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 ASTM D 4749-1987  煤和特定煤粒度进行筛选分析的试验方法  Test Method for Performing the Sieve Analysis of Coal and Designating Coal Size
 ASTM D 475-1967  纯净对位红色基颜料规格  Pure Para Red Toner Pigment
 ASTM D 4750-1987  测定钻井或监测井(观察井)中地下水位的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Subsurface Liquid Levels in a Borehole or Monitoring Well (Observation Well)
 ASTM D 4751-1999  测定土工织物表观露缝尺寸的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile
 ASTM D 4752-1998  用溶剂擦试法测定硅酸乙酯(无机)富锌底漆耐甲乙酮的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate (Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers by Solvent Rub
 ASTM D 4753-1995  检验土壤、岩石及有关结构用的天平和天平盘的评定、选择和规定  Evaluating, Selecting and Specifying Balances and Scales for Use in Testing Soil, Rock and Related Construction Materials
 ASTM D 4754-1998  使用液膜蒸馏器(FDA)移动件进行塑料制品的双侧液体提取的试验方法  Test Method for Two-Sided Liquid Extraction of Plastic Materials Using FDA Migration Cell
 ASTM D 4755-1995  卤化有机溶剂及其掺和物中游离卤素的测试方法  Test Method for Free Halogens in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures
 ASTM D 4756-1996  硬质聚氯乙烯挡板和拱腹的安装  Installation of Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Siding and Soffit
 ASTM D 4757-1998  标卡限定的蒸气脱脂剂  Placarding Solvent Vapor Degreasers
 ASTM D 4759-1988  测定铺地合成物的特性适合性  Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics
 ASTM D 476-2000  二氧化钛干颜料色素的标准分类  Standard Classification for Dry Pigmentary Titanium Dioxide Products
 ASTM D 4761-1996  材料及木基结构材料机械性能的试验方法  Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of Lumber and Wood-Base Structural Material
 ASTM D 4762-1988  自动工业复合材料的检验  Testing Automotive/ Industrial Composite Materials
 ASTM D 4763-1988  用荧光光谱测定法对水中化学品的鉴别  Identification of Chemicals in Water by Fluorescence Spectroscopy
 ASTM D 4764-2001  X射线荧光光谱法测定涂料中二氧化钛含量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination by X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Titanium Dioxide Content in Paint
 ASTM D 4765-1998  在工作场所大气中氟化物的试验方法  Test Method for Fluorides in Workplace Atmospheres
 ASTM D 4766-1998  在工场所大气中氯乙烯的试验方法(碳管法)  Test Method for Vinyl Chloride in Workplace Atmospheres (Charcoal Tube Method)
 ASTM D 4767-1995  对粘土进行压实和不排水三轴压缩试验法  Test Method for Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Test on Cohesive Soils
 ASTM D 4768-1996  用气相色谱法在绝缘流体中2,6-二叔丁基对-甲酚和2,6-二叔丁基对-苯酚的试验方法  Test Method for Analysis of 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Para-Cresol and 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Phenol in Insulating Fluids by Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 4769-1988  纺织品和较舒适经纱针织品  Woven and Warp Knitted Comforter Fabrics
 ASTM D 4770-2000  评定用于充填外衣的人造纤维棉絮的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Appearance and Integrity of Highloft Battting After Refurbishing
 ASTM D 4771-1995  室内家具装饰用针织品  Knitted Upholstery Fabrics for Indoor Furniture
 ASTM D 4772-1997  丝绒纺织品表面吸水性的标准试验方法(水流试验法)  Standard Test Method for Surface Water Absorption of Terry Fabrics (Water Flow)
 ASTM D 4773-1993  丙二醇-甲基醚、双丙二醇-甲基醚和丙二醇-甲基醚乙酸酯纯度的试验方法  Test Method for Purity of Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether, Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether and Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate
 ASTM D 4774-1994  使用者自行粘贴的麻醉药物标签  User Applied Drug Labels in Anesthesiology
 ASTM D 4775-1994  药物(不包括大批量的药房用药)用填装注射器和交货系统的识别和外形  Identification and Configuration of Prefilled Syringes and Delivery Systems for Drugs (Excluding Pharmacy Bulk Packages)
 ASTM D 4776-1998  用H-试验法对轮胎帘布及其他增强帘布与硫化橡胶粘着性的试验方法  Test Method for Adhesion of Tire Cords and Other Reinforcing Cords to Rubber Compounds by H-Test Procedure
