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 ISO 14952-1-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第1部分:词汇  (Space systems - Surface cleanliness of fluid systems - Part 1: Vocabulary)
 ISO 14952-1-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第1部分:词汇  
 ISO 14952-2-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第2部分:清洁度等级  (Space systems - Surface cleanliness of fluid systems - Part 2: Cleanliness levels)
 ISO 14952-2-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第2部分:清洁度等级  
 ISO 14952-3-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第3部分:非挥发性残余物和粒子浓度的测定用分析方法  (Space systems - Surface cleanliness of fluid systems - Part 3: Analytical procedures for the determination of nonvolatile residues and particulate contamination)
 ISO 14952-3-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第3部分:非挥发性残余物和粒子浓度的测定用分析方法  
 ISO 14952-4-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第4部分:初步清洁过程  (Space systems - Surface cleanliness of fluid systems - Part 4: Rough-cleaning processes)
 ISO 14952-4-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第4部分:初步清洁过程  
 ISO 14952-5-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第5部分:干燥过程  (Space systems - Surface cleanliness of fluid systems - Part 5: Drying processes)
 ISO 14952-5-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第5部分:干燥过程  
 ISO 14952-6-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第6部分:精细清洁过程  (Space systems - Surface cleanliness of fluid systems - Part 6: Precision-cleaning processes)
 ISO 14952-6-2003  航天系统.流体系统的表面清洁度.第6部分:精细清洁过程  
 ISO 14953-2000  航天系统.结构设计.发射的飞行器的静态合格性试验的负载水平的测定  Space systems - Structural design - Determination of loading levels for static qualification testing of launch vehicles
 ISO 14956-2002  空气质量.与规定的测量不确定度的比较评价测量程序的适用性  Air quality - Evaluation of the suitability of a measurement procedure by comparison with a required measurement uncertainty
 ISO 1496-1 AMD 1-1993  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第1部分:一般用途货物集装箱.第1次修改:1AAA和1BBB集装箱  Series 1 freight containers; specification and testing; part 1: general cargo containers for general purposes; amendment 1: 1AAA and 1BBB containers
 ISO 1496-1 AMD 2-1998  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第1部分:一般用途货物集装箱.修改件2  Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 1: General cargo containers for general purpose; Amendment 2
 ISO 1496-1-1990  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第1部分:一般用途货物集装箱  Series 1 freight containers; specification and testing; part 1: general cargo containers for general purposes
 ISO 1496-2-1996  第1系列货运集装箱的规范和试验.第2部分:保温集装箱  Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 2: Thermal containers
 ISO 1496-3-1995  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第3部分:液体和气体用罐式集装箱  Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 3: Tank containers for liquids, gases and pressurized dry bulk
 ISO 1496-4 AMD 1-1994  系列1货运集装箱.规范和试验.第1部分:一般用途货物集装箱.第1次修改:1AAA和1BBB集装箱  Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk; Amendment 1: 1AAA and 1BBB containers
