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 ISO 11530-1993  道路车辆.液压千斤顶.规范  (Road vehicles; hydraulic jacks; specifications)
 ISO 11533-1996  铁矿石.钴含量的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱测定法  (Iron ores - Determination of cobalt content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 ISO 11534-1998  铁矿石.锡含量测定.火焰原子吸收光谱法  (Iron ores - Determination of tin content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 ISO 11535-1998  铁矿石.各种素的测定.感应耦合等离子体原子放射光谱法  (Iron ores - Determination of various elements - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method)
 ISO 11537-1998  无损检验.热中子辐射摄影检验.一般原理和基本规则  (Non-destructive testing - Thermal neutron radiographic testing - General principles and basic rules)
 ISO 11539-1999  眼科光学.接触镜片.接触镜片和接触镜片材料的分级  (Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses - Classification of contact lenses and contact lens materials)
 ISO 1154-1975  信息处理.穿孔纸带.导孔和编码孔的尺寸和位置  (Information processing; Punched paper tape; Dimensions and location of feed holes and code holes)
 ISO 11540-1993  14岁以下儿童用书写和划线用具罩的安全要求  (Caps for writing and marking instruments intended for use by children up to 14 years of age; safety requirements)
 ISO 11541-1997  天然气.高压下含水量的测定  (Natural gas - Determination of water content at high pressure)
 ISO 11542-1-2001  塑料.超高分子量聚乙烯模塑和挤塑材料.第1部分:名称与符号系统和基本规范  (Plastics - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications)
 ISO 11542-2-1998  塑料.超高分子量聚乙烯模塑和挤制材料.第2部分:试样制备和性能测定  (Plastics - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties)
 ISO 11543-2000  改良淀粉.羟丙基含量的测定.质子核磁共振分光测定法  (Modified starch - Determination of hydroxypropyl content - Method using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry)
 ISO 11545-2001  农业灌溉设备.有喷头和喷雾咀的横向移动排灌机械和中心轴.分配水的均匀性的测定  (Agricultural irrigation equipment - Centre-pivot and moving lateral irrigation machines with sprayer or sprinkler nozzles - Determination of uniformity of water distribution)
 ISO 11546-1-1995  声学.密封罩隔声性能的测定.第1部分:申报用实验室条件下的测量  (Acoustics - Determination of sound insulation performances of enclosures - Part 1: Measurements under laboratory conditions (for declaration purposes))
 ISO 11546-2-1995  声学.密封罩隔声性能的测定.第2部分:验收和校验部位的测量  (Acoustics - Determination of sound insulation performances of enclosures - Part 2: Measurements in situ (for acceptance and verification purposes))
 ISO 11547-1994  小型船舶.负载下起动前的保护  (Small craft - Start-in-gear protection)
 ISO 1155-1978  信息处理.信息电报检测错误的纵向奇偶应用  (Information processing - Use of longitudinal parity to detect errors in information messages)
 ISO 11551-1997  光学和光学仪器.激光和与激光相关的设备.光学激光组件光吸收性测试  (Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test method for absorptance of optical laser components)
 ISO 11551-2003  光学和光学仪器.激光和激光设备.光学激光组件光吸收性试验方法  
 ISO 11553-1996  机械装置的安全.激光加工机械.安全要求  (Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Safety requirements)
 ISO 11554-2003  光学和光学仪器.激光和相关激光设备.激光束功率、能量和时间特征的试验方法  (Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser beam power, energy and temporal characteristics)
 ISO 11554-2003  光学和光学仪器.激光和相关激光设备.激光束功率、能量和时间特征的试验方法  
