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 DIN 55690-1988  油漆.涂料及类似涂层材料.粉状漆.名称图  (Paints; varnishes and similar coating materials; coating powders; formation of terms)
 DIN 55699-2005  热绝缘复合系统的应用  
 DIN 557-1994  方螺母.产品等级C  (Square nuts; product grade C)
 DIN 5570-1-1990  有轨车辆.带圆柱滚子轴承的外装轮对用轮对轴承.概述和要求  (Rail vehicles; externally mounted journal roller bearings cylindrical roller bearings; summary and layout)
 DIN 5570-2-1990  有轨车辆.带圆柱滚子轴承的外装轮对用轮对轴承零件  (Rail vehicles; externally mounted journal roller bearings with cylindrical roller bearings; component parts)
 DIN 5573-1995  有轨车辆.轮外形.宽135和140毫米  (Rail vehicles - Wheel profiles - Widths 135 and 140 mm)
 DIN 5574-1985  有轨车辆.毂.宽135和140毫米.制造尺寸  (Tyres for rail vehicles; width 135 and 140 mm; finished dimensions)
 DIN 5575-1985  有轨车辆.车辆的外装主动轮.主要尺寸  (Railway vehicles; carrying axles equipped with external bearings for hauled stock; principal dimensions)
 DIN 5576-1989  有轨车辆.外装主动轮的轮对轴.公差.过渡曲线.表面状态  (Rail vehicles; outside-journal axles; tolerances, transitions, surface quality)
 DIN 5580-1999  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.铝合金储气罐.尺寸,标识  (Compressed air equipment for railway vehicles - Pressure vessels made of aluminium alloys - Dimensions, designation)
 DIN 55801-1979  机床.卷边机.验收条件  (Machine Tools; Beading Machines; Acceptance Conditions)
 DIN 55802-1979  机床.旋转式弯板机.验收条件  (Machine Tools; Folding Machines; Acceptance Conditions)
 DIN 55803-1979  机床.旋压机和轧光机.验收条件  (Machine Tools; Spinning and Planishing Lathes; Acceptance Conditions)
 DIN 55804-1979  机床.带平行导向刀架的剪板机.验收条件  (Machine Tools; Guillotine Shears with Parallel Guided Knife Beam; Acceptance Conditions)
 DIN 55805-1979  机床.卷板机.验收条件  (Machine Tools; Sheet Metal Bending Rolls; Acceptance Conditions)
 DIN 5586-1989  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.带凸缘和通风的锁紧螺钉  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; locking screws with collar and vent)
 DIN 5587-1-1997  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.风挡清洁装置.第1部分:安装和配置.要求  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - Windscreen cleaning apparatus - Part 1: Installation and layout, requirements)
 DIN 5587-2-1987  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.风挡清洁装置.刮水器传动装置  (Pneumatic equipment for rail vehicles; windscreen cleaning apparatus; wiper drives)
 DIN 5587-3-1997  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.风挡清洁装置.第3部分:伺服阀  (Pneumatic equipment for rail vehicles - Windscreen cleaning apparatus - Part 3: Operating valves)
 DIN 5587-4-1987  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.风挡清洁装置.刮水器  (Pneumatic equipment for rail vehicles; windscreen cleaning apparatus; wiper arms)
 DIN 5587-5-1987  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.风挡清洁装置.刮水片  (Pneumatic equipment for rail vehicles; windscreen cleaning apparatus; wiper blades)
 DIN 5587-6-1988  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.风挡清洁装置.水槽  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; windscreen cleaning apparatus; water reservoir)
 DIN 5588-1-1988  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.可连接法兰的压缩空气设备.DN19和DN25设备用连接尺寸和密封件  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; flangeable compressed air devices; mating dimensions and sealing elements for DN 19 and DN 25 devices)
 DIN 5588-2-1988  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.可连接法兰的压缩空气设备.DN7设备用连接尺寸和密封件  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; flangeable compressed air devices; mating dimensions and sealing elements for DN 7 devices)
