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 ASTM D 4506-1990  通过径向升高试验测定现场岩石物质变形模数的方法  Test Method for Determining the In Situ Modulus of Deformation of Rock Mass Using a Radial Jacking Test
 ASTM D 4507-1993  热塑性聚合(TPES)材料  Thermoplastic Polyester (TPES) Materials
 ASTM D 4508-1998  塑料的破碎冲击强度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Chip Impact Strength of Plastics
 ASTM D 4509-1996  测量新吹净PET(生产环境测试)瓶的24小时气室乙醛含量的试验方法  Test Methods for Determining the 24-Hour Gas (AIR) Space Acetaldehyde Content of Freshly Blown PET Bottles
 ASTM D 451-1991  沥青屋顶制品用粒状矿物铺面材料筛分分析试验方法  Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing Products
 ASTM D 4510-1993  羊毛和其他动物纤维中计算粒子劈裂的试验方法  Test Method for Counting Particle Cleavages in Wool and Other Animal Fibers
 ASTM D 4511-1992  基本饱和泥炭产品(恒定压头)水渗导性的试验方法  Test Method for Hydraulic Conductivity of Essentially Saturated Peat (Constant Head)
 ASTM D 4512-1999  粉状和细颗粒催化剂振动表观存储密度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Vibrated Apparent Packing Density of Fine Catalyst and Catalyst Carrier Particles and Powder
 ASTM D 4513-1997  筛分法对催化材料的粒度分布的试验方法  Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Catalytic Materials by Sieving
 ASTM D 4514-2000  绝缘胶布的标准规范  Standard Specification for Friction Tape
 ASTM D 4515-1985  含有机物水样保留时间的估算  Estimation of Holding Time for Water Samples Containing Organic Constitutents
 ASTM D 4516-2000  反渗透性能数据的标准化的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Standardizing Reverse Osmosis Performance Data
 ASTM D 4517-1985  用无焰原子吸收光谱法测量高纯度水中低量总硅石的试验方法  Test Method for Low-Level Total Silica in High-Purity Water by Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
 ASTM D 4518-1991  涂层表面的静磨擦测量的试验方法  Test Methods for Measuring Static Friction of Coating Surfaces
 ASTM D 4519-1994  为测量高纯度水中阴离子和二氧化碳进行的电导率的单线监测的试验方法  Test Method for On-Line Monitoring of Electrical Conductivity to Determine Anions and Carbon Dioxide in High Purity Water
 ASTM D 452-1991  沥青层面制品表面修整用非粒状矿物的筛分试验方法  Sieve Analysis of Surfacing for Asphalt Roofing Products
 ASTM D 4520-1995  通过使用单侧涨水法测定水的注入  Determining Water Injectivity Through the Use of On-Site Floods
 ASTM D 4521-1996  瓦楞纤维板和固体纤维板的静磨擦系数的试验方法  Test Method for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard
 ASTM D 4522-1986  羽绒填充制品的性能规范  Performance Specification for Feather-Filled and Down-Filled Products
 ASTM D 4523-1985  与羽绒填充制品相关的术语  Terminology Relating to Feather-Filled and Down-Filled Products
 ASTM D 4524-1986  羽衣成分的试验方法  Test Method for Composition of Plumage
 ASTM D 4525-1990  气流法对岩石的渗透性的试验方法  Test Method for Permeability of Rocks by Flowing Air
 ASTM D 4526-1996  液面上气体色层分离法测定聚合物中的挥发物  Determination of Volatiles in Polymers by Headspace Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 4527-1999  碳黑的试验方法-溶剂可萃取物  Test Methods for Carbon Black - Solvent Extractables
 ASTM D 4528-1988  橡胶配料的分类:硫  Classification for Rubber Compounding Materials: Sulfur
 ASTM D 4529-2001  航空燃料燃烧净热值的评价的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Estimation of Net Heat of Combustion of Aviation Fuels
 ASTM D 453-1994  杂酚油-煤焦油溶液中焦油酸含量的测试方法  Test Method for Tar Acids in Creosote-Coal Tar Solutions
 ASTM D 4530-2000  碳残余物测定的标准试验方法(微量法)  Standard Test Method for Determination of Carbon Residue (Micro Method)
 ASTM D 4531-1986  泥炭和泥炭制品的体密度的试验方法  Test Methods for Bulk Density of Peat and Peat Products
 ASTM D 4532-1997  工厂周围大气中可吸入粉尘的试验方法  Test Method for Respirable Dust in Workplace Atmospheres
 ASTM D 4533-1991  土工织物的梯形抗扯裂强度的试验方法  Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles
