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 ASME PTC 11-1984  风扇  (Fans)
 ASME PTC 12.1-2000  密封供水加热器  (Closed feedwater heaters)
 ASME PTC 12.4-1992  脱湿器再热装置  (Moisture separator reheaters)
 ASME PTC 12.5-2000  单相热交换器  (Single phase heat exchangers)
 ASME PTC 14-1970  蒸发装置  (Evaporating apparatus)
 ASME PTC 16-1958  煤气发生器和连续煤气发生器  (Gas producers and continuous gas generators)
 ASME PTC 17-1973  往复式内燃机  (Reciprocating internal-combustion engines)
 ASME PTC 19.10-1981  装置和仪器.第10部分:烟道及排放气体分析  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 10: Flue and exhaust gas analyses)
 ASME PTC 19.11-1997  动力循环中水和蒸汽的取样、状态调节和分析  (Steam and water sampling, conditioning, and analysis in the power cycle)
 ASME PTC 19.14-1958  装置和仪器.第14部分:线性测量  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 14: Linear measurements)
 ASME PTC 19.16-1965  仪器和装置.第16部分:固体和液体的密度测定  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 16: Density Determinations solids and liquids)
 ASME PTC 19.17-1965  装置和仪器:第17部分:液体粘度的测定  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 17: Determination of the viscosity of liquids)
 ASME PTC 19.2-1987  装置和仪器:第2部分:压力测量  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 2: Pressure measurement)
 ASME PTC 19.22-1986  装置和仪器:第22部分:数字系统技术  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 22: Digital systems techniques)
 ASME PTC 19.23-1980  装置和仪器:第23部分:模型试验指导手册  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 23: Guidance manual for model testing)
 ASME PTC 19.3-1974  装置和仪器.第3部分:温度测量  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 3: Temperature measurement)
 ASME PTC 19.5-1972  用途,流量计第Ⅱ部分:装置和仪器的临时增补规范  (Application, Part II of fluid meters: Interim supplement on instruments and apparatus)
 ASME PTC 19.5-2004  流量测量  
 ASME PTC 19.5.1-1964  装置和仪器.第5部分:材料数量测量.第1节:称重标度  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 5: Measurement of quantity of materials - Chapter 1: Weighing Scales)
 ASME PTC 19.7-1980  装置和仪器.第7部分:传动轴动力测量  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 7: Measurement of shaft power)
 ASME PTC 19.8-1970  装置和仪器.第8部分:指示功率测量  (Instruments and apparatus - Part 8: Measurement of indicated power)
 ASME PTC 2-2001  定义和数值  (Definitions and values)
 ASME PTC 20.1-1977  汽轮发电机组的速度和负载调节系统  (Speed and load governing systems for steam turbine-generator units)
 ASME PTC 20.2-1965  汽轮发电机组用超速自动分离系统  (Overspeed trip systems for steam turbine-generator units)
 ASME PTC 20.3-1970  汽轮发电机组用压力控制系统  (Pressure control systems used on steam turbine-generator units)
 ASME PTC 21-1991  颗粒物质收集设备  (Particulate matter collection equipment)
 ASME PTC 22-1997  燃气涡轮机的性能试验规则  (Performance test code on gas turbines)
 ASME PTC 23-1986  常压水冷却设备  (Atmospheric water cooling equipment)
 ASME PTC 23-2003  常压水冷设备  
 ASME PTC 23.1-1983  喷淋冷却系统规程  (Code on spray cooling systems)
 ASME PTC 24-1976  喷射器  (Ejectors)
 ASME PTC 25-2001  减压设备  (Pressure relief devices)
 ASME PTC 25.3-1988  安全和减压阀  (Safety and relief valves)
 ASME PTC 26-1962  内燃发电机组的速度调节系统  (Speed-governing systems for internal combustion engine-generator units)
 ASME PTC 28-1965  细颗粒物质性能测定  (Determining the properties of fine particulate matter)
 ASME PTC 29-1965  液压汽轮发电机组的速度调节系统  (Speed-governing systems for hydraulic turbine-generator units)
 ASME PTC 29-2005  液压汽轮发电机组的速度调节系统  
 ASME PTC 3.2-1990  煤和焦炭  (Coal and coke)
 ASME PTC 3.3-1969  气体燃料  (Gaseous fuels)
 ASME PTC 30-1991  空气冷却式热交换器  (Air cooled heat exchangers)
 ASME PTC 31-1973  离子交换设备  (Ion exchange equipment)
