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 BS 4839-2-1974  吹塑聚烯烃容器规范.第2部分:容量大于5L和小于60L的容器  (Plastics containers - Containers over 5 litres and up to 60 litres capacity)
 BS 4840-1-1985  硬聚氨脂(PUR)泡沫塑料块.第1部分:运输容器和绝缘运输车身用聚氨脂(PUR)泡沫塑料规范  (Rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam in slab form - Specification for PUR foam for use in transport containers and insulated vehicle bodies)
 BS 4840-2-1994  硬聚氨基(PUR)泡沫塑料块.冷藏箱、冷藏室及冷库用聚氨脂泡沫塑料规范  (Rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam in slab form - Specification for PUR foam for use in refrigerator cabinets, cold rooms and stores)
 BS 4841-1-1993  建筑用聚氨酯(PUR)和聚异氰尿酸酯(PIR)泡沫.第1部分:一般用途层压板  (Rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam for building applications - Specification for laminated board for general purposes)
 BS 4841-2-1975  建筑用硬氨酯泡沫塑料规范.第2部分:用作墙和顶棚隔层的层压板  (Rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam for building applications - Laminated board for use as a wall and ceiling insulation)
 BS 4841-3-1994  建筑用硬氨酯泡沫塑料规范.第3部分:组合屋顶的顶板隔热用带自动粘附增强饰面的两种层压板(屋顶板)  (Rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam for building applications - Specification for two types of laminated board (roofboards) with auto-adhesively bonded reinforcing facings for use)
 BS 4842-1984  外部建筑和液态有机涂覆的板材及预成型铝合金挤压件精整用板材和预成型铝合金挤压件液态有机涂层的规范  ()
 BS 4845-1-1972  50kg-5000kg小发货重量的散装或袋装家用人造无烟固体燃料的取样方法.第1部分:焦炭的取样  (Methods for sampling manufactured domestic solid smokeless fuels in small consignments of mass 50 kg to 5000 kg either in bulk or in bags - Sampling of coke)
 BS 4845-2-1979  50kg-5000kg小发货重量的散装或袋装家用人选无烟固体燃料的取样方法.第2部分:固体无烟燃料(除焦炭外)的取样  (Methods for sampling manufactured domestic solid smokeless fuels in small consignments of mass 50 kg to 5000 kg either in bulk or in bags - Sampling of solid smokeless fuels other than coke)
 BS 4847-1989  声录放设备速度波动的测量方法  (Method of measurement of speed fluctuations in sound recording and reproducing equipment)
 BS 4854-1972  矿用乘人车规范  (Specification for cars for manriding in mines)
 BS 4856-1-1972  风机盘管供暖装置、单供热器和单供冷器的试验和评定方法.第1部分:加热负荷的热性能及体积特性;无附加导  (Methods for testing and rating fan coil units, unit heaters and unit coolers - Thermal and volumetric performance for heating duties; without additional ducting)
 BS 4856-2-1975  风机盘管供暖装置,单供热器和单供冷器的试验和评定方法.第2部分:冷却负荷的热性能及体积特性.无附加导  (Methods for testing and rating fan coil units, unit heaters and unit coolers - Thermal and volumetric performance for cooling duties: without additional ducting)
 BS 4856-3-1975  风机盘管供暖装置,单供热器和单供冷器的试验和评定方法.第3部分:加热与冷却负荷的热性能及体积特性;有  (Methods for testing and rating fan coil units, unit heaters and unit coolers - Thermal and volumetric performance for heating and cooling duties; with additional ducting)
 BS 4856-4-1997  风机盘管供暖装置、单供热器和单供冷器的试验和评定方法.第4部分:使用混响室对风机盘管供暖装置、单  (Methods for testing and rating fan coil units, unit heaters and unit coolers - Determination of sound power levels of fan coil units, unit heaters and unit coolers using reverberating rooms)
 BS 4857-1-1972  空气分配系统的终端再热装置的试验与评定方法.第1部分:热性能及空气动力学特性  (Methods for testing and rating terminal reheat units for air distribution systems - Thermal and aerodynamic performance)
 BS 4857-2-1978  空气分配系统的终端再热装置的试验与评定方法.第2部分:声学试验和评定  (Methods for testing and rating terminal reheat units for air distribution systems - Acoustic testing and rating)
 BS 4859-1989  聚烯烃丝纺织品试验方法  (Methods for test for fabrics produced from polyolefin tape yarns)
 BS 4868-1972  建筑用成型薄铝板规范  (Specification for profiled aluminium sheet for building)
 BS 4871-3-1985  按认可焊接工艺操作的焊工鉴定考试规范.第3部分:金属管与管板接头之间的电弧焊  (Specification for approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures - Arc welding of tube to tube-plate joints in metallic materials)
 BS 4872-1-1982  焊接工艺不需认可时焊工的鉴定考试规范.第1部分:钢的熔焊  (Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required - Fusion welding of steel)
 BS 4872-2-1976  焊接工艺不需认可时焊工的鉴定考试规范.第2部分:铝及铝合金的钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊或熔化极惰性气体保护  (Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required - TIG or MIG welding of aluminium and its alloys)
 BS 4873-1986  铝合金窗规范  (Specification for aluminium alloy windows)
