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 ANSI/EIA 358-C-1992  数控机床穿孔带用美国信息交换标准代码子集  Subset of American National Standard Code for Information Interchange for Numerical Machine Control Perforated Tape
 ANSI/EIA 359-A-1-1988  专用颜色-颜色识别和编码的标准色(ANSI/EIA 359-A-1984的1号补充件)  Special Colors - Standard Colors for Color Identification and Coding (addendum No. 1 to ANSI/EIA 359-A-1984)
 ANSI/EIA 364-01B-2000  电连接器和插座的加速试验程序  Acceleration Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-02C-1999  电气连接器.空气渗漏试验  Electric Connectors - Air Leakage Test
 ANSI/EIA 364-03B-1999  电连接器.标高浸没试验程序  Electric Connectors - Altitude Immersion Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-04A-2001  电连接器TP-40正交力试验方法  TP-04, Normal Force Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-05B-1998  电连接器触点、断开和偏移力试验程序  Electric Connectors - Contact Insertion, Release, and Removal Force Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-06B-2000  电连接器.接触电阻试验程序  Electric Connectors - Contact Resistance Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-07B-1998  电气连接件.挤压接触变形试验过程  Electric Connectors - Crimp Contact Deformation Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-08B-1998  电连接器的卷缩抗拉强度试验程序  Electric Connectors - Crimp Tensile Strength Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-09C-1999  电连接器的耐久性试验程序  Durability Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-100-1999  电连接器的标志永久性试验程序  Marking Permanence Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-101-2000  电连接器、插座和电缆组件或内连接系统的衰减试验程序  Attenuation Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets and Cable Assemblies or Interconnection Systems
 ANSI/EIA 364-102-1998  电连接器的上升时间衰减试验程序  Rise Time Degradation Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection Systems
 ANSI/EIA 364-104A-2000  电连接器的易燃性试验程序  Flammability Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-105-1999  电连接器的高空低温试验程序  Altitude - Low Temperature Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-106-2000  电连接器的驻波比试验程序  Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-107-2000  电连接器的目测图和跳动试验程序  Eye Pattern and Jitter Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection Systems
 ANSI/EIA 364-108-2000  电连接器、插座和电缆组件或内连接系统的阻抗、反射系数、失配衰减和电压柱波比试验程序  Impedance, Reflection Coefficient, Return Loss, and VSWR Test Procedure Measured in the Time and Frequency Domain for Electrical Connectors, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection Systems
 ANSI/EIA 364-10A-2000  电连接器的液体浸入试验程序  Fluid Immersion Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-11A-1997  电气连接件.耐溶剂性能的试验过程  Electric Connectors - Resistance to Solvents - Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-13B-1998  电连接器.啮合和非啮合力的试验程序  Electric Connectors - Mating and Unmating Forces Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-14B-1999  电连接器.臭氧暴露试验程序  Electric Connectors - Ozone Exposure Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-16A-2002  电气连接器剥离力试验方法  (Stripping Force (Solderless Wrapped Connection) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors )
 ANSI/EIA 364-17B-1999  电连接器.有电气负载或无电气负载时温度寿命  Electric Connectors - Temperature Life With or Without Electrical Load Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-19A-2001  电连接器扭转插入保持力测试程序  Torsional Insert Retention Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-20B-1999  电连接器的耐压试验程序  Electric Connectors - Withstanding Voltage Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-21C-2000  电连接器.绝缘电阻测试  Electric Connectors - Insulation Resistance Test
