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 DIN ISO 4565-1990  小型船舶.锚链  Small craft - Anchor chains ISO 4565:1986; German version EN 24565:1989
 DIN ISO 4568-1995  造船.海船.起锚机和起锚绞盘  Shipbuilding - Sea-going vessels - Windlasses and anchor capstans (ISO 4568:1986)
 DIN ISO 4576-2001  塑料.聚合物水分散体.筛余物测定(粒子总含量和凝固物含量)  Plastics - Polymer dispersions - Determination of sieve residue (gross particle and coagulum content) (ISO 4576:1996)
 DIN ISO 458-2-1995  塑料.可弯曲材料的扭曲刚度的测定.第2部分:氯乙烯的均聚物和共聚物的增塑化合物应用  Plastics - Determination of stiffness in torsion of flexible materials - Part 2: Application to plasticized compounds of homopolymers and copolymers of vinyl chloride (ISO 458-2:1985)
 DIN ISO 4590-1986  泡沫塑料.硬质材料开口的和封闭的气室容积百分数的测定  Cellular plastics; determination of volume percentage of open and closed cells of rigid materials; identical with ISO 4590, edition 1981
 DIN ISO 4619-2002  涂料和清漆用干燥剂  Driers for paints and varnishes (ISO 4619:1998)
 DIN ISO 4621-1988  氧化铬绿颜料.要求.检验  Pigments; chrome oxide pigments; specifications, methods of test; identical with ISO 4621:1986
 DIN ISO 4625-1981  色漆和清漆用粘合剂.软化点的测定.环和球法  Binders for paints and varnishes; determination of softening point; ring and ball method
 DIN ISO 4628-4-1986  色漆和清漆.色漆涂层剥蚀的评定.一般性缺陷程度.数量大小的规定.第4部分:裂纹程度的规定  Paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; designation of degree of cracking of coatings; identical with ISO 4628/4, edition 1982
 DIN ISO 4628-5-1986  色漆和清漆.色漆涂层剥蚀的评定一般性缺陷的程度.数量大小的规定.第5部分:剥落程度的规定  Paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; designation of degree of flaking of coatings; identical with ISO 4628/5, edition 1982
 DIN ISO 4630-1999  色漆和清漆用粘合剂.用加纳尔Gardner颜色标度评定透明液体的颜色  Binders for paints and varnishes - Estimation of colour of clear liquids by the Gardner colour scale (ISO 4630:1997)
 DIN ISO 4638-1993  柔性泡沫聚合材料.透气率的测定  Polymeric materials, cellular flexible; determination of air flow permeability; identical with ISO 4638:1984
 DIN ISO 4655-2004  橡胶.增强丁胶乳.结合的苯乙烯总含量的测定  
 DIN ISO 4661-1-1995  硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶.试样和试片的制备.第1部分:物理试验  (Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Preparation of samples and test pieces - Part 1: Physical tests (ISO 4661-1:1993))
 DIN ISO 471-1998  橡胶.试样的预处理和试验用温度,湿度和时间  (Rubber - Temperatures, humidities and times for conditioning and testing (ISO 471:1995))
 DIN ISO 4748-1986  铜合金.铁含量的测定.二乙二胺四乙酸钠滴定法  (Copper alloys; Determination of iron content; NaEDTA titrimetric method; identical with ISO 4748, edition 1984)
 DIN ISO 4751-1987  铜和铜合金.锡含量的测定.光谱测定法  (Copper and copper alloys; determination of tin content; spectrometric method; identical with ISO 4751, edition 1984)
 DIN ISO 476-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.卷纬机.词汇.三种语言版本  (Textile machinery and accessories; pirn winding machines; vocabulary)
 DIN ISO 477-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.交叉卷绕络筒机.词汇.三种语言版本  (Textile machinery and accessories; cone and cheese winding machines; vocabulary)
 DIN ISO 4782-1993  工业筛网用金属丝  (Metal wire for industrial wire screens and woven wire cloth; identical with ISO 4782:1987)
 DIN ISO 4783-1-1996  金属丝筛网和织丝布.孔径大小和金属丝直径选择指南.第1部分:概述  (Industrial wire screens and woven wire cloth - Guide to the choice of aperture size and wire diameter combinations - Part 1: Generalities; identical with ISO 4783-1:1989)