 ISO 1496-4-1991  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第4部分:不加压的散料集装箱  Series 1 freight containers; specification and testing; part 4: non-pressurized containers for dry bulk
 ISO 1496-5 AMD 1-1993  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第5部分:平板和平板基集装箱.第1次修改:1AAA和1BBB集装箱  Series 1 freight containers; specification and testing; part 5: platform and platform-based containers; amendment 1: 1AAA and 1BBB containers
 ISO 1496-5-1991  货运集装箱系列1.规范和试验.第5部分:平台型和平台底座型集装箱  Series 1 freight containers; specification and testing; part 5: platform and platform-based containers
 ISO 14960-2004  无内胎轮胎.气阀和部件.试验方法  
 ISO 14961-2002  空间数据和信息传输系统.参数值语言规范  Space data and information transfer systems - Parameter value language specification
 ISO 14962-1997  空间数据和信息传输系统.ASCII编码英语  Space data and information transfer systems - ASCII encoded English
 ISO 14963-2003  机械震动和冲击.桥梁和高架桥的动态试验和调查用指南  (Mechanical vibration and shock - Guidelines for dynamic tests and investigations on bridges and viaducts)
 ISO 14963-2003  机械震动和冲击.桥梁和高架桥的动态试验和调查用指南  
 ISO 14963-2003  机械震动和冲击.桥梁和高架桥的动态试验和调查用指南  
 ISO 14964-2000  机械振动.固定结构的振动.测量质量管理的特殊要求和振动的评价  Mechanical vibration and shock - Vibration of stationary structures - Specific requirements for quality management in measurement and evaluation of vibration
 ISO 14965-2000  空气质量.全部无甲烷有机化合物的测定.低温预浓缩和直接火焰电离探测法  Air quality - Determination of total non-methane organic compounds - Cryogenic preconcentration and direct flame ionization detection method
 ISO 14966-2002  环境空气.无机纤维颗粒的数值浓度的测定.扫描电子显微镜检查法  Ambient air - Determination of numerical concentration of inorganic fibrous particles - Scanning electron microscopy method
 ISO 14968-1999  纸和纸板.切割尺寸办公室用纸.一包纸卷曲的测量  Paper and board - Cut-size office paper - Measurement of curl in a pack of sheets
 ISO 14969-1999  质量系统.医疗器械.ISO13485和ISO好13488的应用指南  Quality systems - Medical devices - Guidance on the application of ISO 13485 and ISO 13488
 ISO 14971 AMD 1-2003  医疗装置.医疗装置风险管理的应用.修改件1:要求用原理  Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices - Amendment 1: Rationale for requirements
 ISO 14971 AMD 1-2003  医疗装置.医疗装置风险管理的应用.修改件1:要求用原理  
 ISO 14971-2000  医疗装置.医疗装置风险管理的应用  Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices
 ISO 14972-1998  只用于外周内导管的灭菌塞  Sterile obturators for single use with over-needle peripheral intravascular catheters
 ISO 14975-2000  表面化学分析.信息格式  Surface chemical analysis - Information formats
 ISO 14976-1998  表面化学分析.数据传输格式  Surface chemical analysis - Data transfer format
 ISO 14981-2000  制图技术.过程控制.书画用反射光密度计的光学、几何和计量要求  Graphic technology - Process control - Optical, geometrical and metrological requirements for reflection densitometers for graphic arts use
 ISO 14982-1998  农业和林业机械.电磁兼容性.试验方法和验收标准  Agricultural and forestry machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility - Test methods and acceptance criteria
 ISO 14985-1999  技术绘图的硬拷贝输出.控制文件结构规范  Hard-copy output of engineering drawings - Specification for the structure of control files
 ISO 14993-2001  金属及合金的腐蚀.包括循环暴露于盐雾、干和湿条件下的加速试验  Corrosion of metals and alloys - Accelerated testing involving cyclic exposure to salt mist, dry and wet conditions
