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 DIN EN 1052-2-1999  圬工的检验方法.第2部分:弯曲拉伸强度的测定  (Methods of test for masonry - Part 2: Determination of flexural strength; German version EN 1052-2:1999)
 DIN EN 1052-3-2002  圬工的检验方法.第3部分:初始剪切强度的测定  (Methods of test for masonry - Part 3: Determination of initial shear strength; German version EN 1052-3:2002)
 DIN EN 1052-4-2000  圬工的试验方法.第4部分:包括防潮层的剪切强度的测定  (Methods of test for masonry - Part 4: Determination of shear strength including damp proof course; German version EN 1052-4:2000)
 DIN EN 1052-5-2005  圬工的试验方法.第5部分:粘结扭转法测定粘结强度  
 DIN EN 1053-1995  塑料管道系统.无压力情况下使用的热塑管道系统.防水性的检验方法  (Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure applications - Test method for watertightness; German version EN 1053:1995)
 DIN EN 1054-1995  塑料管道系统.建筑物内污水排放下水道用热塑管道系统.连接件气密性检验方法  (Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge - Test method for airtightness of joints; German version EN 1054:1995)
 DIN EN 1055-1996  塑料管道系统.建筑物内排水管用热塑制管道系统.可载温度负荷的检验方法  (Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge inside buildings - Test method for resistance to elevated temperature cycling; German version EN 1055:1996)
 DIN EN 1056-1996  塑料管道及保护管系统.塑料管及管件.暴露在室外的自然风蚀法  (Plastics piping and ducting systems - Plastics pipes and fittings - Method for exposure to direct (natural) weathering; German version EN 1056:1996)
 DIN EN 1057-1996  铜和铜合金.卫生装置和暖气设备上的水管道和气管道用铜制无缝圆管  (Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applications; German version EN 1057:1996)
 DIN EN 1058-1996  木制材料.机械性能和粗密度特性值的测定  (Wood-based panels - Determination of characteristic values of mechanical properties and density; German version EN 1058:1995)
 DIN EN 1059-2000  木结构.使用冲压金属板紧固件的预制桁架的产品要求  (Timber structures - Product requirements for prefabricated trusses using punched metal plate fasteners; German version EN 1059:1999)
 DIN EN 1060-1-1995  非侵入式血压计.第1部分:一般要求  (Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1: General requirements; German version EN 1060-1:1995)
 DIN EN 1060-1/A1-2002  非侵入式血压计.第1部分:一般要求.修改件A1  (Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1: General requirements; Amendment A1; German version EN 1060-1:1995/A1:2002)
 DIN EN 1060-2 Berichtigung 1-2002  对DINEN1060-2:1995的勘误  (Corrigenda to DIN EN 1060-2:1995 (EN 1060-2:1995/AC:2002))
 DIN EN 1060-2-1996  非侵入式血压表.第2部分:机械血压表的补充要求  (Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 2: Supplementary requirements for mechanical sphygmomanometers; German version EN 1060-2:1995)
 DIN EN 1060-3-1997  非侵入式血压表.第3部分:电机血压表的补充要求  (Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems; German version EN 1060-3:1997)
 DIN EN 1060-4-2004  非介入式血压计.第4部分:自动非介入式血压计整体系统精确度测定的试验过程  
 DIN EN 1062-1-1996  漆和涂料.外部砖石和混凝土用涂层材料和涂层系统.第1部分:分类  (Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 1: Classification; German version EN 1062-1:1996)
 DIN EN 1062-1-2004  色漆和清漆.外部砖石和混凝土用涂层材料和涂层系统.第1部分:分类  
 DIN EN 1062-11 Berichtigung 1-2005  色漆和清漆.外部砖石建筑和混凝土用覆层材料和涂覆系统.第11部分:试验前的调节方法.对DIN EN 1062-11-2002的勘误  
 DIN EN 1062-11-2002  涂料和清漆.外部砖石和混凝土用涂层材料和涂层系统.第11部分:检验前调节方法  (Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 11: Methods of conditioning before testing; German version prEN 1062-11:2002)
