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 ISO/TR 16765-2003  消防员用升降机的世界安全标准比对  (Comparison of worldwide safety standards on lifts for firefighters)
 ISO/TR 16765-2003  消防员用升降机的世界安全标准比对  
 ISO/TR 16806-2003  气压传动.气缸.气动滑板的荷载能力及其表示方法  (Pneumatic fluid power - Cylinders - Load capacity of pneumatic slides and their presentation method)
 ISO/TR 16806-2003  气压传动.气缸.气动滑板的荷载能力及其表示方法  
 ISO/TR 16880-2004  起重机.桥式和龙门起重机.设计和建造要求和推荐的国际标准  
 ISO/TR 16913-1999  塑料管道和配件.试验类型的定义  (Plastics pipes and fittings - Definitions of types of test)
 ISO/TR 16982-2002  人因系统相互作用的人类工效学.支持以人为中心的设计的可用性方法  (Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Usability methods supporting human-centred design)
 ISO/TR 17055-2002  钢.硅含量测定.感应耦合等离子体原子发射光谱测量法  (Steel - Determination of silicon content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method)
 ISO/TR 17400-2003  航天系统.航天全套发射装置、集成站和其他设备.通用测试指南  (Space systems - Space launch complexes, integration sites and other facilities - General testing guidelines)
 ISO/TR 17400-2003  航天系统.航天全套发射装置、集成站和其他设备.通用测试指南  
 ISO/TR 17663-2001  焊接.与焊接和相关工艺有关的热处理的质量要求导则  (Welding - Guidelines for quality requirements for heat treatment in connection with welding and allied processes)
 ISO/TR 17671-1-2002  焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐.第1部分:电弧焊接通用指南  (Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 1: General guidance for arc welding)
 ISO/TR 17671-2-2002  焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐.第2部分:铁素体钢的电弧焊接  (Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Arc welding of ferritic steels)
 ISO/TR 17671-3-2002  焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐.第3部分:不锈钢的电弧焊接  (Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels)
 ISO/TR 17671-4-2002  焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐.第4部分:铝和铝合金的电弧焊接  (Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys)
 ISO/TR 17671-5-2004  焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐.第5部分:覆层钢的焊接  
 ISO/TR 17671-7-2004  焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐.第7部分:电子束焊接  
 ISO/TR 17784-2003  橡胶和塑料软管及软管组件.购买人、装配工、安装工和操作者用指南  (Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Guide for use by purchasers, assemblers, installers and operating personnel)
 ISO/TR 17784-2003  橡胶和塑料软管及软管组件.购买人、装配工、安装工和操作者用指南  
 ISO/TR 17844-2004  焊接.避免冷裂的标准化方法的比较  
 ISO/TR 17944-2002  银行业务.安全性和其他金融服务.金融系统的安全体制  (Banking - Security and other financial services - Framework for security in financial systems)
 ISO/TR 18307-2001  卫生信息学.信息和通信标准的互操作性和兼容性.主要特性  (Health informatics - Interoperability and compatibility in messaging and communication standards - Key characteristics)
 ISO/TR 18455-1999  石油产品.由物理和化合特性决定的残留燃料的特殊能量的计算.基本数据  (Petroleum products - Calculation of specific energy of residual fuels from physical and compositional properties - Basic data)
 ISO/TR 18529-2000  人类工效学.人-机相互作用的人类工效学.以人为中心的生命周期过程描述  (Ergonomics - Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Human-centred lifecycle process descriptions)
 ISO/TR 18569-2004  机械安全.机械安全标准的理解和使用指南  
 ISO/TR 18930-2001  成像材料.户外风化实验协议  (Imaging materials - Protocols for outdoor weathering experiments)
