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 ASTM E 1400-1995  高剂量γ射线辐射量测定校准实验室的特性记述和功能  Characterization and Performance of A High-Dose Gamma Radiation Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory
 ASTM E 1401-1996  重铬酸盐剂量测定系统的应用  Use of a Dichromate Dosimetry System
 ASTM E 1402-1999  抽样的相关术语  Terminology Relating to Sampling
 ASTM E 1403-1997  实验室玻璃烧瓶  Laboratory Glass Boiling Flasks
 ASTM E 1404-1994  实验室玻璃圆锥瓶  Laboratory Glass Conical Flasks
 ASTM E 1405-1998  实验室玻璃蒸馏烧瓶  Laboratory Glass Distillation Flasks
 ASTM E 1406-1995  实验室玻璃吸滤瓶  Laboratory Glass Filter Flasks
 ASTM E 1407-1991  材料数据库管理  Materials Database Management
 ASTM E 1408-1991  门板和门系统声衰减的实验室测量方法  Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Sound Transmission Loss of Door Panels and Door Systems
 ASTM E 1409-1997  用惰性气体熔解技术测定钛及钛合金中氧含量的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Oxygen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by the Inert Gas Fusion Technique
 ASTM E 141-1991  根据概率取样结果所得数据的验收  Acceptance of Evidence Based on the Results of Probability Sampling
 ASTM E 1410-1991  评估住宅用能源数据的确定  Specifying Data for Evaluation of Energy Used in Residential Buildings
 ASTM E 1411-2001  X射线透视系统鉴定的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Qualification of Radioscopic Systems
 ASTM E 1412-1995  用头上空间动态浓缩法分离和浓缩火灾残渣样品中易燃和可燃液体残留物的方法  Separation and Concentration of Flammable or Combustible Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Passive Headspace Concentration
 ASTM E 1413-1995  用净空动态浓缩法分离和浓缩火灾残渣样品中易燃和可燃液体残留物  Separation and Concentration of Flammable or Combustible Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Dynamic Headspace Concentration
 ASTM E 1414-2000  共用一个天花板中通风系统的房间之间气载噪声衰减率的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum
 ASTM E 1415-1991  浮萍圆瘤G3的毒性静态测试的实施  Conducting Static Toxicity Tests with Lemna gibba G3
 ASTM E 1416-1996  焊件的射线检验法  Test Method for Radioscopic Examination of Weldments
 ASTM E 1417-1999  液体渗透检验  Liquid Penetrant Examination
 ASTM E 1418-1998  用水洗法作可视性渗透检验的试验方法  Test Method for Visible Penetrant Examination Using the Water-Washable Process
 ASTM E 1419-2002  利用声波发射检验充有气体的无缝压力容器的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Examination of Seamless, Gas- Filled, Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
 ASTM E 142-1992  射线照相检验的质量控制  Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing
 ASTM E 1420-1991  离子辐射环境中设备用聚合材料的规定  Specifying Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation Environments
 ASTM E 1421-1999  傅里叶转换红外线(FT-IR)光谱仪的性能描述和测量:0级和1级试验  Describing and Measuring Performance of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometers: Level Zero and Level One Tests
 ASTM E 1422-2001  法庭书写用墨水的比较试验方法的标准指南  Standard Guide for Test Methods for Forensic Writing Ink Comparison
 ASTM E 1423-1999  主窗设计系统固态导热系数测定的标准规程  Standard Practice for Determining the Steady State Thermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems
 ASTM E 1424-1991  在试样两侧特定压力和温度差下透过外窗,护墙和门的空气泄漏率的测定方法  Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure and Temperature Differences Across the Specimen
 ASTM E 1425-1991  外窗和门传声性能的测定  Determining the Accoustical Performance of Exterior Windows and Doors
 ASTM E 1426-1998  残余应力X-射线缺陷测量效果弹性参数测定的试验方法  Test Method for Determining the Effective Elastic Parameter for X-Ray Diffraction Measurements of Residual Stress
 ASTM E 1427-1991  测定抗微生物药剂和其它药剂对生物膜的防护、钝化和脱除效果试验方法的选择  Selecting Test Methods to Determine the Effectiveness of Antimicrobial Agents and Other Chemicals for the Prevention, Inactivation and Removal of Biofilm