 ASTM D 4534-1999  气相色谱法对环烃产品中含苯量的试验方法  Test Method for Benzene Content of Cyclic Products by Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 4535-1985  用膨胀计测量岩石的热膨胀的试验方法  Test Methods for Measurement of Thermal Expansion of Rock Using a Dilatometer
 ASTM D 4536-1996  固体颗粒物质的大量采集和颗粒排放的测定的试验方法  Test Method for High-Volume Sampling for Solid Particulate Matter and Determination of Particulate Emissions
 ASTM D 4537-1991  核设施涂层工作的质量和认证检验人员资格考核程序的制定  Establishing Procedures to Qualify and Certify Inspection Personnel for Coating Work in Nuclear Facilities
 ASTM D 4538-1995  与发电装置用防护覆层和衬砌工作相关的术语  Terminology Relating to Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power Generation Facilities
 ASTM D 4539-1998  通过低温流动试验对柴油燃料的可滤性的试验方法  Test Method for Filterability of Diesel Fuels by Low-Temperature Flow Test (LTFT)
 ASTM D 454-1999  用加热及空气压力法测定橡胶变质的试验方法  Test Method for Rubber Deterioration by Heat and Air Pressure
 ASTM D 4541-1995  用手提式粘合试验仪测定涂层脱落强度的方法  Test Method for Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers
 ASTM D 4542-1995  用折射计测定土壤中可溶盐含量和孔隙抽水的试验方法  Test Method for Pore Water Extraction and Determination of the Soluble Salt Content of Soils by Refractometer
 ASTM D 4543-1985  岩石芯样的制备及尺寸公差和形状公差的测定  Prepating Rock Core Specimens and Determining Dimensional and Shape Tolerances
 ASTM D 4544-1986  泥炭沉积厚度的评估  Estimating Peat Deposit Thickness
 ASTM D 4546-1996  粘性土的单维膨胀或沉降趋势的试验方法  Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils
 ASTM D 4547-1998  挥发性有机物的废物和土壤的采样  Sampling Waste and Soils for Volatile Organics
 ASTM D 4548-1991  混合离子交换树脂的阴、阳离子平衡的试验方法  Test Method for Anion-Cation Balance of Mixed Bed Ion-Exchange Resins
 ASTM D 4549-1998  聚苯乙烯模塑和挤压材料(PS)  Polystyrene Molding and Extrusion Materials (PS)
 ASTM D 455-1969  压制香皂  Milled Toilet Soap
 ASTM D 4550-1998  热塑性弹性乙醚酯(TEEE)  Thermoplastic Elastomer-Ether-Ester (TEEE)
 ASTM D 4551-1996  软聚氯乙烯塑料隐蔽式防水膜  Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Flexible Concealed Water-Containment Membrane
 ASTM D 4552-1992  热混合循环试剂分类方法  Classifying Hot-Mix Recycling Agents
 ASTM D 4553-1990  岩石蠕变特性现场测定的试验方法  Test Method for Determining In Situ Creep Characteristics of Rock
 ASTM D 4554-1990  岩石间断性直接剪切强度的现场测定方法  Test Method for In Situ Determination of Direct Shear Strength of Rock Discontinuities
 ASTM D 4555-2001  现场单轴压缩试验测定软岩石的可加工性和强度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Deformability and Strength of Weak Rock by an In Situ Uniaxial Compressive Test
 ASTM D 4556-1985  采集底栖大型无脊椎动物用河网采样装置的选择  Selecting Stream-Net Sampling Devices for Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates
 ASTM D 4557-1985  用色柏式和相应类型的采样器采集底栖大型无脊椎动物  Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates with Surber and Related Type Samplers
 ASTM D 4558-1985  用漂网采集底栖大型无脊椎动物  Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates with Drift Nets
 ASTM D 4559-1999  硅液中挥发性物质的试验方法  Test Method for Volatile Matter in Silicone Fluid
 ASTM D 456-1985  苛性苏打规范(无水)  Caustic Soda (Anhydrous)
 ASTM D 4560-1992  工业和公共机构用纸巾  Paper Napkins for Industrial and Institutional Use
 ASTM D 4561-1996  软聚氯乙烯塑料隐蔽式防水膜  Quality Control Systems for an Inspection and Testing Agency for Bituminous Paving Materials
 ASTM D 4562-1990  用杆和杆环试样对胶粘剂剪切强度的试验方法  Test Method for Shear Strength of Adhesives Using Pin-and-Collar Specimen
 ASTM D 4563-2002  原子吸收光谱法测定从全部涂料中回收的颜料中二氧化钛含量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy of Titanium Dioxide Content of Pigments Recovered From Whole Paint
 ASTM D 4564-1993  用套筒法对现场土壤密度的试验方法  Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sleeve Method
