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 DIN 55437-1-1992  纸板检验.折皱.折皱试样的试验室生产  (Testing of board; testing of creasings; laboratory producing of test creasings)
 DIN 55437-2-1992  纸板检验.折皱.通过对折皱目测评估来测定折皱范围  (Testing of board; testing of creasings; determination of creasing range by visual assessment of creasings)
 DIN 55437-3-1992  纸板检验.折皱.折皱机械特性的测定  (Testing of board; creasings; determination of the mechanical properties of creasings)
 DIN 5544-1-1985  有轨车辆的抛物线形弹簧.主要尺寸.要求.检验  (Parabolic springs for railway vehicles major dimensions, design, requirements, testing)
 DIN 5544-2-1985  有轨车辆的抛物线形弹簧.零件  (Parabolic springs for railway vehicles; constituent parts)
 DIN 55440-1-1991  包装材料检验.压紧检验.用恒定推进速度检验  (Packaging test; compression test; test with a constant conveyance-speed)
 DIN 55441-2-1998  包装试验.碰撞试验.第2部分:塑料瓶跌落试验  (Packaging test - Impact test - Part 2: Free drop of plastic bottles)
 DIN 55445-1-1985  包装试验.袋缝口的试验.纸袋缝口耐断裂的测定  (Packaging test; determination of endurance of glue seams of papersacks)
 DIN 55445-2-1974  包装试验.袋缝口的试验.塑料袋缝口耐裂的测定  (Packaging test; determination of endurance of seams of plasticsacks)
 DIN 55445-3-1974  包装试验.袋缝口的试验.评定方法  (Packaging test; determination of endurance of sack seams, plotting method)
 DIN 55446-1991  包装.包装材料.包装和具备发货条件的包装件.检验用抽样  (Packaging; means of packaging and complete filled transport packages; sampling)
 DIN 5545-1991  有轨车辆的活动吊架.带板簧的货车运行装置用活动吊架  (Swing-link suspension for railway vehicles, for freight wagon running-gear with leaf springs)
 DIN 55450-1986  包装检验.纸包和纸袋形式  (Packaging; paper bags; types)
 DIN 55455-1986  包装材料.纸制手提包和手提袋.形式  (Packaging; paper carrier bags; types)
 DIN 55457-1-2000  包装试验.聚烯烃容器.应力开裂抗性.温度过程  (Packaging test - Containers made from polyolefines - Part 1: Tension cracking resistance; temperature procedure)
 DIN 55457-2 Bb.1-1986  包装检验.聚烯烃容器.应力裂纹检验.压力-温度方法.检验设备的结构示例  (Packaging test; containers made from polyolefins; stress cracking resistance, pressure-temperature method; examples for the design of test equipment)
 DIN 55457-2-2000  包装试验.聚烯烃容器.应力开裂抗性.第2部分:压力温度过程  (Packaging test - Containers made from polyolefines - Part 2: Tension cracking resistance; pressure-temperature procedure)
 DIN 55458-2000  包装试验.塑料容器.封闭系统的密封试验  (Packaging test - Plastic containers - Testing of hermetical seal for closure systems)
 DIN 55461-2-1991  大型包装材料.柔韧性IBC.尺寸  (Large size packages; flexible IBC; dimensions)
 DIN 55465-2-1992  垃圾用纸或聚乙烯薄膜包装材料.额定容积50公升以下的袋子.形状、尺寸、要求、检验  (Packaging made from paper or polyethylene for waste; bags with a nominal capacity up to 50 l, shapes, dimensions, requirements, tests)
 DIN 55467-1987  包装辅助材料.装箱单和文件用平面袋和防护层  (Packaging; coverings and flat bags for packing lits and documents)
 DIN 55468-1-1999  包装材料.波纹纸板.第1部分:要求,检验  (Packaging material - Corrugated board - Part 1: Requirements, testing)
 DIN 55468-1-2004  包装材料.波纹纸板.第1部分:要求、检验  
 DIN 55468-2-1999  包装材料.波纹纸板.第2部分:耐潮湿.要求.检验  (Packaging material - Corrugated board - Part 2: Wet strength, requirements, testing)
 DIN 55468-2-2004  包装材料.波纹纸板.第2部分:耐湿性、要求和检验  
 DIN 55471-1-1983  包装用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料.要求.检验  (Cellular polystyrene for packaging; requirements and testing)
 DIN 55471-2-1987  包装用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料.包装型件的造型和计算  (Cellular polystyrene for packaging; design of moulded packaging)
 DIN 55473-2001  辅助包装手段.干燥剂袋.交货技术条件  (Auxiliary means of packaging - Desiccant in bag - Technical delivery conditions)
