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 ASTM E 883-1999  反射光显微摄影  Reflected-Light Photomicrography
 ASTM E 884-1982  城市固体废料加工设备上空气传播微生物的取样  Sampling Airborne Microorganisms at Municipal Solid-Waste Processing Facilities
 ASTM E 885-1988  用原子吸收分光光度法作回收废燃料中金属分析的测试方法  Test Methods for Analyses of Metals in Refuse-Derived Fuel by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 886-1994  金属分析用回收废燃料(RDF)灰分样品溶解的测试方法  Test Methods for Dissolution of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Ash Samples for Analyses of Metals
 ASTM E 887-1988  回收废燃料(RDF)及其灰烬中二氧化硅的测试方法  Test Method for Silica in Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) and RDF Ash
 ASTM E 889-1982  固体废料物流成分和纯度的试验方法  Test Method for Composition or Purity of a Solid Waste Materials Stream
 ASTM E 890-1994  易处置的生物培养玻璃管  Disposable Glass Culture Tubes
 ASTM E 891-1987  1.5气团用地面直接标准太阳光谱辐照表  Tables for Terrestrial Direct Normal Solar Spectral Irradiance for Air Mass 1.5
 ASTM E 892-1987  与表面成37°角的1.5气团用地面太阳光谱辐照表  Tables for Terrestrial Solar Spectral Irradiance at Air Mass 1.5 for a 37 Degree Tilted Surface
 ASTM E 894-1988  建筑物用永久性金属围栏系统及围栏的锚定试验  Test Method for Anchorage of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
 ASTM E 895-1989  水溶液中有机化合物的水解率常数测定  Determination of Hydrolysis Rate Constants of Organic Chemicals in Aqueous Solutions
 ASTM E 896-1992  进行含水直接光解试验的方法  Test Method for Conducting Aqueous Direct Photolysis Tests
 ASTM E 897-1988  回收废燃料分析样品中挥发性物质的测试方法  Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Refuse-Derived Fuel
 ASTM E 898-1988  直读实验室秤盘和天平的最大载荷试验  Testing Top-Loading, Direct-Reading Laboratory Scales and Balances
 ASTM E 8M-2001  金属材料拉伸试验的标准试验方法(米制)  Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials [Metric]
 ASTM E 9-1989  室温下金属材料的压缩试验方法  Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature
 ASTM E 90-1999  实验室测量建筑隔墙的空气声音传输损失的试验方法  Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions
 ASTM E 900-1987  预测中子辐射对反应堆容器材料的损害,E 706(IIF)  Predicting Neutron Radiation Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials, E 706 (IIF)
 ASTM E 901-1982  铀资源的分类系统  Classification System for Uranium Resources
 ASTM E 902-1994  检查X射线光电子光谱仪的操作特性  Checking the Operating Characteristics of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometers
 ASTM E 903-1996  使用积分球对日光吸收比,反射比和透射比的试验方法  Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance and Transmittance of Materials Using Integrating Spheres
 ASTM E 904-1987  太阳能收集器用全天热性能数据的形成  Generating All-Day Thermal Performance Data for Solar Collectors
 ASTM E 905-1987  追踪强化太阳能收集器热性能的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Thermal Performance of Tracking Concentrating Solar Collectors
 ASTM E 906-1999  材料和产品的热和可见烟雾释放率的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products
 ASTM E 907-1996  使用刚性绝缘的钢盖板的屋顶及沥青组合屋顶的防隆起现场试验的方法  Test Method for Field Testing Uplift Resistance of Roofing Systems Employing Steel Deck Rigid Insulation and Bituminous Built-up Roofing
 ASTM E 908-1998  校准气体基准泄漏  Calibrating Gaseous Reference Leaks
 ASTM E 910-2001  反应堆容器监测用氦聚集流监视器的应用及分析的标准试验方法.E 706(IIIC)  Standard Test Method for Application and Analysis of Helium Accumulation Fluence Monitors for Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E706 (IIIC)
 ASTM E 911-1998  聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)插头的玻璃管旋塞阀  Glass Stopcocks with Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Plugs
 ASTM E 913-1982  用描影法校准垂直轴线基准日照强度仪  Calibration of Reference Pyranometers with Axis Vertical by the Shading Method
 ASTM E 915-1996  残余应力测量用X射线衍射仪校准检定的测试方法  Test Method for Verifying the Alignment of X-Ray Diffraction Instrumentation for Residual Stress Measurement