 ASME PTC 32.1-1969  核装置蒸汽供给系统  (Nuclear steam supply systems)
 ASME PTC 32.2 Report-1978  轻水反应堆中核燃料性能测试方法  (Methods of measuring the performance of nuclear reactor fuel in light water reactors)
 ASME PTC 33-1978  大型焚化炉  (Large incinerators)
 ASME PTC 33a Form-1980  简易焚化炉效率试验用ASME方式  (ASME Form for abbreviated incinerator efficiency test)
 ASME PTC 36-1985  工业噪声测量  (Measurement of industrial sound)
 ASME PTC 38-1980  气流中颗粒物质浓度的测定  (Determining the concentration of particulate matter in a gas stream)
 ASME PTC 39-2005  蒸汽疏水阀  
 ASME PTC 39.1-1980  蒸汽系统的冷凝水清除装置  (Condensate removal devices for steam systems)
 ASME PTC 4-1998  燃烧式蒸汽发生器  (Fired steam generators)
 ASME PTC 4.2-1969  煤块粉碎机.PTC4.1蒸汽发生组件运行测试规程补充件  (Coal pulverizers - Supplement to performance test code for steam generating units, PTC 4.1)
 ASME PTC 4.3-1968  空气加热器.PTC4.1蒸汽发生组件运行测试规程补充件  (Air heaters - Supplement to performance test code for steam generating units, PTC 4.1)
 ASME PTC 4.4-1981  燃气轮机热回收蒸汽发生器  (Gas turbine heat recovery steam generators)
 ASME PTC 40-1991  废气脱硫装置  (Flue gas desulfurization units)
 ASME PTC 42-1988  风力涡轮机  (Wind turbines)
 ASME PTC 5-1949  往复式蒸汽发动机  (Reciprocating steam engines)
 ASME PTC 50-2002  燃料电池电源系统性能  (Fuel cell power systems performance)
 ASME PTC 6 Report-1985  汽轮机运行试验中测量不确定度的评定导则  (Guidance for evaluation of measurement uncertainty in performance tests of steam turbines)
 ASME PTC 6-1996  汽轮机  (Steam turbines)
 ASME PTC 6-2004  蒸汽轮机  
 ASME PTC 6.2-2004  组合循环中蒸汽涡轮机  
 ASME PTC 6S Report-1988  汽轮机常规运行试验程序  (Procedures for routine performance tests of steam turbines)
 ASME PTC 7-1949  往复式蒸汽驱动活塞泵  (Reciprocating steam-driven displacement pumps)
 ASME PTC 7.1-1962  活塞泵  (Displacement pumps)
 ASME PTC 8.2-1990  离心泵  (Centrifugal pumps)
 ASME PTC 9 Erratum-1972  容积式压缩机,真空泵和鼓风机.正误表  (Displacement compressors, vacuum pumps, and blowers; Erratum)
 ASME PTC 9-1970  容积式压缩机,真空泵和鼓风机  (Displacement compressors, vacuum pumps, and blowers)
 ASME PTC PM-1993  蒸汽发电厂运行监控导则  (Performance monitoring guidelines for steam power plants)
 ASME PVHO-2-2003  载人压力容器的安全标准:使用中的PVHO丙烯窗指南  
 ASME QAI-1-2003  授权检验的资格证明  
 ASME QAI-1-2003  授权检验的资格证明  
 ASME QAI-1-2005  授权检验的资格证明  
 ASME QEI-1-2001  升降机检验师资格证书标准  (Standard for the qualification of elevator inspectors)
 ASME QEI-1-2004  升降机检验师资格证书标准  
 ASME QEI-1a Addenda-2001  升降机检验师资格证书标准  (Standard for the qualification of elevator inspectors; Addenda)
 ASME QEI-1b Addenda-2003  电梯检验人员合格资格鉴定.附录  (Standard for the qualification of elevator inspectors; Addenda)
 ASME QEI-1b Addenda-2003  电梯检验人员合格资格鉴定.附录  
 ASME QEI-2000  有QEI认可证书的公司  (Companies holding QEI certificates of accreditation)
 ASME QHO-1-1994  危险废物焚烧炉操作人员的资格鉴定和认证标准  (Standard for the qualification and certification of hazardous waste incinerator operators)
 ASME QHO-1-2004  危险废弃物焚烧装置操作员的资格评定和认证标准  
 ASME QHO-1a Addenda-1996  危险废弃物焚烧装置操作员的资格证书和认证标准.修改件1  (Qualification and certification of hazardous waste incinerator operators; Addenda)
 ASME QME-1a Addenda-1998  核电厂用放射性机械设备的合格证书.附录  (Qualification of active mechanical equipment used in nuclear power plants; Addenda)
 ASME QRO-1-1994  资源回收设备操作人员的资格证书和认证的标准  (Standard for the qualification and certification of resource recovery facility operators)
 ASME QRO-1a Addenda-1996  资源回收设备操作人员的资格证书和认证的标准.修改件1  (Qualification and certification of resource recovery facility operators; Addenda)
 ASME QRO-1b Addenda-1998  资源修复装置操作者的资格和认证  (Qualification and certification of resource recovery facility operators; Addenda)