 DIN 55474-1997  包装辅助材料.装干燥剂的袋.应用.干燥剂要求袋数的计算  (Auxiliary means of packaging - Desiccants in bag - Application, calculation of the required number of desiccant units)
 DIN 55475-1997  包装辅助材料.未增强和增强,可水活化或热活化的牛皮纸制粘合带.要求.检验  (Auxiliary means of packaging - Tapes from kraftpaper - Not reinforced or reinforced, water or heat activatable; requirements and testing)
 DIN 55477-1990  包装.塑料胶带.非增强化和增强要求和检验  (Packaging; non-reinforced and reinforced plastic tapes; requirements and testing)
 DIN 55479-2000  包装.用压感胶纸带和胶纸带密封纸板盒和箱的类型  (Packaging - Types of sealings of cartons and boxes by means of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape and gummed paper tape)
 DIN 55480-1976  包装容器.带螺旋盖的圆铝罐  (Means of packaging; cans made of aluminium with screw caps, round)
 DIN 55481-1-1987  包装用聚乙烯沫塑料.要求.检验  (Cellular polyethylene for packaging; requirements, tests)
 DIN 55482-1-1989  包装用聚氨酯泡沫塑料.要求.检验  (Cellular polyurethane for use in packaging; requirements and testing)
 DIN 55483-1-1984  包装用橡胶纤维或毛状物.要求.检验  (Rubberized fibre and/or hair for packaging; requirements, testing)
 DIN 55499-1-1983  包装材料.木箱.结构形式.尺寸说明.质量分级  (Means of packaging; wooden boxes; types, measures, quality classes)
 DIN 55500-1978  气溶胶包装.包装容器上的25mm孔.尺寸  (Aerosol package; 25-mm-opening of means of packaging, measures)
 DIN 55501-1977  气溶胶包装.25mm孔的阀座  (Aerosol containers; valve cup for 25-mm-opening)
 DIN 55502-1-1987  金属包装.三件式薄铁皮和白铁皮制圆柱形气溶胶盒.不能拉伸的  (Metal packages; three-piece tin-plate or black-plate cylindrical, straight-sided aerosol cans)
 DIN 55502-2-1987  金属包装.单件式铝制.25mm孔.气溶胶盒  (Metal packages; aerosol cans, one-piece, made of aluminium, 25-mm-opening)
 DIN 55502-3-1987  金属包装.三件式薄铁皮或白铁皮制圆柱形气溶胶盒.可拉伸的  (Metal packages; three-piece tin-plate or black-plate, cylindrical, necked-in aerosol cans)
 DIN 55503-1971  气溶胶包装.接触高度测定  (Aerosol package; determination of contact height)
 DIN 55505-1973  气溶胶包装.盖座高度测定  (Aerosol packages; cover seat height)
 DIN 55507-1976  气溶胶包装.咬紧工具的工作面  (Aerosol package; work parts of tools for clinching)
 DIN 55509-1985  包装工程的调整面.概念  (Position areas in the field of packaging; definitions)
 DIN 55510-1-2005  包装.包装区的尺寸协调.第1部分:原则  
 DIN 55510-1982  包装.包装中定型配位.600mm×400mm单区的划分  (Packaging; Modular coordination in packaging; Modular sub-multiples of the 600 mm X 400 mm area module)
 DIN 55510-2-2005  包装.包装区的尺寸协调.第2部分:术语  
 DIN 55510-3-2005  包装.包装区的尺寸协调.第3部分:规则和尺寸  
 DIN 55511-1-1984  包装材料.用硬纤维板和波纹板制成的箱子.可调整到600mm×400mm(面模件)带底和盖的可折叠箱  (Means of packaging; boxes manufactured from solid fibre-board or corrugated board, adjusted to 600 mm400 mm (area module); folding boxes with bottom and top flaps)
 DIN 55511-3-1984  包装材料.用硬纤维板和波纹板制成的盒子.可调整到600mm×400mm的望远镜盒子  (Means of packaging; boxes manufactured from solid fibre-board or corrugated board, adjusted to 600 mm400 mm (area module); telescope boxes)
 DIN 55512-1-1984  包装.小型物品用带提升孔的单件包装.尺寸.要求  (Packaging; unit packs with hanging device for small parts; dimensions, requirements)
 DIN 55512-7-1981  包装.单件包装.纸.办公用品.缮写用品.选择尺寸  (Packaging; unit packs; paper, writing materials; measures)
 DIN 55520-1985  货物包装的调整面.以800mm×1200mm和1000mm×1200mm的调整面积为基础  (Position areas for shipping packages, derived from the position areas 800 mm1200 mm and 1000 mm1200 mm)
