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 BS AU 143c Extract-1984  道路车辆控制、指示、信号装置符号规范.复制用符号的印制  (Specification for symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales for road vehicles - Print of symbols for reproduction purposes)
 BS AU 143f-1996  道路车辆用控制符号、指示器和警报器的规范  (Specification for symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales for road vehicles)
 BS AU 144f-1988  翻新和商业车辆轮胎规范  (Specification for retreaded car and commercial vehicle tyres)
 BS AU 145d-1998  向后反光的汽车号码牌规范  (Specification for retroreflecting number plates)
 BS AU 146b-1970  载重量不超过7.25吨的半挂车的标准自动滚柱式联轴节规范  (Specification for standard automatic roller-type coupling for semi-trailers not exceeding 7)
 BS AU 149a-1980  牵引车与挂车之间的6V或12V电气系统的连接器技术规范:12N型(普通)  (Specification for electrical connections between towing vehicles and trailers with 6 V or 12 V electrical equipment: type 12 N (normal))
 BS AU 152-1970  车辆的尾端标记牌规范  (Specification for rear marking plates for vehicles)
 BS AU 156-1971  汽车前照灯与辅助头灯灯光射向调准推荐规范  (Recommendations for aiming of headlamps and auxiliary lamps on motor vehicles)
 BS AU 159f-1997  用于公共高速公路机动车轮胎的检修规范  (Specification for repairs to tyres for motor vehicles used on the public highway)
 BS AU 162a-1976  前照灯灯光射向调整装置规范  (Specification for headlamp optical aiming devices)
 BS AU 163a-1985  道路车辆气压、制动设备压力试验采用的连接法规范  (Specification for pressure test connection for compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment for road vehicles)
 BS AU 164-1977  道路车辆在碰撞试验中的冲击速度测量规范  (Specification for measurement of impact velocity in collision tests on road vehicles)
 BS AU 168-1978  汽车用有机材料制挡风玻璃生雾性能的测定方法  (Method for determination of the windscreen fogging characteristics of organic trim materials in motor vehicles)
 BS AU 169a-1992  农业和林业用车辆、拖拉机和机械的内部装饰材料燃烧性能的测定方法  (Method for determination of burning behaviour of interior materials for road vehicles, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry)
 BS AU 16a-1989  电缆连接件(最大连续额定电流17.5A)规范  (Specification for electrical cable connectors (17.5 A maximum continuous rating))
 BS AU 170-1979  后视镜反射系数的测量方法  (Methods for measurement of reflectance of rear view mirrors)
 BS AU 174-1-1979  道路车辆用非石油基制动液的液压制动系统.第1部分:非石油基标准液  (Hydraulic brake systems, using non-petroleum base brake fluids for road vehicles - Specification for non-petroleum base reference fluids)
 BS AU 174-2-1985  道路车辆用非石油基制动液的液压制动系统.第2部分:非石油基制动液  (Hydraulic brake systems, using non-petroleum base brake fluids for road vehicles - Specification for non-petroleum base brake fluid)
 BS AU 175-1b-1983  车辆识别号码(VIN).第1b部分:容量与结构  (Vehicle identification numbers (VIN) - Specification for content and structure)
 BS AU 175-2b-1983  车辆识别号码(VIN).第2b部分:世界制造商识别码(WMI)规则规范  (Vehicle identification numbers (VIN) - Specification for world manufacturer identifier (WMI) codes)
 BS AU 175-3b-1983  车辆识别号码(VIN).第3b部分:附件和定位规范  (Vehicle identification numbers (VIN) - Specification for location and attachment)
 BS AU 175-4-1997  车辆识别号码.可视车辆识别号码规范  (Vehicle identification numbers (VIN) - Specification for a visible vehicle identification number)
 BS AU 176-1980  按驾驶员视线确定安装后视镜的方法  (Method for establishment of eyellipses for Driver’s eye location)
 BS AU 177a-1980  带6V或12V电压的电气设备的牵引车和挂车之间电气连接器规范:12S型(补充)  (Specification for electrical connections between towing vehicles and trailers with 6 V or 12 V electrical equipment: type 12 S (supplementary))
