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 DIN 18065-2000  楼房的楼梯.术语、测量规则和主要尺寸  (Stairs in buildings - Terminology, measuring rules, main dimensions)
 DIN 18069-1985  住宅中支架阶梯.测量与设计  Stairs with load-bearing bolts for residential buildings; design and execution
 DIN 18073-1990  建筑结构中的可卷百叶窗和遮光窗.术语.要求  (Roller shutters, solar shading and black-out equipment in building construction; concepts and requirements)
 DIN 1808-1964  横楔拉紧用变径套筒  (Adaptor Sockets for Cotter Retention)
 DIN 18089-1-1984  防火闸门.防火门填料.矿物纤维板.概念、标志、要求、检验  (Fire barriers; fillers for fire-doors; mineral fibre boards (felts); definition, designation, requirements, tests)
 DIN 1809-1961  直柄工具用传动舌  Driving Tenons for Tools with Parallel Shank
 DIN 18090-1997  电梯.电梯井筒.带防火等级F90的防火墙的电梯井筒用旋转门和折叠门  Lifts - Lift landing doors (hinged, pivoted and folding) for lift walls with walls of the fire resistance class F 90
 DIN 18091-1993  电梯.带防火等级F90防火墙的井筒用横移门  Lifts; lift landing sliding doors for lift wells with walls of the fire resistant class F 90
 DIN 18092-1992  电梯.有F90级防火墙的升降机井中小型载货电梯用竖拉门  Lifts; vertical sliding doors for small freight carrying lifts for lift shafts with walls of the fire-resistant class F 90
 DIN 18093-1987  防火闸门.在砌墙或混凝土制实心墙中安装防火门.闩位置和形状.安装  Fire barriers; installation of fire doors in fireproof masonry or concrete walls; position and shapes of anchorages, installation
 DIN 18095-1-1988  门.防烟门.概念和要求  (Smoke control doors; concepts and requirements)
 DIN 18095-3-1999  烟控闸门.第3部分:试验结果的使用  (Smoke control shutters - Part 3: Application of test results)
 DIN 1810-1979  钩形扳手  (Hook wrenches)
 DIN 18100-1983  门.给门开的墙洞.按DIN4172的尺寸决定门洞尺寸  (Doors; wall openings for doors with dimensions in accordance with DIN 4172)
 DIN 18101-1985  门.住宅建筑的门.门板尺寸.搭扣座位和锁的安装位置.尺寸的相关性  (Doors; doors for residential buildings; sizes of door leaves, position of hinges and lock, interdependence of dimensions)
 DIN 18104-1-2000  机械安全设备.第1部分:门窗用辅助防盗产品.要求和试验方法  (Mechanical security devices - Part 1: Additional burglar resistant products for windows and doors; requirements and test methods)
 DIN 18104-2-2002  机械安全设备.第2部分:门窗用辅助防盗产品的要求和试验方法  (Mechanical security devices - Part 2: Additional burglar resistant products for windows and doors, requirements and test methods)
 DIN 18106-2003  防盗栅栏.要求和试验方法  (Burglar resistant gratings - Requirements and test methods)
 DIN 18111-1-1985  门框.钢门框.折式门的标准门框  (Door frames; steel door frames; standard door frames for rebated doors)
 DIN 18111-1-2004  门框.钢门框.第1部分:砖石建筑中折式门的标准门框  
 DIN 18111-2-2004  门框.钢门框.第2部分:金属门窗梃石膏墙的标准门框  
 DIN 18111-3-2005  门框.钢门框.第3部分:凹凸榫接和非凹凸榫接门扉用特殊门框  
 DIN 18111-4-2004  门框.钢门框.第4部分:钢门框的安装  
 DIN 18121-1-1998  土壤试样的研究和测试.水含量.第1部分:用炉烘干法测定  (Soil, investigation and testing - Water content - Part 1: Determination by drying in oven)
 DIN 18121-2-2001  土壤.勘探及试验.含水量.第2部分:快速测定法  (Soil - Investigation and testing; Watercontent - Part 2: Determination by rapid methods)
