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 ISO/TR 10305-1-2003  道路车辆.电磁场强度测量设备的校正.第1部分:频率大于0Hz的电磁场测量设备  (Road vehicles - Calibration of electromagnetic field strength measuring devices - Part 1: Devices for measurement of electromagnetic fields at frequencies 0 Hz)
 ISO/TR 10305-1-2003  道路车辆.电磁场强度测量设备的校正.第1部分:频率大于0Hz的电磁场测量设备  
 ISO/TR 10305-2-2003  道路车辆.电磁场强度测量设备的校正.第2部分:9kHz-40GHz的电磁场传感器和探针(不包括天线)的校正用IEEE标准  (Road vehicles - Calibration of electromagnetic field strength measuring devices - Part 2: IEEE standard for calibration of electromagnetic field sensors and probes, excluding antennas, from 9 kHz to 40 GHz)
 ISO/TR 10305-2-2003  道路车辆.电磁场强度测量设备的校正.第2部分:9kHz-40GHz的电磁场传感器和探针(不包括天线)的校正用IEEE标准  
 ISO/TR 10314-1-1990  工业自动化.车间地板生产.第1部分:标准化的参考模式和要求的识别法  (Industrial automation; shop floor production; part 1: reference model for standardization and a methodology for identification of requirements)
 ISO/TR 10314-2-1991  工业自动化.车间生产.第2部分:标准化和方法学参考模式的应用  (Industrial automation; shop floor production; part 2: application of the reference model for standardization and methodology)
 ISO/TR 10357-1989  输送带.等长三节托辊之间和距离计算公式(新方法)  (Conveyor belts; formula for transition distance on three equal length idler rollers (new method))
 ISO/TR 10358-1993  塑料管和配件.综合抗化学性能分类表  (Plastics pipes and fittings; combined chemical-resistance classification table)
 ISO/TR 10450-1991  工业自动化系统和整体化.分立部件制造的操作.工业环境中的设备  (Industrial automation systems and integration; operating conditions for discrete part manufacturing; equipment in industrial environments)
 ISO/TR 10465-1-1993  挠性玻璃纤维增强的热固树脂(GRP)管的地下安装.第1部分:安装程序  (Underground installation of flexible glass-reinforced thermosetting resin (GRP) pipes; part 1: installation procedures)
 ISO/TR 10465-2-1999  挠性玻璃纤维增强的热固树脂(GRP)管的地下安装.第2部分:静态计算方法的比较  (Underground installation of flexible glass-reinforced thermosetting resin (GRP) pipes - Part 2: Comparison of static calculation methods)
 ISO/TR 10465-3-1999  挠性玻璃纤维增强的热固树脂(GRP)管的地下安装.第3部分:安装参数和应用限制  (Underground installation of flexible glass-reinforced thermosetting resin (GRP) pipes - Part 3: Installation parameters and application limits)
 ISO/TR 10476-1990  门具.防盗性评定  (Doorsets; assessment of burglar-proofness)
 ISO/TR 10488-1991  包括箭头的图形符号.提要  (Graphical symbols incorporating arrows; synopsis)
 ISO/TR 10495-1997  圆柱齿轮.在不同承载条件下服务寿命的计算.与ISO 6336一致的圆柱齿轮条件  (Cylindrical gears - Calculation of service life under variable load - Conditions for cylindrical gears in accordance with ISO 6336)
 ISO/TR 10553-1995  石英表准确度的识别  (Indication of accuracy of quartz watches)
 ISO/TR 10562-1995  手动工业机器人.机器人用中间代码  (Manipulating industrial robots - Intermediate Code for Robots (ICR))
 ISO/TR 10593-1997  缩微照相.缩微胶卷盒的应用  (Micrographics - Use of microfilm jackets)
 ISO/TR 10603-1992  道路车辆.关于照明和灯光信号装置的法律情况  (Road vehicles; legal situation concerning lighting and light-signalling devices)
 ISO/TR 10623-1991  技术产品文献加工.计算机辅助设计和制图要求.词汇  (Technical product documentation; requirements for computer-aided design and draughting; vocabulary)
 ISO/TR 10652-1991  服装标准尺寸系列  (Standard sizing systems for clothes)
 ISO/TR 10657-1991  ISO 76的注释  (Explanatory notes on ISO 76)
 ISO/TR 10719-1994  钢铁.在生产炉中燃烧后用红外线吸收法测定非化学碳含量  (Steel and iron - Determination of non-combined carbon content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace)
 ISO/TR 10722-1-1998  土工织物及其相关产品.安装过程中的模拟损害程序.第1部分:粒状材料中的安装  (Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Procedure for simulating damage during installation - Part 1: Installation in granular materials)
