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 ANSI/ASTM D 5188-1991  燃料蒸气液体比率温度测定的试验方法  Test Method for Vapor-Liquid Ratio Temperature Determination of Fuels (Evacuated Chamber Method) (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5189-1991  汽油和氧化汽油混合物气-液比为20的对应温度的试验方法(氧弹法)  Test Method for Temperature Corresponding to Vapor-Liquid Ratio of 20 for Gasoline and Gasoline-Oxygenate Blends (Bomb Method) (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5190-2001  石油产品的蒸气压力的试验方法(自动方法)  Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Automatic Method) (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5191-2001  石油产品的蒸气压力的试验方法  Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Mini Method) (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5203-1991  用过后再生的高密度聚乙烯材料模压和挤压聚乙烯塑料规范  Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials from Recycled Post-Consumer HDPE Sources (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5204-2001  注模和挤压材料的聚酰胺分类系统  Classification System for Polyamide-imide (PAI) Molding and Extrusion Materials (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5205-1995  聚乙烯-亚胺材料分类系统  Classification System for Polyetherimide (PEI) Materials (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5206-1997  硬质聚氯乙烯挡板耐风荷载的试验方法  Test Method for Windload Resistance of Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Siding
 ANSI/ASTM D 5207-1991  塑料材料小型燃烧试验20和125mm试验火焰的校准规程  Practice for Calibration of 20 and 125 mm Test Flames for Small-Scale Burning Tests on Plastic Materials (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5208-1991  光降解塑料辐照用荧光紫外线灯和缩聚装置的操作规程  Practice for Operating Fluorescent UV and Condensation Apparatus for Exposure of Photodegradable Plastics (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5210-1992  测定城市污水管污泥中塑料的厌氧生物降解的试验方法  Test Method for Determining the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in the Presence of Municipal Sewer Sludge (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5213-1995  电气绝缘和电介质用聚酰亚胺树脂膜规范  Specification for Polymide Resin Film for Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Application (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5224-1993  热固模制化合物试样压塑的规程  Practice for Compression Molding Test Specimens of Thermosetting Molding Compounds (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5225-1992  用差分粘度计测量共聚物溶解粘度的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Solution Viscosity of Polymers with a Differential Viscometer (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5226-1992  溶解聚合物材料的实施规程  Practice for Dissolving Polymer Materials (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5227-2001  聚烯烃的正己烷可提取含量的试验方法  Test Method for the Measurement of Hexane Extractable Content of Polyolefins (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5234-1992  乙烯产品分析指南  Guide for the Analysis of Ethylene Product (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5236-2001  重烃混合物的蒸馏试验方法(真空蒸馏锅法)  Distillation of Heavy Hydrocarbon Mixtures (Vacuum Potsill Method), Test Method for (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 524-1988  石油产品中的兰氏残碳的试验方法  Ramsbottom Carbon Residue of Petroleum Products, Method of Test for (05.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 525-1994  汽油氧化稳定性的试验方法(诱导期法)  Oxidation Stability of Gasoline (Induction Period Method), Test Method for (05.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5260-1992  聚氯乙烯(PVC)同聚体和共聚体化合物及氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)化合物的分类  Chemical Resistance of Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Homopolymer and Copolymer Compounds and Chlorinatd Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) compounds, Classification for (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5271-1992  活化污泥污水处理系统中塑料的有氧生物降解的试验方法  Test Method for Accessing the Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in an Activated Sludge Wastewater-Treatment-System (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5272-1992  光降解塑料户外辐照试验的实施规程  Practice for Outdoor Exposure Testing of Photodegradable Plastics (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5273-1992  丙烯浓聚物分析指南  Guide for Analysis of Propylene Concentrates (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5274-1992  1,3-丁二烯产品分析指南  Guide for the Analysis of 1,3-Butadiene Product (05.