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 DIN 13112-1-1980  医疗器械;不镶硬质合金的解剖剪  (Medical instruments; scissors for preparations without carbide inserts)
 DIN 13114-1-1980  医疗器械;不镶硬质合金的梅奥氏剪  (Medical instruments; scissors type Mayo without carbide inserts)
 DIN 13115-1980  医疗器械;弯头指甲剪  (Medical instruments; nail scissors, curved on flat)
 DIN 13116-1980  医疗器械;西姆茨氏直形绷带剪刀  (Medical instruments; bandage scissors, Smith`s, straight)
 DIN 13117-1980  医疗器械;骨剪  (Medical instruments; bone shears)
 DIN 13119-1980  医疗器械;肠剪  (Medical instruments; bowel scissors)
 DIN 1312-1972  几何定向  (Geometrical Orientation)
 DIN 13120-1980  医疗器械;膝弯形绷带和服装剪刀  (Medical instruments; bandage and clothing scissors, angled to side)
 DIN 13122-1971  医疗器械;1-1尖头直式钩钳  (Medical instruments; tenaculum forceps 11 teeth)
 DIN 13122-2005  医疗器械.1 ?1带齿直式钩钳  
 DIN 13123-1979  医疗器械;2×2尖头直式钩钳  (Medical instruments; vulsellum forceps 22 teeth)
 DIN 13123-2005  医疗器械.2 ?2带齿直式双爪钳  
 DIN 13128-1971  医疗器械;阿利斯氏夹肠钳  (Medical instruments; intestinal forceps type Allis)
 DIN 13128-2005  医疗器械.Allis型夹肠钳  
 DIN 13129-1971  医疗器械;迈尔氏直粒状敷料钳  (Medical instruments; dressing forceps type Maier, straight)
 DIN 13129-2005  医疗器械.Maier型直式敷料钳  
 DIN 1313-1998  数量  (Quantities)
 DIN 13130-1971  医疗器械.迈尔氏弯形麦粒钳  (Medical instruments; dressing forceps type Maier, curved)
 DIN 13130-2005  医疗器械.Maier型弯形敷料钳  
 DIN 13133-1-1980  医疗器械;不镶硬质合金的西姆斯氏弯形子宫剪  (Medical instruments; uterine scissors, curved on flat, type Sims, without carbide inserts)
 DIN 13133-1-2005  医疗仪器.Sims型弯形子宫剪.第1部分:不含硬质合金镶片  
 DIN 13134-1-1980  医疗器械;不镶硬质合金的西姆斯氏直形子宫剪  (Medical instruments; uterine scissors, straight, type Sims without carbide inserts)
 DIN 13135-1988  医疗器械.基什氏腹顶部牵开器  (Medical instruments; abdominal retractors type Kirschner)
 DIN 13137-1983  医疗器械;Fritsch式腹壁拉钩  (Medical instruments; abdominal retractor type Fritsch)
 DIN 1314-1977  压力;基本概念.单位  (Pressure; Basic Definitions, Units)
 DIN 13145-1979  医疗器械.塑料锤  (Medical instruments; mallet of plastic material)
 DIN 13146-1979  医疗器械.哈耶克氏锤  (Medical instruments; mallet type Hajek)
 DIN 13147-1979  医疗器械.贝格曼氏锤  (Medical instruments; mallet type Bergmann)
 DIN 13148-1979  医疗器械.有可换塑料盘的医用锤  (Medical instruments; mallet with interchangeable plastic disks)
 DIN 1315-1982  角;概念.单位  (Angle; concepts, units)
 DIN 13151-1991  包扎材料.急救包  (Surgical dressings; dressing packs)
 DIN 13152-1994  包扎材料.急救袋  (Surgical dressings - Surgical sheets)
 DIN 13155 Berichtigung 1-2005  急救物资.急救物资记录.DIN 13155-1999的勘误  
 DIN 13155-1999  急救物资.急救物资用箱  (First aid material - Case for first aid material)
 DIN 13157-1996  急救材料.包扎箱C  (First aid material - First aid box C)
 DIN 13160-1999  急救材料.急救用卫生挂包  (First aid material - Bag with shoulder strap for first aid material)
 DIN 13164-1998  急救材料.急救箱B  (First aid material - First aid box B)
 DIN 13167-1995  装在摩托车上的急救材料  (First aid material to be carried on motorcycles)
 DIN 13168-1989  三角巾.尺寸.交货技术条件  (Surgical dressings; triangular bandage)
 DIN 13169-1996  急救材料.包扎箱E  (First aid material - First aid box E)
 DIN 1317-1-1957  标准调谐.标准音程  (Standard Tuning; Standard Musical Pitch)
