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 ISO 2582-1978  软木和软木制品.导热性的测定.热板法  (Cork and cork products; Determination of thermal conductivity; Hot plate method)
 ISO 2584-1972  轴孔和键传动的圆柱形铣刀.米制系列  (Cylindrical cutters with plain bore and key drive; Metric series)
 ISO 2585-1972  轴孔和键传动的立铣刀.米制系列  (Slotting cutters with plain bore and key drive; Metric series)
 ISO 2586-1985  轴孔和榫传动的套式端铣刀.米制系列  (Shell end mills with plain bore and tenon drive; Metric series)
 ISO 2587-1972  轴孔和键传动的三面刃铣刀.米制系列  (Side and face milling cutters with plain bore and key drive; metric series)
 ISO 2588-1985  皮革.取样.总样品的项目数  (Leather; Sampling; Number of items for a gross sample)
 ISO 2589-2002  皮革.物理和机械试验.厚度的测定  (Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of thickness)
 ISO 259-1984  文献.从希伯来语字母到拉丁语字母的译音  (Documentation; Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters)
 ISO 2590-1973  测定砷的一般方法.二乙基二硫化氨基甲酸银光度计法  (General method for the determination of arsenic; Silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method)
 ISO 2591-1-1988  筛分试验.第1部分:用于编织金属丝布及穿孔金属板的筛分试验方法  (Test sieving; part 1: methods using test sieves of woven wire cloth and perforated metal plate)
 ISO 2592-2000  闪点和燃点的测定.克利弗兰得(Cleveland)开杯法  (Determination of flash and fire points - Cleveland open cup method)
 ISO 2594-1972  建筑制图.投影法  (Building drawings; Projection methods)
 ISO 2596-1994  铁矿石.分析试样中吸湿的测定.重量法和卡尔费舍尔(Karl fisher)法  (Iron ores - Determination of hygroscopic moisture in analytical samples - Gravimetric and Karl Fischer methods)
 ISO 2597-1-1994  铁矿石.铁的总含量的测定.氯化锡还原后用滴定法  (Iron ores - Determination of total iron content - Part 1: Titrimetric method after tin(II) chloride reduction)
 ISO 2598-1-1992  铁矿石.硅含量测定.第1部分:重量分析法  (Iron ores; determination of silicon content; part 1: gravimetric methods)
 ISO 2598-2-1992  铁矿石.硅含量测定.第2部分:还原钼酸硅分光光度法  (Iron ores; determination of silicon content; part 2: reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method)
 ISO 2599-2003  铁矿石.磷含量的测定.滴定法  (Iron ores - Determination of phosphorus content - Titrimetric method)
 ISO 2599-2003  铁矿石.磷含量的测定.滴定法  
 ISO 26-1993  电影技术.直接正面放映16mm的电影放映机的用法.规范  (Cinematography; projector usage of 16 mm motion-picture films for direct front projection; specifications)
 ISO 2602-1980  试验结果的统计分析.平均值的估计.置信区间范围  (Statistical interpretation of test results; estimation of the mean; confidence interval)
 ISO 2603-1998  同声翻译室.通用特性和设备  (Booths for simultaneous interpretation - General characteristics and equipment)
 ISO 2604-6-1978  压力容器钢制产品.质量要求.第6部分:纵向埋弧或螺旋埋弧焊钢管  (Steel products for pressure purposes; Quality requirements; Part VI : Submerged arc longitudinally or spirally welded steel tubes)
 ISO 2605-3-1985  压力容器钢制产品.高温特性的推导和验证.第3部分:在限定数据时,推导高温屈服应力或弹性极限应力特性可供选  (Steel products for pressure purposes; Derivation and verification of elevated temperature properties; Part 3 : An alternative procedure for deriving the elevated temperature yield or proof stress properties when data are limited)
 ISO 261-1998  一般用途米制螺纹.一般示意图  (ISO general purpose metric screw threads - General plan)
 ISO 262-1998  一般用途米制螺纹.螺钉,螺栓和螺母的选用尺寸  (ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts)
