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 DIN 25482-2 Bb.1-2000  电离辐射测量的检测极限和判断域.第2部分:不考虑试样处理影响的计数分光测量.说明和实例  (Detection limit and decision threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - Part 2: Counting measurements by spectrometry, neglecting the influence of sample treatment; comments and examples)
 DIN 25482-2-1992  核辐射探测极限和识别极限.不考虑试样处理影响的计数分光测量  (Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting spectrometric measurements, neglecting the influence of sample treatment)
 DIN 25482-3-1993  核辐射测量的检测极限和决策极限.用线性模拟工作的计数速率测量仪(比率计)测量  (Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; measurement by use of linear analog ratemeters)
 DIN 25482-4-1995  核辐射探测极限和识别极限.第4部分:不考虑试样处理影响和仪器影响的计数α光谱测量  (Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements - Part 4: Counting alphaspectrometric measurements, neglecting the influence of sample treatment and equipment used)
 DIN 25482-5 Bb.1-1997  核辐射测量时指示极限和鉴别极限.不考虑试样处理影响的计数高分辨力的γ射线光谱测量  (Detection limit and decision threshold for nuclear radiation measurements - Part 5: Counting measurements by high resolution gamma spectrometry, neglecting the influence of sample treatment; examples and comments)
 DIN 25482-5-1993  核辐射探测极限和鉴别极限.不考虑试样处理影响的高分辨力计数γ射线光谱测量  (Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting measurements by high resolution gamma spectrometry, neglecting the influence of sample treatment)
 DIN 25482-6 Bb.1-1998  核辐射测量的验证极限和鉴别极限.第6部分:考虑试样处理影响和仪器影响的计数测量.说明和实例  (Detection limit and decision threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - Part 6: Counting measurements with allowance for the influence of sample treatment and equipment used; comments and examples)
 DIN 25482-6-1993  核辐射探测极限和识别极限.考虑试样处理影响和仪器影响的计数测量  (Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting measurements with allowance for the influence of sample treatment and equipment used)
 DIN 25482-7-1997  电离辐射测量的检测极限和置信区间.第7部分:放射材料浓缩过程中过滤器上的计数测量  (Detection limit and decision threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - Part 7: Counting measurements on filters during accumulation of radioactive materials)
 DIN 25483-2000  使用累计固体剂量计的环境监测法  (Methods of environmental monitoring using integrating solid-state dosimeters)
 DIN 25484-1992  轻水反应堆的核电厂中燃料件储存池的散热系统  (Heat-removal systems for fuel element storage pools of nuclear power plants with light water reactors)
 DIN 25485 Bb.1-1990  带球状燃烧件的高温反应堆的核燃料再裂变功率的计算.文件和说明  (Decay heat power in nuclear fuels of high-temperature reactors with spherical fuel elements; documentation and illustration)
 DIN 25485-1990  带球形燃烧件的高温反应堆的核燃料再裂变功率的计算  (Decay heat power in nuclear fuels of high-temperature reactors with spherical fuel elements)
 DIN 25487-1990  核电厂建筑物的防水  (Water-proofing of buildings for nuclear power plants)
 DIN 25488-1-1995  热室用件.第1部分:遥控设计的要求  (Components for hot cells - Part 1: Requirements on design for remote handling)
 DIN 25488-2-1995  热室用件.第2部分:抗辐射,耐腐蚀和净化除污的要求  (Components for hot cells - Part 2: Requirements on radiation resistance, corrosion resistance and decontaminability)
 DIN 25489-1989  铀.钚及同位素成分含量的测定.质谱法  (Determination of uranium and plutonium content and isotopic composition; mass spectrometric method)
 DIN 2549-1969  铸钢法兰.公称压力250  (Cast steel flanges, nominal pressure 250)
 DIN 25490-1989  核子纯的六氟化铀.氟化铀溶液.硝酸溶液.氧化铀粉末.二氧化铀粉末和颗粒铀含量的测定.重量分析法  (Determination of the uranium content in nuclear grade uranium hexafluoride, uranyl fluoride solutions, uranyl nitrate solutions, uranium oxide, uranium dioxide, powder and pellets; gravimetric method)
 DIN 25491-1989  核燃料粉末散装密度和振动密度的测定  (Determination of apparent density and vibrated density of nuclear fuel powder)
 DIN 25492-1991  测量核燃料中的轴含量.戴维斯-格雷法(Davies-Gray-Methode)测定电位的过程  (Determination of the uranium content of nuclear fuels; potentiometric method based on the modified Davies and Gray method)
 DIN 25493-1997  核技术设备.用安装辅助手段,密封,装璜,包装材料和隔热材料防止金属部件表面受损  (Nuclear facilities - Protection of metallic surfaces of structural parts from damage from assembly aids, gaskets, packings, packaging material and thermal insulating materials)
 DIN 25494-1991  二氧化铀小片的开口孔隙率和隐孔隙率所占比例及密度的测定.沸水法和渗透法  (Determination of density and open and closed porosity of uranium dioxide pellets; boiling water and immersion method)
 DIN 25495-1991  测定氧化铀小球的密度和总气孔率.水银置换法  (Determination of density and total porosity of uranium dioxide pellets by the mercury displacement method)
 DIN 25496-1992  核技术设备中通风部件  (Ventilating components in nuclear facilities)
 DIN 25499-1991  钚氧化为Pu6价后对钚含量的测定.分光光度测量法  (Determination of plutonium after oxidation to Pu; spectrophotometric method)
 DIN 2550-1969  铸钢法兰.公称压力320  (Cast steel flanges, nominal pressure 320)
 DIN 2551-1969  铸钢法兰.公称压力400  (Cast steel flanges, nominal pressure 400)
 DIN 25525-1998  道路车辆.木材连接  (Rail vehicles - Linkage of woods)
 DIN 25570-1-1982  有轨车辆用管.概述  (Pipes for rail vehicles; summary)
 DIN 25570-2-1983  有轨车辆用管.管道概述  (Pipes for rail vehicles; selection for pipelines)
 DIN 25570-2004  轨道车辆用管.概述、选择、应用和弯曲半径  (Pipes for rail vehicles - Summary, selection, application, bending radius)
 DIN 25570-2004  轨道车辆用管.概述、选择、应用和弯曲半径  