 DIN EN 1062-3-1999  漆和涂料.外部矿物地基和混凝土用涂层材料和涂层系统.第3部分:液态水渗透系数的测定和分类(渗透性)  (Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating system for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 3: Determination and classification of liquid-water transmission rate (permeability); German version EN 1062-3:1998)
 DIN EN 1062-6-2002  涂料和清漆.外部砖石和混凝土用涂层材料和涂层系统.第6部分:二氧化碳渗透性的测定  (Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 6: Determination of carbon dioxide permeability; German version EN 1062-6:2002)
 DIN EN 1062-7-2004  清漆和涂料.外部砖石和混凝土用涂层材料和涂层系统.第7部分:裂缝遮避性能的测定  
 DIN EN 1063-2000  建筑物用玻璃.安全玻璃.防弹玻璃的试验和分类  (Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification of resistance against bullet attack; German version EN 1063:1999)
 DIN EN 1065-1998  可拉伸调节的钢结构支撑件.产品规范,设计以及通过计算和试验的评定  (Adjustable telescopic steel props - Product specifications, design and assessment by calculation and tests; German version EN 1065:1998)
 DIN EN 1066-1997  胶粘剂.取样  (Adhesives - Sampling; German version EN 1066:1997)
 DIN EN 1067-1997  胶粘剂.试样的制备和检验  (Adhesives - Examination and preparation of samples for testing; German version EN 1067:1997)
 DIN EN 1069-1-2000  2米高或更高的水滑道.第1部分:安全要求和试验方法  (Water slides of 2 m height and more - Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods; German version EN 1069-1:2000)
 DIN EN 1069-2-2000  2米高或更高的水滑道.第2部分:说明  (Water slides of 2 m height and more - Part 2: Instructions; German version EN 1069-2:1999)
 DIN EN 107-1982  窗户的试验方法.机械试验  (Methods of testing windows; mechanical tests)
 DIN EN 1070-1999  机器的安全性.专业术语.三种语言  (Safety of machinery - Terminology; Trilingual version EN 1070:1998)
 DIN EN 1071-1-2003  高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷覆层的试验方法.第1部分:用接触式探针轮廓测定仪测定覆层厚度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 1: Determination of coating thickness by contact probe profilometer; German version EN 1071-1:2003)
 DIN EN 1071-2-2003  高级工程陶瓷.陶瓷覆层的试验方法.第2部分:用环形研磨法测定覆层厚度  (Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 2: Determination of coating thickness by the crater grinding method; German version EN 1071-2:2002)
 DIN EN 1071-3-2005  高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷覆层的试验方法.第3部分:用划痕试验测定粘附性和其他机械失效模式  
 DIN EN 1072-1995  胶合板.建筑用胶合板.弯曲性能说明  (Plywood - Description of bending properties for structural plywood; German version EN 1072:1995)
 DIN EN 1073-1-1998  放射性污染防护服.第1部分:防护固体颗粒放射性污染的通气式防护服的要求和检验方法  (Protective clothing against radioactive contamination - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination; German version EN 1073-1:1998)
 DIN EN 1073-2-2002  放射性污染防护服.第2部分:防护大气微粒放射性污染物的不透气防护服要求菏匝榉椒è  (Protective clothing against radioactive contamination - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non-ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination; German version EN 1073-2:2002)
 DIN EN 1074-1-2000  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第1部分:一般要求  (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 1: General requirements; German version EN 1074-1:2000)
 DIN EN 1074-2-2000  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第2部分:隔离阀  (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 2: Isolating valves; German version EN 1074-2:2000)
 DIN EN 1074-2-2004  供水用阀门.适用性要求和适当的验证试验.第2部分:隔离阀  
 DIN EN 1074-3-2000  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第3部分:止回阀  (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 3: Check valves; German version EN 1074-3:2000)