 DIN ISO 4783-2-1996  金属丝筛网和织丝布.孔径大小和金属丝直径选择指南.第2部分:推荐的网目与丝直径配合  (Industrial wire screens and woven wire cloth - Guide to the choice of aperture size and wire diameter combinations - Part 2: Preferred combinations for woven wire cloth; identical with ISO 4783-2:1989)
 DIN ISO 4783-3-1996  金属丝筛和编织的金属丝网.孔目尺寸和金属丝直径的配合选择指南.第3部分:预弯成形或压焊的金属丝筛的最优配  (Industrial wire screens and woven wire cloth - Guide to the choice of aperture size and wire diameter combinations - Part 3: Preferred combinations for pre-crimped or pressure-welded wire screens; identical with ISO 4783-3:1981)
 DIN ISO 4794-1983  实验室玻璃器皿.用于彩色编码和彩色标志的搪瓷的耐化学性评定方法  (Laboratory glassware; methods for assessing the chemical resistance of enamels, used for colour and colour marking)
 DIN ISO 4798-1999  实验室玻璃器皿.过滤漏斗  (Laboratory glassware - Filter funnels (ISO 4798:1997))
 DIN ISO 48-2003  硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶.硬度的测定(硬度在10-100国际橡胶硬度标度(IRHD)之间)  (Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD) (ISO 48:1994 + Amd. 1:1999))
 DIN ISO 482-1983  航空和航天.推进装置和件.标准号和描述旋转方向的方法  (Aircraft; propulsion units and components; methods of numbering and describing directions of rotation)
 DIN ISO 4869-1-1991  声学.听力保护器.第1部分:声衰减的主观测量法  (Acoustics; hearing protectors; subjective method for the measurement of sound attenuation; identical with ISO 4869-1:1990)
 DIN ISO 4876-1998  烟草和烟草制品.马来酰肼残留量的测定  (Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of maleic hydrazide residues (ISO 4876:1980))
 DIN ISO 4883-1991  硬质合金.用X射线荧光测定金属素的含量.溶解法  (Hardmetals; determination of contents of metallic elements by X-ray fluorescence; solution method; identical with ISO 4883:1978)
 DIN ISO 4884-1991  硬质合金.烧结试件用粉末的取样和试验  (Hardmetals; sampling and testing of powders using sintered test pieces; identical with ISO 4884:1978)
 DIN ISO 4909-1989  银行卡.3列磁道的磁带数据量  (Bank cards; magnetic stripe; data content for track 3; identical with ISO 4909:1987)
 DIN ISO 4916-2002  缝纫机.缝合类型.分类和术语  (Sewing machines - Seam types - Classification and terminology (ISO 4916:1991))
 DIN ISO 4925-1980  道路车辆.非石油基制动液  (Road vehicles; non-petroleum base brake fluid)
 DIN ISO 4926-1979  道路车辆.液压制动系统.非石油基标准液  (Road Vehicles; Hydraulic Brake Systems, Non-petroleum Base Reference Fluids)
 DIN ISO 4927-1982  道路车辆.使用非石油基液压制动液的鼓式液压缸的弹性保护罩(最大工作温度120℃)  Road vehicles; elastomeric boots for drum type hxdraulic brake wheel cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 120 C maximum)
 DIN ISO 4928-1982  道路车辆.使用非石油基液压制动液的液压制动系统液压缸的弹性罩皮碗和密封圈(最大工作温度120℃)  Road vehicles; elastomeric cups and seals for cylinders for hydraulic braking systems using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 120 C max.)
 DIN ISO 498-1999  天然橡胶胶乳浓缩物.干膜制造  Natural rubber latex concentrate - Preparation of dry films (ISO 498:1992)
 DIN ISO 5023-1997  金云母的云母劈裂叠层.按热度分类  Phlogopite mica splittings - Thermal classification (ISO 5023:1977)
 DIN ISO 5053-1994  机动工业货车.术语  Powered industrial trucks - Terminology; identical with ISO 5053:1987
 DIN ISO 506-1995  天然橡胶胶乳浓缩物.挥发脂肪酸值的测定  Rubber latex, natural, concentrate - Determination of volatile fatty acid number (ISO 506:1992)
 DIN ISO 5128-1984  声学.汽车内的噪音测量  Acoustics; measurement of noise inside motor vehicles
 DIN ISO 5129-1984  声学.飞机内的噪音测量  (Acoustik; measurement of noise inside aircraft)
 DIN ISO 513-1992  机加工中硬质合金的应用.主要排屑分类和应用分类的标记  (Application of hard cutting materials for machining by chip removal; designation of the main groups of chip removal and groups of application; identical with ISO 513:1991)