 ISO/TR 18931-2001  成像材料.湿度测量和控制的推荐方法  (Imaging materials - Recommendations for humidity measurement and control)
 ISO/TR 1896-1991  纤维增强水泥制品.隔热防火硅酸钙或水泥纤维增强板  (Products in fibre-reinforced cement; non-combustible fibre-reinforced boards of calcium silicate or cement for insulation and fire protection)
 ISO/TR 19033-2000  技术产品文献.建筑文献用数据  (Technical product documentation - Metadata for construction documentation)
 ISO/TR 19120-2001  地理信息.功能标准  (Geographic information - Functional standards)
 ISO/TR 19121-2000  地理信息.成像和栅极数据  (Geographic information - Imagery and gridded data)
 ISO/TR 19122-2004  地理信息/地理学.人员资格和认证  
 ISO/TR 19319-2003  表面化学分析.俄歇电子能谱和X射线光电子能谱.分析员对横向分辨率、分析区域和样品区域的目视检测  
 ISO/TR 19358-2002  人类工效学.语音技术试验的建立和应用  (Ergonomics - Construction and application of tests for speech technology)
 ISO/TR 20461-2000  用重量法测定容积测量的不确定度  (Determination of uncertainty for volume measurements made using the gravimetric method)
 ISO/TR 20983-2003  信息和文献工作.电子图书馆服务用性能指示符  (Information and documentation - Performance indicators for electronic library services)
 ISO/TR 20983-2003  信息和文献工作.电子图书馆服务用性能指示符  
 ISO/TR 210-1999  香精油.包装、状态调节和储存的一般规则  (Essential oils - General rules for packaging, conditioning and storage)
 ISO/TR 21089-2004  医疗信息学.可信端到端信息流  
 ISO/TR 21092-2004  香精油.特性  
 ISO/TR 211-1999  香精油.容器加标签和作标记的一般规则  (Essential oils - General rules for labelling and marking of containers)
 ISO/TR 21449-2004  内容交付和版权管理:音乐、电影、电视、录音和出版工业中使用的标识符和描述符的功能要求  
 ISO/TR 22157-2-2004  竹子.物理和机械特性的测定.第2部分:实验室手册  
 ISO/TR 224-1998  飞行器.设计的说明和飞行器设备的性能.标准型式  (Aircraft - Declaration of design and performance for aircraft equipment - Standard form)
 ISO/TR 22824-2003  焊接消耗品.规范中预测的和实测的FN.IIW委员会IX专家的见解  
 ISO/TR 24430-2003  色漆和清漆.用实验室间检验法测定试验方法的精确度用指南  (Paints and varnishes - Guidelines for the determination of the precision of a test method by interlaboratory trials)
 ISO/TR 24430-2003  色漆和清漆.用实验室间检验法测定试验方法的精确度用指南  
 ISO/TR 3313-1998  封闭管道中的流量测量.流体脉动对流量测量仪器影响的指南  (Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Guidelines on the effects of flow pulsations on flow-measurement instruments)
 ISO/TR 3352-1974  声学.关于噪音对说话清晰度影响的评定  (Acoustics; Assessment of noise with respect to its effect on the intelligibility of speech)
 ISO/TR 3498-1986  润滑剂、工业用润滑油和有关产品(L类).机床润滑剂选用的推荐  (Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L); Recommendations for the choice of lubricants for machine tools)
 ISO/TR 3666-1998  水的粘度  (Viscosity of water)
 ISO/TR 3814-1989  建筑材料“燃烧反应“试验方法.开发和应用  (Tests for measuring “reaction-to-fire“ of building materials; their development and application)
 ISO/TR 389-5-1998  声学.听力测定设备校正基准点.频率范围8kHz-16kHz的纯音参考等效域声压级  (Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 5: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones in the frequency range 8 kHz to 16 kHz)
 ISO/TR 3956-1975  标准耐火试验受热状况和暴露于火灾实际之间的关系,在防火工程结构设计时要特别考虑的原则  (Principles of structural fire-engineering design with special regard to the connection between real fire exposure and the heating conditions of the standard fire-resistance test (ISO 834))
 ISO/TR 4114-1979  道路车辆.旅居车和轻型挂车.球状连接器的静态载荷  (Road vehicles; Caravans and light trailers; Static load on ball couplings)
