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 ASTM E 614-1996  杀线虫剂杀线虫效力的温室或培育室评定准则  Greenhouse or Growth Chamber Evaluation of Nematicides Against Root-Knot Nematode
 ASTM E 615-1995  用作毒杀药的氰化钠的使用及研制  Use and Development of Sodium Cyanide as a Predacide
 ASTM E 616-1989  破裂试验的相关术语  Terminology Relating to Fracture Testing
 ASTM E 617-1997  实验室砝码和精密质量标准  Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards
 ASTM E 618-1981  用自动切丝机/自动轧棒机评定黑色金属的机械加工性能方法  Evaluating Machining Performance of Ferrous Metals Using an Automatic Screw/Bar Machine
 ASTM E 619-1984  纸包装材料中异样气味评价  Evaluating Foreign Odors in Paper Packaging
 ASTM E 62-1989  铜和铜合金的化学分析试验方法(光度测定法)  Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Alloys (Photometric Methods)
 ASTM E 620-1997  技术专家鉴定的报告规范  Reporting Opinions of Technical Experts
 ASTM E 621-1994  建筑物设计和施工中米制(SI)单位的使用(E-6委员会对E308的增补)  Use of Metric (SI) Units in Building Design and Construction (Committee E-6 Supplement to E380)
 ASTM E 622-1994  计算机管理系统一般指南  Generic Guide for Computerized Systems
 ASTM E 625-1987  计算机管理系统的人员培训  Training Users of Computerized Systems
 ASTM E 627-1994  为计算机管理系统提供文献  Documenting Computerized Systems
 ASTM E 628-1991  线虫防治药的野外评定准则-试验材料及环境条件  Field Evaluation of Nematode Control Agents - Test Materials and Environmental Conditions
 ASTM E 630-1991  线虫防治药的评定准则-植物的反应性  Evaluation of Nematode Control Agents - Plant Responses
 ASTM E 631-1993  房屋构造术语  Terminology of Building Constructions
 ASTM E 632-1982  为帮助(预测房屋构件及材料使用寿命)而开发的加速试验  Developing Accelerated Tests to Aid Prediction of the Service Life of Building Components and Materials
 ASTM E 633-1995  空气中在1000℃(1800F°)下作蠕变和应力破裂试验使用热电偶的规则  the Use of Thermocouples in Creep and Stress Rupture Testing to 1000 Degrees C (1800 Degrees F) in Air
 ASTM E 634-1996  光发射分光光度测定法分析用锌和锌合金的抽样  Sampling of Zinc and Zinc Alloys for Optical Emission Spectrochemical Analysis
 ASTM E 636-1995  核动力反应堆堆芯压力容器用的进行辅助监视试验的实施(E706IH)  Supplemental Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels, E 706 (IH) Conducting
 ASTM E 637-1998  通过热传导理论及滞点传热性与压力的实验测量来计算滞点热函的试验方法  Test Method for Calculation of Stagnation Enthalpy from Heat Transfer Theory and Experimental Measurements of Stagnation-Point Heat Transfer and Pressure
 ASTM E 638-1978  用窄角黑体辐射设备校准传热速度量热器的方法  Test Method for Calibration of Heat Transfer Rate Calorimeters Using a Narrow-Angle Blackbody Radiation Facility
 ASTM E 639-1978  用辐射高温计测量加热表面的总辐射温度的测试方法  Test Method for Measuring Total-Radiance Temperature of Heated Surfaces Using a Radiation Pyrometer
 ASTM E 640-1978  含水化装品中防腐剂的测试方法  Test Method for Preservatives in Water-Containing Cosmetics
 ASTM E 641-2001  农用液压喷嘴的试验的标准方法  Standard Methods for Testing Hydraulic Spray Nozzles Used in Agriculture
 ASTM E 642-1991  测定航空喷洒设备的喷洒速率和分布模式  Determining Application Rates and Distribution Patterns from Aerial Application Equipment
 ASTM E 643-1984  金属薄钢板材料喷丸冲压变形的测试方法  Test Method for Ball Punch Deformation of Metallic Sheet Material
 ASTM E 644-1998  测试工业电阻温度计的试验方法  Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Thermometers
 ASTM E 645-1997  冷却系统中用杀菌剂效力的测试方法  Test Method for Efficacy of Microbicides Used in Cooling Systems
 ASTM E 646-1993  金属薄钢板材料的拉伸应变硬化指数(n值)的测试方法  Test Method for Tensile Strain-Hardening Exponents (n-Values) of Metallic Sheet Materials
 ASTM E 647-1999  疲劳裂缝增大率测量用试验方法  Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates
 ASTM E 648-1996  使用辐射热能源的地板包覆材料临界辐射通量试验方法  Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
 ASTM E 649-2000  氯中溴含量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Bromine in Chlorine