 DIN ISO 513-2005  有规定切割边的金属切削加工用硬质切削材料的分类和应用.切削形式大组和用途小组的名称  
 DIN ISO 5130-1982  声学.稳态道路车辆发出的噪音测量.检测方法  (Acoustics; measurement of noise emitted by stationary road vehicles; survey method)
 DIN ISO 517-2002  摄影.孔径和摄影镜头的相关特性.名称和符号及测量  (Photography - Apertures and related properties pertaining to photographic lenses - Designations and measurements (ISO 517:1996))
 DIN ISO 5170-1980  机床.润滑系统  (Machine tools; lubrication systems)
 DIN ISO 5182-1995  焊接.电阻焊条和辅助设备材料  (Welding - Materials for resistance welding electrodes and ancillary equipment; identical with ISO 5182:1991)
 DIN ISO 5184-1984  直的电阻点焊电极  (Straight resistance spot welding electrodes)
 DIN ISO 5199-1987  Ⅱ级离心式泵的技术规范  (Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps, class II; identical with ISO 5199, edition 1986)
 DIN ISO 5218-1980  信息处理.数据交换.人类性别的表示法  (Information processing; information interchange, representation of human sexes)
 DIN ISO 5233-1979  纺织机械和辅助装置.牵伸机构的底沟槽罗拉  (Textile Machinery and Accessories; Bottom Fluted Rollers for Drafting Systems)
 DIN ISO 5234-1984  纺织机械和辅助装置.梳棉机金属针布.术语和定义  (Textile machinery and acessories; metallic card clothing; terms and definitions)
 DIN ISO 5238-1-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.纱线和中间产品用筒子.第1部分:名词术语  (Textile machinery and accessories; packages of yarns and intermediate products; terminology)
 DIN ISO 5238-2-1984  纺织机械和辅助装置.纺线和中间产品用筒子.第2部分:络筒的形状  (Textile machinery and accessories; packed of yarns and intermediate products; part 2: forms of winding)
 DIN ISO 5239-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.卷筒.基本术语  (Textile machinery and accessories; winding; basic terms)
 DIN ISO 5240-1995  纺织机械和辅助装置.经纱筒子架.主要尺寸  (Textile machinery and accessories - Warp creels - Main dimensions (ISO 5240:1994))
 DIN ISO 5243-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.织机综框的标准号  (Textile machinery and accessories; numbering of heald frames in a loom)
 DIN ISO 5243-2005  纺织机械与附件.织机综框的标准号  
 DIN ISO 5247-1-2005  纺织机械和附件.织机.第1部分:分类和词汇  
 DIN ISO 5247-1984  纺织机械和配件.织机.第2部分:分类和术语  (Textile machinery and accessories; weaving machines; classification and vocabulary)
 DIN ISO 5247-2-1991  纺织机械和配件.织机.第2部分:附件.术语  (Textile machinery and accessories; weaving machines; accessories, vocabulary; identical with ISO 5247-2:1989)
 DIN ISO 5247-3-1997  纺织机械和配件.织机.第3部分:部件.术语  (Textile machinery and accessories - Weaving machines - Part 3: Parts of the machine, vocabulary (ISO 5247-3:1993))
 DIN ISO 5248-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.染整机械.辅助装置术语  (Textile machinery and accessories; dyeing and finishing machinery; vocabulary for ancillary devices)
 DIN ISO 5248-2004  纺织机械和附件.染整机械.辅助装置词汇  
 DIN ISO 5249-1991  纺织机械和附属设备.染色和精整机械的导辊.主要尺寸  (Textile machinery and accessories; guide rollers for dyeing and finishing machines; main dimensions; identical with ISO 5249:1988)
 DIN ISO 525-2000  粘合磨料制品.一般要求  (Bonded abrasive products - General requirements (ISO 525:1999))
 DIN ISO 5250-1983  纺织机械和辅助装置.染整机械.拉幅机术语  (Textile machinery and accessories; dyeing and finishing machinery; vocabulary for stenters)
 DIN ISO 5250-2004  纺织机械与附件.染整机械.拉幅机和热处理机械术语  
 DIN ISO 5261-1997  技术制图.金属棒及剖面的简单表示  (Technical drawings - Simplified representation of bars and profile sections (ISO 5261:1995))
 DIN ISO 5275-1987  芳香烃类.含硫醇(硫羟)试验.博士法试验(定硫醇)  (Aromatic hydrocarbons; test for presence of mercaptans (thiols); doctor test; identical with ISO 5275, edition 1979)