 DIN 18122-1-1997  建筑地基.土壤试样的分析.状态极限(浓度极限).第1部分:液流极限和塑性极限的测定  (Soil, investigation and testing - Consistency limits - Part 1: Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit)
 DIN 18122-2-2000  土壤.调查和试验.第2部分:收缩限度的测定  (Soil - investigation and testing - Part 2: Determination of the shrinkage limit)
 DIN 18123-1996  建筑地基.土壤试样的分析.颗粒分布的测定  (Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of grain-size distribution)
 DIN 18124-1997  建筑地基.试验和试验仪器.颗粒密度的测定.毛细管比重计.宽口比重计  (Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of solid particles - Capillary pyknometer, wide mouth pycnometer)
 DIN 18125-1-1997  建筑地基.土壤试样检验.土壤密度测定.第1部分:实验室试验  (Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of soil - Part 1: Laboratory tests)
 DIN 18125-2-1999  土样的勘测和试验.土壤密度测定.第2部分:野外试验  (Soil investigation and testing - Determination of density of soil - Part 2: Field tests)
 DIN 18126-1996  建筑地基.试验及试验仪器.最疏松及最质密岩层非粘结性土壤密度的测定  (Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of non-cohesive soils for maximum and minimum compactness)
 DIN 18127-1997  土壤.勘察和试验.普氏贯入试验  (Soil; Investigation and testing - Proctor-test)
 DIN 18128-2002  土壤.调查和检验.灼烧损失的测定  (Soil - Investigation and testing - Determination of ignition loss)
 DIN 18129-1996  建筑地基.试验和试验仪器.石灰含量的测定  (Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of lime content)
 DIN 18130-1-1998  建筑地基.土壤试样的研究.透水系数测定.第1部分:试验室试验  (Soil - investigation and testing; Determination of the coefficient of water permeability - Part 1: Laboratory tests)
 DIN 18132-1995  地基,试验和试验仪器.吸水能力测定  (Soil, testing procedures and testing equipment - Determination of water absorption)
 DIN 18134-2001  建筑地基.试验程序和试验设备.板压试验  (Soil; Testing procedures and testing equipment - Plate load test)
 DIN 18136-1996  建筑地基.土质试样检验.单轴向压力试验.  (Soil - Investigation and testing - Unconfined compression test)
 DIN 18137-1-1990  建筑地基.试验和试验仪器.抗切强度的测定.概念和基本试验条件  (Soil, testing procedures and testing equipment; determination of shear strenght; concepts and general testing conditions)
 DIN 18137-2-1990  建筑基地.试验程序和试验设备.剪切强度的测定.三轴向试验  (Soil, testing procedures and testing equipment; determination of shear strength; triaxial test)
 DIN 18137-3-2002  基地,勘测和试验.剪切强度的测定.第3部分:直接剪切试验  (Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of shear strength - Part 3: Direct shear test)
 DIN 1814-1979  可调丝锥扳手  (Tap Wrenches; Adjustable)
 DIN 18147-1-1987  三外层家用烟囱的建筑材料及结构件.烟囱系统的绘制.检验并记录  (Building material and building elements for three-layered chimneys; discription, test and registration of chimney systems)
 DIN 18147-2-1982  三外层家用烟囱的建筑材料及结构件.建筑外层用的轻质混凝土成型件.要求及检验  (Building material and building elements for three-layered chimneys; elements of light-weight concrete for the outer layer; requirements and tests)
 DIN 18147-3-1982  三外层家用烟囱的建筑材料及结构件.内层用轻质混凝土成型件.要求及检验  (Building material and building elements for three-layered chimneys; elements of light-weight concrete for the inner layer; requirements and tests)
 DIN 18147-5-1987  三外层家用烟囱的建筑材料及结构件.绝热材料.要求及检验  (Building material and building elements for three-layered chimneys; insulating materials; requirements and tests)
