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 DIN 25001-2-1989  有轨机动车部件的名称.一般部件的名称和概念说明  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; terms and definitions of general parts)
 DIN 25001-3-1976  有轨机动车部件的名称.带弹性体的弹性部件的名称和概念说明  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; terms and definitions for resilient parts with elastomers)
 DIN 25001-4-1973  有轨机动车部件的名称.万向轴.钩子.关节的名称和概念说明  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; terms and definitions for cardan shafts, cardan joint carriers and cardan joints)
 DIN 25001-5-1981  有轨机动车部件的名称.液压和机械功率传送的传动齿动箱的名称及概念说明  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; terms and definitions for drives of the hydraulic and mechanical transmission)
 DIN 25001-6-1977  有轨机动车部件的名称.内燃机驱动装置的冷却设施的名称和概念说明  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; terms and definitions for cooling systems of internal, combustion drives)
 DIN 25002-1-2003  铁路设施.轨道车名称与符号体系.第1部分:总则  (Railway applications - Designation systematic for rail vehicles - Part 1: General)
 DIN 25002-2-2001  铁路应用.铁路车辆分类系统.第2部分:产品组  (Railway applications - Classification system for rail vehicles - Part 2: Product groups)
 DIN 25002-3-2001  铁路应用.铁路车辆的标识系统.第3部分:文件的分类  (Railway applications - Designation systematic for rail vehicles - Part 3: Classification of documents)
 DIN 25002-4-2001  铁路应用.铁路车辆的标识系统.第4部分:安装位点的标识  (Railway applications - Designation systematic for rail vehicles - Part 4: Designation of installation sites and locations)
 DIN 25003-2001  铁路应用.道路车辆的分类.概况,术语和定义  (Railway applications - Classification of rail vehicles - Survey, terminology, definitions)
 DIN 25005-1998  有轨机动车辆.图示规则.行驶方向,件标识  (Railway vehicles - Rules for representation - Direction of traffic, designation of components)
 DIN 25005-2005  铁路车辆.图示规则.取向方向和部件标识  
 DIN 25007 Bb.1-1990  有轨机动车辆.公式符号.单位.缩写符号.概览.名词术语和公式符号索引  (Rail vehicles; formula signs, units, abreviation, survey; index and formula index)
 DIN 25007-1990  有轨机动车辆.公式符号.单位.缩写符号.概览  (Rail vehicles; formula signs, units, abbreviation; survey)
 DIN 25008-2001  有轨机动车辆.测定车辆重量的原则.术语,定义,符号和阀门  (Railway vehicles - Principles for the determination of vehicle weights - Terms, definitions, symbols, values)
 DIN 25008-2005  有轨车辆.测定车辆重量的原则.术语、定义、符号和数值  
 DIN 25040-1-1988  双轮对货车.新结构的测量.测量依据  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheel sets; construction measuring; principles of measuring)
 DIN 25040-2 Bb.1-1988  双对轮货车.新桔构的测量.底盘的测量方法.测量记录表格  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheels sets; construction measuring; measuring methods for underframe data record-sheet)
 DIN 25040-2-1988  双轮对货车.新结构的测量.底盘的测量过程  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheel sets; construction measuring; measuring methods for underframe)
 DIN 25040-3 Bb.1-1988  双对轮货车.新桔构的测量.行动部份的测量方法.测量记录表格  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheels sets; construction measuring; measuring methods for set of carrying wheels data record-sheet)
 DIN 25040-3 Bb.2-1985  双轮对货车.新结构的测量.行走机构的测量方法.测量步骤实例1  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheel sets; construction measuring; measuring methods for set of carrying wheels; example of the measuring procedure 1)
 DIN 25040-3 Bb.3-1985  双轮对货车.新结构的测量.传动装置的测量过程.测量过程14的示例  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheel sets; construction measuring; measuring methods for set of carrying wheels; example of the measuring procedure 14)
 DIN 25040-3-1988  双轮对货车.新结构的测量.传动装置的测量过程  (Goods wagons equipped with two wheel sets; construction measuring; measuring methods for set of carrying wheels)
