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 BS ISO 2407-1998  卧式内圆磨床的试验条件.精度试验  Test conditions for internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindle - Testing of accuracy
 BS ISO 2421-2003  砂布.桶形砂套  (Coated abrasives - Cylindrical sleeves)
 BS ISO 24237-2005  表面化学分析.X射线光电子光谱学.强度标的可重复性和稳定性  
 BS ISO 24336-2005  层压地板覆盖物.部分浸水后的厚度膨胀测定  
 BS ISO 246-1995  滚动轴承.滚柱轴承,分离式止推环.外形尺寸  Rolling bearings - Cylindrical roller bearings, separate thrust collars - Boundary dimensions
 BS ISO 2467-2004  电影.65 mm/5穿孔电影摄影机片窗新形成的画面区域和70 mm/5穿孔电影拷贝的最大可放映画面区域.位置和尺寸  
 BS ISO 2470-2000  纸、纸板和纸浆.蓝光漫反射因数的测定(ISO 亮度)  Paper, board and pulps - Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness)
 BS ISO 2471-1998  纸和纸板.不透明度(纸背)的测定.漫反射法  Paper and board - Determination of opacity (paper backing) - Diffuse reflectance method
 BS ISO 2475-2000  氯丁橡胶(CR).一般用途.评价方法  Chloroprene rubber (CR) - General-purpose types - Evaluation procedure
 BS ISO 248-2005  生橡胶.挥发物含量的测定  
 BS ISO 25-1995  电影摄影.16mm电影摄影胶片摄影机规范  Cinematography - Camera usage of 16 mm motion picture film specification
 BS ISO 251-2003  带织物绕线架的输送带.宽度和长度  (Conveyor belts with textile carcass - Widths and lengths)
 BS ISO 2534-1998  道路车辆.发动机试验规范.总功率  Road vehicles - Engine test code - Gross power
 BS ISO 254-1998  皮带传动.皮带轮.质量、精整和平衡  Belt drives - Pulleys - Quality, finish and balance
 BS ISO 25539-1-2003  心血管植入物.血管内装置.血管内修复术  (Cardiovascular implants - Endovascular devices - Endovascular prostheses)
 BS ISO 2559-2001  纺织玻璃纤维.垫子(裁截或连续的多股线制).名称与符号和基本规范  Textile glass - Mats (made from chopped or continuous strands) - Designation and basis for specifications
 BS ISO 257-2004  农药和其他农用化学制品.通用名称的选择准则  
 BS ISO 2575-2004  道路车辆.操纵件、指示器和信号装置的符号  
 BS ISO 2580-2-1995  塑料.丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)的模塑和挤塑材料.试样制备和性能测定  Plastics. Acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) moulding and extrusion materials. Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
 BS ISO 2596-1995  铁矿石.分析试样中吸湿的测定.重量法和卡尔费舍尔(Karl fisher)法  Iron ores - Determination of hygroscopic moisture in analytical samples - Gravimetric and Karl Fischer methods
 BS ISO 2597-1-1995  铁矿石.铁的总含量的测定.氯化锡还原后用滴定法  Iron ores.Determination of total iron content - Titrimetric method after tin (II) chloride reduction
 BS ISO 2599-2003  铁矿石.磷含量的测定.滴定法  (Iron ores - Determination of phosphorus content - Titrimetric method)
 BS ISO 26-1995  电影技术.直接正面放映16mm的电影放映机的用法规范  Cinematography - Projector usage of 16 mm motion-picture films for direct front projection - Specifications
 BS ISO 261-1999  ISO普通米制螺纹.一般轮廓图  ISO general purpose metric screw threads - General plan
 BS ISO 262-1999  ISO普通米制螺纹.螺钉,螺栓和螺母的选用尺寸  ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts
 BS ISO 2631-4-2001  机械振动和冲击.对人体受全身振动的评估.在固定导轨运输系统中振动和转动对乘客和乘务员舒适度影响的评估导则  Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Guidelines for the evaluation of the effects of vibration and rotational motion on passengers and crew comfort in fixed-guideway transport systems
 BS ISO 2692-2000  技术图纸.几何公差.最大实体原则  Technical drawings - Geometrical tolerancing - Maximum material principle
 BS ISO 2697-2000  柴油发动机.燃料喷嘴.S规格  Diesel engines - Fuel nozzles - Size S
 BS ISO 2704-1998  道路车辆.平底座M10×1火花塞和其汽缸盖上的座孔  Road vehicles - M10 x 1 spark plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings
 BS ISO 2705-2000  道路车辆.平基座的M12×1.25火花塞和汽缸盖体  Road vehicles - M12 x 1,25 spark plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings
 BS ISO 2709-1997  信息和文献加工.信息交换格式  Information and documentation - Format for information interchange
 BS ISO 2710-1-2000  往复式内燃机.词汇.发动机设计和运行术语  Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary - Terms for engine design and operation
 BS ISO 2710-2-2000  往复式内燃机.词汇.发动机维修术语  Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary - Terms for engine maintenance
 BS ISO 2725-3-2001  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.方形驱动套筒扳手.机器驱动套筒扳手(无冲击).尺寸  Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Square drive sockets - Machine-operated sockets (non-impact) - Dimensions
 BS ISO 2758-2002  纸.碎裂强度的测定  Paper - Determination of bursting strength
 BS ISO 2759-2002  纸板.碎裂强度的测定  Board - Determination of bursting strength
 BS ISO 276-2002  色漆和清漆用粘合剂.亚麻籽油.试验要求和方法  Binders for paints and varnishes - Linseed stand oil - Requirements and methods of test
 BS ISO 277-2002  色漆和清漆用粘合剂.原桐油.试验要求和方法  Binders for paints and varnishes - Raw tung oil - Requirements and methods of test
 BS ISO 279-2001  香精油.在20℃时相对比重的测定.参照法  Essential oils - Determination of relative density at 20 鳦 - Reference method
 BS ISO 280-2001  香精油.折射指数的测定  Essential oils - Determination of refractive index
 BS ISO 2804-1997  金属丝,棒或管拉伸冲模.硬金属(碳化物)烧结小球.尺寸  Wire, bar or tube drawing dies - As-sintered pellets of hardmetal (carbide) - Dimensions
 BS ISO 2827-1995  摄影技术.电子闪光装置的光输出量的测定  Photography - Electronic flash equipment - Determination of light output and performance
 BS ISO 2834-2002  印刷技术.胶印压印墨水的试验印刷准备  Graphic technology - Test print preparation for offset and letterpress inks
 BS ISO 2836-2002  印刷技术.印刷品和油墨.对各种药剂耐性的评价  Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of resistance to various agents
 BS ISO 2837-1996  图像技术.印刷品和油墨.耐溶剂性的评定法  Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of resistance to solvents
 BS ISO 2846-1-1998  印刷技术.四色印刷用油墨的颜色和透明度.单张纸和热定印卷筒纸胶版印刷  (Graphic technology - Colour and transparency of ink sets for four-colour-printing - Sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing)
 BS ISO 2846-2-2001  印刷技术.四色印刷油墨的色彩和透明度.冷凝胶版印刷  Graphic technology - Colour and transparency of ink sets for four-colour-printing - Coldset offset lithographic printing
 BS ISO 2846-4-2002  印刷技术.四色印刷油墨的色彩和透明度.网板印刷  Graphic technology - Colour and transparency of ink sets for four-colour-printing - Screen printing
 BS ISO 289-4-2003  未硫化橡胶.用剪切圆盘型粘度计测定门尼应力松弛率  (Rubber, unvulcanized - Determinations using a shearing-disc viscometer - Determination of the Mooney stress-relaxation rate)
 BS ISO 29-1995  电影技术.直接正面放映的8mmR型电影胶片电影放映机的用法.规范  Cinematography - Projector usage of 8 mm Type R silent motion-picture film for direct front projection - Specifications
 BS ISO 2906-2002  电影技术.电影摄影机在35mm胶片上形成的影象区.位置和尺寸  Cinematography - Image area produced by camera aperture on 35mm motion picture film - Position and dimensions
 BS ISO 2907-2003  电影.35mm电影胶片上最大可放映画面区域.位置和尺寸  (Cinematography - Maximum projectable image area on 35 mm motion-picture film - Position and dimensions)
 BS ISO 2909-2003  石油及其产品的试验方法.石油产品.运动粘度的粘度指数的计算  Methods of test for petroleum and its products - Petroleum products - Calculation of viscosity index from kinematic viscosity
 BS ISO 2911-2004  甜炼乳.蔗糖含量的测定.旋光法  
 BS ISO 2920-2004  乳清干酪.干(燥)物质含量的测定(参照法)  
 BS ISO 2926-2005  主要用于铝生产的氧化铝.45 鎚至150 鎚范围内的粒度分析.电刻筛分法  
 BS ISO 2929-2003  油槽车排吸油用橡胶软管和软管组件.规范  Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for bulk fuel delivery by truck - Specification
 BS ISO 2936-1996  螺钉和螺母用装配工具.内六角螺钉扳手.米制系列  Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Hexagon socket screw keys
