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 BS DD ENV 12102-1997  空调器、热泵和电传动动压缩机的减湿器.空气噪声测量.测定声功率水平  (Air conditioners, heat pumps and dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors - Measurement of airborne noise - Determination of the sound power level)
 BS DD ENV 12108-2001  塑料管道系统.人类生活用冷热水要求安装在建筑物内部的压力系统指南  (Plastics piping systems - Guidance for the installation inside buildings of pressure systems for hot and cold water intended for human consumption)
 BS DD ENV 12140-1997  利用等离子比质谱测量法测定果汁糖的稳定碳等离子比(UP1UP3C/UP1UP2C)的方法  (Method for determination of stable carbon isotope ratio (UP1UP3C/UP1UP2C) of sugars from fruit juices, using isotope ratio mass spectrometry)
 BS DD ENV 12141-1997  利用等离子比质谱测量法测定果汁水中稳定氧等离子比(UP1UP8O/UP1UP6O)的方法  (Method for determination of stable oxygen isotope ratio (UP1UP8O/UP1UP6O) of water from fruit juices, using isotope ratio mass spectrometry)
 BS DD ENV 12142-1997  利用等离子比质谱测量法测定果汁水中稳定氢等离子比(UP2H/UP1H)的方法  Method for determination of stable hydrogen isotope ratio (UP2H/UP1H) of water from fruit juices, using isotope ratio mass spectrometry
 BS DD ENV 12160-1998  地理信息.数据描述.空间图  Geographic information - Data description - Spatial schema
 BS DD ENV 12169-2000  大量锯材的合格评定标准  Criteria for the assessment of conformity of a lot of sawn timber
 BS DD ENV 12212-1996  高级技术陶瓷.分类的统一方法  Advanced technical ceramics - Unified method for classification
 BS DD ENV 12251-2001  医疗信息.医疗卫生用户安全识别系统.密码承担文电鉴别的管理和保护功能  Health informatics - Secure user identification for health care - Management and security of authentication by passwords
 BS DD ENV 12253-1997  道路运输和交通信息管理(RTTT).专用短程通信.在5.8 GHz微波使用的物理层  (Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTT) - Dedicated short range communications (DSRC) - Physical layer using microwave at 5.8 GHz)
 BS DD ENV 12264-1998  医用信息.主要系统分类结构.语义表示模型  (Medical informatics - Categorical structures of systems of concepts - Model for representation of semantics)
 BS DD ENV 12282-1997  纸.印刷和商业用纸.刃口粉尘测定  (Paper - Printing and business paper - Determination of edge dust)
 BS DD ENV 12289-1996  高级工业搪瓷.环境温度下陶瓷复合材料机械特性.测定板内剪切强度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at ambient temperature - Determination of in-plane shear properties)
 BS DD ENV 12290-1996  高级工业搪瓷.在高温惰性气体环境中陶瓷复合材料的机械特性.测定板内抗压强度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature under inert atmosphere - Determination of compression properties)
 BS DD ENV 12291-1996  高级工业搪瓷.在大气压空气下陶瓷复合材料的机械特性.测定板内抗压强度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature in air at atmospheric pressure - Determination of compression properties)
 BS DD ENV 12299-1999  铁路设施.乘客的舒适度推测和评估  (Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation)
 BS DD ENV 12313-1-1998  交通和旅客信息(TTI).通过交通信息编码的TTI信息.无线电数据系统的编码协议.交通信息频道  Traffic and traveller information (TTI) - TTI messages via traffic message coding - Coding protocol for Radio data system - Traffic message channel (RDS-TMC) (RDS-TMC using ALERT C) Version 3.0
 BS DD ENV 12313-4-2000  交通和旅客信息(TTI).通过交通信息编码的TTI信息.交通信息编码协议.交通信息频道(RDS-TMC). 使用ALERT加ALE  (Traffic and traveller information (TTI) - TTI messages via traffic message coding - Coding protocol for radio data system - Traffic message channel (RDS-TMC) - RDS-TMC using ALERT Plus with ALERT C)
 BS DD ENV 12314-1-1997  道路运输和交通信息管理.自动车辆和设备规范.参考体系和术语  (Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Reference architectures and terminology)
 BS DD ENV 12315-1-1997  交通和客运信息(TTI).通过专用短程通信的TTI信息.数据规范.下行线路(道边车辆)  (Traffic and traveller information (TTI) - TTI messages via dedicated short-range communication - Data specification - Downlink (roadside to vehicle))
 BS DD ENV 12315-2-1997  交通和客运信息(TTI).通过专用短程通信的TTI信息.数据规范.上行线路(道边车辆)  (Traffic and traveller information (TTI) - TTI messages via dedicated short-range communication - Data specification - Uplink (vehicle to roadside))
