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 ASTM D 3865-1997  水中钚含量的试验方法  Test Method for Plutonium in Water
 ASTM D 3866-1992  水中银含量的试验方法  Test Methods for Silver in Water
 ASTM D 3867-1999  水中亚硝酸盐,硝酸盐的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Nitrite-Nitrate in Water
 ASTM D 3868-1995  微咸水,海水和盐水中氟化物离子的测试方法  Test Method for Fluoride Ions in Brackish Water, Seawater and Brines
 ASTM D 3869-1995  微咸水,海水和盐水中碘化物和溴化物离子的测试方法  Test Methods for Iodide and Bromide Ions in Brackish Water, Seawater and Brines
 ASTM D 387-2000  使用机械研磨机测定有色颜料主色和着色强度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Color and Strength of Color Pigments with a Mechanical Muller
 ASTM D 3870-1991  制定细菌学中菌落计算方法的操作特性  Establishing Performance Characteristics for Colony Counting Methods in Microbiology
 ASTM D 3871-1984  用筒底间隙取样技术对水中可提纯有机化合物的试验方法  Test Method for Purgeable Organic Compounds in Water Using Headspace Sampling
 ASTM D 3873-2001  氨化砷酸铜溶液中砷组分价态的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Valency State of the Arsenic Component of Ammoniacal Copper Arsenate Solutions
 ASTM D 3874-1997  用电热丝法测量材料引燃的试验方法  Test Method for Ignition of Materials by Hot Wire Sources
 ASTM D 3875-1997  微咸水,海水和盐水中碱含量的试验方法  Test Method for Alkalinity in Brackish Water, Seawater and Brines
 ASTM D 3876-1996  气相色谱法测定纤维素乙醚制品中甲氧基和羟丙基取代物的试验方法  Test Method for Methoxyl and Hydroxypropyl Substitution in Cellulose Ether Products by Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 3877-1996  土壤石灰混合物单向膨胀,收缩和隆起压力的试验方法  Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Expansion, Shrinkage, and Uplift Pressure of Soil-Lime Mixtures
 ASTM D 3878-1998  有关高模数增强纤维及基混合料名词的定义  Terminology of High-Modulus Reinforcing Fibers and Their Composites
 ASTM D 3879-1991  角闪石石棉取样的试验方法  Test Method for Sampling Amphibole Asbestos
 ASTM D 388-1999  煤的排列分类法  Classification of Coals by Rank
 ASTM D 3880-1990  单位面积的石棉强度的试验方法  Test Method for Asbestos Strength Units
 ASTM D 3882-1999  机织和针织织物中弓纬和纬斜的试验方法  Test Method for Bow and Skewness in Woven and Knitted Fabrics
 ASTM D 3883-1999  机织织物的纱线卷曲性或卷绕性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Yarn Crimp or Yarn Takeup in Woven Fabrics
 ASTM D 3884-2001  纺织品耐磨性的标准试验方法(旋转平台,双头法)  Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method)
 ASTM D 3885-1999  纺织品耐磨性的试验方法(挠曲及磨损法)  Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Flexing and Abrasion Method)
 ASTM D 3887-1996  针织物  Knitted Fabrics
 ASTM D 3888-1995  自由端纺纱的相关术语  Terminology Relating to Open-End Spinning
 ASTM D 3889-1996  在低温时压感胶带同衬板的粘附力的试验方法  Test Method for Adherence to Linerboard of Pressure-Sensitive Tape at Low Temperature
 ASTM D 3889/D 3889M-1996  低温下压敏胶纸带的衬板粘着力的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Adherence to Linerboard of Pressure-Sensitive Tape at Low Temperature
 ASTM D 3889M-1996  在低温时压感胶带同衬板的粘附力的试验方法(米制)  Test Method for Adherence to Linerboard of Pressure-Sensitive Tape at Low-Temperature (Metric)
 ASTM D 3890-2001  起动机械泵分配器的行程数的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Number of Strokes to Prime a Mechanical Pump Dispenser
 ASTM D 3891-1996  色漆,清漆,喷漆及有关产品试验用玻璃板的制备  Preparation of Glass Panels for Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products
 ASTM D 3892-1993  塑料包装件  Packaging/Packing of Plastics
 ASTM D 3893-1999  气相色谱法测定甲基戊基酮和甲基异戊基酮纯度的试验方法  Test Method for Purity of Methyl Amyl Ketone and Methyl Isoamyl Ketone by Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 3895-1998  用热分析法对聚烯烃的氧化感应时间的试验方法  Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time of Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