 DIN EN 1074-4-2000  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第4部分:空气阀  (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 4: Air valves; German version EN 1074-4:2000)
 DIN EN 1074-5-2001  供水阀门.适用性要求和适配试验.第5部分:控制阀门  (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 5: Control valves; German version EN 1074-5:2001)
 DIN EN 1074-6-2004  供水用阀门.适用性要求和相应的检查试验.第6部分:给水栓  
 DIN EN 1075-2000  木结构.试验方法.冲孔金属板紧固件连接接头  (Timber structures - Test methods - Joints made with punched metal plate fasteners; German version EN 1075:1999)
 DIN EN 1076-1997  工作场所环境.气体和蒸气测定用抽吸附物质管  (Workplace atmospheres - Pumped sorbent tubes for the determination of gases and vapours - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1076:1997)
 DIN EN 1077-1996  高山滑雪头盔  (Helmets for alpine skiers; German version EN 1077:1995)
 DIN EN 1078-1997  自行车赛车手的防护帽和滑板及轮滑鞋使用者的防护帽  (Helmets for pedal cyclists and for users of skateboards and roller skates; German version EN 1078:1997)
 DIN EN 1080-2002  幼儿用冲击防护帽  (Impact protection helmets for young children (includes Amendment A1:2002); German version EN 1080:1997 + A1:2002)
 DIN EN 1081-1998  弹性铺地织物.电阻测定  (Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the electrical resistance; German version EN 1081:1998)
 DIN EN 1082-1-1997  防护服.防止手用刀造成剪伤和刺伤用的手套和套袖.第1部分:金属环编织的手套和套袖  (Protective clothing - Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives - Part 1: Chain mail gloves and arm guards; German version EN 1082-1:1996)
 DIN EN 1082-2-2000  防护服.防止被手持刀具割伤和刺伤用的手套和手臂保护物.第2部分:非链环铠甲式的手套和手臂保护物  (Protective clothing - Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives - Part 2: Gloves and arm guards made of material other than chain mail; German version EN 1082-2:2000)
 DIN EN 1082-3-2000  防护服.防止被手持刀具割伤和刺伤用的手套和手臂保护物.第3部分:编织物,皮革和其它编织材料的冲击切割试验  (Protective clothing - Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives - Part 3: Impact cut test for fabric, leather and other materials; German version EN 1082-3:2000)
 DIN EN 1083-1-1997  电刷工具.第1部分:定义和名称表  (Power driven brushes - Part 1: Definitions and nomenclature; German version EN 1083-1:1997)
 DIN EN 1083-2-1997  电刷工具.第2部分:安全技术要求  (Power driven brushes - Part 2: Safety requirements; German version EN 1083-2:1997)
 DIN EN 1084-1995  胶合板.甲醛释放.按气体分析法分级  (Plywood - Formaldehyde release classes determined by the gas analysis method; German version EN 1084:1995)
 DIN EN 1085-1997  废水处理.词典  (Wastewater treatment - Vocabulary; Trilingual version EN 1085:1997)
 DIN EN 1086-1995  食品运输袋.袋型选择和涉及包装物的内袋的建议  (Sacks for the transport of food aid - Recommendations on the selection of type of sack and the liner in relation to the product to be packed; German version EN 1086:1995)
 DIN EN 1087-1-1995  夹紧板.耐湿测定.第1部分:煮沸试验  (Particleboards - Determination of moisture resistance - Part 1: Boil test; German version EN 1087-1:1995)
 DIN EN 1088-1996  机器的安全性.和分离保护装置相连的锁紧装置.设计和选择的原则  (Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection; German version EN 1088:1995)
 DIN EN 1089-1-1997  便携式气罐.气罐标识.第1部分:打印记  (Transportable gas cylinders - Gas cylinder identification - Part 1: Stampmarking; German version EN 1089-1:1996)
 DIN EN 1089-2-2002  便携式储气瓶.储气瓶标识(不含LPG).第2部分:危险警告标签  (Transportable gas cylinders - Gas cylinder identification (excluding LPG) - Part 2: Precautionary labels; German version EN 1089-2:2002)