 DIN 55521-1-1985  包装手段.(安放面)可调整至800mm×1200mm或1000mm×1200mm的用硬纤维板或波纹板制成的盒子.带底和盖的可折  (Means of packaging; boxes manufactured from solid fibre-board or corrugated board, adjusted to 800 mm ?1200 mm or 1000 mm ?1200 mm (position area); folding boxes with bottom and top flaps)
 DIN 55521-2-1985  包装手段.(安放面)可调整至800mm×1200mm或1000mm×1200mm的用硬纤维板或波纹板制成的盒子.望远镜盒  (Means of packaging; boxes manufactured from solid fibre-board or corrugated board adjusted to 800 mm ?1200 mm or 1000 mm ?1200 mm (position area); telescope boxes)
 DIN 55522-1987  包装材料.硬纸盒.带插入底板和插入盖的折叠箱.箱的尺寸的规定  (Packaging; cartons made of cartonboard; cartons with tuck-in base and lid; determination of the dimensions of cartons)
 DIN 55524-1-2005  包装.分装盒.第1部分:瓦楞纸板制作的包装用分装盒  
 DIN 55524-2-2005  包装.分装盒.第2部分:实芯纸板制作的包装用分装盒  
 DIN 55525-1988  带统一标准螺旋盖塑料容器和玻璃容器上用的优选螺纹.锯齿螺纹.尺寸  (Preferred threads, for plastic and glass containers with unified screw cap; buttress thread; dimensions)
 DIN 55526-1-1991  包装检验.公称容积10升以下的塑料容器在恒定加压速度下的加压检验  (Packaging test; compression test; dynamical test for plastic containers, with a capacity up to 10 liters)
 DIN 55529-2005  包装.测定软包装材料制密封件的密封接缝强度  
 DIN 55530-1987  包装用薄膜.低密度聚乙烯阴挡层薄膜  (Plastic films for packaging; barrier materials made of low density polyethylene)
 DIN 55531-1988  包装用薄膜.多层铝薄膜  (Foils for packaging; laminated aluminium foils)
 DIN 55533-2005  包装材料试验.用有示踪气体的挠性试验室对薄膜或箔制包装材料的泄漏性进行的完整检验法  
 DIN 55540-1 Bb.1-1979  包装检验.成品包装充满率的测定.粘合剂及类似产品的装料密度和包装变动系数表格  (Testing of packaging; determining the filling ratio of prepacks; form relating to coefficients of variation for the density of the packaged material and for the package for adhesives and allied products)
 DIN 55540-1 Bb.2-1980  包装检验.成品包装充满率的测定.植物处理剂及类似产品的装料密度和包装变动系数表格  (Package testing; stipulation of filling rate of pre-packages, form with coefficient of variation of the density of products and of the package for plants protection products and similar products)
 DIN 55540-1 Bb.3-1988  包装检验.成品包装充满率的测定.洗涤剂及有关制品的装料量和装量变动系数的表格  (Package testing; stipulation of filling rate of pre-packages, form with coefficient of variation of the density of products and of the package for washing and cleaning products and similar products)
 DIN 55540-1 Bb.4-1980  包装试验.成品包装充满率的测定.擦亮和保护剂的填料密度和包装变动系数的表格  (Package testing; stipulation of filling rate of pre-packages, form with coefficient of variation of the density of products and of the package for cleaning products)
 DIN 55540-1-1978  包装检验.成品包装充满率的测定.按重量标注的填料量容积稳固的包装材料  (Testing of packaging; determining the filling ratio of standard capacity prepacks; prepacks whose contents are indicated by weight)
 DIN 55542-2-1985  包装试验.包装容器容积的测定.圆筒形管  (Packaging test; determination of capacity for means of packaging, cylindrical tubes)
 DIN 55542-4-1990  包装试验.包装容器容积的测定.锥形管  (Packaging test; determination of capacity for packages, conical tubes)
 DIN 55543-1-1986  包装试验.塑料袋检验方法.薄膜厚度测定  (Packaging test; test methods for plastic sacks; determination of the film thickness)
 DIN 55543-2-1984  包装试验.塑料袋检验方法.胶接缝剥脱膜阻力的测定  (Packaging test; test methods for plastic sacks; determination of the peel resistance of glued seams)
 DIN 55543-3-1985  包装试验.塑料袋检验方法.纵向接缝的强度的测定  (Testing of packaging; methods of test for plastic sacks; determination of the strenght of longitudinal seams)
 DIN 55543-4-1985  包装试验.塑料袋检验方法.聚乙烯薄膜皱缩的测定  (Testing of packaging; methods of test for plastic sacks; determination of the shrinkage of polyethylene films)
 DIN 55558-1999  包装材料.铝软管.接触危险说明  (Packaging - Flexible aluminium tubes - Tactile warnings of danger)