 ASTM E 650-1997  安装压电声发射传感器  Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission Sensors
 ASTM E 651-1992  参与建造建筑物的系统分析和合格保证工作机构的能力评估导则  Guidelines for Evaluating Capabilities of Agencies Involved in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance for Manufactured Building
 ASTM E 652-1991  无残效液体家用飞行昆虫杀虫剂试验  Testing Nonresidual Liquid Household Insecticides Against Flying Insects
 ASTM E 653-1991  气雾及喷雾杀虫剂杀飞行昆虫效力的测试  Testing Effectiveness of Aerosol and Pressurized Space Spray Insecticides Against Flying Insects
 ASTM E 654-1996  气雾及喷雾杀虫剂杀蟑螂效力的试验方法  Test Method for Testing Effectiveness of Aerosol and Pressurized Spray Insecticides Against Cockroaches
 ASTM E 655-1996  根瘤线虫杀虫剂评定.全部根除试验  Evaluation of Nematicides Against Root-Knot Nematode - Population Eradication Test
 ASTM E 656-1991  沙歇特异皮线虫幼虫孵化评定  Evaluation of Hatching Heterodera Schachtii Juveniles
 ASTM E 657-1995  鸟类急性与慢性口腔或味觉拒食性比较的试验方法  Test Method for Comparative Acute and Long-Term Oral or Gustatory Avian Repellency
 ASTM E 658-1978  为直接应用于垃圾袋所设计的驱狗剂效力的试验方法  Test Method for Efficacy of Dog Repellents Designed for Direct Application to Garbage Bags
 ASTM E 659-1978  液体化学品自燃温度的试验方法  Test Method for Autoignition Temperature of Liquid Chemicals
 ASTM E 660-1990  使用小轮环道磨光机给集料或铺砌路面加速磨光  Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates or Pavement Surfaces Using a Small-Wheel, Circular Track Polishing Machine
 ASTM E 661-1988  在集中静载荷和冲击载荷下木制及木基楼板和屋顶覆盖层表现的试验方法  Test Method for Performance of Wood and Wood-Based Floor and Roof Sheathing Under Concentrated Static and Impact Loads
 ASTM E 662-2001  由固体材料产生的烟雾的比光密度标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Materials
 ASTM E 663-1986  火焰原子吸收分析  Flame Atomic Absorption Analysis
 ASTM E 664-1993  用浸渍法测量纵向超声波的表面衰减  Measurement of the Apparent Attenuation of Longitudinal Ultrasonic Waves by Immersion Method
 ASTM E 665-1994  测量暴露在X闪光射线机的X射线照射下的材料中相对深度的吸收剂量  Determining Absorbed Dose Versus Depth in Materials Exposed to the X-Ray Output of Flash X-Ray Machines
 ASTM E 666-1997  计算吸收γ或X射线的剂量  Calculating Absorbed Dose from Gamma or X Radiation
 ASTM E 667-1998  温度计(自动记录最高温度水银玻璃温度计)  Clinical Thermometers (Maximum Self-Registering, Mercury-in-Glass)
 ASTM E 668-1993  电子器件辐射硬化试验中测量吸收剂量用的热致发光剂量测量系统的应用  Application of Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry (TLD) Systems for Determining Absorbed Dose in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronic Devices
 ASTM E 669-1991  核燃料循环标准的主模型  Master Matrix for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Standards
 ASTM E 670-1994  用微米测微计(Mu-Meter)测定铺砌路面的侧向摩擦力的测试方法  Test Method for Side Force Friction on Paved Surfaces Using the Mu-Meter
 ASTM E 671-1998  在退火的玻璃实验室器皿中最大容许热残留应力  Maximum Permissible Thermal Residual Stress in Annealed Glass Laboratory Apparatus
 ASTM E 672-1987  易处置的玻璃微量滴管  Disposable Glass Micropipets
 ASTM E 673-2001  与表面分析相关的标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Surface Analysis
 ASTM E 674-1980  工业用多孔板及筛(圆孔系列)  Industrial Perforated Plate and Screens (Round Opening Series)
 ASTM E 675-1994  可互换的圆锥形活栓和塞子  Interchangeable Taper-Ground Stopcocks and Stoppers
 ASTM E 676-1994  可互换的圆锥形接头  Interchangeable Taper-Ground Joints
 ASTM E 677-1994  可互换的圆球形接头  Interchangeable Spherical Ground Joints
 ASTM E 678-1998  技术数据的评定  Evaluation of Technical Data
 ASTM E 679-1991  用限度的强制选择提升浓缩系列法测定气味和味道阈限  Determination of Odor and Taste Thresholds by a Forced-Choice Ascending Concentration Series Method of Limits
 ASTM E 680-1979  固态危险物的滴重冲击敏感度的试验方法  Test Method for Drop Weight Impact Sensitivity of Solid-Phase Hazardous Materials
