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 BS 5588 Pt.9-1989  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.第9部分:管道工程通风和空调的实施规范  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings. Code of practice for ventilation and air conditioning ductwork)
 BS 5588-0-1996  建筑物的设计,施工和使用的消防措施.特殊房屋的消防安全指南  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Guide to fire safety codes of practice for particular premises/applications)
 BS 5588-1-1990  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.居住建筑物实用规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for residential buildings)
 BS 5588-10-1991  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.第10部分:采购中心实用规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for shopping complexes)
 BS 5588-11-1997  建筑物使用,建造和设计中的防火安全.商场,办公楼,工业用,储藏用和其它类似建筑物的实用规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for shops, offices, industrial, storage and other similar buildings)
 BS 5588-12-2004  建筑物的设计、施工和使用的消防措施.防火安全管理  
 BS 5588-4-1998  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.使用压差法控制烟雾的实施规范  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for smoke control using pressure differentials)
 BS 5588-5-1991  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.第5部分:消防梯和升降机实施规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for firefighting stairs and lifts)
 BS 5588-5-2004  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.第5部分:消防通路和设施  
 BS 5588-6-1991  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.装配场所的操作规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for places of assembly)
 BS 5588-7-1997  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.有天井的建筑物的操作规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for the incorporation of atria in buildings)
 BS 5588-8-1999  建筑物使用,建造和设计中的防火安全.残疾人疏散方法的实施规程  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for means of escape for disabled people)
 BS 5588-9-1999  建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火措施.通风和空气调节管道工程实施规范  (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings - Code of practice for ventilation and air conditioning ductwork)
 BS 5589-1989  木材防腐实用规程  (Code of practice for preservation of timber)
 BS 559-1998  信号的设计、建造和装配规范  (Specification for design, construction and installation of signs)
 BS 5590-1978  米制螺纹系列量筒规范  (Specification for screw thread metric series measuring cylinders)
 BS 5591-1978  用液体萃取法测定电绝缘材料中离子杂质的试验方法  (Methods of test for determination of ionic impurities in electrical insulating materials by extraction with liquids)
 BS 5592-1978  服装尺寸标记.帽子  (Size designation of clothes - headwear)
 BS 5594-1993  片链、U型件和滑轮规范  (Specification for leaf chains, clevises and sheaves)
 BS 5597-1991  1000ml及其以下容量一次使用的塑料气溶胶容器规范  (Specification for non-refillable plastics aerosol dispensers up to 1000 mL capacity)
 BS 5598-1-1978  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第1部分:液态制品的取样  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Sampling of liquid products)
 BS 5598-10-1983  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第10部分:氯代甲烷中杂质的测定:气相色谱法  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of impurities in methyl chloride, gas chromatographic method)
 BS 5598-11-1983  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第11部分:氯氟代烃惰性气体含量的测定:气相色谱法:总则  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of ’inert’ gas content of chlorofluorohydrocarbons, gas chromatographic method, general principles)
 BS 5598-2-1979  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第2部分:液化气取样  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Sampling of liquefied gases)
 BS 5598-3-1979  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第3部分:蒸发残渣的测定  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of residue on evaporation)
 BS 5598-4-1979  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第4部分:酸度的测定:滴定法  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of acidity, titrimetric method)
 BS 5598-5-1979  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第5部分:浊度的测定  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of cloud point)
 BS 5598-6-1979  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第6部分:氟氯代烃酸度的测定  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of acidity of fluorochlorinated hydrocarbons)
 BS 5598-7-1980  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第7部分:氯代甲烷和氯代乙烷的试验方法  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Methods of test for methyl chloride and ethyl chloride)
 BS 5598-8-1980  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第8部分:氟化烃非挥发性残渣的测定  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of non-volatile residue in fluorinated hydrocarbons)