 DIN 55559-1998  包装.保证儿童安全的包装.要求和试验.药品用不能重新封闭的包装  (Packaging - Child-resistant packages - Requirements, testing procedures; non-reclosable packages for pharmaceutical products)
 DIN 55560-1-1988  可再封闭的防儿童打开的货物包装.带压力旋转装置(轴向压力作用)的塑料制螺旋封闭塞.机械的诀窍系统检验  (Reclosable child resistant packages; plastic screw closures with press/turn system (axial pressure effect); mechanical testing of trick system)
 DIN 5557-1999  有轨车辆的手轮.尺寸,设计  (Handwheel for rail vehicles - Dimensions, design)
 DIN 5560-2002  铁路车辆.轻型铁路车辆车身的纵向强度  (Rail vehicles - Longitudinal strength of bodies of light railway vehicles)
 DIN 55600 Bb.1-1988  颜料的检验.按CIELAB公式测定表面色的色差的显著性.计算实例和检验报告实例  (Testing of pigments; determination of the significance of colour differences of surface colours according to the CIELAB-formula; examples for calculation and test report)
 DIN 55600-1988  颜料检验.按CIELAB式对物体表面颜色差测定  (Testing of pigments; determination of the significance of colour differences of surface colours according to the CIELAB-formula)
 DIN 55601-1990  颜料检验.楔形层面干燥涂料复盖力数值的测定  (Testing of pigments; determination of a hiding power value of dried paints using a wedge-shaped layer)
 DIN 55603 Bb.1-2003  颜料试验.用亮度法测定无机颜料的还原色差和相对着色强度.计算实例和试验报告实例  (Testing of pigments - Determination of relative tinting strength and of colour difference on reduction of inorganic pigments using the lightness method - Calculation example and example of test report)
 DIN 55603-2003  颜料试验.用亮度法测定无机颜料的还原色差和相对着色强度  (Testing of pigments - Determination of relative tinting strength and of colour difference on reduction of inorganic pigments using the lightness method)
 DIN 55608-2000  颜料和填充剂.水吸收值的测定  (Pigments and extenders - Determination of water absorption value)
 DIN 55609-1999  颜料和填料.用色层法测定溶于水的硫酸盐,氯化物和硝酸盐  (Pigments and extenders - Determination of water soluble sulfates, chlorides and nitrates with ion chromatography)
 DIN 55610-1986  颜料和可溶于溶剂的着色剂的检验.未磺化.原芳香族胺的测定  (Testing of pigments and solvent-soluble dyestuffs; determination of unsulfonated primary aromatic amines)
 DIN 55625-23-1999  塑料用填料.第23部分:金云母.规范和试验方法  (Extenders for plastics - Part 23: Phlogopite; specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55625-24-1999  塑料用填料.第23部分:氢氧化镁.规范和试验方法  (Extenders for plastics - Part 24: Magnesium hydroxide; specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55625-4-1999  塑料用填料.第4部分:白垩粉.要求和检验方法  (Extenders for plastics - Part 4: Whiting, specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55625-5-1999  塑料用填料.第4部分:天然结晶的碳化钙.要求和检验方法  (Extenders for plastics - Part 5: Natural crystalline calcium carbonate (NCC), specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55625-6-1999  塑料用填料.第6部分:沉降碳化钙.要求和检验方法  (Extenders for plastics - Part 6: Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55625-7-1999  塑料用填料.第7部分:白云石.要求和检验方法  (Extenders for plastics - Part 7: Dolomite, specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55649-2001  涂料和清漆.水稀释乳胶涂料中挥发性有机化合物含量的测定  (Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound content in waterthinnable emulsion paints (In-can VOC))
 DIN 55651-2000  涂料和清漆用溶剂.符号  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Symbols)
 DIN 55652-2003  涂料和清漆用溶剂.痕迹酸度的测定  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Determination of acidity of traces)
 DIN 55666-1995  甲醛喷射涂层检验.三聚氰胺泡沫材料和纺织物.在小型试验室内测定甲醛的平衡浓度  (Testing of formaldehyde-emitting coating materials, melamin foams and textiles - Determination of the equalization concentration of formaldehyde in a small test chamber)