 DIN EN 1089-3-1999  可移动的气瓶.气瓶标识.第3部分:色码(包括勘误AC-1997和修改件A1-1999)  (Transportable gas cylinders - Cylinder identification - Part 3: Colour coding (includes Corrigendum AC:1997 and Amendment A1:1999); German version EN 1089-3:1997 + AC:1997 + A1:1999)
 DIN EN 1089-3-2004  可移动式气瓶.气瓶标识(不包括LPG).第3部分:色码  
 DIN EN 1091-1997  建筑物外真空排水系统  (Vacuum sewerage systems outside buildings; German version EN 1091:1996)
 DIN EN 1092-1-2002  法兰及其连接件.管件、阀门、异形件和附件用圆形法兰.第1部分:用PN标注的钢制法兰  (Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories - Part 1: Steel flanges, PN designated; German version EN 1092-1:2001)
 DIN EN 1092-2-1997  法兰及其连接.按PN标注的管,管件,异形件和附件用圆形法兰.第2部分:铸铁法兰  (Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 2: Cast iron flanges; German version EN 1092-2:1997)
 DIN EN 1092-3-2004  法兰及其连接件.PN标注的管道、阀门、配件和附件用圆形法兰.第3部分:铜合金法兰  
 DIN EN 1092-4-2002  法兰及其连接件.按PN标注的管件,阀门,配件和附件用圆形法兰.第4部分:铝合金法兰  (Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flanges; German version EN 1092-4:2002)
 DIN EN 1093-1-1998  机器的安全性.对漂浮在空气中的有害物质排放的评估.第1部分:检验方法的选择  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 1: Selection of test methods; German version EN 1093-1:1998)
 DIN EN 1093-11-2001  机械安全.空气中有害物质排放的评估.第11部分:净化指数  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 11: Decontamination index; German version EN 1093-11:2001)
 DIN EN 1093-3-1996  机器的安全性.对漂浮在空气中的有害物质排放的评估.第3部分:某种确定的空气污染物的排放率.用实际污染物的  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 3: Emission rate of a real specified pollutant; bench test method using the real pollutant; German version EN 1093-3:1996)
 DIN EN 1093-4-1996  机器的安全性.漂浮在空气中的有害物质的散射评估.第4部分:吸出系统的收集率.示踪物法  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 4: Capture efficiency of an exhaust system; tracer method; German version EN 1093-4:1996)
 DIN EN 1093-6-1998  机器的安全性.对漂浮在空气中的有害物质排放的评估.第6部分:排放扩口中物质分离的效率  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 6: Separation efficiency by mass, unducted outlet; German version EN 1093-6:1998)
 DIN EN 1093-7-1998  机器的安全性.对漂浮在空气中的有害物质排放的评估.第7部分:管道口中物质分离的效率  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 7: Separation efficiency by mass, ducted outlet; German version EN 1093-7:1998)
 DIN EN 1093-8-1998  机器的安全性.对漂浮在空气中的有害物质排放的评估.第8部分:空气污染物质的浓度参数.试验台法  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 8: Pollutant concentration parameter; test bench method; German version EN 1093-8:1998)
 DIN EN 1093-9-1998  机器的安全性.对漂浮在空气中的有害物质排放的评估.第9部分:空气污染物质的浓度参数.试验室法  (Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 9: Pollutant concentration parameter, room method; German version EN 1093-9:1998)
 DIN EN 1094-1-1997  绝缘用耐火产品.第1部分:陶瓷纤维制品用专业术语  (Insulating refractory products - Part 1: Terminology for ceramic fibre products; German version EN 1094-1:1997)
 DIN EN 1094-2-1998  绝热用耐火产品.第2部分:成型产品的分类  (Insulating refractory products - Part 2: Classification of shaped products (ISO 2245:1990, modified); German version EN 1094-2:1998)
 DIN EN 1094-4-1995  绝缘用耐火产品.第4部分:已成型产品的粗密度和总气孔率的测定  (Insulating refractory products - Part 4: Determination of bulk density and true porosity of shaped products; German version EN 1094-4:1995)
