  电梯和自动扶梯的安全规程  
 ANSI/ASME A17.1S-2005  ASME A17.1-2004升降机和自动电梯安全法则的附录  
 ANSI/ASME A17.2-2004  升降机、自动电梯和自动走道的检查指南  
 ANSI/ASME A17.2-2004  升降机、自动电梯和自动走道的检查指南  
 ANSI/ASME A17.3-2002  现有电梯和自动扶梯的安全指南  (Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators )
 ANSI/ASME A17.3-2005  现有电梯和自动扶梯的安全法则  
 ANSI/ASME A17.3-2005  现有电梯和自动扶梯的安全法则  
 ANSI/ASME A18.1-2003  平台式升降机和扶梯式升降椅的安全标准  (Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts )
 ANSI/ASME A90.1-2003  带式载人升降机的安全标准  (Safety Standard for Belt Manlifts )
 ANSI/ASME AG-1-1994  核空气和气体处理规程  Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment, Code on
 ANSI/ASME AG-1-2003  核空气和气体处理法规  (Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment, Code on )
 ANSI/ASME AG-1a-2004  核气体和气体处理法规  
 ANSI/ASME B 1.10M-1997  统一微型螺纹  Unified Miniature Screw Threads
 ANSI/ASME B 1.12-1987  螺纹.五级接口.配合螺纹  Screw Threads - Class 5 Interference - Fit Thread
 ANSI/ASME B 1.13M-1995  M型米制螺纹  Metric Screw Threads - M Profile
 ANSI/ASME B 1.16M-1984  M型米制螺纹的量规和测量  Gages and Gaging for Metric M Screw Threads
 ANSI/ASME B 1.2-1983  统一螺纹的量规和测量  Gages and Gaging for Unified Screw Threads
 ANSI/ASME B 1.20.1-1983  通用的管螺纹(英制)  Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)
 ANSI/ASME B 1.20.5-1991  干密封管螺纹的测量(英制)  Gaging for Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch)
 ANSI/ASME B 1.20.7-1991  英制软管连接螺纹  Hose Coupling Screw Threads - Inch
 ANSI/ASME B 1.21M-1997  米制螺纹.MJ牙形  Metric Screw Threads - MJ Profile
 ANSI/ASME B 1.22M-1985  MJ系列米制螺纹用量规和测量规程  Gages and Gaging Practice for MJ Series Metric Screw Threads
 ANSI/ASME B 1.30M-1992  螺纹尺寸计算和圆整规则  Screw Threads - Practice for Calculating and Rounding Dimensions
 ANSI/ASME B 1.3M-1992  英制和米制螺纹尺寸螺纹测量系统  Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Dimensional Acceptability - Inch and Metric Screw Threads (UN, UNR, UNJ, M, and MJ)
 ANSI/ASME B 1.5-1997  ACME螺纹  Acme Screw Threads
 ANSI/ASME B 1.7M-1984  螺纹的术语、定义和字母代号  Screw Threads, Nomenclature, Definitions, and Letter Symbols for
 ANSI/ASME B 1.8-1988  短齿梯形螺纹  Stub Acme Screw Threads
 ANSI/ASME B 107.1-1993  手动套筒扳手(英制)  Socket Wrenches, Hand (Inch Series)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.10M-1996  英制和米制手动套筒扳手的手柄及附件  Handles and Attachments for Hand Socket Wrenches - Inch and Metric Series
 ANSI/ASME B 107.11M-1993  斜嘴剪丝钳和中心剪丝钳  Pliers, Diagonal Cutting, and Nippers, End Cutting
 ANSI/ASME B 107.12-1997  螺母旋具(旋转型旋具夹紧器)(英制)  Nut Drivers (Spin Type, Screwdriver Grip) (Inch Series)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.13M-1996  尖嘴长臂钳  Pliers - Long Nose, Long Reach
 ANSI/ASME B 107.14M-1994  手动扭矩工具  Hand Torque Tools
 ANSI/ASME B 107.15-1993  一字和十字槽螺钉旋具  Flat-Tip and Phillips Screwdrivers
 ANSI/ASME B 107.16M-1998  台式及手动金属切割剪  Shears (Metal Cutting, Bench, and Hand)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.17M-1997  扳手开口度标准量规  Gages, Wrench Openings, Reference
 ANSI/ASME B 107.18M-1996  老虎钳(克丝钳)  Pliers (Wire Twister)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.19-1993  扣环钳  Pliers, Retaining Ring
 ANSI/ASME B 107.2-1995  电动冲击式延伸、接合及万向接头套筒扳手(英制)  Socket Wrenches, Extensions, Adaptors, and Universal Joints, Power Drive (Impact) (Inch Series)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.20M-1992  线路工、打铁工、煤气工、玻璃工和篱笆工用钳  Pliers (Lineman-s, Iron Worker-s, Gas, Glass, and Fence)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.21-1992  扳手及爪形附件  Wrench, Crowfoot Attachments
 ANSI/ASME B 107.22M-1991  电子切削工具和电子钳  Electronic Cutters and Pliers
 ANSI/ASME B 107.23M-1997  多位可调钳  Pliers, Multiple Position, Adjustable
 ANSI/ASME B 107.25M-1996  老虎钳.性能试验方法  Pliers - Performance Test Methods
 ANSI/ASME B 107.27-1996  多位钳(电连接头)  Pliers, Multiple Position (Electrical Connector)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.28M-1997  电子转距仪器  Electronic Torque Instruments
 ANSI/ASME B 107.31M-1997  十字槽计量标准旋具  Screwdriver, Cross Tip Gaging Standard
 ANSI/ASME B 107.34M-1997  火花塞用套筒扳手  Socket Wrenches for Spark Plugs
 ANSI/ASME B 107.35M-1997  螺母旋具(旋转型旋具)(米制系列)  Nut Drivers (Spin Type, Screwdriver Grip) (Metric Series)
 ANSI/ASME B 107.38M-1998  电子钳  Electronic Pliers
 ANSI/ASME B 107.41M-1997  羊角锤.安全要求  Nail Hammers - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.42M-1997  手斧.安全要求  Hatchets - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.43M-1998  木材劈裂楔.安全要求  Wood Splitting Wedges - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.44M-1998  玻璃匠凿和木工凿.安全要求  Glaziers- Chisels and Wood Chisels - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.45M-1998  细长凿和地板/电工用凿.安全要求  Ripping Chisels and Flooring/Electricians- Chisels - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.46M-1998  双头螺栓、螺钉和管道提取器.安全要求  Stud, Screw and Pipe Extractors - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.47M-1998  金属凿子  Metal Chisels
 ANSI/ASME B 107.49M-1998  钉子.安全要求  Nail Sets - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.4M-1995  便携式手动、气动和电动工具用驱动和从动端  Driving and Spindle Ends for Portable Hand, Air, and Electric Tools
 ANSI/ASME B 107.50M-1998  手工工具.修砖錾和砌砖.安全要求  Hand Tools - Brick Chisels and Brick Sets - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.52M-1998  拔钉器棒.安全要求  Nail-Puller Bars - Safety Requirements
 ANSI/ASME B 107.53M-1998  手工工具.圆头锤.安全要求  Hand Tools - Ball Peen Hammers - Safety Requirements
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