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 BS EN 13763-15-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.等效点火能力的测定  
 BS EN 13763-16-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.延迟准确度的测定  
 BS EN 13763-17-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.电雷管非点火电流的测定  
 BS EN 13763-18-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.电雷管串联点火电流的测定  
 BS EN 13763-19-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.电雷管点火脉冲的测定  
 BS EN 13763-2-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.热稳定性的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of thermal stability)
 BS EN 13763-20-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.电雷管总电阻的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of total electrical resistance of electric detonators)
 BS EN 13763-21-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.电雷管击穿电压的测定  
 BS EN 13763-22-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.引线的电容量、耐绝缘和绝缘击穿的测定  
 BS EN 13763-23-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.冲击管冲击波速度的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of the shock-wave velocity of shock tube)
 BS EN 13763-24-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.冲击管电不传导性的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of the electrical non-conductivity of shock tube)
 BS EN 13763-25-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.表面连接器、传爆管和联接附件传导能力的测定  
 BS EN 13763-26-2004  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.雷管和传爆管的可靠和安全功能的设备和附件的定义、方法和要求  
 BS EN 13763-3-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.冲击敏感性的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of sensitiveness to impact)
 BS EN 13763-4-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.引线和冲击管耐磨性的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of resistance to abrasion of leading wires and shock tubes)
 BS EN 13763-5-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.引线和激波管耐切割损坏的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of resistance to cutting damage of leading wires and shock tubes)
 BS EN 13763-6-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.引线耐低温断裂的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of resistance to cracking in low temperatures of leading wires)
 BS EN 13763-7-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.引线、激波管、连接件、卷曲物和闭塞物机械强度的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of the mechanical strength of leading wires, shock tubes, connections, crimps and closures)
 BS EN 13763-8-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.普通雷管抗振性的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of the resistance to vibration of plain detonators)
 BS EN 13763-9-2003  民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.雷管抗弯性的测定  (Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Determination of resistance to bending of detonators)
 BS EN 13765-2003  烃类、溶剂和化学品输送用热塑性多层(非硫化)软管和软管组件.规范  (Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of hydrocarbons, solvents and chemicals - Specification)
 BS EN 13766-2003  液化石油气和液化天然气输送用热性多层非硫化软管和软管组件.规范  (Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of liquid petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas - Specification)
 BS EN 13769-2003  移动式气瓶.气瓶组.设计、制造、标识和检验  (Transportable gas cylinders - Cylinder bundles - Design, manufacture, identification and testing)
 BS EN 1377-1997  营养成份.配比表顶部甜味剂调制中acesulfame K的测定.分光光度法  (Foodstuffs - Determination of acesulfame K in table top sweetener preparations - Spectrometric method)
 BS EN 13770-2002  纺织.测定编制的鞋靴外套耐磨损性  (Textiles - Determination of the abrasion resistance of knitted footwear garments)