 BS AU 178a-1992  道路车辆安全玻璃规范  (Specification for road vehicle safety glass)
 BS AU 180-2-1982  制动衬垫.第2部分:制动衬垫材料的内抗剪强度的测量方法  (Brake linings - Method for measurement of internal shear strength of lining material)
 BS AU 180-4-1982  制动衬垫.第4部分:对圆盘形制动垫尺寸及形状热效应的测定方法  (Brake linings - Method for determining effects of heat on dimensions and form of disc brake pads)
 BS AU 180-5-1983  制动衬垫.第5部分:制动衬垫的抗水、抗盐水溶液、抗油和制动液性能的测定方法  (Brake linings - Method for determining resistance to water, saline solution, oil and brake fluid of brake lining material)
 BS AU 180-6-1982  制动衬垫.第6部分:因腐蚀造成与铁配合表面粘合的评定方法  (Brake linings - Method for assessment of seizure to ferrous mating surface due to corrosion)
 BS AU 181-1982  可拆卸车体系统的连接面尺寸规范  (Specification for interface dimensions for demountable vehicle body systems)
 BS AU 182-1982  道路车辆用塑料安全玻璃窗材料规范  (Specification for plastics safety glazing materials for use in road vehicles)
 BS AU 184-1982  世界各地道路车辆制造商的标识符号(WMPI)规范  (Specification for world parts manufacturer identifier code (WPMI) for road vehicles)
 BS AU 187-2000  牵引客车和小型运货车用的牵引绳索组件  (Tow rope assemblies for towing passenger cars and light vans)
 BS AU 188-1983  道路车辆用牵引绳、缆、杆的固定规范  (Specification for anchorages for towing ropes, cables or bars for road vehicles)
 BS AU 189-1983  道路车辆平稳转弯性能的试验方法规范  (Method of test for steady state cornering behaviour for road vehicles)
 BS AU 190-1983  拖载达到2000kg的挂车三角形拉杆上超限装置安装面尺寸和固定螺栓规范  (Specification for interface dimensions and fixing bolts for the mounting of overrun devices on delta shaped drawbars of trailers up to 2000 kg)
 BS AU 192-1983  大篷车质量与尺寸的术语词汇  (Glossary of terms for masses and dimensions of caravans)
 BS AU 193a-1990  机动脚踏车和摩托车的排气系统更换规范  (Specification for replacement motor cycle and moped exhaust systems)
 BS AU 194-1984  挂车和牵引车之间电气连接性能规范  (Specification for performance of electrical connections between towing vehicles and trailers)
 BS AU 196-1984  24V挂车防拖死制动系统和牵引车之间电气连接规范  (Specification for electrical connections between 24 V trailer antilock braking systems and towing vehicles)
 BS AU 197-1984  牵引车和带有24V电气设备的挂车之间的电气连接规范:24N型(普通)  (Specification for electrical connections between towing vehicles and trailers with 24 V electrical equipment: type 24 N (normal))
 BS AU 198-1984  带有24V电气设备的牵引车和挂车之间的电气连接规范:24S型(补充)  (Specification for electrical connections between towing vehicles and trailers with 24 V electrical equipment: type 24 S (supplementary))
 BS AU 199a-1997  轿车中手控装置、指示器和信号装置的位置规范  (Specification for location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales in passenger cars)
 BS AU 1c-1989  半挂车“50“牵引座主销尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of ’50’ fifth wheel king pin for semi-trailers)
 BS AU 200-1a-1984  载重车辆用减少喷溅装置.第1a部分:轮胎滴水存水装置的设计规范  (Spray reducing devices for heavy goods vehicles - Specification for design of containment devices)
 BS AU 200-2a-1984  载重车辆用减少喷溅装置.第2a部分:排除装置以及空气或水的分离物质及设备的性能  (Spray reducing devices for heavy goods vehicles - Specification for performance of suppression material and devices, and air/water separating material and devices)
 BS AU 201-2-1985  继电器和闪光灯.第2部分:道路车辆继电器接线端的布置与功能标识规范  (Relays and flashers - Specification for arrangement and functional attribution of relay terminals for road vehicles)
 BS AU 203a-1988  商用道路车辆的动力输出装置和辅助驱动装置之间连接尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of couplings between power take offs (PTOs) and ancillary driven units on commercial road vehicles)
