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 BS 2692-2-1956  1000V以上交流电熔断器.第2部分:冲出式熔丝  (Fuses for voltages exceeding 1000 V a.c. Expulsion fuses)
 BS 2692-3-1990  1000V以上交流电熔断器.第3部分:短路功率因数测定指南  (Fuses for voltages exceeding 1000 V a.c. Guide to the determination of short circuit power factor)
 BS 2693-1-1956  双头螺栓.第1部分:通用双头螺拴  (Specification for screwed studs - General purpose studs)
 BS 2693-2-1964  双头螺栓.第2部分:高级双头螺拴(美国标准ASA B1.125级干涉配合螺纹)推荐规范  (Specification for screwed studs - Recommendations for high grade studs (with Class 5 interference fit threads to American Standard ASA B1.12))
 BS 2697-1976  米制模数齿条式齿轮铣刀规范  (Specification for rack type gear cutters, metric module)
 BS 2698-1971  摄影软片用盒与标志规范  (Specification for containers and notes for filmstrips)
 BS 2701-1956  里斯-赫吉尔(Rees-Hugill)粉末密度量瓶规范  (Specification for Rees-Hugill powder density flask)
 BS 2713-1966  2-乙氧基乙醇(乙二醇-乙基酯)规范  (Specification for 2-ethoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monoethyl ether))
 BS 2718-1979  储气瓶用小台车规范  (Specification for gas cylinder trolleys)
 BS 2723-1956  消防人员的皮靴规范  (Specification for firemen’s leather boots)
 BS 2734-1997  细颈烧瓶规格  (Specification for narrow-necked boiling flasks)
 BS 2735-1956  碘瓶规范  (Specification for iodine flasks)
 BS 2737-1956  辐射摄影术揭示的铸件内部缺陷的词汇  (Terminology of internal defects in castings as revealed by radiography)
 BS 2738-1-1998  眼镜镜片.悬挂式眼镜镜片光学性能中的公差规范  (Spectacle lenses - Specification for tolerances on optical properties of mounted spectacle lenses)
 BS 2738-3-1991  眼镜镜片.第3部分:眼镜配制处方订单表示的规范  (Spectacle lenses - Specification for the presentation of prescriptions and prescription orders for ophthalmic lenses)
 BS 2738-3-2004  眼镜镜片.眼镜配装处方和定单表示的规范  
 BS 2740-1969  简易烟雾报警器与报警测量器规范  (Specification for simple smoke alarms and alarm metering devices)
 BS 2741-1969  简易烟雾观察器结构推荐规范  (Recommendations for the construction of simple smoke viewers)
 BS 2742 Addendum No. 1-1972  林格尔曼(Ringelmann)与小型鉴烟表的使用说明.林格尔曼数字仪表的刻度  (Notes of the use of Ringelmann and miniature smoke charts - The calibration of instruments in Ringelmann number)
 BS 2742-1969  林格尔曼(Ringelmann)与小型鉴烟表的使用说明  (Notes on the use of the Ringelmann and miniature smoke charts)
 BS 2742C-1957  林格尔曼鉴烟图表  (Ringelmann chart)
 BS 2742M-1960  小型鉴烟图表  (Miniature smoke chart)
 BS 2745-2-1993  医用洗涤消毒器.生活垃圾用具洗涤消毒器  (Washer-disinfectors for medical purposes - Specification for human waste container washer-disinfectors)
 BS 2745-3-1993  医用洗涤消毒器.处理生活垃圾用具和送洗衣物除外的洗涤消毒器规范  (Washer-disinfectors for medical purposes - Specification for washer-disinfectors except those used for processing human-waste containers and laundry)
 BS 275-1927  铆钉尺寸(直径 1/2英寸-1.75英寸)规范  (Specification for dimensions of rivets ()
 BS 2751-2001  一般用途丁腈橡胶混合物.规范  (General purpose acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber compounds - Specification)
 BS 2752-2003  氯丁橡胶化合物规范  (Chloroprene rubber compounds - Specification)
 BS 2754-1976  备忘录.防电击的电气设备结构  (Memorandum - Construction of electrical equipment for protection against electric shock)
 BS 2757-1986  电气绝缘耐热性分级的测定方法  (Method for determining the thermal classification of electrical insulation)
 BS 2761-1983  球面接头规范  (Specification for spherical ground joints)
 BS 2767-1991  散热器的手工操作铜合金阀的规范  (Specification for manually operated copper alloy valves for radiators)
 BS 2769-2.11-1984  手持电动工具.第2部分:特殊要求.第11节:混凝土振捣器规范  (Hand-held electric motor-operated tools - Particular requirements - Specification for concrete vibrators)
 BS 2772-2-1989  矿山运输和提升设备.第2部分:锻钢制品规范  (Colliery haulage and winding equipment - Specification for wrought steel)
 BS 2772-3-1987  矿山运输和提升设备.1.5%锰钢铸件规范  (Colliery haulage and winding equipment - Specification for 1.5% manganese steel castings)
 BS 2775-1987  一般实验室用橡皮塞和橡皮管规范  (Specification for rubber stoppers and tubing for general laboratory use)
 BS 2780-1983  皮革术语词汇  (Glossary of leather terms)
 BS 2782-0-1995  塑料的试验方法.第0部分:引言  (Methods of testing plastics - Introduction)
 BS 2782-0-2004  塑料的试验方法.引言  
 BS 2782-0-2004  塑料的试验方法.引言  
 BS 2782-1 Method 130A-1991  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.试验方法130A:用刚果红法对聚氯乙烯热稳定性的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride by the Congo red method)
