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 ISO 1887-1995  纺织玻璃纤维.可燃物含量的测定  Textile glass - Determination of combustible-matter content
 ISO 18878-2004  可移动提升工作平台.驾驶员(司机)培训  
 ISO 1888-1996  纺织玻璃纤维.人造纤维或长丝平均直径的测定  Textile glass - Staple fibres or filaments - Determination of average diameter
 ISO 1889-1997  增强丝纱.线密度的测定  Reinforcement yarns - Determination of linear density
 ISO 18893-2004  移动式升降工作平台.安全原则、检验、维护和运行  
 ISO 18899-2004  橡胶.试验设备的校正指南  
 ISO 18899-2004  橡胶.试验设备的校正指南  
 ISO 1890-1997  增强丝纱.捻度的测定  Reinforcement yarns - Determination of twist
 ISO 18901-2002  成象材料.加工银胶质类黑白底片.稳定性规范  Imaging materials - Processed silver-gelatin type black-and-white film - Specifications for stability
 ISO 18902-2001  成像材料.处理的摄影胶片、板和感光纸.铁粉外壳和存储容器  Imaging materials - Processed photographic films, plates and papers - Filing enclosures and storage containers
 ISO 18903-2002  影像材料.摄影胶片和相纸的尺寸变化测定  Imaging materials - Films and paper - Determination of dimensional change
 ISO 18904-2000  成像材料.冲洗过的胶片.测定润滑方法  Imaging materials - Processed films - Method for determining lubrication
 ISO 18905-2002  成像材料.氨水处理过的重氮摄影胶片.稳定性规范  Imaging materials - Ammonia-processed diazo photographic film - Specifications for stability
 ISO 18906-2000  成像材料.摄影胶片.安全胶片规范  Imaging materials - Photographic films - Specifications for safety film
 ISO 18906-2000  成像材料.摄影胶片.安全胶片规范  Imaging materials - Photographic films - Specifications for safety film
 ISO 18907-2000  成像材料.摄影胶片和相纸.脆性的锤击韧性试验  Imaging materials - Photographic films and papers - Wedge test for brittleness
 ISO 18908-2000  成像材料.摄影胶片.耐折叠性的测定  Imaging materials - Photographic film - Determination of folding endurance
 ISO 1891-1979  螺栓,螺钉,螺母和附件.术语和命名.三种语言版  Bolts, screws, nuts and accessories; terminology and nomenclature trilingual edition
 ISO 18910-2000  成像材料.摄影胶片和相纸.弯曲测定  Imaging materials - Photographic film and paper - Determination of curl
 ISO 18911-2000  成像材料.加工过的安全摄影胶片.储存方法  Imaging materials - Processed safety photographic films - Storage practices
 ISO 18912-2002  成像材料.处理过的微泡摄影胶片.稳定性规范  Imaging materials - Processed vesicular photographic film - Specifications for stability
 ISO 18913-2003  成像材料.持久性.词汇  (Imaging materials - Permanence - Vocabulary)
 ISO 18913-2003  成像材料.持久性.词汇  
 ISO 18914-2002  成像材料.摄影胶片和纸.测定摄影感光乳剂耐湿磨性方法  Imaging materials - Photographic film and papers - Method for determining the resistance of photographic emulsions to wet abrasion
 ISO 18915-2000  成像材料.抗氧化银影化学转化效果的评定方法  Imaging materials - Methods for the evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical conversion of silver images against oxidation
 ISO 18917-1999  摄影.在处理过的摄影材料上残留的硫带硫酸盐和其它相关的化学药品的测定.碘-淀粉、亚甲蓝和硫化银方法  Photography - Determination of residual thiosulfate and other related chemicals in processed photographic materials - Methods using iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulfide
 ISO 18918-2000  成像材料.处理过的照相干版.存储实施规程  Imaging materials - Processed photographic plates - Storage practices
 ISO 18919-1999  成像材料.热处理银盐微缩胶片.稳定性规范  Imaging materials - Thermally processed silver microfilm - Specifications for stability
 ISO 18920-2000  成像材料.处理过的摄影反射光印相.存储方法  Imaging materials - Processed photographic reflection prints - Storage practices
