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 BS ISO 15671-2000  橡胶和橡胶添加剂.使用自动分析仪测定总硫含量  Rubber and rubber additives - Determination of total sulfur content using an automatic analyser
 BS ISO 15672-2000  橡胶和橡胶添加剂.使用自动分析仪测定总氮含量  Rubber and rubber additives - Determination of total nitrogen content using an automatic analyser
 BS ISO 15674-2001  心脏脉管植入物和人工器官.硬壳式心脏/静脉存储系统(有/无过滤器)和软静脉储血袋  Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs - Hard-shell cardiotomy/venous reservoir systems (with/without filter) and soft venous reservoir bags
 BS ISO 15675-2001  心脏脉管和人工器官.心脉旁通系统.动脉血过滤器  Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs - Cardiopulmonary bypass systems - Arterial line blood filters
 BS ISO 15681-1-2004  水质.用流量分析法(FIA and CFA)测定正磷酸盐和磷总含量.流量注入分析法(FIA)  
 BS ISO 15681-2-2004  水质.用流量分析法(FIA and CFA)测定正磷酸盐和磷总含量.连续流量分析法(CFA)  
 BS ISO 15682-2000  水质.流量分析(CFA和FIA)和光度测量或电位检测法测定氯化物  Water quality. Determination of chloride by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection
 BS ISO 15686-1-2000  建筑物和施工资产.使用寿命计划.一般原理  Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - General principles
 BS ISO 15686-2-2001  建筑物和施工资产.使用寿命计划.使用寿命预测程序  Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Service life prediction procedures
 BS ISO 15686-3-2002  建筑物和施工资产.使用寿命计划.性能审核和评论  Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Performance audits and reviews
 BS ISO 15686-6-2004  建筑物和施工资产.使用寿命计划.考虑环境效应的规程  
 BS ISO 15705-2002  水质.化学需氧量的测定(ST-COD).小型密封管法  Water quality - Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD) - Small-scale sealed-tube method
 BS ISO 15706-2002  信息和文献工作.国际标准视听数码(ISAN)  Information and documentation - International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN)
 BS ISO 15707-2001  信息和文献工作.国际标准音乐管理代码(ISWC)  Information and documentation - International standard musical work code (ISWC)
 BS ISO 15710-2002  涂料和清漆.浸渍在缓冲氯化钠溶液中和在该溶液中去除的腐蚀试验试  Paints and varnishes - Corrosion testing by alternate immersion in and removal from a buffered sodium chloride solution
 BS ISO 15715-2003  色漆和清漆用粘合剂.混浊度的测定  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of turbidity)
 BS ISO 15724-2001  金属和其它无机覆层.钢中可扩散氢的电化学测量.Barnacle电极法  Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electrochemical measurement of diffusible hydrogen in steels - Barnacle electrode method
 BS ISO 15730-2001  金属和其他无机涂层.用电抛光精加工和钝化不锈钢  Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electropolishing as a means of smoothing and passivating stainless steel
 BS ISO 15734-2003  船舶和海上技术.静水压力释放装置  (Ships and marine technology - Hydrostatic release units)
 BS ISO 15738-2002  船舶与海上技术.充气救生装置用充气系统  Ships and marine technology - Gas inflation systems for inflatable life-saving appliances
 BS ISO 15739-2003  摄影.电子静物摄影成像.噪音测量  (Photography - Electronic still-picture imaging - Noise measurements)
 BS ISO 15741-2002  涂料和清漆.水上和水下无腐蚀气体管道内侧的减小摩擦涂层  Paints and varnishes - Friction-reduction coatings for the interior of on- and offshore steel pipelines for non-corrosive gases
 BS ISO 15750-1-2002  包装.钢筒.最小总容量为 208 升、 210 升和216.5 升的敞口柱筒(盖可拆下)  (Packaging - Steel drums - Removable head (open head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 208 l, 210 l and 216,5 l)
