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 ISO 6574-1986  芹菜籽(Apium graveolens Linnaeus).规范  Celery seed (Apium graveolens Linnaeus); Specification
 ISO 6575-1982  胡芦巴和胡芦巴粉.规范  Fenugreek, whole or ground (powdered); Specification
 ISO 6576-1984  月桂(Laurus nobilis Linnaeus)整叶和碎叶.规范  Laurel (Laurus nobilis Linnaeus); Whole and pounded leaves; Specification
 ISO 6576-2004  月桂.整叶和碎叶.规范  
 ISO 6577-2002  整个或碎的肉豆蔻及整个或碎片的豆蔻干皮.规范  Nutmeg, whole or broken, and mace, whole or in pieces (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) - Specification
 ISO 6578-1991  碳氢化合物制冷液.静态测量.计算方法  Refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids; static measurement; calculation procedure
 ISO 6579-2002  食品和动物饲料的微生物学.沙门氏菌水平位置的检测法  Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp.
 ISO 658-2002  油料种子.杂质含量的测定  Oilseeds - Determination of content of impurities
 ISO 6580-1981  一般用途工业风扇.圆形法兰盘.尺寸  General purpose industrial fans; Circular flanges; Dimensions
 ISO 6581-1980  铝及其合金的阳极氧化.有色阳极氧化物镀层耐紫外线的测定  Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys; Determination of the fastness to ultra-violet light of coloured anodic oxide coatings
 ISO 6582-1983  造船.机器数字控制.ESSI格式  Shipbuilding; Numerical control of machines; ESSI format
 ISO 6584-1981  空气或其它气体的净化设备.除尘器的分类  Cleaning equipment for air and other gases; Classification of dust separators
 ISO 6586-1980  数据处理.穿孔卡的ISO 7位和8位编码字符集的执行  Data processing; Implementation of the ISO 7- bit and 8- bit coded character sets on punched cards
 ISO 6588-1981  纸、纸板和纸浆.水萃取物pH值的测定  Paper, board and pulps; Determination of pH of aqueous extracts
 ISO 6589-1983  建筑物的接缝.连接点的透气性试验的实验室方法  Joints in building; Laboratory method of test for air permeability of joints
 ISO 659-1998  油料种子.油含量的测定(参考法)  Oilseeds - Determination of oil content (Reference method)
 ISO 6590-1-1983  包装.包装袋.词汇和类型.第1部分:纸袋.三种语言版  Packaging; Sacks; Vocabulary and types; Part 1 : Paper sacks Trilingual edition
 ISO 6590-2-1986  包装.包装袋.词汇和类型.第2部分:热塑柔性薄膜袋.三种语言版  Packaging; Sacks; Vocabulary and types; Part 2 : Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film Trilingual edition
 ISO 6591-1-1984  包装.包装袋.测量方法和描述.第1部分:空纸袋  Packaging; Sacks; Description and method of measurement; Part 1 : Empty paper sacks
 ISO 6591-2-1985  包装.包装袋.测量方法和描述.第2部分:热塑软薄膜制成的空袋  Packaging; Sacks; Description and method of measurement; Part 2 : Empty sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film
 ISO 6593-1985  信息处理.按记录组处理顺序的文件程序流程  Information processing; Program flow for processing sequential files in terms of record groups
 ISO 6594-1983  铸铁排水管和配件.套管系列  Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings; Spigot series
 ISO 6596-1-1985  信息处理.以7958次磁通变换/弧度和1.9次变换/mm(48次变换/in)两种频率在一侧录制的130mm(5.25in)盒式软磁盘的数据交换.第1部分:尺寸、物理和磁性特征  Information processing; Data interchange on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency recording at 7 958 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm (48 tpi), on one side; Part 1 : Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics
 ISO 6596-2-1985  信息处理.以7958次磁通变换/弧度和1.9次变换/mm(48次变换/in)两种频率在一侧录制的130mm(5.25in)盒式软磁盘的数据交换.第2部分:磁道排列格式  Information processing; Data interchange on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency recording at 7 958 ftprad, 1,9 tpmm (48 tpi), on one side; Part 2 : Track format
 ISO 6597-2002  道路车辆.有或无防锁装置的带液压制动系统的摩托车.制动性能的测量  Road vehicles - Motor vehicles with hydraulic braking systems with and without antilock device - Measurement of braking performance
 ISO 6598-1985  肥料.磷含量的测定.喹啉磷钼酸盐重量分析法  Fertilizers; Determination of phosphorus content; Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method