 DIN 25041-1-1988  双轮对货车.新结构的测量.测量依据  (Goods wagons with bogies; constructional measuring; principles of measuring)
 DIN 25041-2 Bb.1-1988  带转向架的货车.新结构的测量.底盘的测量方法.测量记录表格  (Goods wagons with bogies; constructional measuring; measuring methods for underframe data record-sheet)
 DIN 25041-2-1988  带转向架的货车.新结构的测量.底盘的测量过程  (Goods wagons with bogies; constructional measuring; measuring methods for underframe)
 DIN 25041-4 Bb.1-1988  带转向架的货车.新结构的测量.带双轮对的转向架的测量过程.测量表的格式  (Goods wagons with bogies; constructional measuring; measuring methods for bogies with two self-adjustable wheel sets data record-sheet)
 DIN 25041-4-1988  带转向架的货车.新结构的测量.带双转向轮对的转向架的测量过程  (Goods wagons with bogies; contructional measuring; measuring methods for bogies with two self-adjustable wheel sets)
 DIN 25041-5 Bb.1-1988  带转向架的货车.新结构的测量.带三轮对转向架的测量方法.测量记录表格  (Goods wagons with bogies; constructional measuring; measuring of bogies with three wheel sets; data record-sheet)
 DIN 25041-5-1988  带转向架的货车.带三个轮对的转向架的测量过程  (Goods wagons with bogies; constructional measuring; measuring of bogies with three wheel sets)
 DIN 25043-1-1992  客车和机动车辆.新结构的测量.测量基础  (Passenger coaches and railcars; constructional measuring; principles of measuring)
 DIN 25043-2 Bb.1-1992  客车和机动车辆.新结构的测量.测量程序.测量活页表格  (Passenger coaches and railcars; constructional measuring; measuring methods; data record-sheet)
 DIN 25043-2-1992  客车和机动车辆.新结构的测量.测量程序  (Passenger coaches and railcars; constructional measuring; measuring methods)
 DIN 25044-1986  有轨机动车的测量基准符号  (Reference markers for measuring rail-borne vehicles)
 DIN 25045 Bb.1-1998  铁路车辆.旅客列车车身上行走机构的静负荷测量和计算.测量表格式  (Railway vehicles - Measurement and calculation of static loads on running gears from passenger coach vehicle bodies)
 DIN 25045-1998  铁路车辆.旅客列车车身上行走机构的静负荷测量和计算  (Railway vehicles - Measurement and calculation of static loads on running gears from passenger coach vehicle bodies)
 DIN 25070-1988  有轨车辆用门.木结构车内转门.主要尺寸和连接尺寸  (Doors for rail vehicles; hinged internal wooden doors; principal and assembly dimensions)
 DIN 25071-1984  有轨机动车辆用门.按键  (Doors for rail vehicles; door handles)
 DIN 25072-1985  有轨机动车辆用门.止动板  (Doors for rail vehicles; edge plates)
 DIN 25073-1988  有轨机动车辆用门.锁侧闭合边条  (Doors for rail vehicles; edge strips around the lock plare and striking plate)
 DIN 25074-1988  有轨机动车辆用门.门铰链  (Doors for rail vehicles; door hanger)
 DIN 25075-1988  有轨机动车辆用门.门框.主要尺寸和连接尺寸  (Doors for rail vehicles; door frames, principal dimensions and fitting dimensions)
 DIN 25076-1987  有轨机动车辆用门.车内旋转门锁  (Doors for rail vehicles; locks for inner hinged doors)
 DIN 25077-1986  有轨机动车辆用门.车内旋转门锁.锁箱  (Doors for rail vehicles door; lock cases)
 DIN 25078-1986  有轨机动车辆用门.车内旋转门锁.按纽铭牌  (Doors for rail vehicles; lock plates)
 DIN 25079-1986  有轨机动车辆用门.车内旋转门锁.旋纽  (Doors for rail vehicles; locking handles)
 DIN 25080-1986  有轨机动车辆用门.车内旋转门锁..栓锁外壳  (Doors for rail vehicles; casing for locking mechanism)
 DIN 2509-1986  螺栓  (Double end studs)
 DIN 2510-1 Bb.-1974  膨胀螺栓连接.一览表.应用范围和安装示例.螺栓连接的计算  (Bolted connections with reduced shank, survey and installation; studies relating to the calculation of bolted connections)
 DIN 2510-1-1974  膨胀螺栓连接.一览表.应用范围和安装示例  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Survey, Range of Application and Examples of Installation)
 DIN 2510-2-1971  膨胀的螺栓连接.带大间隙的米制螺纹.公称尺寸和极限尺寸  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Metric Thread with Large Clearence, Nominal Dimensions and Limits)
 DIN 2510-3-1971  膨胀螺栓连接.全螺纹螺柱  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Stud-bolts)
 DIN 2510-4-1971  膨胀螺栓连接.双头螺栓  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Studs)
 DIN 2510-5-1971  膨胀螺栓连接.六角螺母  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Hexagon Nuts)