 ASTM E 916-1986  报告雇员的健康史情况和关键项目的体格检查结果  Reporting Employee Health History Information and Core Physical Examination Results
 ASTM E 917-1999  建筑物和建筑物系统周期成本测算的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Measuring Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Building Systems
 ASTM E 918-1983  温度和压力升高时化学药品易燃极限的测定  Determining Limits of Flammability of Chemicals at Elevated Temperature and Pressure
 ASTM E 919-1996  计算机处理系统用软件文献  Software Documentation for a Computerized System
 ASTM E 92-1982  金属材料维氏硬度的测试方法  Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials
 ASTM E 920-1997  商业包装的实验室装置  Commercially Packaged Laboratory Apparatus
 ASTM E 921-1997  出口包装的实验室装置  Export Packaged Laboratory Apparatus
 ASTM E 923-1997  可重复使用的玻璃韦斯特格伦氏管  Glass Westergen Tube, Reusable
 ASTM E 924-1984  用分子光谱学的实验室的质量保证  Quality Assurance of Laboratories Using Molecular Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 925-1983  窄通带分光光度计的周期校准  Periodic Calibration of Narrow Band-Pass Spectrophotometers
 ASTM E 926-1994  金属分析用回收废燃料(RDF)样品制备的测试方法  Test Methods of Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Samples for Analyses of Metals
 ASTM E 927-1991  大地光电试验用阳光模拟  Solar Simulation for Terrestrial Photovoltaic Testing
 ASTM E 928-2001  用差分扫描量热法测定克分子杂质百分率的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination of Purity by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
 ASTM E 929-1983  测量加工设备电能需求的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Electrical Energy Requirements of Processing Equipment
 ASTM E 930-1999  评价在金相磨片中观察到的最大晶粒(ALA晶粒)的试验方法  Test Methods for Estimating the Largest Grain Observed in a Metallographic Section (ALA Grain Size)
 ASTM E 932-1989  扩散式红外线分光光度计性能描述和测量  Describing and Measuring Performance of Dispersive Infrared Spectrometers
 ASTM E 934-1994  易处置的塑料血清移液管  Serological Pipet, Disposable Plastic
 ASTM E 935-2000  建筑物用永久金属围栏系统及围栏特性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
 ASTM E 936-1998  使用钢盖板、预成形屋面绝缘材料和沥青组合屋面的屋面系统组件  Roof System Assemblies Employing Steel Deck, Preformed Roof Insulation and Bituminous Built-up Roofing
 ASTM E 937-1993  结构构件上喷涂防火材料对钢腐蚀性的试验方法  Test Method for Corrosion of Steel by Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members
 ASTM E 938-1994  抗成虫虱子的液状,胶状与乳状杀虫剂效果的测试方法  Test Method for Effectiveness of Liquid, Gel or Cream Insecticides Against Adult Human Lice
 ASTM E 939-1994  用化合物点滴法驱除医学上重要的有害的节肢动物(包括昆虫,蜱和螨)的现场试验的测试方法.Ⅰ.蚊子  Test Method of Field Testing Topical Applications of Compounds as Repellents for Medically Important and Pest Arthropods (Including Insects, Ticks and Mites): I Mosquitoes
 ASTM E 94-2000  放射性检验的标准指南  Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
 ASTM E 940-1996  大豆除莠剂效力的评定  Evaluating the Usefulness of Herbicides on Soybeans
 ASTM E 941-1983  用描影法校准倾斜轴线基准日照强度计的试验方法  Test Method for Calibration of Reference Pyranometers with Axis Tilted by the Shading Method
 ASTM E 942-1996  照射金属中氦效应模拟  Simulation of Helium Effects in Irradiated Metals
 ASTM E 943-2000  与生物效应和环境灾害相关的标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Biological Effects and Environmental Fate
 ASTM E 944-1996  反应堆监测时中子光谱调节法的应用  Application of Neutron Spectrum Adjustment Methods in Reactor Surveillance (IIA)
 ASTM E 945-1996  锌矿石,精矿及有关材料的化学分析的试验方法  Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Zinc Ores, Concentrates and Related Materials
 ASTM E 947-1983  化学分析用单相地热液体取样或蒸汽取样  Sampling Single-Phase Geothermal Liquid or Steam for Purposes of Chemical Analysis
 ASTM E 948-1995  用参考电池对非聚能器的地面光电电池电性能的试验方法  Test Methods for Electrical Performance of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Cells Using Reference Cells
