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 EN ISO 9771-1997  塑料酚醛树脂在酸性条件处理时液体酚醛树脂假绝热温升的测定  Plastics - Phenolic resins - Determination of the pseudo-adiabatic temperature rise of liquid resols when cured under acid conditions (ISO 9771:1995)
 EN ISO 9785-2002  造船技术可行驶内燃机车辆的货舱的通风气流总需量的理论计算  Ships and marine technology - Ventilation of cargo spaces where vehicles with internal combustion engines may be driven - Calculation of theoretical total airflow required (ISO 9785:2002)
 EN ISO 9787-1999  操作型工业机器人坐标系和运动术语  Manipulating industrial robots - Coordinate systems and motion nomenclatures (ISO 9787:1999)
 EN ISO 9801-1999  眼科仪器测试箱镜头  Ophthalmic instruments - Trial case lenses (ISO 9801:1997)
 EN ISO 9832-2003  动植物脂肪和油脂工业乙烷残留量的测定  Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of residual technical hexane content (ISO 9832:2002)
 EN ISO 9856-1995  输送带弹性模量的测定  Conveyor belts - Determination of elastic modulus (ISO 9856:1989)
 EN ISO 9863-2-1996  土工布及相关产品特定压力下厚度的测定第2部分:多层制品中单层厚度测定程序  Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Determination of thickness at specified pressures - Part 2: Procedure for determination of thickness of single layers of multilayer products (ISO 9863-2:1996)
 EN ISO 9875-2001  船舶与海上技术海上回声设备  Ships and marine technology - Marine echo-sounding equipment (ISO 9875:2000)
 EN ISO 9876-1998  船舶与海上技术船用气象图传真接收机  Ships and marine technology - Marine facsimile receivers for meteorological charts (ISO 9876:1997)
 EN ISO 9886-2001  热疲劳的生理学测量评价  Evaluation of thermal strain by physiological measurements (ISO 9886:1992)
 EN ISO 9886-2004  人类工效学.热疲劳的生理学测量评价  
 EN ISO 9887-1994  水质水介质中有机化合物有氧生物降解能力的评价半连续活性污泥法(SCAS)  Water quality - Evaluation of the aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous medium - Semi-continuous activated sludge method (SCAS) (ISO 9887:1992)
 EN ISO 9888-1999  水质水介质中有机化合物最终有氧生物降解能力的评价静态试验(察恩沃依恩斯方法)  Water quality - Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium - Static test (Zahn-Wellens method) (ISO 9888:1999)
 EN ISO 9902-1-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第1部分:通用要求  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 1: Common requirements (ISO 9902-1:2001)
 EN ISO 9902-2-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第2部分:纺纱准备机和纺纱机械  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 2: Spinning preparatory and spinning machinery (ISO 9902-2:2001)
 EN ISO 9902-3-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第3部分:无纺机械  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 3: Nonwoven machinery (ISO 9902-3:2001)
 EN ISO 9902-4-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第4部分:纱线加工机和制绳机  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 4: Yarn processing, cordage and rope manufacturing machinery (ISO 9902-3:2001)
 EN ISO 9902-5-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第5部分:编织和针织准备机  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 5: Weaving and knitting preparatory machinery (ISO 9902-5:2001)
 EN ISO 9902-6-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第6部分:织物制造机  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery (ISO 9902-6:2001)
 EN ISO 9902-7-2001  纺织机械噪声试验规范第7部分:印染机及精整机  Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 7: Dyeing and finishing machinery (ISO 9902-7:2001)
 EN ISO 9905-1997  离心泵技术条件I类  Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class I (ISO 9905:1994)
 EN ISO 9906-1999  回转动力泵液压性能验收试验等级1和2  Rotodynamic pumps - Hydraulic performance acceptance tests - Grades 1 and 2 (ISO 9906:1999)