 ISO 2624-1990  铜和铜合金.晶粒大小平均值的评定  (Copper and copper alloys; estimation of average grain size)
 ISO 2626-1973  铜.氢脆试验  (Copper; Hydrogen embrittlement test)
 ISO 263-1973  ISO 英制螺纹.螺钉,螺栓和螺母的一般示意图和选用.直径范围0.06-6英寸  (ISO inch screw threads; General plan and selection for screws, bolts and nuts; Diameter range 0,06 to 6 in)
 ISO 2631-1-1997  机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身震动的评估.第1部分:一般要求  (Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 1: General requirements)
 ISO 2631-2-2003  机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身振动的评价.第2部分:建筑物内的振动(1-80Hz)  (Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 2: Vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz) )
 ISO 2631-2-2003  机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身振动的评价.第2部分:建筑物内的振动(1-80Hz)  
 ISO 2631-2-2003  机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身振动的评价.第2部分:建筑物内的振动(1-80Hz)  
 ISO 2631-4-2001  机械振动.对人体受全身振动的评估.第4部分:在固定导轨运输系统中振动和转动对乘客和乘务员舒适度影响的评估  (Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 4: Guidelines for the evaluation of the effects of vibration and rotational motion on passenger and crew comfort in fixed-guideway transport systems)
 ISO 2631-5-2004  机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身振动的评价.第5部分:多激波振动评价的试验方法  
 ISO 2633-1974  生产用房和仓库的地面载荷的测定  (Determination of imposed floor loads in production buildings and warehouses)
 ISO 2635-2003  航空器.一般用途的飞机电缆和航空航天应用的导线.尺寸和特性  (Aircraft - Conductors for general purpose aircraft electrical cables and aerospace applications - Dimensions and characteristics )
 ISO 2635-2003  航空器.一般用途的飞机电缆和航空航天应用的导线.尺寸和特性  
 ISO 2639-2002  钢.渗碳层和硬化层深度的测定和检验  (Steels - Determination and verification of the depth of carburized and hardened cases)
 ISO 264 ADD 1-1982  第1次补充  (Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings with plain sockets for pipes under pressure; laying lengths; metric series; addendum 1)
 ISO 264-1976  承压管用未增塑聚氯乙烯套接管配件.敷设长度.米制系列  (Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings with plain sockets for pipes under pressure; Laying lengths; Metric series)
 ISO 2646-1974  羊毛.使用纤维长度分析仪测定在精梳羊毛纺制加工过的纤维长度  (Wool; Measurement of the length of fibres processed on the worsted system, using a fibre diagram machine)
 ISO 2647-1973  羊毛.用投影显微镜测定有髓纤维的百分率  (Wool; Determination of percentage of medullated fibres by the projection microscope)
 ISO 2648-1974  羊毛.纤维长度分布参数的测定.电子法  (Wool; Determination of fibre length distribution parameters; Electronic method)
 ISO 2649-1974  羊毛.用电子均匀度检验机测定毛条、粗纱和纱线的线密度的短片段不匀率  (Wool; Determination of short-term irregularity of linear density of slivers, rovings and yarns, by means of an electronic evenness tester)
 ISO 265-1-1988  塑料管和塑料连接件.用于家庭及工业废水管的连接件.基本尺寸.米制系列.第1部分:未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)  (Pipes and fittings of plastics materials; fittings for domestic and industrial waste pipes; basic dimensions: metric series; part 1: unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U))
 ISO 266-1997  声学.优选频率  (Acoustics - Preferred frequencies)
 ISO 2669-1995  航空设备的环境试验.稳态加速  (Environmental tests for aircraft equipment - Steady-state acceleration)
 ISO 2671-1982  飞机设备的环境试验.第3.4部分:声振动  (Environmental tests for aircraft equipment; Part 3.4 : Acoustic vibration)
