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 ANSI S 2.26-2001  机械振动.船上设备的振动试验要求和验收准则  Mechanical Vibration - Vibration Testing Requirements and Acceptance Criteria for Shipboard Equipment
 ANSI S 3.45-1999  测试基本前庭功能的过程  Procedures for Testing Basic Vestibular Function
 ANSI S 3.46-1997  助听器设备的真声性能特性的测量方法  Methods of Measurement of Real-Ear Performance Characteristics of Hearing Aids
 ANSI S 3.5-1997  索引计算方法  Methods for the Calculation of the Articulation Index
 ANSI S 4.55-1997  专业音响的推荐操作规程.声音信号极性的守恒  Recommended Practice for Professional Audio - Conservation of the Polarity of Audio Signals
 ANSI S 4.56-1997  专业音频设备的推荐操作规程.扬声器的主观评价  Recommended Practice for Professional Audio - Subjective Evaluation of Loudspeakers
 ANSI S 4.57-1997  法医用推荐规程.用于检验的操纵记录视听资料  Recommended Practice for Forensic Purposes - Managing Recorded Audio Materials Intended for Examination
 ANSI S1.1-1994  声学术语  Acoustical terminology
 ANSI S1.10-1966  传声器的校正方法  Method for Calibration of Microphones
 ANSI S1.11-1986  倍频带和分数倍频带模拟及数字滤波器的规范  Specification for octave-band and fractional-octave-band analog and digital filters
 ANSI S1.11-2004  倍频带和分数倍频带模拟及数字滤波器的规范  
 ANSI S1.13-1995  空气中声压级的测量方法  Measurement of sound pressure levels in air
 ANSI S1.13-2005  空气中声压级的测量  
 ANSI S1.15 Part 2-2005  测试传声器.第2部分:用互易技术对实验室标准传声器进行压力校准的主要方法  
 ANSI S1.17 Part 1-2004  传声器风挡.第1部分:静止或细微气流的介入损失的测量和规范  
 ANSI S1.20-1988  水下电声换能器校准的程序  Procedures for calibration of underwater electro-acoustic transducers
 ANSI S1.22-1992  声波的频率特性和极线图表的比例、尺寸  Scales and sizes for frequency characteristics and polar diagrams in acoustics
 ANSI S1.25-1991  专用噪声剂量计的规范  Specification for personal noise dosimeters
 ANSI S1.26-1995  大气吸声的计算方法  Method for calculation of the absorption of sound by the atmosphere
 ANSI S1.4-1983  声级计的规范  Specification for sound level meters
 ANSI S1.40-1984  声学校准器的规范  Specification for acoustical calibrators
 ANSI S1.6-1984  声学测量中的常用频率的频带数  Preferred frequencies, frequency levels, and band numbers for acoustical measurements
 ANSI S1.8-1989  声学级的常用基准量  Reference quantities for acoustical levels
 ANSI S1.9-1996  声强的测量仪器  Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity
 ANSI S12.1-1983  测定来自声源的噪声发射的标准程序编制指南  Guidelines for the preparation of standard procedures to determine the noise emission from sources
 ANSI S12.10-1985  由计算机和商业设备发射的噪声的测量和表示方法  Methods for the measurement and designation of noise emitted by computer and business equipment
 ANSI S12.10-2002  声学.信息技术设备和电信设备发出的空气噪声的测量  (Acoustics - Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment )
 ANSI S12.11-1987  由小型空气推动装置发射的噪声的测量方法  Method for the measurement of noise emitted by small air-moving devices
 ANSI S12.11/1 ISO 10302-1996 (MOD)-2003  声学.小型气动装置的噪声和振动测量.第1部分:空气噪声排放  (Acoustics - Measurement of Noise and Vibration of Small Air-Moving Devices, Part 1: Airborne noise Emission )
 ANSI S12.11/2-2003  声学.小型空气推动设备的噪声和振动的测定.第2部分:结构振动  (Acoustics - Measurement of noise and vibration of small air-moving devices - Part 2: Structure-borne vibration )
 ANSI S12.12-1992  根据声音强度测定噪声源声功率级的工程方法  Engineering method for the determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity
 ANSI S12.14-1992  露天固定位置安装的公共音响警告设备音输出的现场测量  Methods for the field measurement of the sound output of audible public warning devices installed at fixed locations outdoors
 ANSI S12.15-1992  便携式电动工具、安放于固定位置的电动工具及园艺设备产生的噪声的测量  Acoustics - Portable electric power tools, stationary and fixed electric power tools, and gardening appliances - Measurement of sound emitted