 EN ISO 9908-1997  离心泵技术条件III类  Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class III (ISO 9908:1993)
 EN ISO 9913-1-1998  光学和光学仪器隐形眼镜第1部分:用FATT法对氧渗透性和可透性的测定  Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Part 1: Determination of oxygen permeability and transmissibility by the FATT method (ISO 9913-1:1996)
 EN ISO 9914-1996  光学和光学仪器隐形眼镜隐形眼镜材料折射指数的测定  Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Determination of refractive index of contact lens materials (ISO 9914:1995)
 EN ISO 9917-2-1999  牙科用水基胶粘剂第2部分:光固化胶粘剂  Dental water-based cements - Part 2: Light-activated cements (ISO 9917-2:1998)
 EN ISO 9920-2003  热环境的人类工效学 连体衣隔热性和抗蒸发性评定  Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Estimation of the thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of a clothing ensemble (ISO 9920:1995)
 EN ISO 9934-1-2001  无损检验磁粉检验第1部分:一般原则  Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 1: General principles (ISO 9934-1:2001)
 EN ISO 9934-2-2002  无损检验磁粉检验第2部分:检查介质  Non destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 2: Detection media (ISO 9934-2:2002)
 EN ISO 9934-3-2002  无损检验磁粉检验第3部分:设备  Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 3: Equipment (ISO 9934-3:2002)
 EN ISO 9944-1995  塑料酚醛树脂树脂萃取物电导率的测定  Plastics - Phenolic resins - Determination of electrical conductivity of resin extracts (ISO 9944:1990)
 EN ISO 9946-1999  操作型工业机器人特性表示  Manipulating industrial robots - Presentation of characteristics (ISO 9946:1999)
 EN ISO 9956-10-1996  金属材料焊接工艺规程及认可第10部分:电子束焊接工艺规程  Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials - Part 10: Welding procedure specification for electron beam welding (ISO 9956-10:1996)
 EN ISO 9956-11-1996  金属材料焊接工艺规程及认可第11部分:激光束焊接工艺规程  Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials - Part 11: Welding procedure specification for laser beam welding (ISO 9956-11:1996)
 EN ISO 9963-1-1995  水质碱度的测定第1部分:总碱度和合成碱度的测定  Water quality - Determination of alkalinity - Part 1: Determination of total and composite alkalinity (ISO 9963-1:1994)
 EN ISO 9963-2-1995  水质碱度的测定第2部分:碳酸盐碱度的测定  Water quality - Determination of alkalinity - Part 2: Determination of carbonate alkalinity (ISO 9963-2:1994)
 EN ISO 9967-1995  塑料管蠕变系数的测定  Plastics pipes - Determination of creep ratio (ISO 9967:1994)
 EN ISO 9969-1995  热塑性塑料管环型硬度的测定  Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 9969:1994)
 EN ISO 9974-1-2000  通用和液压传动用联接件带ISO 261 弹性螺纹或金属金属密封的气门和双头螺栓端头第1部分:螺纹气门  Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing - Part 1: Threaded ports (ISO 9974-1:1996)
 EN ISO 9974-2-2000  通用和液压传动用联接件带ISO 261 弹性螺纹或金属金属密封的气门和双头螺栓端头第2部分:弹性密封的  Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing - Part 2: Stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E) (ISO 9974-2:1996)
 EN ISO 9974-3-2000  通用和液压传动用联接件带ISO 261 弹性螺纹或金属金属密封的气门和双头螺栓端头第3部分:金属金属  Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing - Part 3: Stud ends with metal-to-metal sealing (type B) (ISO 9974-3:1996)
 EN ISO 9994-2002  打火机安全规范  Lighters - Safety specification (ISO 9994:2002)
 EN ISO 9997-1999  牙科卡式注射器  Dental cartridge syringes (ISO 9997:1999)
 EN ISO 9999-2002  残疾人专用装备分类  Technical aids for persons with disabilities - Classification and terminology (ISO 9999:2002)
 EN ISO/IEC 11172-4-1996  信息技术具有1、5Mbit/s的数字存储媒体运动图像及其伴音的编码第4部分:一致性测试  Information technology - Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s - Part 4: Compliance testing (ISO/IEC 11172-4:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 11544-1995  信息技术图片和声音信息的编码表示递增二值图像压缩  Information technology - Coded representation of picture and audio information - Progressive bi-level image compression (ISO/IEC 11544:1993)