 BS EN 13771-1-2003  制冷用压缩和冷凝装置.性能检验和试验方法.制冷压缩机  (Compressor and condensing units for refrigeration - Performance testing and test methods - Refrigerant compressors)
 BS EN 13772-2003  织物和纺织品.燃烧性能.幕布和窗帘.大规模火源垂直导向样品的火焰扩散测量  (Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour - Curtains and drapes - Measurement of flame spread of vertically oriented specimens with large ignition source)
 BS EN 13773-2003  织物和纺织品.燃烧性能.幕布和窗帘.分类表  (Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour - Curtains and drapes - Classification scheme)
 BS EN 13774-2003  最大工作压力小于或等于16巴的配气系统用阀门.性能要求  (Valves for gas distribution systems with maximum operating pressure less than or equal to 16 bar - Performance requirements)
 BS EN 13775-1-2003  铁路设施.新型和改造的货运车辆的测量.测量原则  (Railway applications - Measuring of new and modified freight wagons - Measuring principles)
 BS EN 13775-2-2003  铁路设施.新型和改造的货运车辆的测量.带转向架的货运车  (Railway applications - Measuring of new and modified freight wagons - Freight wagons with bogies)
 BS EN 13775-3-2003  铁路设施.新型和改造的货运车辆的测量.带2个轮副的货运车  (Railway applications - Measuring of new and modified freight wagons - Freight wagons with 2 wheelsets)
 BS EN 13775-4-2004  铁路设施.新型和改造的货运车辆的测量.带两个轮幅的转向架  
 BS EN 13775-5-2004  铁路设施.新型和改造的货运车辆的测量.带3个轮副的货运车  
 BS EN 13775-6-2004  铁路设施.新型和改造的货运车辆的测量.多用和绞接货运车辆  
 BS EN 13776-2002  液化石油气负载罐装车的灌装和卸料程序  (Filling and discharge procedures for LPG road tankers)
 BS EN 13779-2005  非住宅建筑通风.通风和房间空调系统的性能要求  
 BS EN 1378-1997  营养成份.配比表顶部甜味剂调制中糖精的测定.高效液相色谱法  (Foodstuffs - Determination of aspartame in table top sweetener preparations - Method by high performance liquid chromatography)
 BS EN 13780-2004  粘接拉链.纵向剪切强度的测定  
 BS EN 13781-2002  摩托雪橇和大雪橇的驾驶员和乘客用防护帽  (Protective helmets for drivers and passengers of snowmobiles and bobsleighs)
 BS EN 13783-2002  食品.用直接外荧光过滤器技术/供氧盘计数法检测经辐照的食品.筛分法  (Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food using Direct Epifluorescent Filter Technique/Aerobic Plate Count (DEFT/APC) - Screening method)
 BS EN 13784-2002  食品.检测被辐射的食品用DNA鉴定.筛选法  (Foodstuffs - DNA comet assay for the detection of irradiatied foodstuffs - Screening method)
 BS EN 13785-2005  丁烷、丙烷或其混合物用容量100 kg/h及以下和最大输出压力4巴及以下的调节器.不包括EN 12864中设备及其相关安全设备  
 BS EN 13786-2004  丁烷、丙烷或它们的混合物用最大输出压力4巴及以下和100 kg/h及以下容积的自动转换阀及其相关安全设备  
 BS EN 13787-2001  气体压力调节器及相关安全装置的弹性体.入口压力达100巴  (Elastomers for gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for inlet pressures up to 100 bar)
 BS EN 13788-2002  机床.安全.多轴自动旋转车床  (Machine tools - Safety - Multi-spindle automatic turning machines)
 BS EN 13789-2003  工业用阀.铸铁球阀  (Industrial valves - Cast iron globe valves)
 BS EN 1379-1997  食品.液体配比表顶部甜味剂调制中糖精的测定.高效液相色谱法  (Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate and saccharin in liquid table top sweetener preparations - Method by high performance liquid chromatography)
 BS EN 13790-1-2003  农用机械.喷雾机.工作中喷雾机的检查.大田喷雾机  (Agricultural machinery - Sprayers - Inspection of sprayers in use - Field crop sprayers)
 BS EN 13790-2-2003  农用机械.喷雾机.工作中喷雾机的检查.灌木和乔木用鼓风喷雾机  (Agricultural machinery - Sprayers - Inspection of sprayers in use - Air-assisted sprayers for bush and tree crops)
 BS EN 13792-2002  实验室内用水龙头和阀门的识别色码  (Colour coding of taps and valves for use in laboratories)
 BS EN 13793-2003  建筑物用热绝缘产品.循环负载下性能的测定  (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of behaviour under cyclic loading)
 BS EN 13794-2002  呼吸保护装置.逃生用自我控制的封闭管路呼吸装置.要求、试验、标记  (Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus for escape - Requirements, testing, marking)
 BS EN 13795-1-2002  用作医务用品的病人、医护人员和设备用外科窗帘、工作服和空气清新器.生产者、加工机械和产品的一般要求  (Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits, used as medical devices, for patients, clinical staff and equipment - General requirements for manufacturers, processors and products)