 ASTM E 681-1994  化学药品易燃浓缩限度的测试方法  Test Method for Concentration Limits of Flammability of Chemicals
 ASTM E 682-1992  液体色谱法术语和相互关系  Liquid Chromatography Terms and Relationships
 ASTM E 683-1991  一家和两家住房用太阳能空间加热系统的安装和维护  Installation and Service of Solar Space Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
 ASTM E 684-1995  固体表面溅蚀深度仿形加工用大直径离子束电流密度近似测定的标准实施规程  Standard Practice for Approximate Determination of Current Density of Large-Diameter Ion Beams for Sputter Depth Profiling of Solid Surfaces
 ASTM E 685-1993  液体色谱法中用固定波长光度探测装置的试验  Testing Fixed-Wavelength Photometric Detectors Used in Liquid Chromatography
 ASTM E 686-1991  液态金属加工液体中抗菌剂的评估  Evaluation of Antimicrobial Agents in Aqueous Metal Working Fluids
 ASTM E 688-1994  测试作为制造玻璃容器原料的废玻璃的方法  Test Methods of Testing Waste Glass as a Raw Material for Manufacture of Glass Containers
 ASTM E 689-1995  球墨铁铸件的参考射线照片  Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron Castings
 ASTM E 69-1999  消防管道装置用防腐木材燃烧特性的试验方法  Test Method for Combustible Properties of Treated Wood by the Fire-Tube Apparatus
 ASTM E 690-1998  无磁热交换管的现场电磁(涡电流)检验  In Situ Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Nonmagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes
 ASTM E 691-1999  为测定试验方法精密度开展的实验室间的研究  Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
 ASTM E 692-2000  用高分辨率γ射线光谱分析法对照射过的核燃料中的铯137的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Determining the Content of Cesium-137 in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels by High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectral Analysis
 ASTM E 693-2001  每个原子(DPA),E706(ID)位移期中铁和低合金钢的中子辐照特性的标准操作规程  Standard Practice for Characterizing Neutron Exposures in Iron and Low Alloy Steels in Terms of Displacements Per Atom (DPA), E706(ID)
 ASTM E 694-1999  实验室玻璃容积测量器具的标准规范  Standard Specification for Laboratory Glass Volumetric Apparatus
 ASTM E 695-1979  墙,楼板和屋顶建筑的相对抗冲击负荷的测量  Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall, Floor and Roof Construction to Impact Loading
 ASTM E 696-1995  钨--铼合金热电偶丝  Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Thermocouple Wire
 ASTM E 697-1996  气相色谱法中电子俘获检测器的使用  Use of Electron-Capture Detectors in Gas Chromatography
 ASTM E 698-1999  受热不稳定材料的阿仑尼乌斯动态恒量的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Arrhenius Kinetic Constants for Thermally Unstable Materials
 ASTM E 699-1999  根据ASTM E6委员会颁布的试验方法对从事试验、 质量保证和评定建筑物构件的机构进行评估的标准  Standard Criteria for Evaluation of Agencies Involved in Testing, Quality Assurance, and Evaluating Building Components in Accordance with Test Methods Promulgated by ASTM Committee E-6
 ASTM E 7-2001  与金相学相关的标准术语  Standard Terminology Relating to Metallography
 ASTM E 70-1997  用玻璃电极测量水溶液pH值的试验方法  Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electrode
 ASTM E 701-1980  城市废铁的试验方法  Test Methods of Testing Municipal Ferrous Scrap
 ASTM E 702-1985  城市废铁  Municipal Ferrous Scrap
 ASTM E 703-1998  有色金属的电磁(涡流)分类  Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Sorting of Nonferrous Metals
 ASTM E 704-1996  用铀238的放射激活性测定反应速率的测试方法  Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Uranium-238
 ASTM E 705-1996  用镎237的放射激活性测定反应速率的测试方法  Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Neptunium-237
 ASTM E 706-2001  轻水反应堆堆芯压力容器监视标准的标准主模型,E706(0)  Standard Master Matrix for Light-Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Standards, E706(0)
 ASTM E 707-1990  使用北卡罗来纳州大学变速摩擦试验仪作防滑测定的测试方法  Test Method for Skid Resistance Measurements Using the North Carolina State University Variable-Speed Friction Tester
