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 ISO 10567-1992  土方机械.液压挖掘机.提升能力  (Earth-moving machinery; hydraulic excavators; lift capacity)
 ISO 10570-1992  土方机械.活节框架锁.性能要求  (Earth-moving machinery - Articulated frame lock - Performance requirements)
 ISO 10570-2004  土方机械.铰接车架锁定装置.性能要求  
 ISO 10571-1995  汽车起重机和类似特殊机械的轮胎  (Tyres for mobile cranes and similar specialized machines)
 ISO 10573-1995  土壤质量.不饱和区域水含量的测定.中子深度探测法  (Soil-quality - Determination of water content in the unsaturated zone - Neutron depth probe method)
 ISO 10574-1993  轻质碳氢化合物制冷液.含液化气容器中液位的测量.浮子式液位计  (Refrigerated light-hydrocarbon fluids; mesaurement of liquid levels in tanks containing liquefied gases; float-type level gauges)
 ISO 10576-1-2003  统计法.符合特定要求的一致性评定指南.第1部分:总则  (Statistical methods - Guidelines for the evaluation of conformity with specified requirements - Part 1: General principles )
 ISO 10576-1-2003  统计法.符合特定要求的一致性评定指南.第1部分:总则  
 ISO 10578-1992  技术制图.定向和定位公差.投影的公差带  (Technical drawings; tolerancing of orientation and location; projected tolerance zone)
 ISO 10579-1993  技术制图.尺寸和公差.非钢性部件  (Technical drawings; dimensioning and tolerancing; non-rigid parts)
 ISO 10583-1993  航空航天流体动力系统.管/配件组件试验方法  (Aerospace fluid systems; test methods for tube/fitting assemblies)
 ISO 10585-1996  信息和文献工作.目录信息交换用亚美尼亚字母代码字符集  (Information and documentation - Armenian alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange)
 ISO 10586-1996  信息和文献工作.目录信息交换用乔治亚字母代码字符集  (Information and documentation - Georgian alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange)
 ISO 10587-2000  金属和其它无机物覆层.金属覆层和无覆层的外螺纹物体及棒材的残留物脆裂试验.斜楔体法  (Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test for residual embrittlement in both metallic-coated and uncoated externally-threaded articles and rods - Inclined wedge method)
 ISO 10590-1991  建筑结构.密封胶.在维修和扩建时浸水后附着和粘聚性的测定  (Building construction; sealants; determination of adhesion/cohesion properties at maintained extension after immersion in water)
 ISO 10591-1991  建筑结构.密封胶.浸水后附着和粘聚性的测定  (Building construction; sealants; determination of adhesion/cohesion properties after immersion in water)
 ISO 10592-1994  小型船舶.液压转向系统  (Small craft - Hydraulic steering systems)
 ISO 10594-1997  缩微照相.旋转照相机设备.性能检测用测试标板  (Micrographics - Rotary camera systems - Test target for checking performance)
 ISO 10597-1998  商用道路车辆.平连接固定螺母.试验方法  (Commercial road vehicles - Flat attachment fixing nuts - Test methods)
 ISO 10597-2004  道路车辆.商用车辆用平面连接固定螺母.试验方法  
 ISO 10599-1-1992  汽车收音机.同轴天线连接器.第1部分:尺寸  (Car radios; coaxial aerial connectors; part 1: dimensions)
 ISO 10599-2-1997  汽车收音机.同轴天线连接器.第2部分:特征评定,性能要求和试验  (Car radios - Coaxial aerial connectors - Part 2: Characteristic values, performance requirements and tests)
 ISO 1060-1-1998  塑料.氯乙烯的均聚物和共聚物树脂.第1部分:命名体系和规范基础  (Plastics - Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications)
 ISO 1060-2-1998  塑料.氯乙烯的均聚物和共聚物树脂.第2部分:试样的制备和性能的测定  (Plastics - Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride - Part 2: Preparation of test samples and determination of properties)
 ISO 10601-1993  涂料用云母铁矿晶体颜料.规范和试验方法  (Micaceous iron oxide pigments for paints; specifications and test methods)