 BS 2782-1 Method 130C-1993  塑料试验方法.热特性.聚氯乙烯耐热性的电导测量方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride by the conductometric method)
 BS 2782-1 Method 130D-1993  塑料的试验方法.热性能.用电位计法测定聚氯乙烯的热稳定性  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of the thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride by the potentiometric method)
 BS 2782-1 Method 131B-1983  塑料的试验方法.热性能.挠性聚氯乙烯板材加热老化后延伸性的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of extensibility after heat ageing of flexible polyvinyl chloride sheet)
 BS 2782-1 Method 140A-1992  塑料的试验方法.热特性.接触小火着火源的卧式和立式样品燃烧性能的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source)
 BS 2782-1 Method 140D-1997  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.试验方法140D:550mm×35mm聚氯乙烯薄膜试片的易燃性(实验室法)  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Flammability of a test piece 550 mm x 35 mm of thin polyvinyl chloride sheeting (laboratory method))
 BS 2782-1 Method 140E-1982  塑料的试验方法.热性能.小型倾钭试片置于酒精火焰上的可燃性(实验室法)  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Flammability of a small, inclined test piece exposed to an alcohol flame (laboratory method))
 BS 2782-1 Method 150B-1976  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.试验方法150B:挠性聚乙烯混合物冷挠曲温度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of cold flex temperature of flexible polyvinyl compound)
 BS 2782-1 Method 150C-1983  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.试验方法150C:挠性聚氯乙烯板低温延伸率的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of low temperature extensibility of flexible polyvinyl chloride sheet)
 BS 2782-1 Method 150D-1976  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.试验方法150D:薄膜与薄片的冷裂温度  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Cold crack temperature of film and thin sheeting)
 BS 2782-1 Method 151A-1984  塑料的试验方法.热性能.挠性聚氯乙烯挤压混合物冷弯温度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of cold bend temperature of flexible polyvinyl chloride extrusion compound)
 BS 2782-1 Method 153A-1991  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.方法153A:挠性材料抗扭刚度测定(一般方法)  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of stiffness in torsion of flexible materials (general method))
 BS 2782-1 Method 153B-1991  塑料的试验方法.第1部分:热性能.方法153B:挠性材料抗扭刚度测定(氯乙烯混合物法)  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of stiffness in torsion of flexible materials (method for vinyl chloride compounds))
 BS 2782-1 Methods 131C and 131  塑料的试验方法.热性能.热固性模制材料加热后(耐热性)的破碎强度.热固性层叠板材或模制材料加热后(耐热性)  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Crushing strength after heating (heat resistance) of thermosetting moulding material - Crushing strength after heating (heat resistance) of thermoset)
 BS 2782-1 Methods 134A and 134  塑料的试验方法.热性能.热塑塑料的氧化感应时间的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermal properties - Determination of the oxidation induction time of thermoplastics)
 BS 2782-10 Method 1001-1977  塑料的试验方法.第10部分:玻璃纤维增强塑料.试验方法1001:用巴科尔硬度计测量硬度  (Methods of testing plastics - Glass reinforced plastics - Measurement of hardness by means of a Barcol impressor)
 BS 2782-10 Method 1002-1977  塑料的试验方法.第10部分:玻璃纤维增强塑料.试验方法1002:灼烧失重的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Glass reinforced plastics - Determination of loss on ignition)
 BS 2782-10 Method 1003-1977  塑料的试验方法.第10部分:玻璃纤维增强塑料.试验方法1003:拉伸性能测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Glass reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile properties)
 BS 2782-10 Method 1004-1977  塑料的试验方法.第10部分:玻璃纤维增强塑料.试验方法1004:调节和试验用标准大气压  (Methods of testing plastics - Glass reinforced plastics - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing)
 BS 2782-10 Method 1005-1977  塑料的试验方法.第10部分:玻璃纤维增强塑料.试验方法1005:挠曲特性的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Glass reinforced plastics - Determination of flexural properties - Three point method)