 BS ISO 15750-2-2002  包装.钢筒.最小总容量为 212升、216,5 升和 230 升的密封盖圆筒  (Packaging - Steel drums - Non-removable head (tight head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 121 l, 216,5 l and 230 l)
 BS ISO 15752-2001  眼科仪器.眼内照明装置.光辐射安全的基本要求和试验方法  Ophthalmic instruments - Endoilluminators - Fundamental requirements and test methods for optical radiation safety
 BS ISO 15767-2003  工作场所大气.对采集的气溶胶称重时产生的控制和特征误差  (Workplace atmospheres - Controlling and characterizing errors in weighing collected aerosols)
 BS ISO 15790-2005  图形技术和摄影.反射和传输计量学用认证的标准物质.包括组合标准不确定度测定在内的使用文档和规程  
 BS ISO 15791-1-2003  塑料.塑料产品用中等规模燃烧试验的设计和应用.通用指南  (Plastics - Development and use of intermediate-scale fire tests for plastics products - General guidance)
 BS ISO 15794-2001  双向和多向叉车卡车.稳定性试验  Bi-directional and multi-directional fork-lift trucks - Stability tests
 BS ISO 15796-2005  气体分析.分析偏差的调查和处理  
 BS ISO 15797-2002  纺织品.工作服检测用工业洗涤和整理规程  Textiles - Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear
 BS ISO 15799-2003  土壤质量.土壤和土壤物质的生态毒性表征指南  (Soil quality - Guidance on the ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials)
 BS ISO 15825-2004  橡胶配合材料.炭黑.用盘式离心沉淀摄影法测定集料粒度分布  
 BS ISO 15828-2004  道路车辆.车前斜撞试验规程  
 BS ISO 15836-2003  信息和文献工作.都柏林核心数据素集  (Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set)
 BS ISO 15838-2004  船舶与海上技术.管道设施中使用的带密封衬垫的机械耦合配件.性能规范  
 BS ISO 15838-2004  船舶与海上技术.管道设施中使用的有垫圈机械连接配件.性能规范  
 BS ISO 15839-2004  水质.水用联机传感器/分析设备.规范和性能试验  
 BS ISO 15839-2004  水质.水用联机传感器/分析设备.规范和性能试验  
 BS ISO 15849-2001  船舶和航海技术.船队管理系统网络的实施导则  Ships and marine technology - Guidelines for implementation of a fleet management system network
 BS ISO 15850-2002  塑料.测定拉伸-拉伸疲劳断裂延伸度.线性弹力断裂机械(LEFM)试验方法  Plastics - Determination of tension-tension fatigue crack propagation - Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approach
 BS ISO 15859-1-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.氧  
 BS ISO 15859-10-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.水  
 BS ISO 15859-11-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.氨  
 BS ISO 15859-12-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.二氧化碳  
 BS ISO 15859-13-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.呼吸气体  
 BS ISO 15859-2-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.氢  
 BS ISO 15859-3-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.氮  
 BS ISO 15859-4-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.氦  
 BS ISO 15859-5-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.四氧化氮推进剂  
 BS ISO 15859-6-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.一甲基肼推进剂  
 BS ISO 15859-7-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.肼推进剂  
 BS ISO 15859-8-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.煤油推进剂  
 BS ISO 15859-9-2004  航天系统.液体性能.抽样和试验方法.氩  
 BS ISO 15864-2004  航天系统.航空器、子系统和部件的一般试验方法  
 BS ISO 15870-2001  机动工业货车.安全标志和危险图示.一般原则  Powered industrial trucks - Safety signs and hazard pictorials - General principles
 BS ISO 15871-2001  工业用货车.集装箱搬运和抓钩臂操作用指示灯规范  Industrial trucks - Specification for indicator lights for container handling and grappler arm operations
 BS ISO 15872-2002  航空航天.UNJ螺纹.测量  Aerospace - UNJ threads - Gauging
