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 ISO/TR 13309-1995  手动工业机器人.根据ISO 9283, 操纵工机器人的性能评定的计量法和试验设备的信息指南  (Manipulating industrial robots - Informative guide on test equipment and metrology methods of operation for robot performance evaluation in accordance with ISO 9283)
 ISO/TR 13352-1997  铁矿工业范围内用ISO 9000标准系列的解释导则  (Guidelines for interpretation of ISO 9000 series for application within the iron ore industry)
 ISO/TR 13387-1-1999  消防安全工程.第1部分:设计目标中耐火性能概念的应用  (Fire safety engineering - Part 1: Application of fire performance concepts to design objectives)
 ISO/TR 13387-2-1999  消防安全工程.第2部分:起火和灭火设计  (Fire safety engineering - Part 2: Design fire scenarios and design fires)
 ISO/TR 13387-3-1999  消防安全工程.第3部分:火灾数学模型的评估和验证  (Fire safety engineering - Part 3: Assessment and verification of mathematical fire models)
 ISO/TR 13387-4-1999  消防安全工程.第4部分:火灾的开始和发展及燃烧后废物的产生  (Fire safety engineering - Part 4: Initiation and development of fire and generation of fire effluents)
 ISO/TR 13387-5-1999  消防安全工程.第5部分:燃烧后废物的移动  (Fire safety engineering - Part 5: Movement of fire effluents)
 ISO/TR 13387-6-1999  消防安全工程.第6部分:结构反应和超出起始范围的火焰蔓延  (Fire safety engineering - Part 6: Structural response and fire spread beyond the enclosure of origin)
 ISO/TR 13387-7-1999  消防安全工程.第7部分:检测、触发和灭火  (Fire safety engineering - Part 7: Detection, activation and suppression)
 ISO/TR 13387-8-1999  消防安全工程.第8部分:生命安全.居民的行为、位置和条件  (Fire safety engineering - Part 8: Life safety - Occupant behaviour, location and condition)
 ISO/TR 13425-2003  标准化和规范中统计方法的选择指南  (Guidelines for the selection of statistical methods in standardization and specification )
 ISO/TR 13425-2003  标准化和规范中统计方法的选择指南  
 ISO/TR 13434-1998  土工织物和土工织物相关产品.耐力指南  (Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Guidelines on durability)
 ISO/TR 13438-1999  土工织物和土工织物相关产品.抗氧化测定用筛选试验方法  (Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test method for determining the resistance to oxidation)
 ISO/TR 13487-1997  道路车辆的制动.减速极限定义的考虑  (Braking of road vehicles - Considerations on the definition of mean fully developed deceleration)
 ISO/TR 13530-1997  水质.水质分析的分析质量控制指南  (Water quality - Guide to analytical quality control for water analysis)
 ISO/TR 13567-3-1999  技术产品文件.CAD层的组织和命名.第3部分:ISO 13567-1和ISO-133567-2的应用  (Technical product documentation - Organization and naming of layers for CAD - Part 3: Application of ISO 13567-1 and ISO 13567-2)
 ISO/TR 13569 AMD 1-1998  银行业务和其他金融服务.信息安全使用导则.补充件1  (Banking and related financial services - Information security guidelines; Amendment 1)
 ISO/TR 13569-1997  银行业务和其他金融服务.信息安全使用导则  (Banking and related financial services - Information security guidelines)
 ISO/TR 13570-2001  有关轮椅的ISO 7176系列标准的应用指南  (Guidelines for the application of the ISO 7176 series on wheelchairs)
 ISO/TR 13593-1999  工业应用的封闭齿轮驱动  (Enclosed gear drives for industrial applications)
 ISO/TR 13637-1997  石油和天然气工业.移动近海凿岩设备的锚定  (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Mooring of mobile offshore drilling units (MODUS) - Design and analysis)
 ISO/TR 13668-1998  口腔卫生及护理用数字代码  (Digital coding of oral health and care)
 ISO/TR 13739-1998  石油产品.规定船用燃料运输实施程序的方法  (Petroleum products - Methods for specifying practical procedures for the transfer of bunker fuels to ships)
