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 ASTM C 1135-2000  测定结构密封件的粘着抗拉强度特性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Tensile Adhesion Properties of Structural Sealants
 ASTM C 1136-1995  热绝缘材料用柔性、低渗透蒸汽阻化剂  Flexible, Low Permeance Vapor Retarders for Thermal Insulation
 ASTM C 1137-1997  磨损导致细密集料裂解的试验方法  Test Method for Degradation of Fine Aggregate Due to Attrition
 ASTM C 1138-1997  混凝土耐磨蚀性试验方法(水下法)  Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete (Underwater Method)
 ASTM C 1139-1990  军事用玻璃纤维绝热和隔音用覆盖层和板  Fibrous Glass Thermal Insulation and Sound Absorbing Blanket and Board for Military Applications
 ASTM C 114-2000  水凝水泥化学分析的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement
 ASTM C 1140-1998  喷浆混凝土试板样品的制备与试验  Preparing and Testing Specimens from Shotcrete Test Panels
 ASTM C 1141-2001  喷浆混凝土用添加剂标准规范  Standard Specification for Admixtures for Shotcrete
 ASTM C 1142-1995  砌块用预拌灰浆  Ready-Mixed Mortar for Unit Masonry
 ASTM C 1143-1989  液体钠保护气体用氦  Helium for Use as a Cover Gas for Liquid Sodium
 ASTM C 1144-1989  易碎核废料模壳张裂强度试验方法  Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength for Brittle Nuclear Waste Forms
 ASTM C 1145-2002  高级陶瓷标准术语  Standard Terminology of Advanced Ceramics
 ASTM C 1146-1996  在室温以上温度操作的导管及设备用预制板绝缘系统  Prefabricated Panel Insulation Systems for Ducts and Equipment Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air
 ASTM C 1147-2001  耐化学腐蚀热塑(性)塑料的短期拉伸焊接强度测定的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Determining the Short Term Tensile Weld Strength of Chemical-Resistant Thermoplastics
 ASTM C 1148-1992  砖石建筑用灰浆干缩试验方法  Test Method for Measuring the Drying Shrinkage of Masonry Mortar
 ASTM C 1149-1997  自支撑喷涂纤维素质绝热和隔音材料  Self-Supported Spray Applied Cellulosic Thermal/Acoustical Insulation
 ASTM C 115-1996  用浊度计测定硅酸盐水泥细度的试验方法  Test Method for Fineness of Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter
 ASTM C 1150-1996  混凝土断裂数试验方法  Test Method for the Break-Off Number of Concrete
 ASTM C 1151-1991  评定养护期混凝土材料有效性的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Materials for Curing Concrete
 ASTM C 1152-1990  灰浆及混凝土中酸溶性氯化物试验方法  Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete
 ASTM C 1152/C 1152M-1997  灰浆和混凝土中酸溶性氯化物含量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete
 ASTM C 1153-1997  用红外线影象为屋面防潮定位  Location of Wet Insulation in Roofing Systems Using Infrared Imaging
 ASTM C 1154-1999  无石棉的纤维增强水泥的标准术语  Standard Terminology for Non-Asbestos Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products
 ASTM C 1155-1995  通过现场数据测定建筑包覆物的热阻  Determining Thermal Resistance of Building Envelope Components From In-Situ Data
 ASTM C 1156-1995  制定分析核燃料循环材料用测量方法的标准  Establishing Calibration for a Measurement Method Used to Analyze Nuclear Fuel Cycle Materials
 ASTM C 1157-2000  水凝水泥的标准性能规范  Standard Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement
 ASTM C 1158-1997  建筑结构用辐射屏蔽系统的使用和安装  Use and Installation of Radiant Barrier Systems (RBS) in Building Construction
 ASTM C 1159-1998  耐化学腐蚀、硬性含硫混凝土用含硫高聚物水泥  Sulfur Polymer Cement for Use in Chemical-Resistant, Rigid Sulfur Concrete
 ASTM C 1160-1997  耐化学腐蚀碳砖  Chemical Resistant Carbon Brick
 ASTM C 1161-2002  环境温度下高级陶瓷抗弯强度标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature
 ASTM C 1162-1990  石棉散装密度试验方法  Test Method for Loose Density of Asbestos
 ASTM C 1163-1998  测定使用氟化钕α光谱法用的锕系素的试验方法  Test Method for Mounting Actinides for Alpha Spectrometry Using Neodymium Fluoride
 ASTM C 1164-1992  来自同一产地的石灰或石灰岩均匀性的评定  Evaluation of Limestone or Lime Uniformity from a Single Source
 ASTM C 1165-1990  用控制电位库仑计法在铂工作电极上测定硫酸中钚的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry in H2SO4 at a Platinum Working Electrode