 DIN 5589-1990  有轨车辆的压缩空气装置.安全阀.安装和连接尺寸.要求  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; safety valves; mounting and connecting dimensions, requirements)
 DIN 5590-1999  有轨车辆用压缩空气设备.钢制压力容器.尺寸,标识  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - Pressure vessels made of steel - Dimensions, designation)
 DIN 55900-1-2002  室内取暖器的涂层.第1部分:油漆腻子和工业用底漆的术语、要求和试验  (Coatings for radiators - Part 1: Terms, requirements and tests for primers and industrially applied priming coats)
 DIN 55900-2-2002  散热器的涂层.第2部分:精制漆和工业用精制漆的术语、要求和试验  (Coatings for radiators - Part 2: Terms, requirements and tests for finishing paints and industrially applied finishing coats)
 DIN 55901-2002  涂料和清漆用干燥剂.混合干燥剂中金属含量的测定方法  (Driers for paints and varnishes - Methods for determination of metal contents of mixed driers)
 DIN 55902-1999  颜料.铬酸锌颜料.要求和检验方法  (Pigments - Zinc chromate pigments, requirements and test methods)
 DIN 55903-1999  颜料.铬酸锶颜料.要求和检验方法  (Pigments - Strontium chromate pigments, requirements and test methods)
 DIN 55907-1990  颜料.群青颜料.要求和检验  (Pigments; ultramarine pigments; requirements and method of test)
 DIN 55908-1998  颜料.锌白(氧化锌).分析方法  (Pigments - Zincoxide pigments - Methods of analysis)
 DIN 5591-1997  轨道车辆.技术图纸用图形符号.压缩空气简图  (Railway vehicle - Graphical symbols for technical drawings - Compressed-air diagrams)
 DIN 55910-1994  颜料.锌钡白.要求和检验  (Pigments - Lithopone - Specifications and methods of test)
 DIN 55912-2 Bb.1-1999  颜料.二氧化钛颜料.分析方法.用X射线荧光分析测定杂质的实例  (Pigments - Titanium dioxide pigments; methods of analysis - Examples using the X-ray fluorescence analysis to determine minor constituents)
 DIN 55912-2 Bb.2-1999  颜料.二氧化钛颜料.分析方法.用X射线荧光分析法制定校准曲线  (Pigments - Titanium dioxide pigments - Methods of analysis; establishing a calibration graph using the X-ray fluorescence analysis)
 DIN 55912-2-1999  二氧化钛颜料的分析方法  (Methods of analysing titanium dioxide pigments)
 DIN 55913-1-1972  颜料.氧化铁颜料.交货的技术条件  (Pigments; iron oxide pigments, technical delivery specifications)
 DIN 55913-2-1972  颜料.氧化铁颜料.分析方法  (Pigments; iron oxide pigments, methods for analysis)
 DIN 55914-1967  颜料.铅白.分析方法  (Pigments; white lead, methods for analysis)
 DIN 55916-1982  颜料.铅丹.交货技术条件  (Pigments; red lead; technical delivery specifications)
 DIN 55920-1988  填料.天然硅酸和硅酸盐.分析方法  (Extenders; natural silicic acid and silicates; methods of analysis)
 DIN 55923-1983  颜料.油漆底子用铝颜料及铝颜料糊剂.交货技术条件  (Pigments; aluminium pigments and aluminium pigment pastes for paints; technical delivery specifications)
 DIN 55928-8-1994  钢构件的涂覆层和镀层防腐蚀.第8部分:薄壁构件防腐  (Protection of steel structures from corrosion by organic and metallic coatings; part 8: protection of supporting thin-walled building components from corrosion)
 DIN 55928-9-1991  钢结构的防腐保护涂层和镀层.涂覆材料粘结剂和颜料的成份  (Corrosion protection of steel structures by the application of organic or metallic coatings; composition of binders and pigments for coating materials)
 DIN 5593-1994  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.止回阀.安装和连接尺寸  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - Check valves - Installation and companion dimensions)
 DIN 55930-1992  漆和类似涂层材料用粘结剂.生亚麻油.要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; raw linseed oil; requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55932-1994  漆和类似涂层材料.亚麻子油清漆.要求和检验  (Paints and varnishes - Boiled linseed oil - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55933-1990  油漆和涂料用粘合剂.亚麻油.要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; refined linseed oil; requirements and test methods)