 ANSI/EIA 364-22B-2000  电连接器和插座的寿命试验程序  Life Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-23B-2000  电连接器的低压接触电阻试验程序  Low Level Contact Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-24B-1998  电连接器的维护老化试验程序  Electric Connectors - Maintenance Aging Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-25C-1998  电连接器的探针损伤试验程序  Electric Connectors - Probe Damage Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-26B-1999  电连接器.盐雾腐蚀测试程序  Electric Connectors - Salt Spray Corrosion Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-27B-1996  电连接器.机械冲击(规定的脉冲)测试程序  Electric Connectors - Mechanical Shock (Specified Pulse) Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-28C-1997  电气连接件.振动试验过程  Electric Connectors - Vibration Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-29B-1998  电连接器的接触维持试验程序  Electric Connectors - Contact Retention Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-31B-2000  电连接器.湿度试验程序  Electric Connectors - Humidity Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-32C-2000  电连接器.热冲击测试程序  Electric Connector - Thermal Shock Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-33A-2002  电连接器的TP-33电感试验  TP-33 Inductance Testing for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-35A-1983  电连接器.插入保持测试程序  Electric Connectors - Insert Retention Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-37B-1998  电连接器的接触约束和分离力的试验程序  Electric Connectors - Contact Engagement and Separation Force Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-38B-1999  电连接器.电缆拔拉试验  Electric Connectors - Cable Pull-Out Test
 ANSI/EIA 364-39B-1999  电连接器.静水压试验程序  Electric Connectors - Hydrostatic Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-40B-1998  电连接器的挤压试验程序  Electric Connectors - Crush Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-41A-1984  电连接器.圆形护套电缆弯曲试验程序  Electric Connectors - Circular Jacket Cable Flexing Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-41C-1999  电连接器的TP-41型电缆弯曲试验程序  TP-41 Cable Flexing Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-42A-1985  电连接器.冲击试验程序  Electric Connectors - Impact Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-43B-2000  电连接器的电缆夹紧(弯矩)试验程序  Cable Clamping (Bending Moment) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-44-1998  电连接器的电晕试验  Electric Connectors - Corona Testing
 ANSI/EIA 364-45A-2000  防火壁电连接器的TP45火焰试验程序(EIA IS 50A的推荐升级)  Proposed Upgrade of EIA IS 50A, TP45 Flame Test Procedure for Firewall Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-46A-1998  电连接器的微秒间断试验程序  Microsecond Discontinuity Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-47A-2001  电连接器的无焊缠绕连接试验程序  Conductor Unwrap (Solderless Wrapped Connection) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-48-1990  接插件金属镀层厚度测量的测试程序  Test Procedure for Metallic Coating Thickness Measurements of Contacts
 ANSI/EIA 364-50A-1998  电气连接件.砂和灰尘试验过程  Electric Connectors - Sand and Dust Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 364-52-1993  TP 52电连接器/插座的接线端子的可焊测试程序  TP 52 Test Procedures for Solderability of Contact Terminations Use in Connectors/Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-54A-1999  电连接器和电触点.磁导率试验  Electrical Connectors and Electrical Contacts - Magnetic Permeability Test
 ANSI/EIA 364-56A-1991  电连接器.耐焊接热测试程序  Resistance to Soldering Heat-Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-65-1992  工业用混合气流  Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas
 ANSI/EIA 364-65A-1997  混合流动气体  Mixed Flowing Gas