 BS EN 13795-2-2004  病人、医护人员和设备使用的作为医务用品的手术单、长外衣和无污染套装.试验方法  
 BS EN 13795-2-2004  用作医务用品的病人、医护人员和设备用手术单、长外衣和无污染套装.试验方法  
 BS EN 13796-3-2005  载人用索道装置的安全要求.运载装置.疲劳试验  
 BS EN 13798-2002  流速测量.标准量雨槽规范  (Hydrometry - Specification for a reference raingauge pit)
 BS EN 13799-2002  液化石油气罐容量计量仪表  (Contents gauges for LPG tanks)
 BS EN 138-1994  呼吸保护装置.与全罩式面罩、半罩式面罩或口罩一起使用的新鲜空气软管呼吸仪规范  (Respiratory protective devices - Specification for fresh air hose breathing apparatus for use with full face mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly)
 BS EN 1380-1999  木结构.试验方法.负荷承重钉固连接  (Timber structures - Test methods - Load bearing nailed joints)
 BS EN 13802-2004  铁路设施.悬挂部件.液压减震器  
 BS EN 13804-2002  鞋靴.测定痕量素.性能评价、一般要求和样品制备  (Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Performance criteria, general considerations and sample preparation)
 BS EN 13805-2002  食品.痕量素测定.加压分解  (Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Pressure digestion)
 BS EN 13806-2002  鞋靴.测定痕量素.加压下用冷蒸发原子吸收光谱测定法测定汞含量  (Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of mercury by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) after pressure digestion)
 BS EN 13807-2003  移动式气瓶.蓄电池车辆.设计、制造、标识和检验  (Transportable gas cylinders - Battery vehicles - Design, manufacture, identification and testing)
 BS EN 13809-2003  旅游服务.旅行社和旅游经营人员.术语  (Tourism services - Travel agencies and tour operators - Terminology)
 BS EN 1381-1999  木结构.试验方法.负荷承重U型钉连接  (Timber structures - Test methods - Load bearing stapled joints)
 BS EN 13810-1-2003  木制板材.浮动地板.性能规范和要求  (Wood-based panels - Floating floors - Performance specifications and requirements)
 BS EN 13811-2003  粉末镀锌.铁产品上锌扩散涂层.规范  (Sherardizing - Zinc diffusion coatings on ferrous products - Specification)
 BS EN 13813-2002  找平层材料和沥青地面.找平层材料.性能和要求  (Screed material and floor screeds - Screed material - Properties and requirements)
 BS EN 13816-2002  运输.后方勤务和服务站.公共乘客运输车.服务质量定义,目标和测量  (Transportation - Logistics and services - Public passenger transport - Service quality definition, targeting and measurement)
 BS EN 13817-2004  运动场地表面.热空气中加速老化规程  
 BS EN 13817-2004  运动场地表面.热空气中加速老化规程  
 BS EN 13819-1-2003  听力保护器.试验.物理试验方法  (Hearing protectors - Testing - Physical test methods)
 BS EN 13819-2-2002  听力保护器.检验.声学试验方法  (Hearing protectors - Testing - Acoustic test methods)
 BS EN 1382-1999  木结构.试验方法.木结构紧固件的撤回能力  (Timber structures - Test methods - Withdrawal capacity of timber fasteners)
 BS EN 13820-2003  建筑物用热绝缘材料.有机物含量测定  (Thermal insulating materials for building applications - Determination of organic content)
 BS EN 13821-2002  潜在爆炸性环境.防爆.粉尘/空气混合物的最低点火能量的测定  (Potentially explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Determination of minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures)
 BS EN 13823-2002  建筑产品的燃烧试验反应.遭受单一燃烧物热袭击的建筑产品(包括地板)  (Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item)
 BS EN 13824-2004  医疗设备的灭菌.液体医疗设备的无菌操作.要求  
 BS EN 13826-2003  呼气峰值流量表  (Peak expiratory flow meters)
 BS EN 13827-2004  钢丝绳输送带.钢丝绳横向和垂直位移的测定  
 BS EN 13828-2003  建筑物用阀.建筑物内饮用水供给用手动铜合金及不锈钢球阀.试验及要求  (Building valves - Manually operated copper alloy and stainless steel ball valves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirements)
 BS EN 13829-2001  建筑物的热性能.建筑物透气率的测定.风扇加压法  (Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method)
 BS EN 1383-1999  木结构.试验方法.木结构紧固件的拉过抗性  (Timber structures - Test methods - Pull-through resistance of timber fasteners)
 BS EN 13830-2003  幕墙.产品标准  (Curtain walling - Product standard)
 BS EN 13835-2002  铸造(学).奥氏体铸铁  (Founding - Austenitic cast irons)
 BS EN 1384-1997  骑马用防护帽规范  (Specification for helmets for equestrian activities)
 BS EN 13842-2004  燃油强制对流气体加热器.固定和可移动对流式空间加热器  