 BS AU 205-1986  公路车辆静态刹车效应试验方法  (Method of test for effect of braking on steady state cornering behaviour of road vehicles)
 BS AU 206-1-1986  道路车辆诊断系统.第1部分:术语词汇  (Diagnostic systems for road vehicles - Glossary)
 BS AU 206-2-1986  道路车辆诊断系统.第2部分:诊断试验机图形符号规范  (Diagnostic systems for road vehicles - Specification for graphical symbols for diagnostic testers)
 BS AU 206-3-1986  公路车辆诊断系统.第3部分:试验点火系统的一般要求规范  (Diagnostic systems for road vehicles - Specification for general requirements for testing ignition systems)
 BS AU 206-4-1986  公路车辆诊断系统.第4部分:试验电子系统的一般要求规范  (Diagnostic systems for road vehicles - Specification for general requirements for testing electronic systems)
 BS AU 207-1986  汽车收音机安装腔尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of car radio installation space)
 BS AU 209-0-1996  车辆安全.车辆安全设备和装置应用指南  (Vehicle security - Guide to the application of security devices/systems to vehicles)
 BS AU 209-1a-1992  车辆安全规范.客车和其他派生车辆的锁的装置  (Vehicle security - Specification for locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles)
 BS AU 209-2-1987  车辆安全性.汽车内文娱和通讯设备的防盗安全系统规范  (Vehicle security - Specification for security systems against theft of in-car equipment for entertainment and communication purposes)
 BS AU 209-3-1987  车辆安全性.第3部分:客车和改型车用安全标记规范  (Vehicle security - Specification for security marking of glazing for passenger cars and car derived vehicles)
 BS AU 209-4a-1995  车辆安全性.客车和类似车辆用安全玻璃的规范  (Vehicle security - Specification for security glazing for passenger cars and car derived vehicles)
 BS AU 209-5b-1996  车辆安全.客车和汽车的中心锁定设备规范  (Vehicle security - Specification for central power locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles)
 BS AU 209-6a-1996  车辆安全.客车和汽车的死锁系统规范  (Vehicle security - Specification for dead locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles)
 BS AU 209-7-1993  车辆安全.第7部分:货车驾驶室的锁定系统规范  (vehicle security - Specification for locking systems for goods vehicle Driver’s compartments)
 BS AU 209-8-1997  车辆安全.货车装载舱上锁定系统的规范  (Vehicle security - Specification for locking systems for goods vehicle load compartments)
 BS AU 210-1-1987  大篷车和轻型挂车用拉杆.第1部分:钢拉杆机械强度的计算方法  (Drawbars for caravans and light trailers - Method of calculation for the mechanical strength of steel drawbars)
 BS AU 210-2-1994  大篷车和轻型挂车用拉杆.第2部分:铝拉杆和车底架的设计规范  (Drawbars for caravans and light trailers - Specification for the design of aluminium drawbars and chassis)
 BS AU 211-1987  商用车辆和公共汽车的齿轮传动空气压缩机四孔法兰尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of four-hole flanges for gear-driven air compressors for commercial vehicles and buses)
 BS AU 214-2-1988  变速箱法兰.第2部分:齿轮箱法兰A型)的尺寸规范  (Gearbox flanges - Specification for dimensions for type A gearbox flanges for commercial vehicles and buses)
 BS AU 214-3-1988  变速箱法兰.第3部分:齿轮箱法兰(S型)的尺寸规范  (Gearbox flanges - Specification for dimensions for type S gearbox flanges for commercial vehicles and buses)
 BS AU 214a-1-1987  变速箱法兰.第1部分:T形、商业交通和公共汽车用正交齿齿轮变速箱法兰的尺寸规范  (Gearbox flanges - Specification for dimensions of cross-tooth gearbox flanges, type T, for commercial vehicles and buses)
 BS AU 215-1-1987  动力输出装置.第1部分:商用道路车辆外廓尺寸规范  (Power take offs (PTOs) - Specification for dimensions for clearance envelope for commercial road vehicles)