 ISO/TR 10828 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998  蜗轮.蜗杆外形的几何结构.技术勘误1  (Worms gears - Geometry of worm profiles; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 10828-1997  蜗轮.蜗轮外形的几何结构  (Worms gears - Geometry of worm profiles)
 ISO/TR 10837-1991  煤气管道和配件用聚乙烯的热稳定性的测定  (Determination of the thermal stability of polyethylene (PE) for use in gas pipes and fittings)
 ISO/TR 10840 Technical Corrigendum 1-1995  塑料.着火特性.着火试验的制定和使用导则.技术勘误表1  (Plastics - Burning behaviour - Guidance for development and use of fire tests; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 10840-1993  塑料.着火特性.着火试验的制定和使用导则  (Plastics; burning behaviour; guidance for development and use of fire tests)
 ISO/TR 10949-2002  液压传动.件清洁度.从生产到安装的过程中件清洁度的取得和控制指南  (Hydraulic fluid power - Component cleanliness - Guidelines for achieving and controlling cleanliness of components from manufacture to installation)
 ISO/TR 10982-1998  道路车辆.评估汽车使用者与展开气囊的相对位置偏移的试验方法  (Road vehicles - Test procedures for evaluation out-of-position vehicle occupant interactions with deploying air bags)
 ISO/TR 11018-1997  香精油.闪点测定的一般指南  (Essential oils - General guidance on the determination of flashpoint)
 ISO/TR 11032-1994  操作工业机器人.应用定向试验.点焊  (Manipulating industrial robots - Application oriented test - Spot welding)
 ISO/TR 11046-1994  土壤质量.矿物油含量的测定.用红外线光谱法和气相色谱法  (Soil quality - Determination of mineral oil content - Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method)
 ISO/TR 11062-1994  操作工业机器人.EMC案检验法和性能评定标准导则  (Manipulating industrial robots - EMC test methods and performance evaluation criteria - Guidelines)
 ISO/TR 11065-1992  工业自动化术语集  (Industrial automation glossary)
 ISO/TR 11069 Technical Corrigendum 1-1996  铝结构.材料和设计.静态负荷下的极限状态.技术勘误表1  (Aluminium structures - Material and design - Ultimate limit state under static loading; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 11069-1995  铝结构.材料和设计.在载荷状态下的极限状态  (Aluminium structures - Material and design - Ultimate limit state under static loading)
 ISO/TR 11071-1 AMD 1-1999  通用电梯安全标准比较.第1部分:电梯.补充件1:日本标准参考  (Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators); Amendment 1: References to Japanese standards)
 ISO/TR 11071-1 AMD 2-2001  世界范围的升降机安全标准的比较.第1部分:电动升降梯.修改件2.澳大利亚标准的参考  (Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators); Amendment 2: References to Australian standards)
 ISO/TR 11071-1-1990  通用电梯安全标准比较.第1部分:电梯  (Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards; part 1: electric lifts (elevators))
 ISO/TR 11071-1-2004  世界范围升降机安全标准比较.第1部分:电梯  
 ISO/TR 11071-2 AMD 1-1999  通用电梯安全标准比较.第2部分:液压电梯.补充件1:日本和澳大利亚标准参考  (Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 2: Hydraulic lifts (elevators); Amendment 1: Reference to Japanese and Australian standards)
 ISO/TR 11071-2-1996  通用电梯安全标准比较.第2部分:液压升降机(电梯)  (Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 2: Hydraulic lifts (elevators))
 ISO/TR 11079-1993  冷环境的评估. 必备布罩隔热性的测定  (Evaluation of cold environments; determination of required clothing insulation (IREQ))
 ISO/TR 11146-3-2004  激光和激光相关设备.激光束宽度、发散角度和束扩散率.第3部分:内在和几何激光束分类、扩散和试验方法细节  
 ISO/TR 11175-1993  牙科植入物.研制牙科植入物指南  (Dental implants; guidelines for developing dental implants)
 ISO/TR 11211-1995  分级抛光钻石术语和分类  (Grading polished diamonds - Terminology and classification)
 ISO/TR 11220-1993  专用鞋袜.滑动阻力测定  (Footwear for professional use - Determination of slip resistance)