 ISO 14997-2003  光学和光学仪器.测定光学件表面缺陷的试验方法  (Optics and optical instruments - Test methods for surface imperfections of optical elements)
 ISO 14997-2003  光学和光学仪器.测定光学件表面缺陷的试验方法  
 ISO 15-1998  滚动轴承.径向轴承.外形尺寸.一般示意图  Rolling bearings - Radial bearings - Boundary dimensions, general plan
 ISO 150-1980  色漆和清漆用生、精制和熟亚麻子油.规范和试验方法  Raw, refined and boiled linseed oil for paints and varnishes; Specifications and methods of test
 ISO 15001-2003  麻醉和呼吸设备.与氧气的兼容性  (Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Compatibility with)
 ISO 15001-2003  麻醉和呼吸设备.与氧气的兼容性  
 ISO 15001-2003  麻醉和呼吸设备.与氧气的兼容性  
 ISO 15002-2000  连接医用气体管道系统终端装置的流量测量装置  Flow-metering devices for connection to terminal units of medical gas pipeline systems
 ISO 15004-1997  眼科仪器.基本要求和试验方法  Ophthalmic instruments - Fundamental requirements and test methods
 ISO 15005-2002  道路车辆.运输信息和控制系统的人类工效学特性.对话管理原则和一致性程序  Road vehicles - Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems - Dialogue management principles and compliance procedures
 ISO 15006-2004  道路车辆.交通信息和控制设备的人类工效学方面.车辆中声音信号表示规范和性能规程  
 ISO 15006-2004  道路车辆.交通信息和控制设备的人类工效学方面.车辆中声音信号表示规范和性能规程  
 ISO 15007-1-2002  道路车辆.与运输信息和控制系统有关的司机目视行为的测定.第1部分: 定义和参数  Road vehicles - Measurement of driver visual behaviour with respect to transport information and control systems - Part 1: Definitions and parameters
 ISO 15008-2003  道路车辆.传输信息和控制系统的人类工效学方面.车内目视显示规范和一致性规程  (Road vehicles - Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems - Specifications and compliance procedures for in-vehicle visual presentation)
 ISO 15008-2003  道路车辆.传输信息和控制系统的人类工效学方面.车内目视显示规范和一致性规程  
 ISO 15009-2002  土壤质量.气相测谱法测定挥发性芳烃、萘和挥发性卤化烃含量.热解析的净化和收集法  Soil quality - Gas chromatographic determination of the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons - Purge-and-trap method with thermal desorption
 ISO 15010-1998  输液和输注瓶用一次性悬吊装置.要求和试验方法  Disposable hanging devices for transfusion and infusion bottles - Requirements and test methods
 ISO 15011-1-2002  焊接和有关过程中的健康和安全.电弧焊接产生的取样烟尘和气体的实验室方法.第1部分:颗粒烟尘分析的排放率测定和取样  Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases generated by arc welding - Part 1: Determination of emission rate and sampling for analysis of particulate fume
 ISO 15011-2-2003  焊接和相关工艺中的保健和安全.对电弧焊产生的烟尘和气体取样的实验室方法.第2部分:除臭氧外气体的排放率的  (Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases generated by arc welding - Part 2: Determination of emission rates of gases, except ozone)
 ISO 15011-2-2003  焊接和相关工艺中的保健和安全.对电弧焊产生的烟尘和气体取样的实验室方法.第2部分:除臭氧外气体的排放率的测定  
 ISO 15011-3-2002  焊接和相关工艺的卫生和安全.电弧焊产生的烟和气体取样的实验室法.第3部分:用固定点测量法测定臭氧浓度  Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases generated by arc welding - Part 3: Determination of ozone concentration using fixed point measurements
 ISO 15012-1-2004  焊接和相关工艺中的健康和安全.空气过滤用设备的试验和标记要求.第1部分:焊接烟尘分离效率的试验  
 ISO 15013-1998  聚丙烯挤压片材(PP).要求和试验方法  Extruded sheets of polypropylene (PP) - Requirements and test methods
 ISO 15016-2002  船舶和海上技术.用速度试验数据分析法对速度和动力性能的评定导则  Ships and marine technology - Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data