 ISO 10604-1993  道路车辆.前灯光束定向测量设备  (Road vehicles; measurement equipment for orientation of headlamp luminous beams)
 ISO 10605-2001  道路车辆.静电放电引起的电干扰的试验方法  (Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge)
 ISO 1061-1990  塑料.未增塑的醋酸纤维素.游离酸度的测定  (Plastics; unplasticized cellulose acetate; determination of free acidity)
 ISO 10618-1999  碳纤维.树脂浸渍纱线拉伸抗性的测定  (Carbon fibre - Determination of tensile properties of resin-impregnated yarn)
 ISO 10618-2004  碳纤维.树脂浸渍纱拉伸性能的测定  
 ISO 10620-1995  干制甘牛至菜规范  (Dried sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) - Specification)
 ISO 10621-1997  脱水鲜胡椒规范  (Dehydrated green pepper (Piper nigrum L.) - Specification)
 ISO 10622-1997  大的小豆蔻(香豆蔻Roxb.)孢蒴和种子.规范  (Large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.), as capsules and seeds - Specification)
 ISO 10624-1998  榄香油  (Oil of elemi (Canarium luzonicum Miq.))
 ISO 10625 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998  作物保护设备.喷雾咀.识别用色码.技术勘误1  (Equipment for crop protection - Sprayer nozzles - Colour coding for identification; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10625-1996  作物保护设备.喷雾咀.识别色码  (Equipment for crop protection - Sprayer nozzles - Colour coding for identification)
 ISO 10626-1991  作物保护设备.喷雾器.卡口安装的喷嘴连接尺寸  (Equipment for crop protection; sprayers; connecting dimensions for nozzles with bayonet fixing)
 ISO 10627-1-1992  农业喷雾器.数据表.第1部分:典型的设计  (Agricultural sprayers; data sheet; part 1: typical layout)
 ISO 10627-2-1996  农业喷雾器.数据表.第2部分:有关部件的技术规范  (Hydraulic agricultural sprayers - Data sheets - Part 2: Technical specifications related to components)
 ISO 10628-1997  工艺加工的流程图.总则  (Flow diagrams for process plants - General rules)
 ISO 10629-1996  光学玻璃坯料.耐50℃含水碱溶液腐蚀性.试验方法和分类  (Raw optical glass - Resistance to attack by aqueous alkaline solutions at 50 鳦 - Test method and classification)
 ISO 1063-1974  表面活性剂.在硬水中稳定性的测定  (Surface active agents; Determination of stability in hard water)
 ISO 10630-1994  工业筛板.规范和试验方法  (Industrial plate screens - Specifications and test methods)
 ISO 10632-2000  含油种子残留物.油和水含量的同步测定.脉冲核磁共振分光法  (Oilseed residues - Simultaneous determination of oil and water contents - Method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
 ISO 10633-1-1995  含油种子残留物.葡萄糖异硫氰酸盐含量的测定.第1部分:使用高效液相色谱法  (Oilseed residues - Determination of glucosinolates content - Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography)
 ISO 10634-1995  水质.含水介质中不易溶解在水中的有机化合物生物可降解性连续评估用该类有机化合物的处理和制备指南  (Water quality - Guidance for the preparation and treatment of poorly water-soluble organic compounds for the subsequent evaluation of their biodegradability in an aqueous medium)
 ISO 10635-1999  预制产品.陶瓷纤维制品的试验方法  (Refractory products - Methods of test for ceramic fibre products)
 ISO 10636-1994  摄影.冲洗用化学品.无水硫代硫酸钠和五水硫代硫酸钠规范  (Photography; processing chemicals; specifications for anhydrous sodium thiosulfate and sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate)
 ISO 10637-1999  牙科设备.高和中容量抽吸系统  (Dental equipment - High- and medium-volume suction systems)
 ISO 10639-2004  压力和无压力给水塑料管道系统.基于不饱和聚酯树脂的玻璃增强热固性塑料(GRP)系统  