 ISO/TR 11255-1994  用于排屑机械加工的硬切割材料的适用性  (Applicability of hard cutting materials for machining by chip removal; information additional to ISO 513 designation)
 ISO/TR 11295-1992  使用塑料管和配件的管道系统的修复技术  (Techniques for rehabilitation of pipeline systems by the use of plastics pipes and fittings)
 ISO/TR 11328-1994  明渠中液体流量的测量.在冰的条件下排量测量用设备  (Measurement of liquid flow in open channels; equipment for the measurement of discharge under ice conditions)
 ISO/TR 11330-1997  湖泊和水库的水容积和水位的测定  (Determination of volume of water and water level in lakes and reservoirs)
 ISO/TR 11332-1998  流量测定.不稳定河槽和季节性河流  (Hydrometric determinations - Unstable channels and ephemeral streams)
 ISO/TR 11340-1994  橡胶和橡胶产品.液压软管装置.液压系统的外部泄漏分级  (Rubber and rubber products - Hydraulic hose assemblies - External leakage classification for hydraulic systems)
 ISO/TR 11422-1996  铁矿石.使用防酸老化或防碱熔化的铁矿石溶解推荐程序  (Iron ores - Recommended procedures for iron ore dissolution using either acid digestion or alkali fusion)
 ISO/TR 11434-1992  镍合金.铌和钽的测定.离子交换法  (Nickel alloys; determination of niobium and tantalum; ion exchange method)
 ISO/TR 11444-1995  托盘结构用锯木质量  (Quality of sawn woods used for the construction of pallets)
 ISO/TR 11447-1994  造船.航灯的可互换尺寸  (Small craft - Interchangeability dimensions of navigation lights)
 ISO/TR 11548-1-2001  盲人用交流辅助工具.按8点盲文字符的编码字符集的标识、姓名和分配.第1部分:盲文标识和移动标志的通用导则  (Communication aids for blind persons - Identifiers, names and assignation to coded character sets for 8-dot Braille characters - Part 1: General guidelines for Braille identifiers and shift marks)
 ISO/TR 11548-2-2001  盲人用交流辅助工具.按8点盲文字符的编码字符集的标识、姓名和分配.第2部分:基于拉丁字母的字符集  (Communication aids for blind persons - Identifiers, names and assignation to coded character sets for 8-dot Braille characters - Part 2: Latin alphabet based character sets)
 ISO/TR 11552-1997  激光和激光相关设备.激光材料处理机械性能规范和金属材料切削基准尺度  (Lasers and laser-related equipment - Laser materials-processing machines - Performance specifications and benchmarks for cutting of metals)
 ISO/TR 11610-2004  防护服.词汇  
 ISO/TR 11627-1998  明渠液体流量测量.用不稳定流量模式计算水流流量  (Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Computing stream flow using an unsteady flow model)
 ISO/TR 11637-1997  硼处理淬火和回火工程钢  (Boron treated engineering steels for quenching and tempering)
 ISO/TR 11647-1996  聚乙烯管及配件的可溶焊性  (Fusion compatibility of polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings)
 ISO/TR 11656-1993  明渠液体流量测量.指示器混合长度  (Measurement of liquid flow in open channels; mixing length of a tracer)
 ISO/TR 11688-1-1995  声学.低噪音机械和设备的设计和推荐规程.第1部分:计划  (Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 1: Planning)
 ISO/TR 11688-2-1998  声学.低噪声机械和设备的设计推荐规范.第2部分:低噪声设计的物理过程说明  (Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design)
 ISO/TR 11690-3-1997  声学.低噪音车间(含机械噪音)设计的推荐实用规程.第3部分:工作室中噪音降低和声音的传播  (Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise workplaces containing machinery - Part 3: Sound propagation and noise prediction in workrooms)
 ISO/TR 11696-1-1999  着火试验结果反作用的应用.第1部分:预测内部衬垫和其它建筑产品的着火性能的试验结果的应用  (Uses of reaction to fire test results - Part 1: Application of test results to predict fire performance of internal linings and other building products)
 ISO/TR 11696-2-1999  着火试验结果反作用的应用.第2部分:建筑产品火灾评定  (Uses of reaction to fire test results - Part 2: Fire hazard assessment of construction products)
 ISO/TR 11728-1993  阳极化铝和铝合金.使用循环的人工灯和污染空气进行着色阳极氧化涂层气候色牢度的加速试验  (Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys; accelerated test of weather fastness of coloured anodic oxide coatings using cyclic artificial light and pollution gas)