 BS 2782-10 Method 1006-1978  塑料的试验方法.第10部分:玻璃纤维增强塑料.试验方法1006:合成树脂浸渍的玻璃纤维织物中挥发物和树脂含量的  (Methods of testing plastics - Glass reinforced plastics - Determination of volatile matter and resin content of synthetic resin-impregnated textile glass fabric)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1101A-1981  塑料的试验方法.第11部分:热塑性塑料管、配件和阀门.试验方法1101A:管尺寸的测量  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Measurement of dimensions of pipes)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1108A-1989  塑料的试验方法.第11部分:热塑性塑料管、配件和阀门.试验方法1108A:管界面限定碰撞率  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - True impact rate (TIR) boundaries of pipes)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1109A-1989  塑料的试验方法.第11部分:热塑性塑料管,配件和阀门.试验方法1109A:非承压使用的聚乙烯管和配件的耐坏境应力  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Resistance to environmental stress cracking of polyethylene pipes and fittings for non-pressure applications)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1110-1989  塑料的试验方法.第11部分:热塑性塑料管、配件和阀门.试验方法1110:非承压用聚氯乙烯槽形管的哑铃状试样的抗  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Tensile properties of dumb-bell specimens from PVC gutter profiles of pipes for non-pressure applications)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1121B-1997  塑料的试验方法.热塑管、配件和阀门.流体输送用热塑管.额定外部直径和额定压力.米制系列  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures - Metric series)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1121C-1997  塑料的试验方法.热塑管、配件和阀门.流体输送用热塑管.额定外部直径和额定压力.英尺系列  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures - Inch-based series)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1121H-1996  塑料的试验方法.第11部分:热塑性塑料管、配件和阀门.试验方法1121H:非承压输送液体用热塑性塑料管.塑料管头  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of liquids under pressure - Calculation of head losses)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1127P-1997  塑料试验方法.热塑管,配件和阀门.液体输送用热塑材管.抗内压力.试验方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Thermoplastics pipes, for the conveyance of fluids - Resistance to internal pressure - Test method)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1150B-1998  塑料试验方法.热塑管,配件和阀门.塑料管道和配件.用对接熔法的聚乙烯(PE)管/管或管道/配件试验组件的准备  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Plastics pipes and fittings - Preparation of polyethylene (PE) pipe/pipe or pipe/fitting test piece assemblies by butt fusion)
 BS 2782-11 Method 1150E-1997  塑料的试验方法.第11部分:热塑性塑料管,配件和阀门.试验方法1150E:塑料管和配件.聚乙烯管和电熔融配件之间  (Methods of testing plastics - Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and valves - Plastics pipes and fittings - Preparation of test piece assemblies between a polyethylene (PE) pipe and an electrofusion fitti)
 BS 2782-2 Method 241A-1984  塑料的试验方法.电气性能.聚氯乙烯混合物对聚乙烯损耗角正切向影响的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Electrical properties - Determination of effect of polyvinyl chloride compound on the loss tangent of polyethylene)
 BS 2782-3 Method 323A-1996  塑料试验方法.机械特性.拉伸振动.非共振方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Tensile vibration - Non-resonance method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 323B-1996  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法323B:弯曲振动.非共振法  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Flexural vibration - Non-resonance method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 323C-1996  塑料试验方法.机械特性.剪切振动.非共振方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Shear vibration - Non-resonance method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 323D-1996  塑料试验方法.机械特性.扭转振动.非共振方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Torsional vibration - Non-resonance method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 323E-1997  塑料试验方法.机械性能.径向剪切震动,波的传播方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Longitudinal and shear vibration - Wave-propagation method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 323F-1997  塑料试验方法.机械性能.拉伸震动.声脉冲的传播方法  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Tensile vibration - Sonic-pulse propagation method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 327A-1993  塑料的试验方法.机械性能.聚四氟乙烯制品抗拉强度与断裂伸长率的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) products)
 BS 2782-3 Method 332A-1976  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法332A:塑料薄膜的韧性  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Stiffness of plastics film)
 BS 2782-3 Method 341A-1977  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法341A:增强塑料表观层间剪切强度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength of reinforced plastics)