 ANSI S12.16-1992  新机械噪声规范的指南  Guidelines for the specification of noise of new machinery
 ANSI S12.18-1994  室外测量声压级的程序  Procedures for outdoor measurement of sound pressure level
 ANSI S12.19-1996  职业引起的噪声测量  Measurement of occupational noise exposure
 ANSI S12.2-1995  房屋噪音评定要求  Criteria for evaluation room noise
 ANSI S12.23-1989  机械设备发出的声功率的表示方法  Method for the designation of sound power emitted by machinery and equipment
 ANSI S12.3-1985  测定和校验机械与设备固定噪声发射的统计方法  Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment
 ANSI S12.30-1990  噪声试验规程的制订和声功率标准使用导则  Guidelines for the use of sound power standards and for the preparation of noise test codes
 ANSI S12.31-1990  在混响室里用精确方法测定宽频带噪声源声功率级  Precision methods for the determination of sound power levels of broad-band noise sources in reverberation rooms
 ANSI S12.32-1990  混响室中离散频率和窄频带噪声源声功率的精确测定方法  Precision methods for the determination of sound power levels of discrete-frequency and narrow-band noise sources in reverberation rooms
 ANSI S12.33-1990  在混响室里用工程方法测定噪声源声功率级  Engineering methods for the determination of sound power levels of noise sources in a special reverberation test room
 ANSI S12.34-1988  反射平面上实质自由场条件下噪声源的声功率级的工程测定法  Engineering methods for the determination of sound power levels of noise sources for essentially free-field conditions over a reflecting plane
 ANSI S12.35-1990  在无回声和半无回声的室内测定噪声源声功率级  Precision methods for the determination of sound power levels of noise sources in anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms
 ANSI S12.36-1990  噪声源声功率级确定的测量方法  Survey methods for the determination of sound power levels of noise sources
 ANSI S12.42-1995  头戴听力保护装置的介入损耗测量用耳中扩音器和固定物声音试验法  Microphone-in-real-ear and acoustic test fixture methods for the measurement of insertion loss of circumaural hearing protection devices
 ANSI S12.5-1990  标准声源性能和校准的要求  Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound sources
 ANSI S12.50-2002  声学.噪声源的声级测定.基础标准使用导则  (Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards )
 ANSI S12.51-2002  声学.用声压测定噪声源的声级.混响室精确法  (Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for reverberation rooms )
 ANSI S12.57-2002  声学.用声压测定噪声源的声级.现场比对法  (Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Comparison method in situ )
 ANSI S12.6-1997  听力保护器实际听觉衰减的测量方法  Methods for measuring the real-ear attenuation of hearing protectors
 ANSI S12.60-2002  院校的声学性能标准、设计要求和指南  (Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools )
 ANSI S12.7-1986  脉冲噪声的测量方法  Methods for measurement of impulse noise
 ANSI S12.9 Part 1-1988  描述和测量环境声音的量值及程序.第1部分  Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of environmental sound - Part 1
 ANSI S12.9 Part 2-1992  描述和测量环境声音的量值及程序.第2部分持久和宽域的声测量  Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of environmental sound - Part 2: Measurement of long-term, wide-area sound
 ANSI S12.9 Part 3-1993  描述和测量环境声音的量值及程序.第3部分:观测器的短期测量  Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of environmental sound - Part 3: Short-term measurements with an observer present
 ANSI S12.9 Part 4-1996  描述和测量环境声音的量值及程序.第4部分:持久的公众回响的预测和噪声的评定  Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of environmental sound - Part 4: Noise assessment and prediction of long-term community response
 ANSI S2.10-1971  撞击和振动数据的分析和表示方法  Methods for Analysis and Presentation of Shock and Vibration Data