 ASTM D 3896-1985  合成橡胶取样  Rubber from Synthetic Sources - Sampling
 ASTM D 3897-1991  铬黄碱性值皮革鞣制液的计算  Calculation of Basicity of Chrome Tanning Liquors
 ASTM D 3898-1993  鞣皮液体的碱性铬中氧化铬的试验方法  Test Method for Chromic Oxide in Basic Chromium Tanning Liquors
 ASTM D 3899-1993  避孕用橡胶阴道隔膜  Rubber Contraceptives - Vaginal Diaphragms
 ASTM D 390-1992  海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程  Coal-Tar Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of Piles, Poles and Timbers for Marine, Land and Freshwater Use
 ASTM D 3900-1995  生橡胶试验方法-乙烯丙烯共聚物及乙烯二烯三聚物中乙烯单体的测定  Test Methods for Rubber Raw - Determination of Ethylene Units in EPM (Ethylene-Propylene Copolymers) and EPDM (Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Terpolymers)
 ASTM D 3901-1990  民用园林软管  Consumer Product Garden Hose
 ASTM D 3902-1990  液化石油气气体扩散用橡胶软管的试验方法  Test Method for Rubber Hose for Gas Diffusion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
 ASTM D 3903-2000  太阳能系统的热空气传递用橡胶密封件的标准规范  Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems
 ASTM D 3904-1990  从油页岩中提取油的试验方法(用费歇尔分析法评定)  Test Method for Oil from Oil Shale (Resource Evaluation by the Fischer Assay Procedure)
 ASTM D 3905-1993  工业和公用机构用卫生纸  Toilet Tissue for Industrial and Institutional Use
 ASTM D 3906-1997  沸石相对衍射强度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Relative Zeolite Diffraction Intensities
 ASTM D 3907-1992  微活性试验法测定液体裂解催化剂的试验方法  Testing Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Catalysts by Microactivity Test
 ASTM D 3908-1999  容量真空法测定以氧化铝为载体的铂催化剂氢化学吸附性的试验方法  Test Method for Hydrogen Chemisorption on Supported Platinum on Alumina Catalysts by Volumetric Vacuum Method
 ASTM D 3909-1997  表面撒矿物粉的沥青铺屋面卷材(玻璃毛毡)规格  Asphalt Roll Roofing (Glass Felt) Surfaced with Mineral Granules
 ASTM D 391-1994  杂酚油-煤焦油溶液  Creosote-Coal Tar Solution
 ASTM D 3910-1998  灰浆密封的设计,试验和施工方法  Design, Testing and Construction of Slurry Seal
 ASTM D 3911-1995  在模拟设计依据事故条件下评价轻水核电站用涂料的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating Coatings Used in Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants at Simulated Design Basis Accident (DBA) Conditions
 ASTM D 3912-1995  轻水核电站用涂料耐化学的试验方法  Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Coatings Used in Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants
 ASTM D 3913-1993  鞣皮液体碱性铬中酸度的试验方法  Test Method for Acidity in Basic Chromium Tanning Liquors
 ASTM D 3914-1996  挤拔玻璃增强塑料杆的平面剪切强度的试验方法  Test Method for in-Plane Shear Strength of Pultruded Glass-Reinforced Plastic Rod
 ASTM D 3915-1999  加压使用的聚氯乙烯(PVC)和相关塑料管及配件组合物  Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Related Plastic Pipe and Fitting Compounds for Pressure Applications
 ASTM D 3916-1994  挤拨玻璃纤维增强塑料棒拉力特性的试验方法  Test Method for Tensile Properties of Pultruded Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Rod
 ASTM D 3917-1996  热固性玻璃增强塑料挤拨材尺寸公差的规格  Dimensional Tolerance of Thermosetting Glass-Reinforced Plastic Pultruded Shapes
 ASTM D 3918-1996  有关增强塑料挤拉制品名词的定义  Definitions of Terms Relating to Reinforced Plastic Pultruded Products
 ASTM D 3919-1999  用石墨反应堆原子吸收分光光度技术测量水中痕量素的规程  Measuring Trace Elements in Water by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
 ASTM D 3920-1992  水中锶含量的试验方法  Test Method for Strontium in Water
 ASTM D 3921-1996  水中油和润滑脂及石油碳氢化合物的试验方法  Test Method for Oil and Grease and Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Water