 DIN EN 1094-5-1995  绝缘用耐火制品.第5部分:成型制品的低温抗压强度的测定  (Insulating refractory products - Part 5: Determination of cold crushing strength of shaped products; German version EN 1094-5:1995)
 DIN EN 1094-6-1998  绝热用耐火产品.第6部分:加热作用下成型产品尺寸的永久性变化的测定  (Insulating refractory products - Part 6: Determination of permanent change in dimensions of shaped products on heating (ISO 2477:1987); German version EN 1094-6:1998)
 DIN EN 1095-1998  使用运动小艇时需要的安全皮带和安全绳子.安全要求和检验方法  (Deck safety harness and safety line for use on recreational craft - Safety requirements and test methods; German version EN 1095:1998)
 DIN EN 1096-1-1999  建筑业用玻璃.涂层玻璃.第1部分:定义和分级  (Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 1: Definitions and classification; German version EN 1096-1:1998)
 DIN EN 1096-2-2001  建筑物用玻璃.涂层玻璃.第2部分:A、B、S类涂层的要求和试验方法  (Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for class A, B and S coatings; German version EN 1096-2:2001)
 DIN EN 1096-3-2001  建筑物用玻璃.涂层玻璃.第3部分:C、D类涂层的要求和试验方法  (Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 3: Requirements and test methods for class C and D coatings; German version EN 1096-3:2001)
 DIN EN 1096-4-2005  建筑物用玻璃.涂层玻璃.第4部分:合格评价/产品标准  
 DIN EN 1097-1-1996  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的检验方法.第1部分:耐磨性能测定(微型-台佛尔)  (Test for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 1: Determination of the resistance to wear (micro-Deval); German version EN 1097-1:1996)
 DIN EN 1097-10-2003  集料的机械和物理性能试验.第10部分:吸水高度测定  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 10: Determination of the water suction height; German version EN 1097-10:2002)
 DIN EN 1097-2-1998  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的检验方法.第2部分:测定防碎裂性能的方法  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 2: Methods for the determination resistance to fragmentation; German version EN 1097-2:1998)
 DIN EN 1097-3-1998  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的检验方法.第3部分:体密度和空隙的测定  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 3: Determination of loose bulk density and voids; German version EN 1097-3:1998)
 DIN EN 1097-4-1999  集料机械和物理性能的试验.第4部分:密实填料空隙的测定  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 4: Determination of the voids of dry compacted filler; German version EN 1097-4:1999)
 DIN EN 1097-5-1999  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的检验方法.第5部分:通过炉内干燥测定水含量  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 5: Determination of the water content by drying in a ventilated oven; German version EN 1097-5:1999)
 DIN EN 1097-6 Berichtigung 1-2003  DINEN1097-6:2001-01勘误  (Corrigenda to DIN EN 1097-6:2001-01 (EN 1097-6:2000/AC:2002))
 DIN EN 1097-6-2001  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的试验.第6部分:颗粒密度和吸水率的测定  (Test for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 6: Determination of particle density and water absorption; German version EN 1097-6:2000)
 DIN EN 1097-6-2005  集料的机械和物理性能试验.第6部分:颗粒密度和吸水率的测定  
 DIN EN 1097-7-1999  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的检验方法.第7部分:填料密度的测定.比重计法  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 7: Determination of the particle density of filler; pycnometer method; German version EN 1097-7:1999)
 DIN EN 1097-8-2000  集料机械和物理性能的试验.第8部分:磨光的石料值的测定  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 8: Determination of the polished stone value; German version EN 1097-8:1999)