 ASTM D 4778-1994  在热转换条件下测定冷却水的腐蚀和污染倾向的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Corrosion and Fouling Tendency of Cooling Water Under Heat Transfer Conditions
 ASTM D 4779-1993  用紫外线法或过硫酸盐氧化法或两者同时用,以及红外线法对高纯度水中总碳、有机碳和无机碳的试验方法  Test Method for Total, Organic and Inorganic Carbon in High Purity Water by Ultraviolet (UV) or Persulfate Oxidation or Both and Infrared Detection
 ASTM D 478-1986  锌黄(铬酸锌)颜料  Zinc Yellow (Zinc Chromate) Pigments
 ASTM D 4780-1995  用多点氪吸附法测定催化剂的低表面面积的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Low Surface Area of Catalysts by Multipoint Krypton Adsorption
 ASTM D 4781-1999  精制催化剂粒子和催化剂载体粒子的机械抽头衬料密度的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Mechanically Tapped Packing Density of Fine Catalyst Particles and Catalyst Carrier Particles
 ASTM D 4782-1991  用湿化学法在分子筛催化剂中钯的试验方法  Test Method for Palladium in Molecular Sieve Catalyst by Wet Chemistry
 ASTM D 4783-2001  在容器内被细菌、酵母菌和霉菌侵染的胶粘剂制备物耐受性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Resistance of Adhesive Preparations in Container to Attack by Bacteria, Yeast, and Fungi
 ASTM D 4784-1993  液化天然气(LNG)密度的计算方法  LNG Density Calculation Models
 ASTM D 4785-2000  水中低含量碘-131的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Low-Level Iodine-131 in Water
 ASTM D 4786-1994  单孔的缝合抗斯裂强度的试验方法  Test Method for Stitch Tear Strength Single Hole
 ASTM D 4787-1993  对混凝土底层使用的液体或薄板衬垫的连续验正  Continuity Verification of Liquid or Sheet Linings Applied to Concrete Substrates
 ASTM D 4788-1988  利用红外线温度记录法探测桥面分层的试验方法  Test Method for Detecting Delaminations in Bridge Decks Using Infrared Thermography
 ASTM D 4789-1994  4,4-二酚基丙烷(双酚A)溶液颜色的试验方法  Test Method for Solution Color of 4,4 -Isopropylidenediphenol (Bisphenol A)
 ASTM D 4790-1999  芳烃及有关化学品的术语  Terminology of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals
 ASTM D 4791-1999  粗集料中扁颗粒和长颗粒的试验方法  Test Method for Flat or Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
 ASTM D 4792-1999  从水化反应中对集料膨胀的试验方法  Test Method for Potential Expansion of Aggregates from Hydration Reactions
 ASTM D 4793-1993  含水废弃物的连续成批萃取的试验方法  Test Method for Sequential Batch Extraction of Waste with Water
 ASTM D 4794-1994  用气相色谱法测定纤维素醚产品中羟乙基替代物的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Ethoxyl Substitution in Cellulose Ether Products by Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 4795-1994  可溶行硝化纤维素中氮含量的试验方法.交替法  Test Method for Nitrogen Content of Soluble Nitrocellulose - Alternative Method
 ASTM D 4796-1988  热塑性交通标志材料粘合强度的试验方法  Test Method for Bond Strength of Thermoplastic Traffic Marking Materials
 ASTM D 4797-1988  白色和黄色热塑性交通标志包括铬酸铅和二氧化酞的化学和重量分析的试验方法  Test Methods for Chemical and Gravimetric Analysis of White and Yellow Thermoplastic Traffic Marking Containing Lead Chromate and Titanium Dioxide
 ASTM D 4798-2000  沥青材料加速老化的标准试验方法(氙弧法)  Standard Test Method for Accelerated Weathering Test Conditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Xenon-Arc Method)
 ASTM D 4799-2000  沥青材料加速老化的标准试验方法(萤光UV和冷凝法)  Standard Test Method for Accelerated Weathering Test Conditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Fluorescent UV and Condensation Method)
 ASTM D 480-1988  铝粉和铝粉浆的抽样和试验方法  Test Methods for Sampling and Testing of Flaked Aluminum Powders and Pastes
 ASTM D 4800-1994  胶粘剂的分级和分类  Classifying and Specifying Adhesives
 ASTM D 4801-1995  0.25mm(0.010英寸)和大于此厚度的聚乙烯薄膜  Polyethylene Sheeting in Thickness of 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) and Greater
 ASTM D 4802-1994  聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯丙烯酸塑料片  Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Acrylic Plastic Sheet
 ASTM D 4803-1997  聚氯乙烯(PVC)建筑产品的预测热装配的试验方法  Test Method for Predicting Heat Buildup in PVC Building Products
 ASTM D 4804-1998  测定非硬质固体塑料易燃性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Determining the Flammability Characteristics of Nonrigid Solid Plastics