 ISO 11555-1-2003  】道路车辆.旅居挂车和轻型挂车用稳定装置.第1部分:整体式稳定杆  (Road vehicles - Stabilizing devices for caravans and light trailers - Part 1: Integrated stabilizers)
 ISO 11555-1-2003  道路车辆.旅居挂车和轻型挂车用稳定装置.第1部分:整体式稳定杆  
 ISO 11556 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003  纸和纸板.用单个垂直悬浮试件测定卷曲度.技术勘误1  (Paper and board - Determination of curl using a single vertically suspended test piece; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 11556 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003  纸和纸板.用单个垂直悬浮试件测定卷曲度.技术勘误1  
 ISO 11556-1998  纸和纸板.利用单立式悬吊试验样片测定卷曲度  (Paper and board - Determination of curl using a single vertically suspended test piece)
 ISO 11561-1999  热绝缘材料的老化.封闭室中热塑料的热抗性的长期变化的测定(加速试验室试验方法)  (Ageing of thermal insulation materials - Determination of the long-term change in thermal resistance of closed-cell plastics (accelerated laboratory test methods))
 ISO 11562 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998  几何产品规范.表面纹理:轮廓法.相位校正过滤器的计量特性.技术勘误1  (Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Metrological characteristics of phase correct filters; Technical corrigendum 1)
 ISO 11562-1996  几何图形制品规范.表面特征:轮廓法.相位校正过滤器的计量特性  (Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Metrological characteristics of phase correct filters)
 ISO 11563-2003  原油和石油制品.散货运输.实现管道满度的指南  (Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Bulk cargo transfer - Guidelines for achieving the fullness of pipelines)
 ISO 11563-2003  原油和石油制品.散货运输.实现管道满度的指南  
 ISO 11564 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000  固定源辐射.氮氧化合物质量浓度的测定.萘二胺光度测定法.技术勘误1  (Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides - Naphthylethylenediamine photometric method; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 11564-1998  固定源辐射.氮氧化合物质量浓度的测定.萘二胺光度测定法  (Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides - Naphthylethylenediamine photometric method)
 ISO 11565-1998  道路车辆.火花塞.试验方法和要求  (Road vehicles - Spark-plugs - Test methods and requirements)
 ISO 11566-1996  碳纤维.单丝样品抗拉性能的测定  (Carbon fibre - Determination of the tensile properties of single-filament specimens)
 ISO 11567-1995  碳纤维.长丝直经和横截面积的测定  (Carbon fibre - Determination of filament diameter and cross-sectional area)
 ISO 11568-1-1994  银行业务.键控管理(零售).第1部分:键控管理的介绍  (Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 1: Introduction to key management)
 ISO 11568-2-1994  银行业务.键控管理(零售).第2部分:对称密码用键控管理技术  (Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 2: Key management techniques for symmetric ciphers)
 ISO 11568-3-1994  银行业务.键控管理(零售).第3部分:对称密码用键控寿命周期  (Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 3: Key life cycle for symmetric ciphers)
 ISO 11568-4-1998  银行业务.键控管理(零售).第4部分:使用公共键控密码的键控管理技术  (Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 4: Key management techniques using public key cryptography)
 ISO 11568-5-1998  银行业务.键控管理(零售).第5部分:使用公共键控密码的键盘寿命周期  (Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 5: Key life cycle for public key cryptosystems)
 ISO 11568-6-1998  银行业务.键控管理(零售).第6部分:键控管理计划  (Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 6: Key management schemes)