 DIN 55934-1992  漆和类似涂层材料用粘结剂.亚麻油及有关制品.检验方法  (Binders for paints and varnishes; linseed oil and related products; methods of test)
 DIN 55935-1990  油漆.涂料.胶粘剂和油墨用粘合剂.松香.要求和检验  (Binders for paints, varnishes, adhesives and printing inks; rosin, requirements and test methods)
 DIN 55938-2000  涂料和清漆用粘合剂.精炼豆油.要求和试验方法  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Refined soya bean oil - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55939-1999  涂层材料用粘结剂.蓖麻子油.要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Castor oil - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 5594-1994  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.双止回阀.安装和连接尺寸  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - Double check valves - Installation and companion dimensions)
 DIN 55940-1999  油漆和涂料用粘合剂.蓖麻油.要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Dehydrated castor oil - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55943-2001  着色剂.术语和定义  (Colouring materials - Terms and definitions)
 DIN 55944-1990  着色剂.按色度和化学观点分类  (Colouring materials; classification according to coloristic and chemical aspects)
 DIN 55945-1999  漆和涂料.涂层材料和涂层用专业术语和定义.DINEN971-1,DINENISO4618-2和DIN蔼ENISO4618-3上其它的详细概念  (Paints and varnishes - Terms and definitions for coating materials - Further terms and definitions regarding the standards DIN EN 971-1 as well as DIN EN ISO 4618-2 and DIN EN ISO 4618-3)
 DIN 55946-2-1983  沥青和煤焦油沥青.煤焦油沥青和特制煤焦油预制品的概念  (Bitumen and coal tar pitch; terms and definitions for coal tar pitch and preparations from special coal tar pitch)
 DIN 55950-2001  涂覆材料用粘合剂.缩写(符号)  (Binders for coating materials - Abbreviations (symbols))
 DIN 55952-1981  涂料的粘合剂.纤维素醚.检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; cellulose ethers; testing)
 DIN 55953-1981  涂料的粘合剂.有机酸纤维素酯.检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; cellulose esters of organic acids; testing)
 DIN 55954-1990  油漆和涂料用粘合剂.树脂的融合性检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; compatibility (miscibility behaviour) test for resins)
 DIN 55955-1981  涂料的粘合剂.树脂的溶解性及树脂溶液的可稀释性的检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; methods of testing the solubility of resins and the thinning properties of resin solutions)
 DIN 55956-1996  漆和其它涂层材料用粘结剂.异氰酸酯树脂中单体二异氰酸酯的测定  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of monomeric diisocyanates in polyisocyanates)
 DIN 55957-2000  涂料和清漆用粘合剂.脂肪酸的甲基化和甲硅烷基化及气相色谱法的分析  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Methylation and silylation of fatty acids and analysis by gas chromatography)
 DIN 55960-1999  涂料用粘合剂.蒸馏出亚麻油的脂肪酸(亚麻油-脂肪酸).要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Distilled linseed fatty acid - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55962-1999  涂料用粘合剂.蒸馏的蓖麻-脂肪酸.要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes - Distilled dehydrated castor acid - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55964-1993  漆和类似涂料的粘合剂.蒸馏的大豆-脂肪酸.要求和检验  (Binders for paints and varnishes; distilled soya bean fatty acid; requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55967-2000  涂料和清漆用原材料.甘油.要求和试验方法  (Raw materials for paints and varnishes - Glycerine - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55968-1999  颜料.工业生产的颜料炭黑(焰黑,炉法炭黑,煤气炭黑).要求和检验  (Pigments - Industrial carbon blacks (lamp black, furnace black, gas black) - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 5597-1991  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.油分离器.连接尺寸和要求  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; oil separators for air compressors; connecting dimensions and requirements)