 BS DD ENV 12381-1997  医疗卫生信息管理.医疗卫生专项问题的时间标准  (Health care informatics - Time standards for healthcare specific problems)
 BS DD ENV 12404-1997  木头和木基产品的耐摩力  (Durability of wood and wood-based products - Assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of dry rot Serpula lacrymans (Schumacher ex Fries) S. F. Gray - Laborato)
 BS DD ENV 12435-2000  医用信息.健康科学评估结果表达式  (Medical informatics - Expression of results of measurements in health sciences)
 BS DD ENV 12443-2001  医用信息.医疗卫生信息框架(HIF)  (Medical informatics - Healthcare information framework (HIF))
 BS DD ENV 12448-1997  纸.印刷和商业用纸.静摩擦系数测定  (Paper - Printing and business paper - Determination of the coefficient of static friction)
 BS DD ENV 12497-1998  纸和纸板.要求接触食品的纸和纸板.测定水解萃取物中水银  (Paper and board - Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of mercury in an aqueous extract)
 BS DD ENV 12498-1998  纸和纸板.要求接触食品的纸和纸板.测定水解萃取物中的镉、铅和铬含量  Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of cadmium, lead and chromium in an aqueous extract
 BS DD ENV 1250-1-1995  木材防腐剂.来自加工木材的活性配料和其它防腐剂配料损耗的测量方法.为测定蒸发到空气中的损耗获取分析样品的实验室方法  Wood preservatives - Methods of measuring losses of active ingredients and other preservative ingredients from treated timber - Laboratory method for obtaining samples for analysis to measure losses by evaporation to air
 BS DD ENV 1250-2-1995  木材防腐剂.来自加工木材的活性配料和其它防腐剂配料损耗的测量方法.为测定浸没到水或合成海水中的损耗获取  (Wood preservatives - Methods of measuring losses of active ingredients and other preservative ingredients from treated timber - Laboratory method for obtaining samples for analysis to measure losses b)
 BS DD ENV 12520-2000  家具.座椅.机械结构安全性要求  (Domestic furniture - Seating - Mechanical and structural safety requirements)
 BS DD ENV 12521-2000  家具.桌子.机械结构安全性要求  (Domestic furniture - Tables - Mechanical and structural safety requirements)
 BS DD ENV 12537-1-1998  医用信息.医疗卫生用信息客体登记.登记员  (Medical informatics - Registration of information objects used for EDI in healthcare - The register)
 BS DD ENV 12537-2-1998  医用信息.医疗卫生用信息客体登记.医疗卫生电子信息交换(EDI)使用的信息客体注册的程序  (Medical informatics - Registration of information objects used for EDI in healthcare - Procedures for the registration of information objects used in electronic data interchange (EDI) in healthcare)
 BS DD ENV 12538-1998  医用信息.患者诊疗安排信息  (Medical informatics - Messages for patient referral and discharge)
 BS DD ENV 12539-1998  医用信息.诊断业务部门要求和报告文电  (Medical informatics - Request and report messages for diagnostic service departments)
 BS DD ENV 1257-1-1995  识别卡系统.在交叉环境中个人识别号(PIN)的处理规则. PIN表示法  (Identification card systems.Rules for personal identification number (PIN) handling in intersector environments - PIN presentation)
 BS DD ENV 1257-2-1998  识别卡系统.在交叉环境中个人识别号(PIN)的处理规则. PIN 保护  (Identification card systems.Rules for personal identification number (PIN) handling in intersector environments - PIN protection)
 BS DD ENV 1257-3-1997  识别卡系统.在交叉环境中个人识别号(PIN)的处理规则. PIN 验证  Identification card systems.Rules for personal identification number (PIN) handling in intersector environments - PIN verification
 BS DD ENV 1259-1-1994  单端燃烧器燃气顶上部辐射加热式加热器和非家用燃气光辐射加热器.建立合理使用能量的要求和试验方法.辐射测量法 A  Single burner gas fired overhead radiant tube heaters and non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters - Requirements and test methods for establishing the rational use of energy - Radiometric method A
 BS DD ENV 1259-2-1997  单端燃烧器燃气顶上部辐射加热式加热器和非家用燃气光辐射加热器.建立合理使用能量的要求和试验方法.辐射测量法 B  Single burner gas fired overhead radiant tube heaters and non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters - Requirements and test methods for establishing the rational use of energy - Radiometric method B
