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 ASTM E 2144-2001  工作场所环境中金属加工液体气溶胶中内毒素的个人取样和分析的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Personal Sampling and Analysis of Endotoxin in Metalworking Fluid Aerosols in Workplace Atmospheres
 ASTM E 2145-2001  医疗信息学模型建立的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Modeling in Health Informatics
 ASTM E 2146-2001  用聚合酶链反应技术探测人体免疫缺乏病毒HIV-1的核酸类的标准指南  Standard Guide for Detection of Nucleic Acid Sequences of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-1 by the Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique
 ASTM E 2147-2001  保健信息系统中使用的审核与揭示记录的标准规范  Standard Specification for Audit and Disclosure Logs for Use in Health Information Systems
 ASTM E 2148-2001  金属加工或金属切削液卫生与安全相关文献的使用标准指南  Standard Guide for Using Documents Related to Metalworking or Metal Removal Fluid Health and Safety
 ASTM E 2149-2001  在动态接触条件下固定抗菌剂抗菌活性测定的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Immobilized Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions
 ASTM E 215-1998  无缝铝合金管的电磁检验用的标准化设备  Standardizing Equipment for Electromagnetic Examination of Seamless Aluminum-Alloy Tube
 ASTM E 2150-2001  寿命周期环境工作件-环境损耗件结构标准分类  Standard Classification for Life-Cycle Environmental Work Elements-Environmental Cost Element Structure
 ASTM E 2151-2001  独院附联式和独建式住宅的规定和性能评定指南的标准术语  Standard Termninology of Guides for Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family Attached and Detached Dwellings
 ASTM E 2152-2001  由双谱光度学数据得到的荧光物颜色计算的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Fluorescent Objects from Bispectral Photometric Data
 ASTM E 2153-2001  荧光颜色评价双光谱光度学数据获得的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Obtaining Bispectral Photometric Data for Evaluation of Fluorescent Color
 ASTM E 2156-2001  与独院附属和独立住宅性能标准指南相一致的比较设计、系统和材料的经济效能的评价的标准指南  Standard Guide for Evaluating Economic Performance of Alternative Designs, Systems, and Materials in Compliance with Performance Standard Guides for Single-Family Attached and Detached Dwellings
 ASTM E 2157-2001  用环道计测量路面宏观结构性能的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Measuring Pavement Macrotexture Properties Using the Circular Track Meter
 ASTM E 2158-2001  902-928MHz频带微波的专用短程通信物理层的标准规范  Standard Specification for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Physical Layer Using Microwave in the 902 to 928 MHz Band
 ASTM E 2159-2001  评审员/审核员或技术专家的选择、委派和监控的标准指南  Standard Guide for Selection, Assignment, and Monitoring of Persons To Be Utilized as Assessors/Auditors or Technical Experts
 ASTM E 2161-2001  热分析中性能鉴定的相关标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Performance Validation in Thermal Analysis
 ASTM E 2165-2001  金属、矿石和相关材料化学分析不定性预算制定的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for Establishing an Uncertainty Budget for the Chemical Analysis of Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
 ASTM E 2166-2001  建筑数据组织和管理的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for Organizing and Managing Building Data
 ASTM E 2167-2001  石材固结剂的选择和使用标准指南  Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Stone Consolidants
 ASTM E 2168-2001  建筑结构估算中容许偏差、偶然事故和储备量的标准分类  Standard Classification for Allowance, Contingency and Reserve Sums in Building Construction Estimating
 ASTM E 2172-2001  利用线虫Caenorhabditis elegans进行实验室土壤毒性试验的标准指南  Standard Guide for Conducting Laboratory Soil Toxicity Tests with the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
 ASTM E 2173-2001  揭示环境责任的标准指南  Standard Guide for Disclosure of Environmental Liabilities
 ASTM E 2174-2001  已安装的防火墙现场检验的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops
 ASTM E 2175-2001  规定多角分光光度计几何形状的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for Specifying the Geometry of Multiangle Spectrophotometers
 ASTM E 2176-2001  连续浸润标准条件下路面标记反射亮度系数测量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Retroreflected Luminance (RL) of Pavement Markings in a Standard Condition of Continuous Wetting
 ASTM E 2177-2001  标准潮湿条件下路面标记反射亮度系数测量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Retroreflected Luminance (RL) of Pavement Markings in a Standard Condition of Wetness
 ASTM E 2179-2001  实验室测量地板覆盖物在降低通过混凝土地板传输的冲击声音方面的效果的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Effectiveness of Floor Coverings in Reducing Impact Sound Transmission Through Concrete Floors
 ASTM E 2180-2001  聚合或疏水材料中掺入的杀微生物剂活性测定的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining the Activity of Incorporated Antimicrobial Agent(s) In Polymeric or Hydrophobic Materials
 ASTM E 2181/E 2181M-2001  压实的矿物绝缘、金属护套的贵金属热电偶和热电偶电缆的标准规范  Standard Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouples and Thermocouple Cable
 ASTM E 2182-2002  保健用临床XML DTD的标准规范  Standard Specification for Clinical XML DTDs in Healthcare
 ASTM E 2183-2002  XML DTD的设计、构造和实现标准指南  Standard Guide for XML DTD Design, Architecture and Implementation
 ASTM E 219-1980  铀燃料中原子裂变百分率的测试方法(放射化学法)  Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Method)
 ASTM E 222-1994  乙酸酐乙酰化时羟基组的测试方法  Test Methods for Hydroxyl Groups by Acetic Anhydride Acetylation
 ASTM E 223-1996  硫酸分析的测试方法  Test Methods for Analysis of Sulfuric Acid
 ASTM E 224-1996  盐酸分析的测试方法  Test Methods for Analysis of Hydrochloric Acid
 ASTM E 227-1990  用点对面技术对铝及铝合金进行光发射光谱测定分析的试验方法  Test Method for Optical Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by the Point-to-Plane Technique
 ASTM E 228-1995  用透明石英膨胀仪测定固体材料线性热膨胀的试验方法  Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer
 ASTM E 229-1997  结构粘合剂剪切强度和剪切模量的试验方法  Test Method for Shear Strength and Shear Modulus of Structural Adhesives
 ASTM E 23-2001  金属材料切口试棒冲击试验的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
 ASTM E 230-1998  标准化热电偶用温度电动势(EMF)图表  Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples
 ASTM E 234-1998  不饱和脂化合物总溴值的试验方法  Test Method for Total Bromine Number of Unsaturated Aliphatic Chemicals
 ASTM E 235-1988  核设备或其它有高度可靠性的设备用有护罩的K型热电偶  Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K for Nuclear or for Other High-Reliability Applications
 ASTM E 236-1966  烷氧基团微量测定用仪器  Apparatus for Microdetermination of Alkoxyl Groups
 ASTM E 237-1994  微量容器(量瓶和离心管)  Microvolumetric Vessels (Volumetric Flasks and Centrifuge Tubes)
 ASTM E 238-1984  金属材料的针型承载试验方法  Test Method for Pin-Type Bearing Test of Metallic Materials
 ASTM E 241-2000  建筑物抗水损坏极限的标准指南  Standard Guide for Limiting Water-Induced Damage to Buildings
 ASTM E 242-2001  在某些参数改变时射线照相图像外观用标准参考射线照相  Standard Reference Radiographs for Appearances of Radiographic Images as Certain Parameters Are Changed
 ASTM E 243-1997  铜及铜合金管的电磁(涡流)检验  Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes
 ASTM E 244-1980  用质谱法测定铀和钚燃料中原子裂变百分率的试验方法  Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method)
 ASTM E 246-2001  用重铬酸盐滴定法测定铁矿石及有关材料中总含铁量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Determination of Iron in Iron Ores and Related Materials by Dichromate Titration
 ASTM E 247-1996  铁矿石和锰矿石中二氧化硅含量的测试方法  Test Method for Silica in Iron Ores and Manganese Ores
 ASTM E 248-1997  用焦磷酸盐法(电势分析法)测定锰矿石中锰含量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Manganese in Manganese Ore by the Pyrophosphate (Potentiometric) Method
 ASTM E 250-1998  使用CODEN的标准推荐规程  Standard Recommended Practice for Use of CODEN
 ASTM E 251-1992  金属胶结抗应变仪运行特性的试验方法  Test Methods for Performance Characteristics of Metallic Bonded Resistance Strain Gages