 DIN 2510-6-1974  膨胀螺栓连接.盖螺帽  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Cap Nuts)
 DIN 2510-7-1971  膨胀螺栓连接.套管  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Extension Sleeves)
 DIN 2510-8-1971  膨胀螺栓连接;双头螺栓的旋入孔  (Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Threaded Holes for Studs)
 DIN 25100-1983  近郊的有轨车辆.车辆的横截面.包括集电器部分的外形尺寸  (Rail vehicles for short-distance traffic; vehicle cross-sections; external dimensions with pantograph)
 DIN 25101-1-1983  近郊的有轨车辆.车辆尺寸及A型座位排列  (Rail vehicles for short-distance traffic; vehicle dimensions and seat arrangement; form A)
 DIN 25101-3-1983  近郊的有轨车辆.车辆尺寸及C型座位排列  (Rail vehicles for short-distance traffic; vehicle dimensions and seat arrangement; form C)
 DIN 25104-1983  近郊的有轨车辆.行李架  (Suburban railway vehicles; luggage racks)
 DIN 25105-1983  近郊的有轨车辆.座位.主要尺寸  (Suburban railway vehicles; seats, dimensions)
 DIN 25106-1-1974  夹紧件.一览表  (Clamping fittings; summary)
 DIN 25106-10-1974  夹紧件.手柄架  (Clamping fittings; handle supports)
 DIN 25106-11-1974  夹紧件.卵形端支承  (Clamping fittings; end-support, oval)
 DIN 25106-12-1974  夹紧件.带槽端支承  (Clamping fittings; end-supports, slotted)
 DIN 25106-13-1974  夹紧件.弹性端支承  (Clamping fittings; end-support, elastic)
 DIN 25106-14-1974  夹紧件.带检查孔支承  (Clamping fittings; entrance-support)
 DIN 25106-15-1974  夹紧件.弹性螺旋支承  (Clamping fittings; screwed supports, elastic)
 DIN 25106-16-1974  夹紧件.短隔片夹  (Clamping fittings; holder of spacer, short)
 DIN 25106-17-1974  夹紧件.长隔片夹  (Clamping fittings; holder of spacer, long)
 DIN 25106-18-1974  夹紧件.插座  (Clamping fittings; rosettes)
 DIN 25106-2-1974  夹紧件.支撑管与防护管  (Clamping fittings; supporting and protecting tubes)
 DIN 25106-3-1974  夹紧件.套筒螺母  (Clamping fittings; sleeve nuts)
 DIN 25106-4-1974  夹紧件.十字管接头  (Clamping fittings; cross-pieces)
 DIN 25106-5-1974  夹紧件.T形管接头  (Clamping fittings; tee-pieces)
 DIN 25106-6-1974  夹紧件.弹性T形管接头  (Clamping fittings; tee-piece, elastic)
 DIN 25106-7-1974  夹紧件.弯接头  (Clamping fittings; elbows)
 DIN 25106-8-1974  夹紧件.终端支架  (Clamping fittings; end-supports)
 DIN 25106-9-1974  夹紧件.中心支架  (Clamping fittings; centre supports)
 DIN 25108-1978  短途铁路车辆.电磁轨道闸的连接尺寸和安装尺寸  (Suburban railways; interface and outline dimensions for magnetic track brakes)
 DIN 25109-1-1990  短路铁路车辆.外置轮对的轮对轴承.一览表及用柱滚子轴承配置  (Suburban railway vehicles; axle boxes for wheel sets with supports at the outer ends; general view and arrangement for cylindrical roller-bearings)
 DIN 25109-2-1991  短途铁路车辆.端部支承轮对用轮对轴承.圆柱滚子轴承用零部件  (Suburban railway vehicles; axle boxes for wheel sets with supports at the outer ends; components for cylindrical roller-bearings)
 DIN 25110-1980  短途铁路车辆.轮对的轴制动圆盘  (Suburban railway vehicles; axle mounted brake disc fitted for wheel set)
 DIN 25112-1-1980  短途铁路车辆.轮箍截面.宽95和110mm  (Suburban railway vehicles; profiles for wheel flange of tyres, width 95 and 110 mm)
 DIN 25112-2-1983  短途铁路车辆.轮箍截面.截面B.宽95和115mm  (Suburban railway vehicles; profiles for wheel flange of tyres; profile B, width 95 and 115 mm)
 DIN 25112-3-1983  短途铁路车辆.轮箍截面.截面C.宽135mm  (Suburban railway vehicles; profiles for wheel flange of tyres; profile C, width 135 mm)
 DIN 2512-1999  法兰.压力PN160的榫和槽.设计尺寸.压力PN10至PN160的嵌入环  (Flanges - Tongue and Groove, PN 160 - Design sizes; rings PN 10 to PN 160)
 DIN 25150-1990  铁路车辆.车厢内部.车辆清洁的设计要求  (Rail vehicles; interior; design requirements for cleaning)
 DIN 25192-1978  铁路车辆用T形头螺钉  (T-head bolts (hammer head bolts) for railway vehicles)
 DIN 25193-2003  铁路车辆.带ISO米制螺纹的菌头地脚螺栓.C级  (Railway vehicles - Mushroom head anchor screws with metric ISO thread - Class C)
