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 ASTM E 478-1989  铜合金化学分析的试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys
 ASTM E 479-1991  泄漏试验规格的准备  Preparation of a Leak Testing Specification
 ASTM E 481-1997  用钴和银的放射性测定中子积分通量率的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Neutron Fluence Rate by Radioactivation of Cobalt and Silver
 ASTM E 482-2001  反应堆压力容器监视用的中子输运法应用的标准指南.E706(IID)  Standard Guide for Application of Neutron Transport Methods for Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E706 (IID)
 ASTM E 485-1994  用点对面技术作高炉铁的光幅射真空光谱测定分析的测试方法  Test Method for Optical Emission Vacuum Spectrometric Analysis of Blast Furnace Iron by the Point-to-Plane Technique
 ASTM E 487-1999  化学材料的恒温稳定性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Constant-Temperature Stability Of Chemical Materials
 ASTM E 488-1996  混凝土及砌块构件中锚定强度的试验方法  Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements
 ASTM E 489-1992  钢桁架板抗拉强度的试验方法  Test Method for Tensile Strength Properties of Metal Connector Plates
 ASTM E 490-1973  太阳能常数和气团起始阳光能光谱辐照表  Solar Constant and Air Mass Zero Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables
 ASTM E 491-1973  航天飞机热平衡试验用太阳模拟规程  Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Testing of Spacecraft
 ASTM E 492-1990  用夯击机实验室测量冲击声波通过地板和天花板组合体传播的试验方法  Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine
 ASTM E 493-1997  在里外试验法中用质谱仪检漏器作泄漏检验的试验方法  Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Testing Mode
 ASTM E 494-1995  测量超声波在材料中的传播速度  Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Materials
 ASTM E 496-1996  用放射性技术测定H3(d,n)He4中子发生器所产生的中子通量率和平均能量的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Neutron Fluence Rate and Average Energy from 3H(d,n)4He Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques
 ASTM E 497-1999  隔声.轻质隔断的安装  Installing Sound-Isolating Lightweight Partitions
 ASTM E 498-1995  在示踪探针法中用质谱仪检漏器或残余气体分析器作泄漏检验的测试方法  Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode
 ASTM E 499-1995  探测器探针方式用质谱仪检漏器检漏的试验方法  Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode
 ASTM E 50-1990  金属化学分析用仪器.试剂和安全措施  Apparatus, Reagents and Safety Precautions for Chemical Analysis of Metals
 ASTM E 501-1994  铺砌路面防滑试验用棱纹轮胎  Rib Tire for Pavement Skid-Resistance Tests
 ASTM E 502-1984  用密闭杯法确定化学药品闪点的试验方法  Test Method for Selection and Use of ASTM Standards for the Determination of Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Cup Methods
 ASTM E 503/E 503M-1988  装有对角制动设备的客车在铺砌路面上的防滑试验方法  Test Methods for Measurement of Skid Resistance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Vehicle Diagonal Braking Technique
 ASTM E 505-2001  铝和镁压模铸件检验用标准参考射线照相  Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings
 ASTM E 506-1998  液氯中汞含量的试验方法  Test Method for Mercury in Liquid Chlorine
 ASTM E 507-1998  用原子吸收分光光度测定法对铁矿石中铝的试验方法  Test Method for Aluminum in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 508-1998  用原子吸收光度法测定铁矿石中钙和镁含量的试验方法  Test Method for Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 509-1997  轻水冷却核反应堆容器在运转中退火  In-Service Annealing of Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels
 ASTM E 511-2001  用康铜环形箔热流计测定热流的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using a Copper-Constantan Circular Foil, Heat-Flux Gage
 ASTM E 512-1994  用电磁辐射和颗粒辐射作为热控材料的组合模拟空间环境试验  Combined, Simulated Space Environment Testing of Thermal Control Materials with Electromagnetic and Particulate Radiation
 ASTM E 514-1990  砖石建筑的水渗入和渗漏的试验方法  Test Method for Water Penetration and Leakage Through Masonry