 BS ISO 2939-2002  电影技术.在35mm电影发行拷贝上的画面和光学声带.位置和尺寸  Cinematography - Picture image area on 35 mm motion-picture release prints - Position and dimensions
 BS ISO 2941-1996  液压传动.滤清器件.抗挤压/爆裂性检验  Hydraulic fluid power - Filter elements - Verification of collapse/burst resistance
 BS ISO 2942-1996  液压流体动力装置.过滤器件.制作完备性的验证和始沸点的测定  Hydraulic fluid power - Filter elements - Verification of fabrication integrity and determination of the first bubble point
 BS ISO 2942-2004  液压传动.滤芯.结构完整性的验证和第一气泡点的测定  
 BS ISO 2943-1999  液压传动.滤清器件.材料和液体相容性的检验  Hydraulic fluid power - Filter elements - Verification of material compatibility with fluids
 BS ISO 2944-2000  液压动力系统和件.公称压力  Fluid power systems and components - Nominal pressures
 BS ISO 2953-2000  机械振动.平衡试验机.描述和评价  Mechanical vibration - Balancing machines - Description and evaluation
 BS ISO 2966-1995  电影技术.穿孔的8mmS(1-3)和(1-4)型16mm电影胶片.剪切和穿孔尺寸  Cinematography - 16 mm motion-picture film perforated 8 mm type S [1-3] and [1-4] - Cutting and perforating dimensions
 BS ISO 2967-1996  电影技术.穿孔的8mmS-5R(1-3-5-7-0)型的35mm电影胶片上的声带用的磁条.位置和宽度尺寸  Cinematography - Magnetic stripes for sound records on 35 mm motion-picture film perforated 8 mm Type S-5R (1-3-5-7-0) - Positions and width dimensions
 BS ISO 2982-1-1996  滚动轴承.附件.锥形套筒.尺寸  Rolling bearings - Accessories - Tapered sleeves - Dimensions
 BS ISO 2982-2-2001  滚动轴承.附件.防松螺母和锁紧装置.尺寸  Rolling bearings - Accessories - Locknuts and locking devices - Dimensions
 BS ISO 3007-2002  石油及其产品试验方法.BS 2000-69: 石油产品.测定蒸汽压力.瑞利法  Methods of test for petroleum and its products - BS 2000-69: Petroleum products - Determination of vapour pressure - Reid method
 BS ISO 3009-2004  耐火试验.建筑物构件.镶玻璃构件  
 BS ISO 3011-1997  橡胶或塑料涂层织物.静态条件下抗臭氧龟裂的测定  (Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of resistance to ozone cracking under static conditions)
 BS ISO 3019-1-2001  液力传动.活塞泵和液动机的安装法兰盘和轴端尺寸及识别码.以米制单位表示的英制系列  Hydraulic fluid power - Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends of displacement pumps and motors - Inch series shown in metric units
 BS ISO 3019-2-2001  液力传动.活塞泵和液动机的安装法兰盘和轴端尺寸及识别码.米制系列  (Hydraulic fluid power - Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends of displacement pumps and motors - Metric series)
 BS ISO 3022-1996  电影技术.穿孔的216mm(1-3-0)的35mm电影胶片.剪切和穿孔尺寸  (Cinematography - 35 mm motion-picture film perforated 16 mm (1-3-0) - Cutting and perforating dimensions)
 BS ISO 3023-1995  电影技术.65和70mm未曝光电影胶片.剪切和穿孔尺寸  Cinematography - 65 mm and 70 mm unexposed motion-picture film - Cutting and perforating dimensions
 BS ISO 3026-1996  电影技术.在穿孔8mm S型 2R-4.227(1664)或者5R-4.234(1667)的35mm电影胶片上印制8mm S型图象的区域  (Cinematography - Printed 8 mm Type S image area on 35 mm motion-picture film perforated 8 mm Type S, 2R-4.227 (1664) or 5R-4.234 (1667) - Position and dimensions)
 BS ISO 3027-1996  电影技术.在8mmS型电影胶片上带的录音磁头的缝隙和磁带.位置和宽度尺寸  (Cinematography - Magnetic stripes and recording head gaps for sound record on 8 mm Type S motion-picture films - Position and width dimensions)
 BS ISO 3029-1995  摄影技术.126型单轴片盒.单轴片盒.片盒、胶片和背纸的尺寸  Photography - 126 size cartridges - Dimensions of cartridge, film and backing paper
 BS ISO 3030-1997  滚动轴承.滚针和定位圈组件.尺寸和公差  (Rolling bearings - Radial needle roller and cage assemblies - Dimensions and tolerances)
 BS ISO 3031-2000  滚动轴承.止推滚针、保持架组件和止推垫圈.边缘尺寸和公差  Rolling bearings - Thrust needle roller and cage assemblies, thrust washers - Boundary dimensions and tolerances
 BS ISO 3040-2000  技术制图.锥体尺寸和公差  Technical drawings - Dimensioning and tolerancing - Cones