 ISO/TR 13763 Technical Corrigendum 1-1996  无缝储气瓶的安全和性能规范.技术勘误表1  (Safety and performance criteria for seamless gas cylinders; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 13763-1994  无缝储气瓶的安全和性能标准  (Safety and performance criteria for seamless gas cylinders)
 ISO/TR 13843-2000  水质.微生物法证实的指南  (Water quality - Guidance on validation of microbiological methods)
 ISO/TR 13849-100-2000  机械设备的安全.控制系统的与安全有关的部件.第100部分:ISO 13849-1的使用导则  (Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 100: Guidelines for the use and application of ISO 13849-1)
 ISO/TR 13881-2000  石油和天然气工业.产品、加工和服务的分类和合格评审  (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Classification and conformity assessment of products, processes and services)
 ISO/TR 13883-1995  塑料.试验方法书写指南  (Plastics - Guide to the writing of test methods)
 ISO/TR 13928-1994  ISO 10755,ISO 10756,ISO 10757,ISO 10758 和ISO 10759 的使用指南  (Application guide for ISO 10755, ISO 10756, ISO 10757, ISO 10758 and ISO 10759)
 ISO/TR 13950-1997  塑料管道和配件.电熔接用自动识别系统  (Plastics pipes and fittings - Automatic recognition systems for electrofusion)
 ISO/TR 13989-1-2000  圆柱形锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮的磨损承载能力的计算方法.第1部分:闪蒸温度法  (Calculation of scuffing load capacity of cylindrical, bevel and hypoid gears - Part 1: Flash temperature method)
 ISO/TR 13989-2-2000  圆柱形锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮的磨损承载能力的计算方法.第2部分:累积温度法  (Calculation of scuffing load capacity of cylindrical, bevel and hypoid gears - Part 2: Integral temperature method)
 ISO/TR 140-13-1997  声学.建筑物及建筑部件的隔音测量.第13部分:总则  (Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 13: Guidelines)
 ISO/TR 14025-2000  环境标志和声明.III型环境声明  (Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations)
 ISO/TR 14032-1999  环境管理.环境性能评价示范(EPE)  (Environmental management - Examples of environmental performance evaluation (EPE))
 ISO/TR 14047-2003  环境管理.生物圈影响评价.ISO 14042应用示例  (Environmental management - Life cycle impact assessment - Examples of application of ISO 14042)
 ISO/TR 14047-2003  环境管理.生物圈影响评价.ISO 14042应用示例  
 ISO/TR 14049-2000  环境管理.生命周期评价.ISO 14041目的与范围的确定和清单分析的应用示例  (Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Examples of application of ISO 14041 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis)
 ISO/TR 14061-1998  环境管理系统标准ISO 14001和ISO 14004使用的辅助林业组织的信息  (Information to assist forestry organizations in the use of environmental management system standards ISO 14001 and ISO 14004)
 ISO/TR 14062-2002  环境管理.使环境问题与产品设计和开发相结合  (Environmental management - Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development)
 ISO/TR 14105-2001  电子成像.成功实施电子图像管理的人类功效问题  (Electronic imaging - Human and organizational issues for successful Electronic Image Management (EIM) implementation)
 ISO/TR 1417-1974  汽车.座位安全带的的固定  (Automobiles; Anchorages for seat belts)
 ISO/TR 14177-1994  建筑工业信息分类  (Classification of information in the construction industry)
 ISO/TR 14179-1-2001  齿轮.热量.第1部分:在温度为95度时测定齿轮传动热平衡  (Gears - Thermal capacity - Part 1: Rating gear drives with thermal equilibrium at 95 鳦 sump temperature)
 ISO/TR 14179-2-2001  齿轮.热量.第2部分:热荷载力  (Gears - Thermal capacity - Part 2: Thermal load-carrying capacity)