 BS DD ENV 1259-3-1997  单端燃烧器燃气顶上部辐射加热式加热器和非家用燃气光辐射加热器.建立合理使用能量的要求和试验方法.辐射测量法 C  Single burner gas fired overhead radiant tube heaters and non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters - Requirements and test methods for establishing the rational use of energy - Radiometric method C
 BS DD ENV 12610-1998  医用信息.医疗产品识别  (Medical informatics - Medical product identification)
 BS DD ENV 12611-1998  医用信息.主要系统的编目结构  Medical informatics - Categorical structure of systems of concepts - Medical devices
 BS DD ENV 12612-1998  医用信息.医疗卫生管理信息交换文电  (Medical informatics - Messages for the exchange of healthcare administrative information)
 BS DD ENV 12623-1998  医用信息.医疗图片通信中媒体互交换  Medical informatics - Media interchange in Medical imaging communications (MI-MEDICOM)
 BS DD ENV 12625-2-1999  薄页纸及其产品.取样和制定条件规程  Tissue paper and tissue products - Procedures for sampling and conditioning
 BS DD ENV 12625-8-2001  薄页纸及其产品.水吸收容量.手工和自动试验方法  Tissue paper and tissue products - Water absorption time, water absorption capacity - Manual and automated test method
 BS DD ENV 12633-2003  未抛光和抛光防滑值的测定方法  (Method of determination of unpolished and polished slip/skid resistance value)
 BS DD ENV 12646-1997  条形码.条形码扫描仪和解码器的试验规范  Bar coding - Test specifications for bar code scanners and decoders
 BS DD ENV 12647-1997  条形码.条形码 检验仪试验规范  Bar coding - Test specifications for bar code verifiers
 BS DD ENV 12656-1999  地质信息.数据描述.质量  Geographic information - Data description - Quality
 BS DD ENV 12657-1999  地质信息.数据描述.数据  Geographic information - Data description - Metadata
 BS DD ENV 12658-1999  地质信息.数据描述.传递  Geographic information - Data description - Transfer
 BS DD ENV 12661-1999  地理信息.参考.地理标识  Geographic information - Referencing - Geographic identifiers
 BS DD ENV 12694-1997  公共运输.道路车辆.可变化的电子外部信号的尺寸要求  (Public transport - Road vehicles - Dimensional requirements for variable electronic external signs)
 BS DD ENV 12718-2001  医用弹力袜  Medical compression hosiery
 BS DD ENV 12719-2001  医用血栓预防袜  (Medical thrombosis prophylaxis hosiery)
 BS DD ENV 12762-1999  地理信息.参考.直接位置  (Geographic information - Referencing - Direct position)
 BS DD ENV 12788-1998  高级技术陶瓷.高温下惰性气氛中陶瓷复合材料机械性能.测定抗弯强度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature under inert atmosphere - Determination of flexural strength)
 BS DD ENV 12796-1997  道路交通和运输远程信息管理(RTTT).公交运输. Validators  (Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Validators)
 BS DD ENV 12837-2000  涂料和清漆.用保护涂料系统作钢结构防腐蚀用的监测器鉴定  (Paints and varnishes - Qualification of inspectors for corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems)
 BS DD ENV 1284-1996  识别卡系统.集成电路卡锁定和非锁定的交叉规则  (Identification card systems - Intersector rules for locking and unlocking of integrated circuit(s) cards)
 BS DD ENV 1285-1995  信息处理.使用SGML的技术.欧洲标准应用  (Information processing - Techniques for using SGML - Application for European standards)
 BS DD ENV 12872-2000  木基板材.楼板、墙和屋顶承重板使用指南  (Wood-based panels - Guidance on the use of load-bearing boards in floors, walls and roofs)
 BS DD ENV 12875-1-1998  家庭用具洗碗机的耐化学性.基准试验方法  (Mechanical dishwashing resistance of domestic utensils - Reference test method)
 BS DD ENV 12896-1998  道路运输和交通远程信息管理.公交运输.参考数据模型  (Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Reference data model)
 BS DD ENV 12908-1998  铅和铅合金.火花激发光学发射分光光度测定法分析  (Lead and lead alloys - Analysis by optical emission spectrometry (OES) with spark excitation)
 BS DD ENV 12920-1998  水特性.专用条件下污水渗透行为测定方法论  (Characterization of waste - Methodology for the determination of the leaching behaviour of waste under specified conditions)
 BS DD ENV 12922-1-1998  医疗图像管理.储存提交业务级别  (Medical image management - Storage commitment service class)
 BS DD ENV 12923-1-1998  高级工业陶瓷.块体陶瓷.腐蚀试验的一般实现  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - General practice for undertaking corrosion tests)
 BS DD ENV 12923-2-2001  高级工业陶瓷.块体陶瓷.氧化试验  (Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - Oxidation test)