 ISO 1502-1996  ISO一般用途米制螺纹.量规和量规检验  ISO general-purpose metric screw threads - Gauges and gauging
 ISO 15022-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  证券.文电图解(数据区字典).第1部分:数据区和文电设计规则和导则.技术勘误1  Securities - Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) - Part 1: Data field and message design rules and guidelines; Technical Corrigendum 1
 ISO 15022-1-1999  证券.文电图解(数据区字典).第1部分:数据区和文电设计规则和导则  Securities - Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) - Part 1: Data field and message design rules and guidelines
 ISO 15022-2 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  证券.文电图解(数据区字典).第2部分:数据区字典和文电目录的维护.技术勘误1  Securities - Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) - Part 2: Maintenance of the Data Field Dictionary and Catalogue of Messages; Technical Corrigendum 1
 ISO 15022-2-1999  证券.文电图解(数据区字典).第2部分:数据区字典和文电目录的维护  Securities - Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) - Part 2: Maintenance of the Data Field Dictionary and Catalogue of Messages
 ISO 15023-1-2001  塑料.聚乙烯醇材料.第1部分:名称与符号系统和规范基础  Plastics - Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVAL) materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
 ISO 15023-2-2003  塑料.聚乙烯醇(PVAL)材料.第2部分:特性的测定  (Plastics - Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVAL) materials - Part 2: Determination of properties)
 ISO 15023-2-2003  塑料.聚乙烯醇(PVAL)材料.第2部分:特性的测定  
 ISO 15023-2-2003  塑料.聚乙烯醇(PVAL)材料.第2部分:特性的测定  
 ISO 15024-2001  纤维增强塑料复合材料.无方向性增强材料的模型I层间断裂韧度G的测定  Fibre-reinforced plastic composites - Determination of Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness, G, for unidirectionally reinforced materials
 ISO 15025-2000  防护服.防热和防火.限制火焰扩散的试验方法  Protective clothing - Protection against heat and flame - Method of test for limited flame spread
 ISO 15027-1-2002  浸渍服装.第1部分:耐磨服装,包括安全的要求  Immersion suits - Part 1: Constant wear suits, requirements including safety
 ISO 15027-2-2002  浸渍服装.第2部分:废弃的服装,包括安全要求  Immersion suits - Part 2: Abandonment suits, requirements including safety
 ISO 15027-3-2002  浸渍服装.第3部分:试验方法  Immersion suits - Part 3: Test methods
 ISO 15028-2004  塑料.用于聚氨酯生产的芳族异氰酸酯.可水解氯的测定  
 ISO 15029-1-1999  石油和相关产品.耐火液体喷射点燃特性的测定.第1部分:喷射火焰持久性.空心喷射器法  Petroleum and related products - Determination of spray ignition characteristics of fire-resistant fluids - Part 1: Spray flame persistence - Hollow-cone nozzle method
 ISO 1503-1977  运动的几何定位与方向  Geometrical orientation and directions of movements
 ISO 15031-1-2001  道路车辆.检定排放用的车辆和外部设备间的通信.第1部分:通用信息  Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emmissions-related diagnostics - Part 1: General information
 ISO 15031-3-2004  道路车辆.排放相关的诊断用车辆和外部设备之间的通信.第3部分:诊断连接器和相关电路的规范及使用  
 ISO 15031-7-2001  道路车辆.检定排放用的车辆和外部设备间的通信.第7部分:数据连接安全  Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 7: Data link security
 ISO 15032-2000  修复术.髋关节结构试验  Prostheses - Structural testing of hip units
 ISO 15033-2000  塑料.用高效液相色谱分析法测定己内酰胺及其周期和线性齐聚物  Plastics - Determination of caprolactam and its cyclic and linear oligomers by HPLC
 ISO 15034-1999  复合物.预浸料坯.树脂流动的测定  Composites - Prepregs - Determination of resin flow