 BS ISO 15884-2003  乳脂.脂肪酸甲酯制备  Milk fat - Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters
 BS ISO 15885-2004  乳脂.用气-液相色谱分析法测定脂肪酸组分  
 BS ISO 15885-2004  乳脂.用气-液相色谱分析法测定脂肪酸组分  
 BS ISO 15886-1-2004  农用灌溉设备.喷头.术语和分类的定义  
 BS ISO 15886-3-2004  农用灌溉设备.喷头.分布的表征和试验方法  
 BS ISO 15889-2003  航天数据和信息传送系统.数据描述语言.EAST规范  (Space data and information transfer systems - Data description language - EAST specification)
 BS ISO 15902-2004  光学和光子学.衍射光学.词汇  
 BS ISO 15903-2002  土壤质量.土壤和现场信息记录格式  Soil quality - Format for recording soil and site information
 BS ISO 15911-2001  石油及其制品的试验方法.用氢含量数据估计航空燃气涡轮发动机用燃料的净单位能量  Methods of test for petroleum and its products - Estimation of net specific energy of aviation turbine fuels using hydrogen content data
 BS ISO 15914-2004  动物饲料.总淀粉含量中酶的测定  
 BS ISO 15929-2002  制图技术.预压缩数字数据交换.PDF/X标准研制导则与原则  Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Guidelines and principles for the development of PDF/X standards
 BS ISO 15930-1-2002  印刷技术.印前数字数据交换.PDF格式的使用.使用CMYK 数据 (PDF/X-1) 和( PDF/X-1a)的完全交换  Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Use of PDF - Complete exchange using CMYK data (PDF/X-1) and PDF/X-1a)
 BS ISO 15987-2003  塑料.薄膜和片材.双轴向取向聚酰胺(尼龙)薄膜  (Plastics - Film and sheeting - Biaxially oriented polyamide (nylon) films)
 BS ISO 15988-2003  塑料.薄膜和片材.双轴向取向聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)薄膜  (Plastics - Film and sheeting - Biaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) films)
 BS ISO 16000-1-2005  室内空气.抽样方法的一般情况  
 BS ISO 16000-2-2005  室内空气.甲醛的抽样方法  
 BS ISO 16000-3-2001  室内空气.甲醛和其它碳基化合物的测定.主动抽样法  Indoor air - Determination of formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds - Active sampling method
 BS ISO 16000-4-2005  室内空气.甲醛的测定.扩散抽样法  
 BS ISO 16002-2004  储存的谷物颗粒和豆子.用捕集法检测活体无脊椎动物侵害谷物颗粒和豆子用指南  
 BS ISO 16014-1-2003  塑料.用粒度排除色谱法测定聚合物中平均分子质量和分子质量的分布.一般原则  (Plastics - Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography - General principles)
 BS ISO 16014-2-2003  塑料.用粒度排除色谱法测定聚合物中平均分子质量和分子质量的分布.通用校准法  (Plastics - Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography - Universal calibration method)
 BS ISO 16014-3-2003  塑料.用粒度排除色谱法测定聚合物中平均分子质量和分子质量的分布.低温法  (Plastics - Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography - Low-temperature method)
 BS ISO 16014-4-2003  塑料.用粒度排除色谱法测定平均分子质量和分子质量分布.高温法  (Plastics - Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography - High-temperature method)
 BS ISO 16016-2001  技术产品文献.限制文献和产品使用的保护通告  Technical product documentation - Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products
 BS ISO 16028-2000  液压传动.在20MPa(200巴)到31.5MPa(315巴)的压力下使用平面型速动联轴器.规范  Hydraulic fluid power - Flush-face type, quick-action couplings for use at pressures of 20 MPa (200 bar) to 31,5 MPa (315 bar) - Specifications
 BS ISO 16030-2002  气压液动.连接.气口和螺纹端头  Pneumatic fluid power - Connections - Ports and stud ends
 BS ISO 16035-2003  动物和植物油脂.食用油中低沸点卤代烃的测定  (Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of low-boiling halogenated hydrocarbons in edible oils)
 BS ISO 16049-1-2001  空运货物设备.约束带条.设计标准和试验方法  Air cargo equipment - Restraint straps - Design criteria and testing methods