 DIN 18148-2000  轻质混凝土空心壁板  (Light weight concrete hollow-boards)
 DIN 1815-2004  食品运输用有隔热储货空间的载重有篷运货汽车.要求和试验  
 DIN 18150-1-1979  家用烟囱的建筑材料和构件.轻质混凝土制的异形件.用模板浇制的烟囱.要求  (Building materials and components for building chimneys; lightweight concrete flues, homogenous chimneys, requirements)
 DIN 18150-2-1987  家用烟囱的建筑材料和部件.轻质混凝土制的异型件.用模板浇制的烟囱.检验和监督  (Building material and elements for one-layered chimneys; lightweight concrete flues; examination and supervision)
 DIN 18151-1987  轻质混凝土制的空心砌块  (Lightweight concrete hollow blocks)
 DIN 18152-1987  轻质混凝土制的空心砖和空心块  (Lightweight concrete solid bricks and blocks)
 DIN 18153-1989  混凝土砌块  (Normal-weight concrete masonry units)
 DIN 18157-1-1979  稀灰浆工艺中陶瓷衬砌用材料.液体的凝固薄底板灰浆  (Execution of ceramic linings by thin mortar bed technique; hydraulic mortar)
 DIN 18157-2-1982  稀灰浆工艺中陶瓷衬砌用材料.分散粘合剂  (Application of ceramic tiling using the thin-bed method; dispersion adhesives)
 DIN 18157-3-1986  稀灰浆工艺中陶瓷衬砌用材料.环氧树脂粘合剂  (Application of ceramic tiling by the thin bed method using epoxy resin adhesives)
 DIN 18158-1986  熔渣地面板砖  (Clinker floor tiles)
 DIN 18159-1-1991  建筑工业作现场浇泡沫用泡沫塑料.绝热和防寒用现浇聚氨酯泡沫塑料.应用、性能、结构、检验  (Cellular plastics as in-situ cellular plastics in building; in-situ polyurethane (PUR) foam for thermal insulation; application, properties, execution, testing)
 DIN 18159-2-1978  建筑工业及现场浇泡沫用泡沫塑料.绝热用尿素甲醛树脂现浇泡沫塑料.应用、性能、结构、检验  (Cellular Plastics as in-situ Foam in Building; In-situ Foam Produced from Urea-formaldehyde (UF) Resin for Thermal Insulation; Application, Properties, Execution, Testing)
 DIN 1816-1971  头部带十字槽的圆螺母.米制ISO细螺纹  (Round Nut with Set Pin Holes Inside; ISO Metric Fine Thread)
 DIN 18160-1-2001  烟囱.第1部分:设计和性能  (Chimneys - Part 1: Design and performance)
 DIN 18160-5-1998  排放废气设备.第5部分:烟囱清理工作用装置.要求,计划与设计  (Chimneys - Part 5: Appliances for chimney-sweep work; requirements, planning and constructions)
 DIN 18162-2000  轻质混凝土.无钢筋墙板  (Light weight-concrete wallboards, unreinforced)
 DIN 18168-1-1981  轻型天花板衬及天花板底衬.施工要求  (Light ceiling linings and underceilings; Construction requirements)
 DIN 18168-2-1984  轻型天花板衬及天花板底衬.金属分析构件和天花板吊棒的负载能力的检定  (Lightweight ceiling linings and suspended ceilings; verification of the loadbearing capacity of metal substructures and hangers)
 DIN 18169-1962  石膏盖板.背面边缘加厚盖板  (Gypsum ceiling board; slabs with bulged edge on the reverse)
 DIN 18178-1972  混凝土和钢筋混凝土制罩式烟道.保护罩和烟道底板.尺寸.要求.检验  (Concrete and reinforced concrete ducts; hoods and bases for ducts, dimensions, requirements, testing)
 DIN 18180-1989  石膏板.型式.要求.检验  (Gypsum plasterboard; types, requirements and testing)
 DIN 18181-1990  高层建筑用石膏纸板.加工处理的原则  (Gypsum plasterboards for building construction; guidelines regarding workmanship)
 DIN 18182-1-1987  石膏纸板加工用配件.薄钢板型材  (Accessoires for use with gypsum plasterboards; steel plate sections)
 DIN 18182-2-1987  石膏纸板加工用配件.快速建筑螺钉  (Accessories for use with gypsum plasterboards; dry wall screw)