 ISO 2678-1985  飞机设备的环境试验.电力设备的绝缘电阻和高电压试验  (Environmental tests for aircraft equipment; Insulation resistance and high voltage tests for electrical equipment)
 ISO 268-1980  飞机.机械的和电动机械的指示器.一般要求  (Aircraft; Mechanical and electromechanical indicators; General requirements)
 ISO 2685-1998  飞机.机载设备的环境试验程序.指定防火区的防火性  (Aircraft - Environmental test procedure for airborne equipment - Resistance to fire in designated fire zones)
 ISO 269-1985  信封.名称牌号和尺寸  (Correspondence envelopes; Designation and sizes)
 ISO 2692 AMD 1-1992  技术制图.几何公差.最大实体原则.修改件1:对材料的最低要求  (Technical drawings; geometrical tolerancing; maximum material principle; amendment 1: least material requirement)
 ISO 2692-1988  技术制图.几何公差.最大实体原则  (Technical drawings; geometrical tolerancing; maximum material principle)
 ISO 2695-1976  建筑用纤维板.一般用途的硬板和中硬板.质量规范.外观、形状和尺寸公差  (Fibre building boards; Hard and medium boards for general purposes; Quality specifications; Appearance, shape and dimensional tolerances)
 ISO 2696-1976  建筑用纤维板.一般用途的硬板和中硬板.质量规范.吸水性和厚度膨胀  (Fibre building boards; Hard and medium boards for general purposes; Quality specifications; Water absorption and swelling in thickness)
 ISO 2697-1999  柴油发动机.燃料喷嘴.“S“规格  (Diesel engines - Fuel nozzles - Size “S“)
 ISO 2698-1993  柴油发动机.夹紧装配的喷油嘴.7型和28型  (Diesel engines; clamp-mounted fuel injectors, types 7 and 28)
 ISO 2699-1994  柴油发动机.法兰盘上安装的“S“规格燃料喷射器.2、3、4、5和6型  (Diesel engines; flange-mounted fuel injectors, size “S“; types 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
 ISO 2701-1977  通用非合金钢丝绳的冷拉钢丝.验收项目  (Drawn wire for general purpose non-alloy steel wire ropes; Terms of acceptance)
 ISO 2702-1992  热处理钢制自攻螺钉.机械性能  (Heat-treated steel tapping screws; mechanical properties)
 ISO 2704-1998  道路车辆.平底座M10×1火花塞和其汽缸盖上的座孔  (Road vehicles - M10 1 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings)
 ISO 2705-1999  道路车辆.平底座的M12×1.25火花塞和汽缸盖体  (Road vehicles - M12 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings)
 ISO 2709-1996  信息和文献工作.信息交流用格式  (Information and documentation - Format for information exchange)
 ISO 2710-1-2000  往复式内燃机.词汇.第1部分:发动机设计和运行术语  (Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary - Part 1: Terms for engine design and operation)
 ISO 2710-2-1999  往复式内燃机.词汇.第2部分:发动机维修术语  (Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary - Part 2: Terms for engine maintenance)
 ISO 2714-1980  液态烃.用容量式流量计系统测定容量  (Liquid hydrocarbons; Volumetric measurement by displacement meter systems other than dispensing pumps)
 ISO 2715-1981  液态烃.用涡轮流量计系统测定容量  (Liquid hydrocarbons; Volumetric measurement by turbine meter systems)
 ISO 2717-1973  工业用硫酸和发烟硫酸.铅含量的测定.双硫腙光度法  (Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use; Determination of lead content; Dithizone photometric method)
 ISO 2718-1974  气相色谱法的化学分析标准编制  (Standard layout for a method of chemical analysis by gas chromatography)
 ISO 2719-2002  闪点的测定.Pensky-Martens闭杯法  (Determination of flash point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method)
 ISO 272-1982  紧固件.六角形制件.对边宽度  (Fasteners; Hexagon products; Widths across flats)