 DIN 2558-2002  椭圆形螺纹旋入法兰.公称压力6  (Oval threaded plate - PN 6)
 DIN 2559-1-1973  焊缝预加工.钢管上坡口形状.焊熔接接头的规程  (Edge Preparation for Welding; Directions regarding Edge Forms, Fusion Welding of Butt Joints in Steel Tubes)
 DIN 2559-2-1984  焊缝预加工.无缝管圆周焊缝内径的配接  (Edge preparation for welding; matching of inside diameter for circumferential welds on seamless pipes)
 DIN 2559-3-1990  焊缝预加工.具有环焊缝的焊管内径的配接  (Preparation of welds; matching of inside diameters for circumferential welds on welded pipes)
 DIN 2559-4-1994  焊缝预加工.第4部分:不锈钢无缝管圆焊缝内径配合  (Preparation of welds; part 4: matching of inside diameters for circumferential welds on seamless pipes of stainless steels)
 DIN 25602-1-1978  有轨机动车的部件名称.传动机构(轮对.轴承.弹簧及悬挂).轮对支架.支承弹簧.弹簧悬挂装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; running gear (wheel sets, bearings, springs and suspensions) axle guard, suspension spring, spring suspension system)
 DIN 25602-2-1978  有轨机动车的部件名称.传动机构(轮对.轴承.弹簧及悬挂).传动轮对.轮对轴承  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; running gear (wheel sets, bearings, springs and suspensions), carrying-wheel set, wheel set bearings)
 DIN 25602-3-1977  有轨机动车部件的名称.传动机构(轮对.轴承.弹簧及悬挂).轮对.轮对轴承.轮对导杆.各部分表面分布  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; running gear (wheel sets, bearings, springs and suspensions), wheel sets, wheel set-bearings, wheel set-guides, surface distribution into individual sections)
 DIN 25603-1-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.底盘.货车的底盘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; underframe, wagon underframe)
 DIN 25603-2-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.底盘.第2部分:货车的底盘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Underframe - Part 2: Coach underframe)
 DIN 25603-3-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.底盘.第3部分:地铁的底盘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Underframe - Part 3: Underframe for metro)
 DIN 25603-4-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.底盘.内燃机机车的底盘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; underframe, underframe for diesel locomotives)
 DIN 25603-5-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.底盘.第5部分:柴油铁路车的底盘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Underframe - Part 5: Underframe for diesel railcars)
 DIN 25603-6-1969  有轨机动车部件的名称.底盘.电动机车的底盘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; underframe, underframe for electric locomotives)
 DIN 25604-1-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).旅游引车的转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheels sets, springs etc. of running gear), coach bogie)
 DIN 25604-2-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).货车的转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), wagon bogie)
 DIN 25604-3-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).内燃机机车的传动转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), motor bogie for diesel locomotives)
 DIN 25604-4-2001  铁路车辆零部件的术语.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).第4部分:电动机车的转向架框架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Bogie (without wheelsets, springs etc. of running gear) - Part 4: Motor bogie for electric locomotives)
 DIN 25604-5-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).内燃机驱动车的传动转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), motor bogie for diesel railcars)
 DIN 25604-6-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).电驱机车的传动转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), motor bogie for electric railcars)
 DIN 25604-7-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).内燃机驱动车的承重转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), carrying bogie for internal combustion engined railcars)
 DIN 25604-8-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).电动机车的有三个轮对的转向架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), three axle bogie for electric locomotives)
 DIN 25604-9-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.转向架(没有轮对.传动机构的弹簧等).转向架用的空气悬挂  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; bogie (without wheel sets, springs etc. of running gear), pneumatic suspension systems connected to bogies)
 DIN 25605-1-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.牵引装置.第1部分:可分的牵引装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Draw-gear - Part 1: Draw-gears, discontinuous)
 DIN 25605-2-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.牵引装置.第2部分:直通式牵引装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Draw-gear - Part 2: Draw-gear, continuous)
 DIN 25606-1-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.减震装置.弹簧套筒减震器  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; buffing-gear, plunger buffer)
 DIN 25606-2-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.减震装置.带平衡器的减震设备  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; buffing-gear, buffing gear with equilibrator)
 DIN 25607-1-1990  有轨机动车部件的名称.制动杆.手制动器.二轮对车用制动杆  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; brake gear, hand brake; brake gear for wagons with 2 wheel sets)
 DIN 25607-2-1990  有轨机动车部件的名称.制动杆.手制动器.四轮对车用制动杆  (Terms for railway vehicles parts; brake gear, hand brake; brake gear for wagons with 4 wheel sets)