 ISO 18921-2002  成像材料.只读数据光盘(CD-ROM).基于温度和相对湿度效应的概率寿命的估算方法  Imaging materials - Compact discs (CD-ROM) - Method for estimating the life expectancy based on the effects of temperature and relative humidity
 ISO 18922-2003  成像材料.已冲洗过的摄影胶片.测定耐划伤性的方法  (Imaging materials - Processed photographic films - Methods for determining scratch resistance )
 ISO 18922-2003  成像材料.已冲洗过的摄影胶片.测定耐划伤性的方法  
 ISO 18923-2000  成像材料.聚酯基磁带.存储方法  Imaging materials - Polyester-base magnetic tape - Storage practices
 ISO 18924-2000  成像材料.阿仑尼乌斯式预测的试验方法  Imaging materials - Test method for Arrhenius-type predictions
 ISO 18925-2002  成象材料.光盘介质.储存惯例  Imaging materials - Optical disc media - Storage practices
 ISO 18927-2002  成像材料.可记录光盘系统.在温度和湿度影响的基础上评价预期使用期限的方法  Imaging materials - Recordable compact disc systems - Method for estimating the life expectancy based of the effects of temperature and relative humidity
 ISO 18928-2002  成像材料.未加工的摄像胶片和像纸.贮存方法  Imaging materials - Unprocessed photographic films and papers - Storage practices
 ISO 18929-2003  成像材料.湿处理银胶式黑白摄影反射光印片.避光储存规范  
 ISO 1893-1989  耐火材料制品.荷重软化温度(荷重耐溶性)的测定  Refractory products; determination of refractoriness-under-load (differential - with rising temperature)
 ISO 1897-1-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第1部分:总则  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part I : General
 ISO 1897-10-1982  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第10部分:在水槽中蒸发后固体残渣的测定(甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚除外)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 10 : Determination of dry residue after evaporation on a water bath (Excluding cresylic acid and xylenols)
 ISO 1897-11-1983  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第11部分:结晶点的测定(甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚除外)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 11 : Determination of crystallizing point (Excluding cresylic acid and xylenols)
 ISO 1897-12-1983  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第12部分:蒸馏特性的测定(只测定甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 12 : Determination of distillation characteristics (Cresylic acid and xylenols only)
 ISO 1897-13-1983  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第13部分:蒸馏后残渣的测定(只测定甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 13 : Determination of residue on distillation (Cresylic acid and xylenols only)
 ISO 1897-2-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第2部分:水含量的测定.迪安和斯达克(Dean and Stark)水分测定法  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part II : Determination of water; Dean and Stark method
 ISO 1897-3-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第3部分:中性油和吡啉碱的测定  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 3 : Determination of neutral oils and pyridine bases
 ISO 1897-4-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第4部分:可溶于氢氧化钠溶液的杂质的视觉试验(甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚除外)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part IV : Visual test for impurities insoluble in sodium hydroxide solution (Excluding cresylic acid and xylenols)
 ISO 1897-5-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第5部分:不溶于水的杂质的视觉试验(只试验苯酚)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part V : Visual test for impurities insoluble in water (Phenol only)
