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 BS 6721-6-1989  铜及铜合金的取样与分析.第6部分:用分光光度法对铜和铜合金中磷的测定方法  (Sampling and analysis of copper and copper alloys - Method for determination of phosphorus in copper and copper alloys by spectrophotometry)
 BS 6721-7-1989  铜及铜合金的取样与分析.第7部分:用重量分析法对铜合金中镍的测定方法  (Sampling and analysis of copper and copper alloys - Method for determination of nickel in copper alloys: gravimetric method)
 BS 6721-8-1989  铜及铜合金的取样与分析.第8部分:用滴定法对铜合金中镍的测定方法  (Sampling and analysis of copper and copper alloys - Method for determination of nickel in copper alloys: titrimetric method)
 BS 6721-9-1989  铜及铜合金的取样与分析.第9部分:用光焰原子吸收分光光度法对铜合金中铅的测定方法  (Sampling and analysis of copper and copper alloys - Method for determination of lead in copper alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
 BS 6722-1986  金属材料尺寸推荐规范  (Recommendations for dimensions of metallic materials)
 BS 6723-1985  多语种主题词表的构成与编制指南  (Guide to establishment and development of multilingual thesauri)
 BS 6724-1997  着火时散发出少量烟和腐蚀气体的热固绝缘体的电源铠装电缆规范  (Specification for 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V armoured electric cables having thermosetting insulation and low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire)
 BS 6727-1987  信息交换用字符串中的数值表示规范  (Specification for representation of numerical values in character strings for information interchange)
 BS 6728-2-1993  热塑性塑料热水瓶.第2部分:聚烯烃材料制热水瓶规范  (Thermoplastics hot water bottles - Specification for hot water bottles manufactured from polyolefin materials)
 BS 6729-1987  金属材料弹力断裂韧性测定方法  (Method for determination of the dynamic fracture toughness of metallic materials)
 BS 673-1984  气动工具柄和夹盘套筒配合尺寸规范  (Specification for shanks for pneumatic tools and fitting dimensions of chuck bushings)
 BS 6732-1987  工业用低压开关设备和控制装置规范.平接头的尺寸号和量规  (Specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Size numbers and gauges for flat connections)
 BS 6734-1986  兽医及农业用灭菌剂抗菌效率的测定方法  (Method for determination of the antimicrobial efficacy of disinfectants for veterinary and agricultural use)
 BS 6734-2004  兽医及农业用灭菌剂抗菌效率的测定.方法  
 BS 6735-1987  农用拖拉机和机械中容纳操纵机构活动半径范围的体积规范  (Specification for reach volumes for the location of controls on agricultural tractors and machinery)
 BS 6736-1986  农业操作用手发信号实用规程  (Code of practice for hand signalling for use in agricultural operations)
 BS 6739-1986  过程控制系统的仪器装置实施规程:安装设计和实施  (Code of practice for instrumentation in process control systems: installation design and practice)
 BS 6740-1987  通过测量半径变化测定圆度偏差的方法  (Method for determining departures from roundness by measuring variations in radius)
 BS 6742-2-1987  使用易燃材料的静电喷涂和抛光设备.第2部分:选择安装和使用手握喷枪及辅助设备规范  (Electrostatic painting and finishing equipment using flammable materials - Specification for selection, installation and use of hand-held paint spray guns (energy limit of 0,24 mJ) and associated appa)
 BS 6742-3-1990  使用易燃材料的静电喷涂和抛光设备.第3部分:手持式粉末喷枪(能限为5mJ)及其辅助装置的选择、安装和使用规范  ()
 BS 6742-4-1990  使用易燃材料的静电喷涂和抛光设备.第4部分:手持式絮凝剂喷枪  (能限为0.24mJ或5mJ)及其辅助装置的选择、安装和使用规范()
 BS 6744-2001  用于混凝土的加筋用不锈钢棒.要求和试验方法  (Stainless steel bars for the reinforcement of and use in concrete - Requirements and test methods)
 BS 6746C-1993  电缆绝缘和护皮的颜色图  (Colour chart for insulation and sheath of electric cables)
 BS 6747-1987  聚丙烯酸酯制树脂规范  (Specification for orthodontic resins)
 BS 6748-1986  陶瓷制品、玻璃陶瓷制品和搪瓷制品金属析出极限规范  (Specification for limits of metal release from ceramic ware, glassware, glass ceramic ware and vitreous enamel ware)
 BS 675-1953  糖瓶规范  (Specification for sugar flasks)
 BS 6750-1986  建筑中模数协调规范  (Specification for modular coordination in building)
 BS 6751-1986  准备在室外环镜条件下使用的机床的保护导则  (Guide for protection of machine tools intended for use in extreme environmental conditions)
 BS 6753-1986  保险装置用(电磁操纵)射钉规范  (Specification for shotbolts (solenoid operated) for guarding machinery)
 BS 6754-1986  压缩空气干燥器试验规范  (Specifications and testing of compressed air dryers)