 DIN 25607-3-1987  有轨机动车部件的名称.制动杆.手制动器.盘式制动器  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; brake gear, hand brake; disc brakes)
 DIN 25609-1-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.气压制动器.旅游牵引车的气压制动器  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; compressed-air brake, compressed-air brake for coaches)
 DIN 25610-1-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.踏板.把手.信号支柱.标志牌.手拉杆.上车车门.上车踏板.把手.吊环.踏板.手拉杆.支座.  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; step-boards, handles, signalbrackets, signs, hand rails, entry door, foot steps, handles, rope hooks, step-boards, hand rails, holders, hocks, ladders, railing)
 DIN 25610-2-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.踏板.把手.信号支柱.标志牌.手拉杆.标志牌.配电盘.车架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; step-boards, handles, signalbrackets, signs, hand rails, signs, plates, frames)
 DIN 25612-1-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.配件.支座.托架.出缘架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; accessories, stanchions, brackets, label racks)
 DIN 25612-2-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.配件.第2部分:装载物料固定装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Accessories - Part 2: Load fastening devices)
 DIN 25612-3-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.配件.烟灰缸.废物容器.铭牌钩.存放本子的套子  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; accessories, ash-trays, waste box, hold-all, holder)
 DIN 25620-1-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢骨架.带盖货车的厢体筋  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure, body framework for covered wagons)
 DIN 25620-3-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢骨架.旅游牵引车的厢体筋  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure, body framework for coaches)
 DIN 25620-4-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢骨架.汽车运输车辆的车厢骨架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure, superstructures for car carrying wagons)
 DIN 25620-5-1969  有轨机动车部件的名称.车身骨架.电动机车的厢体筋  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure; body framework for electric locomotives)
 DIN 25620-6-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.车身骨架.槽形车身自动装卸货车的车身骨架  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure, framework for dumping hopper wagon)
 DIN 25620-7-1968  有轨机动车部件的名称.车身骨架.内燃机机车的厢体筋  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure, body framework for diesel locomotives)
 DIN 25620-8-1968  有轨机动车部件的名称.车身骨架.地下铁道车辆的厢体筋  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure; body framework for underground railway vehicle)
 DIN 25620-9-1969  有轨机动车部件的名称.车身骨架.内燃机机动车的厢体筋  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body structure, body frame-work for diesel railcars)
 DIN 25621-1-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢的饰面材料与内部装饰.有闭锁装置的货车的滑动隔板  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body lining and interior fittings, sliding side with locking device)
 DIN 25621-2-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢的饰面材料与内部结构.带有提升设备的货车可提升式顶盖  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body lining and interior fittings, lifting and sliding roof for wagons)
 DIN 25621-3-1970  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢的饰面材料和内部结构.装有回转设备的货车转动式顶盖  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body lining and interior fittings, swivelling roof and swivelling device for wagons)
 DIN 25621-4-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢的饰面材料和内部结构.旅行牵引车的车厢饰面材料.地板.四壁和顶棚  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body lining and interior fittings, floors, sides and ceilings for coaches)
 DIN 25621-5-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢的饰面材料和内部结构.电动机车的车厢外层板  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body lining and interior fittings, body lining for electric locomotives)
 DIN 25621-6-1968  有轨机动车部件的名称.车厢外层板和内部结构.内燃机机车的车厢外层板.地板.四壁和顶棚  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; body lining and interior fittings, floors, sides and ceilings for diesel locomotives)
 DIN 25622-1-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.车锁  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, locks)
 DIN 25622-10-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.门的闭锁装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, door closing device)
 DIN 25622-11-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.带闭锁装置的转动式滑动门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, swinging-sliding door with locking device)
 DIN 25622-12-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.三页式折迭门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, three-wing folding door)
 DIN 25622-2-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.门闩.锁止器.车门的球形捏手  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, fastening devices, door-stop, spring-bolt locks)
 DIN 25622-3-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.门.卷帘式百叶门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, roller-shutter door)