 ASTM E 708-1979  用作制造玻璃器皿原料的废玻璃  Waste Glass as a Raw Material for the Manufacture of Glass Containers
 ASTM E 709-2001  磁粉粒检验标准指南  Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination
 ASTM E 711-1987  用弹式量热器对回收废燃料总热量的试验方法  Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Refuse-Derived Fuel by the Bomb Calorimeter
 ASTM E 712-1980  太阳能加热和制冷系统中贮存液体用金属容器材料的实验室遮蔽  Laboratory Screening of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Liquids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems
 ASTM E 713-1988  米制建筑图纸标度的选择  Selection of Scales for Metric Building Drawings
 ASTM E 714-1994  可处置的玻璃制血清移液管  Disposable Glass Serological Pipets
 ASTM E 715-1980  重力对流和强制循环水浴锅  Gravity-Convection and Forced-Circulation Water Baths
 ASTM E 716-1994  光谱化学分析用铝和铝合金取样  Sampling Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys for Spectrochemical Analysis
 ASTM E 717-1984  声学试验标准的审定附件的编码  Preparation of the Accreditation Annex of Acoustical Test Standards
 ASTM E 72-1998  建筑结构用板条的传导强度试验  Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction
 ASTM E 720-1994  电子辐射强度试验中用测定中子波谱的中子激活箔的选择和应用  Selection and Use of Neutron-Activation Foils for Determining Neutron Spectra Employed in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
 ASTM E 721-2001  电子辐射强度试验用中子激活箔测定中子能谱的标准指南  Standard Guide for Determining Neutron Energy Spectra from Neutron Sensors for Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
 ASTM E 722-1994  确定电子辐射强度试验用等效单能级中子注量的能级中中子能量注量能谱的特征  Characterizing Neutron Energy Fluence Spectra in Terms of an Equivalent Monoenergetic Neutron Fluence for Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
 ASTM E 723-1997  造纸工业用含水物品防腐剂抗菌(细菌酸败)能力的试验方法  Test Method for Efficacy of Antimicrobials as Preservatives for Aqueous-Based Products Used in the Paper Industry (Bacterial Spoilage)
 ASTM E 724-1998  用四种咸水双壳类软体动物幼虫进行的静态急性毒力试验  Conducting Static Acute Toxicity Tests Starting with Embryos of Four Species of Saltwater Bivalve Molluscs
 ASTM E 725-1996  粒状载体与粒状农药抽样的测试方法  Test Method for Sampling Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
 ASTM E 726-1996  粒状载体与粒状农药颗粒大小分布的试验方法  Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
 ASTM E 727-1991  粒状载体与粒状农药堆密度的试验方法  Test Methods for Determining Bulk Density of Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
 ASTM E 728-1991  粒状载体与粒状农药耐磨性的试验方法  Test Method for Resistance to Attrition of Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
 ASTM E 729-1996  用鱼,大型无脊椎动物和两栖动物进行剧毒毒性试验  Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates and Amphibians
 ASTM E 73-1983  桁架组件的静态载荷试验  Static Load Testing of Truss Assemblies
 ASTM E 731-1996  商业用途计算机的选择和要求  Selection and Acquisition of Commercially Available Computerized Systems
 ASTM E 732-1980  易处置的巴斯德型吸管  Disposable Pasteur-Type Pipet
 ASTM E 733-1980  易处置的44.7-μL微型玻璃吸管  44.7-Microliter Disposable Glass Micropipets
 ASTM E 734-1980  易处置的血液样品毛细玻璃管(血球容量计)  Disposable Glass Blood Sample Capillary Tube (Microhematocrit)
 ASTM E 736-2000  结构构件上喷涂的防火材料的粘附性/粘结性的标准试验方法  Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members
 ASTM E 738-1995  用络合滴定法对铁矿石中铝含量的试验方法  Test Method for Aluminum in Iron Ores by Complexometric Titration
 ASTM E 739-1991  线性或线性化应力寿命(S-N)和应变寿命(e-N)疲劳数据的统计分析  Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linearized Stress-Life (S-N) and Strain-Life (e-N) Fatigue Data
 ASTM E 74-2001  试验机负载读数检验用测力仪校准的标准实施规范  Standard Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring Instruments for Verifying the Force Indication of Testing Machines
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