 BS DD ENV 12924-1998  医用信息.医疗卫生系统的信息安全采编和维护  (Medical informatics - Security categorisation and protection for healthcare information systems)
 BS DD ENV 12925-1998  条形码.符号规范.’PDF417’  (Bar coding - Symbology specifications - ’PDF417’)
 BS DD ENV 12936-1998  羽毛和绒毛.测定固定负荷下动态疲劳应力的永久变形  (Feather and down - Determination of the permanent deformation after dynamic fatigue stress under constant load)
 BS DD ENV 12940-1999  制鞋生产排污水.污水分类和管理  (Footwear manufacturing wastes - Waste classification and management)
 BS DD ENV 12967-1-1998  医疗信息学.保健信息体系结构.保健中间件层  (Medical informatics - Healthcare Information System Architecture (HISA) - Healthcare middleware layer)
 BS DD ENV 12977-1-2001  太阳能系统和组件.客户建立系统.一般要求  (Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - General requirements)
 BS DD ENV 12977-2-2001  太阳能系统和组件.客户建立系统.试验方法  (Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Test methods)
 BS DD ENV 12977-3-2001  太阳能系统和组件.客户建立系统.太阳能加热系统集热箱性能特征  (Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems)
 BS DD ENV 1300-1999  安全储存装置.对高级安全锁按其防未经许可打开性进行的分类  (Secure storage units - Classification for high security locks according to their resistance to unauthorized opening)
 BS DD ENV 13050-2001  幕墙.水密封性.动态条件下空气压力和水喷射的实验室试验  (Curtain walling - Watertightness - Laboratory test under dynamic condition of air pressure and water spray)
 BS DD ENV 13070-1998  水果和蔬菜汁.在水果汁果浆中碳同位素比(UP1UP3C/UP1UP2C).使用同位素比质镨仪法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of the stable carbon isotope ratio (UP1UP3C/UP1UP2C) in the pulp of fruit juices - Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry)
 BS DD ENV 13093-1998  公交运输.道路车辆.司机的固定接口要求.小型显示器和keypad参数  Public transport - Road vehicles - Driver`s console mechanical interface requirements - Minimum display and keypad parameters
 BS DD ENV 13106-2000  公交运输和交通远程信息管理.DATEX 交通和旅游数据词典(版本 3.1a)  (Road transport and traffic telematics - DATEX traffic and travel data dictionary (version 3.1a))
 BS DD ENV 13130-1-1999  与食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制.测定从塑料进入食品的特殊迁移物质和对食品诱发物质 以及塑料中的物质  ()
 BS DD ENV 13130-2-1999  与食品接触材料和人造材料.塑料物质接触极限. 测定食品诱发物质中的对苯二酸  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of terephthalic acid in food simulants
 BS DD ENV 13130-3-1999  食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制.测定食品和食诱发物中的丙烯腈  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of acrylonitrile in food and food simulants
 BS DD ENV 13130-4-1999  与食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制. 测定塑料中的1,3丁二烯  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of 1,3-butadiene in plastics
 BS DD ENV 13130-5-1999  食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制.测定食品和食诱发物中的偏二氯乙烯  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of vinylidene chloride in food simulants
 BS DD ENV 13130-6-1999  食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制.测定塑料中的偏二氯乙烯  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of vinylidene chloride in plastics
 BS DD ENV 13130-7-1999  食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制.测定食品诱发物中的甘醇和二甘醇  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of monoethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in food simulants
 BS DD ENV 13130-8-1999  食品接触材料和制品.塑料物质限制.测定塑料中的异氰酸酯  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Determination of isocyanates in plastics
 BS DD ENV 13149-1-2000  公共运输.道路车辆调度表和控制系统.路上数据传输用WORLDFIP 定义和应用原则  (Public transport - Road vehicle scheduling and control systems - WORLDFIP definition and application rules for onboard data transmission)
 BS DD ENV 13149-2-2000  公共运输.道路车辆调度表和控制系统.WORLDFIP电缆线路规范  Public transport - Road vehicle scheduling and control systems - WORLDFIP cabling specifications
 BS DD ENV 13149-4-2002  公共运输.道路车辆调度表和控制系统.CAN 开放式传动汽车用一般使用规则  Public transport - Road vehicle scheduling and control systems - General application rules for CANopen transmission busses