 EN ISO/IEC 13818-1-1997  信息技术运动图像及其伴音信息的通用编码第1部分:系统  Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 1: Systems (ISO/IEC 13818-1:1996)
 EN ISO/IEC 13818-9-2000  信息技术运动图像及其伴音信息的通用编码第9部分:系统解码器的实时接口扩展  Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 9: Extension for real time interface for systems decoders (ISO/IEC 13818-9:1996)
 EN ISO/IEC 15416-2001  信息技术自动识别和数据收集技术条形码打印质量测试规范线型符号  Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code print quality test specification; Linear symbols (ISO/IEC 15416:2000)
 EN ISO/IEC 15419-2002  信息技术自动识别和数据收集技术条形码数字成像及印刷性能试验  Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code digital imaging and printing performance testing (ISO/IEC 15419:2001)
 EN ISO/IEC 15421-2001  信息技术自动识别和数据收集技术条形码主要测试规范  Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code master test specifications (ISO/IEC 15421:2000)
 EN ISO/IEC 15438-2003  信息技术 自动识别和数据收集技术 条码符号规范 PDF417  Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code symbology specifications; PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2001)
 EN ISO/IEC 17011-2004  合格评定.认可合格评定机构的认可组织的一般要求  
 EN ISO/IEC 17020-2004  各类检查机构运行的一般准则  
 EN ISO/IEC 17024-2003  一致性评定 认证机构作业人员认证的通用准则  Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification for persons (ISO/IEC 17024:2003)
 EN ISO/IEC 17025-2000  检测和校准实验室能力的一般要求  General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:1999)
 EN ISO/IEC 17050-1-2004  合格评定.供货商的合格声明.第1部分:一般要求  
 EN ISO/IEC 17050-2-2004  合格评定.供货商的合格声明.第2部分:配套文献  
 EN ISO/IEC 7810-1996  识别卡物理特性  Identification cards - Physical characteristics (ISO/IEC 7810:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 7811-1-1996  识别卡记录技术第1部分:凸印  Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 1: Embossing (ISO/IEC 7811-1:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 7811-2-1996  识别卡记录技术第2部分:磁条  Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 2: Magnetic stripe (ISO/IEC 7811-2:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 7811-3-1996  识别卡记录技术第3部分:在ID-1卡上凸印字符定位  Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 3: Location of embossed characters on ID-1 cards (ISO/IEC 7811-3:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 7811-4-1996  识别卡记录技术第4部分:只读磁道定位磁道1和2  Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 4: Location of read-only magnetic tracks - Tracks 1 and 2 (ISO/IEC 7811-4:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 7811-5-1996  识别卡记录技术第5部分:只读磁道定位磁道3  Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 5: Location of read-write magnetic track - Tracks 3 (ISO/IEC 7811-5:1995)
 EN ISO/IEC 7812-1-1995  识别卡发行者标识第1部分:标准号系统  Identification cards - Identification of issuers - Part 1: Numbering system (ISO/IEC 7812-1-1993)
 EN ISO/IEC 7812-2-1995  识别卡发行者标识第2部分:申请和登记规程  Identification cards - Identification of issuers - Part 2: Application and registration procedures (ISO/IEC 7812-2:1993)
 ENV ISO 10722-1-1998  土工布及相关产品安装过程中的模拟损害程序第1部分:粒状材料的安装  Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Procedure for simulating damage during installation - Part 1: Installation in granular materials (ISO 10722-1:1998)
 ENV ISO 11079-1998  冷环境评价必备隔热服装(IREQ)的测定  Evaluation of cold environments - Determination of required clothing insulation (IREQ) (ISO/TR 11079:1993)
 ENV ISO 11133-1-2000  食品和动物饲料的微生物学培养基制备和生产指南第1部分:实验室培养基制备的质量保证通用指南  Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media - Part 1: General guidelines on quality assurance for the preparation of culture media in the laboratory (ISO/TS 11133-1:2000)