 ISO/TR 11761-1992  薄壁金属容器.顶部开口的圆罐头.根据结构型式对罐头尺寸的分类  (Light-gauge metal containers; round open-top cans; classification of can sizes by construction type)
 ISO/TR 11762-1992  薄壁金属容器.加汽液体制品的顶部开口圆罐头.根据结构型式对罐头尺寸的分类  (Light-gauge metal containers; round open-top cans for liquid products with added gas; classification of can sizes by construction type)
 ISO/TR 11776-1992  薄金属容器.非圆开口罐.标准容量限定的罐头  (Light gauge metal containers; non-round open-top cans; cans defined by their nominal capacities)
 ISO/TR 11842-1997  道路车辆.各国照明装置法定光度要求的比较  (Road vehicles - Comparison of statutory photometric requirements in various countries for lighting devices)
 ISO/TR 11905-2-1997  水质.氮的测定.第2部分:燃烧并氧化生成二氧化氮后用化学发光法测定化合氮  (Water quality - Determination of nitrogen - Part 2: Determination of bound nitrogen, after combustion and oxidation to nitrogen dioxide, using chemiluminescence detection)
 ISO/TR 11925-1-1999  火灾试验的反应.火焰直接接触的建筑产品的易燃性.第1部分:易燃性指南  (Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 1: Guidance on ignitability)
 ISO/TR 11941-1996  信息和文献.把南朝鲜字母翻译成拉丁字符  (Information and documentation - Transliteration of Korean script into Latin characters)
 ISO/TR 11945-1998  铁矿石.通常国际交易矿石  (Iron ores - Currently traded international ores)
 ISO/TR 11974-1997  明渠液流的测量.电磁电流表  (Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Electromagnetic current meters)
 ISO/TR 11991-1995  上导气管激光外科中的导气管管理指南  (Guidance on airway management during laser surgery of upper airway)
 ISO/TR 12031-2000  缩微照相.变坏依据用明胶合银缩微印刷品的检验  (Micrographics - Inspection of silver-gelatin microforms for evidence of deterioration)
 ISO/TR 12036-2000  缩微照相.缩微印制品记录的修订、删除、纠正或修改  (Micrographics - Expungement, deletion, correction or amendment of records on microforms)
 ISO/TR 12037-1998  电子成像.清除只读光盘上信息记录的推荐规范  (Electronic imaging - Recommendations for the expungement of information recorded on write-once optical media)
 ISO/TR 12100-1-1992  机械安全.基本概念和一般设计原理.第1部分:基本术语、方法学  (Safety of machinery; basic concepts, general principles for design; part 1: basic terminology, methodology)
 ISO/TR 12100-2-1992  机械安全.基本概念和一般设计原理.第2部分:技术原理和规范  (Safety of machinery; basic concepts, general principles for design; part 2: technical principles and specifications)
 ISO/TR 12198-1998  航空航天.实芯铆钉.材料  (Aerospace - Rivets, solid - Materials)
 ISO/TR 12245-1994  橡胶产品用碳黑.分类系统  (Carbon blacks used in rubber products - Classification system)
 ISO/TR 12343-1997  道路车辆.电气技术图示符号  (Road vehicles - Symbols for electrotechnical diagrams)
 ISO/TR 12349-1-1999  道路车辆.减震系统试验标样.第1部分:成年人标样  (Road vehicles - Dummies for restraint system testing - Part 1: Adult dummies)
 ISO/TR 12349-2-1999  道路车辆.减震系统试验标样.第2部分:儿童标样  (Road vehicles - Dummies for restraint system testing - Part 2: Child dummies)
 ISO/TR 12350-2004  道路车辆.评价侧向碰撞中乘员保护的伤害风险曲线  
 ISO/TR 12351-1999  道路车辆.在碰撞试验中头部触点和持续时间的测定  (Road vehicles - Determination of head contact and duration in impact tests)
 ISO/TR 12369 AMD 1-1999  农用拖拉机和机械设备:电力传输连接器.修改件1  (Agricultural tractors and machinery - Electric power transmission connector; Amendment 1)
 ISO/TR 12369-1994  农用拖拉机和机械设备:电力传输连接器  (Agricultural tractors and machinery - Electrical power transmission connectors)
 ISO/TR 12391-1-2001  储气瓶.可重复充装的无缝钢瓶.性能试验.第1部分:基本原理、背景和结论  (Gas cylinders - Refillable seamless steel - Performance tests - Part 1: Philosophy, background and conclusions)