 ASTM E 1428-1999  用轮枝链霉菌属网(粉红染色生物体)在防腐蚀聚合物中或聚合物上进行抗微生物性能评价的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating the Performance of Antimicrobials in or on Polymeric Solids Against Staining by Streptoverticillium Reticulum (a Pink Stain Organism)
 ASTM E 1429-1991  洒药机及类似设施喷洒农药时对人体暴露部分健康的潜在危害的评定  Assessing the Health Hazard of Pesticides to Applicators and Others with Potential Exposure
 ASTM E 143-1987  室温下剪切模量的测试方法  Test Method for Shear Modulus at Room Temperature
 ASTM E 1430-1991  带有地下储存容器的卸压探测装置的使用  Using Release Detection Devices with Underground Storage Tanks
 ASTM E 1431-1998  食品加工用电子和韧致辐射装置的剂量测定  Dosimetry in Electron and Bremsstrahlung Irradiation Facilities for Food Processing
 ASTM E 1432-1991  从中间尺寸规定数据组中产生的单一和群体感觉阈值的确定和计算  Defining and Calculating Individual and Group Sensory Thresholds from Forced-Choice Data Sets of Intermediate Size
 ASTM E 1433-1995  环境声学标准的选择  Selection of Standards on Environmental Acoustics
 ASTM E 1434-2000  记录数据库中纤维增强复合材料的机械试验数的标准指南  Standard Guide for Recording Mechanical Test Data of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials in Databases
 ASTM E 1435-1998  带碳化硅晶须的增强的氧化铝致密物品的搬运  Handling Densified Articles of Aluminum Oxide Reinforced with Silicon Carbide Whiskers
 ASTM E 1436-1991  碳化硅晶须增强的氮化硅致密制品的搬运  Handling Densified Articles of Silicon Nitride Reinforced with Silicon Carbide Whiskers
 ASTM E 1437-1998  碳化硅晶须的搬运  Handling Silicon Carbide Whiskers
 ASTM E 1438-1991  用次级离子质谱法(SIMS)测量溅射深度成形界面的宽度  Measuring Widths of Interfaces in Sputter Depth Profiling Using SIMS
 ASTM E 1439-1998  青蛙胚胎畸形生成爪蟾属的试验  Conducting the Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (Fetax)
 ASTM E 144-1994  氧燃烧弹的推荐安全使用  Recommended Safe Use of Oxygen Combustion Bombs
 ASTM E 1440-1991  短尾轮虫科剧毒性的测试  Acute Toxicity Test with the Rotifer Brachionus
 ASTM E 1441-1995  计算机断层摄影(CI)图象  Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging
 ASTM E 1442-1994  高速公路交通监视  Highway-Traffic Monitoring
 ASTM E 1443-1994  与建筑,材料存取以及化学专业数据库相关的术语  Terminology Relating to Building and Accessing Material and Chemical Databases
 ASTM E 1444-2001  磁粉检验标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination
 ASTM E 1445-1998  与具有潜在危险性的化合物相关的术语  Terminology Relating to Hazardous Potential of Chemicals
 ASTM E 1446-1992  用直流等离子体辐射光谱法作精炼金的化学分析试验法  Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Refined Gold by Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 1447-2001  用惰性气体熔解热传导法测定钛合金中氢的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by the Inert Gas Fusion Thermal Conductivity Method
 ASTM E 1448-1992  道路粗糙度对车辆影响的测量系统的校正  Calibration of Systems Used for Measuring Vehicular Response to Pavement Roughness
 ASTM E 1449-1992  超临界流体色谱法的术语和相互关系  Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Terms and Relationships
 ASTM E 145-1994  重力对流式和强制通风式烘炉  Gravity-Convection and Forced-Ventilation Ovens
 ASTM E 1450-1992  液氦中结构合金的抗拉性试验法  Test Method for Tension Testing of Structural Alloys in Liquid Helium
 ASTM E 1451-1998  含有碳化硅须晶和纤维的废弃物处置的标准指南  Standard Guide for Disposal of Wastes Containing Silicon Carbide Whiskers and Fibers
 ASTM E 1452-1992  分光光度和光谱原子分析用校正溶液的制备  Preparation of Calibration Solutions for Spectrophotometric and for Spectroscopic Atomic Analysis
 ASTM E 1453-1993  包含模拟或数字X射线检验数据的介质的存储  Storage of Media That Contains Analog or Digital Radioscopic Data
 ASTM E 1454-1992  数字超声波测试数据的计算机传送用数据段  Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of Digital Ultrasonic Testing Data
 ASTM E 1455-1997  用三原色比色计从直观显示装置中得到比色分析的数据  Obtaining Colorimetric Data from a Visual Display Unit Using Tristimulus Colorimeters