 ANSI/EIA 364-66A-2000  电连接器电磁感应屏蔽效率试验程序  EMI Shielding Effectiveness Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-68A-2001  电连接器传动机械试验程序  Actuating Mechanism Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-69A-2002  电连接器电接触微值电感测量  Low-Level Inductance Measurement for Electrical Contacts of Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-70A-1998  电连接器和插座的升温对抗电流试验程序  Test Procedure for Current vs Temperature Rise of Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-71-1992  电连接器焊接镀锡试验程序  Solder Wicking Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-75-1997  电气连接件的闪电雷击试验过程  Lightning Strike Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-78A-2002  电连接器.78号新试验程序.腔间泄漏接合完整性试验程序  New Test Procedure *78, Cavity-to-Cavity Leakage Bonding Integrity Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-79-1998  电气连接件的插入连接强度试验过程  Insert Bond Strength Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-81-1994  连接器外壳、连接器组件和插座的燃烧特性  Combustion Characteristics of Connector Housings, Connector Assemblies and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-82-1993  连接器/插座塑料外壳的腐蚀性  Corrosivity of Plastics (Connector-Socket Housing)
 ANSI/EIA 364-83-1999  电连接器外壳对外壳和外壳对体热电阻试验程序  Shell-to-Shell and Shell-to-Bulkhead Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-85-1996  TP-85,电子连接器接触末端机械磨损试验和评价磨损的常规测试程序  TP-85, General Test Procedure for Assessing Wear and Mechanical Damage Testing of Contact Finishes for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-86-1996  TP-86.电子连接器和插座偏振/编码键压力过重的测试程序  TP-86, Polarizing/Coding Key Overstress Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-87-1996  电气连接件,接触和插座毫微秒检测  Nanosecond Event Detection for Electrical Connectors, Contacts and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-88-1995  电子连接器的残余磁力  Residual Magnetism for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-89-1995  空间应用的电子连接器的试验程序  Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors for Space Applications
 ANSI/EIA 364-90-2000  电连接器的窜音试验程序  Crosstalk Ratiuo Text Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-91-1996  电子连接器和插座的灰尘试验  Dust Test for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
 ANSI/EIA 364-92-1997  电气连接件的绝缘替代接触的线弯曲试验过程  Wire Bending Test Procedure for Insulation Displacement Contacts (IDC) for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-93-1997  电气连接件的绝缘替代连接的重复的线连接和非连接试验过程  Repeated Wire Connection and Disconnection Test Procedure for Insulation Displacement Contacts (IDC) for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-94-1997  电气连接件的绝缘替代连接的TP-94横向抽取力试验过程  TP-94, Transverse Extraction Force Test Procedure for Insulation Displacement Contacts (IDC) for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-95-1999  电连接器的全连接和连接稳定性试验程序  Full Mating and Mating Stability Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-97-1997  电气连接件的TP-97板滞留试验过程  TP-97, Housing Panel Retention Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-98-1997  电气连接件的箍锁机械强度试验过程  Housing Locking Mechanism Strength Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-99-1999  电连接器的测试仪布置和固位试验程序  Gage Location and Retention Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
 ANSI/EIA 364-D-2001  电气连接件试验过程  Electric Connector Test Procedure
 ANSI/EIA 370-B-1992  半导体器件的命名系统  Semiconductor Devices, Designation System for
 ANSI/EIA 376-1-1971  金属及非金属壳直流薄膜介质固定电容器  Fixed Film Dielectric Capacitors in Metallic and Non-Metallic Cases for DC Application
 ANSI/EIA 376-1970  金属及非金属壳直流薄膜介质固定电容器  Fixed Film Dielectric Capacitors in Metallic and Non-Metallic Cases for DC Application
 ANSI/EIA 377-1-1972  金属和非金属壳直流金属化介质电容器  Metallized Dielectric Capacitors in Metallic and Non-Metallic Cases for Direct Current Application