 ISO/TR 4122-1977  土壤耕作设备.平耙的尺寸.A 型  (Equipment for working the soil; Dimensions of flat disks; Type A)
 ISO/TR 4137-1978  塑料.交替弯曲的弹性模量的测定  (Plastics; Determination of modulus of elasticity by alternating flexure)
 ISO/TR 4191-1989  供水用的未增塑聚氯乙烯管.管材铺设的实用推荐标准  (Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for water supply; recommended practics for laying)
 ISO/TR 4467-1982  减速和加速齿轮副的圆柱齿轮的齿顶高修正  (Addendum modification of the teeth of cylindrical gears for speed-reducing and speed-increasing gear pairs)
 ISO/TR 4558-1985  小型船舶.不锈钢索用固定索具螺丝,叉头,插销和眼孔的主要尺寸  (Small craft; Rigging screws for stainless steel wire rope; Principal dimensions for forks, connection pins and eye-holes)
 ISO/TR 4745-1978  高导电铜.螺旋形延伸试验  (High conductivity copper; Spiral elongation test)
 ISO/TR 4830-4-1978  钢.低碳含量的测定.第IV部分:燃烧后库仑法  (Steel; Determination of low carbon contents; Part IV : Coulometric method after combustion)
 ISO/TR 4869-3-1989  声学.听力保护器.第3部分:质量检验用耳罩型保护器测量插入损失的简易方法  (Acoustics; hearing protectors; part 3: simplified method for the measurement of insertion loss of ear-muff type protectors for quality inspection purposes)
 ISO/TR 4869-4-1998  声学.听力保护器.第4部分:电平相关声音恢复耳罩的有效声压级测量  (Acoustics - Hearing protectors - Part 4: Measurement of effective sound pressure levels for level-dependent sound-restoration ear-muffs)
 ISO/TR 4870-1991  声学.语音清晰度试验计划的编制与校正  (Acoustics; the construction and calibration of speech intelligibility tests)
 ISO/TR 4918-1990  铺地织物.磨损的测定.厚呢坐椅试验  (Textile floor coverings; determination of wear; castor chair test)
 ISO/TR 4949-1989  以字母符号组成的钢牌号  (Steel names based on letter symbols)
 ISO/TR 5045-1979  连续机械装卸设备.皮带输送机的安全规范.摘卸端的保护装置示例  (Continuous mechanical handling equipment; Safety code for belt conveyors; Examples for guarding of nip points)
 ISO/TR 5046-1977  连续机械装卸设备.有链带的输送机和提升机的安全规范.摘卸端的保护装置示例  (Continuous mechanical handling equipment; Safety code for conveyors and elevators with chain-elements; Examples for guarding of nip points)
 ISO/TR 5047-1982  连续机械装卸设备.有支承装置或荷重装载器的链式输送机.荷重装载器的防损伤示例  (Continuous mechanical handling equipment; Chain conveyors with bearing devices or load carriers; Examples of protection against injuries by load carriers)
 ISO/TR 5090-1977  纺织品.混纺纤维定量分析前除去非纤维物的方法  (Textiles; Methods for the removal of non-fibrous matter prior to quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures)
 ISO/TR 5168-1998  流体流量的测量.不确定度的评估  (Measurement of fluid flow - Evaluation of uncertainties)
 ISO/TR 5307-1991  固态肥料.评定大量供货取样方案的推导  (Solid fertilizers; derivation of a sampling plan for the evaluation of a large delivery)
 ISO/TR 5460-1985  技术制图.几何公差.形状.方位.位置和跳动公差.检验原则和方法.导则  (Technical drawings; Geometrical tolerancing; Tolerancing of form, orientation, location and run-out; Verification principles and methods; Guidelines)
 ISO/TR 5658-1-1997  消防试验.火焰传播.第1部分:火焰传播指南  (Reaction to fire tests - Spread of flame - Part 1: Guidance on flame spread)
 ISO/TR 5659-3-1999  塑料.烟雾生成.第3部分:动态流程法测定光密度  (Plastics - Smoke generation - Part 3: Determination of optical density by a dynamic-flow method)