 ISO 2720-1974  摄影技术.一般用途的照相曝光计(光电式).产品规范指南  (Photography; General purpose photographic exposure meters (photoelectric type); Guide to product specification)
 ISO 2721-1982  摄影技术.照相机.曝光自动控制  (Photography; Cameras; Automatic controls of exposure)
 ISO 2722-1997  釉瓷和搪瓷.室温下耐柠檬酸的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to citric acid at room temperature)
 ISO 2723-1995  薄钢板用的瓷釉和搪瓷.试验试样的制备  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels for sheet steel - Production of specimens for testing)
 ISO 2724-1973  用于铸铁的釉瓷和搪瓷.试验件的制作  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels for cast iron; Production of specimens for testing)
 ISO 2725-1-1996  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.方形驱动套筒扳手.第1部分:手动套筒扳手的尺寸  (Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Square drive sockets - Part 1: Hand-operated sockets - Dimensions)
 ISO 2725-2-1996  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.方形驱动套筒扳手.第2部分:机器驱动套筒扳手的尺寸  (Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Square drive sockets - Part 2: Machine-operated sockets (“impact“) - Dimensions)
 ISO 2725-3-2001  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.方形驱动套筒扳手.第3部分:机器驱动套筒扳手(无冲击).尺寸  (Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Square drive sockets - Part 3: Machine-operated sockets (“non impact“); Dimensions)
 ISO 2726-1995  木工工具.金属台刨,刨刀和盖铁  (Woodworking tools - Metal-bodied bench planes, plane cutters and cap irons)
 ISO 2727-1973  机床结构的组合件.主轴箱  (Modular units for machine tool construction; Headstocks)
 ISO 2729-1995  木工工具.凿子和半圆凿  (Woodworking tools - Chisels and gouges)
 ISO 273-1979  紧固件.螺栓和螺钉的通孔  (Fasteners; Clearance holes for bolts and screws)
 ISO 2730-1973  木工工具.木体刨  (Woodworking tools; Wooden bodied planes)
 ISO 2733-1983  釉瓷和搪瓷.用酸性和中性液体及其蒸汽的试验器械  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels; Apparatus for testing with acid and neutral liquids and their vapours)
 ISO 2734-1997  釉瓷和搪瓷.用碱性液体的试验器械  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Apparatus for testing with alkaline liquids)
 ISO 2736-1-1986  混凝土试验.试样.第1部分:新搅拌的混凝土取样  (Concrete tests; Test specimens; Part 1 : Sampling of fresh concrete)
 ISO 2736-2-1986  混凝土试验.试样.第2部分:强度试验的试样制作和养护  (Concrete tests; Test specimens; Part 2 : Making and curing of test specimens for strength tests)
 ISO 2738-1999  不包括硬金属的烧结金属材料.渗透性烧结金属材料.密度、油含量和开口孔隙度的测定  (Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals - Permeable sintered metal materials - Determination of density, oil content and open porosity)
 ISO 2739-1973  烧结金属衬套.径向抗压强度的测定  (Sintered metal bushes; Determination of radial crushing strength)
 ISO 2740-1999  烧结金属材料(不包括硬质合金).拉力试件  (Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals - Tensile test pieces)
 ISO 2741-1973  锌合金.镁的络合滴定测定法  (Zinc alloys; Complexometric determination of magnesium)
 ISO 2742-1998  釉瓷和搪瓷.耐煮沸柠檬酸的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to boiling citric acid)
 ISO 2743-1986  釉瓷和搪瓷.耐盐酸气体冷凝的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels; Determination of resistance to condensing hydrochloric acid vapour)
 ISO 2744-1998  釉瓷和搪瓷.耐沸水和水蒸汽的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to boiling water and water vapour)