 ASTM E 949-1988  回收废燃料实验室样品总湿度的测试方法  Test Method for Total Moisture in a Refuse-Derived Fuel Laboratory Sample
 ASTM E 95-1968  控制通风速率的分隔式炉  Cell-Type Oven with Controlled Rates of Ventilation
 ASTM E 950-1998  用贯性路面验平仪测量车行道路面纵向剖面的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring the Longitudinal Profile of Vehicular Traveled Surface with an Inertial Profilometer
 ASTM E 951-1994  施用于皮肤上的非商品化驱蚊剂配方的实验室试验的测试方法  Test Methods for Laboratory Testing of Non-Commercial Mosquito Repellent Formulations on the Skin
 ASTM E 952-1996  棉花除莠剂效用的评定  Evaluating the Usefulness of Herbicides on Cotton
 ASTM E 953-1988  回收废燃料灰烬可熔性的测试方法  Test Method for Fusibility of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Ash
 ASTM E 954-1994  回收废燃料实验室样品的包装与海运的测试方法  Test Method for Packaging and Shipping of Laboratory Samples of Refuse-Derived Fuel
 ASTM E 955-1988  回收废燃料中大样品温度特性的测试方法  Test Method for Thermal Characteristics of Refuse-Derived Fuel Macrosamples
 ASTM E 956-1983  城市混杂的有色金属的分类(mnm)  Classification for Municipal-Mixed Nonferrous Metals (MNM)
 ASTM E 957-1998  地热能的有关术语定义  Geothermal Energy, Def. of Terms Relating to
 ASTM E 958-1993  紫外线-可见分光光度计的实用光谱带宽的测量  Measuring Practical Spectral Bandwidth of Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometers
 ASTM E 959-1983  表征废料粉碎设备性能特性的试验方法  Test Method for Characterizing the Performance of Refuse Size-Reduction Equipment
 ASTM E 96-2000  材料的水蒸气渗透性标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
 ASTM E 960-1993  实验室玻璃烧杯  Laboratory Glass Beakers
 ASTM E 961-1997  可重复使用的玻璃血沉管的标准规范  Standard Specification for Blood Sedimentation Tube, Wintrobe, Glass, Reusable
 ASTM E 963-1995  用盐酸甲烷电解质从镍和镍铁积超热合金中进行相位的电解提取  Electrolytic Extraction of Phases From Ni and Ni-Fe Base Superalloys Using a Hydrochloric-Methanol Electrolyte
 ASTM E 964-1993  建筑物和建筑物系统的效益与成本和节约与投资比率的测算  Measuring Benefit-to-Cost and Savings-to-Investment Ratios for Buildings and Building Systems
 ASTM E 965-1996  用砂石体积测量法测量路面宏观结构深度的测试方法  Test Method for Measuring Surface Macrotexture Depth Using a Volumetric Technique
 ASTM E 966-1999  建筑物表面和表面构件的气载声音隔离的现场测量  Field Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation of Building Facades and Facade Elements
 ASTM E 967-1997  差分扫描量热仪与差分热分析仪的温度校准  Temperature Calibrartion of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
 ASTM E 968-1999  差分扫描量热计的热流量校准  Heat Flow Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters
 ASTM E 969-1995  体积(移液)管  Volumetric (Transfer) Pipets
 ASTM E 970-1996  使用辐射热能源暴露的搁楼地板绝缘的临界辐射通量的测试方法  Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Exposed Attic Floor Insulation Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
 ASTM E 971-1988  材料对太阳能辐射的光度透射比及反射比的计算  Calculation of Photometric Transmittance and Reflectance of Materials to Solar Radiation
 ASTM E 972-1996  用阳光对薄板材料的太阳能光度透设比的测试方法  Test Method for Solar Photometric Transmittance of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight
 ASTM E 973-1991  测量光电装置与光电参考电池之间光谱不协调参数的测试方法  Test Method for Determination of the Spectral Mismatch Parameter Between a Photovoltaic Device and a Photovoltaic Reference Cell
 ASTM E 973M-1996  光电装置和光电标准电池之间光谱错配参数测定的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination of the Spectral mismatch Parameter Between a Photovoltaic Device and a Photovoltaic Reference Cell (Metric)
 ASTM E 974-1983  地热系统热性能的确定  Specifying Thermal Performance of Geothermal Power Systems
 ASTM E 975-1995  近随机结晶定向钢中残留奥氏体的X射线测定  X-Ray Determination of Retained Austenite in Steel with Near Random Crystallographic Orientation
 ASTM E 976-1999  声音发射传感器响应的再现性测定  Determining the Reproducibility of Acoustic Emission Sensor Response
 ASTM E 978-1992  化合物环境安危数学模型的评估  Evaluating Mathematical Models for the Environmental Fate of Chemicals