 DIN 1317-2-1959  标准调谐.音叉  (Standard Tuning; Tuning-fork)
 DIN 1317-3-1962  标准调谐.风琴调音  (Standard Tuning; Tuning Frequency for Organs)
 DIN 13171-1982  医疗器械.艾德生氏和布朗氏外科镊  (Medical instruments; tissue forceps type Adson-Brown)
 DIN 13172-1988  医疗器械.德巴基氏血管镊子  (Medical instruments; vessel forceps type De Bakey)
 DIN 13173-1988  医疗器械.钳拭子  (Medical instruments; dressing forceps)
 DIN 13173-2005  医疗器械.敷料钳  
 DIN 13174-1971  医疗器械;斯态利兹氏碎片钳  (Medical instruments; splinter forceps type Stieglitz)
 DIN 13174-2005  医疗器械.Stieglitz型碎片钳  
 DIN 13175-1983  医疗器械;扬氏舌钳  (Medical instruments; tongue forceps, type Young)
 DIN 13176-1988  医疗器械.器官持物钳  (Medical instruments; organ grasping forceps)
 DIN 13176-2005  医疗器械.器官夹持钳  
 DIN 13177-1971  医疗器械;兰德尔氏肾结石钳  (Medical instruments; kidney stone forceps type Randall)
 DIN 13177-2005  医疗器械.Randall型肾结石钳  
 DIN 13178-1971  医疗器械;代雅丹氏胆结石钳  (Medical instruments; gall stone forceps type Desjardins)
 DIN 13178-2005  医疗器械.Desjardins型胆结石钳  
 DIN 13179-1983  医疗器械;福格尔氏持套针钳  (Medical instruments; trocar holding forceps type Vogel)
 DIN 13179-2005  医疗器械.Vogel型套针夹持钳  
 DIN 1318-1970  响度级.概念.测量方法  (Loudness level)
 DIN 13180-1971  医疗器械;莱伊氏甲状腺肿紧握钳  (Medical instruments; goitre grasping forceps type Lahey)
 DIN 13180-2005  医疗器械.Lahey型甲状腺肿夹持钳  
 DIN 13181-1-1973  医疗器械;麦肯基氏脑夹器械.夹持钳  (Medical instruments; McKenzie`s instruments for brain clips, clips applying)
 DIN 13181-2-1973  医疗器械;麦肯基氏脑夹器械.轴承轨类板尺寸  (Medical instruments; McKenzie`s instruments for brain clips, clips and fitting dimensions)
 DIN 13182-1988  医疗器械.莱伊氏和雷格氏胆道钳  (Medical instruments; gall duct forceps type Lahey and Gray)
 DIN 13183-1972  医疗器械;沃尔夫氏鸭嘴石膏  (Medical instruments; plaster breaker Wolff`s)
 DIN 13183-2005  医疗器械.Wolff石膏破碎器  
 DIN 13184-1972  医疗器械;法腊布夫氏持骨钳  (Medical instruments; bone holding forceps Farabeuf`s)
 DIN 13184-2005  医疗器械.Farabeuf持骨钳  
 DIN 13185-1983  医疗器械;拔指甲钳  (Medical instruments; onychia forceps)
 DIN 13185-2005  医疗器械.拔指甲钳  
 DIN 13186-1973  医疗器械;密歇尔氏伤口夹钳  (Medical instruments; clip applying and removing forceps Michel`s)
 DIN 13186-2005  医疗器械.Michel夹持钳和拔取钳  
 DIN 13187-1983  医疗器械;塞姆尔氏肋骨钳  (Medical instruments; bone holding forceps type Semb)
 DIN 13187-2005  医疗器械.Semb型持骨钳  
 DIN 13188-1983  医疗器械;亨宁氏石膏绷带  (Medical instruments; plaster cast spreader type Henning)
 DIN 13189-1988  医疗器械.费蓝-史密斯-克里封氏钻骨器  (Medical instruments; laminectomy punches type Ferris-Smith-Kerrison)
 DIN 1319-1-1995  测量技术的基本术语.第1部分:基本术语  (Fundamentals of metrology - Part 1: Basic terminology)
 DIN 1319-2-2005  计量学基础.第2部分:测量设备相关术语  
 DIN 1319-3-1996  测量技术的基本原理.第3部分:单一测量值测量,测量误差的计算  (Fundamentals of metrology - Part 3: Evaluation of measurements of a single measurand, measurement uncertainty)
 DIN 1319-4-1999  测量技术的基本术语.第4部分:测量评估  (Fundamentals of metrology - Part 4: Evaluation of measurements; uncertainty of measurement)
 DIN 13190-1983  医疗器械;利斯顿氏剪骨钳  (Medical instruments; bone cutting forceps type Liston)
 DIN 13190-2005  医疗器械.Liston型截骨钳  
 DIN 13191-1983  医疗器械;施蒂勒氏咬骨钳  (Medical instruments; rongeur type Stille)
 DIN 13191-2005  医疗器械.Stille型咬骨钳  
 DIN 13192-1983  医疗器械;腊斯金氏咬骨钳  (Medical instruments; rongeur type Ruskin)
