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 ANSI Z 60.1-1996  苗圃房  Nursery Stock
 ANSI Z 80.17-2001  眼科学.焦距计  Ophthalmics - Focimeters
 ANSI Z 83.11-2002  燃气食品加工设备  Gas Food Service Equipment
 ANSI Z 83.20-2001  燃气管型和低强度红外加热器  Gas-Fired Tube-Type and Low-Intensity Infrared Heaters
 ANSI Z 88.10-2001  呼吸器配合试验方法  Respirator Fit Testing Methods
 ANSI Z 88.7-2001  空气净化呼吸过滤器.过滤盒和滤膜  Color-Coding of Air-Purifying Respirator Canisters, Cartridges and Filters
 ANSI Z 89.1-1997  工业用头部保护装置  Industrial Head Protection
 ANSI Z 94.10-1998  管理  Management
 ANSI Z 94.12-1998  材料加工  Materials Processing
 ANSI Z 94.14-1998  运行和库存规划及控制  Operations and Inventory Planning and Control
 ANSI Z 94.15-1998  组织规划和理论  Organization Planning and Theory
 ANSI Z 94.16-1998  质量再保证和可靠性  Quality Reassurance and Reliability
 ANSI Z 94.17-1998  工程设计和测量  Work Design and Measurement
 ANSI Z 94.2-1998  人体测量学和生物机械学  Anthropometry and Biomechanics
 ANSI Z 94.3-1998  计算机和信息系统  Computer and Information Systems
 ANSI Z 94.4-1998  成本工程和项目管理  Cost Engineering and Project Management
 ANSI Z 94.5-1998  分销和市场营销  Distribution and Marketing
 ANSI Z 94.6-1998  雇员和企业关系  Employee and Industrial Relations
 ANSI Z 94.7-1998  工程经济  Engineering Economy
 ANSI Z 94.8-1998  设施规划和设计  Facility Planning and Design
 ANSI Z 94.9-1998  人类因素(人类工效学)工程  Human Factors (Ergonomics) Engineering
 ANSI Z117.1-1995  在狭窄空间工作的安全要求  Safety requirements for confined spaces
 ANSI Z117.1-2003  狭窄空间的安全要求  (Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces )
 ANSI Z124.1-1995  塑料浴缸件  Plastic bathtub units
 ANSI Z124.2-1995  塑料淋浴器单  Plastic shower units
 ANSI Z124.3-1995  塑料洗脸盆  Plastic lavatories
 ANSI Z124.4-1996  塑料抽水马桶座式便缸和水箱  Plastic water closet bowls and tanks
 ANSI Z124.5-1997  塑料马桶(抽水)座  Plastic toilet (water closet) seats
 ANSI Z124.6-1997  塑料水箱  Plastic sinks
 ANSI Z124.7-1997  预制塑料壳  Prefabricated plastic spa shells
 ANSI Z124.9-1994  塑料小便池设备  Plastic urinal fixtures
 ANSI Z133.1-1994  树木树剪规范.修剪,修整,矫正,养护,移栽树木及割灌(木)的安全要求  Tree care operations - Pruning, trimming, repairing, maintaining, and removing trees, and cutting brush - Safety requirements
 ANSI Z136.1 Errata-1993  激光的安全使用.附录  Safe use of lasers; Errata
 ANSI Z136.3-1996  保健设施中激光器的安全使用  Safe use of lasers in health care facilities
 ANSI Z21.1-2005  家庭烹调用燃气器具.第28版  
 ANSI Z21.10.1-2004  容量I、额定输入每小时75,000Btu或低于75,000Btu的贮水式燃气热水器  
 ANSI Z21.10.1a Addenda-1994  燃气热水器.卷1:输入不大于75000英热量单位/小时的自动蓄热型热水器.补充件  Gas water heaters - Volume I: Storage water heaters with input ratings of 75,000 Btu per hour or less; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.10.1a-2002  煤气热水器.卷1:额定输入每小时75,000Btu或更少的储水式加热器(与CSA 4.1a-2000一样)  (Gas Water Heaters, Volume I, Storage Water Heaters with Input Ratings of 75,000 Btu Per Hour or Less (same as CSA 4.1a-2000) )
 ANSI Z21.10.1b Addenda-1994  燃气加热器.卷I:输入不大于750000英热量单位/小时的蓄热型水加热器.补充件  Gas water heaters - Volume I: Storage, water heaters with input ratings of 75,000 Btu per hour or less; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.10.3-2004  容量Ⅲ、每小时额定输入大于75000Btu的循环式瞬时贮水式燃气热水器  
 ANSI Z21.10.3-2004  容量Ⅲ、每小时额定输入大于75000Btu的循环式瞬时贮水式燃气热水器  
 ANSI Z21.10.3a Addenda-1994  燃气热水器.卷3:瞬时可用并输入不大于75000英热量单位/小时的自动蓄热型带循环水箱的热水器.补充件  Gas water heaters - Volume III: Storage, with input ratings above 75,000 Btu per hour, circulating and instantaneous water heaters; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.10.3a-2003  燃气式热水器.卷III.输入额定值为每小时75000Btu以上的存储式循环与瞬时水加热器(与CGA 4.3a相同)  (Gas Water Heaters, Volume III, Storage, With Input Ratings Above 75,000 Btu Per Hour, Circulating and Instantaneous Water Heaters (same as CGA 4.3a) )