 ISO/TR 14283-1995  外科植入物.基本原则  (Implants for surgery - Fundamental principles)
 ISO/TR 14283-2004  外科植入物.基本原则  
 ISO/TR 14321-1997  烧结金属材料,不包括硬金属.金相制备和检验  (Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals - Metallographic preparation and examination)
 ISO/TR 14510-1997  纺织材料.纺织品工业清洗程序  (Textiles - Industrial laundering procedures for textile rental and industrial laundering)
 ISO/TR 14564-1995  造船和船舶结构.安全疏散路线标记  (Shipbuilding and marine structures - Marking of escape routes)
 ISO/TR 14600-2000  储气瓶.国际质量合格评定系统.基本规则  (Gas cylinders - International quality conformance system - Basic rules)
 ISO/TR 14618-1996  中间大气层.海拔30km以上的风模型和海拔30km与120km之间的整体模型  (Middle atmosphere - Global model at altitudes between 30 km and 120 km, and wind model at altitudes above 30 km)
 ISO/TR 14638-1995  几何产品规范.总体规划  (Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Masterplan)
 ISO/TR 14645-1998  道路车辆.评估与展开气囊相互作用的儿童约束保护系统的测试程序  (Road vehicles - Test procedures for evaluating child restraint system interactions with deploying air bags)
 ISO/TR 14672-2000  图形技术.ISO 12640规定的普通SCID图形统计  (Graphic technology - Statistics of the natural SCID images defined in ISO 12640)
 ISO/TR 14685-2001  液压仪的测定.水文地质测量用钻井的地球物理记录仪.测量考虑和测量指南  (Hydrometric determinations - Geophysical logging of boreholes for hydrogeological purposes - Considerations and guidelines for making measurements)
 ISO/TR 14696-1999  燃烧试验的反应.用一中间刻度的热释放卡路里仪(ICAL)对材料.产品和组件的燃烧参数的测定  (Reaction to fire tests - Determination of fire parameters of materials, products and assemblies using an intermediate-scale heat release calorimeter (ICAL))
 ISO/TR 14697-1997  防火试验.建筑制品衬底的选择指南  (Fire tests - Guidance of the choice on substrates for building products)
 ISO/TR 14813-1-1999  运输信息和控制系统.TICS扇面用参考模型建筑.第1部分:TICS的基础服务  (Transport information and control systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector - Part 1: TICS fundamental services)
 ISO/TR 14813-2-2000  运输信息和控制系统(TICS).TICS部分用参考模型建筑.第2部分:TICS主模型建筑  (Transport information and control systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector - Part 2: Core TICS reference architecture)
 ISO/TR 14813-3-2000  运输信息和控制系统(TICS).TICS部分用参考模型建筑.第3部分:样品的精心制作  (Transport information and control systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector - Part 3: Example elaboration)
 ISO/TR 14813-4-2000  运输信息和控制系统(TICS).TICS部分用参考模型建筑.第4部分:参考模型个别指导  (Transport information and control systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector - Part 4: Reference model tutorial)
 ISO/TR 14813-5-1999  运输信息和控制系统.TICS扇面用参考模型建筑.第5部分:TICS标准中建筑描述的要求  (Transport information and control systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector - Part 5: Requirements for architecture description in TICS standards)
 ISO/TR 14813-6-2000  运输信息和控制系统(TICS).TICS部分用参考模型建筑.第6部分:ASN.1的数据表示  (Transport information and control systems - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector - Part 6: Data presentation in ASN.1)
 ISO/TR 14825-1996  地理数据文件  (Geographic Data Files (GDF))
 ISO/TR 14906-1998  道路运输和交通信息技术.电子自动收费机 (EFC).专用于短范围通信的应用界面定义  (Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT) - Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) - Application interface definition for dedicated short range communications)