 ASTM E 252-1984  用称重法测定薄箔和薄膜厚度的试验方法  Test Method for Thickness of Thin Foil and Film by Weighing
 ASTM E 253-2000  材料和产品感官评定的相关标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products
 ASTM E 253a-2001  材料和产品感官评定的相关标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products
 ASTM E 255-1991  化学成分测定用铜和铜合金的取样  Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determination of Chemical Composition
 ASTM E 256-1998  用过氧化钠弹燃烧法测定有机化合物中氯含量的试验方法  Test Method for Chlorine in Organic Compounds by Sodium Peroxide Bomb Ignition
 ASTM E 257-1998  用过氧化钠弹燃烧法测定有机化合物中硫含量的试验方法  Test Method for Sulfur in Organic Compounds by Sodium Peroxide Bomb Ignition
 ASTM E 258-1967  用改进的基耶达法测定有机化合物中总氮含量的试验方法  Test Method for Total Nitrogen in Organic Materials by Modified Kjeldahl Method
 ASTM E 259-1998  半球几何形状压制粉末的白色反射系数转换标准的准备  Preparation of Pressed Powder White Reflectance Factor Transfer Standards for Hemispherical Geometry
 ASTM E 260-1996  填料塔气相色谱法  Packed Column Gas Chromatography
 ASTM E 261-1998  用放射性技术测定中子的积分通量率、积分通量和中子波谱  Determining Neutron Fluence Rate, Fluence and Spectra by Radioactivation Techniques
 ASTM E 262-1997  用放射性技术测定热中子反应和积分通量率的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Thermal Neutron Reaction and Fluence Rates by Radioactivation Techniques
 ASTM E 263-2000  用铁的放射性测量快中子反应速率的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Iron
 ASTM E 264-1992  通过镍的放射性测量快中子反应速率的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Nickel
 ASTM E 265-1998  用硫-32的放射性测量快速中子流量密度和反应速率的测试方法  Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates and Fast-Neutron Fluences by Radioactivation of Sulfur-32
 ASTM E 266-1992  通过铝的放射性测量快中子反应速率的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Aluminum
 ASTM E 267-1990  铀和钚的浓度和同位素丰度的测试方法  Test Method for Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances
 ASTM E 271-1998  分析含水氢氟酸的试验方法  Test Methods for Analysis of Aqueous Hydrofluoric Acid
 ASTM E 272-1999  高强度铜基和镍铜合金铸件用参考射线照片  Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings
 ASTM E 273-2001  焊接管道焊接区域的超声波检验标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of the Weld Zone of Welded Pipe and Tubing
 ASTM E 274-1997  用足尺轮胎测定路面抗滑性的试验方法  Test Method for Skid Resistance of Paved Surfaces Using a Full-Scale Tire
 ASTM E 275-2001  说明和测量紫外线,可见和近红外线分光光度计的性能的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Ultraviolet, Visible, and Near-Infrared Spectrophotometers
 ASTM E 276-1998  用4号筛(4.75毫米)及较细筛进行含金属矿石和有关材料粒度或筛分的试验方法  Test Method for Particle Size or Screen Analysis at No. 4 (4.75-mm) Sieve and Finer for Metal-Bearing Ores and Related Materials
 ASTM E 279-1997  铁矿丸和烧结矿抗磨性测定的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Abrasion Resistance of Iron Ore Pellets and Sinter (Tumbler Test)
 ASTM E 28-1999  环球仪测定软化点的试验方法  Test Method for Softening Point by Ring-and-Ball Apparatus
 ASTM E 280-1998  重壁(4 1/2 至12-in.)(114 至 305 mm)钢铸件的基准射线照片  Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (4 1/2 to 12-in.)(114 to 305-mm ) Steel Castings
 ASTM E 283-1991  通过样品的规定压差测定外窗、护墙及门的漏气率的试验方法  Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen
 ASTM E 284-1999  外观形状术语  Terminology of Appearance
 ASTM E 285-1980  热绝缘材料的氧乙炔烧蚀试验方法  Test Method for Oxyacetylene Ablation Testing of Thermal Insulation Materials
 ASTM E 287-1994  滴定管  Burets
 ASTM E 288-1994  量瓶  Volumetric Flasks
 ASTM E 289-1999  用干涉测量测试刚性固体的线性热膨胀的试验方法  Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Rigid Solids with Interferometry
 ASTM E 29-1993  使用试验数据中重要数字以确定对规范的适应性  Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
 ASTM E 290-1997  金属材料延展性的弯曲测试的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Bend Testing of Material for Ductility