 DIN 18182-3-1987  石膏纸板加工用配件.夹子  (Accessories for use with gypsum plasterboards; staples)
 DIN 18182-4-1987  石膏纸板加工用配件.钉子  (Accessories for use with gypsum plasterboards; nails)
 DIN 18183-1988  石膏纸板组装墙.金属立柱结构  (Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard; metal stud partitions)
 DIN 18184-1991  带聚苯乙烯硬质泡沫或聚醋酯硬质泡沫作绝缘材料的石膏加层壁板  (Gypsum plaster boards with polystyrene or polyurethane rigid foam as insulating material)
 DIN 18186-2004  预制混凝土汽车库.整体的或由屋高件组成的预制加筋混凝土车库规范  
 DIN 18190-4-1992  建筑物防水用材料.带金属箔夹层的防水板.概念.标志.要求  (Waterproof sheeting for the waterproofing of buildings; waterproof sheeting with inlay of metal foil; definition, designation, requirements)
 DIN 18191-1980  作沥青路衬底的机织玻璃纤维织物  (Woven glass fabric as inlay bituminous sheeting)
 DIN 18192-1985  对于沥青和沥青聚合物把固公聚酯纤维网作为填料.概念.标志.要求.检验  (Bonded polyester fleece used as an inlay for bitumen and polymer bitumen sheeting; concept, designation, requirements, testing)
 DIN 18195-1-2000  建筑物的防水层.第1部分:原理、定义及防水层类型的属性  (Water-proofing of buildings - Part 1: Principles, definitions, attribution of waterproofing types)
 DIN 18195-10-1983  建筑物密封层.防护层和防护措施  (Waterproofing of buildings and structures; protective layers and protective measures)
 DIN 18195-10-2004  建筑物的防水性.第10部分:防护层和防护措施  
 DIN 18195-2-2000  建筑物的防水层.第2部分:材料  (Water-proofing of buildings - Part 2: Materials)
 DIN 18195-3-2000  建筑物的防水层.第3部分:地面的要求和材料的工作特性  (Water-proofing of buildings - Part 3: Requirements to the ground and working properties of materials)
 DIN 18195-4-2000  建筑物的防水层.第4部分:防水层防地面潮气(毛细水、存留水)和地板下及墙上非累积渗漏水的设计和施工  (Water-proofing of buildings - Part 4: Water-proofing against ground moisture (capillary water, retained water) and non-accumulating seepage water under floor slabs and on walls, design and execution)
 DIN 18195-5-2000  建筑物的防水层.第5部分:地板和湿地防非挤压水的防水层.设计与施工  (Water-proofing of buildings - Part 5: Water-proofing against non-pressing water on floors and in wet areas; design and execution)
 DIN 18195-6-2000  建筑物的防水层.第6部分:防外挤压水和累积渗漏水的防水层.设计与施工  (Water-proofing of buildings - Part 6: Water-proofing against outside pressing water and accumulating seepage water; design and execution)
 DIN 18195-7-1989  建筑物防水.防内挤压水.测量与施工  (Waterproofing of buildings and structures; waterproofing sheeting subjected to hydrostatic pressure from the inside; design and workmanship)
 DIN 18195-8-1983  建筑物密封层.建筑缝间的密封  (Waterproofing of buildings and structures; waterproofing over movement joints)
 DIN 18195-8-2004  建筑物的防水性.第8部分:活动连接接头的防水性  
 DIN 18195-9-1986  建筑物密封层.渗透.通道.止流  (Waterproofing of buildings and stuctures; penetrations, transitions, closures)
 DIN 18195-9-2004  建筑物的防水性.第9部分:渗透、转换、连接和端接  
 DIN 18196-1988  土方工程和基础工程.建筑工程用土壤分类  (Soil classification for civil engineering purposes)
 DIN 18200-2000  建筑产品的一致性评估.认证机构对建筑产品的认证  (Assessment of conformity for construction products - Certification of construction products by certification body)
 DIN 18201-1997  建筑业用公差.概念,原则,用途,检验  (Tolerances in building - Terminology, principles, application, testing)