 ISO 1158-1998  塑料.氯乙烯均聚物和共聚物.氯含量的测定  (Plastics - Vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers - Determination of chlorine content)
 ISO 11591-2000  发动机驱动的小型船舶.驾驶位置的视野  (Small craft, engine-driven - Field of vision from helm position)
 ISO 11592-2001  小于8米长外壳的小艇.最大推动力测定  (Small craft less than 8 m length of hull - Determination of maximum propulsion power rating)
 ISO 11593-1996  工业操作机器人.自动终端操纵交换系统.特性描述的词汇和说明  (Manipulating industrial robots - Automatic end effector exchange systems - Vocabulary and presentation of characteristics)
 ISO 11597-1995  用密度测量法对双氧铀化合物或硝酸钚溶液进行验证  (Verification of samples of uranyl or plutonium nitrate solutions by density measurements)
 ISO 11598-1995  测定铀用的硝酸双氧铀溶液的典型抽样要求  (Requirements for representative sampling of uranyl nitrate solutions for the determination of uranium concentration)
 ISO 11599-1997  含有包埋放射废物的液压粘合剂的气体泄漏和气体孔隙度的测定  (Determination of gas porosity and gas permeability of hydraulic binders containing embedded radioactive waste)
 ISO 11600-2002  房屋建筑.连接件.密封胶的分类和要求  (Building construction - Jointing products - Classification and requirements for sealants)
 ISO 11601-1999  移动式灭火器.性能和结构  (Wheeled fire extinguishers - Performance and construction)
 ISO 11602-1-2000  灭火.便携式和轮式灭火器.第1部分:选择和安装  (Fire protection - Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers - Part 1: Selection and installation)
 ISO 11602-2-2000  灭火.便携式和轮式灭火器.第2部分:检查和维修  (Fire protection - Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers - Part 2: Inspection and maintenance)
 ISO 11605-1995  纸和纸板.变积式流量计的校验  (Paper and board - Calibration of variable-area flowmeters)
 ISO 11606-2000  船舶和航海技术.航海用电磁罗盘  (Ships and marine technology - Marine electromagnetic compasses)
 ISO 11607-2003  终端无菌医学设备的包装  (Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices)
 ISO 11607-2003  终端无菌医学设备的包装  
 ISO 11608-1-2000  医用笔式注射器.第1部分:笔式注射器.要求和试验方法  (Pen-injectors for medical use - Part 1: Pen-injectors; Requirements and test methods)
 ISO 11608-2-2000  医用笔式注射器.第2部分:针头.要求和试验方法  (Pen-injectors for medical use - Part 2: Needles; Requirements and test methods)
 ISO 11608-3-2000  医用笔式注射器.第3部分:成品容器.要求和试验方法  (Pen-injectors for medical use - Part 3: Finished cartridges; Requirements and test methods)
 ISO 11609-1995  牙科学.牙膏的要求,试验方法和标志  (Dentistry - Toothpastes - Requirements, test methods and marking)
 ISO 1161 Technical Corrigendum 1-1990  货运集装箱系列1.角配件.规范.技术勘误表1  (Series 1 freight containers; corner fittings; specification; technical corrigendum 1)
 ISO 1161-1984  货运集装箱系列1.角配件.规范  (Series 1 freight containers; Corner fittings; Specification)
 ISO 11612-1998  耐热和防火服装.高温防护服装的试验方法和性能要求  (Clothing for protection against heat and flame - Test methods and performance requirements for heat-protective clothing)
 ISO 11613-1999  消防员防护服装.实验室试验方法和性能要求  (Protective clothing for firefighters - Laboratory test methods and performance requirements)
 ISO 11614-1999  往复式内燃压燃式发动机.不透明度测量仪器和废气吸光系数测定仪器  (Reciprocating internal combustion compression-ignition engines - Apparatus for measurement of the opacity and for determination of the light absorption coefficient of exhaust gas)