 DIN 55977-1990  染料的检验.有机溶剂里难溶成分的测定  (Testing of dyestuffs; determination of non-readily soluble matter in solvents)
 DIN 55978-1981  染料的检验.用分光光度测定法测定溶液中相对着色度  (Testing of dyestuffs; determination of the relative tinting strength in solutions; spectrophotometric method)
 DIN 55979-1989  颜料的检验.色素碳黑的黑色系数测定  (Testing of pigments; determination of the black value of carbon black pigments)
 DIN 55980-1979  近似白色试样的比色测定  (Determination of hue of near white specimens)
 DIN 55981-1979  近似白色试样的相对比色测定  (Determination of relative hue of near white specimens)
 DIN 55982 Bb.1-1980  颜料的检验.白色颜料增白能力的测定.按灰糊浆法实施的示例  (Testing of pigments; determination of lightening power of white pigments, example for the procedure according to the grey paste method)
 DIN 55982 Bb.2-1980  颜料的检验;白色颜料增白能力的测定.按兰糊浆法实施的示例  (Testing of pigments; determination of lightening power of white pigments, example for the procedure according to the blue paste method)
 DIN 55982-1980  颜料的检验.用糊浆法测定白色颜料的增白能力  (Testing of pigments; determination of lightening power of white pigments, paste method)
 DIN 55983-1983  颜料的检验;在PURTON测试系统中进行白色颜料的颜色比较  (Testing of pigments; comparison of colour of white pigments in full shade systems)
 DIN 55984 Bb.1-1989  颜料的检验.白色和浅灰色介质遮盖能力数值的测定.用白色醇酸树脂漆的工艺过程实例  (Testing of pigments; determination of a hiding power value of white and light grey media; example for the procedure using a white alkyd paint)
 DIN 55984 Bb.2-1989  颜料的检验.白色和浅灰色介质遮盖能力数值的测定.用增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-P)薄膜的工艺过程实例  (Testing of pigments; determination of a hiding power value of white and light grey media; example for the procedure using a plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) foil)
 DIN 55984-1986  颜料的检验;白色和浅灰色介质遮盖能力值的测定  (Testing of pigments; determination of a hiding power value of white and light grey media)
 DIN 55985-1981  颜料的检验;在PURTON测试系统中彩色颜料颜色的比较  (Testing of pigments; comparison of colour of coloured pigments in full shade system)
 DIN 55985-2-1989  颜料的检验.色素不同程度系统颜色的比较法.黑色颜料  (Testing of pigments; comparison of the colour of pigments in full shade systems; black pigments)
 DIN 55986-1981  颜料的检验;用比色法测定白色显色后相对着色度及残余颜料间距.色度测量法  (Testing of pigments; determination of relative tinting strength and colour difference after colour reduction; colorimetric method)
 DIN 55987-1981  颜料的检验;用比色法测定着色介质的覆盖能力数值.色度测量法  (Testing of pigments; determination of hiding power value of pigmented media; colorimetric method)
 DIN 55988-1989  用比色法测定有色和无色系统透明性(天兰色颜料).色度测量法  (Determination of the transparency value of pigmented and unpigmented systems; colorimetric methods)
 DIN 5599-1981  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.空气压缩机的吸滤器.油浴滤器.安装和连接尺寸  (Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles; oil bath suction strainer; mounting and connecting dimensions)
 DIN 55990-2-1979  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉和颗粒大小分布的测定  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, determination of particle size distribution)
 DIN 55990-3-1979  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉和密度的测定  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, determination of density)
 DIN 55990-4-1979  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉和燃烧条件的测定  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, determination of stoving conditions)