 BS AU 215-2-1987  动力输出装置.第2部分:商用公路车辆侧面开口尺寸规范  (Power take offs (PTOs) - Specification for dimensions of side openings for commercial road vehicles)
 BS AU 215-3-1988  动力输出装置.第3部分:商用道路与车辆安装在尾部的功率输出装置的连接尺寸规范  (Power take offs (PTOs) - Specification for dimensions of connections for rear mounted power take offs for commercial road vehicles)
 BS AU 216-1-1987  道路车辆用石油基制动液的液压制动系统.第1部分:石油基标准液体规范  (Hydraulic brake systems using petroleum base brake fluids for road vehicles - Specification for petroleum base reference fluid)
 BS AU 217-1a-1987  汽车用最大行驶速度限制器.第1a部分:安装要求规范  (Maximum road speed limiters for motor vehicles - Specification for installed requirements)
 BS AU 217-2-1990  汽车用最大行驶速度限制器.第2部分:设备和件要求规范  (Maximum road speed limiters for motor vehicles - Specification for system and component requirements)
 BS AU 222-1988  试验后圆盘制动衬的表面及材料裂缝的评定方法  (Method of evaluating surface and material flaws of disc brake pads after testing)
 BS AU 223a-1995  小汽车和行李车的承重架规范  (Specification for vehicle support stands for cars and light vans)
 BS AU 224b-1997  卡车和轻型货车用便携轮式移动斜道  (Specification for portable wheel ramps for cars and light vans)
 BS AU 225-1988  道路车辆转向球窝接合的尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of steering ball joints for commercial road vehicles)
 BS AU 226-1988  活塞式内燃机用飞轮箱的标称尺寸和公差规范  (Specification for nominal dimensions and tolerances of flywheel housings for reciprocating internal combustion engines)
 BS AU 227-1988  商用车辆和公共汽车交流发电机圆轴端头和轮毂的尺寸规范  (Specification for dimensions of cylindrical shaft ends and hubs for alternators for commercial vehicles and buses)
 BS AU 228-1b-2002  道路车辆碰撞试验.第1部分:测量技术和一般仪器规范  (Impact tests on road vehicles - Specification for measurement techniques and general instrumentation)
 BS AU 228-2-1989  道路车辆碰撞试验.第2部分:使用光学仪器进行的测量技术规范  (Impact tests on road vehicles - Specification for measurement techniques using optical instrumentation)
 BS AU 229-1989  道路车辆用液压制动液图形符号规范  (Specification for graphical symbols to designate brake fluid types in road vehicles)
 BS AU 231-1989  道路车辆七芯连接电缆规范  (Specification for seven-core connecting cable for road vehicles)
 BS AU 232-1989  具有调节器的道路车辆交流发电机的一般要求和试验方法  (Methods of test and general requirements for road vehicle alternators with regulators)
 BS AU 233-1989  轿车起动电动机电气连接规范  (Specification for starter motor electrical connections for passenger cars)
 BS AU 234-1989  道路车辆起动电动机一般要求试验方法  (Methods of test and general requirements for road vehicle starter motors)
 BS AU 235-1-1989  商用车辆半挂车接轮耦合.第1部分:试验条件和强度要求规范  (Fifth wheel couplings for commercial vehicles - Specification for test conditions and strength requirements)
 BS AU 236-1990  道路车辆圆形电子速度记录仪  (Specification for circular electronic tachographs for road vehicles)
 BS AU 237a-1993  汽车启动用小功率控制线具规范  (Specification for light domestic duty jumper lead sets for automotive starting)
 BS AU 238-1991  道路车辆照明及光信号装置术语词汇  (Glossary of terms for road vehicle lighting and light signalling devices)
 BS AU 242a-1998  汽车挡风玻璃检修.操作规程  (Automotive windscreen repair - Code of practice)
 BS AU 243-2-1991  由导电与耦合引起的电干扰的试验方法.第2部分:仅限于采用12V电源轿车和轻型的商业用汽车电源线上的瞬时导电  (Methods of test for electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling - Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with 12 V supply)
 BS AU 243-3-1991  由导电与耦合引起的电干扰的试验方法.第3部分:仅限于采用24V电源的商业用汽车电源线上的瞬时导电  (Methods of test for electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling - Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only on commercial vehicles with 24 V supply)