 ANSI S2.11-1969  测量撞击和振动用电传感器的校准和试验的选择  Selection of Calibrations and Tests for Electrical Transducers Used for Measuring Shock and Vibration
 ANSI S2.14-1973  撞击机性能的确定方法  Methods for Specifying the Performance of Shock Machines
 ANSI S2.15-1972  轻型设备H1级(强烈碰撞)撞击试验机的设计、制造和操作的规范  Design, Construction and Operation of Class HI (High-Impact) Shock-Testing Machine for Lightweight Equipment
 ANSI S2.17-1980  机械振动的测量  Techniques of machinery vibration measurement
 ANSI S2.2-1959  振动和撞击拾音器的校正方法  Methods for Calibration of Shock and Vibration Pickups
 ANSI S2.20-1983  空气中单点爆炸特性及在大气中传播和影响的评定指南  Estimating air blast characteristics for single point explosions in air, with a guide to evaluation of atmospheric propagation and effects
 ANSI S2.25-2004  船身及上部结构振动的测量、报告和评价指南  
 ANSI S2.27-2002  机械振动.船驱动时机械振动测量和评定用导则  (Mechanical Vibration - Guidelines for the Measurement and Evaluation of Ship Propulsion Machinery Vibration )
 ANSI S2.3-1964  电子设备用强烈碰撞冲击机的规范  High-Impact Shock Machine for Electronic Devices
 ANSI S2.31-1979  力导纳的实验测量法:第1部分:基本定义和传感器  Methods for the experimental determination of mechanical mobility - Part 1: Basic definitions and transducers
 ANSI S2.32-1982  力导纳的实验测定法:第2部分:使用单点直线激发的测量  Methods for the experimental determination of mechanical mobility - Part 2: Measurements using single-point translational excitation
 ANSI S2.34-1984  旋转导纳性能和完全导纳基体的实验测定指南  Guide to the experimental determination of rotational mobility properties and the complete mobility matrix
 ANSI S2.38-1982  现场平衡设备的描述和评定  Field balancig equipment - Description and evaluation
 ANSI S2.4-1976  冲击和振动测量用辅助模拟设备特性的规定方法  Method for specifying the characteristics of auxiliary analog equipment for shock and vibration measurements
 ANSI S2.40-1984  旋转式和往复式机械的振动强度测量仪器的要求  Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinery - Requirements for measuring vibration severity
 ANSI S2.41-1985  速度范围为10至200转/秒的大型旋转机器的机械振动强度的现场测量和评定  Mechanical vibration of large rotating machines with speed range from 10 to 200 rev/s - Measurement and evaluation of vibration severity in situ
 ANSI S2.42-1982  平衡挠性转子的程序  Procedures for balancing flexible rotors
 ANSI S2.43-1984  评定挠性转子平衡的准则  Criteria for evaluating flexible rotor balance
 ANSI S2.45-1983  描述产生振动用电动测试设备特性的方法  Electrodynamic test equipment for generating vibration - Methods of describing equipment characteristics
 ANSI S2.46-1989  地震传感器规定的特性  Characteristics to be specified for seismic transducers
 ANSI S2.47-1990  评估振动对建筑物产生的结果及测量振动的方法  Vibration of buildings - Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings
 ANSI S2.48-1993  描述产生振动用伺服液压试验设备特性的方法  Servo-hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration - Methods of describing characteristics
 ANSI S2.5-1962  规定振动机性能的推荐标准  Recommendations for Specifying the Performance of Vibration Machines
 ANSI S2.58-1983  描述振动发生器用辅助工作台特性的方法  Auxiliary tables for vibration generators - Method of describing equipment characteristics
 ANSI S2.60-1987  平衡机的外壳和其他安全指南  Balancing machines - Enclosures and other safety measures
 ANSI S2.61-1989  加速器机械安装指南  Guide to the mechanical mounting of accelerometers
 ANSI S2.7-1982  平衡术语集  Balancing terminology
 ANSI S2.8-1972  描述弹性支座特性的指南  Guide for Describing the Characteristics of Resilient Mountings
 ANSI S2.9-1976  确定材料阻尼特性的专用名词  Nomenclature for specifying damping properties of materials
 ANSI S3.13-1987  骨质振动测量仪的机械耦合器  Mechanical coupler for measurement of bone vibrators
 ANSI S3.14-1977  关于语言干扰的评价噪声  Rating noise with respect to speech interference