 ASTM C 1166-2000  致密及多孔弹性衬垫和附件的火焰蔓延标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Flame Propagation of Dense and Cellular Elastomeric Gaskets and Accessories
 ASTM C 1167-1996  粘土屋面瓦  Clay Roof Tiles
 ASTM C 1168-2001  分析用钚材料的制备和溶解的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Preparation and Dissolution of Plutonium Materials for Analysis
 ASTM C 1169-1997  行人区自动SNM监视器性能的实验室评定  Laboratory Evaluation of Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitor Performance
 ASTM C 117-1995  用冲洗法测定矿物集料中细于200号筛孔(75μm)的材料量的试验方法  Test Method for Materials Finer Than 75-Micrometer (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing
 ASTM C 1170-1991  使用振动台测定滚动压实混凝土的稠度和密度的试验方法  Test Methods for Determining Consistency and Density of Roller-Compacted Concrete Using a Vibrating Table
 ASTM C 1171-1996  耐火材料热循环效应定量测量试验方法  Test Method for Quantitatively Measuring the Effect of Thermal Cycling on Refractories
 ASTM C 1172-1996  建筑用夹层平板玻璃  Laminated Architectural Flat Glass
 ASTM C 1173-1997  地下管道系统用挠性过渡管联接器  Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Piping Systems
 ASTM C 1174-1997  包括地质处理高级核废料在内的废料包装材料长期使用性能的预测  Prediction of the Long-Term Behavior of Waste Package Materials Including Waste Forms Used in the Geologic Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste
 ASTM C 1175-1999  高级陶瓷无损检验方法导则及标准  Guide to Test Methods and Standards for Nondestructive Testing of Advanced Ceramics
 ASTM C 1176-1992  使用振动台在筒模中制作碾压混凝土  Making Roller-Compacted Concrete in Cylinder Molds Using a Vibrating Table
 ASTM C 1177/C 1177M-2001  用于遮蔽的玻璃衬垫石膏基层标准规范  Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing
 ASTM C 1178/C 1178M-2001  玻璃衬垫抗水石膏后背板标准规范  Standard Specification for Glass Mat Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Panel
 ASTM C 1179-1991  室外加工碳素材料及石墨材料氧化质量损失试验方法  Test Method for Oxidation Mass Loss of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Materials in Air
 ASTM C 118-1999  灌溉或排水用混凝土管  Concrete Pipe for Irrigation or Drainage
 ASTM C 1180-2000  砌块用灰浆的标准术语  Standard Terminology of Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry
 ASTM C 1181-1991  耐化学腐蚀共聚物机械灰浆压缩蠕变试验方法  Test Methods for Compressive Creep of Chemical-Resistant Polymer Machinery Grouts
 ASTM C 1182-1991  离心光电沉积作用测定矾土粒度分布的方法  Test Method for Determining the Particle Size Distribution of Alumina by Centrifugal Photosedimentation
 ASTM C 1183-1991  弹性体密封件挤压比的试验方法  Test Method for Extrusion Rate of Elastomeric Sealants
 ASTM C 1184-2000  结构硅密封件标准规范  Standard Specification for Structural Silicone Sealants
 ASTM C 1185-1999  无石棉的纤维水泥平面薄板、屋面板、墙面板和护墙板取样和测试用标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheet, Roofing and Siding Shingles, and Clapboards
 ASTM C 1186-1999  平面无石棉的纤维水泥薄板标准规范  Standard Specification for Flat Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Sheets
 ASTM C 1187-1991  制定核废料贮存架用硼基中子吸收材料系统的监督试验大纲  Establishing Surveillance Test Program for Boron-Based Neutron Absorbing Material Systems for Use in Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage Racks
 ASTM C 1188-1991  制定铀转换装置的质量保证大纲  Establishing a Quality Assurance Program for Uranium Conversion Facilities
 ASTM C 1189-1995  行人区自动SNM控制器的校正程序指南  Guide to Procedures for Calibrating Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitors
 ASTM C 118M-1999  灌溉或排水用混凝土管(米制)  Concrete Pipe for Irrigation or Drainage (Metric)
 ASTM C 119-2001  与规格石料相关的标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Dimension Stone
 ASTM C 1190-1995  焦油粘结的、碳酸镁、焙烧浸渍的碱性砖试样的制备  Location of Test Specimens from Tar Bonded, Magnesite-Carbon and Burned Impregnated Basic Brick