 BS EN 13843-2003  滚轴运动设备.单排轮滑冰鞋.安全要求和试验方法  (Roller sports equipment - Inline-skates - Safety requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 13844-2002  织物.单丝.热缩率的测定  (Textiles - Monofilaments - Determination of thermal shrinkage)
 BS EN 13847-2001  煤焦油和沥青基粘合剂及相关产品.术语和分类  (Coal tar and pitch based binders and related products - Terminology and classification)
 BS EN 13848-1-2004  铁路设施/轨道.轨道几何质量.轨道几何形状的表征  
 BS EN 1385-1998  划轻舟和水上运动用防护帽  (Helmets for canoeing and whitewater sports)
 BS EN 13850-2002  邮政服务设施.服务质量.计算单件优先信件和一级信件的两点传送时间  (Postal services - Quality of service - Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece priority mail and first class mail)
 BS EN 13851-2003  使地板平滑和/或调平的水凝化合物的试验方法.抗弯和抗压强度的测定  (Methods of test for hydraulic setting floor smoothing and/or levelling compounds - Determination of flexural and compressive strength)
 BS EN 13854-2003  只填充有羽毛和羽绒的制品.装饰部分和垫子的要求  (Manufactured articles solely filled with feather and down - Requirements for upholstered parts and cushions)
 BS EN 13855-1-2003  只填充有羽毛和羽绒的制品.垫子厚度和压缩系数的测量.旋转测试法  (Manufactured articles solely filled with feathers and down - Measurement of thickness and compressibility of cushions - Test method by rotation)
 BS EN 13855-2-2003  只填充有羽毛和羽绒的制品.垫子厚度和压缩系数的测量.摆动测试法  (Manufactured articles solely filled with feathers and down - Measurement of thickness and compressibility of cushions - Test method by oscillation)
 BS EN 13856-2002  汽车用液化石油气系统用户使用说明书内容的最低要求  (Minimum requirements for the content of the user manual for automotive LPG systems)
 BS EN 13857-1-2003  民用爆炸物.术语  (Explosives for civil uses - Terminology)
 BS EN 13857-3-2003  民用爆炸物.由制造商或其授权代表提供给用户的信息  (Explosives for civil uses - Information to be provided by the manufacturer or his authorised representative to the user)
 BS EN 13858-2003  金属防腐蚀.钢或铁件的非电解锌粉覆层  (Corrosion protection of metals - Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings on iron or steel components)
 BS EN 1386-1997  铝和铝合金.螺纹平板.规范  (Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tread plate - Specifications)
 BS EN 13860-1-2003  无损检验.涡流检验.设备特性和检定.仪器特性和检定  (Non destructive testing - Eddy current examination - Equipment characteristics and verification - Instrument characteristics and verification)
 BS EN 13860-2-2003  无损检验.涡流检验.设备特性和检定.探针特性和检定  (Non destructive testing - Eddy current examination - Equipment characteristics and verification - Probe characteristics and verification)
 BS EN 13860-3-2004  无损检验.涡流检验.设备特性和检定.系统特性和检定  
 BS EN 13861-2002  机械安全.机械设计中人类工效学应用指南  (Safety of machinery - Guidance for the application of ergonomics standards in the design of machinery)
 BS EN 13862-2001  楼板切割机床.安全  (Floor cutting-off machines - Safety)
 BS EN 13863-1-2003  混凝土路面.用测量法测定混凝土路面厚度的试验方法  (Concrete pavements - Test method for the determination of the thickness of a concrete pavement by survey method)
 BS EN 13863-2-2003  混凝土路面.层间粘结性测定的试验方法  (Concrete pavements - Test method for the determination of the bond between two layers)
 BS EN 13863-4-2004  混凝土路面.测定混凝土路面对镶钉轮胎的耐磨性的试验方法  
 BS EN 13863-4-2004  混凝土路面.测定混凝土路面对镶钉轮胎的耐磨性的试验方法  
 BS EN 13864-2004  运动场表面.合成纱线抗拉强度的测定  
 BS EN 13867-2002  血液透析和有关治疗用浓缩物  (Concentrates for haemodialysis and related therapies)
 BS EN 13868-2002  导尿管.单腔导尿管和医用管蜷缩的试验方法  (Catheters - Test methods for kinking of single lumen catheters and medical tubing)
 BS EN 13869-2002  打火机.儿童禁用的打火机的安全要求和试验方法  (Lighters - Child-resistance for lighters - Safety requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 1387-1997  可机读卡.医疗卫生伸请卡的一般要求  (Machine readable cards - Health care applications - Cards - General characteristics)
 BS EN 13871-2005  食品加工机械.立方体切削机.安全和卫生要求  
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