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5275-1992  测试含液体聚合物的燃料注入器剪切稳定性试验的方法  Test Method for Fuel Injector Shear Stability Test (FISST) for Polymer Containing Fluids (05.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5279-2001  用扭矩对塑料动态机械特性测量的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Plastics in Torsion (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5280-1996  用线性校准函数评价空气质量测量方法的性能特性的实施规程  Practice for Evaluation of Performance Characteristics of Air Quality Measurement Methods with Linear Calibration Functions
 ANSI/ASTM D 5281-1992  大气、工作场所或室内空气中六价铬分析和收集的试验方法  Test Method for Collection and Analysis of Hexavalent Chromium in Ambient, Workplace, or Indoor Atmospheres
 ANSI/ASTM D 5291-2001  石油产品和润滑剂中碳、氢和氮含量的仪器测定试验方法  Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum Products and Lubricants, Test Method for (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5292-1993  用高分辨率核磁共振光谱法测定芳烃油中碳和氢含量的试验方法  Aromatic Hydrogen and Aromatic Carbon Contents of Hydrocarbon Oils by High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Test Method for (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5293-1992  用冷起动模拟法测定30℃至50℃时发动机油表观粘度的试验方法  Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils - Between 30 and 50鳦 Using the Cold-Cranking Simulation, Test Method for (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5296-1992  用高性能尺寸排斥色谱法对聚苯乙烯的平均分子量和分子量分布的测试方法  Molecular Weight Averages and Molecular Weight Distribution of Polystyrene by High Performance Size-Exclusion Chromatography, Test Method of (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5302-1995  低温条件下操作的以汽油为燃料的轻型火花式内燃机中为防止沉积物形成和磨耗用汽车发动机油的评估试验方法  New Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation and Wear in Spark-Ignition Internal-Combustion Engine Fueled with Gasoline and Operated Under Low Temperature, Light-Duty Can (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5303-1992  用气相色层分析法对丙烯中痕量硫化羰的新试验方法  New Test Method for Trace Carbonyl Sulfide in Propylene by Gas Chromatography
 ANSI/ASTM D 5304-1994  用过厌氧法评价蒸馏燃料贮存稳定性的试验方法  New Test Method for Assessing Distillate Fuel Storage Stability by Oxygen Overpressure (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5305-1992  测定液化石油气蒸汽中乙硫醇的试验方法  New Test Method for the Determination of Ethyl Mercaptan in LPGas Vapor
 ANSI/ASTM D 5306-1992  润滑油和液压液火焰线性蔓延速率的新试验方法  New Test Method for Linear Flame Propagation Rate of Lubricating Oils and Hydraulic Fluids (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5318-1992  过氧化酯和过碳酸氢钠中可水解氯的试验方法  Test Method for Hydrolyzable Chloride in Peroxy Esters and Peroxy Discarbonates (X-15-356) 92-03 Item 14
 ANSI/ASTM D 5319-2001  玻璃纤维增强聚酯墙板和天花板规范  Specification for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyester Wall and Ceiling Panels
 ANSI/ASTM D 5337-1992  校正个人取样泵流量率的操作规程  Practice for Flow Rate for Calibration of Personal Sampling Pumps
 ANSI/ASTM D 5338-1992  评定在受控混合条件下塑料有氧降解的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under Controlled Composting Conditions
 ANSI/ASTM D 5365-2001  纤维玻璃(玻璃纤维增强热固树脂)管的长期环弯曲应力的试验方法  Test Method for Long-Term Ring-Bending Strain of Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe
 ANSI/ASTM D 5384-1995  用于石油产品的氯的试验方法(油田测试盒方法)  Test Method for Chlorine in Used Petroleum Products (Field Test Kit Method) (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5394-1997  精制1,1,1-三氯乙烷规范  Specification for Reclaimed 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
 ANSI/ASTM D 5395-1997  精制二氯甲烷规范  Specification for Reclaimed Methylene Chloride
 ANSI/ASTM D 5418-2001  用双悬臂束对塑料动态机械特性的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Plastics Using a Dual Cantilever Beam (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 542-1995  透明有机塑料折射指数的试验方法(08.01)  Test Methods for Index of Refraction of Transparent Organic Plastics (08.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5424-1997  电缆或光缆绝缘材料在立式电缆槽装置中燃烧时烟雾管制的试验方法  Test Method for Smoke Obscuration Caused by Burning Cables in a Vertical Configuration (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 543-2001  评价塑料抗化学试剂的实施规程  Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents
 ANSI/ASTM D 5438-2001  用于化学分析的楼板尘埃收集的实施规程  Practice for Collection of Floor Dust for Chemical Analysis
 ANSI/ASTM D 5452-1994  用实验室过滤法测定航空燃料中粒状杂质含量的试验方法  Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Fuels by Laboratory Filtration (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5466-2002  测定大气中挥发的有机化学品的试验方法(容器抽样法)  Test Method for Determination of Volatile Organic Chemicals in Atmospheres (Canister Sampling Methodology)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5470-2001  薄的热传导固体电绝缘材料热传导性能的试验方法  Test Method for Thermal Transmission Properties of Thin Thermally Conductive Solid Electrical Insulation Materials (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5477-1995  傅里叶转换红外光谱法(FTIR)识别夹杂物或多聚层的实施规程  Practice for Identification of Polymer Layers or Inclusions by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5480-1995  用气相色谱法测试机油挥发性的试验方法  Test Method for Motor Oil Volatility by Gas Chromatography (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5482-2001  石油产品的蒸气压力的试验方法(最低大气法)  Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Mini Method-Atmospheric)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5483-2002  用压差扫描热量测定法测试润滑脂的氧化诱导时间的试验方法  Test Method for Oxidation Induction Time of Lubricating Greases by Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry
 ANSI/ASTM D 5485-1994  用锥型腐蚀计测定可燃性产品的腐蚀性的试验方法  Fire Test Response Standard for Determining the Corrosive Effective of Combustion Products Using the Cone Corrosimeter (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5500-1994  进液阀门沉积形成的不含铅自动火花点火引擎燃料的车辆评价试验方法  Test Method for Vehicle Evaluation of Unleaded Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel for Intake Valve Deposit (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5501-1994  用气相色层分析法测定变性燃料乙醇中乙醇含量的试验方法  Test Method for the Determination of Ethanol Content of Denatured Fuel Ethanol by Gas Chromatography (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5502-1994  用物理测量法对制铝工业用加工的阳极和阴极碳表观密度进行测量的试验方法  Test Method for Apparent Density by Physical Measurements of Manufactured Anode and Cathode Carbon Used by the Aluminum Industry (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5507-1994  用毛细管柱/多维气相色层分析法测定氯乙烯体中痕量有机杂质的测试方法  Test Method for Determination of Trace Organic Impurities in Monomer Grade Vinyl Chloride by Capillary Column/Multi-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
 ANSI/ASTM D 5508-1994  用液上气相色层分析法对苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物和丁腈橡胶中残留丙烯腈单体的定量测试方法  Test Method for Quantitation of Residual Acrylonitrile Monomer in Styrene-Acrylonitrile Copolymers and Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber by Headspace-Capillary Gas Chromatography (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5509-1994  塑料暴露于模拟混合物环境下的实施规程  Practice for Exposing Plastics to a Simulated Compost Environment
 ANSI/ASTM D 5510-1994  氧化降解塑料加热老化规程  Practice for Heat Aging of Oxidatively Degradable Plastics
 ANSI/ASTM D 5511-1994  测定在高密度厌氧菌致分解条件下塑性材料厌氧降解的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under High-Solids Anaerobic-Digestion Conditions
 ANSI/ASTM D 5512-1994  塑料在使用外部加热反应器模拟混合环境下的暴露规程  Practice for Exposing Plastics to a Simulated Compost Environment Using an Externally Heated Reactor
 ANSI/ASTM D 5516-1996  在高温下阻燃处理的软木胶合板机械特性评定的试验方法  Test Methods for Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Softwood Plywood Exposed to Elevated Temperatures
 ANSI/ASTM D 5523-1994  聚氨酯原料测试方法通过银盐定量测定芳香异氰酸酯单体中的可水解氯测试酸度  Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials: Acidity by Argentometric Determination of Hydrolyzable Chlorine in Monomeric, Aromatic Isocyanates
 ANSI/ASTM D 5524-1994  使用液相色谱法测定高密度聚乙烯中苯酚抗氧化剂的方法  Test Method for Determination of Phenolic Antioxidants in High Density Polyethylene Using Liquid Chromatography
 ANSI/ASTM D 5525-1994  塑料在模拟填埋条件下的暴露规程  Practice for Exposing Plastics to a Simulated Landfill Environment
 ANSI/ASTM D 5526-1994  测定塑性材料在强化填埋条件下厌氧生物降解的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under Accelerated Landfill Conditions
 ANSI/ASTM D 5527-2001  用声波手段测量表面风力和温度的实施规程  Practices for Measuring Surface Wind and Temperature by Acoustic Means