 ISO/TR 5660-3-2003  对火反应试验.热释放速率、烟雾产生率和质量损失率.第3部分:测量指南  (Reaction-to-fire tests - Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate - Part 3: Guidance on measurement )
 ISO/TR 5660-3-2003  对火反应试验.热释放速率、烟雾产生率和质量损失率.第3部分:测量指南  
 ISO/TR 5924-1989  着火试验.燃烧反应.建材产生的烟雾(双燃烧室试验)  (Fire tests; reaction to fire; smoke generated by building products (dual-chamber test))
 ISO/TR 5925-2-1997  燃烧试验.防烟门和百叶窗配件.第2部分:试验方法和试验数据的评论  (Fire tests - Smoke control door and shutter assemblies - Part 2: Commentary on test method and test data application)
 ISO/TR 5987-1984  内河航行.水灭火系统.消防软管连接盘.一般技术要求  (Inland navigation; Water fire-fighting system; Couplings of fire hoses; General technical requirements)
 ISO/TR 6065-1991  造船和海上建筑物.充气式救生艇.材料  (Shipbuilding and marine structures; inflatable liferafts; materials)
 ISO/TR 6116-1981  作用在结构上的力  (Actions on structures)
 ISO/TR 6131-1986  铺地织物.四撑点式步行试验仪.构造细节和使用说明  (Textile floor coverings; Tetrapod Walker apparatus; Constructional details and instructions for use)
 ISO/TR 6132-1981  机床的数字控制.工作指令和数据格式  (Numerical control of machines; Operational command and data format)
 ISO/TR 6167-1984  耐火试验.悬吊的天棚对地面和屋顶装置的钢梁的保护作用  (Fire-resistance tests; Contribution made by suspended ceilings to the protection of steel beams in floor and roof assemblies)
 ISO/TR 6281-1990  滑动轴承.试验设备内流体动力润滑和混合润滑条件下的试验.准则  (Plain bearings; testing under conditions of hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication in test rigs; guidelines)
 ISO/TR 6306-1989  钢的化学分析.表列素顺序  (Chemical analysis of steel; order of listing elements)
 ISO/TR 6546-1979  道路车辆.适于使用座位安全带的事故现场研究的主要资料  (Road vehicles; Information core appropriate to the field study of accidents in which seat belts are used)
 ISO/TR 6622-2-1988  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:窄环宽的矩形环  (Internal combustion engines; piston rings; part 2: rectangular rings with narrow ring width)
 ISO/TR 6624-2-1988  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:半梯形环  (Internal combustion engines; piston rings; part 2: half keystone rings)
 ISO/TR 6741-4-1987  纺织品.纤维和纱.交付商品质量的测定.第4部分:商业公定数值和商业回潮率数值  (Textiles; Fibres and yarns; Determination of commercial mass of consignments; Part 4 : Values used for the commercial allowances and the commercial moisture regains)
 ISO/TR 6809-1996  橡胶组分.碳黑.标准参考碳黑  (Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Standard reference blacks)
 ISO/TR 7003-1990  金属命名的统一格式  (Unified format for the designation of metals)
 ISO/TR 7024-1985  地上排水.关于安装建筑物内地上系统未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)卫生管道工程的施工和技术建议  (Above-ground drainage --Recommended practice and techniques for the installation of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) sanitary pipework for above-ground systems inside buildings)
 ISO/TR 7066-1-1997  流量测量设备的使用和校验不可信度的评定.第1部分:线性校验关系  (Assessment of uncertainty in calibration and use of flow measurement devices - Part 1: Linear calibration relationships)
 ISO/TR 7073-1988  对安装埋设式未增塑的聚乙烯(PVC-U)排水管和下水道的推荐技术  (Recommended techniques for the installation of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) buried drains and sewers)
 ISO/TR 7074-1986  地下排水和污水工程用塑料管和配件的性能要求  (Performance requirements for plastics pipes and fittings for use in underground drainage and sewage)