 DIN ISO 5275-2005  石油产品和烃类溶剂.硫醇类和其他硫类的测定.检硫液法  
 DIN ISO 5290-1988  窄型三角皮带的槽形皮带轮.槽形断面9J.15J.20J和25J  (Grooved pulleys for joined narrow V-belts; groove sections 9J, 15J, 20J and 25J; identical with ISO 5290, edition 1985)
 DIN ISO 5294-1996  同步皮带驱动.皮带轮  (Synchronous belt drives - Pulleys; Identical with ISO 5294:1989)
 DIN ISO 5296-1-1991  同步皮带驱动.皮带.第1部分:节距号MXL.XL.L.H.XH和XXH.米制和英制尺寸  (Synchronous belt drives; belts; pitch codes MXL, XL, L, H, XH and XXH; metric and inch dimensions; identical with ISO 5296-1:1989)
 DIN ISO 5296-2-1991  同步皮带驱动.皮带.第2部分:节距号MXL和XXL.米制尺寸  (Synchronous belt drives; belts; pitch codes MXL and XXL; metric dimensions; identical with ISO 5296-2:1989)
 DIN ISO 5348-1999  机械振动和冲击.加速计的机械安装  (Mechanical vibration and shock - Mechanical mounting of accelerometers (ISO 5348:1998))
 DIN ISO 5355-1998  高山滑雪靴.安全要求和试验方法  (Alpine ski-boots - Safety requirements and test methods (ISO 5355:1997))
 DIN ISO 5361-4-1988  导气管.第4部分:柯尔(Cole)型  (Tracheal tubes; Cole type; identical with ISO 5361/4, edition 1987)
 DIN ISO 5419-1998  麻花钻.术语,定义和类型  (Twist drills - Terms, definitions and types (ISO 5419:1982))
 DIN ISO 5422-1985  道路车辆.拖缆.缆绳或棒的固定  (Road vehicles; anchorages for towing ropes, cables or bars)
 DIN ISO 5426-1998  信息和文献.书目情报交换用的拉丁字母编码字符组的扩展  (Information and documentation - Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange (ISO 5426:1983))
 DIN ISO 5429-2005  砂布.装有法兰或未装法兰的页轮  
 DIN ISO 5455-1979  技术制图.比例尺  (Technical drawings; scales)
 DIN ISO 5456-1-1998  技术制图.投影法.第1部分:概要  (Technical drawings - Projection methods - Part 1: Synopsis (ISO 5456-1:1996))
 DIN ISO 5456-2-1998  技术制图.投影法.第2部分:正交表示法  (Technical drawings - Projection methods - Part 2: Orthographic representations (ISO 5456-2:1996))
 DIN ISO 5456-3-1998  技术制图.投影法.第3部分:三向投影表示法  (Technical drawings - Projection methods - Part 3: Axonometric representations (ISO 5456-3:1996))
 DIN ISO 5459-1982  技术制图.几何公差.几何图形公差的基准和基准系统  (Technical drawings; geometrical tolerancing; datums and datum-systems for geometrical tolerances)
 DIN ISO 5479-2004  数据的统计解释.偏离正态分布的检验  (Statistical interpretation of data - Tests for departure from the normal distribution (ISO 5479:1997))
 DIN ISO 5479-2004  数据的统计解释.偏离正态分布的检验  
 DIN ISO 5489-1988  造船.登船梯  (Shipbuilding; embarkation ladders; identical with ISO 5489, edition 1986)
 DIN ISO 5593-1999  滚动轴承词汇  (Rolling bearings - Vocabulary (ISO 5593:1997))
 DIN ISO 5597-1988  液压传动.液压缸.往复作用的活塞和活塞杆的密封腔.尺寸和公差  (Hydraulic fluid power; cylinders; housings for piston and rod seals in reciprocating applications; dimensions and tolerances; identical with ISO 5597:1987)
 DIN ISO 5599-1-1998  气压液动.五通方向控制阀.第1部分:不带电连接件的安装接口表面  (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connectors (ISO 5599-1:1989))
 DIN ISO 5599-1-2005  气压传动.五气口方向控制阀.第1部分:不带电接头的安装面  
 DIN ISO 5620-1-1994  造船和船舶结构.饮用水箱注水接头.第1部分:总要求  (Shipbuilding and marine structures; filling connection for drinking water tanks; general requirements; identical with ISO 5620-1:1992)
 DIN ISO 5620-2-1994  造船和船舶结构.饮用水箱注水接头.第2部分:部件  (Shipbuilding and marine structures; filling connection for drinking water tanks; components; identical with ISO 5620-2:1992)
 DIN ISO 5630-1-1993  纸和纸板.加速老化.第1部分:105℃时的干热处理  (Paper and board; accelerated ageing; part 1: dry heat treatment at 105 C; identical with ISO 5630-1:1991)
 DIN ISO 5630-3-1997  纸和纸板.加速老化.第3部分:80℃和65%相对空气湿度情况下的湿热处理  (Paper and board - Accelerated ageing - Part 3: Moist heat treatment at 80 C and 65 % relative humidity (ISO 5630-3:1996))