 BS 2782-3 Method 346A-1984  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法346A:叠层管各层间粘附力的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of cohesion between layers of laminated tube)
 BS 2782-3 Method 352E-1996  塑料试验方法.机械特性.自由落体法测定抗冲击性(阶梯法)  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of impact resistance by the free-falling dart method (staircase method))
 BS 2782-3 Method 352F-1996  塑料试验方法.机械特性.自由落体法测定抗冲击性(仪器穿孔试验)  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of impact resistance by the free-falling dart method (instrumented puncture test))
 BS 2782-3 Method 360A-1991  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.方法360A.用Elonendorf法测定塑料薄膜和塑料片的抗撕裂性能  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of tear resistance of plastics film and sheeting by the Elmendorf method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 360B-1991  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.方法360B.用裤型撕裂法测定塑料薄膜和塑料片的抗撕裂性能  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of tear resistance of plastics film and sheeting by the trouser tear method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 360C-1991  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.方法360C.用引发法测定塑料薄膜和塑料片的抗撕裂性能  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of tear resistance of plastics film and sheeting by the initiation method)
 BS 2782-3 Method 365A-1976  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法365A:挠性塑料材料韧性度值的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of softness number of flexible plastics materials)
 BS 2782-3 Method 370-1996  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法370:用砂轮测定耐磨性  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of resistance to wear by abrasive wheels)
 BS 2782-3 Methods 340A and 340  塑料的试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法340A:模制材料剪切强度测定.340B:板材剪切强度测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Mechanical properties - Determination of shear strength of moulding material - Determination of shear strength of sheet material)
 BS 2782-4 Method 432A-1991  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法432A:不饱和聚酯树脂基增强塑料中残余苯乙烯单体含量的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of residual styrene monomer content in reinforced plastics based on unsaturated polyester resins)
 BS 2782-4 Method 432D-1995  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法432D:不饱和聚酯树脂蒸发苯值的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of styrene evaporation from unsaturated polyester resins)
 BS 2782-4 Method 433A-1979  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法433A:环氧树脂与缩水甘油脂无机氯的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of inorganic chlorine in epoxide resins and glycidyl esters)
 BS 2782-4 Method 434B-1977  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法434B:用氯仿萃取物紫外线吸收法测定聚烯烃混合料的抗氧化剂  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of antioxidants in polyolefin compounds by ultra-violet absorption of the chloroform extract)
 BS 2782-4 Method 434D-1975  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法434D:用分光光度法测定聚烯烃混合料的抗氧化剂  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of antioxidants in polyolefin compounds by a spectrophotometric method)
 BS 2782-4 Method 451A-1978  塑料的试验方法.化学性能.酚醛模制件的丙酮可溶物的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of acetone-soluble matter in phenolic mouldings)
 BS 2782-4 Method 451B-1978  塑料的试验方法.化学性能.酚醛模制材料在模制后丙酮可溶物的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of acetone-soluble matter in phenolic moulding materials after moulding)
 BS 2782-4 Method 452B-1993  塑料测试方法.化学特性.聚烯烃化合物中炭黑含量测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of carbon black content of polyolefin compound)
 BS 2782-4 Method 452C-1979  塑料的试验方法.化学性能.低密度聚乙烯混合料丁基橡胶含量的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of butyl rubber content of low density polyethylene compounds)
 BS 2782-4 Method 453A-1978  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法453A:用气相色谱法测定聚苯乙烯中残余苯乙烯单体  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of residual styrene monomer in polystyrene by gas chromatography)
 BS 2782-4 Method 453C-1996  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法453C:用气相色谱法测定苯乙烯/丙烯腈共聚物中残余丙烯腈单体的含  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of residual acrylonitrile monomer content in styrene/acrylonitrile copolymers using gas chromatography)