 ISO/TR 7178-1983  明渠液体流量测量.速度-面积法.总误差的研究  (Liquid flow measurement in open channels; Velocity-area methods; Investigation of total error)
 ISO/TR 7239-1984  公共信息符号研制和使用原则  (Development and principles for application of public information symbols)
 ISO/TR 7240-14-2003  火灾探测和报警系统.第14部分:建筑物内部和外部使用的火灾探测和报警系统的设计、安装和使用规程的标准起草  (Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for drafting codes of practice for design, installation and use of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings)
 ISO/TR 7240-14-2003  火灾探测和报警系统.第14部分:建筑物内部和外部使用的火灾探测和报警系统的设计、安装和使用规程的标准起草指南  
 ISO/TR 7242-1981  轻金属和轻金属合金的化学分析.实验室内的试验结果的统计分析  (Chemical analysis of light metals and their alloys; Statistical interpretation of inter-laboratory trials)
 ISO/TR 7248-1985  燃烧数据.收集和显示系统  (Fire data; Collection and presentation system)
 ISO/TR 7468-1981  锅炉和压力容器用锻钢的平均应力断裂特性的概述  (Summary of average stress rupture properties of wrought steels for boilers and pressure vessels)
 ISO/TR 7469-1981  硬质纤维板的尺寸稳定性  (Dimensional stability of hardboards)
 ISO/TR 7470-1988  气瓶用阀门出口.使用中的标准化设备或其他设备一览表  (Valve outlets for gas cylinders; list of provisions which are either standardized or in use)
 ISO/TR 7477-1985  数据通信.使用V.24和X.24交换线路的数据终端设备(DTE)对数据终端设备(DTE)实际连接的排列  (Data communication; Arrangements for DTE to DTE physical connection using V.24 and X.24 interchange circuits)
 ISO/TR 7507-6-1997  石油和液化石油产品.垂直油箱的校验.油箱校验和容积表的监测,检验和校正用推荐标准  (Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks - Part 6: Recommendations for monitoring, checking and verification of tank calibration and capacity table)
 ISO/TR 7517-1983  焦炭.用评定物理特性的不同比较试验的比较  (Coke; Comparison of different tests used to assess the physical strength)
 ISO/TR 7553-1987  肥料.取样.表示取样总基数的最小增量  (Fertilizers; Sampling; Minimum mass of increment to be taken to be representative of the total sampling unit)
 ISO/TR 7596-1982  钢索的套接步骤.树脂制品的套接  (Socketing procedures for wire ropes; Resin socketing)
 ISO/TR 7621-1982  橡胶或塑料包覆的辊筒.咨询和订货.买方提供的技术信息推荐  (Rubber or plastics covered rollers; Enquiries and orders; Recommendations for technical information to be supplied by purchaser)
 ISO/TR 7705-1991  钢规范中规定摆式V形缺口冲击韧性的导则  (Guidelines for specifying Charpy V-notch impact prescriptions in steel specifications)
 ISO/TR 7821-1982  烟草.来自同一批量等同样品的配制和组成  (为鉴定试验方法共同研究的实用便览(Tobacco; Preparation and constitution of identical samples from the same lot (Code of practice, for collaborative studies for evaluating methods of test))
 ISO/TR 7849-1987  声学.使用振动测量的机械装置散发出的气载躁音的评估  (Acoustics; Estimation of airborne noise emitted by machinery using vibration measurement)
 ISO/TR 7861-2003  道路车辆.评价乘客防正面冲击用伤害风险曲线  (Road vehicles - Injury risk curves for evaluation of occupant protection in frontal impact)
 ISO/TR 7861-2003  道路车辆.评价乘客防正面冲击用伤害风险曲线  
 ISO/TR 7871-1997  累计和图.使用CUSUM技术对数据进行分析和质量控制导则  (Culmulative sum charts - Guidance on quality control and data analysis using CUSUM techniques)
 ISO/TR 7882-1986  道路车辆.制动闸衬.挡热板装置的热传导率测定  (Road vehicles; Brake linings; Determination of thermal conductivity by guarded hot-plate apparatus)
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