 BS 6755-2-1987  阀门试验.第2部分:灭火阀试验要求规范  (Testing of valves - Specification for fire type-testing requirements)
 BS 6756-1986  纤维绳索吊货网兜规范  (Specification for fibre rope cargo nets)
 BS 6758-1987  C型螺旋磁带录像机规范  (Specification for type C helical video tape recorders)
 BS 6759-1-1984  安全阀.第1部分:蒸汽与热水用安全阀规范  (Safety valves - Specification for safety valves for steam and hot water)
 BS 6759-2-1984  安全阀.第2部分:惰性气体或压缩空气用安全阀规范  (Safety valves - Specification for safety valves for compressed air or inert gases)
 BS 6759-3-1984  安全阀.第3部分:工作流体用安全阀规范  (Safety valves - Specification for safety valves for process fluids)
 BS 676-1982  颈部有刻度的烧瓶(苯酚型)规范  (Specification for flasks with graduated necks (phenols type))
 BS 6762-2-1991  娱乐车辆和可移动娱乐车辆用装置的维护.第2部分:公园疗养所和可移动娱乐车辆固态燃料采暖安装实施准则  (Services for leisure accommodation vehicles and transportable accommodation units - Code of practice for the installation of solid fuel fired heating in park homes and transportable accommodation)
 BS 6765-4-1987  娱乐旅居车辆.大篷车.第4部分:底盘(行走部分)规范  (Leisure accommodation vehicles: caravans - Specification for undergear)
 BS 6767-1-1999  移动式膳宿装置.基础装置的设计和施工的推荐规范  (Transportable accommodation units - Recommendations for design and construction of the basic unit)
 BS 6767-2-1998  移动式膳宿装置.带有关住房的运输、选址和样式指南的辅助设备和配件设计以及装配的推荐规范  (Transportable accommodation units - Recommendations for design and installation of services and fittings with guidance on transportation, siting and aspects relating to habitation)
 BS 6770-1988  停车场机动房屋、度假篷车和活动居住装置的外部颜色指南  (Guide for exterior colours for park homes (mobile homes), holiday caravans and transportable accommodation units)
 BS 6779-4-1999  桥和其他设施用公路护墙.增强和未增强的砌体构筑物护墙规范  (Highway parapets for bridges and other structures - Specification for parapets of reinforced and unreinforced masonry construction)
 BS 6782-1-1987  涂料用粘合剂.第1部分:挥发组分含量与不挥发组分含量的测定方法  (Binders for paints - Method for determination of volatile and non-volatile content)
 BS 6782-10-1998  涂料粘合剂.聚二异氰酸盐酯树脂非金属二异氰酸盐的测定  (Binders for paints - Determination of monomeric diisocyanates in polyisocyanate resins)
 BS 6782-11-1999  涂料用胶粘剂.工业硝化纤维素溶液粘度测定和此类溶液的分类  (Binders for paints - Determination of the viscosity of industrial cellulose nitrate solutions and their classification)
 BS 6782-12-1997  涂料用粘合剂.用铂钴标度透明液体颜色的评定  (Binders for paints - Estimation of colour of clear liquids by the platinum-cobalt scale)
 BS 6782-13-1998  涂料粘合剂.绿化聚二异氰酸盐酯树脂试验的一般方法  (Binders for paints. General methods of test for chlorinated polymerization resins)
 BS 6782-14-1999  涂料粘合剂.用氢呋喃作为洗脱剂的凝胶渗透色谱法  (Binders for paints - Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) with tetrahydrofuran (THF) as eluent)
 BS 6782-15-1997  油漆胶粘剂.高脂油脂肪酸规范和试验方法  (Binders for paints - Specifications and test methods for tall-oil fatty acids)
 BS 6782-16-2001  涂料用粘合剂.水稀释粘合剂的通用试验方法  (Binders for paints. General methods of test for water-dilutable binders)
 BS 6782-16.1-2000  涂料用粘合剂.醇酸树脂的试验方法.常规方法  (Binders for paints - Methods of test for alkyd resins - General methods)
 BS 6782-16.2-2000  涂料用粘合剂.醇酸树脂的试验方法.邻苯二甲酸酐含量的测定  (Binders for paints - Methods of test for alkyd resins - Determination of phthalic anhydride content)
 BS 6782-16.3-2000  涂料用粘合剂.醇酸树脂的试验方法.非皂化物质含量的测定  (Binders for paints - Methods of test for alkyd resins - Determination of unsaponifiable matter content)
 BS 6782-16.4-2000  涂料用粘合剂.醇酸树脂的试验方法.脂肪酸含量的测定  (Binders for paints - Methods of test for alkyd resins - Determination of fatty acid content)
 BS 6782-17-2001  涂料用粘合剂.水稀释的粘合剂的MEQ值的测定  (Binders for paints - Determination of MEQ value of water-dilutable binders)
 BS 6782-18-2001  涂料用粘合剂.水溶粘合剂试验的一般方法  (Binders for paints - General methods of test for water-dilutable binders)
 BS 6782-5-1997  涂料用粘合剂.按加纳尔颜色标准级别估定透明液体颜色的方法  (Binders for paints - Method for estimation of colour of clear liquids by the Gardner colour scale)
 BS 6782-6-1987  涂料用粘合剂.第6部分:软化点的测定方法  (Binders for paints - Method for determination of softening point (ring and ball method))