 DIN 13192-2005  医疗器械.Ruskin型咬骨钳  
 DIN 13193-1983  医疗器械;吕埃尔氏咬骨钳  (Medical instruments; rongeurs type Luer)
 DIN 13193-2005  医疗器械.Luer型咬骨钳  
 DIN 13194-1983  医疗器械;拜耳氏咬骨钳  (Medical instruments; rongeur type Beyer)
 DIN 13194-2005  医疗器械.Beyer型咬骨钳  
 DIN 13195-1983  医疗器械;哈特曼氏切割式鼻和扁桃体钳  (Medical instruments; conchotome and tonsil punch forceps type Hartmann)
 DIN 13195-2005  医疗器械.Hartmann型鼻甲切口钳和扁桃体打孔钳  
 DIN 13197-1983  医疗器械;哈特曼氏鼻耳息肉钳  (Medical instruments; nasal and ear polypi forceps type Hartmann)
 DIN 13197-2005  医疗器械.Hartmann型鼻和耳息肉钳  
 DIN 13198-1973  医疗器械;Takahashi式切割鼻息  (Medical instruments; ethmoid rongeur forceps Takahashi`s)
 DIN 13199-1982  医疗器械;切割尖鼻钳  (Medical instruments; ethmoid rongeur forceps type Weil-Blakesley and Watson-Williams)
 DIN 1320-1997  声学.概念  (Acoustics - Terminology)
 DIN 13201-1-2005  道路照明.第1部分:照明分类的选择  
 DIN 13230-10-2003  运送病人的飞行器.第10部分:主要任务和辅助任务用救护直升机和定翼救护机  (Aircraft for patient transport - Part 10: Additional requirements for emergency helicopter; Ambulance and fixed wring aircraft ambulance for primary and secondary mission)
 DIN 13230-6-1998  病人运送用飞机.第6部分:班机的要求  (Aircrafts for the patient transport - Part 6: Requirements on passenger aircrafts)
 DIN 13230-6-2005  运送病人用飞行器.第6部分:用航线客机运送病人  
 DIN 13230-6-2005  运送病人用飞行器.第6部分:用航线客机运送病人  
 DIN 13231-1-1992  飞机上用带固定横杆可折叠的担架.尺寸.要求.检验  (Stretchers for use in aircrafts with fixed poles; foldable; dimensions, requirements, test)
 DIN 13231-2-1992  飞机上用带固定横杆不可折叠的担架.要求.检验  (Stretchers for use in aircrafts with fixed poles, non-folded; requirements, test)
 DIN 13232-1997  急救箱  (Emergency doctor kit)
 DIN 13233-1997  婴幼儿急救箱  (Emergency doctor kit for babies and children)
 DIN 13235-1992  快速锁  (Snap buckle)
 DIN 1324-1-1988  电磁埸.状态量值  (Electromagnetic field; state quantities)
 DIN 1324-2-1988  电磁埸.材料量值  (Electromagnetic field; material quantities)
 DIN 1324-3-1988  电磁埸.电磁波  (Electromagnetic field; electromagnetic waves)
 DIN 13240-1-1983  轮椅;分类  (Whellchairs; classification)
 DIN 13240-2-1983  轮椅;概念  (Wheelchairs; concepts)
 DIN 13240-3-1994  轮椅.尺寸  (Wheelchairs - Dimensions)
 DIN 13249-1993  残疾人用轿车.要求  (Passenger cars suitable for the use of handicapped persons; requirements)
 DIN 13256-1-2001  病员用压力容器.第1部分:分类  (Pressure vessels for human occupancy - Part 1: Classification)
 DIN 13256-2-2000  人占用的压力容器.第2部分:高压治疗用多人压力容器.安全要求和检验  (Pressure vessels for human occupancy - Part 2: Multiple human pressure vessels for hyperbaric therapy; safety requirements and testing)
 DIN 13256-3-2001  病员用高压容器.第3部分:高压容器中的灭火系统.安全要求和试验  (Pressure vessels for human occupancy - Part 3: Fire extinguishing systems in pressure vessels; Safety requirements and testing)
 DIN 13256-4-2002  病员用高压室.第4部分:高压治疗用单人高压室.安全要求和试验  (Pressure vessels for human occupancy - Part 4: One human pressure vessels for hyperbaric therapy; Safety requirements and testing)
 DIN 13256-6-2002  病员用高压室.第6部分:急救输液室用连接法兰  (Pressure vessels for human occupancy - Part 6: Connecting flange for rescue chambers)
 DIN 1326-1-1991  等离子区.物理原理  (Plasmas; physical principles)
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