 DIN 55670-1994  涂漆和类似涂层材料.高应力空隙和裂缝上涂漆涂覆和类似涂层检验  (Paints and varnishes; method for testing paint coatings and similar coatings for pores and cracks, using high-voltage)
 DIN 55671-2002  涂料、清漆和涂料与清漆用的粘合剂.非挥发物质含量快速测定用铝箔法  (Paints, varnishes and binders for paints and varnishes - Foil method for rapid determination of the non-volatile matter content)
 DIN 55672-1-1995  胶粘渗透色谱仪(GPC).第1部分:用四氢呋喃作洗脱溶剂  (Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) - Part 1: Tetrahydrofuran (THF) as elution solvent)
 DIN 55672-2-1999  胶粘渗透色谱仪(GPC).第2部分:用N,N二甲基乙酰胺(DMAC)作洗脱溶剂  (Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) - Part 2: N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) as elution solvent)
 DIN 55673-2000  涂料、清漆及其原材料.近红外光谱分析.一般工作原理  (Paints, varnishes and their raw materials - Analysis by near infrared spectrometry - General working principles)
 DIN 55677-1997  漆和类似涂料.垂度评定  (Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of sagging)
 DIN 55678-1-1988  漆.涂料和类似涂层材料.色素的测定.离心机分离法  (Paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; determination of pigment content; centrifuge method)
 DIN 55678-2-1988  漆.涂料和类似涂层材料.色素的测定.灰化法  (Paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; determination of pigment content; ashing method)
 DIN 55678-3-1988  漆.涂料和类似涂层材料.色素的测定.过滤法  (Paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; determination of pigment content; filtration method)
 DIN 55680-1983  涂料和类似产品.测定安全等级的快速方法  (Paints, varnishes and related products; flash/no flash test; rapid equilibrium method; ISO 3680 modified)
 DIN 55681-1985  溶剂.三氯乙烯稳定性的检验  (Solvents - Stability testing of trichlorethylene)
 DIN 55682-2000  涂料和清漆用溶剂.在水里可以变浓的涂层材料中的溶剂测定.气相色谱法  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Determination of solvents in waterthinnable coating materials - Gas chromatographic method)
 DIN 55683-1994  漆和类似涂层材料用溶剂.含有涂层材料的非有机溶剂中的溶剂测定.气体色谱分析法  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Determination of the solvents in coating materials containing organic solvents only - Gaschromatographic method)
 DIN 55685-1992  漆和类似涂层材料用溶剂.酒精.气体色谱法分析纯度  (Solvents for paints and varnishes; alcohols; gas chromatographic determination of the degree of purity)
 DIN 55686-1992  漆和类似涂层材料用溶剂.醋酸酯.气体色谱法分析纯度  (Solvents for paints and varnishes; acetic esters; gas chromatographic determination of the degree of purity)
 DIN 55687-1992  漆和类似涂层材料用溶剂.酮.气体色谱法分析纯度  (Solvents for paints and varnishes; ketones; gas chromatographic determination of the degree of purity)
 DIN 55688-1995  漆和类似涂料用稀释剂.乙烯乙二醇醚.纯度等级气体色谱分析测定  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Ethylene glycol ethers - Gas chromatographic determination of the degree of purity)
 DIN 55689-1995  漆和类似涂料用稀释剂.丙烯乙二醇醚.纯度等级气体色谱分析测定  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Propylene glycol ethers - Gas chromatographic determination of the degree of purity)
 DIN 5569-1-1997  轨道车辆.用滚柱轴承和迷宫式密封的外装轮对轴承.第1部分:综览和配置  (Rail vehicles - Externally mounted wheelset-bearings with cylindrical roller bearings and labyrinth-gasket - Part 1: Summary and layout)
 DIN 5569-2-1997  轨道车辆.用滚柱轴承和迷宫式密封的外装轮对轴承.第2部分:零件  (Rail vehicles - Externally mounted wheelset-bearings with cylindrical roller bearings and labyrinth-gasket - Part 2: Component parts)
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