 BS 6783-1-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第1部分:用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定镍中银、铋、钴、铜、铁、锰、铅和锌的方  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of silver, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, lead and zinc in nickel by flame atomic absorpti)
 BS 6783-10-1990  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第10部分:镍合金中铁含量的测定方法(重铬酸钾滴定法)  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of iron in nickel alloys (titrimetric method using potassium dichromate))
 BS 6783-11-1990  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第11部分:镍合金中钴含量的测定方法(六氰基高铁酸钠电位滴定法)  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys. Method for the determination of cobalt in nickel alloys (potentiometric titration method using potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)))
 BS 6783-12-1992  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第12部分:利用钼蓝分子吸收光谱测定法测定镍合金中磷的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for the determination of phosphorus in nickel alloys by molybdenum blue molecular absorption spectrometry)
 BS 6783-13-1992  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第13部分:用磷钒钼分子吸收光谱法测定镍、镍铁和镍合金中磷的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for the determination of phosphorus in nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys by phosphovanadomolybdate molecular absorption spec)
 BS 6783-14-1994  镍.镍铁和镍合金分析和取样.用分子吸收光谱仪测定镍和镍合金中硼总含量的方法.分子吸收光谱计法计算  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for the determination of total boron content of nickel, and nickel alloys by curcumin molecular absorption spectrometry)
 BS 6783-15-1994  镍.镍铁和镍合金的取样和分析.用二安替比林基低甲烷分子吸收光谱仪测定镍合金中的钛合金含量的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for the determination of titanium in nickel alloys by diantipyrylmethane molecular absorption spectrometry)
 BS 6783-2-1986  镍、镍铁和镍的合金取样与分析.第2部分:测定镍铁中镍的方法(丁二酮酚重量分析法)  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of nickel in ferronickel (dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method))
 BS 6783-3-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第3部分:用火焰原子吸收光谱法镍铁中钴的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of cobalt in ferronickel by flame atomic absorption spectrometry)
 BS 6783-4-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第4部分:用电热原子吸收光谱测定法测定银、砷、铋、镉、铅、锑、硒、锡、碲  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of silver, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, lead, antimony, selenium, tin, tellurium and thallium in nickel by elect)
 BS 6783-5-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第5部分:感应电炉燃烧后用红外吸收法测定镍、镍铁和镍合金中碳的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of carbon in nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys by infra-red absorption after induction furnace combustion)
 BS 6783-6-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第6部分:硫化氢产生后用甲蓝分子吸收光谱测定法测定镍中硫的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of sulphur in nickel by methylene blue molecular absorption spectrometry after generation of hydrogen sulphide)
 BS 6783-7-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第7部分:感应电炉燃烧后用红外测定镍镍铁和镍合金中硫的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of sulphur in nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys by infra-red absorption after induction furnace combustion)
 BS 6783-8-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第8部分:感应电炉燃烧后用碘滴定法测定镍、镍铁和镍合金中硫的方法  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of sulphur in nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys by iodimetric titration after induction furnace combustion)
 BS 6783-9-1986  镍、镍铁和镍合金的取样与分析.第9部分:镍铁中硅的测定方法(重量分析法)  (Sampling and analysis of nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Method for determination of silicon in ferronickel (gravimetric method))