 ANSI S3.18-1979  人体感受全身振动的评定指南  Guide for evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration
 ANSI S3.18-2003 Part 4 ISO 2631-4-2001  机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身振动的评价.第4部分:对固定导轨运输系统中的乘客和乘务员的舒适性产生影响的振  (Mechanical vibration and shock -- Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration -- Part 4: Guidelines for the evaluation of the effects of vibration and rotational motion on passenger and crew comfort in fixed-guideway transport systems )
 ANSI S3.2-1989  通信系统音频清晰度的测量方法  Method for measuring the intelligibility of speech over communication systems
 ANSI S3.20-1995  音质评价术语集  Bioacoustical terminology
 ANSI S3.21-1978  人工纯音阈值测听的方法  Methods for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry
 ANSI S3.21-2004  人工纯音阈值测听方法  
 ANSI S3.22-1996  助听器特性的规范  Specification of hearing aid characteristics
 ANSI S3.22-2003  助听器特性的规范  (Specification of Hearing Aid Characteristics )
 ANSI S3.25-1989  封闭式仿真耳  Occluded ear simulator
 ANSI S3.29-1983  在建筑物中人体感受振动的评测指南  Guide to the evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings
 ANSI S3.32-1982  影响人体的机械振动和冲击的词汇  Mechanical vibration and shock affecting man - Vocabulary
 ANSI S3.34-1986  人体感受振动传递至手的测量和评定  Guide for the measurement and evaluation of human exposure to vibration transmitted to the hand
 ANSI S3.35-1985  在模拟现场工作条件下助听器性能特性的测量方法  Methods of measurement of performance characteristics of hearing aids under simulated in-situ working conditions
 ANSI S3.36-1985  模拟现场空气声学测量用人体模型的规范  Specification for a manikin for simulated in-situ airbone acoustic measurements
 ANSI S3.37-1987  优选的助听器吊钩波导出口螺纹  Preferred earhook nozzle thread for postauricular hearing aids
 ANSI S3.39-1987  测量听觉声阻抗及导纳(听觉声导抗)仪器规范  Specifications for instruments to measure aural acoustic impedance and admittance (aural acoustic immittance)
 ANSI S3.4-1980  噪声响度的计算程序  Procedure for the computation of loudness of noise
 ANSI S3.40-2002  减振用防护手套的测量和评价指南  (Guide for the Measurement and Evaluation of Gloves which Are Used to Reduce Exposure to Vibration Transmitted to the Hand )
 ANSI S3.41-1990  安全紧急撤离音响信号  Audible emergency evacuation signal
 ANSI S3.42-1992  助听器宽带音频信号的测试  Testing hearing aids with a broad-band noise signal
 ANSI S3.44-1996  职业引起的噪声的测定及噪声引起的听觉损伤的评价  Determination of occupational noise exposure and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment
 ANSI S3.6-1996  听度计的规范  Specification for audiometers
 ANSI S3.6-2004  听力计规范  
 ANSI S3.7-1995  耳机耦合器的校准方法  Method for coupler calibration of earphones
 ANSI S4.26-1984  用于专业性声频和声增强的扬声器件  Specification of loudspeaker components used in professional audio and sound reinforcement
 ANSI S4.28-1984  应用脉冲代码调制的专业数字声频用优选采样频率  Professional digital audio applications employing pulse-code modulation - Preferred sampling frequencies
 ANSI S4.3-1982  录音和放声设备的加权峰值高频颤动的测量方法  Method for measurement of weighted peak flutter of sound recording and reproducing equipment
 ANSI S4.30-1992  声频工程中扩音器喇叭最低共振频率测量的试验方法  Standard test method for audio engineering - Measurement of the lowest resonance frequency of loudspeaker cones
 ANSI S4.40-1992  数字声频工程中两通道线性显示数字声频数据用顺序传输格式的推荐作法  Digital audio engineering - Serial transmission format for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data
 ANSI S4.44-1991  数字声频工程在演播工作中的数字声频仪器同步录音的AES推荐作法  Digital audio engineering - Synchronization of digital audio equipment in studio operations
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