 ANSI/ASTM D 5533-1998  评价IIIe排列下火花点燃式发动机中汽车发动机油的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIe Spark-Ignition Engine
 ANSI/ASTM D 5537-1997  电缆或光缆绝缘材料在立式电缆槽装置中燃烧时热发散、火焰传播和质量损失测试的试验方法  Test Method for Heat Release, Flame Spread and Mass Loss Testing of Insulating Materials Contained in Electrical or Optical Fiber Cables When Burning in a Vertical Cable Tray Configuration
 ANSI/ASTM D 5562-1995  测定机动车齿油与典型油封弹性体配合性的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Automotive Gear Oil Compatibility with Typical Oil Seal Elastomers (15.04)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5568-1995  测量微波频率下固体材料磁导率和相对复合电容率的试验方法  Test Method for Measuring Relative Complex Permittivity and Magnetic Permeability of Solid Materials at Microwave Frequencies (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5569-1994  用在覆盖热件的磁氧化电级静电流量测定的试验方法  Test Method for the Determination of Static Flow of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide for Use in Sheathed Heating Elements (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5575-1994  乙烯基氟化物(VDF)与其它氟化材料共聚物的详细规范根据和系统的分类  Classification for System and Basis for Specification of Copolymers of Vinylidene Fluoride (VDF) with Other Fluorinated Materials (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5579-1997  在循环耐久试验中手工传输润滑剂热稳定型评价的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating the Thermal Stability of Manual Transmission Lubricants in a Cyclic Durability Test (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5580-2002  气相色谱法测定成品汽油中苯、甲苯、苯乙烯、对/间二甲苯、邻-二甲苯、C9和重芳香族和全部芳香族的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, P/M-Sylene, O-Xylene, C9 and Heavier Aromatics and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by Gas Chromatography (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5592-1994  使用塑料的工程设计用材料的性能指南  Guide for Material Properties Needed in Engineering Design Using Plastics (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5593-1994  烯属热塑性弹力计(TEO)的分类系统  Classification Systems for Thermoplastic Elastomers-Olefinic (TEO) (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5594-1994  利用傅里叶变换红外光谱测定亚乙(基)醋酸乙烯(EVA)中醋酸乙烯的含量的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of the Vinyl Acetate Content of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) Copolymers by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5598-2001  电子孔燃料注射污垢非铅自动火花点火引擎燃料评价的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating Unleaded Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel for Electronic Port Fuel Injector Fouling (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5599-1994  用气相色谱和选择性燃烧氧化电离法测定汽油氧化的试验方法  Test Method for the Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by Gas Chromotography and Oxygen Selective Flame Ionization Detection (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 56-2001  标签封闭试验室的闪点试验方法  Flash Point by Tag Closed Tester, Method of Test for (05.01, 06.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5600-1994  用感应耦合等离子原子发射光谱法对石油焦碳中痕量金属的试验方法  Test Method for Trace Metals in Petroleum Coke by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5612-2001  水质测量大纲质量规划和现场实施指南  Guide for Quality Planning and Field Implementation of a Water Quality Measurement Program
 ANSI/ASTM D 5619-1994  用轻扣扭力测试机对金属熔化移动液流的比较方法  Method for Comparing Metal Removal Fluids Using the Tapping Torque Test Machine (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5620-1994  使用针式型和V形块试验机评定排水和干模式中薄膜液体润滑剂的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating Thin Film Fluid Lubricants in a Drain and Dry Mode Using a Pin and V-Block Test Machine (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5621-2001  液流声波声音剪切稳定性的试验方法  Test Method for Sonic Shear Stability of Hydraulic Fluid (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5622-1995  热解还原作用对甲醇燃料和汽油完全氧化测定的试验方法  Test Methods for the Determination of Total Oxygen in Gasoline and Methanol Fuels by Reductive Pyrolysis (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5626-1997  美国邮政局光学测量用于小电话网的试验方法  Test Method for U.S. Postal Service Optical Measurements for Small Areas