 ASTM D 4805-1988  塑料标准用名词术语  Terminology for Plastics Standards
 ASTM D 4806-2001  用于汽车火花点火发动机燃料的混有汽油的变性燃料酒精标准规范  Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
 ASTM D 4806a-2001  用于汽车点火发动机燃料的与汽油混合的变性燃料酒精的标准规范  Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
 ASTM D 4807-1988  原油中膜过滤沉淀物的试验方法  Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by Membrane Filtration
 ASTM D 4808-1998  利用低分辨率核磁共振谱法测试轻馏份、中间馏份、气体油和渣油中氢含量的试验方法  Test Methods for Hydrogen Content of Light Distillates, Middle Distillates, Gas Oils and Residua by Low-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
 ASTM D 4809-1995  用弹式量热器对液态,烃类燃料燃烧热量的试验方法(中等精确度方法)  Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (Intermediate Precision Method)
 ASTM D 4810-1988  使用着色长度检测管对天然气中硫化氢的试验方法  Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas Using Length-of-Stain Detector Tubes
 ASTM D 4811-1997  被用作屋面防雨板的非硫化橡胶薄板材  Nonvulcanized Rubber Sheet Used as Roof Flashing
 ASTM D 4812-1999  塑料的无凹口悬臂梁抗冲击强度的试验方法  Test Method for Unnotched Cantilever Beam Impact Strength of Plastics
 ASTM D 4814-2001  机动车火花点燃式发动机燃料的标准规范  Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
 ASTM D 4814a-2001  汽车点火发动机燃料的标准规范  Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
 ASTM D 4815-1999  气相色谱分析法测定汽油中甲基叔丁基醚、二乙基丁基醚、甲苯磺酰-精氨酸甲酯、二异丙酯(MTBE,ETBE,TAME,DIPE)叔戌酯和C1-C4醇的试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alcohols in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 4816-1994  用热分析法对飞机涡轮机燃料比热的试验方法  Test Method for Specific Heat of Aircraft Turbine Fuels by Thermal Analysis
 ASTM D 4817-1988  橡胶化合材料的分类.硬质酸  Classification for Rubber Compounding Materials - Stearic Acid
 ASTM D 4818-1989  橡胶化合材料的分类.硫化加速剂  Classification for Rubber Compounding Materials - Vulcanization Accelerators
 ASTM D 4819-1996  聚烯烃塑料制软多孔材料  Flexible Cellular Materials Made from Polyolefin Plastics
 ASTM D 482-1995  石油产品灰分的测试方法  Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products
 ASTM D 482-2000  石油产品灰分的标准测试方法  Standard Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products
 ASTM D 4820-1996  炭黑的试验方法.用多点B,E,T,氮吸附法测定表面积  Test Methods for Carbon Black - Surface Area by Multipoint B.E.T. Nitrogen Adsorption
 ASTM D 4821-2001  炭黑的标准指南.试验方法精度和偏差的确认  Standard Guide for Carbon Black-Validation of Test Method Precision and Bias
 ASTM D 4821a-2001  炭黑的标准指南.测试方法的精密度和偏差的验证  Standard Guide for Carbon Black-Validation of Test Method Precision and Bias
 ASTM D 4822-1988  河水中沉淀物粒度分析方法的选择  Selection of Methods of Particle Size Analysis of Fluvial Sediments (Manual Methods)
 ASTM D 4823-1995  浸没的非固结的沉淀物芯样的提取  Core Sampling Submerged, Unconsolidated Sediments
 ASTM D 4824-1994  用氨化学吸附法测定催化剂酸度的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Catalyst Acidity by Ammonia Chemisorption
 ASTM D 4825-1997  按尺寸裁切的办公纸卷曲度测量的试验方法  Test Method for Measurement of Curl in Cut-Sized Office Paper
 ASTM D 4826-1988  纸浆、纸张和纸板用测量单位和换算系数  Units of Measurement and Conversion Factors for Pulp, Paper and Paperboard
 ASTM D 4827-1993  利用毛细管丛的气相色谱法对乳胶中未反应单体的试验方法  Test Method for Determining the Unreacted Monomer Content of Latexes Using Capillary Column Gas Chromatography
 ASTM D 4828-1994  有机覆层实际可洗性的试验方法  Test Method for Practical Washability of Organic Coatings
 ASTM D 4829-1995  土壤的膨胀系数的试验方法  Test Method for Expansion Index of Soils
 ASTM D 483-1997  石油制植物喷洒油中未磺化残渣测定的试验方法  Test Method for Unsulfonated Residue of Petroleum Plant Spray Oils
 ASTM D 4830-1998  屋面和防水用热塑性织物特性的试验方法  Test Methods for Characterizing Thermoplastic Fabrics Used in Roofing and Waterproofing
 ASTM D 4831-1988  皮革扣环的抗扯裂强度的试验方法  Test Method for Buckle Tear Strength of Leather
 ASTM D 4832-1995  土与水泥的混和泥浆测试筒制备的检测方法  Test Method for Preparation and Testing of Soil-Cement Slurry Test Cylinders