 ISO/TR 12391-2-2002  储气瓶.可重复充装的无缝钢瓶.性能试验.第2部分:破裂性能试验.单一爆炸试验  (Gas cylinders - Refillable seamless steel; Performance tests - Part 2: Fracture performance tests; Monotonic burst tests)
 ISO/TR 12391-3-2002  储气瓶.可重复充装的无缝钢瓶.性能试验.第3部分:破裂性能试验.循环爆炸试验  (Gas cylinders - Refillable seamless steel; Performance tests - Part 2: Fracture performance tests; Cyclical burst tests)
 ISO/TR 12391-4-2002  储气瓶.可重复充装的无缝钢瓶.性能试验.第4部分:次品钢瓶的循环试验  (Gas cylinders - Refillable seamless steel; Performance tests - Part 4: Flawed-cylinder cycle test)
 ISO/TR 12470-1998  防火试验.试验结果的应用和扩展指南  (Fire resistance tests - Guidance on the application and extension of results)
 ISO/TR 12471-2004  结构防火的计算机设计.测定输入物料数据用的计算模型和火灾试验以及进一步开发需求的审定  
 ISO/TR 12596 Technical Corrigendum 1-1996  太阳能加热.游泳池加热系统.尺寸、设计和安装导则.技术勘误表1  (Solar heating - Swimming-pool heating systems - Dimensions, design and installation guidelines; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 12596-1995  太阳能加热.游泳池加热系统.尺寸、设计和安装规则  (Solar heating - Swimming-pool heating systems - Dimensions, design and installation guidelines)
 ISO/TR 12603-1996  房屋建筑机械及设备.分类  (Building construction machinery and equipment - Classification)
 ISO/TR 12618-1994  计算设备术语.术语数据库和文本集的编成和使用  (Computational aids in terminology - Creation and use of terminological databases and text corpora)
 ISO/TR 12654-1997  电子图像. 在螺纹光盘上作为证据的文件记录电子记录系统管理的推荐方法  (Electronic imaging - Recommendations for the management of electronic recording systems for the recording of documents that may be required as evidence, on WORM optical disk)
 ISO/TR 12662-1997  预应力钢筋用认证图  (Certification scheme for prestressing steels)
 ISO/TR 12735-1-1996  金属的机械试验.符号及其定义.第1部分:出版标准中用符号和定义  (Mechanical testing of metals - Symbols used with their definitions - Part 1: Symbols and definitions in published standards)
 ISO/TR 12735-2-1996  金属的机械试验.符号定义.第2部分:符号和定义研制法  (Mechanical testing of metals - Symbols used with their definitions - Part 2: Recommendations for the development of symbols and definitions)
 ISO/TR 12764-1997  闭合管道中的流体测量.在旋转圆截面导管中插入涡流流量计来测量流率  (Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Flowrate measurement by means of vortex shedding flowmeters inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full)
 ISO/TR 12765-1998  封闭式管道中液体流量的测量.使用速调超声流量计法  (Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Methods using transit-time ultrasonic flowmeters)
 ISO/TR 12767-1998  使用压差设备测量流量.偏离于ISO 5167-1给出的操作条件和规范的效果指南  (Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure-differential devices - Guidelines to the effect of departure from the specifications and operating conditions given in ISO 5167-1)
 ISO/TR 12776-1995  托盘.滑片  (Pallets - Slip sheets)
 ISO/TR 12960-1998  土工织物和相关土工织物产品.抗液体测定用过筛试验法  (Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test method for determining the resistance to liquids)
 ISO/TR 13214-1996  道路车辆.儿童约束系统.规则和标准的编制  (Road vehicles - Child restraint systems - Compilation of regulations and standards)
 ISO/TR 13219-1995  道路车辆.由于肩带超负荷造成第三根胸骨偏转及胸部损伤的风险  (Road vehicles - Risk of thoracic injury associated with Hybrid III sternal deflection due to shoulder belt loading)
 ISO/TR 13283-1998  工业自动化.时间临界通信结构.时间临界通信系统的用户要求和网络管理  (Industrial automation - Time-critical communications architectures - User requirements and network management for time-critical communications systems)
 ISO/TR 13298-1998  造船和海运技术.一般条款词汇  (Ships and marine technology - Vocabulary of general terms)
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