 ASTM D 4565-1999  远程通信电线和电缆用绝缘体和套管的物理和环境性能特性的试验方法  Test Methods for Physical and Environmental Performance Properties of Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunications Wire and Cable
 ASTM D 4566-1998  通讯电线和电缆用绝缘体和套管的电气性能特性的试验方法  Test Methods for Electrical Performance Properties of Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunications Wire and Cable
 ASTM D 4567-1999  连续流动法单点测定用氮吸附的催化剂比表面积的试验方法  Test Method for Single-Point Determination of Specific Surface Area of Catalysts Using Nitrogen Adsorption by Continuous Flow Method
 ASTM D 4568-1999  评价电缆填充物、溢流件、聚烯烃线和电缆材料间相容性的试验方法  Test Methods for Evaluating Compatibility Between Cable Filling and Flooding Compounds and Polyolefin Wire and Cable Materials
 ASTM D 4569-1989  橡胶制品-测定硫磺中酸度的试验方法  Test Method for Rubber Chemicals - Determination of Acidity in Sulfur
 ASTM D 457-1985  改性苏打规格(倍半碳酸盐型)  Modified Soda (Sesquicarbonate Type)
 ASTM D 4570-1986  橡胶加工用化学药品的试验方法:筛分法测定硫的粒度分布  Test Method for Rubber Chemicals - Determination of Particle Size of Sulfur by Sieving (Dry)
 ASTM D 4571-1994  橡胶加工用化学药品的试验方法-测定硫磺中挥发性物质  Test Methods for Rubber Chemicals - Determination of Volatile Material
 ASTM D 4572-1989  橡胶加工用化学药品的试验方法-硫磺的湿法筛选分析  Test Method for Rubber Chemicals - Wet Sieve Analysis of Sulfur
 ASTM D 4573-1998  橡胶加工用化学药品的试验方法-测定被油浸过的硫磺中的含油量  Test Method for Rubber Chemicals - Determination of Oil Content in Oil-Treated Sulfur
 ASTM D 4574-1994  橡胶加工用化学药品的试验方法-测定硫磺的灰份  Test Methods for Rubber Chemicals - Determination of Ash Content
 ASTM D 4575-1999  橡胶变质的试验方法:测定实验室测试小室内臭氧浓度的参考法和交替法  Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration: Reference and Alternative Method(s) for Determining Ozone Level in Laboratory Test Chambers
 ASTM D 4576-1986  蓝色原料(皮革)抗霉菌生长的试验方法  Test Method for Mold Growth Resistance of Blue Stock (Leather)
 ASTM D 4577-2000  长期负载下集装箱耐压性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Compression Resistance of a Container Under Constant Load
 ASTM D 4578-1989  橡胶加工用化学药品-用溶剂提取法测定不溶解硫磺百分比的试验方法  Test Methods for Rubber Chemicals - Determination of Percent Insoluble Sulfur by Solvent Extraction
 ASTM D 4579-1996  脱脂酸或不起泡酸的处理  Handling an Acid Degreaser or Still
 ASTM D 458-1985  苏打灰  Soda Ash
 ASTM D 4580-2002  用测声法测量混凝土桥面分层剥离性的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for Measuring Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks by Sounding
 ASTM D 4581-1986  水体表面的形态学特性的测定  Measurement of Morphologic Characteristics of Surface Water Bodies
 ASTM D 4582-1991  对反渗透粘稠性和戴维斯稳定性指数的计算和校正  Calculation and Adjustment of the Stiff and Davis Stability Index for Reverse Osmosis
 ASTM D 4583-1995  碳黑.从工艺控制数据的分析中计算工艺指数  Carbon Black - Calculation of Process Indexes from an Analysis of Process Control Data
 ASTM D 4584-1986  测定电涂镀槽表观pH值的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Apparent pH of Electrocoat Baths
 ASTM D 4585-1999  用受控冷凝法测试涂层耐水性的试验  Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Controlled Condensation
 ASTM D 4586-2000  无石棉沥青屋面水泥的标准规范  Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free
 ASTM D 4587-2001  用荧光紫外线曝光曝水装置对涂料及有关涂层和材料进行测试的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings
 ASTM D 4589-1996  苯胺中硝基(代)苯的试验方法  Test Method for Nitrobenzene in Aniline
 ASTM D 459-2000  肥皂和其他洗涤剂的有关标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Soaps and Other Detergents
 ASTM D 4590-1995  用分光光度法测定苯乙烯单体中对一叔丁基邻苯二酚的比色测定方法  Standard Test Method for Colorimetric Determination of p-tert-Butylcatechol In Styrene Monomer or AMS ([alpha]-Methylstyrene) by Spectrophotometry
 ASTM D 4591-2001  用差式扫描量热法测定含氟聚合物温度和转化热的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Temperatures and Heats of Transitions of Fluoropolymers by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