 BS 4873-2004  铝合金窗  
 BS 4875-1-2001  家具的强度和稳定性.椅和凳的强度测定方法  (Strength and stability of furniture - Requirements for the strength and durability of the structure of domestic and contract seating)
 BS 4875-5-2001  家具的强度和稳定性.家用和定做用桌子及小台车的强度、耐用性和稳定性要求  (Strength and stability of furniture - Requirements for strength, durability and stability of tables and trolleys for domestic and contract use)
 BS 4875-7-1998  家具稳定性和强度.储存家具耐力和强度的测定  (Strength and stability of furniture - Methods for determination of strength and durability of storage furniture)
 BS 4875-8-1998  家具稳定性和强度.非家用储存家具耐力和强度的测定方法  (Strength and stability of furniture - Methods for determination of stability of non-domestic storage furniture)
 BS 4876-1984  家用有烟道燃油器具的性能要求(包括试验方法)规范  (Specification for performance requirements for domestic flued oil burning appliances (including test procedures))
 BS 4877-1972  核反应堆装置的一般原理推荐标准  (Recommendations for general principles of nuclear reactor instrumentation)
 BS 4878-1973  矿和露天矿用(V型入口)大型牵引钢索滑轮规范  (Specification for large (vee-throated) haulage rope pulleys for mines and quarries)
 BS 4879-1973  冰淇淋与冷冻糖果包装用涂腊纸板规范  (Specification for waxed board for packaging ice cream and frozen confectionery)
 BS 4880-1-1973  小便池规范.第1部分:不锈钢板制小便池  (Specification for urinals - Stainless steel slab urinals)
 BS 4881-1993  聚丙稀薄膜芯线.电线和股线规范  (Specification for polypropylene film cords, lines and twines)
 BS 4884-1-1992  技术手册.第1部分:基本信息的表示规范  (Technical manuals - Specification for presentation of essential information)
 BS 4884-2-1993  技术手册.第2部分:内容规则  (Technical manuals - Guide to content)
 BS 4884-3-1993  技术手册.第3部分:表述规则  (Technical manuals - Guide to presentation)
 BS 4886-1988  医院用床架规范  (Specification for hospital bedsteads)
 BS 4887-1-1986  灰浆掺和料.第1部分:引气剂(增塑)规范  (Mortar admixtures - Specification for air-entraining (plasticizing) admixtures)
 BS 4887-2-1987  灰浆掺和料.第2部分:缓凝剂规范  (Mortar admixtures - Specification for set retarding admixtures)
 BS 489-1999  涡轮机润滑剂规范  (Specification for turbine lubricants)
 BS 4894-1993  通用开口铆钉规范(米制系列)  (Specification for bifurcated rivets for general purpose use (metric series))
 BS 4895-1981  一般用半空心管形铆钉规范  (Specification for semi-tubular rivets for general purpose use)
 BS 4896-1973  纸浆灰分的测定方法  (Method for the determination of ash of pulp)
 BS 4897-4-1983  纸浆的痕量金属含量.用高碘酸钠光度测量法和火焰原子吸收光谱法测定锰含量的方法  (Trace metal contents of pulps - Method for determination of manganese content by sodium periodate photometric and flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods)
 BS 4898-1973  链杆提升机规范  (Specification for chain lever hoists)
 BS 4899-1-1991  技术手册内容的用户要求指南.第1部分:内容  (Guide to user’s requirements for technical manuals (based on the principles of BS 4884): Content)
 BS 4899-2-1992  技术手册用户要求指南(根据BS 4884原则).第2部分:表达法  (Guide to user’s requirements for technical manuals (based on the principles of BS 4884): Presentation)
 BS 490-10.1-1983  输送机与提升机传动带.物理性能试验.导言  (Conveyor and elevator belting - Testing for physical properties - Introduction)
 BS 490-10.5-1984  输送机与提升机传动带.物理性能试验.橡胶覆层的抗拉强度和断裂伸长的测定方法  (Conveyor and elevator belting - Testing for physical properties - Method for determination of tensile strength and elongation at break of rubber covers)
 BS 490-10.7-1984  输送机与提升机传动带.物理性能试验.环状带长度的测定方法  (Conveyor and elevator belting - Testing for physical properties - Method for determination of length of an endless belt)
 BS 490-11.2-1991  输送机与提升机传动带.第11部分:安全试验方法.第2节:低能量和高能量丙烷隧道试验  (Conveyor and elevator belting - Methods of test for safety - Low energy and high energy propane gallery tests)
 BS 4900-1976  建筑用釉层颜色规范  (Specification for vitreous enamel colours for building purposes)
 BS 4901-1976  建筑用塑料颜色规范  (Specification for plastics colours for building purposes)
 BS 4904-1978  建筑用外部围护墙颜色规范  (Specification for external cladding colours for building purposes)
 BS 4921-1988  钢铁件上的镀锌层规范  (Specification for sherardized coatings on iron or steel)
 BS 4926-1973  二氯酚规范  (Specification for dichlorophen)
 BS 4927-1-1974  纸、棉、丝或人造丝包铜线规范.圆线  (Specification for paper-, cotton-, silk- or rayon-covered copper conductors - Round wire)
 BS 4929-2-1973  常作用扭矩式钢质六角螺母规范.第2部分:统一英制系列  (Specification for steel hexagon prevailing-torque type nuts - Unified (inch) series)