 ASTM C 1191-1991  陶瓷土和陶瓷泥釉的安全使用和搬运  Safe Use and Handling of Ceramic Clays and Slips
 ASTM C 1192-1991  陶瓷釉料的安全喷射  Safe Spraying of Ceramic Glazes
 ASTM C 1193-2000  接缝密封件使用的标准导则  Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
 ASTM C 1194-1991  建筑用铸石的压缩强度试验方法  Test Method for Compressive Strength of Architectural Cast Stone
 ASTM C 1195-1991  建筑用铸石的吸收性试验方法  Test Method for Absorption of Architectural Cast Stone
 ASTM C 1196-1992  用液压千斤顶测量固体砌块可变形性的试验方法  Test Method for In Situ Compressive Stress Within Solid Unit Masonry Estimated Using Flatjack Measurements
 ASTM C 1197-1992  用液压千斤顶法现场测量砖石建筑可变形性的试验方法  Test Method for In Situ Measurement of Masonry Deformability Properties Using the Flatjack Method
 ASTM C 1198-2001  声谐振测定动态扬氏模量、剪切模量和泊松比的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Dynamic Youngs Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poissons Ratio for Advanced Ceramics by Sonic Resonance
 ASTM C 1199-1991  隔热箱法测定主窗设计系统的稳态热传递系数的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring the Steady State Thermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems Using Hot Box Methods
 ASTM C 12-2002  陶化粘土管线安装的标准实施规范  Standard Practice for Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines
 ASTM C 120-2000  石板的标准弯曲试验方法(断裂模数和弹性模数)  Standard Test Methods of Flexure Testing of Slate (Modulus of Rupture, Modulus of Elasticity)
 ASTM C 1201-1991  均匀静态气压差法测定规格石料铺面系统结构性能的试验方法  Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Dimension Stone Cladding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
 ASTM C 1202-1997  混凝土耐氯离子穿透能力电标试验方法  Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concretes Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration
 ASTM C 1203-1991  陶瓷玻璃釉层耐碱性定量测定试验方法  Test Method for Quantitative Determination of Alkali Resistance of a Ceramic-Glass Enamel
 ASTM C 1204-1991  在有钚存在的情况下经铬(VI)滴定后用磷酸中铁(II)量减少法测定铀的试验方法  Test Method for Uranium in the Presence of Plutonium by Iron(II) Reduction in Phosphoric Acid Followed by Chromium(VI) Titration
 ASTM C 1205-1997  α光谱法对土壤中镅-241进行放射化学测定的试验方法  Test Method for the Radiochemical Determination of Americium-241 in Soil by Alpha Spectrometry
 ASTM C 1206-1991  铁(II)/铬(VI)安培计滴定法测定钚的试验方法  Test Method for Plutonium by Iron (II)/ Chromium (VI) Amperometric Titration
 ASTM C 1207-1997  无源中子复合计数法测定废弃物中钚的无损检验试验方法  Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Plutonium in Scrap and Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
 ASTM C 1208-1995  牵引道、滑道和隧道用上釉粘土管和接头  Vitrified Clay Pipe and Joints for Use in Jacking, Sliplining and Tunnels
 ASTM C 1208/C 1208M-2002  微型隧道工程、滑动内衬、管子爆裂及隧道中使用的釉面陶土管和接头的标准规范  Standard Specification for Vitrified Clay Pipe and Joints for Use in Microtunneling, Sliplining, Pipe Bursting, and Tunnels
 ASTM C 1208M-1995  牵引道、滑道和隧道用上釉粘土管和接头(米制)  Vitrified Clay Pipe and Joints for Use in Jacking, Sliplining and in Tunnels (Metric)
 ASTM C 1209-1999  混凝土砌块术语  Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units
 ASTM C 1209a-2001  混凝土圬工单位和相关单位的标准术语  Standard Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units
 ASTM C 121-1990  石板吸水性的试验方法  Test Method for Water Absorption of Slate
 ASTM C 1210-1996  制定核工业分析化学实验室用测量系统质量控制大纲  Establishing a Measurement System Quality Control Program for Analytical Chemistry Laboratories Within the Nuclear Industry
 ASTM C 1211-1998  高温下高级陶瓷抗弯强度试验方法  Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at Elevated Temperatures
 ASTM C 1212-1998  包含晶粒孔隙的陶瓷参考试样的制备  Fabricating Ceramic Reference Specimens Containing Seeded Voids
 ASTM C 1213-1992  与预制混凝土制品相关的术语  Terminology Relating to Precast Concrete Products
 ASTM C 1214-1994  负压(真空)试验法测定混凝土管下水道  Test Method for Concrete Pipe Sewerlines by Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Method