 DIN EN 1097-9-1998  原岩颗粒的机械和物理性能的检验方法.第9部分:防滑钉轮胎抗磨损性能测定  (Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 9: Determination of the resistance to wear by abrasion from studded tyres; Nordic test; German version EN 1097-9:1998)
 DIN EN 1097-9-2005  集料的机械和物理性能试验.第9部分:耐镶钉轮胎磨损的测定.Nordic试验  
 DIN EN 1101-1996  纺织品.窗帘和帷幕的燃烧特性.垂直排列试样易燃性(小火焰)测定用详细程序  (Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour, curtains and drapes - Detailed procedure to determine the ignitability of vertically oriented specimens (small flame); German version EN 1101:1995)
 DIN EN 1101-2005  纺织材料和纺织品.燃烧特性.窗帘和帷幕.测定垂直定向试样易燃性(小火焰)的详细程序  
 DIN EN 1102-1996  纺织品.窗帘和帷幕的燃烧特性.垂直排列试样火焰蔓延性能测定用详细程序  (Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour, curtains and drapes - Detailed procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimens; German version EN 1102:1995)
 DIN EN 1103-1996  纺织品.燃烧性能.服装织物.服装织物燃烧性能测定的详细程序  (Textiles - Burning behaviour; fabrics for apparel - Detailed procedure to determine the burning behaviour of fabrics for apparel; German version EN 1103:1995)
 DIN EN 1104-1995  优选用于与食品接触的纸和纸板.测定抗微生物成份转移  (Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of transfer of antimicrobic constituents; German version EN 1104:1995)
 DIN EN 1104-2005  与食品接触的纸和纸板.抗微生物成分转移的测定  
 DIN EN 1106-2001  燃气器具的手动开关  (Manually operated taps for gas burning appliances; German version EN 1106:2001)
 DIN EN 1107-1-1999  防水软板.尺寸精确性测定.第1部分:屋顶密封用沥青板  (Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of dimensional stability - Part 1: Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing; German version EN 1107-1:1999)
 DIN EN 1107-2-2001  防水软板.尺寸稳定性测定.第2部分:屋顶防水用塑料和橡胶薄板  (Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of dimensional stability - Part 2: Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing; German version EN 1107-2:2001)
 DIN EN 1108-1999  防水软板.屋顶密封用沥青板.周期性温度变化时形状稳定性测定  (Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing - Determination of form stability under cyclical temperature changes; German version EN 1108:1999)
 DIN EN 1109-1999  防水软板.屋顶密封用沥青板.冷弯性能的测定  (Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing - Determination of flexibility at low temperature; German version EN 1109:1999)
 DIN EN 111-2003  墙挂式洗脸(洗手)盆.连接尺寸  (Wall-hung hand rinse basins - Connecting dimensions; German version EN 111:2003)
 DIN EN 1110-1999  防水软板.屋顶密封用沥青板.耐热性测定  (Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing - Determination of flow resistance at elevated temperature; German version EN 1110:1999)
 DIN EN 111000-1993  总规范.阴极射线管  (Generic specification: cathode ray tubes; German version EN 111000:1991)
 DIN EN 111001-1993  空白详细规范.阴极射线管  (Blank detail specification: cathode ray tubes; German version EN 111001:1991)
 DIN EN 1111-1998  卫生设备管件.恒温混合阀(PN10).一般技术规范  (Sanitary tapware - Thermostatic mixing valves (PN 10) - General technical specification; German version EN 1111:1998)
 DIN EN 111100-1993  分规范.显示存储管  (Sectional specification: display storage tubes; german version EN 111100:1991)
 DIN EN 111101-1993  空白详细规范.显示存储管  (Blank detail specification: display storage tubes; german version EN 111101:1991)
 DIN EN 1112-1997  (PN10)盥洗室管件用淋浴喷头  (Shower outlets for (PN 10) sanitary tapware; German version EN 1112:1997)
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