 DIN 25622-4-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门货车的侧壁转动门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, hinged side-door)
 DIN 25622-5-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.自动关闭的滑动门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, sliding door, self-closing)
 DIN 25622-6-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.摆动活门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, swingdoor)
 DIN 25622-7-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.带闭锁装置的旋转折迭门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, folding hinged door with locking device)
 DIN 25622-8-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.滑动门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, sliding door)
 DIN 25622-9-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.车门.货车的滑动门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; doors, sliding door for wagons)
 DIN 25623-1-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风装置.可调组合式窗  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, sash window, with fixed lower half, with equilibrator)
 DIN 25623-10-1976  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.通风装置的栅格  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, ventilation grill)
 DIN 25623-11-2001  铁路车辆零部件的术语.车窗、活门、室内通风设备.第11部分:挡风玻璃清洗装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Windows, trap doors, ventilation of compartment - Part 11: Windscreen cleaning equipment)
 DIN 25623-2-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.带棚货车的装载装备与通风设备  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, loading and ventilation equipment for covered wagons)
 DIN 25623-3-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.大型敞篷车的带闭锁装置的侧壁活门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, side trap with fastening device for large capacity wagons)
 DIN 25623-4-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.自卸车辆的带控制装置的圆柱阀  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, circular slide trap with control mechanism for self-discharging wagons)
 DIN 25623-5-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.窗帘  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, curtains for windows)
 DIN 25623-6-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.货车的车窗.活门.室内通风设备.带闭锁装置的顶端阀  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, pivoted end doors with fastening device for wagons)
 DIN 25623-7-1979  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.带曲柄装置的组合式窗  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartements, window, with fixed lower half, operated by crank)
 DIN 25623-8-1967  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.旅游牵引车的通风设备  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments ventilation equipment for coaches)
 DIN 25623-9-1969  有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.内燃机机车的通风活门  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, ventilation flap for diesel locomotives)
 DIN 25624-1-2001  有轨机动车部件的名称.互通通道.第1部分:橡胶管通道连接  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Intercommunicating gangways - Part 1: Rubber tube gangway connection)
 DIN 25624-2-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.人行道设施.平台和可移动的制动台  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; intercommunicating gangways, platform and removable brake platform)
 DIN 25624-3-2001  铁路车辆零部件的术语.互通道.第3部分:机车的互通道  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Intercommunicating gangway - Part 3: Intercommunicating gangway for railcars)
 DIN 25625-1-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.内部设施.行李架和座位  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; interior fittings; luggage rack, seats)
 DIN 25625-2-1987  有轨机动车部件的名称.内部设施.驾驶员座位.折叠座位  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; interior fittings; driver`s seat, folding seat)
 DIN 25625-3-1966  有轨机动车部件的名称.内部设施.桌子  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; interior fittings; tables)
 DIN 25628-1-2001  铁路车辆零部件的术语.供暖.第1部分:热水供暖  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Heating - Part 1: Hot-water heating)
 DIN 25628-4-2001  铁路车辆部件术语.加热.第4部分:预加热和加热装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Heating - Part 4: Preheating and heating device)
 DIN 25629-2-1977  有轨机动车部件的名称.电气供暖和特种供暖.空调设备  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; electric heating and special type heating, air-conditioning plant, air-conditioning plant)
 DIN 25630-1-2004  铁道车辆部件术语.卫生设备.第1部分:带冲洗设施的厕所  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Sanitary installation - Part 1: Lavatory with washing facility)
 DIN 25630-1-2004  铁道车辆部件术语.卫生设备.第1部分:带冲洗设施的厕所  
 DIN 25630-2-2001  铁路车辆部件术语.卫生设备.第2部分:真空抽水马桶和洗脸盆  (Terms for railway vehicle parts - Sanitary installation - Part 2: Vacuum toilet and wash basin)
 DIN 25631-1-1978  有轨机动车部件的名称.车辆的机械设施和装卸设施.汽车运输车厢的升降装置  (Terms for railway vehicle parts; mechanical equipment, loading equipment for wagons, lifting and lowering devices for car carriage wagons)
 DIN 25631-1-2004  有轨车辆部件的术语.运输车用机械设备和装载设备.第1部分:汽车运输车用升降装置  
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