 ASTM C 1214M-1994  负压(真空)试验法测定混凝土管下水道(米制)  Testing Concrete Pipe Sewerlines by Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Method (Metric)
 ASTM C 1215-1992  核工业用试验方法标准中精密度与及偏倚报告的编写和表达  Preparing and Interpreting Precision and Bias Statements in Test Method Standards Used in the Nuclear Industry
 ASTM C 1216-1992  单个弹性体溶剂释放密封件的粘合力和附着力的试验方法  Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of One-Part Elastomeric Solvent Release Sealants
 ASTM C 1217-2000  核材料及放射性材料处理用设备设计的标准导则  Standard Guide for Design of Equipment for Processing Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
 ASTM C 1218/C 1218M-1999  砂浆和混凝土中水溶氯化物的试验方法  Test Method for Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete
 ASTM C 1219-1992  六氟化铀中砷含量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Arsenic in Uranium Hexafluoride
 ASTM C 1220-1998  放射性废物处置用整体废物形式静态浸出试验方法  Test Method for Static Leaching of Monolithic Waste Forms for Disposal of Radioactive Waste
 ASTM C 1221-1992  γ射线光谱法测定均相溶液中特种核材料无损分析试验方法  Test Method for Nondestructive Analysis of Special Nuclear Materials in Homogeneous Solutions by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
 ASTM C 1222-1999  实验室试验水凝水泥的评定  Evaluation of Laboratories Testing Hydraulic Cement
 ASTM C 1223-1992  玻璃熔析形式AZS熔铸耐火材料试验方法  Test Method for Testing of Glass Exudation Form AZS Fusion-Cast Refractories
 ASTM C 1224-2001  建筑用反射性绝缘材料标准规范  Standard Specification for Reflective Insulation for Building Applications
 ASTM C 1225-1997  无石棉纤维水泥屋面板、盖屋板和石板  Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Roofing Shingles, Shakes and Slates
 ASTM C 1226-1993  石棉中可溶氯化物的试验方法  Test Method for Soluble Chlorides in Asbestos
 ASTM C 1227-2000  预制混凝土化粪池  Precast Concrete Septic Tanks
 ASTM C 1228-1996  玻璃纤维增强混凝土的挠性及冲洗试验用试样的制备  Preparing Coupons for Flexural and Washout Tests on Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC)
 ASTM C 1229-1994  玻璃纤维增强混凝土中玻璃纤维含量测定的试验方法(冲洗试验)  Test Method for Determination of Glass-Fiber Content in Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) (Wash-Out Test)
 ASTM C 123-1998  集料中轻质片状物的测试方法  Test Method for Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate
 ASTM C 1230-1996  玻璃纤维增强混凝土焊接区的拉伸性能试验的试验方法  Test Method for Performing Tension Tests on Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) Bonding Pads
 ASTM C 1231-1993  未粘合盖板在测定硬化混凝土筒体的压缩强度中的使用  Use of Unbonded Caps in Determination of Compressive Strength of Hardened Concrete Cylinders
 ASTM C 1231/C 1231M-2000  测定混凝土筒柱压强用不粘合盖板的使用标准规程  Standard Practice for Use of Unbonded Caps in Determination of Compressive Strength of Hardened Concrete Cylinders
 ASTM C 1232-2001  砖石工程标准术语  Standard Terminology of Masonry
 ASTM C 1233-1998  核材料中当量硼含量测量的标准规范  Standard Practice for Determining Equivalent Boron Contents of Nuclear Materials
 ASTM C 1234-1998  痕量素测定用高压、高温分解法制备油及含油废物样品的试验方法  Test Method for Preparation of Oils and Oily Waste Samples by High-Pressure, High-Temperature Digestion for Trace Element Determinations
 ASTM C 1235-1999  钛(III)/铈(Ⅳ)滴定法测定钚的试验方法  Test Method for Plutonium by Titanium (III)/Cerium(IV) Titration
 ASTM C 1236-1999  车辆自动SNM监视器的内部性能评定  In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Automatic Vehicle SNM Monitors
 ASTM C 1237-1999  手持SNM监视器内部性能评定指南  Guide to In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Hand-Held SNM Monitors
 ASTM C 1238-1997  地下通道金属探测器的安装  Installation of Walk-Through Metal Detectors
 ASTM C 1239-1995  报告单轴强度数据和评估高级陶瓷维泊尔分布参数  Reporting Uniaxial Strength Data and Estimating Weibull Distribution Parameters for Advanced Ceramics
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