 DIN 25195-2003  铁路车辆.带ISO米制螺纹的双接口沉头螺栓.C级  (Railway vehicles - Countersunk bolts with double nip with metric ISO thread - Class C)
 DIN 25200-1997  铁路车辆用螺钉和螺母.一览表  (Screws, bolts and nuts for rail vehicles - Summary)
 DIN 25201-1-2004  铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南.螺栓连接.第1部分:螺栓连接的分类  
 DIN 25201-1986  铁路车辆用螺栓连接的锁紧.概述  (Railway vehicles; retention of bolted assemblies; in general)
 DIN 25201-3-2004  铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南.螺栓连接.第3部分:设计.电气应用  
 DIN 25201-4-2004  铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南.螺栓连接.第4部分:螺栓连接的安全  
 DIN 25201-5-2005  铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南.螺栓连接.第5部分:防腐蚀  
 DIN 25201-6-2005  铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南.螺栓连接.第6部分:连接尺寸  
 DIN 25201-7-2004  铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南.螺栓连接.第7部分:安装  
 DIN 25202-1992  铁路车辆.螺栓连接件的锁紧.预应力和紧固扭矩  (Railway vehicles; securing of bolted joints; initial stressing forces and tightening torques)
 DIN 25203-1992  铁路车辆.用粘接剂锁定的螺纹连接件  (Railway vehicles; securing of bolted joints by adhesives)
 DIN 25250-2000  铁路车辆.货车.主要尺寸和型号  (Railway vehicles - Wagons - Main dimensions, types)
 DIN 25252-1987  铁路车辆.带侧壁活门的自卸车.锁环轴的方头  (Rail vehicles; self-discharging wagon with side-wall flaps; square for locking shaft)
 DIN 25255-1997  轨道车辆.马鞍形底倾卸车用四方扳手.尺寸  (Rail vehicles - Spanner wrench - Dimensions)
 DIN 25256-1997  轨道车辆.马鞍形底倾卸车用锁定装置.尺寸  (Rail vehicles - Locking device - Dimensions)
 DIN 2528-1991  法兰.钢法兰成品.材料  (Flanges; steel flanges ready for use; materials)
 DIN 254-2003  产品几何量技术规范(GPS).圆锥体和锥体角度系列.设定锥体角度和高度的值  (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Series of conical tapers and taper angles; Values for setting taper angles and setting heights)
 DIN 25400-1991  电离辐射的报警符号  (Basic symbol for ionizing radiation)
 DIN 25401-1-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第1部分:物理及化学基本原理  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 1: Basic notions of physics and chemistry)
 DIN 25401-2-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第2部分:反应堆设计  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 2: Reactor design)
 DIN 25401-4-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第4部分:保障监督  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 4: Safeguards)
 DIN 25401-5-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第5部分:核燃料技术  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 5: Nuclear fuel technology)
 DIN 25401-7-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第7部分:核设施的安全  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 7: Safety of nuclear installations)
 DIN 25401-8-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第8部分:辐射  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 8: Radiation)
 DIN 25401-9-2002  核技术的术语和定义.第9部分:放射性废物管理  (Terms and definitions of nuclear technology - Part 9: Radioactive waste management)
 DIN 25403 Bb.1-1997  核燃料处理和搬运情况下的临界安全.说明  (Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Comments)
 DIN 25403-1-1991  加工和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.基本原则  (Criticality safety in processing and handling of fissile materials; principles)
 DIN 25403-2-1995  加工和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.第2部分:铀235-金属-轻水-混合物的临界数据  (Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Part 2: Criticality data for uranium 235 metal light-water mixtures)
 DIN 25403-3-2000  处理和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.第3部分:钚239金属-轻水混合物的临界数据  (Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Part 3: Criticality data for plutonium 239 metal light-water-mixtures)
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