 ISO 1064-1974  表面活性剂.充填糊剂的表观密度的测定  (Surface active agents; Determination of apparent density of pastes on filling)
 ISO 10642-1997  六角内孔沉头螺钉  (Hexagon socket countersunk head screws)
 ISO 10642-2004  内六角孔沉头螺钉  
 ISO 10644-1998  带平垫圈的螺钉和垫圈组件.垫圈硬度级别为200HV和300HV  (Screw and washer assemblies with plain washers - Washer hardness classes 200 HV and 300 HV)
 ISO 10645-1992  核能.轻水反应堆.核燃料的衰变热功率的计算  (Nuclear energy; light water reactors; calculation of the decay heat power in nuclear fuels)
 ISO 10648-1-1997  密封箱.第1部分:设计原则  (Containment enclosures - Part 1: Design principles)
 ISO 10648-2-1994  密封装置.第2部分:根据密封度用辅助校准法分类  (Containment enclosures - Part 2: Classification according to leak tightness and associated checking methods)
 ISO 1065-1991  从环氧乙烷中得到的非离子表面活性剂和混合非离子表面活性剂.浊点的测定  (Non-ionic surface-active agents obtained from ethylene oxide and mixed non-ionic surface-active agents; determination of cloud point)
 ISO 10650-1-2004  牙科学.动力聚合活化剂.第1部分:石英钨卤素灯  
 ISO 10650-1-2004  牙科学.动力聚合活化剂.第1部分:石英钨卤素灯  
 ISO 10651-2-1996  医用肺换气机.第2部分:家用护理换气机的专用要求  (Lung ventilators for medical use - Part 2: Particular requirements for home care ventilators)
 ISO 10651-2-2004  医用肺通气机.基本安全和性能的特殊要求.第2部分:通气机依赖型病人用家庭护理通气机  
 ISO 10651-3-1997  医用肺换气机.第3部分:急救和输送换气机的特殊要求  (Lung ventilators for medical use - Part 3: Particular requirements for emergency and transport ventilators)
 ISO 10651-4-2002  医用肺通气机.第4部分:操作员控制的呼吸器的特殊要求  (Lung ventilators - Part 4: Particular requirements for operator-powered resuscitators)
 ISO 10651-6-2004  医用肺通气机.基本安全和性能的特殊要求.第6部分:家庭护理通风机支持设备  
 ISO 10653-1993  薄壁金属容器.顶开口圆罐.由公称装盖总容量定义的罐  (Light-gauge metal containers; round open-top cans; cans defined by their nominal gross lidded capacities)
 ISO 10654-1993  薄壁金属容器.顶开口圆罐.由公称灌装容量定义的加气液体产品用罐  (Light-gauge metal containers; round open-top cans; cans for liquid products with added gas, defined by their nominal filling volumes)
 ISO 10656 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000  电阻焊接.焊接枪用电源积分变压器.技术勘误1  (Electric resistance welding - Integrated transformers for welding guns; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10656-1996  电阻焊接.焊接枪用电源积分变压器  (Electric resistance welding - Integrated transformers for welding guns)
 ISO 10658-1996  用动力驱动设备排除外加阻力堆码专用操作的工业用货车  (Industrial trucks operating in special conditions of stacking with load laterally displaced by powered devices - Additional stability test)
 ISO 1066-1975  肥皂分析.甘油含量的测定.滴定法  (Analysis of soaps; Determination of glycerol content; Titrimetric method)
 ISO 10663-1999  带法兰的六角螺母.精细牙螺纹  (Hexagon nuts with flange - Fine pitch thread)
 ISO 10664-1999  六角型内拧式螺栓和螺丝  (Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws)
 ISO 10666-1999  带锥形螺纹的自攻螺钉.机械和功能性能  (Drilling screws with tapping screw thread - Mechanical and functional properties)
 ISO 10669-1999  攻丝螺丝用平垫圈和垫圈组件.常规和大型系列.A级产品  (Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies - Normal and large series - Product grade A)
 ISO 1067-1974  肥皂分析.不能皂化物、未皂化物和未皂化的可皂化物的测定  (Analysis of soaps; Determination of unsaponifiable, unsaponified and unsaponified saponifiable matter)
 ISO 10673-1998  小的、标准的和大的系列螺钉和垫圈组件用平垫圈.产品级别A  (Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies - Small, normal and large series - Product grade A)