 BS 493-1995  墙壁通风用通气空心砖和花栅规范  (Specification for airbricks and gratings for wall ventilation)
 BS 4933-1973  ISO 米制粗制帽罩头和沉头螺拴、螺钉和六角螺母规范  (Specification for ISO metric black cup and countersunk head bolts and screws with hexagon nuts)
 BS 4937-30-1993  国际热耦参考表.第30部分:延伸和补偿电缆.公差和鉴定系统  (International thermocouple reference tables - Extension and compensating cables - Tolerances and identification system)
 BS 4938-1-1982  牛奶污垢含量.第1部分:污垢含量的测定方法(比较法)  (Dirt content of milk - Method for the determination of dirt content (reference method))
 BS 4938-2-1982  牛奶污垢含量.第2部分:可见污垢含量的测定方法(快速法)  (Dirt content of milk - Method for the determination of visible dirt content (rapid method))
 BS 4938-2P-1982  牛奶污垢含量.第2p部分:牛奶中可见污垢含量测定方法(快速法)的摄影标准  (Dirt content of milk - Photographic standards for the method for the determination of visible dirt content of milk (rapid method))
 BS 4939-1987  铺地织物承受长期静态重负荷后厚度损失的测定方法  (Method for determination of thickness loss of textile floor coverings after prolonged heavy static loading)
 BS 4940-1-1994  建筑产品及服务技术信息.管理指南  (Technical information on construction products and services - Guide for management)
 BS 4940-2-1994  建筑产品及服务技术信息.内容和编排指南  (Technical information on construction products and services - Guide to content and arrangement)
 BS 4940-3-1994  建筑产品及服务技术信息.操作指南  (Technical information on construction products and services - Guide to presentation)
 BS 4942 Pt.3-1981  提升用短环节链.第3部分:M(4)级校准链规范  (Short link chain for lifting purposes. Specification for grade M (4) calibrated chain)
 BS 4948-1994  室内装饰织物的物体接触可见污染的评定方法  (Method for assessment of the visible soiling by body contact of upholstery fabrics)
 BS 4950-1973  工程用喷涂和熔融金属覆层规范  (Specification for sprayed and fused metal coatings for engineering purposes)
 BS 4952-1992  弹性织物的试验方法  (Methods of test for elastic fabrics)
 BS 4954-1-1973  空气分配系统用感应装置的试验及评定方法.第1部分:热特性和空气动力学特性  (Methods for testing and rating induction units for air distribution systems - Thermal and aerodynamic performance)
 BS 4954-2-1978  空气分配系统用感应装置的试验及评定方法.第2部分:声学试验和评定  (Methods for testing and rating induction units for air distribution systems - Acoustic testing and rating)
 BS 4956-1973  拉丝用热轧圆钢棒的尺寸与公差规范  (Specification for dimensions and tolerances of hot rolled round steel rods for wire drawing)
 BS 4962-1989  田间地下排水用塑料管和配件规范  (Specification for plastics pipes and fittings for use as subsoil field drains)
 BS 4963-1973  高压电气设备用空心绝缘子试验规范  (Specification for tests on hollow insulators for use in high voltage electrical equipment)
 BS 4965-1999  彩色叠层塑料面胶合板和镶板  (Decorative laminated plastics sheet veneered boards and panels)
 BS 4966-1991  炼焦炉用硅质耐火材料规范  (Specification for silica refractories for use in coke ovens)
 BS 4968-70-1973  邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯、邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯及癸二酸二异辛酯规范  (Specifications for di-isobutyl phthalate, di-isooctyl phthalate, di-isooctyl sebacate)
 BS 4971-2002  文献保护用修复和有关处理方法.推荐  (Repair and allied processes for the conservation of documents - Recommendations)
 BS 4973-1-1973  衬里规范.第1部分:非织造缝入衬里  (Interlinings - Nonwoven sew-in interlinings)
 BS 4973-2-1973  衬里规范.第2部分:非织造热融衬里  (Interlinings - Nonwoven fusible interlinings)
 BS 4973-3-1976  衬里规范.第3部分:机织和针织热融衬里  (Interlinings - Woven and knitted fusible interlinings)
 BS 4973-4-1990  衬里规范.第4部分:织造缝入衬里  (Interlinings - Specification for woven sew-in interlinings)
 BS 4974-1975  铅酸电池用水规范  (Specification for water for lead-acid batteries)
 BS 4975-1990  核工程用预应力混凝土压力容器规范  (Specification for prestressed concrete pressure vessels for nuclear engineering)
 BS 4978-1996  软木的外观强度等级规范.  (Specification for visual strength grading of softwood)
 BS 498-1990  粗锉和钳工锉规范  (Specification for rasps and engineers’ files)
 BS 4981-1984  世界鞋号的鞋靴尺寸和标号制规范  (Specification for Mondopoint footwear sizing and marking system)
 BS 4985-1973  用特数制的整数值代替惯用的纱线支数的换算表  (Conversion table for replacing traditional yarn numbers by rounded values in the Tex System)
 BS 4987-1-2003  道路及其它铺砌区的碎石路面(沥青混凝土).组分材料和混合物规范  (Coated macadam (asphalt concrete) for roads and other paved areas - Specification for constituent materials and for mixtures)