 ASME RA-S-2002  核电厂设施的概率风险评估  (Probalistic risk assessment for nuclear power plant applications)
 ASME RA-Sa Addenda-2003  核电厂设施的概率风险评估  
 ASME RTP-1-2000  增强热固塑料耐腐蚀设备  (Reinforced thermoset plastic corrosion resistant equipment)
 ASME RTP-1b Addenda-2002  增强热固塑料耐腐蚀设备.补充  (Reinforced thermoset plastic corrosion resistant equipment; Addenda)
 ASME RTP-1c Addenda-2003  增强热固性塑料耐腐蚀设备  
 ASME RTP-1d Addenda-2004  增强热固性塑料耐腐蚀设备.附录  
 ASME SI-10-1976  蒸气图.SI(米制)和美国通用单位  (Steam charts - SI (metric) and U.S. customary units)
 ASME SI-2-1976  材料强度的SI单位  (SI units in strength of materials)
 ASME SI-3-1976  动力学SI单位  (SI units in dynamics)
 ASME SI-4-1976  热力学SI单位  (SI units in thermodynamics)
 ASME SI-5-1976  流体力学SI单位  (SI units in fluid mechanics)
 ASME SI-6-1976  运动学SI单位  (SI units in kinematics)
 ASME SI-7-1977  热传递SI单位  (SI units in heat transfer)
 ASME SI-8-1976  振动SI单位  (SI units in vibration)
 ASME SI-9 Errata-1982  SI(米)单位代码和标准的公制化指南.正误表  (Guide for metrication of codes and standards SI (metric) units)
 ASME SI-9-1981  SI(米)单位代码和标准的公制化指南  (Guide for metrication of codes and standards SI (metric) units)
 ASME SPPE-1-1994  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备的质量保证和认证  (Quality assurance and certification of safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations)
 ASME SPPE-1b Addenda-1995  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备的质量保证和认证.修改件1  (Quality assurance and certification of safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations; Addenda)
 ASME SPPE-1d Addenda-1996  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备的质量保证和认证.修改件  (Quality assurance and certification of safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations; Addenda)
 ASME SPPE-2-1994  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备测试试验室的认可  (Accreditation of testing laboratories for safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations)
 ASME SPPE-2a Addenda-1994  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备测试试验室的认可.附录  (Accreditation of testing laboratories for safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations; Addenda)
 ASME SPPE-2b Addenda-1995  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备的测试实验室的认可.附录  (Accreditation of testing laboratories for safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations; Addenda)
 ASME SPPE-2d Addenda-1996  海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备测试试验室的认可.修改件  (Accreditation of testing laboratories for safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations; Addenda)
 ASME STS-1-2000  钢制烟囱  (Steel stacks)
 ASME STS-1a Addenda-2003  钢制竖管.补充件  
 ASME Y 10.5-1968  电气科学和电气工程中量的字母符号  Letter symbols for quantities used in electrical science and electrical engineering
 ASME Y 14.1-1995  绘图纸尺寸和规格  Decimal inch drawing sheet size and format
 ASME Y 14.13M-1981  机械弹簧图示  Mechanical spring representation
 ASME Y 14.18M-1986  光学零件  Optical parts
 ASME Y 14.1M-1995  米制绘图纸尺寸和规格  Metric drawing sheet size and format
 ASME Y 14.24-1999  工程图的类型和应用  Types and applications of engineering drawings
 ASME Y10.1-1972  有关字母符号的术语词汇  (Glossary of terms concerning letter symbols)
 ASME Y10.12-1955  化工用字母符号  (Letter symbols for chemical engineering)
 ASME Y10.17-1961  工程数学上选用希腊字母作为字母符号的指南  (Guide for selecting Greek letters used as letter symbols for engineering mathematics)
 ASME Y10.18-1967  照明工程用字母符号  (Letter symbols for illuminating engineering)
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