 BS 5598-9-1981  卤代烃的取样和试验方法.第9部分:氯氟代烃沸点范围的测定  (Methods of sampling and test for halogenated hydrocarbons - Determination of boiling range of chlorofluorinated hydrocarbons)
 BS 5599-1993  工程用铝及其合金强阳极氧化覆层规范  (Specification for hard anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys for engineering purposes)
 BS 5600-1.1-1979  粉末冶金材料和制品.第1部分:一般介绍.第1节:前言和目录  (Powder metallurgical materials and products - General information - Introduction and contents)
 BS 5600-3.11.2-1984  粉末冶金材料和制品.第3部分:硬质合金除外的烧结金属材料和制品的试验方法.第11节:表观硬度的测定.第2小节:  (Powder metallurgical materials and products - Methods of testing sintered metal materials and products, excluding hardmetals - Determination of apparent hardness - Case-hardened ferrous materials, sur)
 BS 5600-3.3-1987  粉末冶金材料和制品.第3部分:硬质合金除外的烧结金属材料和制品的试验方法.第3节:碳含量测定用化学分析样品  (Powder metallurgical materials and products - Methods of testing sintered metal materials and products, excluding hardmetals - Preparation of samples for chemical analysis for determination of carbon)
 BS 5600-3.6-1988  粉末冶金材料和制品.第3部分:硬质合金除外的烧结金属材料和制品的试验方法.第6节:液体渗透率的测定  (Powder metallurgical materials and products - Methods of testing sintered metal materials and products, excluding hardmetals - Determination of fluid permeability)
 BS 5604-1986  评定电绝缘材料在恶劣环境条件下耐划痕与侵蚀性的评定方法  (Methods for evaluating resistance to tracking and erosion of electrical insulating materials used under severe ambient conditions)
 BS 5605-1990  以咨询目录单形式援引出版物的推荐规范  (Recommendations for citing and referencing published material)
 BS 5606-1990  建筑物精度指南  (Guide to accuracy in building)
 BS 5607-1998  建筑业中爆炸物安全使用的实用规程  (Code of practice for the safe use of explosives in the construction industry)
 BS 5608-1993  管道工程和设备隔热用预成型刚性聚氨酯(PUR)和聚氰尿酸酯(PIR)泡沫规范  (Specification for preformed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foams for thermal insulation of pipework and equipment)
 BS 5609-1986  船用印制压敏胶粘标签规范,包括标签的基本材料要求  (Specification for printed pressure-sensitive, adhesive-coated labels for marine use, including requirements for label base material)
 BS 561-1951  铁路信号用3位置、双交流线路继电器规范  (Specification for alternating-current line relays double-element 3-position (for railway signalling))
 BS 5610-1978  表面活性剂--织物洗涤剂--性能对比试验  (Surface active agents - detergents for washing fabrics - guide for comparative testing of performance)
 BS 5611-1978  有载分接开关使用导则  (Application guide for on-load tap-changers)
 BS 5612-1978  用作套冠的牙瓷料规范  (Specification for dental porcelains for jacket crowns)
 BS 5614-1978  发动机油与相关制品用密封金属圆罐规范  (Specification for round sealed metal cans for motor oil and allied products)
 BS 5615-1985  家用热水储存筒用绝热外壳规范  (Specification for insulating jackets for domestic hot water storage cylinders)
 BS 5617-1985  适用于砖砌或混凝土内外层空心墙保温的脲甲醛(UF)泡沫材料规范  (Specification for urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems suitable for thermal insulation of cavity walls with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves)
 BS 5618-1985  填充脲甲醛(UF)泡沫塑料的空心墙(具有砌筑或混凝土内外层)隔热实用规程  (Code of practice for thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves) by filling with urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems)
 BS 5620-1995  主要用于矿山的1100V、200A防火与螺栓连接的插头与插座规范  (Specification for 200 A 1100 V flameproof restrained and bolted plugs and sockets for use in coal mines)
 BS 5621-1992  装有硬质合金钻头的旋转式墙钻和冲击钻尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of rotary masonry and rotary masonry impact drills with hardmetal tips)
 BS 5624-1978  化工加工用容器与设备的衬里实用规程.铜和铜合金  (Code of practice for the lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes: copper and copper alloys)
 BS 5626-1-1979  电气用纤维素纸.第1部分:定义和一般要求  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Definitions and general requirements)
 BS 5626-2-1979  电工用纤维素纸.第2部分:试验方法  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Methods of test)
 BS 5626-3.1-1981  电工用纤维素纸.第3部分:个别材料规范.第1节:一般用途纸  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - General purpose paper)
 BS 5626-3.2-1985  电工用纤维素纸.第3部分:个别材料规范.第2节:电容器纸  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Specification for individual materials - Capacitor paper)
 BS 5626-3.3-1982  电工用纤维素纸.个别材料规范.皱纹纸  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Specification for individual materials - Crepe paper)
 BS 5626-3.4-1980  电工用纤维素纸.第3部分:个别材料规范.第4节:电解电容器纸  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Electrolytic capacitor paper)
 BS 5626-3.5-1995  电工用纤维素纸.第3部分:个别材料规范.第5节:专用纸  (Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Specification for individual materials - Special papers)