 ASTM D 4833-2000  土工织物、地膜及其有关制品的抗击穿系数的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and Related Products
 ASTM D 4834-1988  用直接吸气的原子吸收光谱法测定涂料中铅的试验方法  Test Method for Detection of Lead in Paint by Direct Aspiration Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
 ASTM D 4835-1993  丙二醇-甲基醚乙酸酯  Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate
 ASTM D 4836-1995  双丙二醇-甲基醚  Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether
 ASTM D 4837-1997  丙二醇-甲基醚  Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether
 ASTM D 4838-1988  测定色漆相对着色力的试验方法  Test Method for Determining the Relative Tinting Strength of Chromatic Paints
 ASTM D 4839-1994  用紫外线法或过硫酸盐氧化法或两者同时使用,以及红外线法检测水中总碳和有机碳的试验方法  Test Method for Total Carbon and Organic Carbon in Water by Ultra-Violet or Persulfate Oxidation or Both and Infrared Detection
 ASTM D 4840-1999  保管程序的抽样系列  Sampling Chain of Custody Procedures
 ASTM D 4841-1988  含有有机和无机组成物的水样品保留时间的估算  Estimation of Holding Time for Water Samples Containing Organic and Inorganic Constituents
 ASTM D 4842-1990  测定固体废弃物抗冻结和解冻性的试验方法  Test Method for Determining the Resistance of Soild Wastes to Freezing and Thawing
 ASTM D 4843-1988  固体废弃物的浸湿和烘干的试验方法  Test Method for Wetting and Drying Test of Solid Wastes
 ASTM D 4844-1988  工人保护用废弃物管理器材的空中检测  Air Monitoring at Waste Management Facilities for Worker Protection
 ASTM D 4845-1996  有关羊毛的名词术语  Terminology Relating to Wool
 ASTM D 4846-1996  按扣抗不易扣紧性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Resistance to Unsnapping of Snap Fasteners
 ASTM D 4847-1995  机织遮阳篷和遮雨檐织物  Woven Awning and Canopy Fabrics
 ASTM D 4848-1998  纺织品的强度、变形性及其有关特性的名词术语  Terminology of Force, Deformation and Related Properties of Textiles
 ASTM D 4850-2000  有关织物的标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Fabric
 ASTM D 4851-1997  建筑用涂层织物和层压织物的标准试验方法  Standard Test Methods for Coated and Laminated Fabrics for Architectural Use
 ASTM D 4852-1988  悬挂的装饰织物的评定  Evaluation of Attached Upholstery Fabrics
 ASTM D 4853-1997  减低试验变异性  Reducing Test Variability
 ASTM D 4854-1995  从取样方案的期望原始资料中对变异性幅度的估算  Estimating the Magnitude of Variability from Expected Sources in Sampling Plans
 ASTM D 4855-1997  比较试验方法的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Comparing Test Methods
 ASTM D 4856-1999  在工作场所大气中硫酸酸雾测定的试验方法(离子色谱法)  Test Method for Determination of Sulfuric Acid Mist in the Workplace Atmosphere (Ion Chromatographic)
 ASTM D 4857-2001  测定润滑油最大限度减轻二冲程循环汽油发动机(船用外侧马达除外)中活塞环卡住和活塞积垢的能力的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination of the Ability of Lubricants to Minimize Ring Sticking and Piston Deposits in Two-Stroke-Cycle Gasoline Engines Other Than Outboards
 ASTM D 4857a-2001  测定润滑油最大限度减轻二冲程循环汽油发动机(船用外侧马达除外)中的环粘附和活塞积垢的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determination of the Ability of Lubricants to Minimize Ring Sticking and Piston Deposits in Two-Stroke-Cycle Gasoline Engines Other Than Outboards
 ASTM D 4858-1995  测定润滑油对改进二冲程循环汽油发动机预燃倾向的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of the Tendency of Lubricants to Promote Preignition in Two-Stroke-Cycle Gasoline Engines
 ASTM D 4859-1997  二冲程循环汽油发动机用润滑油  Lubricants for Two-Stroke-Cycle Spark-Ignition Gasoline Engines-TC
 ASTM D 4860-1991  柴油燃料中游离水和粒子杂质的试验方法  Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contamination in Mid-Distillate Fuels (Clear and Bright Numerical Rating)
 ASTM D 4861-2000  空气中农药和多氯联苯抽样和选择分析技术的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Sampling and Selection of Analytical Techniques for Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Air
 ASTM D 4863-1995  测定二冲程循环汽油发动机润滑剂润滑性的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Lubricity of Two-Stroke-Cycle Gasoline Engine Lubricants E2
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