 ISO 1897-6-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第6部分:无硫化氢的试验(只试验甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part VI : Test for absence of hydrogen sulphide (Cresylic acid and xylenols only)
 ISO 1897-7-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第7部分:颜色的测定(只试验甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part VII : Measurement of colour (Cresylic acid and xylenols only)
 ISO 1897-8-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第8部分:邻甲酚含量的测定(只测定甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part VIII : Determination of o-cresol content (Cresylic acid and xylenols only)
 ISO 1897-9-1977  工业用苯酚,邻甲酚,间甲酚,对甲酚,甲苯基酸和二甲苯酚.试验方法.第9部分:间甲酚含量的测定(只测定甲苯基酸)  Phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cresylic acid and xylenols for industrial use; Methods of test; Part IX : Determination of m-cresol content (Cresylic acid only)
 ISO 19001-2002  实验室诊断医疗设备.生物着色用实验室诊断试剂生产厂商提供的信息  In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for staining in biology
 ISO 19004-2004  橡胶和橡胶产品.试验方法的灵敏度测定  
 ISO 19011-2002  质量和/或环境管理体系评审指南  Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing
 ISO 19018-2004  船舶和海上技术.导航术语、缩写、图形符号和概念  
 ISO 1904-1972  工业用液化酚.酚含量的测定.溴化法  Liquefied phenol for industrial use; Determination of phenols content; Bromination method
 ISO 19101-2002  地理学信息.参考模型  Geographic information - Reference model
 ISO 19105-2000  地理信息.一致性及试验  Geographic information - Conformance and testing
 ISO 19106-2004  地理信息.剖面图  
 ISO 19106-2004  地理信息.剖面图  
 ISO 19107-2003  地理信息.空间图解  (Geographic information - Spatial schema)
 ISO 19107-2003  地理信息.空间图解  
 ISO 19108-2002  地理信息.暂存概要  Geographic information - Temporal schema
 ISO 19111-2003  地理信息.利用坐标系的空间参考  Geographic information - Spatial referencing by coordinates
 ISO 19111-2003  地理信息.利用坐标系的空间参考  
 ISO 19112-2003  地理信息.根据地理标识符的空间定位  (Geographic information - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers)
 ISO 19112-2003  地理信息.根据地理标识符的空间定位  
 ISO 19113-2002  地理信息.质量原则  Geographic information - Quality principles
 ISO 19114-2003  地理信息.质量评定程序  (Geographic information - Quality evaluation procedures)
 ISO 19114-2003  地理信息.质量评定程序  
 ISO 19114-2003  地理信息.质量评定程序  
 ISO 19115-2003  地理信息.数据  (Geographic information - Metadata)
 ISO 19115-2003  地理信息.数据  
 ISO 19116-2004  地理信息.定位服务  
 ISO 19116-2004  地理信息.定位服务  
 ISO 19125-1-2004  地理信息.简单特征选取.第1部分:通用结构  
 ISO 19125-1-2004  地理信息.简单特征选取.第1部分:通用结构  
 ISO 19125-2-2004  地理信息.简单特征选取.第2部分:SQL方案  
 ISO 19125-2-2004  地理信息.简单特征选取.第2部分:SQL方案  
 ISO 1914-1972  工业用硼酸.硼酸含量的测定.容量法  Boric acid for industrial use; Determination of boric acid content; Volumetric method
 ISO 1915-1972  工业用氧化硼.氧化硼含量的测定.容量法  Boric oxide for industrial use; Determination of boric oxide content; Volumetric method
 ISO 1916-1972  工业用四硼酸二钠.氧化钠和氧化硼含量及其烧失量测定  Disodium tetraborates for industrial use; Determination of sodium oxide and boric oxide contents and loss on ignition
 ISO 1917-1972  工业用水合过硼酸钠.氧化钠、氧化硼和有效氧含量的测定.容量法  Hydrated sodium perborates for industrial use; determination of sodium oxide, boric oxide and available oxygen contents; volumetric methods
 ISO 1918-1972  工业用硼酸,氧化硼,四硼酸二钠和粗硼酸钠.硫化物的测定.容量法  Boric acid, boric oxide, disodium tetraborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use; Determination of sulphur compounds; Volumetric method
