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 ISO 1005-9-1986  铁路车辆材料.第9部分:牵引和拖动的轮轴.尺寸要求  (Railway rolling stock material; Part 9 : Axles for tractive and trailing stock; Dimensional requirements)
 ISO 10051-1996  热绝缘.热传递中的湿度影响.潮湿材料热传递系数的测定  (Thermal insulation - Moisture effects on heat transfer - Determination of thermal transmissivity of a moist material)
 ISO 10052-2004  声学.空气声和冲击声隔绝及辅助设备声音的现场测量.测量法  
 ISO 10053-1991  声学.特定实验室条件下办公室内荧光屏声衰减测量  (Acoustics; measurement of office screen sound attenuation under specific laboratory conditions)
 ISO 10054-1998  内燃压燃发动机.稳态条件下操作时发动机的烟雾测量仪器.过滤型烟雾计  (Internal combustion compression-ignition engines - Measurement apparatus for smoke from engines operating under steady-state conditions - Filter-type smokemeter)
 ISO 10055-1996  机械震动.船舶设备和机械件的震动试验要求  (Mechanical vibration - Vibration testing requirements for shipboard equipment and machinery components)
 ISO 10056-2001  机械振动.铁路车辆里乘客和乘务员全身振动的测量和分析  (Mechanical vibration - Measurement and analysis of whole-body vibration to which passengers and crew are exposed in railway vehicles)
 ISO 10058-1992  菱美矿和白云石.化学分析  (Magnesites and dolomites; chemical analysis)
 ISO 10059-1-1992  高密度成型耐火材料制品.冷压缩强度测定.第1部分:无包装仲裁试验  (Dense, shaped refractory products; determination of cold compressive strength; part 1: referee test without packing)
 ISO 10059-2-2003  致密、定型耐火制品.常温耐强度测定.第2部分:有热片试验  
 ISO 1006-1983  建筑结构.模数协调.基本模数  (Building construction; Modular coordination; Basic module)
 ISO 10060-1993  密封成型耐火制品.含碳制品的试验方法  (Dense shaped refractory products; test methods for products containing carbon)
 ISO 10062-1991  在人工环境中,极低浓度污染气候(对物质)腐蚀程度的试验  (Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere at very low concentrations of polluting gas(es))
 ISO 10066-1991  软质泡沫聚合材料.压缩蠕变测定  (Flexible cellular polymeric materials; determination of creep in compression)
 ISO 10068-1998  机械振动和冲击.在操作点人手-臂体系的自由机械阻抗  (Mechanical vibration and shock - Free, mechanical impedance of the human hand-arm system at the driving point)
 ISO 10069-1-1991  压制用工具.合成橡胶压力弹簧.第1部分:一般规范  (Tools for pressing; elastomer pressure springs; part 1: general specification)
 ISO 10069-2-1991  压制用工具.合成橡胶压力弹簧.第2部分:附件的规范  (Tools for pressing; elastomer pressure springs; part 2: specification of accessories)
 ISO 1007-2000  摄影.135号胶卷暗盒.规范  (Photography - 135-size film and magazine - Specifications)
 ISO 10070-1991  金属粉末.在稳态流动条件下根据测量粉末层的透气性确定包线的表面积  (Metallic powder; determination of envelope-specific surface area from measurements of the permeability to air of a powder bed under steady-state flow conditions)
 ISO 10071-1-2001  压印工具.球锁式冲压.第1部分:轻载的球锁式冲压  (Tools for pressing - Ball-lock punches - Part 1: Ball-lock punches for light duty)
 ISO 10072-1993  模压工具.浇道套.尺寸  (Tools for moulding; sprue bushes; dimensions)
 ISO 10072-2004  模铸工具.浇口套.尺寸  
 ISO 10072-2004  模铸工具.浇口套.尺寸  
 ISO 10073-1991  模压工具.支承柱  (Tools for moulding; support pillars)
 ISO 10074-1994  铝及其合金上的硬阳极氧化覆层的规范  (Specification for hard anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys)
 ISO 10075-1991  有关脑力工作负荷的人类工效学原理.一般术语和定义  (Ergonomic principles related to mental work-load; general terms and definitions)
 ISO 10075-2-1996  有关工作所致精神负担的人类工效学原理.第2部分:设计原理  (Ergonomic principles related to mental workload - Part 2: Design principles)
 ISO 10075-3-2004  与心理负荷有关的人类工效学原则.第3部分:测量和评定心理负荷相关方法的原则和要求  
 ISO 10076-1991  金属粉末.根据在液体中重量沉淀以及扩散测量以确定粒度分布  (Metallic powder; determination of particle size distribution by gravitational sedimentation in a liquid and attenuation measurement)
 ISO 10077-1-2000  窗、门和百页窗的热性能.热传递系数的计算.第1部分:简化法  (Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 1: Simplified method)
 ISO 10077-2-2003  门、窗和百叶窗热性能.热传递系数的计算.第2部分:框架用数值法  (Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 2: Numerical method for frames)
 ISO 10077-2-2003  门、窗和百叶窗热性能.热传递系数的计算.第2部分:框架用数值法  
 ISO 10079-1-1999  医疗吸引设备.第1部分:电动吸引设备.安全要求  (Medical suction equipment - Part 1: Electrically powered suction equipment - Safety requirements)