 ENV ISO 13438-1999  土工布及相关产品抗氧化性测定用筛选试验方法  Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test method for determining the resistance to oxidation (ISO/TR 13438:1999)
 ENV ISO 13530-1998  水质水质分析的质量控制指南  Water quality - Guide to analytical quality control for water analysis (ISO/TR 13530:1997)
 ENV ISO 13843-2001  水质微生物法的有效使用指南  Water quality - Guidance on validation of microbiological methods (ISO/TR 13843:2000)
 ENV ISO 14253-2-2001  产品几何量技术规范(GPS)工作的测量检验和测量设备第2部分:GPS测量中不确定度评估指南和在产品检验中  Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipments - Part 2: Guide to the estimation of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equipment and in product verification (ISO/TS 1425
 ENV ISO 14815-2000  公路运输和公路交通通信信息处理技术(RTTT) 自动车辆和设备识别系统规范  Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - System specification (ISO/TR 14815:2000)
 ENV ISO 14816-2000  公路运输和公路交通通信信息处理技术(RTTT) 自动车辆和设备识别编码和数据结构  Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Numbering and data structures (ISO/TR 14816:2000)
 ENV ISO 14819-3-2000  交通及旅客信息(TTI)经过交通电文编码的 TTI 电文第3部分:ALERT-C的定位  Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI Messages via traffic message coding - Part 3: Location referencing for ALERT-C (ISO/TS 14819-3:2000)
 ENV ISO 14825-1996  地理数据文件  Geographic data files (ISO 14825:1996)
 ENV ISO 14904-2002  公路运输和公路交通通信信息处理技术(RTTT)电子收费系统(EFC)操作员之间票据结算接口的规范  Road transport and traffic telematics - Electronic fee collection (EFC) - Interface specification for clearing between operators (ISO/TS 14904:2002)
 ENV ISO 14906-1998  公路运输和公路交通通信信息处理技术(RTTT)电子自动收费系统(EFC)短程通信应用接口定义  Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT) - Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) - Application interface definition for dedicated short range communications (ISO/TR 14906:1998)
 ENV ISO 14907-1-2000  道路运输与交通信息通讯业务电子收费系统操作员及固定设备的试验方法第1部分:试验方法的描述  Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT) - Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) - Test procedures for user and fixed equipment - Part 1: Description of test procedures (ISO/TR 14907-1:2000)
 ENV ISO 8502-1-1999  涂装油漆和有关产品前钢材预处理表面清洁度的评定试验第1部分:可溶性铁锈现场试验  Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1: Field test for soluble iron corrosion products (ISO/TR 8502-1:1991)
 H) of water from fruit juices - Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry>  H) of water from fruit juices - Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry>  水果和蔬菜汁果汁中水的稳定氢同位素比测定2H/1H同位素比质谱分析法
 IEC 60417/ISO 7000-DB-2004  设备上用的图形符号  
 ISO 1-2002  产品几何量技术规范(GPS).产品几何量技术规范和验证的标准基准温度  (Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Standard reference temperature for geometrical product specification and verification)
 ISO 1000 AMD 1-1998  SI单位及其倍数的使用和其它特定单位的推荐规范  (SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units; Amendment 1)
 ISO 1000-1992  国际单位制(SI)和国际单位制多功能与某些其它单位的使用推荐规程  (SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units)
 ISO 10002-2004  质量管理.顾客满意度.组织中对投诉处理的指南  
 ISO 10002-2004  质量管理.顾客满意度.组织中对投诉处理的指南  
 ISO 10002-2004  质量管理.顾客满意度.组织中对投诉处理的指南  
 ISO 10005-1995  质量管理.质量计划导则  (Quality management - Guidelines for quality plans)
 ISO 10006-2003  质量管理体系.项目质量管理指南  (Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality management in projects)
 ISO 10006-2003  质量管理体系.项目质量管理指南  
 ISO 10007-2003  质量管理体系.技术状态管理指南  (Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration management)
 ISO 10007-2003  质量管理体系.技术状态管理指南  
 ISO 10007-2003  质量管理体系.技术状态管理指南  