 ISO 1068-1975  塑料.聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂.压实的表观容积密度的测定  (Plastics; PVC resins; Determination of compacted apparent bulk density)
 ISO 10683-2000  紧固件.非电解用锌片覆层  (Fasteners - Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings)
 ISO 10684-2004  紧固件.热浸镀锌涂层  
 ISO 1069-1973  海上航行的磁罗经和罗盘座.词汇.三种语言版  (Magnetic compasses and binnacles for sea navigation; vocabulary Bilingual edition)
 ISO 10691-2004  气瓶.液化石油气(LPG)用可再填充的焊接钢制气瓶.装填前后及装填期间的检验规程  
 ISO 10692-1-2001  气瓶.微电子工业用气瓶阀接头.第1部分:输出口接头  (Gas cylinders - Gas cylinder valve connections for use in the micro-electronics industry - Part 1: Outlet connections)
 ISO 10692-2-2001  气瓶.微电子工业用气瓶阀接头.第2部分:气瓶阀接头的规范和型式试验  (Gas cylinders - Gas cylinder valve connections for use in the micro-electronics industry - Part 2: Specification and type testing for valve to cylinder connections)
 ISO 10693-1995  土壤质量.碳酸盐含量的测定.容量分析法  (Soil quality - Determination of carbonate content - Volumetric method)
 ISO 10694-1995  土壤质量.干燃烧后(素分析法)对有机物质和碳含量的测定  (Soil quality - Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis))
 ISO 10695-2000  水质.所选有机氮和磷化合物的测定.气相色谱法  (Water quality - Determination of selected organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds - Gas-chromatographic methods)
 ISO 10697-1-1992  钢.用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙.第1部分:可溶于酸的钙含量的测定  (Steel; determination of calcium content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry; part 1: determination of acid-soluble calcium content)
 ISO 10697-2-1994  钢.用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙.第2部分:钙的总含量的测定  (Steel; determination of calcium content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry; part 2: determination of total calcium content)
 ISO 10698-1994  钢.锑含量的测定.电热原子吸收光谱测定法  (Steel - Determination of antimony content - Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 ISO 1070 AMD 1-1997  明渠液体流量测量.倾斜-面积法.补充件1  (Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Slope-area method; Amendment 1)
 ISO 1070-1992  明渠液体流量测量.斜坡面积法  (Liquid flow measurement in open channels; slope-area method)
 ISO 10700-1994  钢和铁.锰含量的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱分析法  (Steel and iron - Determination of manganese content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 ISO 10701-1994  钢和铁.硫含量的测定.亚甲蓝光谱仪法  (Steel and iron; determination of sulfur content; methylene blue spectrophotometric method)
 ISO 10702-1993  钢和铁.氮含量的测定.蒸馏后滴定法  (Steel and iron; determination of nitrogen content; titrimetric method after distillation)
 ISO 10703-1997  水质.用高分辨率伽马射线光谱测定法测定放射性核素活性浓度  (Water quality - Determination of the activity concentration of radionuclides by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry)
 ISO 10705-1-1995  水质.噬菌体的测定和计数.第1部分:特殊F-RNA的噬菌体的计数  (Water quality - Detection and enumeration of bacteriophages - Part 1: Enumeration of F-specific RNA bacteriophages)
 ISO 10705-2-2000  水质.细菌病毒的测定和计数.第2部分:体内大肠杆菌噬菌体的计数  (Water quality - Detection and enumeration of bacteriophages - Part 2: Enumeration of somatic coliphages)