 ISO 6599-1-1983  包装.包装袋.试验的环境调节.第1部分:纸袋  Packaging; Sacks; Conditioning for testing; Part 1 : Paper sacks
 ISO 660 AMD 1-2003  动植物油脂.酸价和酸度的测定.修改件1:初榨橄揽精确数据  (~nimal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of acid value and acidity; Amendment 1: Precision data for virgin olive oil; Amendment 1 )
 ISO 660 AMD 1-2003  动植物油脂.酸价和酸度的测定.修改件1:初榨橄榄油的精确数据.修改件1  
 ISO 660 AMD 1-2003  动植物油脂.酸价和酸度的测定.修改件1:初榨橄揽精确数据  
 ISO 660-1996  动植物脂肪和油.酸值和酸度的测定  Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of acid value and acidity
 ISO 6600-1980  球墨铸铁管.水泥砂浆离心衬里.新拌用砂浆的成份控制  Ductile iron pipes; Centrifugal cement mortar lining; Composition controls of freshly applied mortar
 ISO 6601-2002  塑料.滑动摩擦和磨损.试验参数鉴别  Plastics - Friction and wear by sliding - Identification of test parameters
 ISO 6603-1-2000  塑料.硬质塑料击穿性能的测定.第1部分:非仪器冲击试验  Plastics - Determination of puncture impact behaviour of rigid plastics - Part 1: Non-instrumented impact testing
 ISO 6603-2-2000  塑料.硬质塑料击穿性能的测定.第2部分:仪器冲击试验  Plastics - Determination of puncture impact behaviour of rigid plastics - Part 2: Instrumented impact testing
 ISO 6605-2002  液压传动.软管及软管组件.试验方法  Hydraulic fluid power - Hoses and hose assemblies - Test methods
 ISO 6606-1986  铝矿石.在1075℃下质量损耗的测定.重量法  Aluminium ores; Determination of loss of mass at 1 075 degrees C; Gravimetric method
 ISO 6607-1985  铝矿石.硅的总含量的测定.重量和分光光度测量综合法  Aluminium ores; Determination of total silicon content; Combined gravimetric and spectrophotometric method
 ISO 6609-1985  铝矿石.铁含量的测定.滴定法  Aluminium ores; Determination of iron content; Titrimetric method
 ISO 661-1989  动植物脂肪和油.试样的制备  Animal and vegetables fats and oils; preparation of test sample
 ISO 661-2003  动植物油脂.试样的制备  (Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Preparation of test sample)
 ISO 661-2003  动植物油脂.试样的制备  
 ISO 6610-1992  奶和奶制品.微生物菌落形成单位的计数.30℃时的计群技术  Milk and milk products; enumeration of colony-forming units of micro-organisms; colony-count technique at 30 鳦
 ISO 6611-1992  奶乳和乳制品.酵母目和/或霉菌形成单位的计数.25℃时的计群技术  Milk and milk products; enumeration of colony-forming units of yeasts and/or moulds; colony-count technique at 25 C
 ISO 6611-2004  乳和乳制品.酵母和(或)霉菌菌落形成单的菌落计数.25℃时的菌落计数技术  
 ISO 6612-1980  窗户和与门同高的窗户.抗风试验  Windows and door height windows; Wind resistance tests
 ISO 6613-1980  窗户和与门同高的窗户.透气性试验  Windows and door height windows; Air permeability test
 ISO 6614-1994  石油产品.石油润滑油和合成液体的脱水性能  Petroleum products - Determination of water separability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids
 ISO 6615-1993  石油产品.残碳的测定.康拉逊(Conoadson)法  Petroleum products; determination of carbon residue; Conradson method
 ISO 6617-1994  石油基润滑油.老化特性.用康拉孙(法)残碳氧化后变化情况的测定  Petroleum-based lubricating oils - Ageing characteristics - Determination of change in Conradson carbon residue after oxidation
 ISO 6618-1997  石油产品和润滑剂.酸值和碱值的测定.彩色指示剂滴定法  Petroleum products and lubricants - Determination of acid or base number - Coulour-indicator titration method
 ISO 6619-1988  石油产品和润滑剂.中和值.电位滴定法  Petroleum products and lubricants; neutralization number; potentiometric titration method
 ISO 662-1998  动植物脂肪和油.水分和挥发物含量的测定  Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
 ISO 6621-1-1986  内燃机.活塞环.第1部分:词汇  Internal combustion engines; Piston rings; Part 1 : Vocabulary
 ISO 6621-2-1984  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:检验测量原则  Internal combustion engines; Piston rings; Part 2 : Inspection measuring principles
 ISO 6621-2-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:检验测量规则  
 ISO 6621-3-2000  内燃机.活塞环.第3部分:材料规范(ISO 6621-3:1983的修订版)  Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 3: Material specifications (Revision of ISO 6621-3:1983)