 ASTM D 3922-1989  用于测定水中可溶性污物移动的粒状活性碳控制性能的评价  Estimating the Operating Performance of Granular Activated Carbon for Removal of Soluble Pollutants from Water
 ASTM D 3923-1994  反渗透装置中检测渗漏的规范  Detecting Leaks in Reverse-Osmosis Devices
 ASTM D 3924-1980  色漆,清漆,喷漆和相关物质状态调节和试验用标准环境规范  Environment for Conditioning and Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials
 ASTM D 3925-1991  液态涂料和相关颜料涂层的抽样  Sampling Liquid Paints and Related Pigmented Coatings
 ASTM D 3928-2000  表面光泽度均匀性评价的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Gloss or Sheen Uniformity
 ASTM D 3930-1993  木基结构活动房用胶粘剂的规格  Adhesives for Wood-Based Materials for Construction of Manufactured Homes
 ASTM D 3931-1993  用压力负荷法测定剪切试验中填充裂缝胶粘剂粘结强度的规程  Test Method for Determining Strength of Gap-Filling Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compression Loading
 ASTM D 3933-1998  结构胶粘剂粘结铝表面处理的规程(磷酸阴极氧化处理)  Preparation of Aluminum Surfaces for Structural Adhesives Bonding (Phosphoric Acid Anodizing)
 ASTM D 3934-1990  平衡闭杯法测定闪点/无闪点试验的试验方法  Test Method for Flash/No Flash Test - Equilibrium Method by a Closed-Cup Apparatus
 ASTM D 3935-1994  未填充的和增强的聚碳酸酯材料规格  Polycarbonate (PC) Unfilled and Reinforced Material
 ASTM D 3936-2000  毛绒地毯的第二层底布的脱层强度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Resistance to Delamination of the Secondary Backin of Pile Yarn Floor Covering
 ASTM D 3937-1994  人造短纤维卷曲率的试验方法  Test Method for Crimp Frequency of Man-Made Staple Fibers
 ASTM D 3938-1996  与使用须知标签上重新说明相关的纺织产品的评定  Evaluation of Textile Products in Relation to Refurbishing Described on Care Labels
 ASTM D 3939-1997  织物的抗钩丝标准试验方法(钉锤钩丝试验法)  Standard Test Method for Snagging Resistance of Fabrics (Mace Test Method)
 ASTM D 3941-1990  平衡闭杯法测定闪点的试验方法  Test Method for Flash Point by the Equilibrium Method with a Closed-Cup Apparatus
 ASTM D 3942-1997  八面沸石单位晶格尺寸的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of the Unit Cell Dimension of a Faujasite-Type Zeolite
 ASTM D 3943-2000  新制氧化铝基催化剂中总钼量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Total Molybdenum in Fresh Alumina-Base Catalysts
 ASTM D 3944-1988  石蜡固化点的试验方法  Test Method for Solidification Point of Petroleum Wax
 ASTM D 3945-1993  使用柴油注射器喷嘴测定含聚合物液体剪切稳定性的试验方法  Test Methods for Shear Stability of Polymer-Containing Fluids Using a Diesel Injector Nozzle
 ASTM D 3946-1992  评定水溶性金工液的抗细菌性的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating the Bacteria Resistance of Water-Dilutable Metalworking Fluids
 ASTM D 3948-1999  用便携式分离器测定航空涡轮机燃料的水分离特性的试验方法  Test Methods for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Portable Separometer
 ASTM D 3949-1999  电绝缘用玻璃涂层织物的标准规范  Standard Specification for Coated Glass Fabrics Used for Electrical Insulation
 ASTM D 395-2001  橡胶压缩永久变形特性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property-Compression Set
 ASTM D 3950-2000  非金属皮带(和连接方法)的标准规范  Standard Specification for Strapping, Nonmetallic (and Joining Methods)
 ASTM D 3951-1998  商业用包装  Commercial Packaging
 ASTM D 3952-1987  太阳能系统用橡胶软管  Rubber Hose Used in Solar Energy Systems
 ASTM D 3953-1997  皮带,扁平钢和密封条  Strapping, Flat Steel and Seals
 ASTM D 3954-1994  石蜡滴定的测试方法  Test Method for Dropping Point of Waxes
 ASTM D 3955-1999  电绝缘清漆  Electrical Insulating Varnishes
 ASTM D 3956-1993  甲烷的热电特性  Methane Thermophysical Property Tables
 ASTM D 3957-1990  确定原木建筑物用结构构件的应力分级方法  Establishing Stress Grades for Structural Members Used in Log Buildings
 ASTM D 3958-2000  橡胶的标准试验方法.BIIR和CIIR的评定(卤化异丁烯-异戊二烯橡胶)  Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Evaluation of BIIR and CIIR (Halogenated Isobutene-Isoprene Rubber)