 BS 6785-1986  游泳池用太阳能加热装置实用规程  (Code of practice for solar heating systems for swimming pools)
 BS 6788-2-1990  神经外科植入物.第2部分:可植入的神经刺激器的标志和包装规范  (Neurosurgical implants - Specification for marking and packaging of implantable neural stimulators)
 BS 6788-3-1990  神经外科植入物.第3部分:自闭式颅内动脉瘤小夹规范  (Neurosurgical implants - Specification for self-closing intracranial aneurysm clips)
 BS 6789-1-1984  连接某些公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.第1部分:一般要求规范  (Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to public switched telephone networks run by certain public telecommunications operators - Specification for general requirements)
 BS 6789-2-1984  连接某些公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.带扬声器的设备规范  (Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to public switched telephone networks run by certain public telecommunications operators - Specification for apparatus with loudspeaking)
 BS 6789-3.1-1985  连接英国通信公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.带自动呼号 、自动回答和自动消号功能的设备.自动呼号  (Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to the British Telecommunications public switched telephone network - Apparatus with auto-calling, auto-answering and auto-clearing facil)
 BS 6789-3.2-1987  连接某些公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.带自动呼号,自动回答和自动消号功能的设备.自动回答和自动  ()
 BS 6789-6.1-1986  连接某些公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.串联设备规范.具有最大允许损伤度的仪器  (Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to certain public switched telephone networks - Specification for series connected apparatus - Apparatus having maximum allowable impairm)
 BS 6789-6.2-1989  接连某些公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.串联设备规范.具有小于最大允许损伤度的仪器  (Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to certain public switched telephone networks - Specification for series connected apparatus - Apparatus having less than maximum allowab)
 BS 6789-7-1988  连接某些公共切换电话网用的单功能或多功能设备.第7部分:呼叫设备规范  (Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to public switched telephone networks run by certain public telecommunications operators - Specification for apparatus with call barring)
 BS 6793-1987  男衬衫规范  (Specification for men’s uniform shirts)
 BS 6794-1986  测得陆地车辆振动数据后的报告方法  Method for reporting measured vibration data for land vehicles
 BS 6798-2000  额定输入功率不超过70kW的燃气锅炉的安装规范  (Specification for installation of gas-fired boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net)
 BS 680-2-1971  屋面石板瓦.第2部分:米制单位  (Specification for roofing slates - Metric units)
 BS 6803-1-1993  车辆安全报警系统.第1部分:已装就系统的规范  (Vehicle security alarm systems - Specification for installed systems)
 BS 6803-3-1990  车辆安全报警系统.第3部分:运输中车辆及货物保护实用规程  (Vehicle security alarm systems - Code of practice for the protection of vehicles and goods in transit)
 BS 6805-1-1987  测定和检验机械和设备固定噪声传播值的统计方法.第1部分:术语词汇  (Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment - Glossary of terms)
 BS 6805-2-1987  测定和检验机械和设备固定噪声传播值的统计方法.第2部分:检定及验证个别机器设定价值的方法  (Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment - Method for determining and verifying stated values for individual machines)
 BS 6805-3-1987  测定和检验机械和设备固定噪声传播值的统计方法.第3部分:使用简易法(瞬间)检定和验证成批机器设定价值的方  (Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment - Method for determining and verifying stated values for batches of machines using a simple (t)
 BS 6805-4-1987  测定和检验机械和设备固定噪声传播值的统计方法.第4部分:检定和验证多批机器设定价值的方法  (Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment - Methods for determining and verifying stated values for batches of machines)
 BS 6806-2002  纺织品.甲醛的测定.使用铬变酸法测定甲醛的总含量和游离部分(水萃取法)的含量  (Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Method for the determination of total and free (water extraction method) formaldehyde using chromotropic acid)
 BS 6807-1996  一次和二次点火源燃烧类型的床垫、沙发床及软床座可燃性的评估  (Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses, upholstered divans and upholstered bed bases with flaming types of primary and secondary sources of ignition)