 ISO 6621-4-1988  内燃机.活塞环.第4部分:基本规范  Internal combustion engines; piston rings; part 4: general specifications
 ISO 6621-4-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第4部分:一般规范  (Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 4: General specifications )
 ISO 6621-4-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第4部分:一般规范  
 ISO 6621-5-1988  内燃机.活塞环.第5部分:质量要求  Internal combustion engines; piston rings; part 5: quality requirements
 ISO 6622-1-1986  内燃机.活塞环.第1部分:矩形截面环  Internal combustion engines; Piston rings; Part 1 : Rectangular rings
 ISO 6622-1-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第1部分:矩形铸铁环  
 ISO 6622-2-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:矩形钢环  (Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 2: Rectangular rings made of steel)
 ISO 6622-2-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:矩形钢环  
 ISO 6623-1986  内燃机.活塞环.刮油环  Internal combustion engines; Piston rings; Scraper rings
 ISO 6623-2004  内燃机.活塞环.铸铁刮环  
 ISO 6624-1-2001  内燃机.活塞环.第1部分:铸铁制成的梯形截面环  Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 1: Keystone rings made of cast iron
 ISO 6624-2-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:半梯形铸铁环  (Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 2: Half keystone rings made of cast iron )
 ISO 6624-2-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:半梯形铸铁环  
 ISO 6624-3-2001  内燃机.活塞环.第3部分:钢制楔形活塞环  Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 3: Keystone rings made of steel
 ISO 6624-4-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第4部分:半梯形钢环  (Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 4: Half keystone rings made of steel)
 ISO 6624-4-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第4部分:半梯形钢环  
 ISO 6625-1986  内燃机.活塞环.护油环  Internal combustion engines; Piston rings; Oil control rings
 ISO 6626-1989  内燃机.活塞环弹簧油环  Internal combustion engines; piston rings; coil-spring-loaded oil control rings
 ISO 6626-2-2003  内燃机.活塞环.第2部分:窄铸铁环带的螺旋撑簧油环  
 ISO 6627-2000  内燃机.活塞环.扩展器/组合油控环  Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Expander/segment oil-control rings
 ISO 6629-1981  铬矿石和铬精矿.化学分析法一般规程  Chromium ores and concentrates; Methods of chemical analysis; General instructions
 ISO 663-2000  动植物脂肪和油.不可溶解杂质含量的测定  Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of insoluble impurities content
 ISO 6630-1986  文献工作.书目的管理用字符  Documentation; Bibliographic control characters
 ISO 6632-1981  水果、蔬菜及其制品.挥发性酸度的测定  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of volatile acidity
 ISO 6633-1984  水果、蔬菜及其制品.铅含量的测定.无焰原子吸收光谱测定法  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of lead content; Flameless atomic absorption spectrometric method
 ISO 6634-1982  水果、蔬菜及其制品.砷含量的测定.二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of arsenic content; Silver diethyldithiocarbamate spectrophotometric method
 ISO 6635-1984  水果、蔬菜及其制品.亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量的测定.分子吸收光谱测定法  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of nitrite and nitrate content; Molecular absorption spectrometric method
 ISO 6636-1-1986  水果、蔬菜及其制品.锌含量的测定.第1部分:极谱法  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of zinc content; Part 1 : Polarographic method
 ISO 6636-2-1981  水果、蔬菜及其制品.锌含量的测定.第2部分:原子吸收光谱测定法  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of zinc content; Part 2 : Atomic absorption spectrometric method
 ISO 6636-3-1983  水果和蔬菜制品.锌含量的测定.第3部分:双硫腙光谱测定法  Fruit and vegetable products; Determination of zinc content; Part 3 : Dithizone spectrometric method
 ISO 6637-1984  水果、蔬菜及其制品.汞含量的测定.无焰原子吸收法  Fruits, vegetables and derived products; Determination of mercury content; Flameless atomic absorption method