 ASTM E 515-1995  用气泡发射技术作漏泄试验  Test for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques
 ASTM E 516-1995  气相色谱法中用的导热探测器的测试  Testing Thermal Conductivity Detectors Used in Gas Chromatography
 ASTM E 517-1996  金属薄板的塑性应变比率γ的试验方法  Test Method for Plastic Strain Ratio r for Sheet Metal
 ASTM E 518-2000  砖石建筑的挠曲粘结强度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Flexural Bond Strength of Masonry
 ASTM E 519-1981  砖砌体中的斜拉应力(剪力)的试验方法  Test Method for Diagonal Tension (Shear) in Masonry Assemblages
 ASTM E 520-1998  放射和吸收光谱探测器的描述  Describing Detectors in Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 521-1996  用带电粒子照射法模拟中子辐射损害的规程  Neutron Radiation Damage Simulation by Charged-Particle Irradiation
 ASTM E 523-1992  用铜的放射性测定快中子反应率的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Copper
 ASTM E 524-1988  铺砌路面防滑试验用标准光滑轮胎  Smooth Tire for Pavement Skid-Resistance Tests
 ASTM E 525-1990  石墨反应堆剂量测定结果的报告  Reporting Dosimetry Results on Nuclear Graphite
 ASTM E 526-1997  用钛的放射性测定快速中子反应率的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Titanium
 ASTM E 527-1983  金属及合金标准号规定  Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)
 ASTM E 529-1994  房屋建筑用桁条和大梁的弯曲试验  Flexural Tests on Beams and Girders for Building Construction
 ASTM E 53-1998  铜的化学分析试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper
 ASTM E 531-1976  在高温下核组份材料的监视试验  Surveillance Testing of High-Temperature Nuclear Component Materials
 ASTM E 533-1998  在无机化学工业中对痕量砷的试验方法  Test Method for Trace Amounts of Arsenic in Inorganic Industrial Chemicals
 ASTM E 534-1991  氯化钠化学分析的试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Sodium Chloride
 ASTM E 535-2000  编制防火测试反应标准的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Preparation of Fire-Test-Response Standards
 ASTM E 536-1998  锌和锌合金的化学分析的试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc and Zinc Alloys
 ASTM E 537-1998  用热温差分析法评定化合物热稳定性的试验方法  Test Method for Assessing the Thermal Stability of Chemicals by Methods of Differential Thermal Analysis
 ASTM E 538-1998  苛性钠(氢氧化钠)中汞的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Mercury in Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide)
 ASTM E 539-1990  6铝4钒钛合金的X射线辐射光谱测定分析的试验方法  Test Method for X-Ray Emission Spectrometric Analysis of 6Al-4V Titanium Alloy
 ASTM E 54-1980  特殊黄铜和青铜的化学分析试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Special Brasses and Bronzes
 ASTM E 541-1984  从事建成楼房的系统分析和合格保证的机构的标准  Criteria for Agencies Engaged in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance for Manufactured Building
 ASTM E 542-1994  量器校准  Calibration of Volumetric Ware
 ASTM E 543-2002  实施无损检验的机构的标准规程  Standard Practice for Agencies Performing Nondestructive Testing
 ASTM E 544-1999  超溴觉气味浓度参考标准的确定  Referencing Suprathreshold Odor Intensity
 ASTM E 545-1999  测定直接热中子射线照相检验中成像质量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Image Quality in Direct Thermal Neutron Radiographic Examination
 ASTM E 546-1988  密封绝缘玻璃组件霜点的试验方法  Test Method for Frost Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units
 ASTM E 547-1996  用循环静态气压差法测定外窗,护墙及门渗水度的测试方法  Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Differential
 ASTM E 548-1994  用于评定实验室资格的一般准则  General Criteria Used for Evaluating Laboratory Competence
 ASTM E 549-1987  野外用喷雾器校准程序的编制  Preparing Field Sprayer Calibration Procedures
 ASTM E 55-1991  测定化学成分用锻制有色金属及其合金铸件的取样  Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition
 ASTM E 550-1987  颗粒撒播器校准程序的编制  Preparing Granular Pesticide Ground Applicator Calibration Procedures