 BS 6808-1-1987  座标测量机.术语汇编  (Coordinate measuring machines - Glossary of terms)
 BS 6808-3-1989  坐标测量机.实施规程  (Coordinate measuring machines - Code of practice)
 BS 6809-1987  燃烧试验用辐射仪的校准方法  (Method for calibration of radiometers for use in fire testing)
 BS 6810-1987  纺织品中金属含量的测定方法  (Methods for determination of metals in textiles)
 BS 6811-0-1993  绕组线.第0部分:引言和零件表  (Winding wires - General introduction and list of Parts)
 BS 6811-1.1-1987  绕组线基本尺寸.第1部分:圆绕组线导体直径规范  (Winding wires - Basic dimensions - Specification for diameters of conductors for round winding wires)
 BS 6812 Pt.3-1991  土方机械发出的空气噪声.第3部分:动态试验条件下外部噪声的测量方法  (Airborne noise emitted by earth-moving machinery. Method of measurement of exterior noise in dynamic test conditions)
 BS 6812-3-1991  土方机械发出的气载噪声.动态试验条件下外部噪声的测量方法  (Airborne noise emitted by earth-moving machinery - Method of measurement of exterior noise in dynamic test conditions)
 BS 6818-1-1987  农用轮式拖拉机的前部安装联动机构和动力输出装置.第1部分:动力输出装置规范  (Front-mounted linkage and power take-off for agricultural wheeled tractors - Specification for power take-off)
 BS 6818-2-1987  农用轮式拖拉机的前部安装联动机构和动力输出装置.第2部分:前部联动装置规范  (Front-mounted linkage and power take-off for agricultural wheeled tractors - Specification for front linkage)
 BS 6827-1987  袋装生咖啡豆的储存及运输指南  (Guide to storage and transport of green coffee in bags)
 BS 6828-5.1-1987  牙科用旋转器械.第5部分:数字编码体系.第1节:一般性能规范  (Dental rotary instruments - Number coding system - Specification for general characteristics)
 BS 6828-8.1-1987  牙科用旋转器械.切割器.实验室用钢制切割器规范  (Dental rotary instruments - Cutters - Specification for steel laboratory cutters)
 BS 6828-9-1987  牙科用旋转器械.第9部分:试验方法  (Dental rotary instruments - Methods of test)
 BS 6829-0-1991  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.第0部分:一般介绍  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - General introduction)
 BS 6829-1.1-1987  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.一般方法.无机硫酸盐含量的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - General methods - Method for determination of mineral sulphate content)
 BS 6829-1.2-1988  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.一般方法.游离碱度或游离酸度的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - General methods - Method for determination of free alkalinity or free acidity)
 BS 6829-1.3-1988  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.一般方法.碱度的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - General methods - Method for determination of alkalinity)
 BS 6829-1.6-1991  阴离子表面活性剂.第1部分:一般方法.第6节:水溶解度的测定法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - General methods - Method for determination of solubility in water)
 BS 6829-2.1-1988  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.烷烃磺酸盐.碱性磺酸盐总含量的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - Alkane sulphonates - Method for determination of total alkaline sulphonates content)
 BS 6829-2.2-1989  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.碱性磺酸盐.平均相对摩尔量和碱性单磺酸盐含量的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - Alkane sulphonates - Method for determination of mean relative molecular mass and content of alkane monosulphonates)
 BS 6829-2.3-1989  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.碱性磺酸盐.碱性单磺酸盐总含量的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - Alkane sulphonates - Method for determination of alkane monosulphonates content)
 BS 6829-3.1-1989  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.烷基苯磺酸钠.平均相对摩尔量的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - Sodium alkylbenzenesulphonates - Method for determination of mean relative molecular mass)
 BS 6829-4.2-1989  表面活性剂(原料)的分析.乙基氧化加成化合物.聚乙二醇和非离子活性物质含量的测定方法  (Analysis of surface active agents (raw materials) - Ethylene oxide adducts - Method for determination of polyethylene glycols and non-ionic active matter contents)
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