 ISO 1919 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  道路车辆.带扁平固定座位和圆柱型头固定的M141,25的火花塞.技术勘误1  Road vehicles - M14 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings; Technical corrigendum 1
 ISO 1919-1998  道路车辆.平底座M14×1.25火花塞及其汽缸上火花塞座  Road vehicules - M14 ?1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings
 ISO 1920-1-2004  混凝土试验.第1部分:新浇混凝土的取样  
 ISO 1920-1976  混凝土试验.试样的尺寸,公差和应用  Concrete tests; Dimensions, tolerances and applicability of test specimens
 ISO 1920-3-2004  混凝土试验.第3部分:试验样品的制备和养护  
 ISO 1920-5-2004  混凝土试验.第5部分:硬化混凝土的特性(强度除外)  
 ISO 1920-6-2004  混凝土试验.第6部分:混凝土芯的取样、制备和试验  
 ISO 1920-7-2004  混凝土试验.第7部分:硬化混凝土的无损试验  
 ISO 19219-2002  动植物脂肪和油.天然脂肪和油中可视沉淀物的测定  Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of visible foots in crude fats and oils
 ISO 1922-2001  硬质泡沫塑料.剪切强度的测定  Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of shear strength
 ISO 19220-2004  建筑物内土壤和废物排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.苯乙烯共聚物混合料(SAN + PVC)  
 ISO 1923-1981  泡沫塑料和橡胶.线性尺寸的测定  Cellular plastics and rubbers; Determination of linear dimensions
 ISO 19232-1-2004  无损检验.辐射摄影的图像质量.第1部分:图像质量指示器(线型).图像质量值的测定  
 ISO 19232-2-2004  无损检验.辐射摄影的图像质量.第2部分:图像质量指示器(阶梯/孔型).图像质量值的测定  
 ISO 19232-3-2004  无损检验.辐射摄影的图像质量.第3部分:黑色金属的图像质量级  
 ISO 19232-4-2004  无损检验.辐射摄影的图像质量.第4部分:图像质量值和图像质量表的感性评价  
 ISO 19232-5-2004  无损检验.辐射摄影的图像质量.第5部分:图像质量显示器(双线型).图像不清晰值的测定  
 ISO 19238-2004  辐射防护.进行细胞遗传学生物剂量测定的工作实验室的性能标准  
 ISO 1924-1-1992  纸和纸板.抗张性测定.第1部分:恒定加载法  Paper and board; determinatin of tensile properties; part 1: constant rate of loading method
 ISO 1924-2-1994  纸和纸板.抗张性的测定,第2部分:恒定拉长法  Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Constant rate of elongation method
 ISO 1925-2001  机械振动.平衡.词汇  Mechanical vibration - Balancing - Vocabulary
 ISO 1926-1979  泡沫塑料.硬质材料的拉伸性能的测定  Cellular plastics; Determination of tensile properties of rigid materials
 ISO 1927-1984  特制的非成型耐火材料(致密并绝热).分类  Prepared unshaped refractory materials (dense and insulating); Classification
 ISO 1929-1993  砂带.标识、尺寸和公差  Abrasive belts; dimensions, tolerances and designation
 ISO 19318-2004  表面化学分析.X射线光电光谱法.电荷控制和电荷校正方法的报告  
 ISO 19338-2003  结构混凝土设计标准的功效和评定要求  
 ISO 19378-2003  润滑剂、工业用油和相关产品(L级).机床润滑剂.等级和规范  (Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) - Machine-tool lubricants - Categories and specifications )
 ISO 19378-2003  润滑剂、工业用油和相关产品(L级).机床润滑剂.等级和规范  
 ISO 19379-2003  船舶和海上技术.ECS数据库.内容、质量、更新和检验  (Ships and marine technology - ECS databases - Content, quality, updating and testing)
 ISO 19379-2003  船舶和海上技术.ECS数据库.内容、质量、更新和检验  
 ISO 1940-1-1986  机械振动.刚性转子的平衡质量要求.第1部分:允许残余不平衡的测定  Mechanical vibration; Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors; Part 1 : Determination of permissible residual unbalance
 ISO 1940-1-2003  机械振动.在恒定(刚性)状态下转子的平衡质量要求.第1部分:平衡公差的规范和检定  (Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid) state - Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances)
 ISO 1940-1-2003  机械振动.在恒定(刚性)状态下转子的平衡质量要求.第1部分:平衡公差的规范和检定  
 ISO 1940-2-1997  机械振动.刚性转子的平衡质量要求.第2部分:平衡误差  Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors - Part 2: Balance errors
 ISO 1942-1 AMD 1-1992  牙科词汇.第1次修改  Dental vocabulary; part 1: general and clinical terms; amendment 1
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