 ISO 6638-1-1985  水果和蔬菜制品.甲酸含量的测定.第1部分:重量分析法  Fruit and vegetable products; Determination of formic acid content; Part 1 : Gravimetric method
 ISO 6638-2-1984  水果和蔬菜制品.甲酸含量的测定.第2部分:常规法  Fruit and vegetable products; Determination of formic acid content; Part 2 : Routine method
 ISO 6639-1-1986  谷类和豆类.潜在虫害的测定.第1部分:一般原理  Cereals and pulses; Determination of hidden insect infestation; Part 1 : General principles
 ISO 6639-2-1986  谷类和豆类.潜在虫害的测定.第2部分:取样  Cereals and pulses; Determination of hidden insect infestation; Part 2 : Sampling
 ISO 6639-3-1986  谷类和豆类.潜在虫害的测定.第3部分:参比法  Cereals and pulses; Determination of hidden insect infestation; Part 3 : Reference method
 ISO 6639-4-1987  谷类和豆类.潜在虫害的测定.第4部分:快速法  Cereals and pulses; Determination of hidden insect infestation; Part 4 : Rapid methods
 ISO 664-1990  油料种子.将实验室样品缩分为分析试样  (Oilseeds; reduction of laboratory sample to test sample)
 ISO 6644-2002  连续的谷类和碾碎谷类制品.机械法自动取样  (Flowing cereals and milled cereal products - Automatic sampling by mechanical means)
 ISO 6645-1981  小麦面粉.干面筋含量的测定  (Wheat flour; Determination of dry gluten)
 ISO 6646-2000  稻米.稻谷和有壳稻谷潜在碾磨产量的测定  Rice - Determination of the potential milling yield from paddy and from husked rice
 ISO 665-2000  油料种子.水和挥发物质含量的测定  (Oilseeds - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content)
 ISO 6651-2001  动物饲料.黄曲霉毒素含量的半定量测定.薄层色谱法  (Animal feeding stuffs - Semi-quantitative determination of aflatoxin B - Thin-layer chromatographic methods)
 ISO 6654-1991  动物饲料.蛋白含量测定  (Animal feeding stuffs; determination of urea content)
 ISO 6655-1997  动物饲料.含微量盐酸的饲料通过胃液处理后可溶性氮含量的测定  (Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of soluble nitrogen content after treatment with pepsin in dilute hydrochloric acid)
 ISO 6656-2002  动植物脂肪和油.聚乙烯类聚合物的测定  (Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of polyethylene-type polymers)
 ISO 6658-1985  感官分析.方法学.总则  (Sensory analysis; Methodology; General guidance)
 ISO 6659-1981  青椒.冷藏和运输指南  (Sweet pepper; Guide to refrigerated storage and transport)
 ISO 666-1996  机床.轮毂式法兰平面磨轮的安装  (Machine tools - Mounting of plain grinding wheels by means of hub flanges)
 ISO 6661-1983  新鲜水果和蔬菜.陆路运输车辆上平行六面体包装件的排列  (Fresh fruits and vegetables; Arrangement of parallelepipedic packages in land transport vehicles)
 ISO 6662-1983  李子.冷藏指南  (Plums; Guide to cold storage)
 ISO 6663-1995  大蒜的冷藏  (Garlic - Cold storage)
 ISO 6664-1983  越桔和鸟饭树的紫黑浆果.冷藏指南  (Bilberries and blueberries; Guide to cold storage)
 ISO 6665-1983  草莓.冷藏指南  (Strawberries; Guide to cold storage)
 ISO 6666-1983  咖啡取样器  (Coffee triers)
 ISO 6667-1985  生咖啡.昆虫损害咖啡豆比例的测定  (Green coffee; Determination of proportion of insect-damaged beans)
 ISO 6668 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000  生咖啡.感官分析试样制备.技术勘误1  (Green coffee - Preparation of samples for use in sensory analysis; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 6668-1991  生咖啡.用于感官分析的试样制备  (Green coffee; preparation of samples for use in sensory analysis)
 ISO 6669-1995  生咖啡和焙烘后的咖啡.整粒流散体密度的测定  (Green and roasted coffee - Determination of free-flow bulk density of whole beans (Routine method))
 ISO 6670-2002  速溶咖啡.带衬里的块装件的取样方法  (Instant coffee - Sampling method for bulk units with liners)
 ISO 6673-2003  生咖啡豆.在105℃时质量损失的测定  (Green coffee - Determination of loss in mass at 105 鳦)
 ISO 6673-2003  生咖啡豆.在105℃时质量损失的测定  
 ISO 6676-1993  酸级和陶瓷级氟石.磷总含量的测定.还原磷钼酸盐光谱法  Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar; determination of total phosphorus content; reduced-molybdophosphate spectrometric method
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