 ASTM D 4592-1996  预制塑料路面标志带的极限使用寿命  Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking Tape for Limited Service Life
 ASTM D 4599-1997  用污染程度剂量计测量有毒气体或蒸气的浓度  Measuring the Concentration of Toxic Gases or Vapors Using Length-of-Stain Dosimeters
 ASTM D 460-1991  皂和皂制品的化学分析取样试验方法  Test Methods for Sampling and Chemical Analysis of Soaps and Soap Products
 ASTM D 4600-1995  工作场所大气中可溶苯颗粒物质的测定方法  Test Method for Determination of Benzene-Soluble Particulate Matter in Workplace Atmospheres
 ASTM D 4601-1998  屋面用沥青覆层的玻璃纤维基质薄板  Asphalt-Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in Roofing
 ASTM D 4602-1993  使用循环负荷动态弯曲设备作路面的无损检验  Nondestructive Testing of Pavements Using Cyclic-Loading Dynamic Deflection Equipment
 ASTM D 4603-1996  测量聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯特性粘度的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Inherent Viscosity of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) (PET)
 ASTM D 4604-1995  高容量仪器测量棉纤维的试验方法(运动控制纤维信息系统)  Test Methods for Measurement of Cotton Fibers by High Volume Instruments (HVI) (Motion Control Fiber Information System)
 ASTM D 4606-1995  用氢化发生法/原子吸收法测定煤中砷和硒含量的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Arsenic and Selenium in Coal by the Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Method
 ASTM D 4607-1994  活性碳碘值的测定试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Iodine Number of Activated Carbon
 ASTM D 4608-1989  洗涤剂中柠檬酸的试验方法  Test Method for Citrate in Detergents
 ASTM D 4609-2001  土壤稳定用化学品效果评定的标准指南  Standard Guide for Evaluating Effectiveness of Chemicals for Soil Stabilization
 ASTM D 461-1993  毡子的试验方法  Test Methods for Felt
 ASTM D 4610-1998  测定涂料和相关涂层上微生物(真菌或藻类)的存在及清除  Determining the Presence of and Removing Microbial (Fungal or Agal) Growth on Paint and Related Coatings
 ASTM D 4611-1986  岩石和土壤的比热的试验方法  Test Method for Specific Heat of Rock and Soil
 ASTM D 4612-1986  计算岩石的热扩散系数  Calculating Thermal Diffusivity of Rocks
 ASTM D 4613-1986  测定水溶性酚醛树脂表观pH值的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Apparent pH of Water Insoluble Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins
 ASTM D 4614-1995  乙酸乙酯(全部等级)  Ethyl Acetate (All Grades)
 ASTM D 4615-1995  n-醋酸丁酯(全部等级)  Standard Specification for n-Butyl Acetate (All Grades)
 ASTM D 4616-1995  硬沥青的中间相的测定和反射光作显微分析的试验方法  Test Method for Microscopical Analysis by Reflected Light and Determination of Mesophase in a Pitch
 ASTM D 4617-1996  苯酚化合物(PF)  Phenolic Compounds (PF)
 ASTM D 4618-1992  烟气脱硫系统组件保护性衬砌的设计和制造  Design and Fabrication of Flue Gas Desulfurization System Components for Protective Lining Application
 ASTM D 4619-1996  烟气脱硫系统操作中衬砌的检验  Inspection of Linings in Operating Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems
 ASTM D 4620-1998  评估橡胶中氧化锌的有效表面积的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating the Effective Surface Area of Zinc-Oxide in Rubber
 ASTM D 4621-1999  煤分析实验室的职责和质量控制的标准指南  Standard Guide for Quality Management in an Organization That Samples or Tests Coal and Coke
 ASTM D 4622-1986  使用测斜计监测岩石质量的试验方法  Test Method for Rock Mass Monitoring Using Inclinometers
 ASTM D 4623-1996  用过芯法-美国矿务局(USBM)钻孔变形计现场测定岩石质量(重量)应力的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of In Situ Stress in Rock Mass by Overcoring Method - USBM Borehole Deformation Gage
 ASTM D 4624-1993  高温和高剪切速率下毛细管粘度计测定表观粘度的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Apparent Viscosity by Capillary Viscometer at High Temperature and High-Shear Rates
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