 ISO 2745-1998  釉瓷和搪瓷.耐热氢氧化钠的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to hot sodium hydroxide)
 ISO 2746-1998  釉瓷和搪瓷.在强腐蚀条件下使用的搪瓷制品.高电压试验  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Enamelled articles for service under highly corrosive conditions - High voltage test)
 ISO 2747-1998  釉瓷和搪瓷.搪瓷烹调器具.耐热冲击性的测定  (Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Enamelled cooking utensils - Determination of resistance to thermal shock)
 ISO 2748-1983  纺织机械和附件.提花机织造用铅锤  (Textile machinery and accessories; Lingoes for Jacquard weaving)
 ISO 2749-1973  工业用尿素.尿素常规浓度(100g/l)溶液pH值的测定.电位滴定法  (Urea for industrial use; Measurement of the pH of a solution of urea of conventional concentration (100 g/l); Potentiometric method)
 ISO 2750-1974  工业用尿素.以 Hazen为单位(铂--钴标度)测定尿素-甲醛液的颜色  (Urea for industrial use; Measurement of colour in Hazen units (platinum-cobalt scale) of a urea-formaldehyde solution)
 ISO 2751-1973  工业用尿素.缓冲系数的测定.电位滴定法  (Urea for industrial use; Determination of the buffer coefficient; Potentiometric method)
 ISO 2752-1973  工业用尿素.有甲醛时,pH值变化的测定.电位滴定法  (Urea for industrial use; Measurement of the variation of pH in the presence of formaldehyde; Potentiometric method)
 ISO 2753-1973  工业用尿素.水含量的测定.卡尔--费歇尔(Karl Fischer)法  (Urea for industrial use; Determination of water content; Karl Fischer method)
 ISO 2754-1973  工业用尿素.缩二脲含量的测定.光度法  (Urea for industrial use; Determination of biuret content; Photometric method)
 ISO 2755-1973  工业用1,1,1-三氯乙烷.试验方法一览  (1,1,1- Trichloroethane for industrial use; List of methods of test)
 ISO 2756-1973  工业用六氯苯.试验方法一览  (Hexachlorobenzene for industrial use; list of methods of test)
 ISO 2757-1973  工业用1,2,4-三氯苯.试验方法一览  (1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene for industrial use; list of methods of test)
 ISO 2758-2001  纸.抗破碎强度的测定  (Paper - Determination of bursting strength)
 ISO 2759-2001  纸板.抗破碎强度的测定  (Board - Determination of bursting strength)
 ISO 276-2002  涂料和清漆用粘合剂.亚麻子油.要求和试验方法  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Linseed stand oil - Requirements and methods of test)
 ISO 2760-1975  工业用粗硼酸钠.铝总含量的测定.滴定法  (Crude sodium borates for industrial use; Determination of total aluminium content; Titrimetric method)
 ISO 2761-1975  工业用粗硼酸钠.钛总含量的测定.光度法  (Crude sodium borates for industrial use; Determination of total titanium content; Photometric method)
 ISO 2762-1973  工业用盐酸.可溶性硫酸盐的测定.浊度法  (Hydrochloric acid for industrial use; Determination of soluble sulphates; Turbidimetric method)
 ISO 2768-1-1989  通用公差.第1部分:未注公差的线性和角度公差  (General tolerances; part 1: tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications)
 ISO 2768-2-1989  通用公差.第2部分:未注公差的零部件的几何公差  (General tolerances; part 2: geometrical tolerances for features without individual tolerance indications)
 ISO 2769-1973  机床结构的标准化组件.滑动组件的侧基座  (Modular units for machine tool construction; wing bases for slide units)
 ISO 277-2002  涂料和清漆用粘合剂.生桐油.要求和试验方法  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Raw tung oil - Requirements and methods of test)
 ISO 2772-1-1973  箱型立式钻床的验收条件.精度试验.第1部分:几何参数试验  (Test conditions for box type vertical drilling machines; Testing of the accuracy; Part I : Geometrical tests)
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