 DIN 55990-5-1980  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉和燃烧损耗的测定  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, determination of loss on stoving)
 DIN 55990-6-1979  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉和着火下限的计算  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, calculation of lower ignition limit)
 DIN 55990-7-1980  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉快状强度的评估  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, assessment of resistance to caking)
 DIN 55990-8-1980  涂料和类似的涂覆材料的检验;漆粉和化学沉积物稳定性的评估  (Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; powder coatings, assessment of the chemical storage stability)
 DIN 55991-1-2003  涂层材料.核设施涂层.第1部分:要求和试验方法  (Coating materials - Coatings for nuclear facilities - Part 1: Requirements and test methods)
 DIN 55991-2-1992  涂料.核技术设备的涂层.涂层材料的一致性检验  (Coating materials; coatings for nuclear facilities; identity testing of coating materials)
 DIN 55991-3-2003  涂料.核设施的涂层.第3部分:涂覆工作、计划和程序  (Coating materials - Coatings in nuclear facilities - Part 3: Coating work, planning and procedure)
 DIN 55992-1 Berichtigung 1-1997  对DIN55992-1:1996-11的校正  (Corrigenda to DIN 55992-1:1996-11)
 DIN 55992-1-1996  涂料和填料粉尘形成的参数测定.第1部分:旋转法  (Determination of a parameter for the dust formation of pigments and extenders - Part 1: Rotation method)
 DIN 55992-2-1999  涂料和填料粉尘形成的参数测定.第2部分:沉淀法  (Determination of a parameter for the dust formation of pigments and extenders - Part 2: Dropmethod)
 DIN 55996-1 Berichtigung 1-2003  DIN55996-1的技术勘误1  (Corrigenda to DIN 55996-1:2001-04)
 DIN 55996-1-2001  涂料和清漆.涂层耐石头划性.第1部分:多冲击试验  (Paints and varnishes - Stone chip resistance test for coatings - Part 1: Multi impact test)
 DIN 55996-3-2004  涂料和清漆.涂层耐石头划的试验.第3部分:带自由飞行冲击体的单一冲击试验  
 DIN 55997-2000  涂料和清漆用溶剂.去离子水.要求和试验方法  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Deionized water - Requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55998-1998  漆和类似涂料用溶剂.丙二醇.供货规范,进一步要求和检验方法  (Solvents for paints and varnishes - Propylene glycol ethers - Supply specification, further requirements and methods of test)
 DIN 55999-1994  漆和类似涂料用溶剂.乙烯乙二淳醚.供货规格.其他性能和检验  (Solvents for paints and varnishes; ethylene glycol ethers; supply specification, further properties and methods of test)
 DIN 5606-2-1975  有轨车辆用工件上的螺纹检验.圆螺纹.梯形螺纹.圆梯形螺纹  (Gauging of threads on workpieces for railway vehicles; round thread, acme thread, rounded acme thread)
 DIN 5607-1991  有轨车辆用车辆部件的供货人.电气部件及空调部件的供货人之间的供货的确定  (Delimitation of goods to be supplied by suppliers of the mechanical part, the electrical part and, where appropriate the air-conditioning equipment for rail vehicles)
 DIN 561-1995  六角头长圆柱端紧定螺钉  (Hexagon head set screws with small hexagon and dog point)
 DIN 562-2000  方扁螺母.产品等级B  (Square thin nuts - Product grade B)
 DIN 564-1995  六角头短圆截锥端紧定螺钉  (Hexagon head set screws with small hexagon and half dog point and flat cone point)
 DIN 5651-1979  有轨车辆上车辆组合闸瓦承座和闸瓦键.交货的技术条件  (Brake block holders and brake block keys for composite brake blocks on rail vehicles; technical specifications)
 DIN 5683-1-1964  不按量规检验的海上航标下锚用的圆钢链(浮标链)  (Buoy chains)
 DIN 5683-2-1966  海-航标下锚用的圆钢链(浮标链).钩环.转节.转钩  (Buoy chains shackles, swivels, swivel hooks)
 DIN 5684-1-1984  起重机用圆钢链.质量等级5.经检验符合量规允差  (Calibrated and tested round steel link chains for lifting purposes; grade 5)
 DIN 5684-2-1984  起重机用圆钢链.质量等级6.经检验符合量规允差  (Calibrated and tested round steel link chains for lifting purposes; grade 6)
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