 ASTM E 551-1995  开发有效控制鸟类的化学物质试验方法  Test Methods for Developing Effective Bird Control Chemicals
 ASTM E 552-1995  哺乳动物烈性毒杀剂效果的试验方法  Test Method for Efficacy of Acute Mammalian Predacides
 ASTM E 554-1995  用作杀鸟剂的马钱子碱的使用与研制  Use and Development of Strychnine as an Avicide
 ASTM E 555-1995  脊椎动物控制药剂测试用烈性口服剂LD50的测定  Determining Acute Oral LD50 for Testing Vertebrate Control Agents
 ASTM E 556-1995  用校准平台(用户水平仪)校准车轮力或转矩传感仪的试验方法  Test Method for Calibrating a Wheel Force or Torque Transducer Using a Calibration Platform (User Level)
 ASTM E 557-1993  活动间壁在建筑上应用及安装  Architectural Application and Installation of Operable Partitions
 ASTM E 560-1984  推断反应堆容器监测剂量结果的规程  Extrapolating Reactor Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Results, E 706(IC)
 ASTM E 561-1998  R-曲线测定  Standard Practice for R-Curve Determination
 ASTM E 562-1999  用系统的人工逐点计数法测定体积因数的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count
 ASTM E 563-1997  作为参考温度制备和使用的冰点浴的标准规程  Standard Practice for Preparation and Use of an Ice-Point Bath as a Reference Temperature
 ASTM E 564-1995  建筑物框架墙抗剪切的静态负荷试验  Static Load Test for Shear Resistance of Framed Walls for Buildings
 ASTM E 565-1995  在实验室条件下共栖鼠用单剂料剧烈杀鼠剂效力的试验方法  Test Method for Efficacy of a Single-Dose Acute Rodenticide Under Laboratory Conditions for Commensal Rodents
 ASTM E 566-1999  黑色金属的电磁(涡电流)分级  Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Sorting of Ferrous Metals
 ASTM E 569-1997  受控激励时结构物的声发射的监测  Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Structures During Controlled Stimulation
 ASTM E 570-1997  铁磁钢管形制品的磁力泄漏检验  Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Products
 ASTM E 571-1998  镍及镍合金管形制品的电磁(涡电流)检验  Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Nickel and Nickel Alloy Tubular Products
 ASTM E 572-1994  不锈钢的X射线辐射光谱测定分析的测试方法  Test Method for X-Ray Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Stainless Steel
 ASTM E 573-2001  内反射光谱学标准实施规程  Standard Practices for Internal Reflection Spectroscopy
 ASTM E 574-2000  用玻璃纤维或硅纤维绝缘的双重基础金属热电偶丝的标准规范  Standard Specification for Duplex, Base Metal Thermocouple Wire With Glass Fiber or Silica Fiber Insulation
 ASTM E 575-1999  从房屋构造、部件、连接件和组件的结构试验中得到的数据的报告  Reporting Data from Structural Tests of Building Constructions, Elements, Connections and Assemblies
 ASTM E 576-1988  立式密封绝缘玻璃装置霜点的试验方法  Test Method for Frost Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units in the Vertical Position
 ASTM E 577-1985  直线建筑构件及系统的尺寸协调规格  Dimensional Coordination of Rectilinear Building Parts and Systems
 ASTM E 578-2001  荧光测量系统的线性度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Linearity of Fluorescence Measuring Systems
 ASTM E 579-1984  硫酸奎宁的荧光亮度检测极限的试验方法  Test Method for Limit of Detection of Fluorescence of Quinine Sulfate
 ASTM E 580-2000  在需要防震的地区安装吸音镶板用棚顶悬吊装置的应用标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Application of Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels in Areas Requiring Moderate Seismic Restraint
 ASTM E 581-1976  锰铜合金化学分析的试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Manganese-Copper Alloys
 ASTM E 582-1988  气体混合物中最低燃烧能量及熄灭距离的试验方法  Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy and Quenching Distance in Gaseous Mixtures
 ASTM E 583-1987  解决核能及其它复杂问题的ASTM自愿一致标准的系统化制订  Systematizing the Development of (ASTM) Voluntary Consensus Standards for the Solution of Nuclear and Other Complex Problems
 ASTM E 585/E 585M-1999  压实绝缘矿、护套金属和基底金属热电偶电缆的标准规范  Standard Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Base Metal Thermocouple Cable