 BS AU 244-1992  车辆动力学和方向控制稳定性的术语词汇  (Glossary of terms for road vehicle dynamics and road holding ability)
 BS AU 245-1992  3.5吨以上的商业用车和公共汽车的前拖连结附件规范  (Specification for front towing attachments for commercial road vehicles and buses over 3.5 t)
 BS AU 246-1992  双轴道路车辆重心测定的试验方法  (Method for determination of the centre of gravity of road vehicles with two axles)
 BS AU 249-1993  往复式内燃机离合器壳规范.公称尺寸和公差  (Specification for clutch housings for reciprocating internal combustion engines - Nominal dimensions and tolerances)
 BS AU 24a-1989  总重量最大为5000kg挂车的牵引连接规范  (Specification for towing connections for trailers up to 5000 kg gross mass)
 BS AU 25-1964  5-14吨的挂车和牵引车的牵引钩规范  (Specification for towing hook for use between trailers of 5-14 tons gross weight and towing vehicle)
 BS AU 250-1993  商业车辆和公共汽车用1、2和3 型交流发电机安装尺寸规范  (Specification for mounting dimensions of alternators, types 1, 2 and 3 for commercial vehicles and buses)
 BS AU 251-1994  自动叠层挡风玻璃检修器具的操作规范  (Specification for performance of automotive laminated windscreen repair systems)
 BS AU 252-1993  用于道路车辆的经节起动器电动机小齿轮规范  (Specification for diametral pitch starter motor pinions for road vehicles)
 BS AU 255-1-1994  道路车辆的非屏蔽电缆.厚壁绝缘电缆的导线号和尺寸规范  (Road vehicle unscreened low tension cables - Specification for conductor sizes and dimensions for thick walled insulated cables)
 BS AU 255-2-1994  道路车辆非屏蔽低压电缆.薄壁绝缘电榄的导线号及尺寸规范  (Road vehicle unscreened low tension cables - Specification for conductor sizes and dimensions for thin walled insulated cables)
 BS AU 256-1994  客车.车辆拐弯时无动力作用.开环回路法  (Passenger cars - Power-off reactions of a vehicle in a turn - Open-loop test method)
 BS AU 257-2002  火花点火发动机和压燃式发动机的改造实施规程  (Code of practice for remanufacture of spark and compression ignition engines)
 BS AU 258-1995  弹性带条规范  (Specification for elasticated straps)
 BS AU 259-1995  商用车辆和客车用零部件规范.T型啮合主动轴法兰  (Specification for components for commercial vehicles and buses - Cross-tooth propeller shaft flanges, type T)
 BS AU 26-1964  5-16吨的挂车和牵引车的牵引爪规范  (Specification for towing jaw for use between trailers of 5-16 tons gross weight and towing vehicle)
 BS AU 260-4-1995  燃料喷射设备.词汇.高压管和端部接头  (Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - High-pressure pipes and end-connections)
 BS AU 261-1995  柴油发动机.60度锥孔的高压燃料喷射管端部接头  (Diesel engines. High-pressure fuel injection pipe end-connections with 60)
 BS AU 262-1-1995  道路车辆.带有圆锥形底座及其汽缸盖座孔的护套型热线点火塞.M14x1.25热线点火塞  (Road vehicles - Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing - M14 x 1, 25 glow-plugs)
 BS AU 262-2-1995  道路车辆.带有圆锥形底座及其汽缸盖座孔的护套型热线点火塞.M12x1.25热线点火塞  (Road vehicles - Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing - M12 x 1.25 glow-plugs)
 BS AU 263-1995  道路车辆.带有圆锥形底座及其汽缸盖座孔的M14x1.25压实火花塞  (Road vehicles - M14 X 1,25 compact spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing)
 BS AU 264-1995  道路车辆.带有圆锥形底座及其汽缸盖座孔的M18x1.5火花塞  (Road vehicles - M18 X 1,5 spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing)
 BS AU 265-2-1995  道路车辆.点火系统的电子性能和功能测试法  (Road vehicles - Ignition systems - Electrical performance and function test methods)
 BS AU 266-1-1996  车顶负荷量规范.车顶杆  (Specification for roof load carriers - Roof bars)
 BS AU 267-1998  断开式电缆和二次耦合的实施规范  (Code of practice for breakaway cables and secondary couplings)
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