 ASTM E 291-1996  苛性钠和苛性钾(氢氧化钠和氢氧化钾)的化学分析试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Caustic Soda and Caustic Potash (Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide)
 ASTM E 292-1983  材料断裂时间的凹口张力试验  Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of Materials
 ASTM E 293-1968  用溶解技术测定低合金钢中酸溶性铝的光谱分析试验法  Method for Spectrographic Determination of Acid-Soluble Aluminum in Low-Alloy Steel by the Solution Technique
 ASTM E 294-1972  真空室系统有效抽气速度的试验方法  Test Method for Effective Pumping Speed of Vacuum Chamber Systems
 ASTM E 295-1982  测量油扩散泵速度的试验方法  Test Method for Measured Speed of Oil Diffusion Pumps
 ASTM E 296-1970  用于空间模拟器的电离压力计  Ionization Gage Application to Space Simulators
 ASTM E 298-2001  检定有机过氧化物的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Assay of Organic Peroxides
 ASTM E 299-1997  有机溶剂中过氧化物痕量的试验方法  Test Method for Trace Amounts of Peroxides in Organic Solvents
 ASTM E 3-2001  金相试样制备的标准实施规程范  Standard Practice for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
 ASTM E 300-1992  工业化学品的抽样法  Sampling Industrial Chemicals
 ASTM E 301-1994  有机酸总酸度的测试方法  Test Method for Total Acidity of Organic Acids
 ASTM E 302-1995  一价有机酸的测试方法  Test Methods for Monobasic Organic Acids
 ASTM E 303-1993  用英国摆锤检验器测定表面摩擦性能的方法  Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Pendulum Tester
 ASTM E 305-1989  制作和调节光谱化学分析曲线  Establishing and Controlling Spectrochemical Analytical Curves
 ASTM E 307-1972  升高温度时标准光谱发射的试验方法  Test Method for Normal Spectral Emittance at Elevated Temperatures
 ASTM E 308-1999  用CIE制估计物体颜色的标准规程  Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System
 ASTM E 309-1995  用磁饱和法做管状钢产品的涡流检验  Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using Magnetic Saturation
 ASTM E 310-1999  锡青铜铸件用参考射线照片  Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze Castings
 ASTM E 312-1996  摄影样片条件的描述和选择  Description and Selection of Conditions for Photographing Specimens
 ASTM E 313-1998  淡白不透明材料的白色与黄色指数的试验方法  Test Method for Indexes of Whiteness and Yellowness of Near-White, Opaque Materials
 ASTM E 314-1995  铁矿石中锰含量的测试方法  Test Methods for Manganese in Iron Ores
 ASTM E 315-1988  钼的化学分析试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Molybdenum
 ASTM E 316-1995  锰矿石中铁含量的测试方法  Test Method for Iron in Manganese Ore
 ASTM E 317-2001  不用电子测量仪,超声波脉冲回音试验制运转性能的评估的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Ultrasonic Pulse- Echo Examination Instruments and Systems Without the Use of Electronic Measurement Instruments
 ASTM E 318-1991  用比色法测定水溶液中铀的试验方法  Test Method for Uranium in Aqueous Solutions by Colorimetry
 ASTM E 319-1985  单盘机械天平的评定  Evaluation of Single-Pan Mechanical Balances
 ASTM E 32-1986  测定化学成分用铁合金及钢添加剂的取样  Sampling Ferroalloys and Steel Additives for Determination of Chemical Composition
 ASTM E 321-1996  钕-148法测定铀和钚燃料中原子裂变百分比的试验方法  Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 Method)
 ASTM E 322-1996  低合金钢和铸铁的X射线发射光谱测定分析法  X-Ray Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Low-Alloy Steels and Cast Irons
 ASTM E 323-1980  试验用板孔筛  Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing Purposes
 ASTM E 324-1999  有机化合物的相对始熔点及终熔点和熔化范围的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Relative Initial and Final Melting Points and the Melting Range of Organic Chemicals
 ASTM E 326-1996  用酞酸酐的脂化作用测定羟基团的试验方法  Test Method for Hydroxyl Groups by Phthalic Anhydride Esterification
 ASTM E 327-1994  用点对面技术作18-8型不锈钢的光辐射光谱分析的测试方法  Test Method for Optical Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Stainless Type 18-8 Steels by the Point-to-Plane Technique
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