 ISO 11620 AMD 1-2003  信息和文献工作.图书馆工效指标.修改1:图书馆附加工效指标  (Information and documentation - Library performance indicators; Amendment 1: Additional performance indicators for libraries)
 ISO 11620 AMD 1-2003  信息和文献工作.图书馆工效指标.修改1:图书馆附加工效指标  
 ISO 11620-1998  信息和文献.程序库性能指示器  (Information and documentation - Library performance indicators)
 ISO 11621-1997  储气瓶.供气变换程序  (Gas cylinders - Procedures for change of gas service)
 ISO 11623-2002  可运输储气瓶.复合储气瓶的定期检测和测试  (Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of composite gas cylinders)
 ISO 11625-1998  储气瓶.安全搬运  (Gas cylinders - Safe handling)
 ISO 11628-1995  制图技术.印刷和印刷油墨.对印刷耐酸性的测定  (Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Determination of resistance of prints to acids)
 ISO 1163-1-1995  塑料.未增塑聚氯乙烯模制和挤制材料.第1部分:名称与符号系统及规范  (Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications)
 ISO 1163-2-1995  塑料.未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)模塑和挤制材料.第2部分:试样制备和性能测定  Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
 ISO 11630-1997  起重机.轮位对准测量  (Cranes - Measurement of wheel alignment)
 ISO 11631-1998  流体流量测量.流量计性能的表示方法  (Measurement of fluid flow - Methods of specifying flowmeter performance)
 ISO 11632-1998  固定源排放物.二氧化硫质量浓厚的测定.离子色谱法  (Stationary source emissions - Determination of mass concentration of sulfur dioxide - Ion chromatography method)
 ISO 11634-1996  挡雪板-鞋靴.有滑雪板装配的接口  (Snowboard-boots - Interface with ski-binding)
 ISO 11640-1993  皮革的色牢度试验.耐周期性往复磨擦色牢度  (Leather; tests for colour fastness; colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbing)
 ISO 11641-1993  皮革.色牢度试验.耐汗渍的色牢度  (Leather; tests for colour fastness; colour fastness to perspiration)
 ISO 11642-1993  皮革的色牢度试验.耐水洗的色牢度  (Leather; tests for colour fastness; colour fastness to water)
 ISO 11643-1993  皮革的色牢度试验.小样品耐干洗液的色牢度  (Leather; tests for colour fastness; colour fastness of small samples to dry-cleaning solutions)
 ISO 11644-1993  皮革.涂层的附着试验  (Leather; test for adhesion of finish)
 ISO 11645-1993  皮革.工业手套用皮革的热稳定性  (Leather; heat stability of industrial-glove leather)
 ISO 11646-1993  皮革.面积的测量  (Leather; measurement of area)
 ISO 11648-1-2003  散装物料取样的统计方法.第1部分:一般原则  (Statistical aspects of sampling from bulk materials - Part 1: General principles)
 ISO 11648-1-2003  散装物料取样的统计方法.第1部分:一般原则  
 ISO 11648-2-2001  从散装物料中抽样的统计方法.第2部分:颗粒状物料的抽样  (Statistical aspects of sampling from bulk materials - Part 2: Sampling of particulate materials)
 ISO 11650-1999  制冷的回收和/或再循环设备的性能  (Performance of refrigerant recovery and/or recycling equipment)
 ISO 11652-1997  钢和铁.钴含量测定.原子吸收分光光度测定法  (Steel and iron - Determination of cobalt content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method)
 ISO 11653-1997  钢.高钴含量的测定.用离子交换分离法分离后的电势滴定法  (Steel - Determination of high cobalt content - Potentiometric titration method after separation by ion exchange)
 ISO 11654-1997  声学.建筑物用声音吸收装置.吸声率  (Acoustics - Sound absorbers for use in buildings - Rating of sound absorption)
 ISO 11655-1995  明渠液体流量测量.水文设备性能的规定方法  (Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Method of specifying performance of hydrometric equipment)
 ISO 11659-1-1995  纺织机械及其配件.与纺织加工油接触的机器部件.第1部分:钢防腐效果的测定  (Textile machinery and accessories - Machine parts in contact with textile processing oils - Part 1: Determination of anticorrosive effect upon steel)