 ISO 1001-1986  信息处理.信息交换用磁带的文件结构和标号  (Information processing; File structure and labelling of magnetic tapes for information interchange)
 ISO 10012-1-1992  测量设备质量保证要求.第1部分:测量设备的计量确认系统  (Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment; part 1: metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment)
 ISO 10012-2-1997  测量设备质量保证要求.第2部分:测量制造人控制导则  (Quality assurance for measuring equipment - Part 2: Guidelines for control of measurement processes)
 ISO 10012-2003  测量管理系统.测量方法和测量设备的要求  (Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment)
 ISO 10012-2003  测量管理系统.测量方法和测量设备的要求  
 ISO 10015-1999  质量管理.培训导则  (Quality management - Guidelines for training)
 ISO 1002-1983  滚动轴承.飞机构架轴承.特性,外形尺寸,公差,额定静负荷  (Rolling bearings; Airframe bearings; Characteristics, boundary dimensions, tolerances, static load ratings)
 ISO 1003-1980  香料和调味品.姜,姜片或姜粉.规范  (Spices and condiments; Ginger, whole, in pieces, or ground; Specification)
 ISO 1004-1995  信息处理.磁性墨水字符识别.打印规范  (Information processing - Magnetic ink character recognition - Print specifications)
 ISO 10042-1992  铝及其可焊合金电弧焊接头.质量缺陷等级导则  (Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys; guidance on quality levels for imperfections)
 ISO 10043 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  银行业务及有关金融服务.信息交换.托收委托书格式.技术勘误1  (Banking and related financial services - Information interchange - Collection order form; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10043-1994  银行业务及有关金融服务.信息交换.托收委托书格式  (Banking and related financial services - Information interchange - Collection order form)
 ISO 10044 Technical Corrigendum 1-1999  银行和有关的金融服务设施.信息交流.押汇信用证形式.技术勘误1  (Banking and related financial services - Information interchange - Documentary credit form; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 10044-1995  银行和有关的金融服务设施.信息交流.押汇信用证形式  (Banking and related financial services - Information interchange - Documentary credit form)
 ISO 10045-1991  高山雪橇.紧固部位.试验螺钉的要求  (Alpine skis; binding mounting area; requirements for test screws)
 ISO 10046-1996  飞行器.货舱体积的计算方法  (Aircraft - Methodology of calculating cargo compartment volumes)
 ISO 10047-1993  纺织品.织物表面燃烧时间的测定  (Textiles; determination of surface burning time of fabrics)
 ISO 10049-1992  铝合金铸件.用目视法评定多孔性  (Aluminium alloy castings; visual method for assessing the porosity)
 ISO 1005-1-1994  铁路车辆材料.第1部分:牵引和拖动的粗轧车轮.质量要求  (Railway rolling stock material - Part 1: Rough-rolled tyres for tractive and trailing stock; technical delivery conditions)
 ISO 1005-2-1986  铁路车辆材料.第2部分:牵引和拖动的车轮,轮体轮箍.尺寸、平衡和组装要求  (Railway rolling stock material; Part 2 : Tyres, wheel centres and tyred wheels for tractive and trailing stock; Dimensional, balancing and assembly requirements)
 ISO 1005-3-1982  铁路车辆材料.第3部分:牵引和拖动的轮轴.质量要求  (Railway rolling stock material; Part 3 : Axles for tractive and trailing stock; Quality requirements)
 ISO 1005-4-1986  铁路车辆材料.第4部分:牵引和拖动的车轮.轧制或锻造的轮体.质量要求  (Railway rolling stock material; Part 4 : Rolled or forged wheel centres for tyred wheels for tractive and trailing stock; Quality requirements)
 ISO 1005-6-1994  铁路车辆材料.第6部分:牵引和拖动车轮实心轮.质量要求  (Railway rolling stock material - Part 6: Solid wheels for tractive and trailing stock; technical delivery conditions)
 ISO 1005-7-1982  铁路车辆材料.第7部分:牵引和拖动的轮副.质量要求  (Railway rolling stock material; Part 7 : Wheelsets for tractive and trailing stock; Quality requirements)
 ISO 1005-8-1986  铁路车辆材料.第8部分:牵引和拖动的车轮实心轮.尺寸和平衡要求  (Railway rolling stock material; Part 8 : Solid wheels for tractive and trailing stock; Dimensional and balancing requirements)
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