 ANSI/EIA 381-A-1992  二级管Q值测量法  Method of Diode Q Measurement
 ANSI/EIA 395-1-1975  长寿命(1型)和普通(2型)极化铝电解电容器  Electrolytic Capacitors for Long Life, Type 1, and General Purpose Application, Type 2, Polarized Aluminum
 ANSI/EIA 401-1973  功率半导体设备用纸介质和纸/薄膜介质电容器  Paper, Paper/Film Dielectric Capacitors for Power Semiconductor Applications
 ANSI/EIA 403-A-1990  公共天线电视设备用(75欧姆)精密同轴电缆连接器  Precision Coaxial Connectors for CATV Application (75 Ohms)
 ANSI/EIA 406-1973  印制电路板的电连接器  Connectors, Electrical, Printed-Wiring Board
 ANSI/EIA 416-1974  无线电干扰滤波器  Filters, Radio Interference
 ANSI/EIA 417-A-1991  晶体振荡回路  Crystal Outlines
 ANSI/EIA 425-1975  播放分离式四声道录音唱盘  Reproducing Discrete Four-Signal Disc Records
 ANSI/EIA 426-B-1998  最佳放大功率的扬声器  Loudspeakers, Power Rating, Full Range
 ANSI/EIA 429-1976  扁平电缆连接器的通用标准  Connectors, Electrical Flat Cable Type, General Specification for
 ANSI/EIA 431-1992  数控设备和机床间的电气接口  Electrical Interface Between Numerical Control and Machine Tools
 ANSI/EIA 438-1976  测量扬声器支座稳定性的试验  Loudspeaker Spider, Test for Measuring Stiffness
 ANSI/EIA 446-3-1981  按压开关,有指示灯和无指示灯的,0.750平方固定的1和2极,0.001到10安培  Pushbutton Switches, Illuminated and Nonilluminated, 0.750 Square Mounting, 1 and 2 Poles, 0.001 to 10 Amperes
 ANSI/EIA 446-4-1981  0.625英寸方架,单极和双极,1安的有指示灯、无指示灯和非灵敏按钮开关  Pushbutton Switches 0.625 Sq Mounting, One and Two Pole, 1.0 Ampere, Detail Specification for Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Non-Sensitive
 ANSI/EIA 446-A-1981  非灵敏按钮开关  Non-Sensitive Pushbutton Switches
 ANSI/EIA 448-19A-2000  机电件的试验标准.用气相系统机械焊接的环境效应  Test Standard for Electromechanical Components - Environmental Effects of Machine Soldering Using a Vapor Phase System
 ANSI/EIA 448-1B-1992  机电开关的标准试验方法(触点跳动试验)  Standard Test Method for Electromechanical Switches (Test for Contact Bounce)
 ANSI/EIA 448-21A-2000  机电件的试验标准.开关.用远红外系统机械焊接的环境效应  Test Standard for Electromechanical Components - Switch Environmental Effects of Machine Soldering Using an Infrared System
 ANSI/EIA 448-22-1990  耐焊接热的试验方法  Resistance to Soldering Heat, Soldering Method
 ANSI/EIA 448-24-1993  试验方法24固体转换开关试验  Test Method 24 Solid State Switch Transfer Tests
 ANSI/EIA 448-2A-2000  机电件的试验标准.机械焊接的环境效应  Test Standard for Electromechanical Components Environmental Effects of Machine Soldering
 ANSI/EIA 454-1978  交流用非聚氯联苯浸渍的纸介质和纸-薄膜介质电容器  Fixed Paper and Film-Paper Dielectric Capacitors with Non-PCB Impregnants for Alternating Current Applications
 ANSI/EIA 455-171-1987  短长度多模分级指数光缆和单膜光纤组件用代换测量法的衰减试验  Attenuation by Substitution Measurement for Short-Length Multimode Graded-Index and Single-Mode Optical Fiber Assemblies
 ANSI/EIA 455-174A-1994  单模光纤模场直径的远场刀刃扫描试验  Mode Field Diameter of Single-Mode Optical Fiber by Knife-Edge Scanning in the Far Field
 ANSI/EIA 455-179-1988  干涉测量法对光纤劈裂端面的检验  Inspection of Cleaved Fiber End Faces by Interferometry
 ANSI/EIA 455-21A-1988  光纤.光纤连接装置啮合耐久性  Fiber Optics - Mating Durability for Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices
 ANSI/EIA 455-36A-1987  光纤连接装置扭绞测试  Twist Test for Fiber Optic Connecting Devices
 ANSI/EIA 455-55A-1986  光纤包复外形尺寸的测量方法  Coating Geometry of Optical Fibers, Methods for Measuring the
 ANSI/EIA 455-98-1983  外用光缆外部冷冻试验  External Fiber Optic Cable External Freezing Test
 ANSI/EIA 463-A-1999  交流电动机起动用铝电解固定电容器.重型(1型)和轻型(2型)  Electrolytic Capacitors for Alternating Current Motor Starting, Heavy Duty (Type 1) and Light Duty (Type 2), Fixed Aluminum
 ANSI/EIA 468-B-1994  自动装卸用径向配置件的引线绝缘带缠绕  Lead Taping of Components in the Radial Configuration for Automatic Handling
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