 ASTM E 979-1991  评估用逆乳液与其它含水液压液作防腐剂的抗微生物制剂的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluation of Antimicrobial Agents as Preservatives for Invert Emulsion and Other Water Containing Hydraulic Fluids
 ASTM E 981-1984  估计空气中化学物质对感觉刺激的试验方法  Test Method for Estimating Sensory Irritancy of Airborne Chemicals
 ASTM E 982-1994  实验室用玻璃试管  Laboratory Glass Test Tubes
 ASTM E 983-1994  将螺旋电子光谱仪中无用的电子束效应减少到最低程度  Minimizing Unwanted Electron Beam Effects in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 984-1995  在俄歇电子谱法中测定化学效应和基质效应  Identifying Chemical Effects and Matrix Effects in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 985-1996  建筑物用永久性金属围栏和围栏  Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
 ASTM E 986-1997  扫描电子显微镜的性能特征描述  Scanning Electron Microscope Performance Characterization
 ASTM E 987-1988  门窗产品玻璃卸去力的试验方法  Test Methods for Deglazing Force of Fenestration Products
 ASTM E 988-1996  钨铼丝热电偶的温度电动势(EMF)图表  Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Tungsten-Rhenium Thermocouples
 ASTM E 989-1989  撞击缓冲等级(IIC)测定的分类  Classification for Determination of Impact Insulation Class (IIC)
 ASTM E 990-1998  蜂窝状夹层遮蔽板用芯层拼接胶粘剂  Core-Splice Adhesive for Honeycomb Sandwich Shelter Panels
 ASTM E 991-1998  荧光样品的色彩测量  Color Measurement of Fluorescent Specimens
 ASTM E 992-1984  用等效能量研究法测定钢破裂韧性  Determination of a Fracture Toughness of Steels Using Equivalent Energy Methodology
 ASTM E 993-1988  迟发性接触过敏反应评定的测试方法  Test Method for Evaluation of Delayed Contact Hypersensitivity
 ASTM E 994-1995  实验室认可制度  Laboratory Accreditation Systems
 ASTM E 995-1997  螺旋电子光谱法中基本抽减技术  Background Subtraction Techniques in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 996-1994  螺旋电子光谱仪的报告数据  Reporting Data in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 997-2001  用破坏法测定均匀静载荷影响下外窗玻璃,隔墙和门的结构性能的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Glass in Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under the Influence of Uniform Static Loads by Destructive Methods
 ASTM E 998-1984  用非破坏法测定均匀静载荷影响下窗玻璃,隔墙和门的结构性能的试验方法  Test Method for Structural Performance of Glass in Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under the Influence of Uniform Static Loads by Nondestructive Method
 ASTM E 999-1999  工业射线照相胶片冲洗的质量控制的标准指南  Standard Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing
 ASTM E1036/E1036M-1996  用参考室测定分布的陆上光电压模量和阵列电性能的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Electrical Performance of Nonconcentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays Using Reference Cells
 ASTM ES 26-1993  5加仑敞口燃料容器(桶)警告标签的应急规范  Emergency Specification for Cautionary Labeling for Plastic Five-Gallon Open-Head Containers (Buckets)
 ASTM ES 27-1994  橡胶的临时标准规范.用于D471试验方法的ASTM2号和3号浸油的更换用标准浸油的确定  Emergency Standard Practice for Rubber-Establishing Replacement Immersion Reference Oils for ASTM No. 2 and No. 3 Immersion Oils as Used in Test Method D471
 ASTM ES 40-1994  在增加阴极保护前埋入式钢罐鉴定程序的临时标准规范  Emergency Standard Practice for Alternative Procedures for the Assessment of Buried Steel Tanks Prior to the Addition of Cathodic Protection
 ASTM F 100-1971  用光弹性技术测定电子及类似用途的塑料灌封材料的收缩应力的试验方法  Test Method for Shrinkage Stresses in Plastic Embedment Materials Using a Photoelastic Technique for Electronic and Similar Applications
 ASTM F 1000-1995  管道系统制图符号  Piping Systems Drawing Symbols
 ASTM F 1001-1999  防护服装材料评估用化学试剂的选择  Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Protective Clothing Materials
 ASTM F 1002-1996  防止工人遭受特种熔化物质和有关高温侵害用防护服装的性能规范  Performance Specification for Protective Clothing for Use by Workers Exposed to Specific Molten Substances and Related Thermal Hazards
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