 ASTM D 3959-1991  橡胶和塑料涂覆织物.烟草烟熏变色敏感性的试验方法  Test Method for Rubber- and Plastic-Coated Fabrics - Discoloration Sensitivity to Tobacco Smoke
 ASTM D 396-2001  燃料油的标准规范  Standard Specification for Fuel Oils
 ASTM D 3960-2002  涂料及相关涂层中挥发性有机化合物含量测定的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related Coatings
 ASTM D 3961-1998  氧化微库仑法测定液体芳烃中微量硫的试验方法  Test Method for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Liquid Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulometry
 ASTM D 3963/D 3963M-2001  环氧树脂涂覆钢筋制造和现场搬运标准规范  Standard Specification for Fabrication and Jobsite Handling of Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars
 ASTM D 3964-1980  测量涂层表面试样的选择  Selection of Coating Specimens for Appearance Measurements
 ASTM D 3965-1999  用于管和管配件的丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯  Rigid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Materials for Pipe and Fittings
 ASTM D 3966-1990  桩的侧向荷载试验方法  Test Method for Piles Under Lateral Loads
 ASTM D 3967-1995  完整岩心样品的蜕变抗拉强度的试验方法  Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens
 ASTM D 3968-1997  IIIA型防儿童开启的关闭器的旋转力矩的试验方法  Test Method for Monitoring of Rotational Torque of Type IIIA Child-Resistant Closures
 ASTM D 3969-2001  EDTA法涂料催干剂中锆的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Zirconium in Paint Driers by EDTA Method
 ASTM D 3970-1980  氧化法涂料催干剂中铈的试验方法  Test Method for Cerium in Paint Driers by Oxidimetric Determination
 ASTM D 3971-1989  纤维素中二氯甲烷可溶物的试验方法  Test Method for Dichloromethane-Soluble Matter in Cellulose
 ASTM D 3972-1997  用放射化学法测量水中同位素铀的试验方法  Test Method for Isotopic Uranium in Water by Radiochemistry
 ASTM D 3973-1985  水中卤代烃低分子量的试验方法  Test Method for Low-Molecular Weight Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Water
 ASTM D 3974-1981  痕量素的沉淀物的萃取  Extraction of Trace Elements from Sediments
 ASTM D 3975-1993  沉积物分析用研究试验样品的制备规程  Preparation of Samples for Collaborative Testing of Methods for Analysis of Sediments
 ASTM D 3976-1992  化学分析用沉淀样品的制备  Preparation of Sediment Samples for Chemical Analysis
 ASTM D 3977-1997  水样品中悬浮沉积浓缩物的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples
 ASTM D 3978-1980  用Selenastrum Capricornutum法进行藻类生长能力试验的规程  Algal Growth Potential Testing with Selenastrum Capricornutum
 ASTM D 3980-1988  涂料及相关材料实验室间的试验  Interlaboratory Testing of Paint and Related Materials
 ASTM D 3981-1995  一般用及包装用介质密度聚乙烯薄膜的规格  Medium-Density Polyethylene Films for General Use and Packaging Applications
 ASTM D 3982-1998  水样品中悬浮沉积浓缩物的标准试验方法  Custom Contact-Pressure-Molded Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Hoods
 ASTM D 3983-1998  用厚粘附体拉力搭接样品测定软质胶粘剂的强度和剪切模数的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Strength and Shear Modulus of Nonrigid Adhesives by the Thick-Adherend Tensile-Lap Specimen
 ASTM D 3984-1993  乙烷热物理性能表  Ethane Thermophysical Property Tables
 ASTM D 3985-1995  使用电量计传感器测量氧气通过塑料膜及薄板的传递速率的试验方法  Test Method for Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Coulometric Sensor
 ASTM D 3986-1995  用直流氩等离子体原子辐射分光光度法测定盐水,海水及微咸水中钡的试验方法  Test Method for Barium in Brines, Seawater and Brackish Water by Direct-Current Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
 ASTM D 3987-1985  带水的固体废物的振荡萃取试验方法  Test Method for Shake Extraction of Solid Waste with Water
 ASTM D 3988-1985  EDTA法涂料催干剂中钒的试验方法  Test Method for Vanadium in Paint Driers by EDTA Method
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