 BS 4987-2-2003  道路及其它铺砌区的碎石路面(沥青混凝土).运输、铺设和压实规范  (Coated macadam (asphalt concrete) for roads and other paved areas - Specification for transport, laying and compaction)
 BS 499-1 Supplement-1992  焊接术语与符号.补充.电焊设备的定义  (Welding terms and symbols - Supplement - Definitions for electric welding equipment)
 BS 499-2C-1999  焊接术语与符号.图表中的欧洲电弧焊接符号  (Welding terms and symbols - European arc welding symbols in chart form)
 BS 4991-1974  丙烯共聚物承压管规范  (Specification for propylene copolymer pressure pipe)
 BS 4993-1-1974  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第1部分:氟含量的测定  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of fluorine content)
 BS 4993-10-1983  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第10部分:磷含量的测定  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of phosphorus content)
 BS 4993-2-1974  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第2部分:铁含量的测定  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of iron content)
 BS 4993-3-1974  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第3部分:硅含量的测定  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of silica content)
 BS 4993-4-1980  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第4部分:试样的制备和贮存  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Preparation and storage of test samples)
 BS 4993-5-1980  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第5部分:含水量的测定(卡尔费希尔法)  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of moisture content (Karl Fischer method))
 BS 4993-6-1980  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第6部分:含水量的测定(重量法)  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of moisture content (gravimetric method))
 BS 4993-7-1980  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第7部分:钠含量的测定  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sodium content)
 BS 4993-8-1980  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第8部分:硫酸盐含量的测定  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content)
 BS 4993-9-1980  工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第9部分:硫含量的测定(x射线荧光光谱测定法)  (Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sulphur content (X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method))
 BS 4994-1987  增强塑料容器及桶的设计和结构规范  (Specification for design and construction of vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics)
 BS 4995-1973  透镜及光学系统纱幕眩光指数测量的推荐标准  (Recommendations for measurement of the veiling glare index of lenses and optical systems)
 BS 4996-1973  动力线载波通信系统用线路陷波器规范  (Specification for line traps for power line carrier systems)
 BS 4998-1985  模塑热塑性塑料吸尘箱(盖除外)规范  (Specification for moulded thermoplastics dustbins (excluding lids))
 BS 4999-0-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第0部分:一般介绍和其他部件的介绍  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - General introduction and information on other Parts)
 BS 4999-103-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第103部分:符号规范  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - Specification for symbols)
 BS 4999-103-2004  旋转电机的一般要求.符号规范  
 BS 4999-111-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第111部分:额定电压小于和等于交流660V的电动机的内装式热防护规范  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - Specification for built-in thermal protection for electric motors rated at 660 volts a.c. and below)
 BS 4999-140-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第140部分:交流同步发电机的电压调节和并联运行规范  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - Specification for voltage regulation and parallel operation of a.c. synchronous generators)
 BS 4999-141-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第141部分:标准尺寸规范  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - Specification for standard dimensions)
 BS 4999-141-2004  旋转电机的一般要求.标准尺寸规范  
 BS 4999-142-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第142部分:机械性能--振动规范  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - Specification for mechanical performance: vibration)
 BS 4999-143-1987  旋转电机的一般要求.第143部分:试验规范  (General requirements for rotating electrical machines - Specification for tests)
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