 BS ISO 16054-2001  外科植入物.外科植入物的最小数据集  Implants for surgery - Minimum data sets for surgical implants
 BS ISO 16057-2002  涂敷磨料.刚化纤维盘  Coated abrasives - Vulcanized fibre discs
 BS ISO 16063-1-1999  振动和冲击传感器的校正方法.第1部分:基本概念  Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Basic concepts
 BS ISO 16063-11-2001  振动和冲击传感器的校正方法.使用激光干涉量度法的主要振动校正  Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Primary vibration calibration by laser interferometry
 BS ISO 16063-12-2002  校准冲击振动传感器的方法.由往复式方法进行初级振动校准  Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Primary vibration calibration by the reciprocity method
 BS ISO 16063-13-2002  振动和冲击传感器的校正方法.用激光干涉量度法进行初次冲击校正  Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Primary shock calibration using laser interferometry
 BS ISO 16063-21-2003  振动和冲击传感器的校准方法.与基准传感器比对进行振动校准  (Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer)
 BS ISO 16063-22-2005  振动和冲击传感器的校准方法.与基准传感器进行比对的冲击校准  
 BS ISO 16065-1-2001  纸浆.自动光学分析法测定纤维长度.极化光法  Pulps - Determination of fibre length by automated optical analysis - Polarized light method
 BS ISO 16067-1-2004  摄影.摄影图像用电子扫描仪.空间分辨率测量.反射介质用扫描仪  
 BS ISO 16067-2-2004  摄影.摄影图像用电子扫描仪.空间分辨率测量.胶片扫描仪  
 BS ISO 16069-2004  图形符号.安全标志.安全路径指示系统(SWGS)  
 BS ISO 16072-2003  土壤质量.微生物土壤呼吸性测定的实验室方法  Soil quality - Laboratory methods for determination of microbial soil respiration
 BS ISO 16107-1999  工作场所空气.扩散取样器的性能评估协议  Workplace atmospheres - Protocol for evaluating the performance of diffusive samplers
 BS ISO 16121-4-2005  道路车辆.专用线公共汽车驾驶员工作地点的人类功效学要求.驾驶室要求  
 BS ISO 16124-2004  钢丝绳.尺寸和公差  
 BS ISO 16132-2004  球墨铸铁管和配件.水泥灰浆衬套的密封涂层  
 BS ISO 16156-2004  机床安全.工件夹盘的设计和建造的安全要求  
 BS ISO 16160-2005  连续热轧钢薄板产品.尺寸和形状公差  
 BS ISO 16162-2005  连续冷轧钢薄板产品.尺寸和形状公差  
 BS ISO 16163-2005  连续热浸涂敷钢薄板产品.尺寸和形状公差  
 BS ISO 16163-2005  连续热浸涂敷钢薄板产品.尺寸和形状公差  
 BS ISO 16165-2001  船只和海上技术.海洋环境保护.与漏油反应有关术语  Ships and marine technology - Marine environment protection - Terminology relating to oil spill response
 BS ISO 16183-2003  重型机车.未处理排气的气体排放测量和瞬变试验条件下用部分流体稀释系统测量粒子排放  (Heavy duty engines - Measurement of gaseous emissions from raw exhaust gas and of particulate emissions using partial flow dilution systems under transient test conditions)
 BS ISO 16200-1-2004  工作场所空气质量.用溶剂解吸/气相色谱法对挥发性有机化合物取样和分析.抽吸取样法  
 BS ISO 16200-1-2004  工作场所空气质量.用溶剂解吸/气相色谱法对挥发性有机化合物取样和分析.抽吸取样法  
 BS ISO 16200-2-2004  工作场所空气质量.用溶剂解吸/气相色谱法对挥发性有机物取样和分析.扩散取样法  
 BS ISO 16200-2-2004  工作场所空气质量.用溶剂解吸/气相色谱法对挥发性有机物取样和分析.扩散取样法  
 BS ISO 1622-1-1995  塑料.聚苯乙烯(PS)模塑和挤塑材料.命名体系和基础规范  Plastics. Polystrene (PS) moulding and extrusion materials. Designation system and basis for specifications
 BS ISO 16221-2001  水质.海洋环境中生物降解性的测定指南  Water Quality - Guidance for determination of biodegradability in the marine environment
 BS ISO 16241-2005  管和管件用聚乙烯材料耐慢速裂纹伸展的测定的缺口拉伸试验(PENT)  
 BS ISO 1625-1998  塑料.高聚物分散作用.在规定温度下非挥发物(残留物质)的测定  Plastics - Polymer dispersions - Determination of non-volatile matter (residue) at specified temperatures
 BS ISO 16264-2002  水质.用流量分析法(FIA 和 CFA)和光度计检测法测定可溶性硅酸盐  Water quality - Determination of soluble silicates by flow analysis (FIA and CFA) and photometric detection
 BS ISO 16269-8-2004  数据的统计说明.预测差异的测定  
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