 ISO/TR 14933-2001  道路车辆.评价驾驶员与展开的冲击气囊的交互作用的试验方法  (Road vehicles - Test procedures for evaluating occupant interactions with deploying side impact airbags)
 ISO/TR 14936-1998  金属材料.应力分析报告  (Metallic materials - Strain analysis report)
 ISO/TR 14969-2004  医疗装置.质量管理系统.ISO 13485-2003应用指南  
 ISO/TR 14969-2004  医疗装置.质量管理系统.ISO 13485-2003应用指南  
 ISO/TR 15031-2-2004  道路车辆.与排放相关的诊断用车辆和外部设备间的通信.第2部分:术语、定义、缩略语和缩语  
 ISO/TR 15069-1997  系列1货物集装箱.搬运和安全.ISO 3874 附录A的基本原理  (Series 1 freight containers - Handling and securing - Rationale for ISO 3874 Annex A)
 ISO/TR 15070-1996  货运集装箱系列1.结构试验标准的基本原理  (Series 1 freight containers - Rationale for structural test criteria)
 ISO/TR 15235-2001  涂料和有关产品使用前的钢基质的制备.有关可溶于水的盐的污染物影响程度所采集的信息  (Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Collected information on the effect of levels of water-soluble salt contamination)
 ISO/TR 15300-2001  牙科学.牙科产品分类和编码的OSI医疗编辑成典的应用  (Dentistry - Application of OSI clinical codification to the classification and coding of dental products)
 ISO/TR 15349-1-1998  非合金钢.低碳含量的测定.第1部分:电阻炉燃烧后的红外线吸收法(脉冲间距)  (Unalloyed steel - Determination of low carbon content - Part 1: Infrared absorption method after combustion in an electric resistance furnace (by peak separation))
 ISO/TR 15349-3-1998  非合金钢.低碳含量的测定.第3部分:电阻炉(预热的)燃烧后的红外线吸收法  (Unalloyed steel - Determination of low carbon content - Part 3: Infrared absorption method after combustion in an electric resistance furnace (with preheating))
 ISO/TR 15377 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  用压差装置测量流体流量.符合ISO 5167-1规定的喷嘴和节流孔板规格指南.技术勘误1  (Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure-differential devices - Guidelines for the specification of nozzles and orifice plates beyond the scope of ISO 5167-1; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 15377-1998  用压差装置测量流体流量.符合ISO 5167-1规定的喷嘴和节流孔板规范指南  (Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure-differential devices - Guidelines for specification of nozzles and orifice plates beyond the scope of ISO 5167-1)
 ISO/TR 15409-2002  道路车辆.火花塞的热量额定值  (Road vehicles - Heat rating of spark plugs)
 ISO/TR 15461-1997  钢制锻件.机械试验用试验频率,抽样条件和试验方法  (Steel forgings - Testing frequency, sampling conditions and test methods for mechanical tests)
 ISO/TR 15462-1997  水质.生物降解能力试验选择  (Water quality - Selection of tests for biodegradability)
 ISO/TR 15489-2-2001  信息和文献工作.记录品管理.第2部分:指南  (Information and documentation - Records management - Part 2: Guidelines)
 ISO/TR 15497-2000  道路车辆.车辆软件开发指南  (Road vehicles - Development guidelines for vehicle based software)
 ISO/TR 15510-1997  不锈钢.化学成分  (Stainless steels - Chemical composition)
 ISO/TR 15599 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003  牙科实验室规程的数字化编纂.技术勘误1  (Digital codification of dental laboratory procedures; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 15599 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003  牙科实验室规程的数字化编纂.技术勘误1  
 ISO/TR 15599-2002  牙科实验室规程的数字化编撰  (Digital codification of dental laboratory procedures)
 ISO/TR 15608-2000  焊接.金属材料分类系统导则  (Welding - Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system)