 ANSI/ASTM D 5628-2001  用坠镖法(撞锤或下坠重量)测试平坦、刚性塑料样品抗冲击特性的试验方法  Test Method for Impact Resistance of Flat, Rigid Plastic Specimens by Means of a Falling Dart (Tup or Falling Weight) (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5629-1994  聚氨基甲酸乙酯原材料的试验方法:低酸性芳族异氰酸盐酯和聚氨基甲酸乙酯预聚物酸度的测定  Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials: Determination of Acidity in Low Acidity Aromatic Isocyanates and Polyurethane Prepolymers (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5630-2001  热塑中灰分含量的试验方法  Test Method for Ash Content in Thermoplastics (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5632-2001  聚四氟乙烯1301、三氟甲溴(CF3Br)规范  Specification for Halon 1301, Bromotrifluoroemethane (CF3BR)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5637-1995  电绝缘清漆耐潮性的试验方法  Test Method for Moisture Resistance of Electrical Insulating Varnishes (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5638-1995  电绝缘清漆耐化学性的试验方法  Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Electrical Insulating Varnishes (10.02)
 ANSI/ASTM D 565-1988  白矿物油(液体石蜡)中易碳化物质的试验方法  Carbonizable Substances in White Mineral Oil (Liquid Petrolatum), Method of Test for (05.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 566-1987  润滑脂的滴点试验方法  Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease (05.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5664-1996  评定阻燃处理和高温对阻燃处理木材强度性能影响的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Lumber
 ANSI/ASTM D 5673-2002  采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测试水中素的方法  Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectometry
 ANSI/ASTM D 5675-1995  氟聚物微粉剂规范  Specification for Fluoropolymer Micro Powders (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5676-1995  再循环聚苯乙烯模塑和挤压材料的规范  Specification for Recycled Polystyrene Molding and Extrusion Materials (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5677-1995  航空喷气式发动机燃料供应管道用纤维玻璃管(玻璃纤维增强热固树脂)和管配件的规范.粘合剂粘接接头型  Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Adhesive Bonded Joint Type, for Aviation Jet Turbine Fuel Lines (08.04)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5685-2001  纤维玻璃压力管道配件规范  Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure Pipe Fittings (08.04)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5686-1995  冷凝水回流管道用纤维玻璃管(玻璃纤维增强热固树脂)和管配件的规范.粘结剂粘接型环氧树脂  Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Adhesive Bonded Joint Type Epoxy Resin, for Condensate Return Lines (08.04)
 ANSI/ASTM D 570-1995  塑料水吸收试验方法(08.01)  Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics (08.01)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5704-1995  人工传输和主传动轴用润滑油的热性能和氧化稳定性评价的试验方法  Test Method for Evaluation of the Thermal and Oxidative Stability of Lubricating Oils Used for Manual Transmission and Final Drive Axles (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5705-1996  渣油上气相硫化氢测定的测试方法  Test Method for Measurement of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Vapor Phase above Residual Fuel Oils (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5706-1995  使用高频线性振荡(SRV)试验机测定润滑脂特高压性能的试验方法  Test Method for Determining Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Greases Using a High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test Machine (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5708-1996  用感应耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定原油和渣油中镍、钒和铁的试验方法  Test Method for Determination of Nickel, Vanadium and Iron in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Inductively-Coupled Plasma (ICP) Atomic Emission Spectrometry
 ANSI/ASTM D 5709-1995  石油焦筛析的试验方法  Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Petroleum Coke (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5740-1995  D 4000格式书写材料标准导则  Guide for Writing Material Standards in the D 4000 Format (95-1, Item 62) (08.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5760-1995  人工传输齿轮润滑剂性能规范  Specification for Performance of Manual Transmission Gear Lubricants (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5761-1997  多相流体废水悬浮操作规范  Practice for the Emulsification/Suspension of Multi-phase Fluid Waste Materials (05.03)
 ANSI/ASTM D 5762-2001  通过船的进气室对石油和石油产品中氮的测定方法  Test Method for Nitrogen in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Boat-Inlet (05.03)
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