 BS DD ENV 13149-5-2002  交通运输.道路车辆调度表和控制系统.CAN 开放式布线规范  Public transport - Road vehicle scheduling and control systems - CANopen cabling specifications
 BS DD ENV 13154-1-2001  HVAC 应用现场网络的数据通信.目标  (Data communication for HVAC application field net - Objects)
 BS DD ENV 13154-2-1998  HVAC 应用现场网络的数据通信.协议  (Data communication for HVAC application field net - Protocols)
 BS DD ENV 1317-4-2002  路障系统.安全路障的终端和过渡端的性能分类、冲击试验验收标准和试验方法  (Road restraint systems - Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for terminals and transitions of safety barriers)
 BS DD ENV 13233-2000  高技术陶瓷.陶瓷复合材料.注释与符号  (Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites - Notations and symbols)
 BS DD ENV 13234-2000  高技术陶瓷.陶瓷复合材料.室温环境机械特性.由切口灵敏度测试评估防裂纹扩展特性  (Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites - Mechanical properties at ambient temperatures - Evaluation of the resistance to crack propagation by notch sensitivity testing)
 BS DD ENV 13235-2000  高技术陶瓷.在高温惰性气氛下陶瓷复合材料的机械特性.蠕变测定  (Advanced technical ceramics - Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature under inert atmosphere - Determination of creep behaviour)
 BS DD ENV 13282-2000  水硬石灰电路带.成份、规范和合格评定  Hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
 BS DD ENV 13287-2002  专用防护鞋靴和职业鞋靴的安全.防滑测定的试验方法  (Safety, protective and occupational footwear for professional use - Test method for the determination of slip resistance)
 BS DD ENV 1329-2-2001  建筑内污物污水排放(高、低温)用塑料管道系统.未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U).合格评定指南  (Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Guidance for the assessment of conformity)
 BS DD ENV 13321-1-1999  HVAC 应用自动网络的数据通信.BAC网络、处理字段总线和世界FIP  (Data communication for HVAC application automation net - BACnet, Profibus, World FIP)
 BS DD ENV 13321-2-2000  HVAC 应用自动网络的数据通信.EIB网络  (Data communication for HVAC application automation net - EIBnet)
 BS DD ENV 13372-1999  道路交通和运输远程信息管理(RTTT).专用短程通信(DSRC).RTTT 应用的 DSRC 轮廓  (Road traffic and transport telematics (RTTT) - Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) - DSRC profiles for RTTT applications)
 BS DD ENV 13376-1999  地理信息.数据描述.应用图表规则  (Geographic information - Data description - Rules for application schemas)
 BS DD ENV 13381-2-2002  测定结构薄板耐火性的试验方法.垂向防火薄板  (Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Vertical protective membranes)
 BS DD ENV 13381-3-2002  测定结构薄板耐火性的试验方法.用于防火的混凝土薄板  (Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Applied protection to concrete members)
 BS DD ENV 13381-4-2002  测定结构薄板耐火性的试验方法.用于防火的钢薄板  (Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Applied protection to steel members)
 BS DD ENV 13381-5-2002  测定结构薄板耐火性的试验方法.用于防火的混凝土/外形合成薄板  (Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Applied protection to concrete/profiled sheet composite members)
 BS DD ENV 13381-6-2002  测定结构薄板耐火性的试验方法.防火用混凝土填充的空心钢柱  (Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns)
 BS DD ENV 13381-7-2002  测定结构薄板耐火性的试验方法.防火用木质板材  (Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Applied protection to timber members)
 BS DD ENV 13419-1-1999  建筑产品.挥发性有机化合物排放测量  (Building products - Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds - Emission test chamber method)
 BS DD ENV 13419-2-1999  建筑产品.挥发性有机化合物排放测量.排放试验室法  (Building products - Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds - Emission test cell method)
 BS DD ENV 13419-3-1999  建筑产品.挥发性有机化合物排放测量.取样、样品储存和试验样品制备的程序  (Building products - Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds - Procedure for sampling, storage of samples and preparation of test specimens)
 BS DD ENV 13420-2000  窗.不同气候间的特性.试验方法  (Windows - Behaviour between different climates - Test method)
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