 BS 2782-4 Method 454D-1978  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法454D:聚氯乙烯树脂挥发物测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of volatile matter (including water) of PVC resins)
 BS 2782-4 Method 454G-1996  塑料的试验方法.化学特性.高聚物分散法.筛分余值的测定(大分子和凝固物含量)  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Polymer dispersions - Determination of sieve residue (gross particle and coagulum content))
 BS 2782-4 Method 470B-1999  塑料试验方法.化学性能.聚对苯二甲酸乙酯灰分的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of ash of polyalkylene terephthalates)
 BS 2782-4 Method 470C-1991  塑料的试验方法.第4部分:化学性能.试验方法470C:未增塑醋酸纤维素灰分的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of ash of unplasticized cellulose acetate)
 BS 2782-4 Methods 451F to 451J  塑料的试验方法.化学性能.酚醛模制材料的甲醛含量测定(比色法).酚醛模制材料的甲醛含量测定(重量法).酚醛模  ()
 BS 2782-4 Methods 452D to 452F  塑料的试验方法.化学性能.聚烯烃混合物水萃取物pH值测定.聚烯烃混合物水可溶硫酸盐含量测定.聚烯烃混合物水  (Methods of testing plastics - Chemical properties - Determination of pH of water extract of polyolefin compound - Determination of water-soluble sulphates in polyolefin compound - Determination of wat)
 BS 2782-5 Method 520A-1992  塑料的试验方法.风化条件下光学性能和颜色性能.镜面光泽度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Optical and colour properties, weathering - Determination of specular gloss)
 BS 2782-5 Method 521A-1992  塑料的试验方法.风化条件下光学性能和颜色性能.塑料薄膜和薄板霾度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Optical and colour properties, weathering - Determination of haze of film and sheet)
 BS 2782-5 Method 540C-1988  塑料的试验方法.第5部分:风化条件下的光学和颜色性能.试验方法540C:用聚砜胶片测定紫外线辐射强度  (Methods of testing plastics - Optical and colour properties, weathering - Determination of ultraviolet radiation intensity using polysulphone film)
 BS 2782-5 Method 540F-1995  塑料的试验方法.风化条件下的光学和颜色特性.曝露在实验室灯光下的方法.荧光紫外灯源  (Methods of testing plastics. Optical and colour properties, weathering. Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources. Fluorescent UV lamps)
 BS 2782-5 Method 540G-1995  塑料的试验方法.风化条件下的光学和颜色特性.曝露在实验室灯光下的方法.有焰碳弧灯源  (Methods of testing plastics - Optical and colour properties, weathering - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Open flame carbon-arc lamps)
 BS 2782-5 Method 542A-1979  塑料的试验方法.第5部分:光学和颜色特性.试验方法542A:颜料渗色的定性评定  (Methods of testing plastics. Optical and colour properties. Qualitative evaluation of bleeding of colorants)
 BS 2782-5 Method 552A-1999  塑料试验方法.风化后光学和颜色特性.在透过玻璃的日光、 自然风化和试验室光源下暴露后颜色和形状改变的测  (Methods of testing plastics - Optical and colour properties, weathering - Determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after exposure to daylight under glass, natural weathering or)
 BS 2782-5 Methods 530A and 530  塑料的试验方法.风化下光学和颜色性能.黄色指数测定.近似白色或近似无色材料的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Optical and colour properties, weathering - Determination of yellowness index - Determination of the colour of near-white or near-colourless materials)
 BS 2782-6 Method 621C-1983  塑料的试验方法.尺寸特性.模制材料体积系数的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Dimensional properties - Determination of the bulk factor of moulding materials)
 BS 2782-6 Method 621D-1978  塑料的试验方法.尺寸特性.聚氯乙烯树脂压实表观体密度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Dimensional properties - Determination of compacted apparent bulk density of PVC resins)
 BS 2782-6 Method 630A-1994  塑料的试验方法.尺寸特性.用机械扫描法测定挠性片厚度  (Methods of testing plastics - Dimensional properties - Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning of flexible sheet)
 BS 2782-6 Method 631A-1993  塑料的试验方法.尺寸特性.柔性板的重量分析厚度和屈服性的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Dimensional properties - Determination of gravimetric thickness and yield of flexible sheet)
 BS 2782-6 Method 632A-1993  塑料的试验方法.尺寸特性.柔性板长度和宽度的测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Dimensional properties - Determination of length and width of flexible sheet)
 BS 2782-6 Method 640A-1979  塑料的试验方法.尺寸特性.热固性模制材料压制模塑棒材试样的收缩量测定  (Methods of testing plastics - Dimensional properties - Determination of shrinkage of test specimens in the form of bars of compression moulded thermosetting moulding materials)
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