 ASTM E 1456-1997  固体苛性钾(固体氢氧化钾)  Caustic Potash; Solid (Potassium Hydroxide; Solid)
 ASTM E 1457-1992  测量金属蠕变开裂增长速度的试验方法  Test Method for Measurement of Creep Crack Growth Rates in Metals
 ASTM E 1458-1992  用光掩模原版校准检验激光绕射粒子定尺寸仪器的试验方法  Test Method for Calibration Verification of Laser Diffraction Particle Sizing Instruments Using Photomask Reticles
 ASTM E 1459-1992  对物理性证据作标记及与之相关的文献工作  Physical Evidence Labeling and Related Documentation
 ASTM E 1460-1992  保健知识基本系数的确定和分配(医学逻辑系统用Arden语法)  Defining and Sharing Modular Health Knowledge Bases (Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems)
 ASTM E 1461-2001  闪光法测定固定导热性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Thermal Diffusivity of Solids by the Flash Method
 ASTM E 1462-1995  光电器件模块的完整性绝缘和连续地面路人境的试验方法  Test Method for Insulation Integrity and Ground Path Continuity of Photovoltaic Modules
 ASTM E 1463-1992  用来自美国西海岸的糠虾做静态和动态剧毒性试验的导则  Conducting Static and Flow-Through Acute Toxicity Tests with Mysids from the West Coast of the United States
 ASTM E 1464-1992  商用和研究用建筑物及设施的能源发展监督协议  Developing Energy Monitoring Protocols for Commercial and Institutional Buildings or Facilities
 ASTM E 1465-1992  新式低层住宅设计和建造用氡控制方案的选择  Radon Control Options for the Design and Construction of New Low Rise Residential Buildings
 ASTM E 1466-1992  临床试验室中取样管上条码的使用  Use of Bar Codes on Specimen Tubes in the Clinical Laboratory
 ASTM E 1467-1994  独立的计算机系统间数字型神经生理学数据的传送  Transferring Digital Neurophysiological Data Between Independent Computer Systems
 ASTM E 1468-1992  用吊篮采样器采集海底深处大型无脊椎动物  Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates with the Basket Sampler
 ASTM E 1469-1992  用多层板采样器在海低深处采集大型无脊椎动物  Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates with Multiple-Plate Samplers
 ASTM E 147-1961  用基耶达法进行氮气微量测定用仪器  Apparatus for Microdetermination of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl Method
 ASTM E 1470-1992  电泳迁移率法测定蛋白质特性的测试方法  Test Method for Characterization of Proteins by Electrophoretic Mobility
 ASTM E 1471-1992  计算机处理的材料性能数据库中纤维、填充料和磁心材料的识别  Identification of Fibers, Fillers and Core Materials in Computerized Material Property Databases
 ASTM E 1472-1992  消防模型计算机软件的鉴定及发证  Documenting Computer Software for Fire Models
 ASTM E 1473-1994  镍,钴和耐高温合金化学分析用测试方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel, Cobalt and High-Temperature Alloys
 ASTM E 1474-2001  用小型耗氧热量计测定装饰家具和床垫部件或组件的放热率的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate of Upholstered Furniture and Mattress Components or Composites Using a Bench Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter
 ASTM E 1475-1997  数字放射性测试数据的计算机传输的数据字段  Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of Digital Radiological Test Data
 ASTM E 1476-1997  金属识别、定级和分类的标准指南  Standard Guide for Metals Identification, Grade Verification, and Sorting
 ASTM E 1477-1998  使用集成球形反射计测定音响材料反光因素的试验方法  Test Method for Luminous Reflectance Factor of Acoustical Materials by Use of Integrating-Sphere Reflectometers
 ASTM E 1478-1997  透明薄板材料的视觉色彩评定实用规程  Standard Practice for Visual Color Evaluation of Transparent Sheet Materials
 ASTM E 1479-1999  感应耦合等离子体光学放射分光计的描述与规定的标准规程  Standard Practice for Describing and Specifying Inductively-Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers
 ASTM E 1480-1992  设备管理术语(与建筑相关的)  Terminology of Facility Management (Building-Related)
 ASTM E 1481-2000  建筑物用护栏装置和围栏的标准术语  Standard Terminology of Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
 ASTM E 1482-1992  杀病毒剂功效评定用杀病毒剂的中和作用试验方法  Test Method for Neutralization of Virucidal Agents in Virucidal Efficacy Evaluations