 ISO 11659-2-2004  纺织机械与附件.与纺织加工油剂接触的机械零部件.第2部分:对聚合材料影响的测定  
 ISO 11659-2-2004  纺织机械与附件.与纺织加工油剂接触的机械零部件.第2部分:对聚合材料影响的测定  
 ISO 11659-3-2004  纺织机械与附件.与纺织加工油剂接触的机械零部件.第3部分:对漆膜影响的测定  
 ISO 11659-3-2004  纺织机械与附件.与纺织加工油剂接触的机械零部件.第3部分:对漆膜影响的测定  
 ISO 11660-1-1999  起重机.检修,保护和限制.第1部分:一般  (Cranes - Access, guards and restraints - Part 1: General)
 ISO 11660-2-1994  起重机.进入口.防护装置.限制器.移动起重机  (Cranes - Access, guards and restraints - Part 2: Mobile cranes)
 ISO 11660-3-1999  起重机.检修,保护和限制.第1部分:塔式起重机  (Cranes - Access, guards and restraints - Part 3: Tower cranes)
 ISO 11660-5-2001  起重机.检修、保护和限制.第5部分:桥式和龙门起重机  (Cranes - Access, guards and restraints - Part 5: Bridge and gantry cranes)
 ISO 11661-1998  移动式起重机.额定荷载能力图解表示  (Mobile cranes - Presentation of rated capacity charts)
 ISO 11662-1-1995  汽车起重机.起重机实验工作性能的测定.第1部分:卸载和工作半径  (Mobile cranes - Experimental determination of crane performance - Part 1: Tipping loads and radii)
 ISO 11667-1997  纤维增强塑料.模压化合物和聚酯胶片.树脂,纤维增强和矿物填料含量的测定.溶解方法  (Fibre-reinforced plastics - Moulding compounds and prepregs - Determination of resin, reinforced-fibre and mineral-filler content - Dissolution methods)
 ISO 11668-1997  涂料和清漆用粘结剂.含氯聚合树脂.通用试验方法  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Chlorinated polymerization resins - General methods of test)
 ISO 1167 Technical Corrigendum 1-1997  输送流体用塑料管.耐内压的试验方法.技术勘误表1  (Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Resistance to internal pressure - Test method; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 1167-1996  输送流体用热塑性塑料管.耐内压性.试验方法  (Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Resistance to internal pressure - Test method)
 ISO 11670 Technical Corrigendum 1-2004  激光和激光相关设备.激光束参数的试验方法.束位置稳定性.技术勘误1  
 ISO 11670-2003  激光和激光设备.激光束参数的试验方法.束定位稳定性  (Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser beam parameters - Beam positional stability)
 ISO 11670-2003  激光和激光设备.激光束参数的试验方法.束定位稳定性  
 ISO 11674 Technical Corrigendum 1-2001  船只和船舶技术.航向控制系统.技术勘误1  (Ships and marine technology - Heading control systems; Technical Corrigendum 1)
 ISO 11674-2000  船舶和造船技术.航向控制系统  (Ships and marine technology - Heading control systems)
 ISO 11675-1994  纺织机械.平板针织机.词汇  (Textil machinery - Flatbed knitting machines - Vocabulary)
 ISO 11676-1994  纺织机器及附件.经编机用链环.词汇及符号  (Textile machinery and accessories - Chain links for warp knitting machines - Vocabulary and symbols)
 ISO 11677-1-1994  纺织机械和辅助装置.有自由端线圈的扁钢柄的主要尺寸.第1部分:C形综耳  (Textile machinery and accessories - Main dimensions of flat steel healds with open end loops - Part 1: C-shaped end loops)
 ISO 11677-2-1994  纺织机械和辅助装置.有自由端线圈的扁钢柄的主要尺寸.第2部分:J形综耳  (Textile machinery and accessories - Main dimensions of flat steel healds with open end loops - Part 2: J-shaped end loops)
 ISO 11677-3-1995  纺织机械和辅助装置.有自由端线圈的扁钢柄的主要尺寸.第3部分:有C形和J形综耳的综片用导杆  (Textile machinery and accessories - Main dimensions of open end loop flat steel healds and their corresponding heald-carrying rods - Part 3: Carrying rods for healds with C- and J-shaped end loops)
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