 ISO 15037-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-2001  道路车辆.车辆动力学试验方法.第1部分:轿车的一般条件.技术勘误1  Road vehicles - Vehicle dynamics test methods - Part 1: General conditions for passenger cars; Technical Corrigendum 1
 ISO 15037-1-1998  道路车辆.车辆动力学试验方法.第1部分:轿车的一般条件  Road vehicles - Vehicle dynamics test methods - Part 1: General conditions for passenger cars
 ISO 15037-2-2002  道路车辆.车辆动力学试验方法.第2部分:重型车辆和公共汽车的一般条件  Road vehicles - Vehicle dynamics test methods - Part 2: General conditions for heavy vehicles and buses
 ISO 15038-1999  塑料.不饱和聚酯热固材料的有机聚酯交联剂.活性氧含量的测定  Plastics - Organic-perester crosslinking agents for unsaturated-polyester thermosetting materials - Determination of active-oxygen content
 ISO 15039-2003  纺织玻璃粗纱.浆液溶解度的测定  (Textile-glass rovings - Determination of solubility of size)
 ISO 15039-2003  纺织玻璃粗纱.浆液溶解度的测定  
 ISO 15040-1999  复合物.预浸料坯.胶凝时间的测定  Composites - Prepregs - Determination of gel time
 ISO 1505-1993  纺织机械.染整设备工作宽度.标称宽度范围和定义  Textile machinery; widths relating to dyeing and finishing machines; definitions and range of nominal widths
 ISO 1506-1982  纺织机械.染色、整理和有关机械.分类和名称  Textile machinery; Dyeing, finishing and allied machinery; Classification and nomenclature Trilingual edition
 ISO 15061-2001  水质.不溶溴酸盐含量的测定.离子液相色谱法  Water quality - Determination of dissolved bromate - Method by liquid chromatography of ions
 ISO 15063-2004  塑料.用于聚氨酯生产的多醇.由近红外线光谱法测定羟基值  
 ISO 15064-2004  塑料.聚氨酯生产中使用的芳族异氰酸酯.甲苯二异氰酸酯中异构体比率的测定  
 ISO 15071-1999  待法兰的六角螺栓.小型系列.产品A级  Hexagon bolts with flange - Small series - Product grade A
 ISO 15072-1999  带有米制细牙螺纹的法兰六角螺栓.小型系列.产品等级A  Hexagon bolts with flange with metric fine pitch thread - Small series - Product grade A
 ISO 15075-2003  运输信息和控制系统.车载导航系统.通信信息集要求  
 ISO 15078-1998  林业机械.原木装车机.双层驾驶员控制操作的位置和方法  Machinery for forestry - Log loaders - Location and method of operation of two-lever operator controls
 ISO 15080-2001  核设施.屏蔽外罩的通风渗透性  Nuclear facilities - Ventilation penetrations for shielded enclosures
 ISO 15082-1999  道路车辆.刚性塑料安全抛光材料的试验  Road vehicles - Tests for rigid plastic safety glazing materials
 ISO 15083-2003  小艇.舱底泵吸系统  (Small craft - Bilge-pumping systems)
 ISO 15083-2003  小艇.舱底泵吸系统  
 ISO 15084-2003  小艇.投锚、停泊和牵引.靠船墩  Small craft - Anchoring, mooring and towing - Strong points
 ISO 15084-2003  小艇.投锚、停泊和牵引.靠船墩  
 ISO 15085-2003  小艇.人员落水的预防和救护  (Small craft - Man-overboard prevention and recovery)
 ISO 15085-2003  小艇.人员落水的预防和救护  
 ISO 15086-1-2001  液压传动.件和系统中液载噪音特性的测定.第1部分:说明  Hydraulic fluid power - Determination of fluid-borne noise characteristics of components and systems - Part 1: Introduction
 ISO 15086-2-2000  液压传动.件和系统中液载噪音特性的测定.第2部分:管道液流中声音速度的测量  Hydraulic fluid power - Determination of fluid-borne noise characteristics of components and systems - Part 2: Measurement of speed of sound in a fluid in a pipe
 ISO 15087-1-1999  牙科起子.第1部分:一般要求  Dental elevators - Part 1: General requirements
 ISO 15087-2-2000  牙科起子.第2部分:沃里克吉姆斯起子  Dental elevators - Part 2: Warwick James elevators
 ISO 15087-3-2000  牙科起子.第3部分:CRYER起子  Dental elevators - Part 3: Cryer elevators
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