 ASTM E 1483-1992  评定鼠和兔的毒性传播试验方法  Test Method for Assessing Developmental Toxicity in Rats and Rabbits
 ASTM E 1484-1992  材料及化学制品性能数据和数据库质量指示器的格式和使用  Formatting and Use of Material and Chemical Property Data and Database Quality Indicators
 ASTM E 1485-1992  材料及化学制品性能数据库描述  Development of Material and Chemical Property Database Descriptions
 ASTM E 1486-1998  利用波纹度、行车轨迹和水平度准则测定地板公差的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria
 ASTM E 1486M-1998  利用波纹度、行车轨迹和水平度准则(米制)测定地板公差的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria Metric
 ASTM E 1488-1996  研制和运用ASTM试验方法用的统计程序  Statistical Procedures to Use in Developing and Applying ASTM Test Methods
 ASTM E 1489-1998  通过用惯性剖面测量装置做的纵剖面测量来计算道路承载值的标准实践  Standard Practice for Computing Ride Number of Roads from Longitudinal Profile Measurements Made by an Inertial Profile Measuring Device
 ASTM E 1490-1992  皮肤对脂膏及洗剂的感觉分析的描述  Descriptive Skinfeel Analysis of Creams and Lotions
 ASTM E 1491-1997  对尘雾最低自燃温度的试验方法  Test Method for Minimum Autoignition Temperature of Dust Clouds
 ASTM E 1492-1992  法庭科学实验室用证据的接收、建档、存储和提取  Receiving, Documenting, Storing and Retrieving Evidence in a Forensic Science Laboratory
 ASTM E 1493-2001  抗菌素M13或其DNA识别的标准导则  Standard Guide for Identification of Bacteriophage M13 or Its DNA
 ASTM E 1494-1992  喷涂或镘刀涂抹的易碎含石棉建筑材料用密封剂  Encapsulants for Spray- or-Trowel-Applied Friable Asbestos-Containing Building Materials
 ASTM E 1495-1997  复合材料、叠层板材和粘接件的机械性能的声学超声波评定  Acousto-Ultrasonic Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Composites, Laminates and Bonded Joints
 ASTM E 1496-1997  中子射线照相尺寸测量的试验方法  Test Method for Neutron Radiographic Dimensional Measurements
 ASTM E 1497-2000  水混合金属加工液的安全使用的标准规程  Standard Practice for Safe Use of Water-Miscible Metal Removal Fluids
 ASTM E 1498-1992  海草性繁殖试验的实施  Conducting Sexual Reproduction Tests with Seaweeds
 ASTM E 1499-1997  监测员挑选,评价和训练的指南  Guide to the the Selection, Evaluation and Training of Observers
 ASTM E 1500-1993  用道路表面高程剖面记录计算出均方数值  Computing Mean Square Numerics from Road Surface Elevation Profile Records
 ASTM E 1501-1999  提高行人能见度用反射标志的夜间光学性能  Nighttime Photometric Performance of Retroreflective Pedestrian Markings for Visibility Enhancement
 ASTM E 1502-1998  基准温度冻结点室的使用  Use of Freezing-Point Cells for Reference Temperatures
 ASTM E 1503-1997  使用数字统计分析系统测量室外声音的试验方法  Test Method for Conducting Outdoor Sound Measurements Using a Digital Statistical Analysis System
 ASTM E 1504-1992  次级离子质谱(SIMS)测定中质谱数据报告的标准规范  Standard Practice for Reporting Mass Spectral Data in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
 ASTM E 1505-1992  根据离子移植外标物测定 SIMS 有关敏感因素的标准指南  Standard Guide for Determining SIMS Relative Sensitivity Factors from Ion Implanted External Standards
 ASTM E 1506-1997  分析酸级氟化钙(荧石)的试验方法  Test Methods for Analysis of Acid Grade Calcium Fluoride (Fluorspar)
 ASTM E 1507-1998  光学辐射直读仪分光计的描述与规定  Describing and Specifying the Spectrometer of an Optical Emission Direct-Reading Instrument
 ASTM E 1508-1998  用能量分散能谱学作定量分析  Quantitative Analysis by Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 1509-1995  颗粒燃料燃烧型房间加热器  Room Heaters, Pellet Fuel-Burning Type
 ASTM E 1510-1995  气相色谱仪安装熔凝硅石敞开管状毛细管丛  Installing Fused Silica Open Tubular Capillary Columns in Gas Chromatographs
 ASTM E 1511-1993  液相和离子色谱法试验导电检波器  Testing Conductivity Detectors Used in Liquid and Ion Chromatography
 ASTM E 1512-1993  胶粘连接锚固装置的粘结性能试验方法  Test Methods for Testing Bond Performance of Adhesive-Bonded Anchors
 ASTM E 1513-1993  喷涂耐火材料的应用(SFRMs)  Application of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRMs)
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