 DIN ISO 565-1998  试验用筛.金属丝编织网布,孔板和电加工成形的筛膜.额定孔尺寸  (Test sieves - Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet - Nominal sizes of openings (ISO 565:1990))
 DIN ISO 5679-1982  耕作土壤的设备.圆盘耙.分类.主要固定尺寸和要求  (Equipment for working the soil; disks; classification, main fixing dimensions and specifications)
 DIN ISO 5680-1982  耕作土壤的设备.中耕机的齿和铲.连接尺寸  (Equipment for working the soil; tines and shovels for cultivators; main fixing dimensions)
 DIN ISO 5682-1-1999  农业机械和拖拉机.农作物防护设备.第1部分:喷嘴的试验方法  (Agricultural machinery and tractors - Equipment for crop protection - Part 1: Test methods for sprayer nozzles (ISO 5682-1:1996))
 DIN ISO 5682-2-1999  农业机械和拖拉机.农作物保护设备.第2部分:田间喷雾机的试验方法  (Agricultural machinery and tractors - Equipment for crop protection - Part 2: Test methods for hydraulic sprayers (ISO 5682-2:1997))
 DIN ISO 5682-3-1999  农业机械和拖拉机.农作物保护设备.第3部分:压力调节系统的测试方法  (Agricultural machinery and tractors - Equipment for crop protection - Part 3: Test methods for pressure-adjustment systems (ISO 5682-3:1997))
 DIN ISO 570-1985  纺织机械和辅助装置.闭合式的“O”形综耳用的综导杆  (Textile machinery and accessories; heald carrying rods for healds with closed “O“-shaped end loops; identical with ISO 570, edition 1982)
 DIN ISO 5707-1998  挤奶机设备.结构和功能  (Milking machine installations - Construction and performance (ISO 5707:1996))
 DIN ISO 5725-1 Berichtigung 1-1998  对DINISO5725-1:1997-11的校正  (Corrigenda to DIN ISO 5725-1:1997-11 (ISO 5725-1:1994/Cor. 1:1998))
 DIN ISO 5725-1-1997  测量方法和测量结果的精确性(准确度和精度).第1部分:一般原理和定义  (Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions (ISO 5725-1:1994))
 DIN ISO 5725-2-2002  测试方法和结果的准确度(正确度与精密度).第2部分:确定标准测试方法重复性和可再现性的基本方法  (Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-2:1994 including Technical Corrigendum 1:2002))
 DIN ISO 5725-3-2003  测量方法和测量结果的准确度(正确度与精密度).第3部分:测试方法精密度的中间性度量  (Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 3: Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-3:1994 including Technical Corrigendum 1:2001))
 DIN ISO 5725-4-2003  测试方法与结果的准确度(正确度与精确度).第4部分:确定标准测试方法正确度的基本方法  (Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 4: Basic methods for the determination of the trueness of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-4:1994))
 DIN ISO 5725-5-2002  测试方法与结果的准确度(正确度与精确度).测定标准精确度的可代替方法  (Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 5: Alternative methods for the determination of the precision of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-5:1998))
 DIN ISO 5742-1995  夹扭钳和剪切钳.名称  (Pliers and nippers - Nomenclature; identical with ISO 5742:1982 and with ISO 5742:1982/Add.1:1985)
 DIN ISO 5743-1994  夹扭钳和剪扭钳.一般技术要求  (Pliers and nippers - General technical requirements; identical with ISO 5743:1988)
 DIN ISO 5744-1994  夹扭钳和剪扭钳.试验方法  (Pliers and nippers - Methods of test; identical with ISO 5744:1988)
 DIN ISO 5745-1994  夹扭钳和剪扭钳.夹紧和操作用夹扭钳.尺寸和检验值  (Pliers and nippers - Pliers for gripping and manipulating - Dimensions and test values; identical with ISO 5745:1988)
 DIN ISO 5746-1994  夹扭钳和剪扭钳.工程技术人员和线路工人用夹扭钳.尺寸和试验值  (Pliers and nippers - Engineer`s and lineman`s pliers - Dimensions and test values; identical with ISO 5746:1988)
 DIN ISO 5747-1994  夹扭钳和剪切钳.杠杆辅助的侧剪切钳,端剪切钳和斜口钳.尺寸  (Pliers and nippers - Lever assisted side cutting pliers, end and diagonal cutting nippers - Dimensions; identical with ISO 5747:1984)
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