 ISO/TR 15655-2003  防火.高温下对防火工程设计用结构材料的热物理和机械特性的试验  (Fire resistance - Tests for thermo-physical and mechanical properties of structural materials at elevated temperatures for fire engineering design)
 ISO/TR 15655-2003  防火.高温下对防火工程设计用结构材料的热物理和机械特性的试验  
 ISO/TR 15656-2003  耐火性.结构耐火特性用计算模型的预测能力的评价指南  
 ISO/TR 15766-2000  道路车辆.行人保护.行人腿部试验装置的生物保真度评定目标  (Road vehicles - Pedestrian protection - Targets for the assessment of the biofidelity of the pedestrian-leg test devices)
 ISO/TR 15801-2004  电子成像.信息电子存储.可信和可靠性推荐方法  
 ISO/TR 15844-1998  健康护理产品的灭菌.辐射灭菌.一次批量产品用灭菌剂量的选择  (Sterilization of health care products - Radiation sterilization - Selection of sterilization dose for a single production batch)
 ISO/TR 15855-2001  铜、铅和锌硫化物浓度.静态标度试验的逐步程序  (Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates - Step-by-step procedure for the testing of static scales)
 ISO/TR 15916-2004  氢系统安全性的基础问题  
 ISO/TR 15931-2004  铸铁和生铁锭的名称与符号系统  
 ISO/TR 15969-2001  表面化学分析.深度剖面.溅涂深度的测量  (Surface chemical analysis - Depth profiling - Measurement of sputtered depth)
 ISO/TR 16015-2003  产品的几何量技术规范(GPS).由于热的影响造成长度测量的系统误差和测量不确定度  (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Systematic errors and contributions to measurement uncertainty of length measurement due to thermal influences)
 ISO/TR 16015-2003  产品的几何量技术规范(GPS).由于热的影响造成长度测量的系统误差和测量不确定度  
 ISO/TR 16044-2004  图形技术.过程控制和工作流的数据库体系结构模型和控制参数编码(数据库AMPAC)  
 ISO/TR 16056-1-2004  医疗信息学.远程医疗系统和网络的交替使用性.第1部分:介绍和定义  
 ISO/TR 16056-2-2004  医疗信息学.远程医疗系统和网络的交替使用性.第2部分:实时系统  
 ISO/TR 16060-2003  金属材料上焊缝的有损检验.宏观和微观检查用腐蚀剂  (Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Etchants for macroscopic and microscopic examination)
 ISO/TR 16060-2003  金属材料上焊缝的有损检验.宏观和微观检查用腐蚀剂  
 ISO/TR 16066-2003  图形技术.彩色再现评估(SOCS)用标准物体颜色波谱数据库  (Graphic technology - Standard object colour spectra database for colour reproduction evaluation (SOCS))
 ISO/TR 16066-2003  图形技术.彩色再现评估(SOCS)用标准物体颜色波谱数据库  
 ISO/TR 16142-1999  医疗设备.选择以支持医疗设备的已认可的安全和性能主要原则的标准指南  (Medical devices - Guidance on the selection of standards in support of recognized essential principles of safety and performance of medical devices)
 ISO/TR 16144-2002  液压传动.液体自动粒子计数器的校准.证实标准参考物质(SRM 2806)的规程  (Hydraulic fluid power - Calibration of liquid automatic particle counters - Procedures used to certify the standard reference material SRM 2806)
 ISO/TR 16153-2004  活塞式容积测定设备.使用光度法测量容积的不确定度的测定  
 ISO/TR 16323-2003  织物.测量织物外观用三维测量装置  
 ISO/TR 16386-1999  ISO传动颗粒计数变化的影响.污染控制和过滤器试验标准  (Impact of changes in ISO fluid power particle counting - Contamination control and filter test standards)
 ISO/TR 16570-2004  产品几何量技术规范.线性和角尺寸计算和公差:+/-限值规范.梯形尺寸、距离、角尺寸和半径  
 ISO/TR 16764-2003  升降机、自动扶梯和载客传送带.世界范围内电磁干扰/电磁兼容性的标准比对  (Lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors - Comparison of worldwide standards on electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility)
 ISO/TR 16764-2003  升降机、自动扶梯和载客传送带.世界范围内电磁干扰/电磁兼容性的标准比对  
 ISO/TR 16765 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003  消防员用升降机的世界安全标准比对.技术勘误1  (Comparison of worldwide safety standards on lifts for firefighters; Technical Corrrigendum 1)
 ISO/TR 16765 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003  消防员用升降机的世界安全标准比对.技术勘误1  
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