 DIN 18202-1997  高层建筑中的尺寸公差.建筑物  (Dimensional tolerances in building construction - Buildings)
 DIN 18202-2005  建筑施工公差.建筑物  
 DIN 18203-1-1997  高层建筑中的尺寸公差.混凝土预制件.钢筋混凝土预制件和应力混凝土预制件  (Tolerances in building construction - Part 1: Prefabricated components made of concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete)
 DIN 18203-2-1986  高层建筑尺寸公差.钢预制件成品  (Tolerances in building; prefabricated steel components)
 DIN 18203-3-1984  高层建筑尺寸公差.木制建筑部件和复合木材制品  (Tolerances for building; building components of timber and wood based panel products)
 DIN 18205-1996  建筑设计摘要  (Brief for building design)
 DIN 18215-1973  混凝土与钢筋混凝土建筑物用木制模板.标准尺寸0.5×1.5m.厚21mm  (Timer form boards for concrete and reinforced concrete structures; standard dimension 0,50 m1,50 m; thickness = 21 mm)
 DIN 18216-1986  模板系杆用作混凝土模板.要求检验.应用  (Formwork ties; requirements, testing, use)
 DIN 18217-1981  混凝土面及模板表面  (Concrete surfaces and formwork surface)
 DIN 18218-1980  垂直模板上新鲜混凝土的压力  (Pressure of fresh concrete on vertical formwork)
 DIN 18225 Bb.1-1988  工业建筑.工业建筑中的交通道路.规程  (Industrial construction; traffic ways in industrial buildings; regulations)
 DIN 18225-1988  工业建筑.工业建筑中交通道路  (Industrial construction; traffic ways in industrial buildings)
 DIN 1823-1-1978  工具制造用角度铣刀.尺寸  (Angular Milling Cutters for Toolmaking; Dimensions)
 DIN 1823-2-1992  工具制造用角度铣刀.交货技术条件  (Single-angle cutters for toolmaking; technical delivery conditions)
 DIN 18230-1 Berichtigung 1-1998  对DIN18320-1:1998-05的校正  (Corrigenda to DIN 18230-1:1998-05)
 DIN 18230-1-1998  工业建筑中的结构防火.第1部分:分析计算所要求的耐火时间  (Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 1: Analytically required fire resistance time)
 DIN 18230-2-1999  工业建筑中结构防火.第2部分:仓库放置中材料烧损性能的测定.烧损系数m值  (Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 2: Determination of combustion behaviour of materials in storage arrangement - Combustion factor m)
 DIN 18232-1-2002  烟雾和热控制系统.第1部分:术语、安全目标  (Smoke and heat control systems - Part 1: Terms, safety objectives)
 DIN 18232-2-2003  排烟排热控制系统.第2部分:自然排烟和排热通风机.设计、要求和安装  (Smoke and heat control systems - Part 2: Natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators; Design, requirements and installation)
 DIN 18232-3-1984  工业建筑中防火结构.排烟排热设备.烟道.检验  (Structural fire protection in industrial buildings; smoke and heat control installations; smoke vents; testing)
 DIN 18232-4-2003  烟和热控制系统.第4部分:排热系统(WA).试验方法  (Smoke and heat control systems - Part 4: Heat exhaust systems (WA); Test methods)
 DIN 18232-5-2003  烟和热控制装置.第5部分:动力排烟系统.设计要求  (Smoke and heat control installations - Part 5: Powered smoke exhaust systems; Requirements, design)
 DIN 18234-1 Bb.1-1995  工业建筑中的防火耐火结构.符合DIN18234-1的屋顶验收示例  (Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Examples for approved roofs according to DIN 18234-1)
 DIN 18234-1-2003  建筑物大型屋顶的防火安全.防止从下部起火.第1部分:定义、要求和试验.封闭式屋顶区  (Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 1: Definitions, requirements and tests; Roof areas without openings)
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