 ISO 10079-2-1999  医疗吸引设备.第2部分:手工吸引设备  (Medical suction equipment - Part 2: Manually powered suction equipment)
 ISO 10079-3-1999  医疗吸引设备.第3部分:真空或用压力源的吸引设备  (Medical suction equipment - Part 3: Suction equipment powered from a vacuum or pressure source)
 ISO 1008-1992  摄影.相纸尺寸.单张相纸  (Photography; paper dimensions; pictorial sheets)
 ISO 10080-1990  耐火材料制品.按密度分类,成型耐酸制品  (Refractory products; classification of dense, shaped acid-resisting products)
 ISO 10081-1-2003  致密定型耐火制品的分类.第1部分:铝-硅酸盐产品  (Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Part 1: Alumina-silica )
 ISO 10081-1-2003  致密定型耐火制品的分类.第1部分:铝-硅酸盐产品  
 ISO 10081-2-2003  致密定型耐火制品的分类.第2部分:含残留碳小于7%的碱性制品  (Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Part 2: Basic products containing less than 7 % residual carbon )
 ISO 10081-2-2003  致密定型耐火制品的分类.第2部分:含残留碳小于7%的碱性制品  
 ISO 10081-3-2003  致密定型耐火制品的分类.第3部分:含残留碳7%到50%的碱性制品  (Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Part 3: Basic products containing from 7 % to 50 % residual carbon )
 ISO 10081-3-2003  致密定型耐火制品的分类.第3部分:含残留碳7%到50%的碱性制品  
 ISO 10082-1999  塑料.酚醛树脂.分类和试验方法  (Plastics - Phenolic resins - Classification and test methods)
 ISO 10083-1992  医疗输气管道系统用压缩氧气  (Oxygen concentrators for use with medical gas pipeline systems)
 ISO 10086-1-2000  煤.选煤用絮凝物评估方法.第1部分:基本参数  (Coal - Methods for evaluation flocculants for use in coal preparation - Part 1: Basic parameters)
 ISO 10086-2-2004  煤.选煤用絮凝剂评定方法.第2部分:旋转式真空过滤系统中用作助滤剂的絮凝剂  
 ISO 10087-1995  小型船舶.船体鉴定.编码体系  (Small craft - Hull identification - Coding system)
 ISO 10088-2001  小型船舶.固定安装的燃料系统和固定的燃料箱  (Small craft - Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks)
 ISO 1009-2000  摄影技术.相纸尺寸.印相机用卷纸  (Photography - Paper dimensions - Rolls for printers)
 ISO 10093-1998  塑料.燃烧试验.标准火源  (Plastics - Fire tests - Standard ignition sources)
 ISO 10095-1992  咖啡.咖啡因含量的测定.高效液相色谱法  (Coffee; determination of caffeine content; method using high-performance liquid chromatography)
 ISO 10096-1997  航空航天.六角开槽(槽顶),标定高度,标定交叉平面,带MJ 螺纹的螺母.强度类别450MPa,最高工作温度 425℃;600M  ()
 ISO 10097-1-1999  钢丝绳钻石芯钻孔设备.A系统.第1部分:米制单位  (Wireline diamond core drilling equipment - System A - Part 1: Metric units)
 ISO 10097-2-1999  钢丝绳钻石芯钻孔设备.A系统.第2部分:英寸系列  (Wireline diamond core drilling equipment - System A - Part 2: Inch units)
 ISO 10098-1992  导线钻石取芯钻进设备.CSSK系统  (Wireline diamond core drilling equipment; system CSSK)
 ISO 10099-2001  气压液动.气动缸.最终检验和验收标准  (Pneumatic fluid power - Cylinders - Final examination and acceptance criteria)
 ISO 10100-2001  液力传动.液压缸.验收试验  (Hydraulic fluid power - Cylinders - Acceptance tests)
 ISO 10101-2-1993  天然气.卡尔.菲舍尔法测定水.第2部分:滴定法  (Natural gas; determination of water by the Karl Fischer method; part 2: titration procedure)
 ISO 10101-3-1993  天然气.卡尔.菲舍尔法测定水.第3部分:库仑法  (Natural gas; determination of water by the Karl Fischer method; part 3: coulometric procedure)
 ISO 10102-2001  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.工程用双头开口扳手.扳手长度和端口厚度  (Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Double headed open-ended engineers` wrenches - Length of wrenches and thickness of the heads)
 ISO 10103-2001  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.双头平直和弯头套筒扳手.扳手长度和端口厚度  (Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Double-headed, flat and offset, box wrenches - Length of wrenches and thickness of the heads)
 ISO 10104-2001  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.双头高弯头和改进的弯头套筒扳手.扳手长度和端口厚度  (Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Double-headed, deep offset and modified offset, box wrenches - Length of wrenches and thickness of the heads)
 ISO 10106-2003  软木塞.总迁移的测定  (Cork stoppers - Determination of global migration)
 ISO 10106-2003  软木塞.总迁移的测定  
 ISO 10109-1-1994  光学和光学仪器的环境要求.第1部分:一般信息,定义,气候地带及测定它们的义表  (Optics and optical instruments - Environmental requirements - Part 1: General information, definitions, climatic zones and their parameters)