 BS 5627-1984  水平排水陶瓷抽水马桶槽用塑料连接件规范  (Specification for plastics connectors for use with horizontal outlet vitreous china WC pans)
 BS 5628-2-2000  砖石工程实施规程.加筋和预应力砌体的结构用途  (Code of practice for use of masonry - Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry)
 BS 5628-3-2001  砖石工程实施规程.材料,件,设计和技艺  (Code of practice for use of masonry - Materials and components, design and workmanship)
 BS 5629-3-1979  含溶剂的绝缘漆.第3部分:规定个别材料要求方法  (Insulating varnishes containing solvent - Method for specifying requirements for individual materials)
 BS 5630-1978  电力控制液压装置用快速接头的界面尺寸规范  (Specification for interface dimensions of snap-on connections for use with electrically controlled hydraulic equipment)
 BS 5634-1978  氢氧化钾试验方法  (Methods of test for potassium hydroxide)
 BS 5639-1-1978  叉车的货叉.第1部分:钩接式叉杆词汇  (Fork arms for fork lift trucks - Vocabulary for hook-on type fork arms)
 BS 5640-1-1978  频率范围为30MHz-1GHz的电台与电视广播接收天线.第1部分:电气性能与机械性能规格  (Aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz - Specification for electrical and mechanical characteristics)
 BS 5640-2-1978  频率范围为30MHz-1GHz的电台与电视广播接收天线.第2部分:电性能参数的测量方法  (Aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz - Methods of measurement of electrical performance parameters)
 BS 5642-1-1978  窗台板及盖顶板.第1部分:预制混凝土、铸石、粘土、石片与天然石制成的窗台板  (Sills and copings - Specification for window sills of precast concrete, cast stone, clayware, slate and natural stone)
 BS 5642-2-1983  窗台板及盖顶板.第2部分:预制混凝土、铸石、粘土、石片与天然石制顶盖板  (Sills and copings - Specification for copings of precast concrete, cast stone, clayware, slate and natural stone)
 BS 5643-1984  制冷、采暖、通风与空调的术语词汇  (Glossary of refrigeration, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning terms)
 BS 5645-1987  滚动轴承的静载荷额定值规范  (Specification for static load ratings for rolling bearings)
 BS 5649-2-1978  路灯电杆规范.第2部分:尺寸与公差  (Lighting columns - Dimensions and tolerances)
 BS 5649-5-1982  路灯电杆规范.第5部分:电气接头与电线敷设槽规范  (Lighting columns - Specification for base compartments and cableways)
 BS 5649-7-1985  路灯电杆规范.第7部分:结构设计的计算验证方法  (Lighting columns - Method for verification of structural design by calculation)
 BS 5649-9-1982  路灯电杆规范.第9部分:加筋与预应力路灯电杆的特殊要求规范  (Lighting columns - Specification of special requirements for reinforced and prestressed concrete lighting columns)
 BS 5650-1978  γ射线辐射仪  (Specification for apparatus for gamma radiography)
 BS 5652-1979  水听器校准规范  (Specification for the calibration of hydrophones)
 BS 5653-1978  校准用水听器规范  (Specification for hydrophones for calibration purposes)
 BS 5654-1-1979  直流输出稳压电源.第1部分:术语和定义  (Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Terms and definitions)
 BS 5654-2-1979  直流输出稳压电源.第2部分:规定额定功率与性能的方法  (Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Method of specifying rating and performance)
 BS 5654-4-1979  直流输出稳压电源.第4部分:除射频干扰外的检验  (Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Tests other than radio-frequency interference)
 BS 5655-10.1.1-1995  升降机和自动回转送货机.升降机和自动回转送货机试验和检验规范.电子升降机.新升降机的交付使用试验  (Lifts and service lifts - Specification for the testing and examination of lifts and service lifts - Electric lifts - Commissioning tests for new lifts)
 BS 5655-10.2.1-1995  升降机和自动回转送货机.升降机和自动回转送货机试验和检验规范.液压升降机.新升降机的交付使用试验  (Lifts and service lifts - Specification for the testing and examination of lifts and service lifts - Hydraulic lifts - Commissioning tests for new lifts)
 BS 5655-11-1989  电梯与服务电梯.现有建筑物安装新式和现代化电梯推荐规范  (Lifts and service lifts - Recommendations for the installation of new, and the modernization of, electric lifts in existing buildings)
 BS 5655-12-1989  电梯与服务电梯.现有建筑物中新式现代化液压梯安装推荐规范  (Lifts and service lifts - Recommendations for the installations of new, and the modernization of, hydraulic lifts in existing buildings)
 BS 5655-13-1995  电梯与服务电梯.第13部分:耐破坏电梯的推荐规范  (Lifts and service lifts - Recommendations for vandal resistant lifts)
 BS 5655-14-1995  电梯与服务电梯.手动服务电梯和平台式提升机规范  (Lifts and service lifts - Specification for hand-powered service lifts and platform hoists)
 BS 5655-6-2002  电梯与服务电梯.新电梯的选择和安装的实施规程  (Lifts and service lifts - Code of practice for the selection and installation of new lifts)
 BS 5655-7-1983  电梯与服务电梯.第7部分:手控装置、显示器和附件规范  (Lifts and service lifts - Specification for manual control devices, indicators and additional fittings)
 BS 5655-9-1985  电梯与服务电梯.第9部分:导轨规范  (Lifts and service lifts - Specification for guide rails)
 BS 5656-1-1997  自动电梯和载客传送带的建造和安装的安全条款.新安装梯的试验和检验规范和性能  (Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and passenger conveyors - Specification and proformas for test and examination of new installations)
 BS 5656-2-2004  自动电梯和载客传送带的建造和安装的安全条款.新自动电梯和载客传送带的选择、安装和定位的实施规程  
 BS 5656-2-2004  自动电梯和载客传送带.自动电梯和载客传送带的建造和安装的安全条款.新自动电梯和载客传送带的选择、安装和定位的实施规程  