 ISO 10705-3-2003  水质.噬菌体的检查和计数.第3部分:水中噬菌体浓度的验证方法  (Water quality - Detection and enumeration of bacteriophages - Part 3: Validation of methods for concentration of bacteriophages from water)
 ISO 10705-3-2003  水质.噬菌体的检查和计数.第3部分:水中噬菌体浓度的验证方法  
 ISO 10705-4-2001  水质.噬菌体的检查和计数.第4部分:感染类菌体的噬菌体的计数  (Water quality - Detection and enumeration of bacteriophages - Part 4: Enumeration of bacteriophages infecting Bacteroides fragilis)
 ISO 10706-2000  水质.测定对鲑鱼具有长期毒性的物质  (Water quality - Determination of long term toxicity of substances to Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea))
 ISO 10707-1994  水质.用生化需氧量分析法在含水介质中对有机化合物的极限曝气生物降解能力的评估(封瓶试验)  (Water quality - Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the “ultimate“ aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds - Method by analysis of biochemical oxygen demand (closed bottle test))
 ISO 10708-1997  水质.水介质中有机化合物的基本好氧生物降解能力的评价.在两段封闭瓶试验中生化需氧量的测定  (Water quality - Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds - Determination of biochemical oxygen demand in a two-phase closed bottle test)
 ISO 1071-2003  焊接耗材.铸铁熔焊用涂敷电焊条、焊丝、焊棒和药芯焊条.分类  (Welding consumables - Covered electrodes, wires, rods and tubular cored electrodes for fusion welding of cast iron - Classification)
 ISO 1071-2003  焊接耗材.铸铁熔焊用涂敷电焊条、焊丝、焊棒和药芯焊条.分类  
 ISO 10712-1995  水的质量.抑制假单胞菌(putida)生长试验(抑制假细胞增殖试验)  (Water quality - Pseudomonas putida growth inhibition test (Pseudomonas cell multiplication inhibition test))
 ISO 10713-1992  珠宝.金合金覆层  (Jewellery; gold alloy coatings)
 ISO 10714-1992  钢铁.磷含量的测定.磷钒钼酸盐分光光度法  (Steel and iron; determination of phosphorus content; phosphovanadomolybdate spectrophotometric method)
 ISO 10715-1997  天然气.取样导则  (Natural gas - Sampling guidelines)
 ISO 10716-1994  纸和纸板.强碱残留物的测定  (Paper and board - Determination of alkali reserve)
 ISO 10718-2002  软木塞.可在酒类介质中生长的酵母、霉菌和细菌群落形成单位的计数  (Cork stoppers - Enumeration of colony-forming units of yeasts, moulds and bacteria capable of growth in an alcoholic medium)
 ISO 1072-1975  实心木拼花地板.一般特性  (Solid wood parquet; General characteristics)
 ISO 10720-1997  钢和铁.氮含量的测定.惰性气体流中熔解物的热传导法  (Steel and iron - Determination of nitrogen content - Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas)
 ISO 10721-1-1997  钢结构.第1部分:材料和设计  (Steel structures - Part 1: Materials and design)
 ISO 10723 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998  天然气.直接分析系统的性能评定.技术勘误1  (Natural gas - Performance evaluation for on-line analytical systems; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10723-1995  天然气.在线分析系统的性能评定  (Natural gas - Performance evaluation for on-line analytical systems)
 ISO 10724-1-1998  塑料.热固粉末模塑复合物试样的喷射模塑成型.第1部分:一般原理和多用途试样的模塑成型  (Plastics - Injection moulding of test specimens of thermosetting powder moulding compounds (PMCs) - Part 1: General principles and moulding of multipurpose test specimens)
 ISO 10724-2-1998  塑料.热固粉末模塑复合物试样的注射模塑成型.第2部分:小板材  (Plastics - Injection moulding of test specimens of thermosetting powder moulding compounds (PMCs) - Part 2: Small plates)
 ISO 10725-2000  散装材料的验收取样计划和过程  (Acceptance sampling plans and procedures for the inspection of bulk materials)
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宽天下翻译公司 版权所有 2008