 ISO 10109-11-2001  光学和光学仪器的环境要求.第11部分:户外条件下使用的光学仪器  (Optics and optical instruments - Environmental requirements - Part 11: Optical instruments for outdoor conditions of use)
 ISO 10109-12-2004  光学和光学仪器.环境要求.第12部分:光学仪器的运输条件  
 ISO 10109-12-2004  光学和光学仪器.环境要求.第12部分:光学仪器的运输条件  
 ISO 10109-4-2001  光学和光学仪器的环境要求.第4部分:望远镜系统的试验要求  (Optics and optical instruments - Environmental requirements - Part 4: Test requirements for telescopic systems)
 ISO 10109-6-1994  光学和光学仪器的环境要求.第6部分:医疗光学设备的试验要求  (Optics and optical instruments - Environmental requirements - Part 6: Test requirements for medical optical devices)
 ISO 10109-7-2001  光学和光学仪器的环境要求.第7部分:光学测量仪器的试验要求  (Optics and optical instruments - Environmental requirements - Part 7: Test requirements for optical measuring instruments)
 ISO 10109-8-1994  光学和光学仪器的环境要求.第8部分:极限条件的试验要求  (Optics and optical instruments - Environmental requirements - Part 8: Test requirements for extreme conditions of use)
 ISO 10110-1-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第1部分:总则  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 1: General)
 ISO 10110-10-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第10部分:表示数据表  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 10: Table representing data of a lens element)
 ISO 10110-10-2004  光学和光学仪器.光学件和系统制图准备.第10部分:光学件和粘结组件的数据表  
 ISO 10110-11-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第11部分:不容许数据  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 11: Non-toleranced data)
 ISO 10110-12-1997  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第12部分:非球面形表面  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 12: Aspheric surfaces)
 ISO 10110-14-2003  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第14部分:波前变形公差  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 14: Wavefront deformation tolerance)
 ISO 10110-14-2003  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第14部分:波前变形公差  
 ISO 10110-17-2004  光学和光学仪器.光学件和系统制图准备.第17部分:激光辐射损害阈  
 ISO 10110-2-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第2部分:材料不完全性.应力双折射  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 2: Material imperfections - Stress birefringence)
 ISO 10110-3-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第3部分:材料不完全性.气泡和杂质  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 3: Material imperfections - Bubbles and inclusions)
 ISO 10110-4-1997  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第4部分:不完备材料的不均匀性和擦痕  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 4: Material imperfections - Inhomogeneity and striae)
 ISO 10110-5 Technical Corrigendum 1-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第5部分:表面形状公差.技术勘误表1  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 5: Surface form tolerances; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10110-5-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第5部分:表面形状公差  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 5: Surface form tolerances)
 ISO 10110-6 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第6部分:中心公差.技术勘误1  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 6: Centring tolerances; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10110-6-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第6部分:定中心公差  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 6: Centring tolerances)
 ISO 10110-7-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第7部分:表面缺陷公差  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 7: Surface imperfection tolerances)
 ISO 10110-8-1997  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第7部分:表面织物  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 8: Surface texture)
 ISO 10110-9-1996  光学及光学仪器.光学件和系统图形的制备.第9部分:表面处理和涂层  (Optics and optical instruments - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 9: Surface treatment and coating)
 ISO 10111-2000  金属和其它无机覆层.单位面积质量的测量.重量法和化学分析方法概述  (Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Measurement of mass per unit area - Review of gravimetric and chemical analysis methods)