 BS 5658-1979  电镀用氰化钾规范  (Specification for gold potassium cyanide for electroplating)
 BS 5660-1-1987  铁矿石取样方法.第1部分:增量取样手工方法  (Methods of sampling iron ores - Manual method of increment sampling)
 BS 5660-2-2001  铁矿石的取样方法.取样和样品制备程序  (Methods of sampling iron ores - Sampling and sample preparation procedures)
 BS 5661-1987  铁矿石试样的手工制备方法  (Method for preparation of samples of iron ores by manual means)
 BS 5662-1-1987  铁矿石取样方法的评定.第1部分:检查质量变化的实验方法  (Evaluation of sampling methods for iron ores - Experimental methods for evaluation of quality variation)
 BS 5662-2-1987  铁矿石取样方法的评定.第2部分:检查取样精度的实验方法  (Evaluation of sampling methods for iron ores - Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling)
 BS 5662-3-1987  铁矿石取样方法的评定.第3部分:检查取样偏差的实验方法  (Evaluation of sampling methods for iron ores - Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling)
 BS 5663-2-1987  铁矿石试验方法.第2部分:用筛分法测定粒度分布  (Methods of testing iron ores - Determination of size distribution by sieving)
 BS 5664-2.2-1989  电绝缘用无溶剂聚合树脂化合物.第2部分:试验方法.第2节:涂层粉末  (Solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation - Methods of test - Coating powders)
 BS 5664-3.11-1995  电绝缘用无溶剂可聚树脂化合物.单向材料规范.环氧树脂基涂层粉末  (Solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation - Specification for individual materials - Epoxy resin-based coating powders)
 BS 5666-2-1981  木材防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的分析方法.第2部分:定量分析  (Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Qualitative analysis)
 BS 5666-3-1991  木材防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的分析方法.含铜、铬、砷配方的防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的定量分析  (Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Quantitative analysis of preservatives and treated timber containing copper/chromium/arsenic formulations)
 BS 5666-4-1979  木材防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的分析方法.第4部分:含环烷酸铜的防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的定量分析  (Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Quantitative analysis of preservatives and treated timber containing copper naphthenate)
 BS 5666-5-1986  木材防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的分析方法.第5部分:防腐剂溶液中与防腐处理后木材环烷酸锌的测定  (Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Determination of zinc naphthenate in preservative solutions and treated timber)
 BS 5666-6-1983  木材防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的分析方法.第6部分:含五氯苯酚、五氯苯基月桂酸、六六六和狄氏剂的防腐剂溶液  (Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Quantitative analysis of preservative solutions and treated timber containing pentachlorophenol, pentachlorophenyl laurate,)
 BS 5666-7-1991  木材防腐剂与防腐处理后木材的分析方法.第7部分:含双(三-n-正丁基锡)氧化物防腐剂的定量分析:全锡总含量  (Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Quantitative analysis of preservatives containing bis(tri-n-butyltin)oxide : determination of total tin)
 BS 5667-1-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第1部分:总则  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - General)
 BS 5667-10-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第10部分:松散物料:立式螺旋输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Loose bulk materials: vertical screw conveyors)
 BS 5667-11-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第11部分:成组货件:带卧式轴的固定(金属或木材)板条式输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: fixed slat conveyors (metal or wood) with horizontal shafts)
 BS 5667-12-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第12部分:成组货件:带卧式轴的移动板(金属或木材)条式输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: mobile slat conveyors (metal or wood) with horizontal shafts)
 BS 5667-13-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第13部分:成组货件:悬臂式起重机与推杆式输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: arm elevators and push bar conveyors)
 BS 5667-14-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第14部分:成组货件:(强制传动或摩擦传动)机动滚道输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: live roller conveyors (with positive or friction drive))
 BS 5667-15-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第15部分:成组货件:平底成组货件用的有双平面链的板条箱承载链式输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: crate-carrying chain conveyors having biplanar chains for flat-bottomed unit loads)
 BS 5667-16-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第16部分:成组货件:板条链式输送机  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: slat band chain conveyors)
 BS 5667-17-1979  连续式机械装卸设备规范.安全要求.第17部分:成组货件:连续板式输送机(卧式)  (Specification for continuous mechanical handling equipment - safety requirements - Unit loads: continuous plate conveyors (horizontal))
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