 ASTM E 585/E 585Ma-2001  压实的矿物绝缘、金属护套和基底金属热电偶电缆的标准规范  Standard Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Base Metal Thermocouple Cable
 ASTM E 587-2000  用触点法作超声波斜束检验的标准规程  Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination by the Contact Method
 ASTM E 588-1995  用超声波法检测轴承级钢中大块夹杂物的方法  Detection of Large Inclusions in Bearing Quality Steel by the Ultrasonic Method
 ASTM E 589-1995  PA-14型使鸟类紧张药的使用及研制  the Use and Development of PA-14 Avian Stressing Agent
 ASTM E 59-1993  测定化学成分用钢和铁的取样方法  Sampling Steel and Iron for Determination of Chemical Composition
 ASTM E 590-1995  作为肉食动物毒杀药用的一氟代醋酸钠(1080化合物)的使用及研制  the Use and Development of Sodium Monofluoroacetate (Compound 1080) as a Predacide
 ASTM E 592-1999  用X射线法作1/4至2英寸(6-51mm)厚钢板的射线照相及用钴-60作1至6英寸(25-152mm)厚钢板的射线照相以获得ASTM等效穿透计敏感性的指南  Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity for Radiography of Steel Plates 1/4 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick with X Rays and 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Thick with Cobalt-60
 ASTM E 593-1995  在实验室条件下多剂料杀鼠剂效力的试验方法  Test Method for Efficacy of a Multiple-Dose Rodenticide Under Laboratory Conditions
 ASTM E 594-1996  气相色谱法或超临界液相色谱法中使用的检验火焰电离探测器的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Testing Flame Ionization Detectors Used in Gas or Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
 ASTM E 595-1993  在真空环境中除气作用引起的总物质损失及收集到的挥发性可凝聚物的试验方法  Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment
 ASTM E 596-1996  隔音室减少噪音的实验室测量的测试方法  Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Noise Reduction of Sound-Isolating Enclosures
 ASTM E 597-1995  多单建筑物规格中用的空气传播的噪音隔离的单项额定值的测定规程  Determining a Single-Number Rating of Airborne Sound Insulation for use in Multiunit Building Specifications
 ASTM E 598-1996  用瞬变零点量热器测量高能环境的超级传热速率的方法  Test Method for Measuring Extreme Heat-Transfer Rates from High-Energy Environments Using a Transient, Null-Point Calorimeter
 ASTM E 599-1989  造纸工业用杀粘菌剂效力的试验方法-真菌粘菌  Test Method for Efficacy of Slimicides for the Paper Industry - Fungal Slime
 ASTM E 6-1999  机械试验方法的有关术语  Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
 ASTM E 60-1998  金属的化学分析用光度测量法和分光光度法  Photometric and Spectrophotometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of Metals
 ASTM E 600-1991  造纸工业用杀粘菌剂效力的试验方法-细菌粘菌  Test Method for Efficacy of Slimicides for the Paper Industry - Bacterial Slime
 ASTM E 602-1991  圆柱形试样的锐切口张力的试验方法  Test Method for Sharp-Notch Tension Testing with Cylindrical Specimens
 ASTM E 603-2001  房间着火实验标准指南  Standard Guide for Room Fire Experiments
 ASTM E 604-1983  金属材料的动态断裂试验方法  Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials
 ASTM E 605-1993  喷涂到结构件上耐火材料厚度和密度的试验方法  Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members
 ASTM E 606-1992  应变控制环疲劳试验  Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing
 ASTM E 607-1990  在氮气芬围中用点对面技术作铝合金的光辐射光谱测定分析的试验方法  Test Method for Optical Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by the Point-to-Plane Technique, Nitrogen Atmosphere
 ASTM E 608-1995  金属屏蔽的基体金属热电偶  Metal-Sheathed Base-Metal Thermocouples
 ASTM E 609-2001  有关农药的标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Pesticides
 ASTM E 609a-2001  农药的相关标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Pesticides
 ASTM E 612-1991  线虫防治药的野外评定准则-地点选择程序  Field Evaluation of Nematode Control Agents - Site Selection Procedures
 ASTM E 613-1996  线虫防治药的评定-杀线虫剂的施用对其它生物的副作用  Evaluation of Nematode Control Agents - Side Effects of Nematicide Application on Other Organisms
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