 ANSI Z21.10.3b-2003  燃气式热水器.卷III.输入额定值为每小时75000Btu以上的存储式循环与瞬时水加热器(与CGA 4.3b相同)  (Gas Water Heaters, Volume III, Storage, With Input Ratings Above 75,000 Btu Per Hour, Circulating and Instantaneous Water Heaters (same as CSA 4.3b) )
 ANSI Z21.11.1a Addenda-1993  房间燃气取暖器.卷1:通风房间用取暖器.补充件  Gas-fired room heaters - Volume I: Vented room heaters; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.11.2-1996  房间燃气取暖器.卷2:不通风房间用取暖器  Gas-fired room heaters - Volume II: Unvented room heaters
 ANSI Z21.11.2-2002  燃气室内加热器.容积II.非通风室内加热器  (Gas-Fired Room Heaters - Volume II, Unvented Room Heaters )
 ANSI Z21.11.2a-2003  容积为II的、没有排气口的燃气式房间加热器.第一次补充  (Gas-Fired Room Heaters, Volume II, Unvented Room Heaters, First Addenda )
 ANSI Z21.11.2b-2004  燃气式房间加热器(容积为II的无排气口房间加热器)  
 ANSI Z21.12-1990  通风罩  Draft hoods
 ANSI Z21.13-2004  燃气低压蒸汽锅炉和热水锅炉  
 ANSI Z21.13a Addenda-1993  燃气低压蒸气和热水锅炉.补充件  Gas-fired low-pressure steam and hot water boilers; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.13a-1993  燃气低压蒸汽和热水锅炉.增补件  Gas-fired low-pressure steam and hot water boilers; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.13a-2002  燃气式低压蒸汽和热水锅炉  (Gas-Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (same as CSA 4.9a) )
 ANSI Z21.13a-2005  燃气低压蒸汽和热水锅炉  
 ANSI Z21.13b Addenda-1994  燃气低压蒸气和热水锅炉.补充件  Gas-fired low-pressure steam and hot water boilers; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.13b-1994  燃气低压蒸汽和热水锅炉.补充件  Gas-fired low-pressure steam and hot water boilers; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.13b-2003  燃气低压蒸汽和热水锅炉  (Gas-Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers (same as CSA 4.9b) )
 ANSI Z21.15-1992  手动操纵煤器具的煤气阀,设备连接阀和软管终端阀  Manually operated gas valves for appliances, appliance connector valves and hose end valves
 ANSI Z21.17-1991  家用煤气转换燃烧器  Domestic gas conversion burners
 ANSI Z21.17a Addenda-1993  家用煤气转换燃烧器.补充件  Domestic gas conversion burners; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.17a-1993  家用燃气转换燃烧器.补充件  Domestic gas conversion burners; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.17b Addenda-1994  家用煤气转换燃烧器.补充件  Domestic gas conversion burners; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.17b-1994  家用燃气转换燃烧器.补充件  Domestic gas conversion burners; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.18-1995  煤气器具的压力调节器  Gas appliance pressure regulators
 ANSI Z21.18b-2005  燃气器具压力调节器  
 ANSI Z21.19-2002  使用气体燃料的制冷机  (Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel )
 ANSI Z21.2-1992  便携式室内燃气设备用气体软管连接器  Gas hose connectors for portable indoor gas-fired equipment
 ANSI Z21.20-2005  自动燃气点火系统和件  
 ANSI Z21.21-1995  煤气器具用自动阀  Automatic valves for gas appliances
 ANSI Z21.21-2005  燃气器具用自动阀  
 ANSI Z21.21b-2004  燃气器具用自动阀  
 ANSI Z21.22-1986  热水供给系统用安全阀和煤气自动关闭系统  Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supply systems
 ANSI Z21.22a Addenda-1990  热水供给系统用安全阀和煤气自动关闭系统.补充件  Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supply systems; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.23-1993  煤气器具用恒温器  Gas appliance thermostats
 ANSI Z21.23a-2003  燃气器具恒温器  (Gas Appliance Thermostats )
 ANSI Z21.23b-2005  燃气器具恒温器  
 ANSI Z21.24-1993  煤气器具用金属接头  Metal connectors for gas appliances
 ANSI Z21.24-2005  燃气器具的连接器  
 ANSI Z21.24a Addenda-1993  煤气器具用金属接头.补充件  Metal connectors for gas appliances; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.24a-2002  燃气用具的连接器(与CSA 6.10a相同)  (Connectors for Gas Appliances (same as CSA 6.10a) )
 ANSI Z21.24b-2003  燃气器具连接器  (Gas Appliance Connectors )
 ANSI Z21.35-2005  引燃式燃气过滤器  