 ISO 10112-1991  阻尼材料.复数模量的图解示法  (Damping materials; graphical presentation of the complex modulus)
 ISO 10113-1991  金属材料.搴痛塑性应变比的测定  (Metallic materials; sheet and strip; determination of plastic strain ratio)
 ISO 10115-1997  法国型龙蒿油(狭叶青蒿)  (Oil of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.), French type)
 ISO 10119-2002  碳纤维密度的测定  (Carbon fibre - Determination of density)
 ISO 1012-1998  摄影技术.普通散片胶片和胶卷.尺寸  (Photography - Films in sheets and rolls for general use - Dimensions)
 ISO 10122-1995  加强材料.管式编织套管的基本规范  (Reinforcement materials - Tubular braided sleeves - Basis for a specification)
 ISO 10123-1990  粘合剂.用针-环试件测定厌气胶粘剂的剪切强度  (Adhesives; determination of shear strength of anaerobic adhesives using pin-and-collar specimens)
 ISO 10124-1994  压力无缝钢管和压力焊接(埋弧焊除外)钢管的层状不完整性检测的超声检验  (Seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for pressure purposes - Ultrasonic testing for the detection of laminar imperfections)
 ISO 10126-1-1991  银行业务.信息编码(大宗)规程.第1部分:一般原则  (Banking; procedures for message encipherment (wholesale); part 1: general principles)
 ISO 10126-2-1991  银行业务.信息编密码(大宗)规程.第2部分:DEA算法  (Banking; procedures for message encipherment (wholesale); part 2: DEA algorithm)
 ISO 1013-1995  焦炭.用大型容器测定体积密度  (Coke - Determination of bulk density in a large container)
 ISO 10131-1-1997  折叠床.安全技术要求和检验方法.第1部分;安全技术要求  (Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and tests - Part 1: Safety requirements)
 ISO 10131-2-1997  折叠床.安全技术要求和检验方法.第2部分:检验方法  (Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and tests - Part 2: Test methods)
 ISO 10132-1993  纺织品.结构细丝纱.定义  (Textiles; textured filament yarn; definitions)
 ISO 10133-2000  小型飞机.电力系统.超低电压直流电力设备  (Small craft - Electrical systems - Extra-low-voltage d.c. installations)
 ISO 10134-2003  小艇.电气装置.避雷保护系统  (Small craft - Electrical devices - Lightning-protection systems)
 ISO 10134-2003  小艇.电气装置.避雷保护系统  
 ISO 10135-1994  技术绘图.模件、铸件和锻压件的简化表示  (Technical drawings - Simplified representation of moulded, cast and forged parts)
 ISO 10136-1-1993  玻璃和玻璃器皿.萃取溶液分析法.第1部分:用分子吸收光谱法测定二氧化硅  (Glas and glassware; analysis of extract solutions; part 1: determination of silicon dioxide by molecular absorption spectrometry)
 ISO 10136-2-1993  玻璃和玻璃器皿.萃取溶液分析法.第2部分:用火焰光谱法测定氧化钠和氧化钾  (Glass and glassware; analysis of extract solutions; part 2: determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide by flame spectrometric methods)
 ISO 10136-3-1993  玻璃和玻璃器皿.萃取溶液分析法.第3部分:用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定氧化钙和氧化镁  (Glass and glassware; analysis of extract solutions; part 3: determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide by flame atomic absorption spectrometry)
 ISO 10136-4-1993  玻璃和玻璃器皿.萃取溶液分析法.第4部分:用分子吸收光谱法测定氧化铝  (Glass and glassware; analysis of extract solutions; part 4: determination of aluminium oxide by molecular absorption spectrometry)
 ISO 10136-5-1993  玻璃和玻璃器皿.萃取溶液分析法.第5部分:用分子吸收光谱法和火焰原子吸收光谱法测定氧化铁(III)  (Glas and glassware; analysis of extract solutions; part 5: determination of iron(III) oxide by molecular absorption spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry)
 ISO 10136-6-1993  玻璃和玻璃器皿.萃取溶液分析法.第6部分:用分子吸收光谱法测定氧化硼(III)  (Glass and glassware; analysis of extract solutions; part 6: determination of boron(III) oxide by molecular absorption spectrometry)
 ISO 10137-1992  结构设计基础.建筑物防震功能  (Bases for design of structures; serviceability of buildings against vibration)
 ISO 10138-1991  钢和铁.铬含量测量.火焰原子吸收光谱法  (Steel and iron; determination of chromium content; flame atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 ISO 10139-1-1991  牙科学.活动假牙用弹性衬料.第1部分:短期材料  (Dentistry; resilient lining materials for removable dentures; part 1: short-term materials)
 ISO 10139-2-1999  牙科学.可摘义齿用柔软线性材料.第2部分:长时间使用的材料  (Dentistry - Soft lining materials for removable dentures - Part 2: Materials for long-term use)
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