 BS ISO 3045-2004  月桂油  
 BS ISO 3045-2004  月桂油  
 BS ISO 3046-5-2002  往复式内燃机.性能.扭转振动  (Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Performance - Torsional vibrations)
 BS ISO 3053-2004  圆柚油(用压榨法获得)  
 BS ISO 3053-2004  葡萄柚油(用压榨法获得)  
 BS ISO 3057-1998  无损检验.表面检验的金相复制技术  Non-destructive testing - Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination
 BS ISO 3058-1998  无损检验.外观检验辅助设备.低倍放大镜的选择  Non-destructive testing - Aids to visual inspection - Selection of low-power magnifiers
 BS ISO 3063-2004  依兰依兰油  
 BS ISO 3068-1996  电影技术.在穿孔的8mmS-2R(1-4)和(1-3)型的16mm电影胶片上声带用的磁条.位置和宽度尺寸  Cinematography - Magnetic stripes for sound records on 16 mm motion-picture film perforated 8 mm Type S-2R (1-4) and (1-3) - Positions and width dimensions
 BS ISO 3069-2001  端吸离心泵.机械密封和软包装的空腔尺寸  End-suction centrifugal pumps - Dimensions of cavities for mechanical seals and for soft packing
 BS ISO 3070-2-1999  卧轴镗铣床的验收条件.精度试验.第2部分:台式机床  Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle - Testing of the accuracy - Table-type machines
 BS ISO 3070-3-1999  卧轴镗铣床的验收条件.精度试验.第3部分:带固定工作定位台的独立落地式机床  Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle - Testing of the accuracy - Floor type machines with detached, stationary work-holding table
 BS ISO 3070-4-1999  卧式镗铣床的验收条件.精度试验.第4部分:可移动床身的多刀刨床  Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle - Testing of the accuracy - Planer type machines with movable column
 BS ISO 3085-2002  铁矿石.检验取样精度的实验方法  Iron ores - Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling, sample preparation and measurement
 BS ISO 3086-1998  铁矿石.取样偏差检验的实验法  (Iron ores - Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling)
 BS ISO 3087-1999  铁矿石.批量的含水量测定  Iron ores - Determination of the moisture content of a lot
 BS ISO 3093-2004  小麦、黑麦和作物粉、硬粒小麦和硬粒小麦面粉.根据Hagberg-Perten测定降落数值  
 BS ISO 3096-1997  滚动轴承.滚针轴承.尺寸和公差  Rolling bearings - Needle rollers - Dimensions and tolerances
 BS ISO 31-0-2004  量和单位.一般原则  
 BS ISO 31-1-2004  量和单位.空间和时间  
 BS ISO 31-10-2004  量和单位.核反应和离子辐射  
 BS ISO 31-11-2004  量和单位.物理科学和工艺学中使用的数学标志与符号  
 BS ISO 31-12-2004  特征数  
 BS ISO 31-13-2004  量和单位.固体物理学  
 BS ISO 31-2-2004  量和单位.周期及其有关现象  
 BS ISO 31-3-2004  量和单位.力学  
 BS ISO 31-4-2004  量和单位.热学  
 BS ISO 31-5-2004  量和单位.电学和磁学  
 BS ISO 31-6-2004  量和单位.光及有关电磁辐射  
 BS ISO 31-8-2004  量和单位.物理化学和分子物理学  
 BS ISO 3116-2001  镁和镁合金.锻压镁合金  Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Wrought magnesium alloys
 BS ISO 3160-1-1999  表壳和附件.金合金壳.第1部分:一般要求  Watch-cases and accessories - Gold alloy coverings - General requirements
 BS ISO 3160-2-2003  表壳和附件.金合金覆盖层.纯度、厚度、耐腐蚀性能和结合强度的测定  (Watch-cases and accessories - Gold alloy coverings - Determination of fineness, thickness, corrosion resistance and adhesion)
 BS ISO 3166-2-1999  国家及其地区名表示代码.国家地区代码  Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Country subdivision code
 BS ISO 3166-3-1999  国家及其地区名的代码表示法.国家曾用名代码  Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Code for formerly used names of countries
 BS ISO 3183-3-1999  石油和天然气工业.管道用钢管的技术交货条件.C级要求的钢管  (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipelines - Technical delivery conditions - Pipes of requirement class C)
 BS ISO 3218-2000  香精油.命名原则  Essential oils - Principles of nomenclature
 BS ISO 3245-1997  滚动轴承.拉制的杯形无内环滚针轴承.外形尺寸和公差  Rolling bearings - Needle roller bearings, drawn cup without inner rings - Boundary dimensions and tolerances
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