 ANSI Z21.35a Addenda-1993  煤气过滤器的调节装置.补充件  Pilot gas filters; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.41a Addenda-1990  燃气快速成切断装置.补充件  Quick-disconnect devices for use with gas fuel; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.41a-1990  燃气快速切断装置.补充件  Quick-disconnect devices for use with gas fuel; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.41b Addenda-1992  燃气快速成切断装置.补充件  Quick-disconnect devices for use with gas fuel; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.41b-1992  燃气快速切断装置.补充件  Quick-disconnect devices for use with gas fuel; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.41b-2002  使用气体燃料的快速断开装置(与CGA 6.9b 相同)  (Quick Disconnect Devices for Use with Gas Fuels (same as CGA 6.9b) )
 ANSI Z21.42-1993  燃气照明器具  Gas-fired illuminating appliances
 ANSI Z21.45-1995  燃气器具用不同于全金属结构的挠性接头  Flexible connectors of other than all-metal construction for gas appliances
 ANSI Z21.47-2003  燃气集中供热炉  (Gas-Fired Central Furnaces (same as CSA 2.3) )
 ANSI Z21.48a Addenda-1993  重力型和鼓风型燃气落地炉.补充件  Gas-fired gravity and fan type floor furnaces; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.49a Addenda-1993  重力型和鼓风型通风燃气壁炉.补充件  Gas-fired gravity and fan type vented wall furnaces; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.5.1a-2002  家用燃气式干衣机.卷I.1型干衣机  (Domestic Gas Clothes Dryers - Volume I, Type 1 Clothes Dryers (same as CSA 7.1a) )
 ANSI Z21.5.2-1995  燃气衣服干燥机.卷2:2型衣服干燥机  Gas clothes dryers - Volume II: Type 2 clothes dryers
 ANSI Z21.5.2a-2002  家用燃气式干衣机.卷II.2型干衣机  (Gas Clothes Dryers, Volume II, Type 2 Clothes Dryers (same as CSA 7.2a) )
 ANSI Z21.5.2b-2003  气体衣物干燥机.卷II.2类衣物干燥机  (Gas Clothes Dryers, Volume II, Type 2 Clothes Dryers )
 ANSI Z21.50-2003  有通气孔的豪华型煤气器具  (Vented Decorative Gas Appliances )
 ANSI Z21.50a Addenda-1990  通风的豪华型煤气器具.补充件  Vented decorative gas appliances; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.50a-2003  通风燃气炉(与CSA2.22a相同)  (Vented Gas Fireplaces (same as CSA 2.22a) )
 ANSI Z21.50b Addenda-1990  通风的豪华型煤气器具.补充件  Vented decorative gas appliances; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.54-2002  便携式室外燃气器具用气体软管连接器  (Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas-Fired Appliances (same as CSA 8.4) )
 ANSI Z21.54a Addenda-1992  便携式室外燃气器具用软管接头.补充件  Gas hose connectors for portable outdoor gas-fired appliances; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.54a-2005  便携式室外燃气器具用气体软管连接器(同CSA 8.4a)  
 ANSI Z21.56a-2003  燃气式游泳池加热器(与CGA4.7a相同)  (Gas-Fired Pool Heaters (same as CGA 4.7a) )
 ANSI Z21.56b-2004  燃气式水池加热器  
 ANSI Z21.58-1995  室外烹调用煤气器具  Outdoor cooking gas appliances
 ANSI Z21.58-2003  室外烹调用燃气器具  (Outdoor Cooking Gas Appliances )
 ANSI Z21.58-2005  室外烹调用燃气器具  
 ANSI Z21.58a-2004  室外用烹调燃气用具  
 ANSI Z21.58a-2004  室外用烹调燃气用具  (Outdoor Cooking Gas Appliances (same as CGA 1.6a) )
 ANSI Z21.60-2002  安装在燃烧固体燃料的壁炉中的装饰性燃气器具  (Decorative Gas Appliances for Installation in Solid-Fuel Burning Fireplaces )
 ANSI Z21.60a-2003  固体燃料燃烧炉上安装的装饰性燃气器具.第1次补充  (Decorative Gas Appliances for Installation in Solid-Fuel Burning Fireplaces, First Addenda (same as CSA 2.26a) )
 ANSI Z21.60b-2004  固体燃料壁炉中安装的装饰性燃气装置  
 ANSI Z21.61-1983  燃气卫生间  Gas-fired toilets
 ANSI Z21.62a-1981  使用丙烷气体的快速型携带式野营加热器.补充件  Portable catalytic camp heaters for use with propane gas; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.62b-1985  使用丙烷气体的快速型携带式野营加热器.补充件  Portable catalytic camp heaters for use with propane gas; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.63a Addenda-1981  使用液化石油气的非快速型可移式野营加热器.补充件  Portable camp heaters of other than the catalytic type for use with liquefied petroleum gases; Addenda
 ANSI Z21.63a-1981  用液化石油气的非催化型便携式露营加热器.补充件  Portable camp heaters of other than the catalytic type for use with liquefied petroleum gases; Addenda
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